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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desgaste e corrosão de bombas de combustível com misturas de álcool e gasohol. / Wear and corrosion of fuel pumps with alcohol and gasohol fuel blends.

Rovai, Fernando Fusco 04 March 2005 (has links)
O presente trabalho avalia o impacto da utilização de misturas de álcool e gasohol no desgaste e corrosão de bombas elétricas de combustível. / Assessement of alcohol and gasohol fuel blends impact on wear and corrosion of electric fuel pumps.

Standortverteilungen von Tankstellenanlagen

Günther, André 28 July 2014 (has links)
Die geographische Handelsforschung konzentriert sich bei der Betrachtung des Tankstellengewerbes seit den 1990er Jahren vornehmlich auf die Untersuchung der sekundären Geschäftsaktivitäten im Tankstellenshop. Die vorliegende Arbeit rückt die eigentliche Funktion der Tankstellen in den Fokus: Den Verkauf von Kraftstoffen. Anhand der Tankstellen wird untersucht, wie die Standortstruktur derart kostenintensiver Dienstleistungsbetriebe auf innovationsbedingte Veränderungsprozesse reagiert. Dazu wird das Geschäftsfeld zunächst hinsichtlich der auftretenden Betriebsformen untersucht, ein festgelegter Untersuchungsraum wird über eine Zeitspanne von 40 Jahren bezüglich des Auftretens grundlegender Innovationen betrachtet. Die Verbindung der gewonnen Erkenntnisse mit der Auswertung anderer Studien führt zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass bestehende Modelle zur Dynamik des Einzelhandels in diesem Dienstleistungssektor nicht anwendbar sind. Vielmehr kommt es zur Entwicklung einer persistenten Strukturprognose in einem planwirtschaftlichen System und einem spezifischen Modell der Dynamik der Standortstruktur von Tankstellenbetrieben in der Marktwirtschaft. Beide Modelle werden im empirischen Teil geprüft und auf Anwendbarkeit getestet. Die Arbeit schließt mit Erläuterungen zum Einfluss von Innovationen auf die Dynamik der Standortstruktur von Tankstellenbetrieben, weist aber auch explizit darauf hin, dass die gewonnen Erkenntnisse kaum auf andere Dienstleistungsbereiche übertragbar erscheinen. / Since 1990 the retail geography focusses the research at gasoline service stations on secondary business activities in service stores. The present thesis centers on the primary function: The retail of gasoline. The author examines the innovation caused change in the location structure of high investment cost service providers on the basis of gasoline service stations. The business segment will be examined with regard to the type of business; the examined space will be analyzed with focus on the appearance of fundamental innovations during two different periods of political systems. The examined period is 40 years. The link between results and other studies negates the applicability of existing models of the dynamic in the location structure of retail. In fact, the locations structure prognosis is persistent in a state-directed economy. In market economies, the sector differs from others retail segments. Within, the author develops a specific model to explain the dynamic of (gasoline station) location structure in market economies, integrating the sector characteristics. In the empirical part of the paper, both models will be verified. The paper ends by explaining the influence of innovations on the location structure of gasoline service station, limiting the results on this single sector of retail.

Development and application of optical diagnostic techniques for assessing the effects of preferential evaporation of multi-component fuels under engine-relevant conditions / Développement et exploitation de techniques de diagnostics optiques pour la compréhension de l'évaporation de carburants mufti-composants dans les moteurs essence

Itani, Lama 14 December 2015 (has links)
Dans le cadre de cette thèse, une technique de diagnostic optique a été développée pour mesurer simultanément l’évaporation différentielle, la distribution de température, et la concentration massique de fuel dans un jet multi-composant. Cette technique a été examinée dans les conditions d’un moteurs essence. La technique de mesure est basée sur l’utilisation des deux traceurs excités par une seule longueur d’onde.Pour pouvoir examiner l’évaporation différentielle d’un carburant multi-composant, deux traceurs ont été sélectionnés : le p-difluorobenzène et le 1-methylnaphtalène. Ces traceurs reproduisent deux types de volatilité : faible et moyenne à élevée. Les traceurs choisis fluorescent dans deux régions spectrales distinctes ce qui rend l’application de cette technique possible. Une étude photophysique a été menée pour caractériser les deux traceurs, indépendamment puis en mélange, pour différentes conditions de pression, température, et composition du bain gazeux. L’étude photophysique est essentielle pour pouvoir mesurer quantitativement l’évaporation différentielle. Les résultats photophysiques montrent que le spectre du 1-methylnaphthalène est sensible à la température. Cette caractéristique permet de mesurer la distribution en température dans le jet.Les essais ont été réalisés dans une cellule haute pression / haute température, ca-pable de simuler les conditions d’un moteur thermique. Des sprays générés par un injecteur ECN Spray G et un piézo-électrique d’une ouverture annulaire ont été étudiés. Des mesures initiales ont été menées avec chaque traceur pour pouvoir fixer la proportion de mélange des traceurs. La précision de la méthode de mesure a été calculée suivant une configuration de filtres identiques. Ensuite, les champs de tempé-rature calculés par la LIF et ceux déterminés depuis les champs de concentration massique, ont été comparés. Les résultats démontrent que la température est homo-gène ce qui signifie que les mesures d’évaporation différentielle n’ont pas influencé par la distribution de température dans le jet.Les images obtenues en détectant les signaux depuis le mélange de traceurs ont permis de localiser l’évaporation différentielle. Une variation en distribution spatiale des composants est observée 550–600 K. Cet effet disparaît en augmentant la température, ce qui explique que l’évaporation est plus rapide à haute température. La localisation de l’évaporation différentielle varie avec le type d’injecteur. La géométrie du nez ainsi que la structure du jet a donc un impact sur la formation du mélange. / A non-intrusive quantitative laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) technique capable of simultaneously measuring preferential evaporation, temperature distribution, and fuel-mass concentration across a multi-component vaporized spray has been developed and investigated under engine-relevant conditions. The measurement technique is based on two-tracer LIF with single wavelength excitation.To assess preferential evaporation, a tracer pair with suitable co-evaporation and spectral properties was selected based on vapor-liquid equilibrium calculations repre-sentative for gasoline fuels. Evaporation studies have shown that one tracer (p-difluoro-benzene) co-evaporates with the high-to-medium-volatility end of the multi-component fuel while the other (1-methylnaphthalene) co-evaporates with the low-volatility end. For quantitative measurements the photophysical properties of both tracers (each tracer separately and the combined tracers) were determined under a wide range of pressure, temperature, and bath-gas composition conditions. 1-methylnaphthalene LIF shows a strong red-shift with temperature which enables measurements of the temperature distribution across the spray.Spray evaporation and vapor mixing experiments were performed in a high-pressure high-temperature vessel capable of simulating in-cylinder conditions. An ECN Spray-G and a piezo-electric outward opening injector were used in this study. Initial measure-ments were carried out with each tracer added separately to the fuel to assess signal cross-talk and to determine the best tracer concentrations. Once the proportions were determined, accuracy and precision of the method were determined from the LIF-signal ratio of spray images within identical spectral bands. Temperature fields, obtained by two-color 1-methylnaphthalene LIF and derived from fuel concentration maps based on the assumption of adiabatic evaporation, were examined for inhomogeneities in the area of interest since fluctuations potentially influence the two-color method. It was shown that the temperature is homogeneous in the measurement volume.To localize preferential evaporation, two-color two-tracer LIF images were evaluated. Taking into account the measurement accuracy and precision, variations in the spatial distribution of the fuel volatility classes were observed for 550–600 K. At higher tem-peratures, the effect is less pronounced, which is consistent with the fact that evapora-tion is faster. The localization of preferential evaporation varied with each injector used indicating the impact of injector nozzle geometry and jet structure on mixture formation. / Eine berührungsfreies quantitatives Verfahren auf Basis von laserinduzierter Fluoreszenz (LIF) wurde entwickelt, um simultan präferenzielle Verdampfung, Temperaturverteilung und Kraftstoffkonzentration im verdampften Bereich eines Mehrkomponenten-Kraftstoffsprays unter motorrelevanten Bedingungen zu messen. Verfahren beruht auf Zwei-tracer-LIF mit Anregungmit einem Laser.Es wurde ein Tracer-Paar mit geeigneten Verdampfungs- und spektralen Eigenschaften auf Basis von Dampf-Flüssigkeits-Gleichgewichtsrechnungen für Otto-Kraftstoffe ausgewählt. Verdampfungsmessungen haben gezeigt, dass ein Tracer (p-Difluorbenzol) gleichzeitig mit dem mittel- und höherflüchtigen Siedeklassen verdampft, während der andere (1-Methylnaphthalin) den schwerflüchtigen Komponentenfolgt. Für quantitative Messungen wurden die photophysikalischen Eigenschaften beider Tracer (einzeln und als Kombination) in einem weiten Bereich von Druck, Temperatur und Gaszusammensetzung bestimmt. 1-Methylnaphthalin-LIF zeigt eine starke Rotverschiebung mit der Temperatur, die Messungen der Temperaturverteilung ermöglicht. Es wurde ein Tracer-Paar mit geeigneten Verdampfungs- und spektralen Eigenschaften auf Basis von Dampf-Flüssigkeits-Gleichgewichtsrechnungen für Otto-Kraftstoffe ausgewählt. Verdampfungsmessungen haben gezeigt, dass ein Tracer (p-Difluorbenzol) gleichzeitig mit dem mittel- und höherflüchtigen Siedeklassen verdampft, während der andere (1-Methylnaphthalin) den schwerflüchtigen Komponentenfolgt. Für quantitative Messungen wurden die photophysikalischen Eigenschaften beider Tracer (einzeln und als Kombination) in einem weiten Bereich von Druck, Temperatur und Gaszusammensetzung bestimmt. 1-Methylnaphthalin-LIF zeigt eine starke Rotverschiebungmit der Temperatur, die Messungen der Temperaturverteilung ermöglicht.

Atuação de equipes de atendimento emergencial em vazamentos de combustíveis em postos e sistemas retalhistas / Actions taken by emergency teams in fuel leaks at gas stations and retailing systems

Gouveia, Jorge Luiz Nobre 14 December 2004 (has links)
Introdução. Acidentes ambientais envolvendo vazamentos de combustíveis automotivos em Postos e Sistemas Retalhistas no Estado de São Paulo, representam 9,6% (522) do total de acidentes ambientais registrados (5.413), no CADAC - Cadastro de Acidentes Ambientais da Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental - CETESB, de 1978 a 2003. Dentre as inúmeras razões para explicar o crescente aumento dessas ocorrências, nos últimos anos, destaca-se o envelhecimento de tanques, tubulações e acessórios. A realização de uma avaliação rápida por parte das equipes de atendimento à emergência é fundamental para identificar os eventuais riscos de explosão e de efeitos adversos à saúde pública, bem como para a identificação da(s) fonte(s) causadora(s) do problema. Objetivo. Definir os procedimentos técnicos e os recursos humanos e materiais necessários bem como a seqüência de ações a serem executadas por equipes de atendimento emergencial nos vazamentos e/ou derramamentos de combustíveis automotivos em postos e sistemas retalhistas. Metodologia. A metodologia empregada nesse trabalho é do tipo descritiva, desenvolvida a partir da pesquisa bibliográfica, em agências ambientais nacionais e internacionais, catálogos de fabricantes de equipamentos portáteis de detecção de gases e vapores tóxicos e inflamáveis, normas técnicas internacionais sobre vazamentos de substâncias líquidas inflamáveis e de práticas recomendáveis para atendimento envolvendo materiais perigosos, bem como da experiência do autor em doze anos de atuação como químico do Setor de Operações de Emergência da CETESB. Resultados. A definição da seqüência mínima de ações, dos recursos humanos e materiais, dos procedimentos técnicos a serem adotados no atendimento emergencial de vazamentos de combustíveis automotivos e a consolidação dessas informações na forma de um protocolo. Conclusões. Este protocolo apresenta-se como um instrumento importante para garantir eficiência dos atendimentos emergenciais, não apenas minimizando os riscos para a saúde da população do entorno destes empreendimentos, como também os danos ambientais decorrentes e os custos envolvidos nas operações de emergência. / Introduction: Environmental accidents involving leakage of automotive fuels at Gas Stations and Retailing Systems in the State of São Paulo account for 9.6% (522) of the total number of registered environmental accidents (5,413), according to CADAC - Environmental Accidents Register of the Environmental Sanitation Technology Company (CETESB) in the period between 1978 and 2003. Among the spate of reasons to explain the increase in these occurrences over the past few years, the aging of tanks, tubings and accessories stands out. A rapid evaluation by the teams which attend to emergencies is fundamental in the identification of eventual risks of explosions and adverse effects on public health, as well as the identification of the causative source(s) of the problem. Objective: To define the technical procedures, human resources and necessary materials, as well as the sequence of actions to be executed by teams for emergency response to accidents involving leakage and/or spillage of automotive fuels at gas stations and retaliling systems. Methodology: The methodology employed in this work is of the descriptive type, developed from bibliographic research at national and international environmental agencies, catalogues of manufacturers of portable toxic and inflammable gases and vapors detectors, international technical norms on leakages of various liquid and flammable substances and from practices recommended for the attending to hazardous materials, as well as the author\'s twelve years of experience in action as a chemist for the Emergency Operations Sector of CETESB. Results: The definition of the minimum sequence of actions, the human resources and materials, the technical procedures to be followed in response to emergency in automotive fuel leakage and the consolidation of this information in a protocol. Conclusions. This protocol is an important instrument in guaranteeing a better efficiency in these emergency responses, not only minimizing the risks to public health upon the failure of these ventures, but also the resulting environmental damage and involved costs in the emergency operation.

The dynamics of technological catching-up : the case of Iran’s gas turbine industry

Majidpour, Mehdi January 2011 (has links)
Today, fostering gas-fired power plants is recognised as a significant step towards a low-carbon economy. Gas fired-power plants are favoured over other types of fossil-fuelled power plants due to their various advantages, including lower emissions, flexibility of technology, higher efficiency, short construction times and lower capital investment. The gas turbine is the main machine and the most technologically advanced part of a gas-fired power plant. There have been a limited number of companies in industrialised countries that have developed these sophisticated technologies over the last 50 years. The global market for land-based gas turbines has an oligopolistic structure. The evolution of these technologies has been greatly influenced by countries' government policies, and in particular energy policies. In this light, one question is: to what extent have industrialising countries built their technological capabilities in gas turbines? Consequently, one focus of interest here is the way in which, and the extent to which, industrialising countries have synthesised their indigenous technology development efforts with overseas technology inflows. Countries such as Iran, India and China, which have large and growing domestic electricity markets, are appropriate candidates for research in order to understand the possible technological gaps and associated dynamics between the industrialised and industrialising worlds. To answer these questions, this thesis research deals with Iran's gas turbine industry and, for the first time, systematically examines this industry in the context of a developing country. The study delves deeply into the dynamics of interactions between indigenous technology development and overseas technology inflows. It casts light upon the influences, challenges, and difficulties associated with technological catching-up processes. The framework of the analysis is based on an extensive literature review on technological catch-up, the substitution/complementarity debate, and the gas turbine industry. The framework was operationalized through qualitative interviews as well as supplementary documents. The thesis uses a ‘dynamic approach', and argues that understanding the interaction processes cannot be reduced to examining only the type of relationship between the two technology sources. Instead, far more attention needs to be devoted to analysing the complexity and associated influences on this relationship. The thesis also provides empirical insights into the development of gas turbine capabilities in India and China, the two largest emerging economies. It reveals that a high level of state involvement in developing countries is a prominent feature of the industry. It also demonstrates that the evolution of the industry also in both developed and developing countries is closely interrelated with each country's national energy policies.

Um estudo da adaptabilidade dos sistemas eletrônicos de controle de malha fechada pelo sensor de oxigênio de motores ciclo Otto à gasolina ao receber álcool etílico hidratado como combustível alternativo / not available

Armando José Dal Bem 19 September 2003 (has links)
Traz um histórico da utilização do álcool como combustível no Brasil, mostrando suas vantagens ambientais, sociais e econômicas. Apresenta as propriedades físico-químicas do álcool etílico anidro e hidratado e suas reações de combustão, enfatizando a razão ar/combustível e comparando-o com a gasolina pura e a gasolina comercial brasileira. Utiliza as teorias existentes sobre motores de combustão interna quatro tempos, para demonstrar a influência da adição progressiva de álcool etílico hidratado na gasolina sobre o rendimento, torque, potência e consumo em um motor a gasolina. Utiliza o mesmo procedimento de análise para determinar a influência sobre os itens citados anteriormente, em um motor a gasolina operando com álcool etílico hidratado, sem sofrer alteração da taxa de compressão. Analisa a miscibilidade de misturas álcool etílico hidratado e gasolina. Descreve e analisa os resultados experimentais de rendimento, torque, potência e consumo de um motor a gasolina com sistema eletrônico de controle digital, operando com variadas proporções de mistura álcool etílico hidratado e gasolina, sem alteração de suas características originais. Repete o experimento anterior para o motor operando com álcool etílico hidratado com alteração das características originais da EPROM do sistema de controle eletrônico. / A historical approach to alcohol application as a fuel in Brazil is given, showing its environmental advantages and disadvantages. Physic-chemical properties of hydrous and anhydrous ethylic alcohol are presented, as well as its combustion reactions, emphasizing the ratio air/fuel and comparing it to pure gasoline and Brazilian commercial gasoline. Utilizes the existing theories about internal combustion motors in four times, to demonstrate the influence of progressive addition of hydrous ethylic alcohol in gasoline upon efficiency, torque, potency and consumption in a gasoline motor. Utilizes the same analysis procedure to determine the influence upon the previously cited items, in a gasoline motor, operating with hydrated ethylic alcohol, without suffering a compression rate alteration. Analyzes the miscibility of hydrous ethylic alcohol and gasoline mixture. Describes and analyzes experimental results of efficiency, torque, potency and consumption of a gasoline motor with a digitally controlled electric system, operating with varied proportions of hydrous ethylic alcohol and gasoline mixture, with no alteration in its original characteristics. Repeats the previous experiment with a motor operating with hydrous ethylic alcohol with alterations of the original characteristics in the electric control system EPROM.

Atuação de equipes de atendimento emergencial em vazamentos de combustíveis em postos e sistemas retalhistas / Actions taken by emergency teams in fuel leaks at gas stations and retailing systems

Jorge Luiz Nobre Gouveia 14 December 2004 (has links)
Introdução. Acidentes ambientais envolvendo vazamentos de combustíveis automotivos em Postos e Sistemas Retalhistas no Estado de São Paulo, representam 9,6% (522) do total de acidentes ambientais registrados (5.413), no CADAC - Cadastro de Acidentes Ambientais da Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental - CETESB, de 1978 a 2003. Dentre as inúmeras razões para explicar o crescente aumento dessas ocorrências, nos últimos anos, destaca-se o envelhecimento de tanques, tubulações e acessórios. A realização de uma avaliação rápida por parte das equipes de atendimento à emergência é fundamental para identificar os eventuais riscos de explosão e de efeitos adversos à saúde pública, bem como para a identificação da(s) fonte(s) causadora(s) do problema. Objetivo. Definir os procedimentos técnicos e os recursos humanos e materiais necessários bem como a seqüência de ações a serem executadas por equipes de atendimento emergencial nos vazamentos e/ou derramamentos de combustíveis automotivos em postos e sistemas retalhistas. Metodologia. A metodologia empregada nesse trabalho é do tipo descritiva, desenvolvida a partir da pesquisa bibliográfica, em agências ambientais nacionais e internacionais, catálogos de fabricantes de equipamentos portáteis de detecção de gases e vapores tóxicos e inflamáveis, normas técnicas internacionais sobre vazamentos de substâncias líquidas inflamáveis e de práticas recomendáveis para atendimento envolvendo materiais perigosos, bem como da experiência do autor em doze anos de atuação como químico do Setor de Operações de Emergência da CETESB. Resultados. A definição da seqüência mínima de ações, dos recursos humanos e materiais, dos procedimentos técnicos a serem adotados no atendimento emergencial de vazamentos de combustíveis automotivos e a consolidação dessas informações na forma de um protocolo. Conclusões. Este protocolo apresenta-se como um instrumento importante para garantir eficiência dos atendimentos emergenciais, não apenas minimizando os riscos para a saúde da população do entorno destes empreendimentos, como também os danos ambientais decorrentes e os custos envolvidos nas operações de emergência. / Introduction: Environmental accidents involving leakage of automotive fuels at Gas Stations and Retailing Systems in the State of São Paulo account for 9.6% (522) of the total number of registered environmental accidents (5,413), according to CADAC - Environmental Accidents Register of the Environmental Sanitation Technology Company (CETESB) in the period between 1978 and 2003. Among the spate of reasons to explain the increase in these occurrences over the past few years, the aging of tanks, tubings and accessories stands out. A rapid evaluation by the teams which attend to emergencies is fundamental in the identification of eventual risks of explosions and adverse effects on public health, as well as the identification of the causative source(s) of the problem. Objective: To define the technical procedures, human resources and necessary materials, as well as the sequence of actions to be executed by teams for emergency response to accidents involving leakage and/or spillage of automotive fuels at gas stations and retaliling systems. Methodology: The methodology employed in this work is of the descriptive type, developed from bibliographic research at national and international environmental agencies, catalogues of manufacturers of portable toxic and inflammable gases and vapors detectors, international technical norms on leakages of various liquid and flammable substances and from practices recommended for the attending to hazardous materials, as well as the author\'s twelve years of experience in action as a chemist for the Emergency Operations Sector of CETESB. Results: The definition of the minimum sequence of actions, the human resources and materials, the technical procedures to be followed in response to emergency in automotive fuel leakage and the consolidation of this information in a protocol. Conclusions. This protocol is an important instrument in guaranteeing a better efficiency in these emergency responses, not only minimizing the risks to public health upon the failure of these ventures, but also the resulting environmental damage and involved costs in the emergency operation.

Modelagem de motores a combustão interna com tecnologia FLEX. / Internal combustion flex engine modeling.

Marcos Henrique Carvalho Silva 19 January 2018 (has links)
A modelagem de motores a combustão interna deve grande parte de sua importância ao uso de unidades de controle eletrônicas que buscam gerenciar as funções do motor. De forma a fornecer melhor suporte para o projetista de controle, a modelagem oferece informações que servem de planta, sobre a qual estratégias de controle serão desenvolvidas. Nesta dissertação, procurou-se estudar e modelar cinco fenômenos: a admissão de ar e de combustível, a produção de energia efetiva através da combustão, a evolução térmica do motor e o comportamento dos gases no sistema de exaustão. Investigou-se também, em todos estes fenômenos, a influência do uso de composição variada gasolina/etanol. Na admissão de ar, buscou-se estudar como a abertura da válvula borboleta e a velocidade do motor influenciam no fluxo de ar admitido, ponderando esta grandeza através de um fator de correção denominado eficiência volumétrica. Na admissão de combustível, no caso modelada para motores com injeção indireta na porta, procurou-se explanar quantitativamente sobre os diversos aspectos que influenciam a evaporação do combustível. Na geração de energia útil, priorizou-se a análise de como as características do motor e da combustão afetam a produção de torque. Na evolução térmica do motor, examinaram-se os principais fluxos energéticos do motor e os aspectos que os influenciam. Ademais, foram executadas as validações dos modelos levantados para o motor EA 111 VHT 1.6l. Os resultados, com seus respectivos erros, podem ser encontrados neste trabalho. / The internal combustion engine modeling owes big part of its importance to the use of electronic control units that aim to manage the engine functions. To provide better support to the control designer, the modeling offers information that can compose the plant, on which control strategies will be developed. In this master thesis, it was sought to study and to model five phenomena: the air intake and the fuel admission, the effective energy production from the combustion, the engine thermic evolution and the gas behavior in the exhaust system. It was also considered how the influence of the gasoline/ethanol varied composition affects all these phenomena. In the air intake, it was studied how the butterfly valve opening and the engine speed influence the intake air flow, pondering this variable through a correction factor named volumetric efficiency. In the fuel admission, in the case of this study modelled for port-fuel injection engines, it was attempted to explain quantitatively the many aspects that influence the fuel evaporation. In the mechanical energy generation, it was prioritized the analysis about how the engine and combustion characteristics affect the torque production. In the engine thermic evolution, it was examined the major energy flows and the aspects that influence them. Also, the validations of the models raised for the EA 111 VHT 1.6l engine were executed. The results, with its respective errors, can be found in this work.

Um estudo da adaptabilidade dos sistemas eletrônicos de controle de malha fechada pelo sensor de oxigênio de motores ciclo Otto à gasolina ao receber álcool etílico hidratado como combustível alternativo / not available

Dal Bem, Armando José 19 September 2003 (has links)
Traz um histórico da utilização do álcool como combustível no Brasil, mostrando suas vantagens ambientais, sociais e econômicas. Apresenta as propriedades físico-químicas do álcool etílico anidro e hidratado e suas reações de combustão, enfatizando a razão ar/combustível e comparando-o com a gasolina pura e a gasolina comercial brasileira. Utiliza as teorias existentes sobre motores de combustão interna quatro tempos, para demonstrar a influência da adição progressiva de álcool etílico hidratado na gasolina sobre o rendimento, torque, potência e consumo em um motor a gasolina. Utiliza o mesmo procedimento de análise para determinar a influência sobre os itens citados anteriormente, em um motor a gasolina operando com álcool etílico hidratado, sem sofrer alteração da taxa de compressão. Analisa a miscibilidade de misturas álcool etílico hidratado e gasolina. Descreve e analisa os resultados experimentais de rendimento, torque, potência e consumo de um motor a gasolina com sistema eletrônico de controle digital, operando com variadas proporções de mistura álcool etílico hidratado e gasolina, sem alteração de suas características originais. Repete o experimento anterior para o motor operando com álcool etílico hidratado com alteração das características originais da EPROM do sistema de controle eletrônico. / A historical approach to alcohol application as a fuel in Brazil is given, showing its environmental advantages and disadvantages. Physic-chemical properties of hydrous and anhydrous ethylic alcohol are presented, as well as its combustion reactions, emphasizing the ratio air/fuel and comparing it to pure gasoline and Brazilian commercial gasoline. Utilizes the existing theories about internal combustion motors in four times, to demonstrate the influence of progressive addition of hydrous ethylic alcohol in gasoline upon efficiency, torque, potency and consumption in a gasoline motor. Utilizes the same analysis procedure to determine the influence upon the previously cited items, in a gasoline motor, operating with hydrated ethylic alcohol, without suffering a compression rate alteration. Analyzes the miscibility of hydrous ethylic alcohol and gasoline mixture. Describes and analyzes experimental results of efficiency, torque, potency and consumption of a gasoline motor with a digitally controlled electric system, operating with varied proportions of hydrous ethylic alcohol and gasoline mixture, with no alteration in its original characteristics. Repeats the previous experiment with a motor operating with hydrous ethylic alcohol with alterations of the original characteristics in the electric control system EPROM.

Analysis of Alternative Fuels in Automotive Powertrains

Gunnarsson, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
<p>The awareness of the effect emissions have on the environment and climate has risen in the last decades. This has caused strict regulations of greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gases cause global warming which may have devastating environmental effects. Most of the fuels commercially available today are fossil fuels. There are two major effects of using fuels with fossil origin; the source will eventually drain and the usage results in an increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Fuels that are created from a renewable feedstock are often referred to as alternative fuels and under ideal conditions they are greenhouse gas neutral, meaning that the same amount of greenhouse gases is released during combustion as the source of the fuel have absorbed during its growth period. This evaluation method is known as a well-to-wheel analysis which besides emissions also evaluates energy efficiencies during both the production and the combustion phases.</p><p>By evaluating results of well-to-wheel analyses along with fuel properties and engine concept characteristics, this report presents which driving scenario that is suitable for different powertrain configurations. For example, vehicles operating in high populated areas, as cities, have a driving scenario that includes low velocities and multiple stops while vehicles in low populated areas often travel long distances in higher speeds. This implies that different powertrains are suitable in different regions. By matching favorable properties of a certain powertrain to the properties important to the actual driving scenario this report evolves a fuel infrastructure that is suitable in Sweden.</p>

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