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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Santos, Adriana Tonellotto dos 21 October 2008 (has links)
This work aims at analyzing the matter of the deaf community social inclusion/exclusion in relation to hearing people, besides analyzing their spacialization/territorialization in Santa Maria city/RS. In the same way, it tries to identify the places most visited by deaf people in this city; identify the main problems in the relation the deaf community x the hearing people community ; the school role while responsible for a social inclusion and the deaf focalized according to social movements and/or new social movements. The methodology used was the Case Study, consisting in a qualitative research, utilizing sources such as: bibliographies, observations and interviews. Considering this study, it was possible to verify that there are few places visited by the deaf in Santa Maria city. Some of these places are the School for the Deaf in Santa Maria city/RS, the Deaf Association, the City Athletic Center, and one of the Shopping Malls in the city. It was also verified that the deaf social inclusion in the geographical area of Santa Maria city/RS is a slow process in continuous construction, mainly through the Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) diffusion to the hearing community. In relation to the School, the researchers are against the simple deaf people insertion into hearing people classes, defending a proper school for the deaf, because they believe it is really a social inclusion. It was verified that the deaf constitute a new social movement, justified by the historical fights of deaf movements and supporters in their rights conquest. Based on these results, this study made possible a reflection upon the importance of the deaf mobility in the geographical area and also their participation in the general community while different subjects and with the right of having specific language and culture, independently on being the majority or minority in relation to the population numerical data. / Esse trabalho visa analisar a questão da inclusão/ exclusão social da comunidade surda em relação às sociedades ouvintes e sua espacialização/ territorialização na cidade de Santa Maria/ RS. Busca ainda, identificar os locais da cidade mais freqüentados pelos surdos; diagnosticar os principais problemas, na relação comunidade surda x comunidade ouvinte ; o papel da escola enquanto veículo de inclusão social e os surdos focalizados sob a ótica dos movimentos sociais e/ ou novos movimentos sociais. A metodologia utilizada foi o Estudo de Caso, evidenciando o tipo de pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando-se fontes como: bibliografias, observações e entrevistas. A partir daí, foi possível verificar que os locais mais freqüentados pelos surdos na cidade de Santa Maria/ RS são escassos. Constituem esses poucos locais destacados, a Escola de surdos existente na cidade, a Associação de Surdos de Santa Maria/ RS, o Centro Desportivo Municipal e um dos shoppings centers da cidade. Constatou-se também, diante das respostas dos entrevistados que a inclusão social dos surdos no espaço geográfico da cidade de Santa Maria/ RS, é um processo lento e em constante construção, principalmente, através da difusão da Língua de Sinais (LIBRAS) para a comunidade ouvinte. Quanto à Escola, os pesquisados, mostraram-se contrários a simples inserção dos surdos em classes ouvintes, defendendo a escola própria para surdos, pois acreditam, que esta sim é veículo de inclusão social. Verificou-se que os surdos configuram-se como um novo movimento social, justificado pelo histórico de lutas do movimento surdo e apoiadores, na conquista de seus direitos. Com base nesses resultados, a realização desse estudo permitiu uma reflexão pautada na importância da mobilidade dos surdos no espaço geográfico e sua participação na comunidade em geral, enquanto sujeitos diferentes e com direito a ter língua e cultura próprias, independente de ser maioria ou minoria em relação aos dados numéricos de população.

Élaboration d'une approche de biosurveillance humaine pour évaluer l'exposition aux métaux et éléments traces de la population libanaise et son association avec la consommation d'eau potable

Nasser Eddine, Nessrine 08 1900 (has links)
Dans le contexte libanais, les infrastructures de traitement et d’approvisionnement en eau potable ne sont pas optimales et il existe un manque de connaissances sur l’association entre la consommation d’eau et les niveaux d’exposition aux métaux et éléments traces. La présente étude est une première tentative faisant état de l'exposition aux métaux et aux éléments traces dans des sous-groupes de la population libanaise en utilisant une approche de biosurveillance multi-matrices. Les concentrations en 11 métaux et éléments traces (aluminium (Al), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chrome (Cr), cuivre (Cu), fer (Fe), plomb (Pb), manganèse (Mn), sélénium (Se), uranium (U), zinc (Zn)) ont été mesurées dans des échantillons d'urine, de cheveux et d'ongles d’orteils d'un groupe de la population et les niveaux ont été comparés en fonction de l'âge, du sexe, du tabagisme, du statut économique, de la zone géographique et de la source d'eau potable. Alors que la plupart des concentrations urinaires et d'ongles n'étaient pas statistiquement différentes entre les hommes et les femmes, les concentrations mesurées d'éléments dans les cheveux étaient statistiquement plus élevées chez les femmes que chez les hommes. Les concentrations urinaires d'Al, Cu, Se et Zn étaient statistiquement plus élevées chez les enfants comparativement aux adolescents et aux adultes. Les concentrations de plusieurs éléments dans les cheveux et les ongles (As, Cd, Pb, Mn, Se dans les cheveux et les ongles plus Al, Fe dans les ongles d’orteils) étaient significativement plus élevées chez les enfants que chez les adolescents et/ou adultes (MG chez les enfants vs. les adolescents vs. les adultes dans les cheveux: 0,009 vs 0,009 vs. 0.005 µg As/g (p<0,01); 0,046 vs. 0,016 vs. 0,022 µg Cd/ g (p<0,05); 1,16 vs. 0,580 vs. 0,627 µg Pb/g (p<0,1); 0,305 vs. 0,168 vs. 0,275 µg Mn/g (p<0,1); 0,365 vs. 0,370 vs. 0,217 µg Se/g (p<0,05) et dans les ongles d’orteils : 17,0 vs. 14,3 vs. 7,31 µg Al/g et 56,9 vs. 46,0 vs. 23,8 µg Fe/g (p<0,05). Le statut tabagique n’a aucune influence sur les concentrations de As, cd et Pb. Les niveaux de Cd, Pb et Mn étaient également statistiquement plus élevés dans les échantillons des sous-groupes ayant un statut économique inférieur (Cd et Pb dans les 3 matrices urines, cheveux et ongles d’orteils respectivement de 0,223 µg Cd/L(p<0,1); 0,062 µg Cd/ g (p<0,05) et 0,038 µg Cd/ g (p<0,01); 1,16 µg Pb/L(p<0,05); 1,84 µg Pb/ g (p<0,01) et 0,840 µg Pb/ g (p<0,01) et Mn dans les cheveux et ongles d’orteils respectivement de 0,434 µg Mn/ g (p<0,05); 0,689 µg Mn/g (p<0,05). Les mêmes tendances ont été observées pour la stratification en fonction de la zone géographique, mais la différence n'était pas statistiquement significative, sauf pour le Pb dans l'urine où les participants de Beyrouth centre avaient des niveaux urinaires significativement moins élevés que les autres zones (0,560 µg Pb/L(p<0,01). Très peu de corrélations ont été identifiées entre les sources d’eau potable et les concentrations des métaux et éléments traces dans les urines, cheveux et ongles d’orteils. Cependant, une corrélation a été trouvée entre les niveaux d’As, Cd et Pb dans les cheveux et les ongles d’orteils respectivement (r = 0,4, p<0,05); (r = 0,310, p<0,05) et (r = 0.,270, p<0,1). Dans l’ensemble, les résultats ont montré que la population était exposée à des concentrations plus élevées de certains métaux que les autres populations, une attention particulière doit être accordée à l'exposition aux As, Cd et Pb, Mn et Se. Bien que la source d'eau n'ait pas contribué à la différence dans les niveaux d'exposition, les niveaux de certains métaux et éléments traces différaient selon l'âge, le sexe, les zones géographiques de résidence et le statut économique. Il pourrait être pertinent d'étendre ce type d'enquête à une initiative de biosurveillance humaine à grande échelle dans la population libanaise afin de valider et de généraliser les résultats et d'observer les tendances temporelles dans le temps. / In the Lebanese context, drinking water treatment and supply infrastructures are not optimal and it exists a lack of knowledge on the association between water consumption and levels of exposure to metals and trace elements. The present study is a first attempt reporting exposure to metals and trace elements in subgroups of the Lebanese population using a multi-matrix biomonitoring approach. Concentrations of 11 metals and trace elements (aluminum (Al), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), selenium (Se), uranium (U), zinc (Zn)) were measured in urine, hair and toenail samples from a population group and the levels were compared according to the age, gender, smoking status, economic status, geographic area, and source of drinking water. While most urinary and nail concentrations were not statistically different between men and women, measured element concentrations in hair were statistically higher in women than in men. Urinary concentrations of Al, Cu, Se and Zn were statistically higher in children compared to adolescents and adults. Concentrations of several elements in hair and nails (As, Cd, Pb, Mn, Se in hair and toenails plus Al, Fe in toenails) were significantly higher in children than in adolescents and/or adults (MG in children vs. adolescents vs. adults in hair: 0.009 vs. 0.009 vs. 0.005 µg As/g (p<0.01); 0.046 vs. 0.016 vs. 0.022 µg Cd/g (p< 0.05), 1.16 vs. 0.580 vs. 0.627 µg Pb/g (p<0.1), 0.305 vs. 0.168 vs. 0.275 µg Mn/g (p<0.1), 0.365 vs. 0.370 vs. 0.217 µg Se/g (p<0.05) and in the nails: 17.0 vs. 14.3 vs. 7.31 µg Al/g and 56.9 vs. 46.0 vs. 23.8 µg Fe/g. Smoking status has no influence on the concentrations of metals and trace elements. The levels of Cd, Pb and Mn were also statistically higher in the samples of the subgroups with a lower economic status (Cd and Pb in the 3 matrices urine, hair and toenails respectively of 0.223 µg Cd/L (p<0, 1);0.062 µg Cd/g (p<0.05) and 0.038 µg Cd/g (p<0.01);1.16 µg Pb/L(p<0.05);1.84 µg Pb/ g (p<0.01) and 0.840 µg Pb/g (p<0.01) and Mn in hair and toenails respectively 0.434 µg Mn/g (p<0.05), 0.689 µg Mn/g (p <0.05). The same trends were observed for stratification according to geographical area, but the difference was not statistically significant, except for Pb in urine where participants from central Beirut had significantly lower urinary levels than the others zones (0.560 µg Pb/L (p<0.01). Very few correlations have been identified between the sources of drinking water and the concentrations of metals and trace elements in urine, hair and toenails. However, a correlation was found between As, Cd and Pb levels in hair and toenails respectively r = 0.4, p<0.05), r = 0.310, p<0.05) and r = 0.270, p<0.1). Overall, the results showed that the population was exposed to higher concentrations of some metals than other populations, particular attention should be paid to exposure to As, Cd and Pb, Mn and Se. Although water source did not contribute to the difference in exposure levels, levels of some metals and trace elements differed by age, sex, smoking status, geographic areas of residence, and economic status. It might be relevant to extend this type of investigation to a large-scale human biomonitoring initiative in the Lebanese population in order to validate and generalize the results and to observe temporal trends over time.

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