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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Spanavello, Caroline Silveira 29 April 2005 (has links)
The aim of this investigation was to understand the relationship between educational practices in music education developed by generalist teachers in school and their musical preparation in the context of a Bachelor of Education (Pedagogia) at Federal University of Santa Maria. The qualitative approach was adopted as the methodological choice because such approach allows the accomplishment of an interpretation of reality according to several data interconnected in a complex whole. The semi-structured interview was the main data collection instrument. Twenty generalist teachers were interviewed, and the transcriptions were analyzed constituting the main source of data presented and discussed in the final report. The study is divided into four chapters. The first chapter presents an overview about generalist teachers and their relationship with music education. In the second chapter, the focus is on the music preparation offered in the Bachelor of Education at Federal University of Santa Maria. The third chapter presents the educational practices in music education reported by the participant teachers. In the fourth chapter, some ideas from the two last chapters are articulated in a way to understand the relationship between preparation and practice. As a conclusion, there is an evident articulation between those two processes. However, it is perceived that the educational practices in music education are permeated not only by the knowledge built up since the initial preparation, but also by a series of factors, such as: the functional and organizational school structure, the school subjects historically considered more important than others, the parent s and the students demand considering their life history, anxiety and objectives of the teachers. / A presente investigação buscou compreender a relação existente entre as práticas educativas em educação musical, desenvolvidas pelo professor não especialista em música, na escola, e sua formação musical no contexto da Pedagogia UFSM. A abordagem qualitativa foi adotada como opção metodológica por entender-se que a mesma permite realizar uma interpretação da realidade de acordo com vários dados que se interconectam para a compreensão do todo. A entrevista semi-estruturada constituiu-se no instrumento de coleta de informações, sendo que sua efetivação aconteceu através da gravação das falas de vinte professores, em fitas cassete que posteriormente foram transcritas na íntegra, textualizadas e analisadas de modo a constituírem-se em fontes de dados para a escrita do relatório de pesquisa. O estudo está dividido em quatro capítulos. Inicialmente, é traçado um panorama sobre quem são os professores unidocentes e qual sua relação com a educação musical. Em um segundo momento é enfocada a formação musical dos professores unidocentes oriundos da UFSM. O terceiro capítulo trata das práticas educativas em educação musical narradas pelos professores participantes da pesquisa, sendo que no quarto articulam-se as idéias destes dois últimos de modo a se compreender a relação formação práticas. Como conclusão do trabalho, aponta-se a existência de uma articulação entre estes dois processos. Contudo percebe-se que as práticas educativas em educação musical encontram-se permeadas não só pelos conhecimentos construídos a partir da formação inicial, mas por uma série de fatores como as relações que se estabelecem na estruturação de uma instituição de ensino, as disciplinas consideradas historicamente mais importantes do que as demais, a demanda dos pais e dos próprios alunos, assim como as próprias histórias de vida, anseios e buscas dos professores.

Developmentally appropriate strategies of teaching music in selected primary schools in Ashanti region of Ghana

Adjepong, Benjamin 24 November 2020 (has links)
Abstract is in English, Zulu and Xhosa / In Ghanaian primary schools, music is a compulsory study area which is taught by generalist teachers. However, information is deficient on the strategies teachers use to implement the music curriculum. The aim of this study was to determine how teachers organise musical learning experiences in terms of developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) for lower primary school pupils. DAP is an educational concept which refers to teaching strategies that consider children’s age, abilities, interests and experiences, to help them achieve challenging and achievable goals. The study was underpinned by the concept of teaching within the context of constructivist theory. Qualitative Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis and ethnographic research methods were used to find answers to the research questions. Data were collected by means of observations, interviews and document analysis. Singing, movements and the playing of improvised instruments (although they constitute only a part of the planned music curriculum in the Creative Arts syllabus) dominate the music activities provided in the schools. In fact, unplanned music activities dominate planned music lessons due to teachers’ perceived lack of adequate training to teach music, the non-application of ICT in teaching, a lack of teaching and learning materials, unsuitable physical conditions for teaching, lack of motivation and support to teach, and lack of time to teach music because of the emphasis on meeting the targets of teaching and assessment in core subjects. Strategies the teachers adopt to overcome the challenges they encounter in teaching music include collaboration with their colleagues in planning, teaching and integrating music into most classroom activities and drawing on pupils’ expertise in teaching and learning. It is recommended that teachers be given in-service training, that specialist teachers be used, and that adequate teaching and learning materials be provided, as well as support for teachers to integrate ICT in teaching music. Limitations associated with the study make generalisation of the findings impossible. A larger sample from various primary schools within the Ashanti region of Ghana should be considered for further research. Functional integration of music in the other subject areas within the Ghanaian context should also be explored and further studies should be conducted about the application of developmentally appropriate practice in teaching music in the lower-primary classroom. / Ezikoleni zamabanga aphansi zaseGhana, umculo uyindawo eyimpoqo yokufunda efundiswa ngothisha abajwayelekile. Kodwa-ke, ulwazi alwanele ngamasu othisha abawasebenzisayo ukwenza izifundo zomculo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo kwakuwukuthola ukuthi othisha bahlela kanjani amava okufunda omculo ngokwendlela efanelekile yokuthuthuka (NET) yabafundi bezikole zamabanga aphansi. NET ingumqondo wezemfundo obhekisa kumasu okufundisa abheka iminyaka yezingane, amakhono, izintshisekelo kanye nezipiliyoni ezithile, ukuzisiza ukuthi zifeze izinhloso eziyinselele futhi ezingafinyeleleka.Ucwaningo lwalusekelwa ngumqondo wokufundisa ngokwengqikithi yethiyori yokwakha. Ukuhlaziywa Okufanelekile Kokuhunyushelwa Kokubukeka Kwabantu nezindlela zokucwaninga ngobuzwe zisetshenzisiwe ukuthola izimpendulo zemibuzo yocwaningo. Kuye kwaqoqwa imininingwane yolwazi ngokubheka okwenzekayo, izinhlolokhono kanye nokuhlaziywa kwemibhalo. Ukucula, ukunyakaza nokudlalwa kwezinsimbi ezithuthukisiwe (yize ziyingxenye nje kuphela zekharikhulamu yomculo ehleliwe kusilabhasi Yezobuciko Bokuzenzela) kulawula imisebenzi yomculo enikezwe ezikoleni. Empeleni, imisebenzi yomculo engahlelwanga ilawula izifundo zomculo ezihleliwe ngenxa yokungabi bikho kothisha abaqeqeshwe ngokwanele ukufundisa umculo, ukungasetshenziswa kwe- ICT/Ezobuchwepheshe ekufundiseni, ukuntuleka kwezinto zokufundisa nokufunda, izimo ezzibambekayo ezingafanelekile zokufundisa, ukungabi nogqozi nokusekelwa ekufundiseni, nokungabi nesikhathi sokufundisa umculo ngenxa yokugcizelelwa ekuhlangabezaneni nezinhloso zokufundisa nokuhlola ezifundweni ezibalulekile. Amasu othisha abawasebenzisayo ukunqoba izinselelo abahlangabezana nazo ekufundiseni umculo kufaka phakathi ukusebenzisana nozakwabo ekuhleleni, ukufundisa nokuhlanganisa umculo emisebenzini eminingi yasekilasini nokudweba ubuchwepheshe babafundi ekufundiseni nasekufundeni. Kunconywa ukuthi othisha banikezwe ukuqeqeshwa emsebenzini, ukuthi kusetshenziswe othisha abangochwepheshe, nokuthi kuhlinzekwe ngezinto ezanele zokufundisa nokufunda, kanye nokuxhaswa kothisha ukuze bahlanganise i-ICT/Ezobuchwepheshe ekufundiseni umculo. Ukulinganiselwa okuhambisana nesifundo kwenza ukuthi okwenziwa jikelele kokutholakale kungenzeki. Isampula elikhudlwana elivela ezikoleni ezahlukahlukene zamabanga aphansi esifundeni sase-Ashanti eGhana kufanele licatshangwe ukuqhubeka nocwaningo. Ukuhlanganiswa kokusebenza komculo kwezinye izindawo ezingaphansi komongo waseGhana nakho kufanele kuhlolwe futhi kufanele kuqhutshekwe nezifundo ezimayelana nokusetshenziswa kwenqubo efanelekile yentuthuko ekufundiseni umculo ekilasini lamabanga aphansi. / Kwizikolo zaseGhana zamabanga asezantsi, kusisinyanzelo ukufundisa umculo, kwaye oku kwenziwa ngabafundisi ntsapho okanye ootitshala abafundisa yonke into. Noxa kunjalo, akukho lwazi lwaneleyo ngamacebo asetyenziswa ziititshala ekufundiseni ikharityhulam yomculo. Injongo yesi sifundo kukuqwalasela ukuba iititshala zikulungiselela njani ukufundisa ngendlela yophuhliso olufanelekileyo (iDAP) kumabanga asezantsi. Le DAP nesisishunqulelo sesiNgesi sebinza elithi developmentally appropriate practice, yingcinga yezemfundo emalunga namacebo okufundisa athathela ingqalelo ubudala bomntwana, izinto akwaziyo ukuzenza, umdla namava akhe, ukuze ancedwe ekufezekiseni iinjongo ezicela umngeni nezinokufikeleleka. Esi sifundo sisekelwe yingcinga yokufundisa ephuma kwimeko yengcingane yokuzakhela ulwazi. Iimpendulo zophando zifunyenwe ngokusebenzisa iindlela zophando ngokuxoxa nokutolika iimeko ezahlukeneyo (Qualitative Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis) kunye nokuqwalasela inkcubeko. Iinkcukacha zolwazi okanye idatha, ziqokelelwe ngokujonga okuqhubekayo, udliwano ndlebe nokuphengulula imibhalo ekhoyo. Ukucula, ukushukuma nokudlala izixhobo zomculo ezingoozenzele (nangona ziyinxalenye yekharityhulam ecetywayo yobuGcisa Bokuzenzela) kudlala indima eyongameleyo kwimisebenzi yomculo eyenziwa ezikolweni. Xa sithetha inyaniso, into eyenzekayo ekufundiseni umculo yimisebenzi engacetywanga ezifundweni ngenxa yokuba ootitshala abaqeqeshekanga kakuhle ekufundiseni umculo, abusetyenziswa ubuchwepheshe ekufundiseni umculo, azikho izixhobo zokufundisa nokufunda umculo, iindawo ekufundiselwa kuzo azifanelekanga, inkxaso nenkuthazo yokufundisa umculo iyasilela kwaye lincinci ixesha lokufundisa umculo ngenxa yokuleqa ukufezekisa imiqathango yokufundisa nokuhlola kwizifundo ezingoondoqo. Ekulweni nemingeni yokufundisa umculo, ootitshala babhenela ekusebenzisaneni nabanye ekwenzeni amacebo okufundisa nokubandakanya umculo kwimisebenzi yeklasi nasekusebenziseni ulwazi lwabafundi. Kucetyiswa ukuba ootitshala bafumane uqeqesho lo gama besebenza, kusetyenziswe ootitshala abaziingcali zomculo kwaye kufumaneke izixhobo ezifanelekileyo zokufundisa nokufunda, kuxhaswe ootitshala ekusebenziseni ubuchwepheshe xa befundisa umculo. Ukunqaba kolwazi okungqonge esi sifundo kwenza kube nzima ukugqiba jikelele ngokufunyanisiweyo. Mhlawumbi kunokuthathwa isampulu yophando enkulu kwingingqi yaseAshanti eGhana ukuze kwandiswe olu phando. Okunye okunokwenziwa kukuhlanganisa umculo nezinye izifundo ngokwemeko yaseGhana, kwaye kufuneka kuqhutywe izifundo ezithe chatha malunga nokusebenzisa iindlela zokufundisa ezinophuhliso olufanelekileyo ekufundiseni umculo kwiklasi yamabanga asezantsi. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / Ph D. (Music)

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