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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Do American Psychological Association (APA) or Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs (CACREP) Accreditations Make a Difference? A Look at GLB Competency Among Faculty and Graduate Students

Castro, Veronica 01 January 2019 (has links)
A lack of knowledge and training on the topic of gay, lesbian, and bisexual persons (GLB) in mental health graduate programs can lead to a culture of ignorance and ineffective treatment for a subset of the population. Multicultural competency is defined as having self-awareness of one's own values and biases, knowledge, and skills to work with a given population; and it is important in order to ensure appropriate mental healthcare. The purpose of the current study was to identify if there is a difference in GLB competency among graduate students and faculty (dependent variables) from mental health programs that are accredited by organizations like the APA and CACREP versus those from nonaccredited programs (independent variables). The key theoretical foundation that grounded this study was Multicultural Counseling and Therapy Theory (MCT). The research questions explored herein center on whether GLB competency differs between graduate students and faculty from accredited programs versus those from nonaccredited programs. Results of this quantitative comparative research design study were derived via a multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) procedure in order to compare mean scores among the four groups. Results identified a significant difference between the groups in skills and knowledge; however, mean averages for graduate students from accredited programs (Skills M = 2.54, Knowledge M = 3.83) were below four, indicating little to no skills/knowledge. In order to optimize mental health treatment for the GLB community, graduate students in mental health programs must be exposed to GLB counseling training curriculum. The implications for social change focus on policy and accreditation standards set forth by APA and CACREP accrediting bodies.

U.S. Army Drill Sergeants' Response to Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Recruits

Nikolov, Marin Vesselinov 01 January 2017 (has links)
Even with the repeal of the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' (DADT) policy, the U.S. Army has seen increased cases of sexual harassment; sexual assault; and discrimination of gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) service members by other service members. Despite this trend, few studies have explored the experiences of victims of sexual harassment and sexual assault of GLB recruits before, during, and after the repeal of the DADT policy. Using the bystander effect as the theoretical construct, the purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the experiences and interactions with a sample of 11 drill sergeants (DSs) who witnessed GLB discrimination in order to gain insight on strategies to prevent sexual harassment and discrimination against GLB recruits. Interview data were inductively coded and subjected to a thematic analysis procedure. Key findings indicate that participants perceived a general support for GLB inclusion into the basic combat training environment, and participants were unaware of the high number of discharges of service members from the U.S. Army during the implementation of the DADT policy. Another important finding is that participants were supportive of GLB scenario-based training. Finally, the bystander effect was found to be the main reason participants failed to intervene when instances of discriminatory or abusive behavior was observed. Implications for positive social change can be realized in the U.S. Army through promoting awareness of GLB discrimination, its impact, and how DSs can lead the effort in preventing this sort of behavior against the GLB recruits. A key recommendation is for the U.S. Army to explore implementing scenario-based training for all recruits as part of this effort.

Sexual Orientation, Gender & Adolescent Involvement in Delinquency

Soto, Danielle A. 09 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.

美國財務資訊隱私權保護規定之研究 / A Study of American Regulations on the Protection of Credit Information Privacy

陳妍沂, Chen,Yen Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討金融機構對於客戶個人資料之蒐集與處理,所涉及之個人資訊隱私權保護議題,分為三個面向,第一是金融機構本身對於客戶個人資料之處理,尤其是金融集團內部之個人資料分享,或將個人資料提供予他人使用,第二是政府機關向金融機構要求提供客戶資料時,涉及之個人資訊隱私權保護,第三是信用資料機構對於個人資料之處理,例如我國之金融聯合徵信中心,或美國之信用報告機構對於消費者信用報告之蒐集與流通使用. 本研究所探討之法規,包括:美國金融服務業現代化法案第五章,美國財務隱私權法,美國公平信用報告法,我國電腦處理個人資料保護法,銀行法第四十八條第二項,以及其他金融法令中涉及金融機構對個人資料處理及隱私權保護之規定.最後並將美國規定與我國規定作一比較,參酌國際上對於資訊隱私權保護之立法原則,以及我國常見之資訊隱私權爭議類型,對我國金融機構之財務資訊隱私權保護規範,提出修法方向建議. / 隨著資訊科技之發展,個人資料之流通較以往普遍且迅速,加以在商業社會中,個人資訊具有行銷方面之商品價值,常成為交易標的之內容,因此保護個人資訊隱私權,已成為各國政府共同努力的目標之一。 隱私權的概念係起源於美國,其在金融業所適用之個人財務資訊隱私權方面所提供之保障程度如何,為本研究所探討之主題,所涉及之法規,包括:美國金融服務業現代化法案、財務隱私權法、公平信用報告法。 研究結果發現,美國1999年通過之金融服務業現代化法案,雖訂有隱私權保護專章,但主要規定係要求金融機構應提供顧客隱私權保護政策通知,以及在將個人資料提供予金融集團外第三人時,應提供顧客選擇退出之機會,並未涵蓋國際上認為資訊隱私權保護應包括之各種面向,且其對於金融集團運用個人資料之限制較少,消費者控制個人資訊之權利較為不足,當金融機構違反規定時,消費者亦無向金融機構提起民事訴訟求償之權利,顯示美國在金融集團之個人資料運用方式,較重視金融集團運用個人資料所能產生之經濟效益,對於個人資訊隱私權僅提供有限程度之保障。 美國1978年財務隱私權法,係規定求政府在向金融機構要求提供顧客財務紀錄時,應遵守法定程序,包括:以法定職掌所需之攸關性資料為限,必須向顧客進行通知,使其瞭解受調查之性質以及個人資料被使用情形,個人並有提出異議以阻止政府取得其財務紀錄之機會,若政府或金融機構違反規定而取得或提供其財務紀錄,個人得向政府或金融機構提起民事訴訟求償。雖然仍有學者對該規定所提供之保障範圍或者個人行使權利之便利性,提出些微批評,但整體而言,該規定促使政府部門在向金融機構要求提供顧客財務紀錄時,應自行檢視符合法定程序,且受到司法監督,對於政府所進行之調查程序,已提供較合理之個人資訊隱私權保障。 美國公平信用報告法,係因其商業化的信用資訊機構,在蒐集與流通個人資料時,有過度侵害個人資訊隱私權之虞,故於1970年通過該法案,其後歷經1996年及2003年之修正。該法規定消費者報告機構(即信用資訊機構)、消費者報告使用者、個人資料提供者應遵循之義務,以及消費者得享有之權利,用以維護個人資訊隱私權之方法,主要是限制消費者報告僅得提供予具有合法用途之報告使用者,以及儘可能的維護個人資料之正確性,以免報告使用者依據錯誤的資料,作成相關交易決定,而損及個人之權益。該法案呈現出美國對於個人資料之態度,是認為個人資料之流通使用,對於商業交易之順利進行以及經濟發展,甚至個人順利取得融資,均有助益,故不應予以嚴格限制,以享受資訊產生之價值,但另一方面提供個人得以知悉其個人資料內容、得以提出資料更正要求、報告使用者對個人作成不利交易決定時須通知報告當事人,用這些機制,來使個人有機會確保其資料之正確性,使其在商業交易中得以受到公平合理之信用評價。 本研究最後亦就我國相關規定加以檢視,並與美國規定作一比較,結果發現,我國由於早在民國84年即已通過電腦處理個人資料保護法,對於個人資訊隱私權已提供全面性之保障,僅須對於金融業或信用資訊機構部分,再補充較為詳細的行政規定,即可減少金融業之個人資訊隱私權爭議;至於政府向金融機構要求提供顧客財務紀錄之規定,我國目前係以行政函令加以規範,且採取非公開原則,民眾尚無從知悉其個人資料被政府調閱取用之情形,此部分我國之個人資訊隱私權保障,主要係仰賴政府部門之自我監督,其對個人資訊隱私權之保障程度較難以評估。 本研究對於我國金融業財務隱私權保護規範之主要建議,包括:(1)針對金融業之資料保護進行領域專精化之法令規範,(2)設置專責「資料保護監察人」制度監督政府個人資料保護行為,並確保人民隱私權受侵害之救濟,(3)改善金融機構向客戶通知其個人資料蒐集與運用事宜之程序,(4)對於政府取得金融機構客戶資料提供更完善之程序性保障,(5)對於金融聯合徵信中心蒐集處理個人資料賦予更明確之法律地位及規範。

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