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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring the Roles of Lysine Deacetylases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Kaluarachchi, Supipi Wasana Kumari 19 January 2012 (has links)
This work investigates two distinct roles of lysine deacetylases (KDACs) in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The first part focused on the classical, well characterized role of KDACs as transcriptional regulators and deciphering their role in G1 transcription. I show that two yeast KDACs, Rpd3 and Hos3 are recruited to G1 promoters through their interactions with the negative regulator Whi5 and that these KDACs are necessary for proper Whi5-mediated repression. The second part examines a newly discovered role for KDACs extending their role beyond the chromatin as modifiers of proteins other than the histones. I present here the first systematic approach that comprehensively examines these non-histone targets of KDACs in vivo. I identified 73 non-histone proteins acetylated in vivo involved in diverse cellular processes. Swi4, a component of the G1 transcription factor SBF, was identified in the Rpd3 screen and I show that the interaction between Swi4 and its heterodimeric partner Swi6 was regulated by acetylation. My findings significantly expand the scope of the yeast acetylome and demonstrate the utility of systematic functional genomic screens to explore enzymatic pathways.

Genomic Exploration of Transcriptional Regulation and Evolution in Vertebrates

Chan, Esther T. M. 16 March 2011 (has links)
All cellular processes depend on the coordinate expression of genes and their interactions. Regulatory sequences encoded in the genome stipulate the necessary instructions interpreted by sequence-specific transcription factors (TFs) to control the spatial-temporal output of gene expression. Detection of cis-regulatory signals is challenging, owing to the lack of distinguishing features such as open reading frames and an overwhelming excess of spurious to functional TF binding site matching sequences embedded within the vast non-coding regions of vertebrate genomes. From an evolutionary standpoint, functional alterations in cis-regulatory architecture are thought to be important in diversifying morphology and physiology in the evolution of vertebrates, which share a similar body plan and complement of genes. Correspondingly, recent studies have highlighted the plasticity of cis-regulatory architecture organization over evolutionary time, finding associations with examples of both diverged and conserved patterns of gene expression. These observations underscore the gap in our collective knowledge with respect to the rules by which TFs recognize and bind their targets in vivo, as well as how this process evolves in vertebrates, and serve as a motivating basis for this thesis work. To begin, I probed the extent of conservation and divergence of sequence and expression profiles across tissues of diverse vertebrate species, identifying thousands of candidate genes with conserved expression by microarray analysis. However, corresponding conservation of non-exonic and potentially regulatory sequence was lacking, suggestive of binding site turnover over evolutionary time. Next, I analyzed the sequence specificity of a wide array of mouse and yeast TFs, finding great diversity and complexity in their binding preferences, with many factors recognizing multiple distinct motifs. Furthermore, comparative analysis of orthologous TFs suggest well conserved binding specificities. I also demonstrate the likely biological relevance of sequences highly preferred by these TFs by revealing distinctive signatures in their distribution and organization within putative regulatory regions in each genome. Lastly, I have begun to explore the organization of cis-regulatory sequences active in vertebrate tissues by high-throughput sequencing of open chromatin. Together, these data help illuminate the organization and evolution of vertebrate regulatory architectures, providing a useful toolkit for the testing of new models and hypotheses.

Exploring the Roles of Lysine Deacetylases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Kaluarachchi, Supipi Wasana Kumari 19 January 2012 (has links)
This work investigates two distinct roles of lysine deacetylases (KDACs) in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The first part focused on the classical, well characterized role of KDACs as transcriptional regulators and deciphering their role in G1 transcription. I show that two yeast KDACs, Rpd3 and Hos3 are recruited to G1 promoters through their interactions with the negative regulator Whi5 and that these KDACs are necessary for proper Whi5-mediated repression. The second part examines a newly discovered role for KDACs extending their role beyond the chromatin as modifiers of proteins other than the histones. I present here the first systematic approach that comprehensively examines these non-histone targets of KDACs in vivo. I identified 73 non-histone proteins acetylated in vivo involved in diverse cellular processes. Swi4, a component of the G1 transcription factor SBF, was identified in the Rpd3 screen and I show that the interaction between Swi4 and its heterodimeric partner Swi6 was regulated by acetylation. My findings significantly expand the scope of the yeast acetylome and demonstrate the utility of systematic functional genomic screens to explore enzymatic pathways.

Probabilistic Approaches in Comparative Analysis of Biological Networks and Sequences

Sahraeian, Sayed 1983- 02 October 2013 (has links)
Comparative analysis of genomic data investigates the relationship of genome structure and function across different biological species to shed light on their similarities and differences. In this dissertation, we study two important problems in comparative genomics, namely comparative sequence analysis and comparative network analysis. In the comparative sequence analysis, we study the multiple sequence alignment of protein and DNA sequences as well as the structural alignment of multiple RNA sequences. For closely related sequences, multiple sequence alignment can be efficiently performed through progressive techniques. However, for divergent sequences it is very challenging to predict an accurate alignment. Here, we introduce PicXAA, an efficient non-progressive technique for multiple protein and DNA sequence alignment. We also further extend PicXAA to PicXAA-R for structural alignment of RNA sequences. PicXAA and PicXAA-R greedily build up the alignment from sequence regions with high local similarity, thereby yielding an accurate global alignment that effectively captures local similarities among sequences. As another important research area in comparative genomics, we also investigate the comparative network analysis problem. Translation of increasing number of large-scale biological networks into meaningful biological insights requires efficient computational techniques. One such example is network querying, which aims to identify subnetwork regions in a large target network that are similar to a given query network. Here, we introduce an efficient algorithm for querying large-scale biological networks, called RESQUE. RESQUE adopts a semi-Markov random walk model to probabilistically estimate the correspondence scores between nodes that belong to different networks. The target network is iteratively reduced based on the estimated correspondence scores until the best matching subnetwork emerges. The proposed network querying scheme is computationally efficient, can handle any network query with an arbitrary topology, and yields accurate querying results. We also extend the idea used in RESQUE to develop an efficient algorithm for alignment of multiple large-scale biological networks, called SMETANA. SMETANA outperforms state-of- the-art network alignment techniques, in terms of both computational efficiency and alignment accuracy. The accomplished studies have enabled us to provide a coherent framework for probabilistic approach to comparative analysis of biological sequences and networks. Such a probabilistic framework helps us employ rigorous mathematical schemes to find accurate and efficient solutions to these problems.

Population Structure, Association Mapping of Economic Traits and Landscape Genomics of East Texas Loblolly Pine ( Pinus taeda L.)

Chhatre, Vikram E. 03 October 2013 (has links)
Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) is an ecologically and economically important southern pine, distributed across the southeastern United States. Its genetic improvement for breeding and deployment is a major goal of the Western Gulf Forest Tree Improvement Program (WGFTIP) hosted by the Texas A&M Forest Service. Rapid advances in genomics and molecular marker technology have created potential for application of Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) and Genomic Selection (GS) for accelerated breeding in forest trees. First-generation selection (FGS) and second- generation selection (SGS) breeding populations of loblolly pine from east Texas were studied to estimate the genetic diversity, population structure, linkage disequilibrium (LD), signatures of selection and association of breeding traits with genetic markers using a genome-wide panel of 4264 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Under- standing the genetic basis of local adaptation is crucial to disentangle the dynamics of gene flow, drift and selection and to address climate change. Bayesian mixed linear models and logistic regression were used to associate SNP variation with geography, climate, aridity and growth season length and markers with strong correlations were investigated for biological functions. Relatively high levels of observed (Ho = 0.178–0.198) and expected (He = 0.180-0.198) heterozygosities were found in all populations. The amount of inbreeding was very low, and many populations exhibited a slight excess of heterozygotes. The population substructure was weak, but FST indicated more pronounced differentiation in the SGS populations. As expected for outcrossing natural populations, the genome-wide LD was low, but marker density was insufficient to deduce the decay rate. Numerous associations were found between various phenotypes and SNPs, but few remained significant after false positive correction. Signatures of diversifying and balancing selection were found in markers representing important biological functions. Strong correlations supported by Bayes factors were found between various environmental variables and several SNPs. Logistic regression found hundreds of significant marker-environment associations, but none remained significant after false-positive correction, which was likely too stringent and will require further investigation. Annotations of significant markers implicated them in crucial biological functions. These results present the first step in the application of MAS to the WGFTIP for loblolly pine genetic improvement and will contribute to the knowledgebase necessary for genomic selection technology. Results from environmental association study provide important information for designing breeding strategies to address climate change and for genetic conservation purposes.

G/C tracts and genome instability in Caenorhabditis elegans

Zhao, Yang 11 1900 (has links)
The integrity of the genome is critical to organisms and it is affected by many factors. Radiation, for example, poses a serious threat to genome stability of human beings. While physical monitors for radiation hazard are present, the biological consequences of long term exposure to radiation are not well understood. With the opportunity as part of the International Caenorhabditis elegans Experiment-1 flight project, several approaches using C. elegans were taken to measure mutational changes that occurred during the spaceflight. Among these methods, the eT1 balancer system was demonstrated to be well-suited as an integrating biological dosimeter for spaceflight. The dog-1 gene in C. elegans is required to prevent mutations at poly-G/poly-C tracts, and previous work has described that in the absence of DOG-1, small deletions initiate within these tracts, most likely as a consequence of improperly repaired replication blocks. The eT1 balancer system was adapted to investigate the broad mutational spectrum of dog-1 mutants. Using this system, I was able to determine a forward mutation rate of approximately 1 x 10-3, 10 fold higher than spontaneous. Both small deletions as reported previously and unreported large chromosome rearrangements were observed, and most of mutations analyzed are associated with G/C tracts. Thus, I propose that following dog-1-induced replication blocks, repair leads to a wide range of mutational events and chromosomal instabilities, similar to those seen in human cancers. The existence of the G/C tracts in C. elegans creates a fortuitous but perplexing problem. They are hotspots for genome instability and need enzymatic protection. In the genome of C. elegans, approximately 400 G/C tracts exist and are distributed along every chromosome in a non-random pattern. G/C tracts are also over-represented in another Caenorhabditis species, C. briggsae. However, the positions and distribution differ from those in C. elegans. Furthermore, in C. elegans, analysis of SAGE data showed that the position of the G/C tracts correlated with the level of gene expression. Although being a threat to genome stability, the genomic distribution of G/C tracts in C. elegans and their effect on regional transcription levels suggest a role for G/C tracts in chromatin structure.

Microsatellite Evolution in The Yeast Genome - A Genomic Approach

Merkel, Angelika January 2008 (has links)
Microsatellites are short (1-6bp long) highly polymorphic tandem repeats, found in all genomes analyzed so far. Popular genetic markers for many applications including population genetics, pedigree analysis, genetic mapping and linkage analysis, some microsatellites also can cause a variety of human neurodegenerative diseases and may act as agents of adaptive evolution through the regulation of gene expression. As a consequence of these diverse uses and functions, the mutational and evolutionary dynamics of microsatellite sequences have gained much attention in recent years. Mostly, the focus of studies investigating microsatellite evolution has been to develop more refined evolutionary models for estimating parameters such as genetic distance or linkage disequilibrium. However, there is an incentive in using our understanding of the evolutionary processes that affect these sequences to examine the functional implications of microsatellite evolution. What has emerged from nearly two decades of study are highly complex mutational dynamics, with mutation rates varying across species, loci and alleles, and a multitude of potential influences on these rates, most of which are not yet fully understood. The increasing availability of whole genome sequences has immensely extended the scope for studying microsatellite evolution. For example, where once it was common to examine single loci, it is now possible to examine microsatellites using genome wide approaches. In the first part of my dissertation I discuss approaches and issues associated with detecting microsatellites in genomic data. In Chapter 2 I undertook a meta-analysis of studies investigating the distribution of microsatellites in yeast and showed that studies comparing the distribution of microsatellites in genomic data can be fraught due to the application of different definitions for microsatellites by different investigators. In particular, I found that variation in how investigators choose the repeat unit size of a microsatellite, handle imperfections in the array and especially the choice of minimum array length used, leads to a large divergence in results and can distort the conclusions drawn from such studies, particularly where inter-specific comparisons are being made. In a review of the currently available suite of bioinformatics tools (Chapter 3), I further showed that this bias extends beyond a solely theoretical controversy into a methodological issue because most software tools not only incorporate different definitions for the key parameters used to define microsatellites, but also employ different strategies to search and filter for microsatellites in genomic data. In this chapter I provide an overview of the available tools and a practical guide to help other researchers choose the appropriate tool for their research purpose. In the second part of my thesis, I use the analytical framework developed from the previous chapters to explore the biological significance of microsatellites exploiting the well annotated genome of the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker’s yeast). Several studies in different organisms have indicated spatial associations between microsatellites and individual genomic features, such as transposable elements, recombinational hotspots, GC-content or local substitution rate. In Chapter 4, I summarized these studies and tested some of the underlying hypotheses on microsatellite distribution in the yeast genome using Generalized Linear Models (GLM) and wavelet transformation. I found that microsatellite type and distribution within the genome is strongly governed by local sequence composition and negative selection in coding regions, and that microsatellite frequency is inversely correlated with SNP density reflecting the stabilizing effect point mutations have on microsatellites. Microsatellites may also be markers for recent genome modifications, due to their depletion in regions nearby LTR transposons, and elements of potential structural importance, since I found associations with features such as meiotic double strand breaks, regulatory sites and nucleosomes. Microsatellites are subject to local genomic influences, particularly on small (1-2kb) scales. Although, these local scale influences might not be as dominant as other factors on a genome-wide scale they are certainly of importance with respect to individual loci. Analysis of locus conservation across 40 related yeast strains (Chapter 5) showed no bias in the type of microsatellites conserved, only a negative influence of coding sequences, which supports again the idea that microsatellites evolve neutrally. Polymorphism was rare, and despite a positive correlation with array length, there was no relationship with either genomic fraction or repeat size. However, the analysis also revealed a non-random distribution of microsatellites in genes of functionally distinct groups. For example, conserved microsatellites (similar to general microsatellites in yeast) are mostly found in genes associated with the regulation of biological and cellular processes. Polymorphic loci show further an association with the organization and biogenesis of cellular components, morphogenesis, development of anatomical structures and pheromone response, which, is absent for monomorphic loci. Whether this distribution is an indication of functionality or simply neutral mutation (e.g. genetic hitch-hiking) is debatable since most conserved microsatellites, particularly variable loci, are located within genes that show low selective constraints. Overall, microsatellites appear as neutrally evolving sequences, but owing to the sheer number of loci within a single genome, individual loci may well acquire some functionality. More work is definitely needed in this area, particularly experimental studies, such as reporter-gene expression assays, to confirm phenotypic effects.

Assignment and assessment of orthology and gene function /

Storm, Christian, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2004. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Genomics and bioinformatics approaches to functional gene annotation /

Kemmer, Danielle, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Applied bioinformatics for gene characterization /

Podowski, Raf M., January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

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