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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Causality and the initial value problem in Modified Gravity

Papallo, Giuseppe January 2019 (has links)
Lovelock and Horndeski theories are natural generalisations of Einstein’s theory of General Relativity. They find applications in Astrophysics, Cosmology and String Theory. This dissertation discusses some issues regarding the mathematical consistency of these theories. In the first part of the thesis we study the Shapiro time delay for gravitons in spherically symmetric spacetimes in Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet gravity (a Lovelock theory). In Lovelock theories, gravitons can propagate faster or slower than light. We show that, thanks to this property, it is possible for them to experience a negative time delay. It was recently argued that this feature could be employed to construct closed causal curves, implying that the theory should be discarded as causally pathological. We show that this construction is unphysical, for it cannot be realised as the evolution of sensible initial data. The second part investigates the local well-posedness of the initial value problem for Lovelock and Horndeski theories. For the initial value problem to be well-posed it is necessary that the equations of motion be strongly hyperbolic. It is known that when the background fields are large, even weak hyperbolicity may fail. Hence, we consider the weak field regime, in which these equations can be considered as small perturbations of the Einstein equations. We prove that both Lovelock and Horndeski theories are weakly hyperbolic in a generic weak field background in harmonic and generalised harmonic gauge, respectively. We show that Lovelock theories fail to be strongly hyperbolic in this setting. We also prove that the most general Horndeski theory which is strongly hyperbolic is simply a “k-essence” theory coupled to Einstein gravity and that any more general theory would necessarily fail to be so. Our results imply that the standard methods used to prove the well-posedness of the initial value problem for the Einstein equations cannot be extended to Lovelock or Horndeski theories. This raises the possibility that these theories may not admit a well-posed initial value problem even for weak fields and hence might not constitute a valid alternative to General Relativity.

Numerical relativity in higher dimensional spacetimes

Cook, William January 2018 (has links)
The study of general relativity in higher dimensions has proven to be a fruitful avenue of research, revealing new applications of the theory, for instance in understanding strongly coupled quantum field theories through the holographic principle, and proposing an explanation of the hierarchy problem through TeV gravity scenarios. To understand the non-linear regime of higher dimensional general relativity, such as that involved in the merger of black holes, we use numerical relativity to solve the Einstein equations. In this thesis we develop and demonstrate several diagnostic tools and new initial data for use in numerical relativity simulations of higher dimensional spacetimes, and use these to investigate binary black hole systems. Firstly, we present a formalism for calculating the gravitational waves in a numerical simulation of a higher dimensional spacetime, and apply this formalism to the example of the head on merger of two equal mass black holes. In doing so, we simulate the merger of black holes in up to 10 spacetime dimensions for the first time, and investigate the dependence of the energy radiated away in gravitational waves on the number of dimensions. We also apply this formalism to the example of head on unequal mass black hole collisions, investigating the dependence of radiated energy and momentum on the number of dimensions and the mass ratio. This study complements and sheds further light on previous work on the merger of point particles with black holes in higher dimensions, and presents evidence for a link between the regime studied, and the large $D$ regime of general relativity where $D$ is the number of spacetime dimensions. We also present initial data that enables us to study black holes with initial momentum and angular momentum, putting in place the framework needed to study problems such as the scattering cross section of black holes in higher dimensions, and the nature of black hole orbits in higher dimensions. Finally, we present, and demonstrate the use of, an apparent horizon finder for higher dimensional spacetimes. This allows us to calculate a black hole's mass and spin, which characterise the black hole.

A complementaridade dos pensamentos narrativo e matemático na gestação da teoria da relatividade geral. / The Complementarity of Narrative and Mathematical Thoughts in Theory of General Relativity Gestation.

Danilo Cardoso Rodrigues Luiz 14 July 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho parte do pressuposto de que investigar as linguagens e pensamentos envolvidos nos processos de criação científica, no processo de interpretação do cientista frente aos fenômenos da natureza, pode nos indicar como trabalhar a ciência em sala de aula de maneira que as características epistemológicas deste conhecimento sejam levadas em consideração. Com isto, este trabalho toma uma perspectiva epistemológica. Quando pensamos no ensino básico, em particular, temos a indicação de que uma das dificuldades enfrentadas pelos alunos está relacionada à formalização do conhecimento científico. Isto é ainda mais forte na física, uma vez que este conhecimento tem uma relação muito próxima com a matemática. Mas qual é o papel epistemológico da matemática para a física? O cientista é capaz de interpretar fisicamente a natureza somente usando linguagens e pensamentos formais, especialmente estruturados pela matemática? Nossa hipótese é que a resposta a essa questão é negativa. Encontramos nas ideias do psicólogo Jerome Bruner uma forma de encaminhar nossa discussão. A partir das ideias dele, e do nosso anseio por investigar se pensamentos e linguagens que não são estritamente formais desempenham papel importante na construção da física, levantamos a seguinte questão: Qual o papel das narrativas e da matemática na construção da física? Para delinear uma resposta possível a esta questão, tomamos como contexto da nossa pesquisa alguns \"capítulos\" da construção da Teoria da Relatividade Geral. Nossa investigação mostrou que experimentos mentais importantes no desenvolvimento desta teoria foram construídos a partir dos pensamentos narrativo e matemático. Entendemos que estes dois modos de pensamentos se apresentaram de maneira complementar no contexto estudado. / This work assumes that investigate the language and thoughts involved in scientific processes of creating, in the scientist process of interpretation facing the nature phenomena, can reveal how to work the science in the classroom so that the epistemological features of this knowledge are taken into account. Taking this into account, our work takes an epistemological perspective. When we think in high school, in particular, we have the indication that one of the difficulties faced by students is related to the formalization of scientific knowledge. This is even stronger in physics, which mathematics plays important role. But what is the epistemological role of mathematics to physics? The scientist is able to physically interpret nature only using formal languages and thoughts, especially structured by mathematics? Our hypothesis is that the answer to this question is negative. We find the psychologist Jerome Bruner ideas a way to send our discussion. From his ideas, and our longing to investigate whether thoughts and languages that are not strictly formal play an important role in building physics, raised the question: What is the role of narrative and mathematics in physical construction? To outline a possible answer to this question, we take as the context of our research some \"chapters\" of the construction of the General Theory of Relativity. Our investigation has shown that important thought experiments in the development of this theory were built from the narrative and mathematical thoughts. We understand that these two modes of thought presented in a complementary manner in the context studied.

Estrutura de vínculos da gravitação via Hamilton-Jacobi : relatividade geral e teleparalelismo /

Pompéia, Pedro José. January 2003 (has links)
Orientador: Bruto Max Pimentel Escobar / Banca: Ana Lúcia Barbosa / Banca: Júlio César Fabris / Resumo: Neste trabalho estudamos a estrutura de vínculos da Relatividade Geral (RG) e do Equivalente Teleparalelo da Relatividade Geral (ETRG), utilizando o formalismo de Hamilton-Jacobi para sistemas singulares. Fazemos uma revisão destas duas teorias de gravitação e de suas formulações ADM, tendo em mente que ambas são construídas sobre variedades que são casos particulares da variedade de Riemann-Cartan. Revemos também o formalismo de Hamilton-Jacobi para o tratamento de sistemas singulares, fazendo em seguida a sua aplicação para as duas teorias supracitadas. Nesta análise constatamos que a invariância do ETRG por transformações de Lorentz no espaço tangente das tetradas faz com que a álgebra do vínculos seja diferente daquela obtida para a RG / Abstract: In this work we study the constraint structure of General Relativity (GR) and Teleparallel Equivalent of General Relativity (TEGR), using the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism for singular systems. We make a review of these two theories of gravitation and their ADM formulation, having in mind that both theories are built over manifolds that are particular cases of the Riemann-Cartan manifold. We also review the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism for singular systems, making its application to the cited theories. In this analysis we testify that the invariance of the TEGR under Lorentz transformations in the tangent space of the tetrads implies in a different constraint algebra than that obtained in GR / Mestre

Buracos sônicos em superfícies esféricas /

Bernardes, Bruno. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: George Emanuel Avraam Matsas / Banca: Patricio Anibal Letelier Sotomayor / Banca: Vitório Alberto de Lorenci / Resumo: Nesta dissertação estudamos aspectos clássicos dos modelos análogos à Relatividade Geral em matéria condensada visando sobretudo criar uma nova percepção dos efeitos gravitacionais semi-clássicos, tais como a radiação Hawking, afim de melhor compreendê-los. Neste sentido, demonstramos que as ondas sonoras se propagando em um fluido ideal, barotrópico e irrotacional sobre uma esfera 'S POT. 2' de raio r se comportam como um campo escalar de Klein-Gordon não massivo em um espaço tempo curvo. Analisamos ao longo desta dissertação diversas propriedades deste espaço-tempo efetivo sentido pelo som, cuja geometria é descrita por uma métrica lorentziana dependente das variáveis hidrodinâmicas do fluxo, como a velocidade do fluido, sua densidade e a velocidade local do som, sempre buscando estabelecer correlações entre os conceitos clássicos da dinâmica dos fluidos e conceitos puramente relativísticos. Feita uma análise mais geral destes espaços-tempos, que denominamos de espaços-tempos acústicos, nos propomos a encontrar soluções das variáveis dinâmicas do fluido, uma vez que são elas que determinam a geometria acústica, capazes de modelar espaços-tempos efetivos dotados de horizontes de eventos e singularidades, criando portanto um buraco mudo/surdo, ou seja, um análogo de um buraco negro e de buraco branco da Relatividade Geral. Discutimos ainda alguns pontos da estrutura causal dos espaços-tempos acústicos construindo assim um diagrama de Carter-Penrose do buraco mudo/surdo com o intuito de evidenciar as possíveis trajetórias nulas deste espaço-tempo. Ademais, mostramos que na aproximação da acústica geométrica, ou também aproximação eikonal, os raios de som seguem geodésicas tipo luz do espaço-tempo acústico. Por fim, calculamos a curvatura escalar deste espaço-tempo verificando a presença... / Abstract: In this dissertation we study the classical aspects of analogue models of General Relativity in condensed matter seeking mainly to create a new perception about semi-classical gravitational effects, such as Hawking radiation, in order to better comprehend them. We demonstrate that sound waves propagating in an ideal barotropic fluid with a non-homogeneous irrotacional flow, over a sphere 'S POT. 2' with radius r behave as a Klein-Gordon massless scalar field in a curved spacetime. Through this dissertation, we analyze several properties of this effective spacetime governing the propagation of sound, whose geometry is described by a Lorentzian metric that depends on the hydrodynamic variables of the flow such as the flow velocity, the density and the local speed of sound, always trying to establish correlations between classical concepts of fluid dynamics and purely relativistic concepts. Once a general analysis of these spacetimes is made, which we denominate acoustic spacetimes, we find solutions of the dynamic variables of the fluid, since they determine the acoustic geometry, capable of modeling effective spacetimes endowed with event horizons and singularities, creating therefore a dumb/deaf hole, i.e., an analogue of a black hole and white hole of the General Relativity. We further discuss some points of the causal structure of the acoustic spacetimes, so constructing a Carter-Penrose diagram of the dumb/deaf hole with the aim of bringing to evidence the possible null trajectories of this spacetime. Furthermore, we show that in the approximation of the acoustic geometry, also called eikonal approximation, the sound rays follow lightlike geodesics of the acoustic spacetime. Finally we calculate the scalar curvature of this spacetime verifying the presence of the non flat structure of the 'S POT. 2' sphere, over which the fluid moves / Mestre

Perturbações de sistemas gravitacionais: a métrica de vaidya, mini buracos negros e gravastares / Perturbations of Gravitational Systems: the Vaidya Metric, Mini Black Holes and Gravastars

Cecilia Bertoni Martha Hadler Chirenti 02 July 2007 (has links)
Estudos de perturbações em sistemas gravitacionais no âmbito da Relatividade Geral vêm sofrendo grandes desenvolvimentos nos últimos anos, especialmente em face da evolução dos modernos detectores de ondas gravitacionais. Abordamos neste trabalho as perturbações de diferentes cenários. Principiamos com a métrica de Vaidya, utilizada para descrever espaços-tempos esfericamente simétricos e dependentes do tempo. Nossas simulações mostraram que as freqüências dos modos quasi-normais (MQN\'s) apresentam um novo efeito inercial para variações rápidas da função de massa, retornando depois ao comportamento adiabático. Em seguida, apresentamos um modelo para a evaporação de mini buracos negros por radiação de Hawking inspirado no cenário de criação destes objetos em aceleradores de partículas, previsto pelas novas teorias com dimensões extras. Nosso modelo, baseado na métrica de Vaidya n-dimensional, tornou possível a análise de MQN\'s resultando na possibilidade de se obter os parâmetros relevantes do buraco negro, como a sua massa inicial e o número de dimensões extras, a partir de medições experimentais. Finalmente, realizamos um estudo sobre uma nova solução denominada gravastar, proposta como um modelo alternativo para o estágio final de estrelas com grande massa. Obtivemos limites para os parâmetros da solução e verificamos a sua estabilidade frente a perturbações axiais, concluindo positivamente a respeito da possibilidade de se distinguir entre buracos negros e gravastares com base no seu espectro de MQN\'s. / Perturbative studies of gravitational systems in General Relativity have gone through big developments in the last years, especially due to the evolution of the modern gravitational wave detectors. We consider in this work different perturbations in different scenarios. Firstly we consider the Vaidya metric, mainly used to describe time-dependent spherically symmetric spacetimes. Our simulations show that the frequencies of the quasinormal modes (QNM\'s) present a new inertial effect for rapidly varying mass functions, returning afterwards to the adiabatic behavior. Next we present a model for evaporating mini black holes in particle accelerators, in the context of the new gravity models with extra dimensions. With our model, based on the n-dimensional Vaidya metric, we are able to perform a QNM analysis which results in the possibility of obtaining the parameters of the black hole, such as its initial mass and the number of extra dimensions, from the experimental measurements. Finally, we present a study of a new solution, the gravastar, proposed as an alternative model for the end state of massive stars. We obtain bounds for the parameters of the solution and verify its stability against axial perturbations. Our results indicate that the gravastar\'s QNM spectrum can indeed be used to distinguish a black hole from a gravastar.

A physical model for the variability properties of X-ray binaries

Ingram, Adam Russell January 2012 (has links)
Emission from X-ray binaries is variable on a wide range of timescales. On long timescales, changes in mass accretion rate drive changes in spectral state. There is also rapid variability, the power spectrum of which consists of a low frequency quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) superimposed on a broad band noise continuum. Here I investigate a model intended to quantitatively explain the observed spectral and variability properties. I consider a truncated disc geometry whereby the inner regions of an optically thick, geometrically thin accretion disc evaporate to form an optically thin, large scale height accretion flow. The QPO is driven by Lense-Thirring precession of the entire hot flow and the broad band noise is due to fluctuations in mass accretion rate which propagate towards the central object. Mass conservation ties these two processes together, enabling me to define a model for the QPO and broad band noise which uses only one set of parameters. I am thus able fit the model to data. The accretion rate fluctuations drive fluctuations in the precession frequency, giving rise to a quasi-periodic oscillation rather than a pure periodicity. The model thus predicts recent observations which show the QPO frequency to correlate with flux on short timescales. I then investigate a more unique model prediction. As the flow precesses, the patch of the disc preferentially illuminated by the flow rotates such that a non face on observer sees a quasi-periodic shift between blue and red shift in the iron K alpha line. An observation of such an effect would constitute excellent evidence for the model.

The ADM approach to numerical relativity with an implementation in spherical symmetry.

Wright, Warren Peter 15 August 2012 (has links)
M.Sc. / General Relativity, as defined by Einstein's equations, defines the geometry of the universe. In Numerical Relativity, Einstein's equations are solved with the aid of numerical methods and computers. This dissertation discusses the ADM formulation of Numerical Relativity via a Cauchy approach. (ADM refers to the initials of the discoverers of this method: Arnowitt, Deser and Misner.) When working within relativistic equations, a computer algebra code is very useful and such a code is described in this dissertation. In order to illustrate computational cost saving techniques, only spherically symmetric space-times are considered. Furthermore, we present and test a numerical code that implements the standard ADM approach in order to accurately evolve a single black hole space-time. Finally, we discuss the implementation of a maximal slicing gauge condition that refines the numerical code by giving it singularity avoidance properties.

The Hamilton-Jacobi theory in general relativity theory and certain Petrov type D metrics

Matravers, David Richard January 1973 (has links)
Introduction: The discovery of new solutions to Einstein's field equations has long been a problem in General Relativity. However due to new techniques of Newman and Penrose [1], Carter [2] and others there has been a considerable proliferation of new solutions in recent times. Consequently a new problem has arisen. How are we to interpret the new solutions physically? The tools available, despite a spate of papers in the past fifteen years, remain inadequate although often sophisticated. Any attempts at physical interpretations of metrics are beset with difficulties. There is always the possibility that two entirely different physical pictures will emerge. For example a direct approach would be to attempt an "infilling" of the metric, that is, an extension of the metric into the region occupied by the gravitating matter. However even for the Kerr [1] metric the infilling is by no means unique, in fact a most natural "infilling" turns out to be unphysical (Israel [1]). Yet few people would doubt the physical significance of the Kerr metric. Viewed in this light our attempt to discuss, among other things, the physical interpretation of type D metrics is slightly ambitious. However the problems with regard to this type of metric are not as formidable as for most of the other metrics, since we have been able to integrate the geodesic equations. Nevertheless it is still not possible to produce complete answers to all the questions posed. After a chapter on Mathematical preliminaries the study divides naturally into four sections. We start with an outline of the Hamilton-Jacobi theory of Rund [1] and then go on to show how this theory can be applied to the Carter [2] metrics. In the process we lay a foundation in the calculus of variations for Carter's work. This leads us to the construction of Killing tensors for all but one of the Kinnersley [1] type D vacuum metrics and the Cartei [2] metrics which are not necessarily vacuum metrics. The geodesic equations, for these metrics, are integrated using the Hamilton-Jacobi procedure. The remaining chapters are devoted to the Kinnersley [1] type D vacuum metrics. We omit his class I metrics since these are the Schwarzschild metrics, and have been studied in detail before. Chapter three is devoted to a general study of his class II a metric, a generalisation of the Kerr [1] and NUT (Newman, Tamburino and Unti [1]) metrics. We integrate the geodesic equations and discuss certain general properties: the question of geodesic completeness, the asymptotic properties, and the existence of Killing horizons. Chapter four is concerned with the interpretation of the new parameter 'l', that arises in the class II a and NUT metrics. This parameter was interpreted by Demianski and Newman [1] as a magnetic monopole of mass. Our work centers on the possibility of obtaining observable effects from the presence of 'l'. We have been able to show that its presence is observable, at least in principle, from a study of the motion of particles in the field. In the first place, if l is comparable to the mass of the gravitating system, a comparatively large perihelion shift is to be expected. The possibility of anomalous behaviour in the orbits of test particles, quite unlike anything that occurs in a Newtonian or Schwarzschild field, also arises. In the fifth chapter the Kinnersley class IV metrics are considered. These metrics, which in their simplest form have been known for some time, present serious problems and no interpretations have been suggested. Our discussion is essentially exploratory and the information that does emerge takes the form of suggestions rather than conclusions. Intrinsically the metrics give the impression that interesting results should be obtainable since they are asymptotically flat in certain directions. However the case that we have dealt with does not appear to represent a radiation metric.

A re-examination of the Carter solutions of Einstein's field equations

Kun, A Ah January 1979 (has links)
The study of geodesics in space-time is essential to a comprehensive understanding of the physics of the field. Global properties, e.g. the singularity structure and completeness of space-time, can be related to the geodesic properties, thus it is through the solutions of the geodesic equation of motion that many of the global properties of space-time can be obtained in an easily interpretable form. However, it is usually very difficult to integrate the geodesic equations for the particle motion in the presence of a gravitational field (Introduction, p. 1)

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