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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of Gender Equity Law¡GArgumentation between Patriarchy and Feminism

Ching, Li-ching 10 February 2007 (has links)
The substance of this thesis is going to conduct Feminism into the research of female labor situation and current equal rights between two sexes through demonstration of Patriarchy and Feminism. To solve the straits and situation of female labor under the collusion of Patriarchy and Capitalism after analyzed the comparison of Feminism Legal Research and related references. Further, to expect our government can implement actually the equal rights between two sexes. When we discovered successfully the equal rights between two sexes in advanced countries, which have included all levels, the fluctuations of equal rights between both sexes are predominated by our Patriarchy government that cannot realize the core of female demand. And also any kind of protection strategies separated in different laws so result in much disadvantages and conflicts. Furthermore, the females suffer from unfair dual treatments of labor market and no-pay labor in domestic chores because of the logic of labor force and class construction, which are formed by conventional Patriarchy values and capitalism. In job market, the females have to face up to the traits of sexual discrimination, informally payment, sex harassment, pregnancy prevention, re-employee, personalize child care, and lack of female protection. However, under the backgrounds of political and economical structures and the pressure of interpretation of law made by the Grand Justice the woman movements were springing up lately and to supervise government to establish Gender Equality in Employment Law in accordance with the bases of the legal principles, so as to achieve the goal of implementing the equal rights for both sexes. The problems of Patriarchy have been broken progressively by Gender Equality in Employment Law and Sexual Harassment Prevention Law, in which include forbiddance of sexual discrimination employment equality, and sexual harassment prevention. It does not only integrate and make up lack of equal rights between two sexes by past, but also transform the ¡§Female Protection¡¨, which was forbidden by Patriarchy, to ¡§Gender Equality¡¨. Moreover, try to make reasonable for sexual discrimination and to achieve the purpose of gender equality. Although we have discovered actual situation that still not implement overall in our society, gender equality has changed and adjusted. Thus, to realize the gender subject is mutual responsibility and concept of two sexes, enterprises, and government. In a word, under the demonstration of Patriarchy and Feminism we disclose that the cultural hegemony and collusion of Patriarchy and Capitalism are the key points of obstructing the practice of equal rights for both sexes. Women groups have realized the idea of Feminism by means of Gender Equality in Employment Law and Sexual Harassment Prevention Law. Although there are many compromises and concessions in the process, they have broken the phenomenon of the predominant status and impediment of Patriarchy gradually, and the women issues are promoted to the category of public area to be discussed. The predicaments of women in families and jobs have received much attention. It is possible to realize the equal rights for both sexes and gender equality, and the day of accomplishing the equal rights for both sexes can be expected soon.

從兩性平等探討我國女性勞動者保護法令 / A Critique on Female Worker's Protection Legislation from the Perspective of Gender Equality

余秀雲, YU HSIU-YUN Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 本文旨以保護與兩性平等之關聯性著手,「從兩性平等探討我國女性勞動者保護法令」,首先探究當前我國女性勞動者在勞動市場上所面臨之就業困境,其次探討聯合國、國際勞工組織、歐洲聯盟、經濟合作發展組織、美國、英國、日本等關於兩性工作平等法制之國際概況,並針對美、英、日三國在(1)就業上性別歧視之禁止(2)同工同酬原則之確立(3)兩性職業隔離之突破(4)工作場所性騷擾之禁止(5)母性保護原則(6)積極促進兩性工作平等方案之推動(7)兩性工作平等制度之執行機關與救濟途徑等重要兩性工作平等法制內容做比較分析與整理,以作為我國在推動與落實兩性工作平等法制之考據。最後針對我國現行保護女性勞動者及規範兩性工作平等事項之各類相關法律,做一整體檢討,並討論應如何將這些規定與追求兩性工作平等之理念相調和,藉以加強母性機能之特別保護,且同時又能落實兩性就業上待遇及機會之均等,從而創造雙贏之局面。 本文研究發現,雖然憲法、兩性工作平等法及相關女性勞動保護法令已明文針對性別平等以及婦女保護作規定,但卻未真正落實,致使我國女性勞動者在剛踏入職場的第一步便遭受招募上之性別歧視的困境,其勞動參與率偏低,薪資水準亦較男性勞動者低,且在勞動市場中,存在著明顯性別職業隔離現象,另外我國企業主給予女性勞動者之在職訓練與升遷機會均較男性勞動者少,而勞動市場中更存在著性騷擾、單身條款、婚育離職之現象與離職後二度就業之困難,如此諸多不利女性之就業現況,使我國女性勞動者在目前就業市場中處於劣勢地位且受到差別待遇。 另從本文「第四章 兩性工作平等國外法制之概況」、「第五章 美、英、日關於兩性工作平等制度之重要內容」研究兩性工作平等理念在國際間之趨勢,得知傳統勞動保護法制所強調之女性保護概念,已呈現不同之面貌,其由單純以女性保護這項因素作為立法保護之依據,已轉變從兩性平等出發,而現今科技與勞動醫學發達,亦是考慮是否給予女性勞動者保護之因素。因此過去對女性勞動條件之保護,有部分已經不符合上述潮流,且已無法滿足今日勞動樣態之多元化,反而成為部分女性進入勞動市場之障礙。但關於母性機能之保護,對女性或對國家、社會全體而言,具有不可欠缺之意義。同時,對於男女僱用平等原理之達成,亦是絕對必要之條件。因此,施行母性保護措施是從側面支持男女僱用平等原理的具體化行動,且母性機能之不可回復性,乃是基本母性保護不可遽然偏廢之主要理由。即便國際勞動組織之國際勞動公約不斷受到各國挑戰,但在限縮母性保護並予以彈性化之同時,亦課以國家在相關社會立法的周邊補充措施。可見國際潮流已從過去傳統女性勞動保護法制逐漸趨向兩性平等待遇及僱用機會均等原則邁進,但對基本母性保護仍採特別保護規定。 此外,經本文「第三章 我國女性勞動者就業之困境」及「第六章之第二至八節 我國現行各相關女性勞動者保護法制」之檢視後,發現我國現行女性勞動者保護法制漏洞百出,無法真正落實兩性於工作上之實質平等,雖已制定兩性工作平等法積極推動,但因現行兩性工作平等法之各法條過於簡要,不像國外先進國家針對各促進兩性工作平等相關法制以單獨立法方式或以詳盡之配套措施作輔助,故難免有掛一漏萬之處。此外,尚未對其相關法制作同步修法,使其各相關法制在運用上經常有衝突或矛盾之現象產生,此有待亟早修法改善,故本文「第七章」針對現行我國女性勞動者保護法令之立法缺失,提出法令面修正及實務面之建議方向,期盼藉此政策與法令改革,以達成我國憲法增修條文第十條第五項所揭櫫:「……消除性別歧視,促進兩性地位之實質平等」的崇高目標。

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