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Auf welche Weise wurde die Mishna geschrieben ? : das Antwortschreiben des Rav Sherira Gaon : mit einem Faksimile der Handschrift Berlin Qu. 685 (Or. 160) und des Erstdrucks Konstantinopel 1566 /Schlüter, Margarete, January 1900 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Habilitationsschrift--Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften II--Berlin--Freie Universität, 1990. / Mention parallèle de titre ou de responsabilité : Keyṣad niktbah haMišnah ? : ʼigeret rab Šriyraʼ Gaʼwn : twrgam lgermaniyt ʻal piy šney hanwsaḥiym, bṣeyrwp paqsiymiyleh šel k"y Berliyn Qu. 685 (Or. 160) wšel dpws riʼšwn Qwšṭaʼ ŠK"W, bliwwy mabwʼ, heʻarwt wpeyrwš / meʼet Margareṭah Šliyṭer. Bibliogr. p. 373-378. Index.
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Impact of Chemical States on the Effective Work Function of Metal Gate and High-kappa Dielectric Materials on Novel HeterostructuresCoan, Mary 2012 August 1900 (has links)
An experimental and theoretical approach is taken to determine the effect of a heterojunction on the effective work function in a metal/high-? gate stack, the characteristics of aqueous hydrochloric acid cleaned (aq-HCl) GaN surface and the interface between GaN and Al2O3, HfO2 and GaON. The investigation of the effect of a heterojunction on the effective work function in a metal/high-? gate stack found that when a Ge/Si heterostructure on silicon is lightly doped and sufficiently thin, the work function can be extracted in a manner similar to that for a simple silicon substrate. Modifications to the terraced oxide structure are proposed to remove oxidation effects of the alternate channel materials. The extracted work function of TiN with various thicknesses on HfSiO is found to be in agreement with that of TiN on a silicon substrate. X-ray and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy are used to observe the interface electronic states at the GaN (0001) and Al2O3, HfO2 and GaON dielectric interfaces. The GaN is cleaned using aqueous HCl prior to thermal oxidation to form GaON and atomic layer deposition of Al2O3 and HfO2. This was followed by a post deposition anneal. The GaN/HfO2 and GaN/Al2O3 interfaces exhibited dipoles of 1.6 eV and 0.4 eV +/- 0.2 eV, respectively. It is determined that the formation of an interfacial layer at the GaN/HfO2 interface is the primary cause of the larger dipole. Due to the knowledge of the formation of an interfacial GaOx or GaON layer during atomic layer deposition of HfO2, a better understanding of the GaN/GaON interface is needed. To accomplish this task, the interface electronic states at the GaN(0001) and GaON interface are observed using X-ray and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS and UPS). XPS and UPS analysis of the GaN/GaON interface resulted in the calculation of a -2.7 eV +/- 0.2 eV dipole assuming that the core level shifts are only representative of the GaN band bending at the interface. If it is assumed that the core level shifts are only due to the oxidation of GaN, then the exhibited dipole at the GaN/GaON interface is -1.8 eV +/- 0.2 eV. Results indicate that the observed dipole is primarily caused by the polarization of the GaN. A theoretical approach is taken to provide a more complete understanding of the underlying formation mechanisms of a GaON interfacial layer during atomic layer deposition of HfO2. First, density functional theory is used to calculate the interactions of oxygen and water with the Ga-face of GaN clusters. The GaN clusters could be used as testbeds for the actual Ga-face on GaN crystals of importance in electronics. The results reveal that the local spin plays an important role in these interactions. It is found that the most stable interactions of O2 and the GaN clusters results in the complete dissociation of the O2 molecule to form two Ga-O-Ga bonds, while the most stable interactions between a H2O molecule and the GaN clusters are the complete dissociation of one of the O-H bonds to form a Ga-O-H bond and a Ga-H bond. Second, density functional theory is used to calculate the interaction of the reactants used to deposit HfO2 and Al2O3 during atomic layer deposition with hydrolyzed Ga-face GaN clusters. The results suggest that while further research is needed in this area to grasp a better understanding of the interactions of Trimethylaluminum (TMA) or Tertrakis(EthylMethylAmino)Hafnium (TEMAH) with hydrolyzed GaN clusters, it is found that a Ga-N(CH3)(CH2CH3) bond can form during the deposition of HfO2 using ALD and TEMAH as the reactant without breaking the Hf-N bond. The formation of a Ga-N(CH3)(CH2CH3) bond is significant because with the introduction of water into the system, the methyl and ethylmethyl groups may react to form a Ga-N-O bond which is believed to be the interfacial oxide found during deposition of HfO2 using ALD on GaN. No Ga-C bond structure formed in any fully optimized stable structure when analyzing the interaction of TMA with hydrolyzed GaN.
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Studies in Saadiah Gaon's Arabic TranslationsFrankel, David Harry 27 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Création du monde et arts d’écrire dans la philosophie juive médiévale (Xe-XVe siècles) / Creation of the World and Arts of Writing in Medieval Jewish Philosophy (10th – 15th Centuries)Lemler, David 26 November 2015 (has links)
Les philosophes juifs du Moyen Âge emploient des stratégies d’écriture ésotériques pour traiter certains problèmes d’importance capitale. L’opposition de la « thèse religieuse » de la création du monde et de la « thèse philosophique » de son éternité en est l’exemple type. Ces « arts d’écrire » ont été généralement considérés, depuis les travaux de Leo Strauss, comme des moyens de dissimuler une opinion hétérodoxe, en vue de se prémunir contre la persécution politique. Nous nous engageons à comprendre cet « ésotérisme », non pas comme un stratagème politique, mais comme la conséquence proprement philosophique d’une difficulté intrinsèque à certains problèmes qui mettent en défaut les capacités expressives du langage, comme en l’occurrence la tentative d’énoncer l’origine radicale de toute chose. À partir de cette hypothèse, nous abordons le traitement de la création du monde chez des philosophes juifs actifs entre le Xe et le XVe siècles, qui soutiennent chacun une thèse différente sur la question (Saadia Gaon, Abraham Ibn Ezra, Maïmonide, Isaac Albalag, Gersonide et Ḥasday Crescas). Nous montrons comment la perspective doxographique, visant à identifier la « véritable thèse » de chaque auteur, n’est pas appropriée eu égard à de tels écrits ésotériques et nous efforçons de mettre en lumière, à travers eux, un style original du philosopher qui s’invente dans le moment médiéval de la rencontre de la philosophie et de la « révélation ». / The Medieval Jewish philosophers used esoteric writing strategies in order to deal with matters of critical importance. The opposition between the « religious theory » of the creation of the world and the « philosophical theory » of its eternity constitues one of the most typical example of such subjects. Since Leo Strauss’ works, these « arts of writing » have been generally considered as means of hiding heterodox opinions, used by the philosophers in order to avoid political persecution. We try to show that this esotericism does not stem from mere political calculation, but from intrinsically philosophical considerations : the limitation of langage itself, that fails to express certain issues, such as the radical origin of all things. From this starting point, we discuss the views and writing strategies of diverse Jewish philosophers, active between the 10th and the 15th centuries, each of whom held a different theory on creation (Saadia Gaon, Abraham Ibn Ezra, Maimonides, Isaac Albalag, Gersonides and Ḥasday Crescas). We argue that the doxographic perspective, aiming at identifying each author’s « real view », is not appropriate when dealing which such esoteric writings, which we propose to envisage as the manifestation of a specific philosophical style, emerging in the Medieval period from the confrontation between philosophy and « revelation ».
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Le retour à Sion : de l'idéalisme au pragmatisme de Juda ha-Ḥasid aux disciples du Ga'on de Vilma / The return to Zion : from idealism to pragmatism from Rabbi Judah ha-Hasid to the disciples of the Vilna GaonSchieber, Emmanuel 08 February 2016 (has links)
Depuis leur expulsion de la Terre sainte après la destruction du Second Temple (70 C.E.), les Juifs ne cessèrent d'espérer y retourner. Au fil des siècles, se développèrent plusieurs mouvements d'immigration (l'ʼaliyāh) motivés souvent par des aspirations millénaires. Les plus marquants sont ceux de Tossaphistes de France et d'Angleterre durant le XIIIème siècle, et par la suite de Juifs d'Espagne qui immigrèrent en Terre sainte après l'expulsion de 1492. En 1700, Rabbi Juda ha-Ḥasid (1660-1700) organisa une ʼaliyāh collective en provenance d'Europe de l'Est, dirigée vers Jérusalem. Plus tard, à partir de 1760 se formèrent plusieurs mouvements d' ʼaliyāh tant de disciples de Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov (1690-1760) - les ḥasidim, que ceux de Rabbi Eliyahu- le Gaon de Vilna (1720-1797)- les pĕrūšīm. La première partie de cette étude analyse les motivations de ces mouvements, et met en lumière la doctrine rédemptrice du Gaon de Vilna à travers une recherche originale de sa biographie et de ses ouvrages novateurs. Dans sa deuxième partie, elle analyse comment les disciples du Gaon mirent en pratique en Terre sainte les enseignements de leur maître. Afin de saisir la portée de leurs actions, il est nécessaire de comprendre le contexte géopolitique de l'Empire ottoman et de la Palestine du début du XIXème siècle, ainsi que la particularité des Capitulations régissant le statut des étrangers. Cette étude montre comment les pĕrūšīm surent agir de façon efficace et très innovante face aux problèmes majeurs de l'implantation juive en Terre d’Israël, notamment en ce qui concerne les relations avec le pouvoir ottoman local et avec les représentants des Puissances et les consuls européens, le développement économique et la création d'un système scolaire nouveau. / Since their expulsion from the Holy Land after the destruction of the Second Temple (70 C.E.), the Jews did not cease to hope to return. Over the centuries, immigration movements (Aliyot) grew, often motivated by millennia aspirations. The most notable are those of the Tossafists of France and England during the 13th century, and later, the Jews of Spain who immigrated to the Holy Land after the expulsion of 1492. In 1700, Rabbi Judah ha-Hasid (1660-1700) organized a collective Aliyah from Eastern Europe to Jerusalem. Later, from 1760, several Aliyah movements emerged such as the immigration of the disciples of Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov (1690-1760), known as the Hasidim, and of the disciples of Rabbi Eliahu, the Vilna Gaon (1720-1797), known as the Perushim. The first part of this study analyzes the motivations of these movements, and highlights the redemptive doctrine of the Vilna Gaon through original research on his biography and his innovative works. In its second part, the study analyzes how the Gaon's disciples put the teachings of their master into practice in the Holy land. To grasp the significance of their actions, it is necessary to understand the geopolitical context of the Ottoman Empire and Palestine from the early 19th century, and the particularity of the "Capitulations" governing the status of foreigners. This study shows how the Perushim knew how to act effectively and very innovatively concerning the major challenges which the Yishuv, the Jewish settlement, faced. Among the areas of activity in which the disciples of the Gaon involved themselves were the relations with the ottoman local government and with representatives of the Powers, economic development and the creation of a unique educational system.
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