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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Polymerization And Characterization Of N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone

Altinsoy, Sule 01 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone, NVP, was polymerized by &amp / #56256 / &amp / #56394 / -radiation in the presence of atmospheric oxygen and under vacuum at different periods. Polymerization also conducted by using chemical initiator, &amp / #56256 / &amp / #56466 / -Azoisobutyronitrile, AIBN, in bulk at different temperatures and times. The activation energy for polymerization was found from Arrhenius plot as 31,8 kJ/mol. By using the Fox-Flory equation T&amp / #56256 / &amp / #56394 / and k values calculated for each polymerization methods. The polymer obtained was white gel type. The different types of polymer obtained were investigated by FT-IR, 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR, DSC, TGA and viscosity measurement methods. According to the FT-IR and NMR results, the polymerizations proceeded via vinyl group. As expected, solution viscosity measurements and DSC results showed that the glass transition temperature of polymer increases with increasing molecular weight.

Radioisotopic Impurities in Promethium-147 Produced at the ORNL High Flux Isotope Reactor

Hinderer, James Howard 01 August 2010 (has links)
There is an intense interest in the availability of radioactive isotopes that could be developed into nuclear batteries. Promethium-147 is one of the isotopes of interest for use in nuclear batteries as well as in other compact low power applications. Pm-147 is a pure beta (β-) emitter with a half-life of 2.62 years. For this research, Pm-147 was produced from enriched Nd-146 via the neutron capture method in the Hydraulic Tube facility of HFIR at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Radioisotopic impurities produced via the neutron capture method have significant effects on its potential final use for nuclear battery applications. This research provides information on the co-production levels of the radioisotopic impurities in the samples containing Pm-147 and their effects on the required shielding. Gamma spectroscopy analysis served as the primary method in the evaluation of the impurities. Previous research had identified the presence of these impurities but it had not studied them in detail.

Analysis of the high-energy emission of the BL Lac PKS 2155-304 with Fermi-LAT data

Möllerström, Tobias January 2015 (has links)
Some of the most interesting objects in the Universe are Active Galactic Nuclei. In the centre of an active galaxy is a supermassive black hole that accretes matter from the surrounding galaxy. In the process, not yet fully understood, some of the matter is ejected in two jets, perpendicular to the plane of the galaxy. The energy of the particles in the jets are extremely high, sometimes over 1019 eV. The features of an active galaxy can be very different depending on from which angle it is viewed. This means that some astronomical objects that earlier seemed to be very heterogeneous might be only different manifestations of the same type of object, namely active galactic nuclei. This thesis introduces some of these different objects. The unifying theory is described. Ways of detecting the high-energy radiation and two important instruments, H.E.S.S. and Fermi-LAT are described. Three studies of the BL Lac PKS 2155-304, an active galactic nucleus that points its jet almost straight at Earth, are made using Fermi-LAT data. The conclusion of the studies is that the source is variable at least in the time scale of days and that in order to gather further information about these objects simultaneous multi-wavelength surveys have to be done.

Radiation induced corrosion of copper

Björkbacka, Åsa January 2015 (has links)
The process of radiation induced corrosion of copper is not well understood. The most obvious situation where the knowledge of this process is crucial is in a deep repository for high level spent nuclear fuel where the fuel will be sealed inside copper canisters. The radiation will penetrate the canisters and be absorbed by the surrounding environment. In this study gamma irradiations of polished and pre-oxidized copper cubes in anoxic pure water, air of 60-100 % RH and in humid argon were performed. The copper surfaces were examined using IRAS, XPS, cathodic reduction, SEM, AFM, and Raman spectroscopy. The concentration of copper in the reaction solutions was measured using ICP-OES.  Also the formation of oxidative species caused by radiation absorption of water was studied by numerical simulations using MAKSIMA software. The corrosion of copper during gamma irradiation vastly exceeds what is expected. The production of oxidative species caused by radiation absorption of water is hundreds of times too low to explain the amount of oxidized copper. A possible explanation for this mismatch is an enhanced radiation chemical yield of HO· on the copper surface. Another one is an increased surface area due to oxidation of copper. One speculation is that HO· interacting with the copper oxide can cause oxidation of the metal. If the thermodynamic driving force is large enough then electrons can be conducted from the metal through the oxide to the oxidant. A dramatic increase in surface area together with an increased interfacial yield of HO· might explain the radiation enhanced corrosion process. / <p>QC 20151022</p>

Molecular studies of initial atmospheric corrosion of copper : Exploration of ultra-sensitive techniques for the inhibiting effect of self assembled monolayers, and the effect of gamma radiation

Hosseinpour, Saman January 2013 (has links)
Atmospheric corrosion indoors is of great practical importance for the degradation of metals, for example in electronics, military equipment, and cultural heritage items. It involves a wide range of chemical, electrochemical, and physical processes occurring in gas, liquid, and solid phases, and at the interfaces between them. Hence, a molecular understanding of the fundamental interactions during atmospheric corrosion is of utmost importance. Copper is one of the most used metals in electrical contacts, power generators, heat exchangers, etc. and is prone to indoor atmospheric corrosion. Although corrosion and oxidation of copper in the presence of corrosion stimulators is thermodynamically inevitable, there are ways to reduce the kinetics of corrosion and oxidation reactions. Self assembled monolayers (SAMs) of organic molecules, when adsorbed on copper surfaces, have proven to be efficient barriers against copper corrosion. However, understanding at the molecular level of the initial stages of corrosion of SAM covered copper in atmospheric corrosion conditions is lacking. The main reason is the inability of the conventional analytical methods to detect and characterize very thin corrosion products formed during the initial stages (from seconds to days) of atmospheric corrosion of SAM covered copper. To overcome this situation a highly surface sensitive technique, vibrational sum frequency spectroscopy (VSFS), has been utilized in situ and ex situ in this thesis to detect and follow the oxidation of alkanethiol SAM covered copper in dry air as well as to assess the conformational changes of SAM molecules during oxidation.  A very sensitive gravimetric method, quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D), and a highly sensitive and versatile optical technique, nanoplasmonic sensing (NPS), were combined in situ with VSFS to quantify this very slow oxidation process. This combination allowed the heterogeneity of the oxidation process as well as the mass and the rigidity of the corrosion products to be detected simultaneously. To address indoor atmospheric corrosion conditions where carboxylic acids play an important role we next studied the interaction between SAM covered copper and humidified air, to which formic acid was added. The in situ identification of the corrosion products and their formation kinetics was done using near surface sensitive infrared reflection/absorption spectroscopy (IRAS), and the effect of hydrocarbon chain length in alkanethiol SAMs on their corrosion protection efficiency was investigated. The effect of the anchoring group in the SAMs on their corrosion protection efficiency was studied for hexaneselenol using -SeH as the anchoring group, and the results were compared with its thiol counterpart, hexanethiol, with -SH as the anchoring group. Complementary in situ and ex situ VSFS measurements were performed to assess the quality of the SAMs before, during, and after exposure. It was shown that the SAMs of alkanethiols greatly inhibited the formation of copper (I) oxide and slowed down the formation of other corrosion products, i.e. copper formate and copper hydroxid. This was due to a selective hindrance of the corrosion stimulators, oxygen, water, and formic acid molecules reaching the copper-SAM interface. The corrosion inhibiting effect increased with the hydrocarbon chain length. The SAMs of hexaneselenols, on the other hand, exhibited an accelerated formation of copper (I) oxide, copper formate and copper hydroxide compared to an unprotected surface as a result of the partial removal of hexaneselenol molecules from the copper surface during prolonged exposure. The experience gained in characterizing and quantifying thin copper oxides was further used to explore the influence of gamma (γ) radiation on copper corrosion in anoxic water. This multi-analytical approach included IRAS, cathodic reduction, confocal Raman microscope, atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and inductively coupled plasma - atomic emission spectroscopy. The results clearly showed that copper dissolution as well as the oxide layer thickness increase with gamma radiation under the exposure conditions. / Atmosfärisk korrosion under inomhusförhållanden är av stor praktisk betydelse på grund av dess inverkan på exempelvis vårt kulturarv i museimiljöer, tillförlitligheten hos elektronik i olika industriella sammanhang, eller militär utrustning förvarad i olika förråd. Den atmosfäriska korrosionen styrs av ett brett spektrum av kemiska, elektrokemiska och fysikaliska processer som äger rum i tre faser: atmosfären, den tunna fuktfilmen på objektytan och den fasta fasen, samt i de bägge fasgränserna mellan de tre faserna. För att kunna hitta motmedel mot korrosionen är det av yttersta vikt att öka den molekylära förståelsen för dessa processer. Koppar är en mycket använd metall i elektriska eller elektroniska komponenter, i värmeväxlare eller VVS-sammanhang, som beslag och i en rad olika dekorer. Metallen korroderar eller oxiderar spontant i många korrosiva miljöer, men det finns ett brett spektrum av metoder för att minska korrosions- eller oxidationshastigheten. Monoskikt av tätpackade självassocierande organiska molekyler (engelska: self assembled monolayers, förkortat SAM) adsorberade på kopparytan har visat sig vara effektiva barriärer för kopparkorrosion. Den molekylära insikten i dessa monoskikts funktionssätt för att minska den atmosfäriska korrosionen är dock ännu rätt så begränsad. Den främsta orsaken är oförmågan hos mer etablerade analytiska metoder att kunna karakterisera de ytterst små mängder av korrosionsprodukter som bildas under den atmosfäriska korrosionens inledande skeenden upp till några dagars exponering. Den extremt ytkänsliga och i korrosionssammanhang fortfarande relativt oprövade analysmetoden summafrekvensspektroskopi (engelska: vibrational sum frequency spectroscopy, förkortat VSFS) har därför använts för att under pågående exponering följa det mycket långsamma oxidationsförlopp som uppstår när koppar, skyddat av något organiskt monoskikt, exponeras för torr luft. VSFS har även kunnat användas för att under pågående oxidation följa strukturella förändringar hos monoskiktet. För att kvantifiera en så långsam oxidationsprocess har även en annan extremt masskänslig metod kunnat kombineras med VSFS, en kvartskristallmikrovåg med s.k. dissipationsövervakning, förkortat QCM-D. Ytterligare en i korrosionssammanhang oprövad men lika masskänslig teknik har kunnat kombineras med VSFS. Den metoden besitter än så länge bara ett engelskt namn, nanoplasmonic sensing (NPS). Kombinationen VSFS–QCM-D–NPS har utnyttjats i en serie unika försök, där inte bara de ytterst långsamma oxidationshastigheterna kunnat mätas upp, utan även andra viktiga faktorer såsom graden av heterogenitet i den bakomliggande oxidationsprocessen. För att närma sig en miljö som kan efterlikna korrosiva inomhusförhållanden har atmosfären i nästa steg befuktats och dessutom har låga halter av myrsyra tillsats. Just tillsatsen av karboxylsyror har visat sig generera korrosionsprodukter med en sammansättning som på koppar och vissa andra metaller efterliknar de som bildas under atmosfärisk korrosion inomhus. Identifiering av korrosionsprodukter och deras tillväxthastighet på koppar, skyddat av olika långa tätpackade kolkedjor med en tiolgrupp i ena ändan som binder till kopparsubstratet, har kunnat ske med infraröd reflektions-absorptionsspektroskopi (IRAS) under in situ-förhållanden. Ju längre kolvätekedjor desto större korrosionsinhibieringsförmåga kunde påvisas. När den på koppar förankrade tiolgruppen ersattes med en selenolgrupp blev korrosionsinhibieringsförmågan sämre. Kompletterande mätningar in situ och ex situ  utfördes med hjälp av VSFS för att undersöka kvaliteten på de tätpackade kolvätekedjorna, varvid kunde påvisas att graden av tätpackning hos kolkedjorna försämrades med ökad exponeringstid. Förutom den allmänna nedbromsningen av korrosionshastigheten på koppar blev sammansättningen av bildade korrosionsprodukter på oskyddat koppar en annan än på  koppar skyddat av tioler. I det förra fallet detekterades korrosionsprodukterna koppar(I)oxid, koppar(II)format och koppar(II)hydroxid, under det att ingen koppar(I)oxid påvisades på skyddat koppar, endast små mängder koppar(II)format och koppar(II)hydroxid kunde detekteras. De adsorberade kolkedjorna tycks hindra de korrosionsstimulerande molekylerna vatten, myrsyra och syrgas från att nå kopparytan lika effektivt. När de tiolförankrade kolvätekedjorna ersattes med selenolförankrade kolvätekedjor desorberades en del kolvätekedjor från kopparsubstratet vid längre exponeringstider. Resultatet blev att mängden korrosionsprodukter nu blev signifikant större än på oskyddat koppar, sannolikt på grund av galvanisk korrosion. Erfarenheterna från detta doktorsarbete vad gäller kvantifiering av små mängder kopparoxider har även utnyttjats för att undersöka inverkan av g-strålning på kopparkorrosion i rent vatten. Härvid användes ett multianalytiskt angreppssätt bestående av IRAS, katodisk reduktion, konfokal Ramanmikroskopi, atomkraftsmikroskopi, svepelektronmikroskopi, fotoelektronspektroskopi, samt analys av utlöst mängd koppar i vattenlösningen med induktivt kopplad plasmaatomemissionsspektroskopi. Resultaten visar tydligt att utlösningen av koppar, liksom det bildade oxidskiktets tjocklek, ökar med g-strålningen under rådande exponeringsförhållanden. / <p>QC 20131206</p>

Desenvolvimento do Processo de Fabricação de Tubos Hospitalares por RVNRL: Otimização e Protótipo de Extrusão a Baixas Temperaturas. / DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICAL TUBE FABRICATION PROCESS FROM RVNRL: OTIMIZATION AND EXTRUTION DEVICE AT LOW TEMPERATURE

Hugo David Chirinos Collantes 15 October 1999 (has links)
O látex de borracha natural foi formulado, radiovulcanizado e, em seguida, estabilizado radioliticamente (GAMATEX), para ser empregado na fabricação de artefatos de borracha utilizados na área médica. A eficiência de reticulação do látex, quando radiovulcanizado com raios gama, correlacionou-se matematicamente com a razão de concentração do sistema de radiosensibilizador (x1 = [An-B] / [KOH]) e com a dose de vulcanização (x2), apresentando alto grau de interação, segundo o seguinte modelo matemático: , onde representa a resistência à tração na ruptura. O processo RVNRL foi otimizado para baixas doses de vulcanização e altas concentrações de An-B. A resistência radioxidativa da borracha, obtida a partir do GAMATEX, foi atingida adicionando-se uma mistura de antioxidantes (45% BANOX S + 55% TNPP). Esta mistura apresentou um efeito sinérgico. O látex apresentou comportamento pseudoplástico com a ocorrência de tensão de escoamento. A taxa de desestabilização irreversível do látex foi diretamente proporcional à [An-B] e inversamente proporcional à [KOH]. O efeito pós-irradiação do látex ou a desestabilização reversível, ocorreu devido à presença de uma concentração residual de An-B que não reagiu. A irradiação melhorou a estabilidade coloidal do GAMATEX, devido ao aumento da tixotropia e da tendência newtoniana além da correlação entre o grau de consistência (k) e o índice pseudoplástico (n), de acordo com o modelo matemático . Este fato permite um tempo maior de estocagem do GAMATEX. A viscosidade relativa do látex correlaciona-se com a temperatura e com o teor da borracha seca conforme o modelo matemático: , onde rw é a razão (BS/100-BS). O látex radiovulcanizado coagulou à temperatura de –10ºC no sistema de refrigeração projetado. / The natural rubber latex was formulated, irradiation vulcanized and stabilized (GAMATEX) to make rubber goods for medical purpose. When the latex was vulcanized by gamma rays the effectiveness crosslinking of GAMATEX relationship between the concentration ratio of sensitizer system (x1=[n-BA]/[KOH]) and the vulcanization dose (x2), showing high interaction grade according to the following the mathematical equation: , where is the tensile strength. The RVNRL process was optimized for low vulcanization doses and high concentrations of n-BA. The resistance to radiolitic oxidation of rubber obtained from GAMATEX was attained when one antioxidants mixture (45% BANOX S + 55% TNPP) was added. This mixture exhibited synergetic effect. The latex showed pseudoplastic rheological behavior and the yield stress occurrence. The irreversible destabilization rate of latex was direct proportional to [n-BA] and indirect proportional to [KOH]. The post-irradiation effects or reversible destabilization of latex occurred because there is a residual concentration of [n-BA] that it was not reacted. The colloidal stability of GAMATEX improved with irradiation, showing showing the increase of thixotropic behavior and the tendency to newtonian behavior flow besides the relationship between the viscosity index (k) and the pseudoplastic index (n) according to the mathematical model: . This fact allows the higher storage time of GAMATEX. The relative viscosity of latex was relationship between the temperature and the total dry rubber content according to the mathematical model: , where rw is the ratio (BS/100-BS). The radiation vulcanized latex coagulated at –10ºC into the projected freezing system.

Desenvolvimento e caracterizacao do cristal cintilador de CsI(TI) utilizado como detector de radiacao

PEREIRA, MARIA C.C. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:43:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:56:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 06146.pdf: 4663857 bytes, checksum: db1a9347b09141dd274ecaacdb19b0be (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Desenvolvimento de um sistema dosimetrico para monitoracao individual em campo misto beta e gama

DALTRO, TERESINHA F.L. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:40:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:56:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 03971.pdf: 6395832 bytes, checksum: 1ba307bbba2500ce19a93c570d8687bf (MD5) / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Avaliacao dos efeitos da radiacao gama em vegetais da especie Brassica oleracea minimamente processados / Evaluation of the effects of gamma radiation on the vegetables of Brassica oleracea species minimally processed

NUNES, THAISE C.F. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:27:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:56:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Acao do veneno de BOTHROPS MOOJENI e sua fracao L-aminoacido oxidase, submetida ao tratamento com raios gama de sup60CO, em LEISHMANIA SPP

CARDOSO, ANDRE G.T. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:43:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:56:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 06648.pdf: 3159375 bytes, checksum: b1ad256abf7e9f79cfed807e33c3ce91 (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

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