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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência de parâmetros geotécnicos e de propriedades geomecânicas de pneus inservíveis em obras geotécnicas e rodoviárias / Influence of geotechnical and geomechanical properties of scrap tires in geotechnical and transportation applications

Rodrigues, Ary Paulo 31 March 2004 (has links)
A Resolução nº 258/99 do Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente - CONAMA, em vigor desde janeiro de 2002, obriga a destinação ambientalmente correta de pneumáticos inservíveis. Os pneus são considerados inservíveis devido ao desgaste e quando não há possibilidade de reaproveitamento para uso veicular e nem para processos de reforma. Entretanto, preservam propriedades físicas com potencial de aproveitamento na engenharia civil. Nos últimos anos surgiram várias iniciativas no Brasil, desde pesquisas acadêmicas à execução de obras, para a utilização de pneus, sobretudo em pavimentação asfáltica e aterros reforçados. Este trabalho analisa outras alternativas de aplicação de pneus inservíveis em obras geotécnicas e rodoviárias. Apresenta a caracterização dos pneus, suas propriedades físicas, parâmetros geotécnicos e geomecânicos e são realizadas análises paramétricas para cada tipo de aplicação estudada, isto é, muros de gravidade, reforço do subleito de pavimentos e aterros leves. / The Resolution nº 258/99 of the Brazilian Council for the Environment - CONAMA, in vigour since January of 2002, compels the environmentaly correct destination of scrap tires. The tires are considered used when there is no possibility of vehicle utilization or renew process. However, they preserve physical properties with potential of utilization in civil engineering. In the last years, for instance, several options were considered in Brazil, from academic researches to the execution of works, particularly in the asphalt paving industry and in reinforced embankments. This work analyzes anothers alternatives for scrap tires in geotechnical and transportation applications. It presents the characterization of tires, their physical properties and geotechnical and geomechanics parameters. It also presents parametric analyses carried out for each type of studied application, that is, gravity walls, reinforcement of road subgrades and lightweigth fill for road embankment.

Propriedades geotécnicas dos solos e modelagem matemática de previsão a escorregamentos translacionais rasos / Geotechnical properties of soils and mathematical modeling for shallow landslides prediction

Listo, Fabrizio de Luiz Rosito 08 October 2015 (has links)
Em função da ocorrência de desastres naturais no Brasil, instaurou-se em 2012 a Lei Federal no 12.608 de Política Nacional de Proteção e Defesa Civil, que incentiva medidas de previsão para conter desastres naturais e situações de risco. O uso de modelos matemáticos em bases físicas pode ser uma importante ferramenta no auxílio à redução das situações negativas geradas por escorregamentos, sobretudo em áreas íngremes como a Serra do Mar. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar cenários de suscetibilidade a escorregamentos translacionais rasos gerados pelo modelo TRIGRS na Bacia do Rio Guaxinduba (Caraguatatuba, SP) afetada por vários escorregamentos e corridas de detritos em março de 1967. Especificamente, objetivou-se gerar três cenários de suscetibilidade considerando valores da literatura, coletados in situ e distribuídos estatisticamente; caracterizar espacialmente as propriedades geotécnicas e hidrológicas do solo (coesão; densidade; espessura máxima; ângulo de atrito interno e condutividade hidráulica saturada vertical) coletadas in situ e avaliar a variação do Fator de Segurança (FS) conforme a profundidade do solo. Para isso, foram gerados três cenários utilizando-se, no primeiro, valores geotécnicos e hidrológicos disponíveis na literatura, no segundo, valores coletados dentro da bacia e no terceiro, valores geoestatisticamente distribuídos. A partir da combinação com o mapa de cicatrizes de 1967, para validação dos cenários foram utilizados os seguintes índices: (a) Concentração de Cicatrizes; (b) Potencial de Escorregamentos e (c) percentual de áreas instáveis sem cicatrizes e de áreas estáveis com cicatrizes. Os resultados dos cenários indicaram que o uso de dados geotécnicos e hidrológicos coletados in situ forneceu resultados melhores e mais representativos. Nos três cenários foi verificada uma concordância entre as cicatrizes e as áreas instáveis, mas houve uma diferença na distribuição de classes de estabilidade. Topograficamente, foram observadas maiores instabilidades em ângulos da encosta >20º, com formas retilíneas e côncavas e em classes intermediárias de área de contribuição. Geotecnicamente, foram observadas importantes relações entre a instabilidade e os valores de coesão do solo; especialmente entre os valores de 0kPa a 6kPa. Nos demais parâmetros, observou-se maior suscetibilidade nas áreas com densidade entre 17kg/m3 e 18kg/m3; espessuras de 3m; ângulos de atrito interno entre 31º e 35º e condutividade hidráulica entre 1,0x10-3m/s e 1,0x10-4m/s. Em função dos resultados obtidos, o modelo TRIGRS e a espacialização de parâmetros geotécnicos e hidrológicos podem ser utilizados pelo poder público, em suas diferentes esferas administrativas para a definição de áreas de risco e para o planejamento do uso e ocupação do solo (ex. construção de moradias e de estradas, práticas florestais, entre outros). / Due to the occurrence of natural disasters in Brazil, the National Protection and Civil Defense Policy Federal Law no. 12,608 was established in 2012, which encourages prediction measures to minimize natural disasters and risk situations. The use of mathematical models in physical basis can be an important tool in helping to reduce negative situations generated by landslides, especially in steep areas such as the Serra do Mar mountain rage. The goal of this work was to compare susceptibility scenarios to shallow landslides generated by the TRIGRS model at the Guaxinduba hydrographic basin (Caraguatatuba, SP), affected by various landslides and debris flows in March 1967. Specifically, the generation of three susceptibility scenarios was aimed, considering literature values, collected in situ and statistically distributed; to spatially characterize the geotechnical and hydrological properties of the soil (soil cohesion; soil density; soil thickness; internal friction angle and saturated hydraulic conductivity) collected in situ and evaluate the Factor of Safety (FS) according to soil depth. To achieve this, three scenarios were generated, using, in the first, geotechnical and hydrological values available in literature, in the second, values collected inside the basin and in the third, geostatistically distributed values. From the match with the 1967 map of scars, the following indexes were used to validate the scenarios: (a) Scars Concentration; (b) Potential Landslides and (c) percentage of unstable areas without scars and stable areas with scars. The results of the scenarios indicated that the use of in situ collected geotechnical and hydrological data supplied better and more representative results. In the three scenarios, a concordance between the scars and the unstable areas was verified, but there was a difference in the distribution of stability classes. Topographically, greater instabilities were observed at >20º slope angles, with slope straight and concave slope shapes, and at intermediate classes of contribution area. Geotechnically, important relations between the instability and the soil cohesion values were noted; especially between the values ranging from 0kPa to 6kPa. In the other parameters, a greater susceptibility was observed in the areas with densities between 17kg/m3 and 18kg/m3; 3m thicknesses; internal friction angles between 31º and 35º and hydraulic conductivity between 1,0x10-3m/s and 1,0x10-4m/s. According to the results, the TRIGRS model and the spatialization of geotechnical and hydrological parameters may be used by the Government, in its various administrative levels, for the definition of risk areas and to plan the land use and occupation (e.g., construction of housing and roads, forest practices, among others).

Investigação sobre as características geotécnicas de um resíduo de papel. / Investigation geotechnical properties of a paper mill slugle.

Paula Fernanda Teixeira 24 October 2002 (has links)
A utilização de resíduos industriais gerados pela indústria de papel como material geotécnico, tem se tornado uma prática comum nestes últimos anos. Esta prática se dá devido a dois aspectos importantes: a economia e a aspectos ambientais. As indústrias de papel geram uma quantidade significativa de resíduos, e com o aumento dos custos de disposição e as dificuldades de armazenamento destes materiais está havendo uma preocupação crescente no reaproveitamento destes resíduos. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar as propriedades geotécnicas do resíduo de papel gerado pela indústria de papel Rigesa de Valinhos, São Paulo. O estudo deste tipo de resíduo pretende contribuir para redução do custo na disposição final do resíduo para as indústrias de papel e por outro lado oferecer uma alternativa econômica para o sistema de cobertura de outros resíduos. Este resíduo é gerado do lodo do sistema de tratamento de água residuária da indústria. O resíduo é o lodo secundário do processo de tratamento na estação de reciclagem onde são fabricados caixas de papelão. O material apresenta um alto índice de matéria orgânica, um alto teor de umidade inicial e é altamente compressível. Neste trabalho são apresentados em detalhes os ensaios realizados com o resíduo. Salienta-se, no entanto, que os resultados obtidos envolvem aspectos relacionados com a metodologia de ensaio para este material. Desta forma, o presente trabalho pretende contribuir ainda para a adequabilidade dos ensaios convencionais a este resíduo. Os ensaios realizados foram: Limite de Atterberg, Densidade dos Grãos, Granulometria, Adensamento, Permeabilidade, Cisalhamento Direto, Placa de Sucção e Placa de Pressão. / The use of the residues generated by the paper industry as a geotechnical material, has become common practice in recent years. This practice is due to two important aspects: the economical and environmental aspects. The paper industry generates a significant amount of residue and with the increase of the costs related to the disposal of this material, there is a growing need to recycle. The objective of this work is to present the geotechnical properties of the paper residue generated by the Rigesa paper Industry in Valinhos, São Paulo. The study of this kind of residue intends to contribute to the reduction of the cost in the final disposal of the residue for the paper industry and, on the other hand, to offer an economic alternative for covering systems. This residue is generated from the sludges of the system of residuary water treatment of the industry. The residue is the secondary sludges of the process of the treatment in the recycling station where cardboard boxes are manufactured. The material presents a high organic content, a high initial water content and a high compressibility. This is presented in details through tests carried out with the residue. However, it should be pointed out that results obtained involve aspects related to the methodology of the test for this material. In this way the present work intends to contribute to the re-structuring of the conventional tests. The tests performed were: Limit of Atterberg, Specify Gravity, Grain Size Distribution, Consolidation, Permeability, Direct Shear, and the soil water Storage curve.

Influência de parâmetros geotécnicos e de propriedades geomecânicas de pneus inservíveis em obras geotécnicas e rodoviárias / Influence of geotechnical and geomechanical properties of scrap tires in geotechnical and transportation applications

Ary Paulo Rodrigues 31 March 2004 (has links)
A Resolução nº 258/99 do Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente - CONAMA, em vigor desde janeiro de 2002, obriga a destinação ambientalmente correta de pneumáticos inservíveis. Os pneus são considerados inservíveis devido ao desgaste e quando não há possibilidade de reaproveitamento para uso veicular e nem para processos de reforma. Entretanto, preservam propriedades físicas com potencial de aproveitamento na engenharia civil. Nos últimos anos surgiram várias iniciativas no Brasil, desde pesquisas acadêmicas à execução de obras, para a utilização de pneus, sobretudo em pavimentação asfáltica e aterros reforçados. Este trabalho analisa outras alternativas de aplicação de pneus inservíveis em obras geotécnicas e rodoviárias. Apresenta a caracterização dos pneus, suas propriedades físicas, parâmetros geotécnicos e geomecânicos e são realizadas análises paramétricas para cada tipo de aplicação estudada, isto é, muros de gravidade, reforço do subleito de pavimentos e aterros leves. / The Resolution nº 258/99 of the Brazilian Council for the Environment - CONAMA, in vigour since January of 2002, compels the environmentaly correct destination of scrap tires. The tires are considered used when there is no possibility of vehicle utilization or renew process. However, they preserve physical properties with potential of utilization in civil engineering. In the last years, for instance, several options were considered in Brazil, from academic researches to the execution of works, particularly in the asphalt paving industry and in reinforced embankments. This work analyzes anothers alternatives for scrap tires in geotechnical and transportation applications. It presents the characterization of tires, their physical properties and geotechnical and geomechanics parameters. It also presents parametric analyses carried out for each type of studied application, that is, gravity walls, reinforcement of road subgrades and lightweigth fill for road embankment.

Investigação sobre as características geotécnicas de um resíduo de papel. / Investigation geotechnical properties of a paper mill slugle.

Teixeira, Paula Fernanda 24 October 2002 (has links)
A utilização de resíduos industriais gerados pela indústria de papel como material geotécnico, tem se tornado uma prática comum nestes últimos anos. Esta prática se dá devido a dois aspectos importantes: a economia e a aspectos ambientais. As indústrias de papel geram uma quantidade significativa de resíduos, e com o aumento dos custos de disposição e as dificuldades de armazenamento destes materiais está havendo uma preocupação crescente no reaproveitamento destes resíduos. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar as propriedades geotécnicas do resíduo de papel gerado pela indústria de papel Rigesa de Valinhos, São Paulo. O estudo deste tipo de resíduo pretende contribuir para redução do custo na disposição final do resíduo para as indústrias de papel e por outro lado oferecer uma alternativa econômica para o sistema de cobertura de outros resíduos. Este resíduo é gerado do lodo do sistema de tratamento de água residuária da indústria. O resíduo é o lodo secundário do processo de tratamento na estação de reciclagem onde são fabricados caixas de papelão. O material apresenta um alto índice de matéria orgânica, um alto teor de umidade inicial e é altamente compressível. Neste trabalho são apresentados em detalhes os ensaios realizados com o resíduo. Salienta-se, no entanto, que os resultados obtidos envolvem aspectos relacionados com a metodologia de ensaio para este material. Desta forma, o presente trabalho pretende contribuir ainda para a adequabilidade dos ensaios convencionais a este resíduo. Os ensaios realizados foram: Limite de Atterberg, Densidade dos Grãos, Granulometria, Adensamento, Permeabilidade, Cisalhamento Direto, Placa de Sucção e Placa de Pressão. / The use of the residues generated by the paper industry as a geotechnical material, has become common practice in recent years. This practice is due to two important aspects: the economical and environmental aspects. The paper industry generates a significant amount of residue and with the increase of the costs related to the disposal of this material, there is a growing need to recycle. The objective of this work is to present the geotechnical properties of the paper residue generated by the Rigesa paper Industry in Valinhos, São Paulo. The study of this kind of residue intends to contribute to the reduction of the cost in the final disposal of the residue for the paper industry and, on the other hand, to offer an economic alternative for covering systems. This residue is generated from the sludges of the system of residuary water treatment of the industry. The residue is the secondary sludges of the process of the treatment in the recycling station where cardboard boxes are manufactured. The material presents a high organic content, a high initial water content and a high compressibility. This is presented in details through tests carried out with the residue. However, it should be pointed out that results obtained involve aspects related to the methodology of the test for this material. In this way the present work intends to contribute to the re-structuring of the conventional tests. The tests performed were: Limit of Atterberg, Specify Gravity, Grain Size Distribution, Consolidation, Permeability, Direct Shear, and the soil water Storage curve.

Propriedades geotécnicas dos solos e modelagem matemática de previsão a escorregamentos translacionais rasos / Geotechnical properties of soils and mathematical modeling for shallow landslides prediction

Fabrizio de Luiz Rosito Listo 08 October 2015 (has links)
Em função da ocorrência de desastres naturais no Brasil, instaurou-se em 2012 a Lei Federal no 12.608 de Política Nacional de Proteção e Defesa Civil, que incentiva medidas de previsão para conter desastres naturais e situações de risco. O uso de modelos matemáticos em bases físicas pode ser uma importante ferramenta no auxílio à redução das situações negativas geradas por escorregamentos, sobretudo em áreas íngremes como a Serra do Mar. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar cenários de suscetibilidade a escorregamentos translacionais rasos gerados pelo modelo TRIGRS na Bacia do Rio Guaxinduba (Caraguatatuba, SP) afetada por vários escorregamentos e corridas de detritos em março de 1967. Especificamente, objetivou-se gerar três cenários de suscetibilidade considerando valores da literatura, coletados in situ e distribuídos estatisticamente; caracterizar espacialmente as propriedades geotécnicas e hidrológicas do solo (coesão; densidade; espessura máxima; ângulo de atrito interno e condutividade hidráulica saturada vertical) coletadas in situ e avaliar a variação do Fator de Segurança (FS) conforme a profundidade do solo. Para isso, foram gerados três cenários utilizando-se, no primeiro, valores geotécnicos e hidrológicos disponíveis na literatura, no segundo, valores coletados dentro da bacia e no terceiro, valores geoestatisticamente distribuídos. A partir da combinação com o mapa de cicatrizes de 1967, para validação dos cenários foram utilizados os seguintes índices: (a) Concentração de Cicatrizes; (b) Potencial de Escorregamentos e (c) percentual de áreas instáveis sem cicatrizes e de áreas estáveis com cicatrizes. Os resultados dos cenários indicaram que o uso de dados geotécnicos e hidrológicos coletados in situ forneceu resultados melhores e mais representativos. Nos três cenários foi verificada uma concordância entre as cicatrizes e as áreas instáveis, mas houve uma diferença na distribuição de classes de estabilidade. Topograficamente, foram observadas maiores instabilidades em ângulos da encosta >20º, com formas retilíneas e côncavas e em classes intermediárias de área de contribuição. Geotecnicamente, foram observadas importantes relações entre a instabilidade e os valores de coesão do solo; especialmente entre os valores de 0kPa a 6kPa. Nos demais parâmetros, observou-se maior suscetibilidade nas áreas com densidade entre 17kg/m3 e 18kg/m3; espessuras de 3m; ângulos de atrito interno entre 31º e 35º e condutividade hidráulica entre 1,0x10-3m/s e 1,0x10-4m/s. Em função dos resultados obtidos, o modelo TRIGRS e a espacialização de parâmetros geotécnicos e hidrológicos podem ser utilizados pelo poder público, em suas diferentes esferas administrativas para a definição de áreas de risco e para o planejamento do uso e ocupação do solo (ex. construção de moradias e de estradas, práticas florestais, entre outros). / Due to the occurrence of natural disasters in Brazil, the National Protection and Civil Defense Policy Federal Law no. 12,608 was established in 2012, which encourages prediction measures to minimize natural disasters and risk situations. The use of mathematical models in physical basis can be an important tool in helping to reduce negative situations generated by landslides, especially in steep areas such as the Serra do Mar mountain rage. The goal of this work was to compare susceptibility scenarios to shallow landslides generated by the TRIGRS model at the Guaxinduba hydrographic basin (Caraguatatuba, SP), affected by various landslides and debris flows in March 1967. Specifically, the generation of three susceptibility scenarios was aimed, considering literature values, collected in situ and statistically distributed; to spatially characterize the geotechnical and hydrological properties of the soil (soil cohesion; soil density; soil thickness; internal friction angle and saturated hydraulic conductivity) collected in situ and evaluate the Factor of Safety (FS) according to soil depth. To achieve this, three scenarios were generated, using, in the first, geotechnical and hydrological values available in literature, in the second, values collected inside the basin and in the third, geostatistically distributed values. From the match with the 1967 map of scars, the following indexes were used to validate the scenarios: (a) Scars Concentration; (b) Potential Landslides and (c) percentage of unstable areas without scars and stable areas with scars. The results of the scenarios indicated that the use of in situ collected geotechnical and hydrological data supplied better and more representative results. In the three scenarios, a concordance between the scars and the unstable areas was verified, but there was a difference in the distribution of stability classes. Topographically, greater instabilities were observed at >20º slope angles, with slope straight and concave slope shapes, and at intermediate classes of contribution area. Geotechnically, important relations between the instability and the soil cohesion values were noted; especially between the values ranging from 0kPa to 6kPa. In the other parameters, a greater susceptibility was observed in the areas with densities between 17kg/m3 and 18kg/m3; 3m thicknesses; internal friction angles between 31º and 35º and hydraulic conductivity between 1,0x10-3m/s and 1,0x10-4m/s. According to the results, the TRIGRS model and the spatialization of geotechnical and hydrological parameters may be used by the Government, in its various administrative levels, for the definition of risk areas and to plan the land use and occupation (e.g., construction of housing and roads, forest practices, among others).

Cryostratigraphie du pergélisol sensible au dégel : outil d’aide à l’élaboration et à l’adaptation de l’environnement bâti de la communauté de Puvirnituq (Nunavik)

Larrivée, Katryne 12 1900 (has links)
Au Nunavik, l’augmentation des températures atmosphériques en lien avec les changements climatiques influence la capacité portante du sol en modifiant le régime thermique de la couche active et du pergélisol. Selon la nature du sol et des cryostructures, les processus de fluage et tassement différentiel du sol peuvent être considérables. La forte croissance démographique au Nunavik nécessite la construction de plusieurs nouvelles unités d’habitation. La présente étude a produit des outils pour permettre un aménagement durable du territoire par l’interprétation géomorphologique du paysage et l’étude des propriétés géotechniques des cryofaciès qui compose la cryostratigraphie des unités géomorphologiques de Puvirnituq afin d’estimer le comportement du pergélisol au dégel. Trois unités géomorphologiques principales ont été distinguées sur le territoire. Le socle rocheux est stable au dégel ainsi que les dépôts minces qui le recouvrent puisqu’ils sont contenus dans la couche active (unité P1). Le till remanié est dominé par du sable pauvre en glace, lui conférant une stabilité, mais les moraines de De Geer pourraient incorporer des dépôts marins riches en glace à l’intérieur d’un till remanié (unité P2). Les dépressions comblées de dépôts marins et littoraux sont probablement situées sur du till remanié mais contiennent une zone de transition riche en glace entre ~0,9 et 1,7 m de profondeur, excluant les possibilités de construction (unité P3). La principale contribution à l’aménagement du territoire découlant de cette étude a été la production de deux cartes. La première présente la distribution des unités géomorphologiques sur l’ensemble du territoire, permettant d’identifier rapidement le potentiel d’aménagement de l’environnement de Puvirnituq; la seconde carte montre l’emplacement des moraines de De Geer au-delà du village. Ces données trouveront des applications dans l’évaluation de substrats pour l’expansion de l’environnement bâti de Purvinituq et de granulats non-gélifs pour la construction des infrastructures construites sur remblais. Cette carte souligne l’importance de l’histoire Quaternaire sur les conditions actuelles de pergélisol. / In Nunavik, a sustained increase of surface temperatures linked to climate change, affects the bearing capacity of the permafrost by modifying its thermal regime. Depending on the nature of the soil as well as its cryostructures, creep and differential thaw-settlement processes can be significant. The rapid demographic growth in Nunavik requires the construction of several new housing units. In order to estimate the behaviour of permafrost to thaw, this study has contributed to a sustainable land-use planning by the geomorphological interpretation of the landscape and the study of geotechnical properties of the different cryofacies that compose the geomorphological units of Puvirnituq. Three main geomorphological units were distinguished within the territory. The bedrock is thaw-stable as well as the veneer of surficial deposits since they are contained within the active layer (P1 unit). The reworked till is dominated by ice-poor sand, providing a certain stability, but the De Geer moraines could incorporate ice-rich till and ice-rich thaw sensitive marine deposits (P2 unit). The depressions, filled with marine and littoral deposits, probably contain stable reworked till at the bottom but the presence of an ice-rich transition zone between ~0,9 and 1,7 m depth, makes this geomorphological unit improper for construction (P3 unit). The principal contribution to landuse planning of this study is the production of two maps. The first presents the distribution of the geomorphological units over the entire territory, allowing for a quick identification of potential areas to support the development of Puvirnituq; the second map shows the location of De Geer moraines beyond the study area to extrapolate the result of this study to the landscape scale.

Caractérisation et valorisation des matérieux latéritiques utilisés en construction routière au Niger / Characterization and valorization of lateritic materials used in road construction in Niger

Souley Issiakou, Mahamadou 08 December 2016 (has links)
Les latérites sont les sols les plus utilisés dans les travaux de génie civil, plus particulièrement en construction routière dans la plupart des pays de la zone intertropicale. Ce sont des sols résiduels ou détritiques provenant de l’altération des roches préexistantes. Ces sols contiennent en quantité appréciable des oxydes de fer et d’aluminium, de la kaolinite et de la silice, mais de faibles quantités d’oxydes de titane, de manganèse, de magnésium, …, etc. La grande diversité des composés chimiques des latérites rend leur caractérisation malaisée. En outre, les documents normatifs et les guides techniques utilisés pour le dimensionnement des chaussées en Afrique subsaharienne pour la plupart inadaptés, ne prennent pas en compte la spécificité des conditions climatiques et environnementales des formations latéritiques dans les projets routiers. Une caractérisation interdisciplinaire de ces sols avec la prise en compte des facteurs intervenant dans le processus de latéritisation permettrait de déterminer des propriétés plus précises, plus pertinentes et beaucoup plus représentatives. Ce travail a pour vocation la caractérisation et la détermination de l’aptitude des sols latéritiques du sud-ouest du Niger. La zone concernée par l’étude comporte sept gisements latéritiques aux contextes géologiques forts différents les uns des autres. Notre étude, basée sur diverses approches a permis de déterminer les propriétés géotechniques et mécaniques des sols d’une part et les propriétés chimiques et minéralogiques d’autre part. À l’issue de l’étude, deux catégories de sols sont à distinguer : [1] les sols de bonne portance : d’indice CBR de l’ordre de 100 contiennent en moyenne une teneur en fines n’excédant pas 12% et un indice de plasticité inférieur à 15. Pour ces sols, la portance dépend beaucoup de la taille des particules. Ces derniers ont une résistance élevée au cisaillement et un angle de frottement interne effectif φ’ de l’ordre de 40° ainsi qu’une cohésion effective c’ supérieure à 10 kPa. Leur comportement est dilatant au cours du cisaillement. Ils présentent de faibles valeurs en indice de vide et en perméabilité. De même, leur amplitude de tassement est faible. La bonne portance de ces sols se justifie principalement par leur teneur appréciable en oxydes de fer. L’attaque de la matrice fine par ces derniers se fait de manière diffuse ou par concrétionnement sous forme de cercles d’oolithes et de pisolithes ovoïdes tangents. [2] les sols de faible portance : la fraction fine et l’indice de plasticité sont élevés, respectivement de l’ordre de 25 et 30. La portance est de l’ordre de 30, l’angle de frottement interne inférieur à 30° et la cohésion inférieure à 5 kPa. Ces sols résistent faiblement au cisaillement et leur comportement est contractant, c’est-à-dire celui d’un sable lâche. Ils sont plus compressibles, encore moins perméables avec un coefficient de gonflement élevé. La faible portance de ces sols est imputable à leur faible teneur en oxydes de fer, ainsi que le mode d’attaque qui se fait de manière isolée.L’amélioration des sols présentant une faible portance a été expérimentée en y rajoutant séparément une certaine teneur en liant hydraulique (ciment), en chaux (CaO) et en nodules latéritiques. Les analyses minéralogiques et chimiques ont montré que l’ajout des produits a conduit à une modification texturale et a favorisé la mise en place de composés chimiques néo-synthétisés ayant pour rôle principal de renforcer les liaisons entre les éléments minéraux contenus dans les échantillons de sol latéritique. Dans la plupart des cas, les échantillons améliorés ont présenté une bonne portance validant ainsi leur aptitude en construction routière. / Laterites are the most commonly used soils in civil engineering works, particularly in road construction in most countries of intertropical region. These are residual or detrital soils resulting from the alteration of pre-existing rocks. These soils contain a considerable quantity of iron and aluminum oxides, kaolinite and silica, but small quantities of titanium oxides, manganese, magnesium, etc. The large diversity of the chemical compounds of laterites makes their characterization difficult. Moreover, specification documents and technical guides used for road design in sub-saharan Africa, most of them unsuitable, do not take into account the specificity of climatic and environmental conditions of laterite formations in road projects. An interdisciplinary characterization of these soils, taking into account the factors involved in the lateritization process, should make it possible to be determined more precisely. It’s also the best way to get more relevant and much more representative properties. The aim of this work is to characterize and determine the lateritic soils suitability of southwestern Niger in road construction. The area covered by the study consists of seven lateritic deposits with strong geological different contexts from one to another. Our study, based on various approaches, made it possible to determine the geotechnical and mechanical properties of the soils on the one hand and the chemical and mineralogical properties on the other hand. At the end of the study, two categories of soils are to be distinguished: [1] soils with good bearing capacity : CBR of around 100 contain average fines content not exceeding 12% and a plasticity index less than 15. For these soils, the bearing capcity depends very much on the size of the particles. They have a high shear strength, an effective internal friction angle φ' of the order of 40° and an effective cohesion c' greater than 10 kPa. Their behavior is dilatant during shear. They have low values in void ratio and in index permeability. Similarly, their amplitude of settlement is low. The good bearing capacity of these soils is mainly justified by their appreciable iron oxides content. The attack of the microstructure by the latter is done in diffuse way or by concretionary circles of oolites. [2] the soils of low bearing capacity : the fine fraction and the plasticity index are high respectively of the order of 25 and 30. The bearing capacity is around 30, the internal friction angle is less than 30° and the cohesion less than 5 kPa. These soils are weak to the shear and their behavior is contracting (loose sand behavior). They are more compressible and less permeable with a high swelling coefficient. The low bearing capacity of these soils is attributable to their low iron oxide content and to the mode of attack which is carried out in isolated way.The improvement of soils with low bearing capacity has been tested separately by adding a certain amount of hydraulic binder (cement), lime (CaO) and lateritic nodules. Mineralogical and chemical analyzes showed that the addition of the products led to a textural modification and favored the production of neo-synthesized chemical compounds whose main role was to strengthen the links between the mineral elements contained in the lateritic samples. In most cases, the improved samples showed good bearing capacity and validated their road pavement suitability.

Naturwerksteine Thailands: Lagerstättenerkundung und Bewertung / Dimension stones in Thailand: exploration and assessment of their deposits

Hoffmann, Andreas 31 October 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Fine grained sediment clean-up in a modern urban environment

Villemure, Marlene January 2013 (has links)
Fine grained sediment deposition in urban environments during natural hazard events can impact critical infrastructure and properties (urban terrain) leading to reduced social and economic function and potentially adverse public health effects. Therefore, clean-up of the sediments is required to minimise impacts and restore social and economic functionality as soon as possible. The strategies employed to manage and coordinate the clean-up significantly influence the speed, cost and quality of the clean-up operation. Additionally, the physical properties of the fine grained sediment affects the clean-up, transport, storage and future usage of the sediment. The goals of the research are to assess the resources, time and cost required for fine grained sediment clean-up in an urban environment following a disaster and to determine how the geotechnical properties of sediment will affect urban clean-up strategies. The thesis focuses on the impact of fine grained sediment (<1 mm) deposition from three liquefaction events during the Canterbury earthquake sequence (2010-2011) on residential suburbs and transport networks in Christchurch. It also presents how geotechnical properties of the material may affect clean-up strategies and methods by presenting geotechnical analysis of tephra material from the North Island of New Zealand. Finally, lessons for disaster response planning and decision making for clean-up of sediment in urban environments are presented. A series of semi-structured interviews of key stakeholders supported by relevant academic literature and media reports were used to record the clean-up operation coordination and management and to make a preliminary qualification of the Christchurch liquefaction ejecta clean-up (costs breakdown, time, volume, resources, coordination, planning and priorities). Further analysis of the costs and resources involved for better accuracy was required and so the analysis of Christchurch City Council road management database (RAMM) was done. In order to make a transition from general fine sediment clean-up to specific types of fine disaster sediment clean-up, adequate information about the material properties is required as they will define how the material will be handled, transported and stored. Laboratory analysis of young volcanic tephra from the New Zealand’s North Island was performed to identify their geotechnical properties (density, granulometry, plasticity, composition and angle of repose). The major findings of this research were that emergency planning and the use of the coordinated incident management system (CIMS) system during the emergency were important to facilitate rapid clean-up tasking, management of resources and ultimately recovery from widespread and voluminous liquefaction ejecta deposition in eastern Christchurch. A total estimated cost of approximately $NZ 40 million was calculated for the Christchurch City clean-up following the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence with a partial cost of $NZ 12 million for the Southern part of the city, where up to 33% (418 km) of the road network was impacted by liquefaction ejecta and required clearing of the material following the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Over 500,000 tonnes of ejecta has been stockpiled at Burwood landfill for all three liquefaction inducing earthquake events. The average cost per kilometre for the event clean-up was $NZ 5,500/km (4 September 2010), $NZ 11,650/km (22 February 2011) and $NZ 11,185/km (13 June 2011). The duration of clean-up time of residential properties and the road network was approximately two to three months for each of the three liquefaction ejecta events; despite events volumes and spatial distribution of ejecta. Interviews and quantitative analysis of RAMM data revealed that the experience and knowledge gained from the Darfield earthquake (4 September 2010) clean-up increased the efficiency of the following Christchurch earthquake induced liquefaction ejecta clean-up events. Density, particle size, particle shape, clay content and moisture content, are the important geotechnical properties that need to be considered when planning for a clean-up method that incorporates collection, transport and disposal or storage. The geotechnical properties for the tephra samples were analysed to increase preparedness and reaction response of potentially affected North Island cities from possible product from the active volcanoes in their region. The geotechnical results from this study show that volcanic tephra could be used in road or construction material but the properties would have to be further investigated for a New Zealand context. Using fresh volcanic material in road, building or flood control construction requires good understanding of the material properties and precaution during design and construction to extra care, but if well planned, it can be economically beneficial.

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