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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sol-gel processing of RxY3-xAlyFe5-yO12 magneto-optical films

DiBiccari, Anders Owen 31 March 2003 (has links)
The goal of this research was the fabrication of thin films with magneto-optic (MO) properties. Accomplishment of this task was achieved via sol-gel processing of rare-earth and aluminum substituted yttrium-iron garnet (RxY3-xAlyFe5-yO12, R,Al:YIG), where R= Bi, Gd, Er, Ho. Detailed are the processing conditions, parameters and results leading to R,Al:YIG films with MO response. Success was attained with a 0.25M Gd,Al:YIG solution spin coated for 120 seconds at 3500rpm onto a (111) gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG) substrate and calcinated at 900°C for 4 hours. Samples were characterized via x-ray diffraction (XRD), magneto-optical loop tracer, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS), profilometry and optical microscopy. / Master of Science

Pressure-Temperature-time Constraints on the Deep Subduction of the Seve Nappe Complex in Jämtland and southern Västerbotten, Scandinavian Caledonides / Tryck-temperatur och åldersbestämmning av Seveskollancomplexet i Jämtland och södra Västerbotten, Skandinaviska Kaledoniderna

Holmberg, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
The Scandinavian Caledonides are defined by long transported thrust sheets emplaced in a nappe stratigraphic succession onto the Paleozoic Baltica platform, as a result of the collision between the paleo-continents Baltica and Laurentia. This Palaeozoic collisional orogen is nowadays exposed at mid-crustal levels, thus provides an excellent ground for in situ studies of mountain building processes. The complex nappe stack is subdivided into the Lower, Middle, Upper and Uppermost allochthons. The tectonostratigraphic highest unit in the Middle Allochthon is the Seve Nappe Complex (SNC), itself segmented into Lower, Middle and Upper Seve nappes, which all experienced different metamorphic evolution. The SNC is known for high pressure (HP) and ultrahigh pressure (UHP) subduction related rocks and the target for the Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC-1) scientific drilling programme. The drilling resulted in a continuous c. 2.4 km long drill core through the Lower Seve Nappe, drilled in the eastern slope of Åreskutan Mt in west-central Jämtland. Above the COSC-1 profile lies the high grade Middle Seve Nappe (i.e. Åreskutan Nappe), which experienced UHP verified by the presence of microdiamonds in kyanite bearing gneisses. Recently, microdiamonds have also been discovered in gneisses (described here) further north close to Saxnäs in southern Västerbotten.     The metamorphic history of the Lower Seve Nappe is reconstructed based on material from the COSC-1 drill core, which also enables evaluation of the tectonometamorphic relationship to the overlying high grade Middle Seve Nappe. The Lower Seve Nappe comprise calc-silicates, calcareous gneisses and mylonitic micaschists and two tectonometamorphic events are recognized, prograde metamorphism (M1-D1) and retrograde thrust related metamorphism (M2-D2). Pressure and temperature (PT) conditions of the Lower Seve Nappe is constrained by state-of-the-art Quartz-in-Garnet (QuiG) barometry based on the shift in Raman band position of quartz inclusions in garnet, and Titanium-in-Quartz (TitaniQ) thermometry (satellite masters project). Supplementary conventional barometry based on phengite composition is applied where the use of QuiG is limited. The PT conditions of the M1-D1 is constrained to ~ 8-13 kbar, 525-695 o C and the M2-D2 event ~7-10 kbar, 450-550 o C. Conclusively, the Lower Seve Nappe was metamorphosed in upper greenschist-amphibolite to lower eclogite facies conditions at depths around 40-60 km and later suffered from greenschist overprint during thrusting. Lu-Hf garnet geochronology confirm that the overlying high-grade Åreskutan Nappe experienced UHP conditions around 450 Ma at depths around 120 km. Likewise, Ar-Ar dating implies peak conditions of the Lower Seve around 460-450 Ma. Moreover, their respective lower shear zones were active at the same time, c. 424 Ma. Conclusively, they were juxtaposed in their current tectonostratigraphic positions in a subduction channel in the early Silurian as a result of exhumation. Additionally, the microdiamond bearing kyanite-garnet gneisses from Saxnäs indeed show similarities to the Åreskutan gneisses, which strongly implies that the UHPM in this unit of the Scandinavian Caledonides is of regional character. / De Skandinaviska Kaledoniderna har bildats genom en kollision mellan de två kontinentalplattorna Baltika och Laurentia då Japetushavet stängdes omkring 400 miljoner år sedan. Till följd av de starkt komprimerande krafterna transporterades stora flak (skollor) av havsbottenberggrund och kontinentalskorpa hundratals kilometer upp på Baltikakontinenten. Skollorna är överskjutna på varandra omlott och benämns som undre, mellersta, övre och översta skollberggrunderna och återfinns idag i vår fjällkedja. Innan kollisionen med Laurentia krockade Baltika med en vulkanisk öbåge, vilket resulterade i att delar av Baltika pressades ner så pass djupt att bland annat diamanter bildades till följd av det ultrahöga trycket. Bevis för omvandling under extremt tryck finns i den så kallade Seveskollan som utgör en del av den mellersta skollberggrunden. Seveskollan är ett komplex av tre olika enheter, som utsatts för olika grad av metamorfos till följd av tryck och temperatur. Till följd av väder och vind under miljontals år så är fjällkedjan idag nederoderad och därav väl exponerad. Det gör att de Skandinaviska Kaledoniderna är en av världens bästa platser att studera och förstå bergskedjebildade processer. Av den anledningen borrade djupborrningsprojektet COSC-1 en cirka 2.4 km långt kärnborrhål genom den lägst belägna enheten i Seve komplexet (lägre Seveskollan) strax nedanför Åreskutan i Jämtlandsfjällen. Över COSC-1 profilen ligger den berggrund som tillhör den mellersta Seveskollan, även kallad Åreskutanskollan. Åreskutanskollan är en del av Baltika som utsattes för ultrahöga tryck, och i kyanitförande gnejser har diamanter inneslutna i det motståndskraftiga mineralet granat påträffats. Nyligen, längre norrut i Saxnäs (södra Västerbotten) har ytterligare diamantförande gnejser påträffats i den mellersta Seveskollan, som karaktäriseras i den här studien.      Material från COSC-1 borrkärnan har använts för att bestämma under vilka tryck och temperatur bergarterna i den lägre Seveskollan har metmorfoserats, för att förstå den tektoniska och metamorfa utvecklingen och även relationen till den överliggande högmetamorfa Åreskutanskollan. Trycket har bestämts genom den relativt oprövade metoden QuiG -barometri. Små kristaller av kvarts inneslutna i granat har analyserats med Raman spektroskopi och de fysikaliska parametrarna av kvarts och granat kan direkt översättas till tryck. Temperatur har erhållits genom det temperaturkänsliga ämnet titan i kvartsinneslutningarna. Resultatet visar att den lägre Seveskollan har genomgått minst två metamorfa faser genom tektonisk påverkan. Den första fasen varierar från övre grönskiffer-amfibolit till lägre eklogitfacies under tryck och temperatur av ca 8-13 kbar, 525-695 o C. Den andra fasen är associerad med överskjutning och skjuvning, vilket orsakade retrograd metamorfos i grönskifferfacies under lägre tryck och temperatur (ca 7-10 kbar, 450-550 o C). Datering baserat på radioaktivt sönderfall av lutetium till hafnium i granat fastställer att Åreskutanskollan utsattes för ultrahögt tryck för omkring 450 miljoner år sedan, samtidigt som lägre Seveskollan nådde metamorft klimax. Resultaten visar även att lägre och mellersta Seveskollorna skjuvades samtidigt, omkring 424 miljoner år sedan. Det betyder att de erhöll sina nuvarande tektonostratigrafiska positioner på stort djup innan överskjutningen på Baltika. Detaljerad petrografi påvisar att de diamantförande kyanit-och granatförande gnejserna från Saxnäs visar påtagliga likheter med Åreskutanskollans högtrycksgnejser. Det tyder på att berggrunden i Saxnäs kan kopplas samman med Åreskutanskollan och att ultrahögtrycksmetamorfos av den mellersta Seveskollan omfattar ett större område än vad som tidigare antagits.

Chemical, Isotopic, and Textural Characteristics of Diamond Crystals and Their Mineral Inclusions from A154 South (Northwest Territories), Lynx (Quebec), and Kelsey Lake (Colorado): Implications for Growth Histories and Different Mantle Environments

Van Rythoven, Adrian David 31 August 2012 (has links)
Parcels of diamond crystals from the A154 South kimberlite diatreme, Northwest Territories (n=281), and the Lynx kimberlite dyke, Quebec (n=6598) were examined in terms of colour, size, morphology, and UV fluorescence (A154 South samples only). A subset of stones from each parcel (A154 South: n=60, Lynx: n=20) were cut and polished to expose internal zonation and mineral inclusions. Exposed primary mineral inclusions were quantitatively analyzed for major elements by EMPA. Diamond crystals from the Kelsey Lake kimberlite diatreme, Colorado (n=20), were cut into plates and analyzed for nitrogen aggregation states by FTIR. Twelve of these stones were then analyzed with further subsets from A154 South (n=18) and Lynx (n=16) for carbon isotope ratios and nitrogen abundances by SIMS. Every diamond crystal cut and polished had its internal zonation imaged with CL. Mineral inclusion data from A154 South and Lynx show that the mantle keel of the Slave craton is slightly less depleted than that of the Superior craton, and both are less depleted than those of the Kaapvaal and Siberian cratons. Equilibration conditions plot on hotter geothermal gradients (surface heat flows ~42 mW/m2) than for those of typical Archean cratons (≤40 mW/m2). Equilibration temperatures (~1150-1250°C) are ~100-200°C hotter than previously reported from Kelsey Lake (~1020°C). Kelsey Lake and A154 South samples have carbon isotope ratios and nitrogen contents typical of most diamond populations worldwide. Diamond crystals from Lynx are entirely different, consisting of mostly Type II diamond with δ13C (vs. PDB) values from approximately -3.6 ‰ to +1.7 ‰. These 13C-enriched samples are suggested to be the result of extreme Rayleigh fractionation of diamond from a carbonate fluid and possibly input of carbon sourced from subducted abiotic oceanic crust. Also notable is that growth trends (δ13C-[NT]) for most of the samples studied show little or no consistency with published fractionation models.

Chemical, Isotopic, and Textural Characteristics of Diamond Crystals and Their Mineral Inclusions from A154 South (Northwest Territories), Lynx (Quebec), and Kelsey Lake (Colorado): Implications for Growth Histories and Different Mantle Environments

Van Rythoven, Adrian David 31 August 2012 (has links)
Parcels of diamond crystals from the A154 South kimberlite diatreme, Northwest Territories (n=281), and the Lynx kimberlite dyke, Quebec (n=6598) were examined in terms of colour, size, morphology, and UV fluorescence (A154 South samples only). A subset of stones from each parcel (A154 South: n=60, Lynx: n=20) were cut and polished to expose internal zonation and mineral inclusions. Exposed primary mineral inclusions were quantitatively analyzed for major elements by EMPA. Diamond crystals from the Kelsey Lake kimberlite diatreme, Colorado (n=20), were cut into plates and analyzed for nitrogen aggregation states by FTIR. Twelve of these stones were then analyzed with further subsets from A154 South (n=18) and Lynx (n=16) for carbon isotope ratios and nitrogen abundances by SIMS. Every diamond crystal cut and polished had its internal zonation imaged with CL. Mineral inclusion data from A154 South and Lynx show that the mantle keel of the Slave craton is slightly less depleted than that of the Superior craton, and both are less depleted than those of the Kaapvaal and Siberian cratons. Equilibration conditions plot on hotter geothermal gradients (surface heat flows ~42 mW/m2) than for those of typical Archean cratons (≤40 mW/m2). Equilibration temperatures (~1150-1250°C) are ~100-200°C hotter than previously reported from Kelsey Lake (~1020°C). Kelsey Lake and A154 South samples have carbon isotope ratios and nitrogen contents typical of most diamond populations worldwide. Diamond crystals from Lynx are entirely different, consisting of mostly Type II diamond with δ13C (vs. PDB) values from approximately -3.6 ‰ to +1.7 ‰. These 13C-enriched samples are suggested to be the result of extreme Rayleigh fractionation of diamond from a carbonate fluid and possibly input of carbon sourced from subducted abiotic oceanic crust. Also notable is that growth trends (δ13C-[NT]) for most of the samples studied show little or no consistency with published fractionation models.

Elasticity of single-crystal iron-bearing pyrope to 20 GPa and 750 K

Lu, Chang 20 July 2012 (has links)
Elastic properties of the major constituent minerals in the Earth’s upper mantle at relevant high pressure-temperature (P-T) conditions are crucial for understanding the composition and seismic velocity structures of the region. In this study, we have measured the single-crystal elasticity of natural Fe-bearing pyrope, Mg2.04Fe0.74Ca0.16Mn0.05Al2Si3O12, using in situ Brillouin spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction at simultaneous high P-T conditions up to 20 GPa and 750 K in an externally-heated diamond anvil cell. The derived aggregate adiabatic bulk and shear modulus (KS0, G0) at ambient conditions are 168.2 (±1.8) GPa and 92.1 (±1.1) GPa, respectively, consistent with literature results. Using the third-order Eulerian finite-strain equation to fit the high P-T data, the derived pressure derivative of the bulk and shear moduli at constant temperature are (∂KS/∂P)T=4.4 (±0.1) and (∂G/∂P)T=1.2 (±0.1), respectively. Applying these pressure derivatives, the temperature derivative of these moduli at constant pressure are also calculated, yielding (∂KS/∂T)P=-18.5(±1.3) MPa/K and (∂G/∂T)P=-5.2(±1.1) MPa/K, respectively. Compared to literature values, our results show that addition of 25% Fe in pyrope increases the pressure derivative of the bulk modulus by 7%, but has a negligible effect on other elastic parameters. Extrapolation of our results shows that Fe-bearing pyrope remains almost elastically isotropic at relevant P-T conditions of the upper mantle, indicating that it may not have a significant contribution to seismic Vp and Vs anisotropy in the upper mantle. Together with the elasticity of olivine and pyroxene minerals in the upper mantle, we have constructed new velocity profiles for two representative compositional models, pyrolite and piclogite, along Earth’s upper mantle geotherm. These velocity models show Vs profiles consistent with seismic observations, although Vp profiles are slightly lower than in seismic models. / text

Qualitative and quantitative petrography of meta-mafic rocks at Ölme, in the Eastern Segment of the Sveconorwegian orogen

Carlsson, Diana January 2015 (has links)
Meta-mafic intrusions with an intrusion age of 1.6-0.9 Ga are found along a north-south trend in theTransitional section of the Eastern Segment in Sweden. These intrusions are garnet-bearing and thus anexception to other meta-mafic intrusions found in Sweden. Meta-mafic intrusions that are garnet-bearingare usually found in the Caledonides to the northeast and in the south west of Sweden where the pressureshave been naturally high due to orogenic events or subduction.The study was conducted on these intrusions around the community of Ölme, to understand themetamorphic and metasomatic history of the area. The focus lies on the transition from magmaticgabbroic intrusions to metamorphosed metagabbros and highly foliated garnet-amphibolites. AveragePT estimates was calculated using THERMOCALC and classical geothermobarometry, so that acomparison between the qualitative and quantitative data could be made.The study indicates metamorphism at amphibolite to upper amphibolite facies conditionsfor the metagabbros and the garnet-amphibolites.Average PT-estimates for the garnet-amphibolites gives metamorphic peak temperatures of 680°-730° Cwith pressures of 9.0-11.0 kbar at the Träfors locality, and metamorphic peak temperatures of 660°-770° Cwith pressures of 9.5-11.0 kbar at the Skråkvik locality. These results are comparable to research donefurther to the south on similar intrusions, with temperatures of 700° C and pressures of 10 kbar.It is concluded that the meta-mafic intrusions at the Skråkvik locality have been metamorphosed in adry system, in contrast to the Träfors locality which seems to have been affected by more pervasiveretrograde metamorphism and fluid-rock interaction. It is also concluded that mafic intrusionscan preserve their magmatic textures even under high pressure conditions.

Cheminių sintezių prie aukštų temperatūrų modeliavimas / Computer modeling of chemical synthesis at high temperatures

Mackevičius, Mažvydas 19 September 2013 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjami modeliai, aprašantys dviejų ir trijų reagentų chemines sintezes aukštose temperatūrose. Darbe pristatomos reagentų koncentracijų dinamiką aprašančios diferencialinių lygčių sistemos, sintezės parametrų skaičiavimo metodai bei parametrų paieškos lygiagretinimo algoritmas. Konkretūs skaičiavimai atlikti ir rezultatai pateikti remiantis realių laboratorinių eksperimentų duomenimis itrio aliuminio granato (du reagentai) bei sintetinio kalcio hydroksiapatito (trys reagentai) sintezių atvejais. / The dissertation deals with models describing two- and three-reactant chemical syntheses at high temperatures. The work presents the differential equation systems describing the dynamics of concentrations of reactants, methods for calculation of synthesis parameters, and a parallelization algorithm for faster search of parameters. Concrete calculations were performed and the results presented on the basis of data from real laboratory experiments of syntheses of yttrium aluminum garnet (two reactants) and synthetic calcium hydroxyapatite (three reactants).

Cheminių sintezių prie aukštų temperatūrų modeliavimas / Computer modeling of chemical synthesis at high temperatures

Mackevičius, Mažvydas 19 September 2013 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjami modeliai, aprašantys dviejų ir trijų reagentų chemines sintezes aukštose temperatūrose. Darbe pristatomos reagentų koncentracijų dinamiką aprašančios diferencialinių lygčių sistemos, sintezės parametrų skaičiavimo metodai bei parametrų paieškos lygiagretinimo algoritmas. Konkretūs skaičiavimai atlikti ir rezultatai pateikti remiantis realių laboratorinių eksperimentų duomenimis itrio aliuminio granato (du reagentai) bei sintetinio kalcio hydroksiapatito (trys reagentai) sintezių atvejais. / The dissertation deals with models describing two- and three-reactant chemical syntheses at high temperatures. The work presents the differential equation systems describing the dynamics of concentrations of reactants, methods for calculation of synthesis parameters, and a parallelization algorithm for faster search of parameters. Concrete calculations were performed and the results presented on the basis of data from real laboratory experiments of syntheses of yttrium aluminum garnet (two reactants) and synthetic calcium hydroxyapatite (three reactants).

O granito capão do leão: magmatismo Tipo-I altamente fracionado no sudeste do Cinturão Dom Feliciano, RS

Silva, Rafael Fernandes e January 2016 (has links)
No SE do domínio oriental do Cinturão Dom Feliciano (CDF) o Granito Capão do Leão (GCL) ocorre como dois corpos, norte e sul, encaixados em rochas Pré-Cambrianas do Complexo Pinheiro Machado (CPM) e nos granitos Chasqueiro (GCH) e Arroio Grande (GAG). Os corpos do GCL, tanto o norte quanto o sul, possuem formas elípticas e ocupam áreas de, respectivamente, 200 km2 e 100 km2, apresentando orientação ENE-WSW, sendo dominantemente uma rocha maciça, a qual preserva suas características magmáticas. Zonas centimétricas a métricas de deformação dúctil, principalmente no corpo sul, são observadas gerando rochas miloníticas subverticais, apresentando plano de foliação com mergulho maior que 70° e direção NE-SW que podem refletir reativações da Zona de Cisalhamento Arroio Grande (ZCAG). Petrograficamente é um granito equigranular, médio a grosso, com textura hipidiomórfica predominante, de composição sieno a monzogranítica, apresentando, por vezes, cavidades miarolíticas centimétricas, as quais sugerem um posicionamento final em condições rasas (epizonal) e indicam a presença de fluidos até os estágios finais da cristalização, além de raros enclaves máficos, de composição micácea, os quais podem representar um material de origem mantélica fonte do granito, uma rocha encaixante fundida e assimilada pelo magma ou a ocorrência de uma mistura de magmas. Apresenta injeções centimétricas de veios ou bolsões tardios de aplitos. A assembleia mineral do GCL é constituída de quartzo, feldspato alcalino e plagioclásio do tipo albita. Como varietais ocorrem biotitas, dos tipos siderofilita e anita, granadas, com predomínio de membros finais em almandina e espessartina, e, subordinadamente, anfibólio cálcico do tipo ferro-pargasita. Seus minerais acessórios são apatita, titanita, zircão e opacos. O GCL é uma rocha de composição ácida, tem afinidade geoquímica subalcalina, metaluminosa a fracamente peraluminosa, com tendência cálcio-alcalina alto-K, apresentando elevados teores de SiO2, entre 71,60 e 75,95 %, teores de Al2O3 entre 11,00 e 15,00 %, teores em álcalis elevados, com valores de Na2O oscilando entre 1,76 à 4,61 % e 3,8 até 7,36 % para o K2O, baixos teores em CaO, MgO e MnO, menores que 1% e teores extremamente baixos de P2O5, menores que 0,03 %. A ocorrência de granada sugere um caráter altamente diferenciado, decorrente de longa cristalização fracionada. Os diagramas multielementares mostram enriquecimento em Rb, Pb, Th, U e K, e depleção nos elementos Ba, Nb, Sr, P, Eu e Ti , assim como enriquecimento de ETR leves em relação aos ETR pesados e acentuada anomalia negativa em Ba, Sr, Ti e Eu. O GCL apresenta características de magmatismo tipo-I, com alto fracionamento, de ambiente pós-colisional, apresentando padrões geoquímicos semelhantes ao GCH, os quais permitem correlacioná-los como líquidos segregados de uma mesma fonte, diferenciados por mecanismos petrológicos, tais como assimilação de material encaixante e cristalização fracionada. O líquido magmático dos granitos Capão do Leão, Chasqueiro e Arroio Grande, podem ter sua gênese relacionada a eventos de movimentação da Zona de Cisalhamento Arroio Grande, a qual pode ter causado a fusão da base da crosta, por adição de material mantélico, sendo, portanto, a responsável tanto pelo processo de extração, colocação e da referida segregação dos líquidos do GCL e do GCH, como pela geração e emplaçamento do líquido do GAG. / In the SE of the eastern domain of Dom Feliciano Belt (CDF) the Capão do Leão Granite (GCL) forms two bodies, northern and southern, embedded in Precambrian rocks of the Pinheiro Machado Complex (CPM), Chasqueiro Granite (GCH) and Arroio Grande Granite (GAG). The GCL bodies are elliptically shaped predominantly massive rocks, which preserve their magmatic features, and cover areas of respectively 200 km2 and 100 km2, with ENE-WSW orientation. Centimetric to metric ductile deformation zones, mainly in the south body, are observed causing sub-vertical mylonitic rocks, with foliation plan whose dip is greater than 70° and orientation is NE-SW, which may reflect reactivation of Arroio Grande Shear Zone (ZCAG). Petrographically it is an equigranular medium to large granite, predominantly hypidiomorphic consisting of sieno to monzogranitic, sometimes presenting miarolitic centimetric cavities, which suggest a final positioning in shallow conditions (epizonal) and indicate the presence of fluids to the final stages of crystallization, in addition to rare mafic micaceous enclaves, which may represent a mantle-originated and source of granite material, a molten host rock assimilated by magma or the occurrence of a mixture of magmas. The GCL presents centimetric injections of veins or late albite pockets. The mineral assembly of GCL consists of quartz, alkali feldspar and albite-rich plagioclase. Varieties also occur such as siderophyllite and annite types of biotites, garnets with a prevalence of end-members in almandine and spessartine and subordinate calcic type Fe-pargasite amphibole. Its accessory minerals are apatite, titanite, zircon and opaques. GCL is a rock with acid composition, has metaluminous to weakly peraluminous subalkaline geochemical affinity, with calc-alkaline high-K trend, with high SiO2 level, between 71.60 and 75.95 %, Al2O3 level between 11.00 and 15.00 %, high contents of alkalis, with Na2O values ranging from 1.76 to 4.61 % and 3.8 to 7.36 % and of K2O, low contents of CaO, MgO and MnO, below 1 % and extremely low levels of P2O5, lower than 0.03 %. The occurrence of garnet suggests a highly distinctive character as a result of long fractional crystallization. The multi-element diagrams show enrichment in Rb, Pb, Th, U and K, and depletion in Ba, Nb, Sr, P, Eu and Ti, as well as enrichment of light REE in comparison to heavy REE and a pronounced anomaly in Ba, Sr, Ti and Eu. GCL has I-type highly fractionated magmatism characteristics, from a post-collisional environment, presenting geochemical patterns similar to those of GCH, which allows a correlation between them as segregated liquids from the same source, differentiated by petrological mechanisms such as host rock material assimilation, and fractional crystallization. The magmatic liquid of Capão do Leão, Chasqueiro and Arroio Grande granites, may have its genesis related to the movement of Arroio Grande Shear Zone, which may have caused the lower crust to melt, by adding mantle material and, therefore, being responsible for both the extraction and placing processes and for the referred GCL and GCH's liquids segregation, as for the petrogenesis and emplacement of GAG's liquid.

O granito capão do leão: magmatismo Tipo-I altamente fracionado no sudeste do Cinturão Dom Feliciano, RS

Silva, Rafael Fernandes e January 2016 (has links)
No SE do domínio oriental do Cinturão Dom Feliciano (CDF) o Granito Capão do Leão (GCL) ocorre como dois corpos, norte e sul, encaixados em rochas Pré-Cambrianas do Complexo Pinheiro Machado (CPM) e nos granitos Chasqueiro (GCH) e Arroio Grande (GAG). Os corpos do GCL, tanto o norte quanto o sul, possuem formas elípticas e ocupam áreas de, respectivamente, 200 km2 e 100 km2, apresentando orientação ENE-WSW, sendo dominantemente uma rocha maciça, a qual preserva suas características magmáticas. Zonas centimétricas a métricas de deformação dúctil, principalmente no corpo sul, são observadas gerando rochas miloníticas subverticais, apresentando plano de foliação com mergulho maior que 70° e direção NE-SW que podem refletir reativações da Zona de Cisalhamento Arroio Grande (ZCAG). Petrograficamente é um granito equigranular, médio a grosso, com textura hipidiomórfica predominante, de composição sieno a monzogranítica, apresentando, por vezes, cavidades miarolíticas centimétricas, as quais sugerem um posicionamento final em condições rasas (epizonal) e indicam a presença de fluidos até os estágios finais da cristalização, além de raros enclaves máficos, de composição micácea, os quais podem representar um material de origem mantélica fonte do granito, uma rocha encaixante fundida e assimilada pelo magma ou a ocorrência de uma mistura de magmas. Apresenta injeções centimétricas de veios ou bolsões tardios de aplitos. A assembleia mineral do GCL é constituída de quartzo, feldspato alcalino e plagioclásio do tipo albita. Como varietais ocorrem biotitas, dos tipos siderofilita e anita, granadas, com predomínio de membros finais em almandina e espessartina, e, subordinadamente, anfibólio cálcico do tipo ferro-pargasita. Seus minerais acessórios são apatita, titanita, zircão e opacos. O GCL é uma rocha de composição ácida, tem afinidade geoquímica subalcalina, metaluminosa a fracamente peraluminosa, com tendência cálcio-alcalina alto-K, apresentando elevados teores de SiO2, entre 71,60 e 75,95 %, teores de Al2O3 entre 11,00 e 15,00 %, teores em álcalis elevados, com valores de Na2O oscilando entre 1,76 à 4,61 % e 3,8 até 7,36 % para o K2O, baixos teores em CaO, MgO e MnO, menores que 1% e teores extremamente baixos de P2O5, menores que 0,03 %. A ocorrência de granada sugere um caráter altamente diferenciado, decorrente de longa cristalização fracionada. Os diagramas multielementares mostram enriquecimento em Rb, Pb, Th, U e K, e depleção nos elementos Ba, Nb, Sr, P, Eu e Ti , assim como enriquecimento de ETR leves em relação aos ETR pesados e acentuada anomalia negativa em Ba, Sr, Ti e Eu. O GCL apresenta características de magmatismo tipo-I, com alto fracionamento, de ambiente pós-colisional, apresentando padrões geoquímicos semelhantes ao GCH, os quais permitem correlacioná-los como líquidos segregados de uma mesma fonte, diferenciados por mecanismos petrológicos, tais como assimilação de material encaixante e cristalização fracionada. O líquido magmático dos granitos Capão do Leão, Chasqueiro e Arroio Grande, podem ter sua gênese relacionada a eventos de movimentação da Zona de Cisalhamento Arroio Grande, a qual pode ter causado a fusão da base da crosta, por adição de material mantélico, sendo, portanto, a responsável tanto pelo processo de extração, colocação e da referida segregação dos líquidos do GCL e do GCH, como pela geração e emplaçamento do líquido do GAG. / In the SE of the eastern domain of Dom Feliciano Belt (CDF) the Capão do Leão Granite (GCL) forms two bodies, northern and southern, embedded in Precambrian rocks of the Pinheiro Machado Complex (CPM), Chasqueiro Granite (GCH) and Arroio Grande Granite (GAG). The GCL bodies are elliptically shaped predominantly massive rocks, which preserve their magmatic features, and cover areas of respectively 200 km2 and 100 km2, with ENE-WSW orientation. Centimetric to metric ductile deformation zones, mainly in the south body, are observed causing sub-vertical mylonitic rocks, with foliation plan whose dip is greater than 70° and orientation is NE-SW, which may reflect reactivation of Arroio Grande Shear Zone (ZCAG). Petrographically it is an equigranular medium to large granite, predominantly hypidiomorphic consisting of sieno to monzogranitic, sometimes presenting miarolitic centimetric cavities, which suggest a final positioning in shallow conditions (epizonal) and indicate the presence of fluids to the final stages of crystallization, in addition to rare mafic micaceous enclaves, which may represent a mantle-originated and source of granite material, a molten host rock assimilated by magma or the occurrence of a mixture of magmas. The GCL presents centimetric injections of veins or late albite pockets. The mineral assembly of GCL consists of quartz, alkali feldspar and albite-rich plagioclase. Varieties also occur such as siderophyllite and annite types of biotites, garnets with a prevalence of end-members in almandine and spessartine and subordinate calcic type Fe-pargasite amphibole. Its accessory minerals are apatite, titanite, zircon and opaques. GCL is a rock with acid composition, has metaluminous to weakly peraluminous subalkaline geochemical affinity, with calc-alkaline high-K trend, with high SiO2 level, between 71.60 and 75.95 %, Al2O3 level between 11.00 and 15.00 %, high contents of alkalis, with Na2O values ranging from 1.76 to 4.61 % and 3.8 to 7.36 % and of K2O, low contents of CaO, MgO and MnO, below 1 % and extremely low levels of P2O5, lower than 0.03 %. The occurrence of garnet suggests a highly distinctive character as a result of long fractional crystallization. The multi-element diagrams show enrichment in Rb, Pb, Th, U and K, and depletion in Ba, Nb, Sr, P, Eu and Ti, as well as enrichment of light REE in comparison to heavy REE and a pronounced anomaly in Ba, Sr, Ti and Eu. GCL has I-type highly fractionated magmatism characteristics, from a post-collisional environment, presenting geochemical patterns similar to those of GCH, which allows a correlation between them as segregated liquids from the same source, differentiated by petrological mechanisms such as host rock material assimilation, and fractional crystallization. The magmatic liquid of Capão do Leão, Chasqueiro and Arroio Grande granites, may have its genesis related to the movement of Arroio Grande Shear Zone, which may have caused the lower crust to melt, by adding mantle material and, therefore, being responsible for both the extraction and placing processes and for the referred GCL and GCH's liquids segregation, as for the petrogenesis and emplacement of GAG's liquid.

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