Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1genetic phenomena"" "subject:"1genetic henomena""
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The Role of the SWI/SNF Component INI1 in Mammalian Development and Tumorigenesis: a DissertationGuidi, Cynthia J. 14 February 2003 (has links)
In vivo DNA is compacted tightly, via its association with histones and non-histone proteins, into higher-order chromatin structure. In this state, the DNA is refractory to the cellular factors that require access to DNA. The repressive nature of chromatin is alleviated in part by the action enzymes that modify chromatin structure. There are two major groups of chromatin modifying enzymes: those that post-translationally modify histones by the addition of small chemical moieties and those that utilize the energy derived from ATP hydrolysis to physically disrupt chromatin structure. The SWI/SNF enzyme belongs to this latter group.
The SWI/SNF complex was identified originally in yeast. Several of its subunits are required for the expression of a subset of inducible genes. The ATPase activity is provided by the SWI2/SNF2 protein. In mammals, there are two biochemically separable SWI/SNF complexes that contain either BRG1 or BRM, both homologs of yeast SWI2/SNF2. The yeast and mammalian SWI/SNF complexes are able to disrupt the Dnase I digestion pattern of in vitro assembled mononucleosomes and arrays, as well as facilitate the accessibility of restriction nucleases and transcription factors. The mechanism by which SWI/SNF functions has yet to be elucidated.
SNF5 is a component of the yeast SWI/SNF complex. It is required for sucrose fermentation and mating type switching. The mammalian homolog of Snf5 is SNF5/INI1. SNF5/INI1 was identified simultaneously by two groups as a protein that shares homology with Snf5 and via a yeast two hybrid assay as a protein that interacts with HIV integrase (INtegrase Interactor). INI1 is a component of all mammalian SWI/SNF complexes purified to date.
In humans, mutations and/or deletions in INI1 are associated with a variety of cancers, including malignant rhabdoid tumors, choroid plexus carcinomas, medullablastomas, primitive neuralectodermal tumors, and some cases of leukemia. Furthermore, constitutional mutations within INI1in individuals presenting with these tumors support the role of INI1 as a tumor suppressor.
In this thesis, we show that Ini1 also functions as a tumor suppressor in mice. Approximately 20% of mice heterozygous for Ini1 present with tumors. Most of these tumors are undifferentiated or poorly differentiated sarcomas with variable rhabdoid features. All tumors examined to date show loss of heterozygosity at the Ini1 locus. We also show that Ini1 is essential for embryonic development. Mice homozygous-null for Ini1die between days 4 and 5.5 post-fertilization due to an inability to adhere to their substratum, form trophectoderm, and expand their inner cell mass.
We further characterize the function of Ini1 in tumor suppression by generating mice heterozygous for both Ini1 and either Rb or p53. While heterozygosity at the Ini1 locus appears to have no effect on the rate of tumorigenesis in Rb-heterozygous mice, many of the tumors arising in compound heterozygous mice present with an altered morphology. This finding suggests that Ini1 may contribute to tumor progression due to loss of Rb. In contrast, mice compound heterozygous for Ini1 and p53 show a marked reduction in the rate of tumorigenesis compared to p53-heterozygous mice. Furthermore, the tumor spectrum is altered in these compound heterozygous mice. These findings suggest that Ini1 may function normally to repress p53 activity.
Lastly, we show that expression of the Ini1 tumor suppressor itself is regulated tightly. Tissues and cells heterozygous for Ini1 express roughly equivalent levels of Ini1 protein and mRNA as their wild-type counterparts. We further show that this compensation is mediated by an increase in the rate of transcription from the wild-type Ini1 allele. Moreover, when exogenous Ini1 is introduced into Ini1-heterozygous cells, expression from the Ini1 promoter is reduced. These data indicate that a compensatory mechanism exists to ensure that the steady-state levels of Ini1 are constant.
In summary, research detailed in this thesis has contributed to our understanding of the regulation of Ini1 as well as the role this protein plays in mammalian development and tumor suppression.
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Cytoplasmic Localization of HIV-1 Vif Is Necessary for Apobec3G Neutralization and Viral Replication: A DissertationFarrow, Melissa Ann 05 May 2005 (has links)
The binding of HIV-1 Vif to the cellular cytidine deaminase Apobec3G and subsequent prevention of Apobec3G virion incorporation have recently been identified as critical steps for the successful completion of the HIV-1 viral life cycle. This interaction occurs in the cytoplasm where Vif complexes with Apobec3G and directs its degradation via the proteasome pathway or sequesters it away from the assembling virion, thereby preventing viral packaging of Apobec3G.
While many recent studies have focused on several aspects of Vif interaction with Apobec3G, the subcellular localization of Vif and Apobec3G during the viral life cycle have not been fully considered. Inhibition of Apobec3G requires direct interaction of Vif with Apobec3G, which can only be achieved when both proteins are present in the same subcellular compartment.
In this thesis, a unique approach was utilized to study the impact of Vif subcellular localization on Vif function. The question of whether localization could influence function was brought about during the course of studying a severely attenuated viral isolate from a long-term non-progressor who displayed a remarkable disease course. Initial observations indicated that this highly attenuated virus contained a mutant Vif protein that inhibited growth and replication. Upon further investigation, it was found that the Vif defect was atypical in that the mutant was fully functional in in vitro assays, but that it was aberrantly localized to the nucleus in the cell. This provided the basis for the study of Vif localization and its contribution to Vif function.
In addition to the unique Vif mutant that was employed, while determining the localization and replication phenotypes of the differentially localized Vif proteins, a novel pathway for Vif function was defined. Copious publications have recently defined the mechanism for Vif inhibition of Apobec3G. Vif is able to recruit Apobec3G into a complex that is targeted for degradation by the proteasome. However, this directed degradation model did not fully explain the complete neutralization of Apobec3G observed in cell culture. Other recent works have proposed the existence of a second, complementary pathway for Vif function. This pathway is defined here as formation of an aggresome that prevents Apobec3G packaging by binding and sequestering Apobec3G in a perinuclear aggregate. This second mechanism is believed to work in parallel with the already defined directed degradation pathway to promote complete exclusion of Apobec3G from the virion.
The data presented here provide insight into two areas of HIV research. First, the work on the naturally occurring Vif mutant isolated from a long-term non-progress or confirms the importance of Vif in in vivo pathogenesis and points to Vif as a potentially useful gene for manipulation in vaccine or therapy design due to its critical contributions to in vivo virus replication. Additionally, the work done to address the subcellular localization of Vif led to the proposal of a second pathway for Vif function. This could have implications in the field of basic Vif research in terms of completely understanding and defining the functions of Vif. Again, a more complete knowledge about Vif can help in the development of novel therapies aimed at disrupting Vif function and abrogating HIV-1 replication.
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Regulation and Function of Runx2 During Chondrogenic and Osteogenic Differentiation: a DissertationLengner, Christopher J. 02 December 2004 (has links)
Members of the Runx family of transcription factors play essential roles in the differentiation and development of several organ systems. Here we address the contribution of the osteoblast-related Runx gene, Runx2, to the osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. Using a transgenic mouse model, we observe Runx2 transcription through one of its two known promoters (designated P1 in pre-cartilaginous mesenchymal condensations as early as E9.5. Runx2 gene activity is later repressed at the onset of cartilage formation, both in vivo and in vitro, necessitating examination of the regulation and function of Runx2 in mesenchymal stem cells. We demonstrate that Runx2 gene activity is repressed by the direct interaction of the homeodomain transcription factor Nkx3.2 with the proximal Runx2 P1 promoter. This repression was found to be required for the progression of BMP-induced chondrogenesis, thereby identifying Runx2 as a modulator of BMP activity in the chondrogenic as well as osteogenic differentiation program. To further understand the regulation of the Runx2 P1 promoter and to determine the contribution of P1-derived gene product, Runx2 Type II, to the formation of mineralized tissue, we have generated a Runx2 Type II-LacZ gene replacement mouse model in which the initial coding sequences and splice donor sites of the Type II isoform are replaced with the LacZ reporter gene. Activity of the endogenous P1 promoter can therefore be monitored by β-galactosidase production. Analysis of Runx2 Type II-LacZ mice demonstrates that the P1 promoter is transcriptionally most active in mature osteoblasts, but its product, Runx2 Type II is dispensable for embryonic skeletal formation. Lastly, we examine the link between growth control and osteogenic differentiation by tissue-specific deletion of the Mdm2 proto-oncogene in developing skeletal tissues of the mouse embryo. Loss of Mdm2 results in impaired bone formation, with skeletal elements exhibiting lower bone mineral content and higher porosity. Ex vivo cultures of calvarial osteoprogenitor cells exhibit severely decreased osteoblastogenesis and bone nodule formation accompanied by a failure to activate Runx2 gene activity. These findings suggest that Mdm2 is required for inhibition of p53 activity that ultimately allows for post-confluent proliferation and induction of Runx2 during maturation of the osteogenic phenotype. Taken together, our findings suggest that Runx2 modulates the commitment of progenitor cells to the osteogenic and chondrogenic lineages, and that Runx2 activity is inextricably linked to mechanisms that control cellular proliferation.
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Role of c-Jun NH-terminal Kinase in Bcr/Abl Induced Cell Transformation: a dissertationHess, Patricia M. 01 April 2003 (has links)
The c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) group of kinases include ten members that are created by alternative splicing of transcripts derived from Jnk1, Jnk2 and Jnk3 genes. The JNK1 and JNK2 protein kinases are ubiquitously expressed while JNK3 is expressed in a limited number of tissues. The JNK signaling pathway is implicated in multiple physiological processes including cell transformation. There is growing evidence that JNK signaling is involved in oncogenesis. Nevertheless, the role that JNK plays in malignant transformation is still unclear. The aim of this thesis is to examine the role of JNK in malignant transformation. For this purpose, I used the Bcr/Abl oncogene as a transforming agent. Bcr/Abl is a leukemogenic oncogene that is created by reciprocal translocation between chromosome 9 and 22. The translocation breakpoint is variable and several different Bcr/Abl isoforms have been identified such as Bcr/AblP185 and Bcr/AblP210, whose expression is associated with different types of leukemia. Bcr/Abl activates the JNK signaling pathway in hematopoietic cells and increases AP-1 transcription activity. Furthermore, dominant negative approaches demonstrate that inhibition of c-Jun or JNK prevents Bcr/ Abl-induced cell transformation in vitro. These data implicate the JNK signaling pathway in Bcr/Abl transformation although the role that JNK might have in this process is unclear. Thus, I examined the importance of JNK signaling in Bcr/Abl-induced lymphoid or myeloid transformation. For this purpose I compared Bcr/AblP185- and Bcr/AblP210- induced transformation of wild-type and JNK1-deficient cells using three approaches: in vitro, in vivo and ex vivo. The results obtained with the in vitro approach suggest that both Bcr/AblP185 and Bcr/AblP210 require JNK activity to induce lymphoid transformation. While JNK1-deficiency inhibits Bcr/AblP210 oncogenic potential in lymphoid cells both in vitro and in vivo, pharmacological inhibition of JNK activity (JNK1 and/or JNK2) blocked Bcr/AblP185 induced malignant proliferation in vitro. The differential requirement for JNK observed in the two Bcr/Abl isoforms can be ascribed to the presence in Bcr/AblP210 of the Dbl domain which can activate the JNK pathway in vitro. In the case of Bcr/AblP210, JNK1 is critical for the survival of the ex vivo derived transformed lymphoblasts upon growth factor removal. This result correlates with the fact that mice reconstituted with Bcr/AblP210 transformed Jnk1-l- bone marrow showed normal malignant lymphoid expansion in the bone marrow yet they had reduced numbers of lymphoblast in the bloodstream and lacked peripheral organ infiltration. Thus JNK1 is essential for the survival of the transformed lymphoblast outside the bone marrow microenvironment in Bcr/AblP210induced lymphoid leukemia. Interestingly, while JNK1 is essential for lymphoid transformation, it is dispensable for the proliferation of transformed myeloblasts.
Taken together these results indicate that the JNK signaling pathway plays an essential role in the survival of Bcr/AblP210 lymphoblasts and that JNK-deficiency decreases the leukomogenic potential of Bcr/AblP210 in vivo. Thus, cell survival mediated by JNK may contribute to the pathogenesis of proliferative diseases.
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Regulation of Transcription of Mouse Immunoglobulin Germ-Line γ1 RNA: Structural Characterization of Germ-Line γ1 RNA and Molecular Analysis of the Promoter: A DissertationXu, Minzhen 01 May 1991 (has links)
The antibody class switch is achieved by DNA recombination between the sequences called switch (S) regions located 5' to immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy chain constant (CH) region genes. This process can be induced in cultured B cells by polyclonal stimulation and switching can be directed to specific antibody classes by certain lymphokines. These stimuli may regulate the accessibility of CH genes and their S regions to a recombinase as indicated by hypomethylation and transcriptional activity. For example, RNAs transcribed from specific unrearranged (germ-line) CH genes are induced prior to switching under conditions that promote subsequent switching to these same CH genes. The function of transcription of these germ-line CH genes is unknown. How stimuli regulate the accessibility of CHgenes is also unclear.
I report in this dissertation the structure of the RNA transcribed from the unrearranged Cγ1 gene in mouse spleen cells treated with LPS plus a HeLa cell supernatant containing recombinant interleukin 4 (rIL-4). I will also show that an 150-bp region upstream of the first initiation site of germ-line γ1 RNA contains promoter and enhancer elements responsible for basal level expression and inducibility by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and synergy with IL-4 in an IgM+ B cell line, L10A6.2, and an IgG2a+B cell line, A20.3.
The germ-line γ1 RNA is initiated at multiple start sites 5' to the tandem repeats of the γ1 switch (Sγ1) region. As is true for analogous RNAs transcribed from other unrearranged genes, the germ-line γ1 RNA has an I exon transcribed from the region 5' to the Sγ1 region.. The Iγ1 exon is spliced at a unique site to the Cγ1 gene. The germ-line γ1 RNA has an open-reading frame (ORF) that potentially encodes a small protein 48 amino acids in length.
Elements located within the 150 bp region 5' to the first initiation site of germ-line γ1 RNA are necessary and sufficient to confer inducibility by PMA and synergy with IL-4 to a minimal thymidine kinase (TK) promoter in L10A6.2 cells but are not sufficient to confer this inducibility in A20.3 cells. Linker-scanning mutations demonstrated that these multiple elements function in a mutually dependent manner as indicated by the fact that mutation of any single element will decrease constitutive expression and inducibility by PMA and PMA plus IL-4.
This 150-bp region contains several consensus sequences that bind to known or putative transcription factors, including a C/EBP binding site/IL-4 response element (in the promoter for Ia Aαkgene), four CACCC boxes, a PU box, a TGFβ inhibitory element (TIE), an interferon-αβ response element (αβIRE), and an AP-3 site.
My results begin to provide a description of the mechanism of regulation of the accessibility of unrearranged germ-line Sγ1-Cγ1 gene. By activating the germ-line γ1 promoter, IL-4 induces transcription of germ-line γ1 RNA, thereby inducing accessibility of the Sγ1-Cγ1 gene. By inhibiting expression of the germ-line γ1 promoter, IFNγ and TGFβ down-regulate transcription of germ-line γ1 RNA, thus reducing the accessibility of the Sγ1-Cγ1 gene. My results also suggest that signaling via the antigen receptor on B cells may be involved in induction of switch to IgG1. Furthermore, this is the first case reported in which multiple functionally interdependent elements are needed to respond to PMA.
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Differential Mechanisms of Nuclear Receptor Regulation by the Coactivator RAC3: A DissertationLeo, Christopher 12 October 2000 (has links)
The steroid/thyroid hormone receptor superfamily is a large class of ligand-dependent transcription factors that plays a critical role in regulating the expression of genes involved in a broad range of physiological functions, including development, homeostasis, and reproduction. In the absence of cognate hormone, several receptors are able to repress transcription below the basal level via the recruitment of the nuclear receptor corepressors SMRT and NCoR. Upon hormone binding by the receptor, the corepressor complex is dissociated and a coactivator complex is subsequently recruited. This thesis details the mechanisms by which receptor-associated coactivator 3 (RAC3) interacts with nuclear receptors, particularly the vitamin D, estrogen, and retinoid receptors, and modulates their transcriptional activity. It was discovered that these receptors interact with different α-helical LXXLL motifs of RAC3 in vitro. Mutation of specific motifs differentially impairs the ability of RAC3 to enhance transcription by the receptors in vivo. In addition, the intrinsic transcriptional activation function of RAC3 was also characterized. Here, a single LXXLL motif, NR box v, was found to be essential to activation by serving as a binding surface for the general transcriptional integrator CBP/p300. Finally, the cofactor binding pocket of retinoid receptors was characterized. It was demonstrated that, to a large extent, the coactivator pocket of RARα overlaps with the corepressor pocket, with the exception of helix 12, which is required for coactivator, but not corepressor binding. Recruitment of RAC3 or SMRT also correlates directly with the ability of RARα to activate or repress transcription, respectively. Intriguingly, it was discovered that the AF-2 domain of RXRα inhibited cofactor binding to RXRα heterodimers, for deletion of this domain dramatically enhanced RAC3 and SMRT binding. In addition, it was demonstrated that the RXRα cofactor binding pocket contributed minimally to recruitment of cofactors. Conversely, the AF-2 domain of the partnering monomer and its cofactor pocket were required for these interactions. These findings suggest that the partner of RXRα is the primary docking point for cofactors at RXRα heterodimeric complexes. Taken together, this work contributes significantly to the field of nuclear receptor function in detailing the mechanisms by which the coactivator RAC3 is recruited to nuclear receptors and regulates their transcriptional activity.
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MHC Class I Antigen Presentation is Regulated by the SUMO-Conjugating Enzyme UBC9: a DissertationShen, Yuelei 01 June 2003 (has links)
CD8 T cells recognize complexes of MHC class I and peptide on the surface of target cells. MHC class I antigen presentation is a long pathway, in which proteins are degraded by proteasomes to generating oligopeptides, which may be further trimmed by aminopeptidases in the cytosol. Peptides are transported into the ER, where they may be further trimmed by ER lumenal aminopeptidases and bind to newly-synthesized MHC class I complexes. Proteins degraded by the proteasome are generally tagged with ubiquitin by a combination of ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes and ubiquitin ligases. UBC9 is one ubiquitin conjugating enzyme, which does not conjugate ubiquitin, but instead conjugates small ubiquitin-like molecules (SUMO) to target protein. UBC9 has been found to regulate the functions of many proteins in vivo, most importantly by modifying nuclear transportation and function. Curing [During] my thesis work, I studied the function of UBC9 in MHC class I antigen presentation.
UBC9 over-expression in COS cells co-expressing ovalbumin markedly increased presentation SIINFEKL (the immunodominant epitope from ovalbumin in the context of H-2Kb), and UBC9 overexpression increased cell surface H-2Kbin general, suggesting that Ubc9 increased MHC class I antigen presentation by increasing peptide supply.
UBC9 did not increase synthesis or degradation of ovalbumin. In transient transfection experiments, Ubc9 increased presentation of SIINFEKL precursors that did, and that did not, depend on proteasomes for processing, as well as SIINFEKL precursors targeted to the ER, bypassing cytosolic processing altogether. However, a C-terminal extended precursor of SIINFEKL, which requires only proteasomal processing before presentation, was the most markedly affected by UBC9 overexpression. This suggested that UBC9 was affecting the pattern of cleavages made by proteasomes in ways that enhance the generation of the C-terminus of SIINFEKL. Because presentation of SIINFEKL itself (which requires no further proteolytic processing) was also enhanced, UBC9 must also affect steps in the class I pathway that occur after the generation of the mature epitopes. UBC9 did not affect the rate of peptide degradation in cytosolic extracts or in intact cells.
These findings suggested that UBC9 might have multiple effects on the MHC class I antigen presentation pathway. Immunofluorescent microscopy demonstrated that UBC9 increased the expression of the beta subunits of immunoproteasomes (LMP2, LMP7, and MECL1) as well as of TAP1 and tapasin. In contrast, UBC9 expression did not increase levels of calnexin, calreticulin, ERp57, or Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI). Similarly, levels of leucine aminopeptidase were not increased in UBC9-transfected cells. Therefore, UBC9 overexpression increases the levels of some but not all components of the class I pathway.
UBC9 overexpression increased protein levels of MECL1, LMP2 or LMP7 that were under the control of viral promoters, and levels of MECL1 mRNA were similar in control vector and UBC9 transfected cells. Therefore, UBC9 did not increase the level of expression of these subunits through increased transcription. Pulse-chase experiments showed that UBC9 overexpression reduced the degradation of MECL1. Therefore, UBC9 increases the levels of at least some of these components of the MHC class I antigen presentation pathway by increasing their stability.
To know the biological significance of UBC9 in MHC class I antigen presentation, I used small interfering RNA (siRNA) to knock down UBC9. Though UBC9 can be successfully knocked down by siRNA, the UBC9-negative cells became very sick, and were not suitable for the study of MHC class I antigen presentation.
There are three forms of SUMO molecules in mammalian cells: SUMO-1, SUMO-2 and SUMO-3. My study suggested that SUMO-2 may be involved in UBC9's regulation of MHC class I antigen presentation, since mutant SUMO-2 blocked UBC9's ability to increase H-2Kb-SIINFEKL levels on the cell surface after the cells were loaded with ovalbumin.
To further study the function of UBC9, I mutated the active amino acid Cys 93 of UBC9 to Ser (UBC9OH). Unexpectedly, this mutant form (UBC9OH) has very similar effects as wild-type UBC9, increasing Kb-SIINFEKL levels at the cells surface. This suggested that UBC9 protein regulates MHC class I antigen presentation pathway proteins by direct or indirect protein interaction, rather than (or as well as) by SUMO conjugation. Taking account of SUMO-2 results, I propose that wild-type UBC9 (either transfected or endogenous) conjugates SUMO-2 to its substrates, and then UBC9 (wild-type or mutant) interacts with its sumoylated targets, thus affecting protein functions.
I also studied heat shock protein Hsp27, which is known to be a substrate for UBC9 in vivo. Hsp27 is expressed in a variety of tissues in the absence of stress, and may regulate actin dynamics.
Hsp27 overexpression decreased generation of H-2Kb-SIINFEKL complexes from SIINFEKL precursors that did, and did not, require proteasomes for processing, or that were targeted to the ER. Hsp27 over-expression did not affect protein synthesis, and globally decreased cell surface H2-Kb and H2-Dblevels, but did not affect HLA-A0302 level. Hsp27 overexpression inhibits the presentation of ER-localized SIINFEKL. Taken together, my data suggested that HSP27 may inhibit MHC class I antigen presentation by affecting MHC class I molecules itself rather than peptide supply.
After Hsp27 was eliminated with siRNA, the effects were very similar to those seen with Hsp27 overexpression. Levels of H-2Kb-SIINFEKL decreased, and overall cell surface H-2Kb and H-2Db levels decreased. It is possible that when Hsp27 is over-expressed, it acts as a dominant negative form, conferring a similar phenotype to Hsp27 knockdown. These observations suggest that Hsp27 plays an important role in MHC class I antigen presentation.
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The Epigenetic Silencing of PMP24 During the Progression of Prostate Cancer from an Androgen-Dependent to Androgen-Independent State in the LNCAP Cell Model: a DissertationWu, Mengchu 20 January 2005 (has links)
One important objective of prostate cancer (PCa) research is to understand the molecular basis underlying the progression of these cancers from an androgen dependent to an androgen independent state. Hypermethylation of the promoter CpG islands is associated with the transcriptional silencing of specific gene sets in each tumor type and subtype. Transcriptional silencing of antitumor genes via CpG island hypermethylation could be a mechanism mediating PCa progression from an androgen-dependent to an androgen-independent state.
Hypermethylation associated gene silencing has been reported for a great number of genes in PCa with the exception of the genes that undergo methylation associated silencing specifically during cancer development to androgen independence. The first aim of this thesis is to identify novel glenes which undergo DNA hypermethylation associated gene silencing during the cancer progression. The androgen-dependent (AD, as defined as the inability of celill to proliferate in the absence of androgen) PCa cell line LNCaP gives rise to the androgen-independent (AI) subline LNCaPcs generated by maintaining LNCaP in medium with charcoal-stripped (CS) serum for over 30 passages. This LNCaP cell model was used to identify differentially methylated sequences between the two genomes using the Methylation-Sensitive Restriction Fingerprinting (MSRF) technique. One sequence identified is located in a 5' CpG island, which encompasses part of the promoter, exon 1, and part of intron 1, of the Peroxisomal Membrane Protein 24 KD (PMP24) gene. PMP24 is silenced in concert with the hypermethylation of its CpG island in AI LNCaPcsand PC-3 cell lines. The silencing is reactivated by the treatment with a DNA methyltransferase inhibitor, 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (5AZAdC). PMP24 is specifically silenced in PCa cancer cell lines and shows potential antitumor properties. These results demonstrate the utility of MSRF in the identification of novel, differentially methylated DNA sequences in the genome and suggest that hypermethylation-mediated silencing of PMP24 is an epigenetic event involved in PCa progression to androgen independence.
The next study investigated the molecular mechanism for DNA methylation associated gene silencing of PMP24 in AI LNCaPcs and PC-3 cell lines. We demonstrated that PMP24 transcription is repressed by the disruption of transcription factor binding to a critical cis-element by hypermethylation of its promoter CpG island. We found a CpG containing activator protein 2 (AP-2) cis-element in the intron 1 of PMP24 whose first CpG dinucleotidle is essential for the sequence-specific protein binding and the promoter activity of the gene. We presented first in cellulo evidence that the methylation of AP-2 cis-element alone but not the whole CpG island, using a newly developed methylated oligonucleotides treatment, is sufficient for the downregulation of PMP24. Our study is the first to report that the silencing mechanism for PMP24 in AI LNCaPcs and PC-3 is mediated by the complete methylation of a single GpG site of AP-2 cis-element in the intron 1 part of the CpG island, which interferes with transcription factor binding. Most interestingly, the promoter CpG island of PMP24 is hypermethylated in AD LNCaP cells with the incomplete methylation specifically at the AP-2 cis-element. The silencing of PMP24 in AD LNCaP cells was reactivated not by the 5AZAdC treatment but by the treatment with Trichostatin A (TSA), a histone deacetylase inhibitor. An alternative silencing mechanism for PMP24 other than the interference with transcription factor binding by methylation is therefore likely involved at this androgen-dependent stage. During the androgen ablation process, this mechanism is either evolved by the spread of methylation in the promoter CpG island or selected against, leading to the methylation-dominant silencing mechanism in the AI cells as seen in LNCaPcsand PC-3 cells.
Taken together, this thesis emphasized the important role of DNA methylation in the progression of PCa into androgen independence. Particular respect should be paid to the specific CpG dinucleotides in cis-elements critical for the promoter activity, whose complete methylation could dominate the silencing mechanism which is independent of androgen. This thesis also pointed to the importance of monitoring the effects of cell culture on the methylation status of genes. Most importantly, this thesis raised the possibility that the silencing mechanisms for PMP24 could be different in AD LNCaP cells as compared to AI LNCaPcs and PC-3 cells. Either the evolution of such mechanism or the selectivity against it during the androgen ablation process would result in a methylation-dominant silencing mechanism of the genes such as PMP24 in AI cells and may contribute to the overall androgen independence of the cells.
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Folding and Assembly of Multimeric Proteins: Dimeric HIV-1 Protease and a Trimeric Coiled Coil Component of a Complex Hemoglobin Scaffold: A DissertationFitzgerald, Amanda Ann 22 August 2007 (has links)
Knowledge of how a polypeptide folds from a space-filling random coil into a biologically-functional, three-dimensional structure has been the essence of the protein folding problem. Though mechanistic details of DNA transcription and RNA translation are well understood, a specific code by which the primary structure dictates the acquisition of secondary, tertiary, and quarternary structure remains unknown. However, the demonstrated reversibility of in vitroprotein folding allows for a thermodynamic analysis of the folding reaction. By probing both the equilibrium and kinetics of protein folding, a protein folding mechanism can be postulated. Over the past 40 years, folding mechanisms have been determined for many proteins; however, a generalized folding code is far from clear. Furthermore, most protein folding studies have focused on monomeric proteins even though a majority of biological processes function via the association of multiple subunits. Consequently, a complete understanding of the acquisition of quarternary protein structure is essential for applying the basic principles of protein folding to biology.
The studies presented in this dissertation examined the folding and assembly of two very different multimeric proteins. Underlying both of these investigations is the need for a combined analysis of a repertoire of approaches to dissect the folding mechanism for multimeric proteins. Chapter II elucidates the detailed folding energy landscape of HIV-1 protease, a dimeric protein containing β-barrel subunits. The folding of this viral enzyme exhibited a sequential three-step pathway, involving the rate-limiting formation of a monomeric intermediate. The energetics determined from this analysis and their applications to HIV-1 function are discussed. In contrast, Chapter III illustrates the association of a coiled coil component of L. terrestriserythrocruorin. This extracellular hemoglobin consists of a complex scaffold of linker chains with a central ring of interdigitating coiled coils. Allostery is maintained by twelve dodecameric hemoglobin subunits that dock upon this scaffold. Modest association was observed for this coiled coil, and the implications of this fragment to linker assembly are addressed.
These studies depict the complexity of multimeric folding reactions. Chapter II demonstrates that a detailed energy landscape of a dimeric protein can be determined by combining traditional equilibrium and kinetic approaches with information from a global analysis of kinetics and a monomer construct. Chapter III indicates that fragmentation of large complexes can show the contributions of separate domains to hierarchical organization. As a whole, this dissertation highlights the importance of pursuing mulitmeric protein folding studies and the implications of these folding mechanisms to biological function.
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A Genetic Analysis of Genomic Stability in <em>Caenorhabditis Elegans</em>: A DissertationAuclair, Melissa M. 18 September 2007 (has links)
In humans, Bloom’s Syndrome is caused by a mutation of the RecQ helicase BLM. Patients with Bloom’s Syndrome exhibit a high amount of genomic instability which results in a high incidence of cancer. Though Bloom’s Syndrome has been intensively studied, there are still many questions about the function of BLM which need to be answered. While it is clear that loss of BLM increases genomic instability, the other effects of genomic instability on the organism aside from cancer such as a potential effect on aging, have yet to be elucidated.
In Chapter II, I identify new phenotypes in the C. elegans ortholog of BLM, him-6. him-6 mutants have an increased rate of cell death, a mortal germ line phenotype, and an increased rate of mutations. Upon further examination of the mutator phenotype, it was determined that the increased rate of mutations was caused by small insertions and deletions. The mutator phenotype identified in him-6 mutants closely mimics the cellular phenotype seen in Bloom’s Syndrome cells. This indicates that HIM-6 may behave in a similar fashion to BLM. In addition to the mutator phenotype, it was found that loss of him-6causes a shortened life span. This may provide evidence that there is a link between genomic stability and aging.
In Chapter III, I identify a new role for the transcription factor DAF-16. DAF-16 in C. elegans has been intensively studied and regulates a wide variety of pathways. In this chapter, I demonstrate via the well established unc-93 assay that loss of daf-16 causes a subtle mutator phenotype in C. elegans. This indicates that DAF-16 may play a role in suppression of spontaneous mutation. When I examined other classic genomic instability phenotypes, I found at 25°C, the number of progeny in the DAF-16 mutants was significantly reduced compared to wild type worms. Additionally, I demonstrate daf-16(mu86)has a cell death defect.
This study identifies several new phenotypes caused by a loss of him-6. These phenotypes provide further evidence that loss of him-6 causes genomic instability. In addition, this study also demonstrates that him-6 has a shortened life span which may be due to genomic instability. Secondly, this study identifies a new role for DAF-16 in preventing the occurrence of spontaneous mutations. This may indicate a novel function for DAF-16 in maintaining genomic stability.
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