Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gauge"" "subject:"jauge""
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Non-planar Ads/CFT from group representation theorySmith, Stephanie 12 June 2014 (has links)
In this thesis we explore certain limits of the AdS/CFT correspondence for
integrability. This is done by calculating the action of the dilatation operator
on operators known as restricted Schur polynomials, which are AdS/CFT
dual to D3-branes known as giant gravitons. We focus on operators in N =
4 super-Yang-Mills theory, which is dual to type IIB string theory on an
AdS5×S5 background. We find that, in various cases, this theory is integrable
in a large N non-planar limit.
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Gauge-gravity duality at finite NTarrant, Justine Alecia 12 June 2014 (has links)
Recently it has been shown that N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory is integrable in the planar
limit. Past arguments suggest the integrability is only present in the planar limit. However,
this conclusion was shown to be incorrect. Two speci c classes of operators were studied in the O(N) sector. The rst were labelled by Young diagrams having two long columns.
The second were labelled by Young diagrams having two long rows. This result was then
generalized to p long rows or columns with p xed to be O(1) as N ! 1. For this case, the
non-planar limit was found to be integrable. In this dissertation, we extend this work by
considering p to be O(N). We have calculated the dilation operator for the case with two
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Gauge/gravity duality at finite NMohammed, Badr Awad Elseid 29 July 2013 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the
degree of Doctor of Philosophy. March 2013. / In the past decade, the gauge/gravity duality has been extensively explored
in the large N limit. In particular, the spectrum of anomalous dimensions have
been compared with the energy spectrum of the dual string theory showing
remarkable agreement. In this limit, for operators with a bare dimension of
order 1, planar diagrams give the leading contribution to the anomalous dimension.
To obtain the anomalous dimensions, one needs to diagonalize the
dilatation operator. One of the methods used to accomplish this is integrability.
This allows an exact computation of the spectrum of the anomalous
dimensions. There is by now a great deal of evidence that N = 4 supersymmetric
Yang-Mills (SYM) theory and N = 6 superconformal Chern Simons
(ABJ(M)) theory are integrable in the planar limit.
In this thesis we probe the gauge gravity duality at finite N using novel tools
developed from the representation theory of symmetric and unitary groups.
We start by studying the action of the nonplanar dilatation operator of N = 4
SYM theory and ABJ(M) theory. The gauge invariant operators we consider
are the restricted Schur polynomials. In the case of N = 4 SYM theory, we
obtain the spectrum of the anomalous dimension beyond the SU(2) sector
at one loop, and in the SU(2) sector at two loops. In both cases, we obtain
the spectrum at arbitrary (finite) N. We then obtain the spectrum of
anomalous dimensions in the SU(2) sector of ABJ(M) theory at two loops.
The class of gauge invariant operators we consider have classical dimension
of order O(N). In both theories, the spectrum of the anomalous dimensions
reduces to a set of decoupled harmonic oscillators at large N. This indicates,
for the first time, that N = 4 SYM theory and ABJ(M) theory exhibit nonplanar
integrability. We expect to recover non-perturbative quantum gravity
effects, from the gauge/gravity duality, when N is finite. The non-planar integrability
we discover here may play an important role in finite N studies of the
gauge/gravity duality, and hence may play an important role in understanding
non-perturbative string stringy physics. In addition, we study various classes
of correlators in ABJ(M) theory. In this context, we derive extremal n-point
correlators in ABJ(M) theory and we probe the giant graviton dynamics in
these theories.
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The simplest gauge-string dualityNkumane, Lwazi Khethukuthula January 2015 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Science in
ful lment of the academic requirements of the degree of Master of Science.
Johannesburg, 2015. / The gauge/gravity correspondence is a conjectured exact duality between quantum eld
theories and theories of quantum gravity. A very simple gauge/string duality, claims an
equivalence between the Gaussian matrix model and the topological A-model string theory
on P1. In this dissertation we study this duality, proposing concrete operators in the
matrix model that are dual to gravitational descendants of the puncture operator of the
topological string theory. We test our proposal by showing that a large number of matrix
model correlators are in complete agreement with correlators in the dual topological
string theory. Contact term interactions, as proposed by Gopakumar and Pius, play an
interesting and non-trivial role in the duality.
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Non-perturbative string theory from the gauge/gravity correspondenceGraham, Stuart 29 January 2015 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of requirements for the degree of Master of Science. Johannesburg, 30.09.2014. / ABSTRACT
In this dissertation we study the action of the one loop dilatation operator on operators
with a classical dimension of order N. We consider the su(3) and su(2) sectors. The
operators in the su(3) sector are constructed using three complex fields X, Y and Z, while
operators in the su(2) sector are constructed from only the two complex fields Y and Z. For
the operators in these sectors non-planar diagrams contribute already at the leading order
in N and the planar and large N limits are distinct.
Although the spectrum of anomalous dimensions in su(3) has been computed for this class
of operators, previous studies have neglected certain terms which were argued to be small.
After dropping these terms diagonalizing the dilatation operator reduces to diagonalizing
a set of decoupled oscillators. In this dissertation we explicitly compute the terms which
were neglected previously and show that diagonalizing the dilatation operator still reduces
to diagonalizing a set of decoupled oscillators.
In the su(2) sector the action of the one loop and the two loop dilatation operator reduces
to a set of decoupled oscillators and factorizes into an action on the Z fields and an action on
the Y fields. Direct computation has shown that the action on the Y fields is the same at one
and two loops. In this dissertation, using the su(2) symmetry algebra as well as structural
features of field theory, we give compelling evidence that the factor in the dilatation operator
that acts on the Y s is given by the one loop expression, at any loop order.
I hereby declare that the content of this dissertation is based on my following original
• R. de Mello Koch, S. Graham and W. Mabanga, “Subleading corrections to the Double
Coset Ansatz preserve integrability” (2013) [arXiv:1312.6230v1 [hep-th]]
• R. de Mello Koch, S. Graham and I. Messamah, “Higher Loop Nonplanar Anomalous
Dimensions from Symmetry” (2013) [arXiv:1312.6227v1 [hep-th]].
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An investigation of the tensile, compressive and interfacial properties of carbon fibres using Laser Raman SpectroscopyMelanitis, Nikolaos January 1991 (has links)
Laser Raman Spectroscopy (LRS) has been employed to characterise the structure of carbon fibres, the effect of surface treatment and the response of the material to externally applied loads. The strain sensitivity provided a unique relationship between the applied strain and the Raman frequency for each type of fibre, termed as the Raman Frequency Gauge Factor. After examining a wide range of fibres, of various Young's moduli and various manufacturing routes, it was concluded that both tensile and compressive properties of carbon fibres can be improved by controlling the fibre morphology during manufacture. This morphological control seems to achieve its objectives by reducing the skin-core effect in the fibre structure. The result of such an alteration can be detected in tension by the increase of the initial fibre modulus and in compression, by the absence of premature catastrophic type of failure. Nevertheless, non-linear stress-strain phenomena seem to be a permanent feature of all carbon fibres and the significant modulus softening in compression appears to determine the limits of the fibre compressive strength. The load transfer mechanism at the carbon fibre/epoxy resin interface has been subsequently investigated during the fibre fragmentation process in a single fibre model composite. The fibre strain distribution along the fibre fragments has been derived through the Raman spectrum of the fibre and its Raman Frequency Gauge Factor. In turn, the interfacial shear stress distribution has been evaluated using a simple balance of forces model. The maximum shear stress, allowed to develop at the f ibre/matrix interface, has been considered as a reasonable estimate of its interfacial strength. It was concluded that both the fibre surface treatment and the use of a lower modulus filament can increase the system's interfacial strength, reduce debonding propagation and withhold the interfacial yielding in the vicinity of the fibre discontinuities.
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Duality methods and the tensor renormalization group: applications to quantum simulationUnmuth-Yockey, Judah Francis 01 August 2017 (has links)
This thesis describes the duality methods used in the tensor renormalization group method and their application to quantum simulation with cold atoms in optical lattices. Here we consider specifically the O(2) and O(3) nonlinear sigma models in two dimensions, as well as the Abelian Higgs model in two dimensions. We give numerical results from the tensor renormalization group and comparisons with other numerical methods for all three models. We give proposals for possible experimental methods with which these models could be simulated using cold atoms trapped in optical lattices as is done in ongoing experiments.
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A FM-CW microwave radar for rainfall applicationsKemp, Matthew James 01 May 2012 (has links)
Previous works have validated the concept of a microwave rain gauge that operates as follows. With a microwave Doppler motion sensor, the Doppler shift created by falling rain drops is measured. One can then relate the corresponding fall velocity to rain rate. However, the available Doppler motion sensors are lacking in several aspects. Here we address the important electronic design and signal processing considerations related to a microwave-based rain gauge.
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Fisher's zeros in lattice gauge theoryDu, Daping 01 July 2011 (has links)
In this thesis, we study the Fisher's zeros in lattice gauge theory. The analysis of singularities in the complex coupling plane is an important tool to understand the critical phenomena of statistical models. The Fisher's zero structure characterizes the scaling properties of the underlying models and has a strong influence on the complex renormalization group transformation flows in the region away from both the strong and weak coupling regimes. By reconstructing the density of states, we try to develop a systematical method to investigate these singularities and we apply the method to SU(2) and U(1) lattice gauge models with a Wilson action in the fundamental representation. We first take the perturbative approach. By using the saddle point approximation, we construct the series expansions of the density of states in both of the strong and weak regimes from the strong and weak coupling expansions of the free energy density. We analyze the SU(2) and U(1) models. The expansions in the strong and weak regimes for the two models indicate both possess finite radii of convergence, suggesting the existence of complex singularities. We then perform the numerical calculations. We use Monte Carlo simulations to construct the numerical density of states of the SU(2) and U(1) models. We also discuss the convergence of the Ferrenberg-Swendsen's method which we use for the SU(2) model and propose a practical method to find the initial values that improve the convergence of the iterations. The strong and weak series expansions are in good agreement with the numerical results in their respective limits. The numerical calculations also enable the discussion of the finite volume effects which are important to the weak expansion. We calculate the Fisher's zeros of the SU(2) and U(1) models at various volumes using the numerical entropy density functions. We compare different methods of locating the zeros. By the assumption of validity of the saddle point approximation, we find that the roots of the second derivative of the entropy density function have an interesting relation with the actual zeros and may possibly reveal the scaling property of the zeros. Using the analytic approximation of the numerical density of states, we are able to locate the Fisher's zeros of the SU(2) and U(1) models. The zeros of the SU(2) stabilize at a distance from the real axis, which is compatible with the scenario that a crossover instead of a phase transition is expected in the infinite volume limit. In contrast, with the precise determination of the locations of Fisher's zeros for the U(1) model at smaller lattice sizes L=4, 6 and 8, we show that the imaginary parts of the zeros decrease with a power law of L-3.07 and pinch the real axis at β= 1.01134, which agrees with results using other methods. Preliminary results at larger volumes indicate a first-order transition in the infinite volume limit.
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Tensor renormalization group methods for spin and gauge modelsZou, Haiyuan 01 July 2014 (has links)
The analysis of the error of perturbative series by comparing it to the exact solution is an important tool to understand the non-perturbative physics of statistical models. For some toy models, a new method can be used to calculate higher order weak coupling expansion and modified perturbation theory can be constructed. However, it is nontrivial to generalize the new method to understand the critical behavior of high dimensional spin and gauge models. Actually, it is a big challenge in both high energy physics and condensed matter physics to develop accurate and efficient numerical algorithms to solve these problems. In this thesis, one systematic way named tensor renormalization group method is discussed. The applications of the method to several spin and gauge models on a lattice are investigated. theoretically, the new method allows one to write an exact representation of the partition function of models with local interactions. E.g. O(N) models, Z2 gauge models and U(1) gauge models. Practically, by using controllable approximations, results in both finite volume and the thermodynamic limit can be obtained. Another advantage of the new method is that it is insensitive to sign problems for models with complex coupling and chemical potential. Through the new approach, the Fisher's zeros of the 2D O(2) model in the complex coupling plane can be calculated and the finite size scaling of the results agrees well with the Kosterlitz-Thouless assumption. Applying the method to the O(2) model with a chemical potential, new phase diagram of the models can be obtained. The structure of the tensor language may provide a new tool to understand phase transition properties in general.
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