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Généralisation du théorème de Greenberg-Stevens au cas du carré symétrique d'une forme modulaire et application au groupe de Selmer / Generalization of a theorem of Greenberg and Stevens to the case of the symmetric square of a modular form and an application to the Selmer groupRosso, Giovanni 14 April 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, on démontre une conjecture de Greenberg et Benois sur les zéros triviaux des fonctions L p-adiques dans certains cas. Pour cela, on utilise la méthode de Greenberg et Stevens. Plus précisément, on démontre d'abord cette conjecture pour une forme de Hilbert de poids parallèle 2 sur un corps totalement réel où p est inerte, quand la forme est Steinberg en p et sous d'autres hypothèses sur le conducteur. Ce résultat est une généralisation de travaux non publiés de Greenberg et Tilouine. On démontre ensuite cette conjecture pour une forme modulaire elliptique de pente finie et Steinberg en p et sous des hypothèses similaires. Pour construire la fonction L p-adique en deux variables (construction nécessaire à l'utilisation de la méthode de Greenberg-Stevens), on utilise la récente théorie des formes quasisurconvergentes d'Urban. On améliore le précédent résultat en enlevant l'hypothèse de conducteur pair et en utilisant la construction de la fonction L p-adique de Böcherer et Schmidt. Dans le chapitre final, on rappelle la définition et les calculs de l'invariant ℒ de Greenberg-Benois et on explique comment certains résultats précédement énoncés peuvent être généralisés aux formes modualires de Siegel. / This thesis is devoted to the study of certain cases of a conjecture of Greenberg and Benois on derivative of p-adic L-functions using the method of Greenberg and Stevens. We first prove this conjecture in the case of the symmetric square of a parallel weight 2 Hilbert modular form over a totally real field where p is inert and whose associated automorphic representation is Steinberg in p, assuming certain hypotheses on the conductor. This is a direct generalization of (unpublished) results of Greenberg and Tilouine. Subsequently, we deal with the symmetric square of a finite slope, elliptic, modular form wich is Steinberg at p. To construct the two-variable p-adic L-function, necessary to apply the method of Greenberg and Stevens, we have to appeal to the recently developped theory of nearly overconvergent forms of Urban. We further strengthen the above result, removing the assumption that the conductor of the form is even, using the construction of the p-adic L-function by Böcherer and Schmidt. In the final chapter we recall the definition and the calculation of the algebraic ℒ-invariant à la Greenberg-Benois, and explain how some of the above-mentioned results could generalized to higher genus Siegel modular forms.
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Proven Cases of a Generalization of Serre's ConjectureBlackhurst, Jonathan H. 07 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In the 1970's Serre conjectured a correspondence between modular forms and two-dimensional Galois representations. Ash, Doud, and Pollack have extended this conjecture to a correspondence between Hecke eigenclasses in arithmetic cohomology and n-dimensional Galois representations. We present some of the first examples of proven cases of this generalized conjecture.
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Lifting Galois Representations in a Conjecture of FigueiredoRosengren, Wayne Bennett 12 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In 1987, Jean-Pierre Serre gave a conjecture on the correspondence between degree 2 odd irreducible representations of the absolute Galois group of Q and modular forms. Letting M be an imaginary quadratic field, L.M. Figueiredo gave a related conjecture concerning degree 2 irreducible representations of the absolute Galois group of M and their correspondence to homology classes. He experimentally confirmed his conjecture for three representations arising from PSL(2,3)-polynomials, but only up to a sign because he did not lift them to SL(2,3)-polynomials. In this paper we compute explicit lifts and give further evidence that his conjecture is accurate.
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Connecting Galois Representations with CohomologyAdams, Joseph Allen 23 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In this paper, we examine the conjecture of Avner Ash, Darrin Doud, David Pollack, and Warren Sinnott relating Galois representations to the mod p cohomology of congruence subgroups of the general linear group of n dimensions over the integers. We present computational evidence for this conjecture (the ADPS Conjecture) for the case n = 3 by finding Galois representations which appear to correspond to cohomology eigenclasses predicted by the ADPS Conjecture for the prime p, level N, and quadratic nebentype. The examples include representations which appear to be attached to cohomology eigenclasses which arise from D8, S3, A5, and S5 extensions. Other examples include representations which are reducible as sums of characters, representations which are symmetric squares of two-dimensional representations, and representations which arise from modular forms, as predicted by Jean-Pierre Serre for n = 2.
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Octahedral Extensions and Proofs of Two Conjectures of WongChilders, Kevin Ronald 01 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Consider a non-Galois cubic extension K/Q ramified at a single prime p > 3. We show that if K is a subfield of an S_4-extension L/Q ramified only at p, we can determine the Artin conductor of the projective representation associated to L/Q, which is based on whether or not K/Q is totally real. We also show that the number of S_4-extensions of this type with K as a subfield is of the form 2^n - 1 for some n >= 0. If K/Q is totally real, n > 1. This proves two conjectures of Siman Wong.
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Galois representations attached to algebraic automorphic representationsGreen, Benjamin January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the Langlands program; namely the global Langlands correspondence, Langlands functoriality, and a conjecture of Gross. In chapter 1, we cover the most important background material needed for this thesis. This includes material on reductive groups and their root data, the definition of automorphic representations and a general overview of the Langlands program, and Gross' conjecture concerning attaching l-adic Galois representations to automorphic representations on certain reductive groups G over ℚ. In chapter 2, we show that odd-dimensional definite unitary groups satisfy the hypotheses of Gross' conjecture and verify the conjecture in this case using known constructions of automorphic l-adic Galois representations. We do this by verifying a specific case of a generalisation of Gross' conjecture; one should still get l-adic Galois representations if one removes one of his hypotheses but with the cost that their image lies in <sup>C</sup>G(ℚ<sub>l</sub>) as opposed to <sup>L</sup>G(ℚ<sub>l</sub>). Such Galois representations have been constructed for certain automorphic representations on G, a definite unitary group of arbitrary dimension, and there is a map <sup>C</sup>G(ℚ<sub>l</sub>) → <sup>L</sup>G(ℚ<sub>l</sub>) precisely when G is odd-dimensional. In chapter 3, which forms the main part of this thesis, we show that G = U<sub>n</sub>(B) where B is a rational definite quaternion algebra satisfies the hypotheses of Gross' conjecture. We prove that one can transfer a cuspidal automorphic representation π of G to a π' on Sp<sub>2n</sub> (a Jacquet-Langlands type transfer) provided it is Steinberg at some finite place. We also prove this when B is indefinite. One can then transfer πâ² to an automorphic representaion of GL<sub>2n+1</sub> using the work of Arthur. Finally, one can attach l-adic Galois representations to these automorphic representations on GL<sub>2n+1</sub>, provided we assume Ï is regular algebraic if B is indefinite, and show that they have orthogonal image.
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Points de torsion pour les variétés abéliennes de type III / Torsion points for abelian varieties of type IIICantoral Farfan, Victoria 05 July 2017 (has links)
Le théorème de Mordell-Weil affirme que, pour toute variété abélienne définie sur un corps de nombres, le groupe des points K-rationnels est de type fini. Plus exactement, ce groupe peut être vu comme le produit d’un groupe libre et d’un sous-groupe fini de points de torsion définis sur K. Il est naturel de se demander si l’on peut obtenir une borne uniforme pour le cardinal du sous-groupe fini des points de torsion définis sur une extension finie de K, dépendant uniquement du degré de cette extension, lorsque la variété abélienne varie. Pour ce qui est des courbes elliptiques définies sur un corps de nombres, Merel a prouvé en 1994 que l’on peut obtenir une borne uniforme en utilisant des méthodes développées par Mazur, Kenku-Momose et Kamienny. Cependant, il est aussi naturel de se demander si l’on peut obtenir une borne de ce cardinal, qui dépend uniquement du degré de cette extension,lorsque l’extension varie et la variété abélienne est fixée. Concernant cette dernière question Hindry et Ratazzi ont énoncé plusieurs résultats concernant certaines classes de variétés abéliennes. L’objectif de cette thèse, sera de présenter des nouveaux résultats dans cette direction. On se concentrera sur la classe de variétés abéliennes de type III pleinement de type Lefschetz, c’est-à-dire, telles que leur groupe de Mumford-Tate soit le groupe des similitudes orthogonales qui commutent avec les endomorphismes et telles qu’elles vérifient la conjecture de Mumford-Tate. On démontre des nouveaux résultats concernant la conjecture de Mumford-Tate. En particulier, on fournit une liste de variétés abéliennes dont on sait prouver qu’elles sont pleinement de type Lefschetz. / Mordell-Weil’s theorem states that, for an abelian variety defined over a number field K the group of K-rational points is finitely generated. More precisely, it can be seen as a product of a free group by a finite subgroup of torsion points over K. One can wonder if we can get an uniform bound for the order of the subgroup of torsion points over a finite extension L over K, depending on the degree of this extension and the dimension of the abelian variety, when the abelian variety varies in a certain class. For elliptic curves defined over a number field K, Merel proved in 1994 that we can get a uniform bound using methods developed by Mazur, Kenku-Momose and Kamienny. A complementary question would be to ask if we can get a bound for the order of the subgroup of torsion points over a finite extension L over K, depending on the degree of this extension and the dimension of the abelian variety, when L varies over all the finite extensions of K and the abelian variety is fixed. This question had been already answered by Hindry and Ratazzi for certain classes of abelian variety.This thesis will focus on this last question and will extend the previous results. We are going to present some new results concerning the class of abelian variety of type III in Albert’s classification and “fully of Lefschetz type” (i.e. whose Mumford-Tate group is the group of symplectic or orthogonal similitudes commuting with endomorphisms and which satisfy the Mumford-Tate conjecture). We also show some new results in the direction of the Mumford-Tate conjecture. Moreover, we present a list of abelian varieties which, we know, are fully of Lefschetz type.
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Totally Real Galois Representations in Characteristic 2 and Arithmetic Cohomologyde Melo, Heather Aurora Florence 02 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this paper is to provide new examples supporting a conjecture of Ash, Doud, and Pollack. This conjecture involves Galois representations taking Gal(Q bar/Q) to the general linear group of 3 x 3 matrices in characterisic 2, and our examples are where complex conjugation is mapped to the identity. Since this case has not yet been examined, the results of this paper are quite significant.
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Grande image de Galois pour familles p-adiques de formes automorphes de pente positive / Big Galois image for p-adic families of positive slope automorphic formsConti, Andrea 13 July 2016 (has links)
Soit g = 1 ou 2 et p > 3 un nombre premier. Pour le groupe symplectique GSp2g, les systèmes de valeurs propres de Hecke apparaissant dans les espaces de formes automorphes classiques, d’un niveau modéré fixé et de poids variable, sont interpolés p-adiquement par un espace rigide analytique, la vari´et´e de Hecke pour GSp2g. Un sous-domaine suffisamment petit de cette variété peut être décrit comme l’espace rigide analytique associé `a une algèbre profinie T. Une composante irréductible de T est d´efinie par un anneau profini I et un morphisme θ : T → I. Dans le cas résiduellement irréductible on peut associer `a θ une représentation ρθ : Gal(Q/Q) → GSp2g(I). On étudie l’image de ρθ quand θ décrit une composante de pente positive de T. Pour g = 1 il s’agit d’un travail en commun avec A. Lovita et J. Tilouine. On suppose que g = 1 o`u que g = 2 et θ est résiduellement de type cube sym2trique. On montre que Im ρθ est “grande” et que sa taille est li´ee aux “congruences fortuites” de θ avec les transferts de familles pour groupes de rang plus petit. Plus précisement, on agrandit un sous-anneau I0de I[1/p] en un anneau B et on définit une sous-algèbre de Lie G de gsp2g(B) associée `a Im ρθ. On prouve qu’il existe un idéal non-nul l de I0 tel que l · sp2g(B) ⊂ G. Pour g = 1 les facteurs premiers de l correspondent aux points CM de la famille θ. Pour g = 2 les facteurs premiers de l correspondent `a des congruences fortuites de θ avec des sous-familles de dimension 0 ou 1, obtenues par des transferts de type cube sym´etrique de points ou familles de la courbe de Hecke pour GL2. / Let g = 1 or 2 and p > 3 be a prime. For the symplectic group GSp2g the Hecke eigensystems appearing in the spaces of classical automorphic forms, of a fixed tame level and varying weight, are p-adically interpolated by a rigid analytic space, the GSp2g-eigenvariety. A sufficiently small subdomain of the eigenvariety can be described as the rigid analytic space associated with a profinite algebra T. An irreducible component of T is defined by a profinite ring I and a morphism θ : T → I. In the residually irreducible case we can attach to θ a representation ρθ : Gal(Q/Q) → GSp2g(I). We study the image of ρθ when θ describes a positive slope component of T. In the case g = 1 this is a joint work with A. Iovita and J. Tilouine. Suppose either that g = 1 or that g = 2 and θ is residually of symmetric cube type. We prove that Im ρθ is “big” and that its size is related to the “accidental congruences” of θ with the subfamilies that are obtained as lifts of families for groups of smaller rank. More precisely, we enlarge a subring I0 of I[1/p] to a ring B and we define a Lie subalgebra G of gsp2g(B) associated with Im ρθ. We prove that there exists a non-zero ideal l of I0 such that l · sp2g(B) ⊂ G. For g = 1 the prime factors of l correspond to the CM points of the family θ. Such points do not define congruences between θ and a CM family, so we call them accidental congruence points. For g = 2 the prime factors of l correspond to accidental congruences of θ with subfamilies of dimension 0 or 1 that are symmetric cube lifts of points or families of the GL2-eigencurve.
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Semi-Stable Deformation Rings in Hodge-Tate Weights (0,1,2)Park, Chol January 2013 (has links)
In this dissertation, we study semi-stable representations of G(Q(p)) and their mod p-reductions, which is a part of the problem in which we construct deformation spaces whose characteristic 0 closed points are the semi-stable lifts with Hodge-Tate weights (0, 1, 2) of a fixed absolutely irreducible residual representation ρ : G(Q(p)) → GL₃(F(p)). We first classify the isomorphism classes of semi-stable representations of G(Q(p)) with regular Hodge-Tate weights, by classifying admissible filtered (phi,N)-modules with Hodge-Tate weights (0, r, s) for 0 < r < s. We also construct a Galois stable lattice in some irreducible semi-stable representations with Hodge-Tate weights (0, 1, 2), by constructing strongly divisible modules, which is an analogue of Galois stable lattices on the filtered (ɸ, N)-module side. We compute the reductions mod p of the corresponding Galois representations to the strongly divisible modules we have constructed, by computing Breuil modules, which is, roughly speaking, mod p-reduction of strongly divisible modules. We also determine which Breuil modules corresponds to irreducible mod p representations of G(Q(p)).
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