Spelling suggestions: "subject:"geotechnical database"" "subject:"ceotechnical database""
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The development of a knowledge-based system for the preliminary investigation of contaminated landMartin, John Charles January 2001 (has links)
Large areas of the UK have witnessed intense industrialisation since the industrial revolution in the latter part of the 18th Century. Increased environmental awareness and pressure to redevelop brown field sites, have resulted in the majority of civil engineering projects undertaken within the UK encountering some form of contamination. In order to collect the vast amount of information required to assess a potentially contaminated site, a multi-stage site investigation (preliminary investigation, exploratory and detailed investigation) is usually undertaken. The information collected during the investigation allows the three components of the risk assessment process to be identified. These components are the source of contamination, possible pathways for the movement of contaminants and vulnerable targets on and off site. A prototype knowledge-based system (ATTIC Assessment Tool for The Investigation of Contaminated Land) has been developed to demonstrate that knowledge-based technology can be applied to the preliminary stage of the investigation of contaminated land. ATTIC assesses information collected during the preliminary stage of an investigation (past use, geological map, hydrological maps etc.) and assists with the risk assessment process, with the prediction of potential contaminants, hazards and risk to neighbouring areas. The system has been developed, using CLIPS software. It consists of four knowledgebases (source, pathway, target and health and safety knowledge-base), containing 1600 rules. The knowledge within the knowledge-bases was obtained from two main sources. The initial and main source was the technical literature. Obtaining knowledge from technical literature involved reviewing published material, extracting relevant information and converting information into rules suitable for the knowledge-base system. The second source of knowledge was domain experts via a knowledge elicitation exercise. The exercise took the form of a questionnaire relating to the rules and parameters within the system. A Visual Basics interface was also developed in conjunction with the knowledge-based system, in order to allow data entry to the system. The interface uses a series of forms relating to different components within the risk assessment process. On completion of compiling the prototype, the system was validated against a number of case studies. The system predicted the likely contaminants with a reasonable match to those observed, even though the input data for the case studies was limited. The assessment of risks to neighbouring target areas was generally in agreement with the case study reports, matching similar risk values and directions. In addition to the development of the prototype system, a database modelled on the Association of Geotechnical Specialists electronic format for the transfer of ground investigation data was also developed to store preliminary investigation information. The data structures were implemented using Microsoft Access relational database management system software. This allowed the database to be developed within a Microsoft Windows environment.
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Banco de dados geológico-geotécnicos com base em sondagens à percussão e uso de SIG: análise espacial da profundidade do lençol freático e do \'N IND.SPT\' para obras de fundação em João Pessoa - PB / Geological-geotechnical Database with SPT sounding data and GIS: spatial analysis of water table level and \'N IND.SPT\' values applied to foundation maps in João Pessoa - PB (Brazil)Soares, Wanessa Cartaxo 22 September 2011 (has links)
Bancos de dados geológico-geotécnicos podem atuar como instrumentos interessantes de auxílio a atividades de planejamento e gestão urbana e ambiental. Entretanto, as informações utilizadas nessas ferramentas nem sempre se encontram disponíveis ou de maneira acessível. Este trabalho aborda a elaboração de um sistema de apoio à decisão em ambiente de SIG (ArcGis 9.1); trata da implementação de um banco de dados geológico-geotécnicos da cidade de João Pessoa - PB, a partir de sondagens à percussão com Standard Penetration Test (SPT). O banco de dados foi projetado para atuar como forma de apoio às ações de planejamento e gestão urbanas do município, assim como importante subsídio ao meio acadêmico e profissional. A pesquisa envolveu etapas preparatórias essenciais para a estruturação do Banco de Dados e para o desenvolvimento de análises e modelagens espaciais, tais como a geração da base topográfica digital da área de estudo, a produção do Modelo Digital do Terreno e a localização e inserção das informações geológicosgeotécnicas obtidas nos perfis das sondagens. Para as modelagens e análises espaciais foram utilizados e comparados métodos de interpolação determinísticos (Topo to Raster) e geoestatísticos (Krigagem Ordinária). As principais variáveis espaciais analisadas foram profundidade do lençol freático (N.A.) e \'N IND.SPT\'. Foram gerados mapas do lençol freático e mapas com uso sugerido para fundações em três setores distintos da área de estudo e para diferentes profundidades, como principais produtos cartográficos. / Geological-geotechnical databases have been used as important assistant tools in urban and environmental management activities. However, the kind of information necessary for one to work with such tools may not always be available or easily supplied. This work concerns the generation of a Decision Support System undertaken through means of a Geographic Information System (Arcgis 9.1). It presents the development of a geological geotechnical database of João Pessoa-PB, based on information obtained from boring logs of soundings with Standard Penetration Tests. This database has been designed to act as an additional support to the urban and environmental management city activities, as it might also work as an important resource to academic and practical fields. The research evolved important stages of database preparation and organization (digital topographic base), followed by spatial modeling and analysis such as digital elevation model (DEM) generation, location and insertion of all geological-geotechnical information. Deterministic (Topo to Raster) and Geostatistical (Ordinary Krigging) methods were used and compared during spatial modeling and analysis of two main variables: water table level and \'N IND.SPT\' values. Results were integrated in order to obtain water table level maps, as to foundation engineering works, for three different area sectors and depths.
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Banco de dados geológico-geotécnicos com base em sondagens à percussão e uso de SIG: análise espacial da profundidade do lençol freático e do \'N IND.SPT\' para obras de fundação em João Pessoa - PB / Geological-geotechnical Database with SPT sounding data and GIS: spatial analysis of water table level and \'N IND.SPT\' values applied to foundation maps in João Pessoa - PB (Brazil)Wanessa Cartaxo Soares 22 September 2011 (has links)
Bancos de dados geológico-geotécnicos podem atuar como instrumentos interessantes de auxílio a atividades de planejamento e gestão urbana e ambiental. Entretanto, as informações utilizadas nessas ferramentas nem sempre se encontram disponíveis ou de maneira acessível. Este trabalho aborda a elaboração de um sistema de apoio à decisão em ambiente de SIG (ArcGis 9.1); trata da implementação de um banco de dados geológico-geotécnicos da cidade de João Pessoa - PB, a partir de sondagens à percussão com Standard Penetration Test (SPT). O banco de dados foi projetado para atuar como forma de apoio às ações de planejamento e gestão urbanas do município, assim como importante subsídio ao meio acadêmico e profissional. A pesquisa envolveu etapas preparatórias essenciais para a estruturação do Banco de Dados e para o desenvolvimento de análises e modelagens espaciais, tais como a geração da base topográfica digital da área de estudo, a produção do Modelo Digital do Terreno e a localização e inserção das informações geológicosgeotécnicas obtidas nos perfis das sondagens. Para as modelagens e análises espaciais foram utilizados e comparados métodos de interpolação determinísticos (Topo to Raster) e geoestatísticos (Krigagem Ordinária). As principais variáveis espaciais analisadas foram profundidade do lençol freático (N.A.) e \'N IND.SPT\'. Foram gerados mapas do lençol freático e mapas com uso sugerido para fundações em três setores distintos da área de estudo e para diferentes profundidades, como principais produtos cartográficos. / Geological-geotechnical databases have been used as important assistant tools in urban and environmental management activities. However, the kind of information necessary for one to work with such tools may not always be available or easily supplied. This work concerns the generation of a Decision Support System undertaken through means of a Geographic Information System (Arcgis 9.1). It presents the development of a geological geotechnical database of João Pessoa-PB, based on information obtained from boring logs of soundings with Standard Penetration Tests. This database has been designed to act as an additional support to the urban and environmental management city activities, as it might also work as an important resource to academic and practical fields. The research evolved important stages of database preparation and organization (digital topographic base), followed by spatial modeling and analysis such as digital elevation model (DEM) generation, location and insertion of all geological-geotechnical information. Deterministic (Topo to Raster) and Geostatistical (Ordinary Krigging) methods were used and compared during spatial modeling and analysis of two main variables: water table level and \'N IND.SPT\' values. Results were integrated in order to obtain water table level maps, as to foundation engineering works, for three different area sectors and depths.
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Τεχνικογεωλογικές συνθήκες στη λεκάνη δυτικής Θεσσαλίας - Γεωμηχανικά χαρακτηριστικά των τεταρτογενών αποθέσεων : ανάλυση με χρήση γεωγραφικών συστημάτων πληροφοριών / Engineering-geological conditions in the western Thessaly basin - Geomechanical characteristics of the quaternary deposits : analysis using geographic information systemsΑποστολίδης, Εμμανουήλ 07 May 2015 (has links)
Η παρούσα διατριβή έχει ως στόχο τη διερεύνηση των τεχνικογεωλογικών συνθηκών που επικρατούν στη λεκάνη Δυτικής Θεσσαλίας, με χρήση και εφαρμογή των Γεωγραφικών Συστημάτων Πληροφοριών, καθώς επίσης τον προσδιορισμό και τη στατιστική επεξεργασία των τιμών των γεωμηχανικών χαρακτηριστικών των τεταρτογενών αποθέσεων που δομούν το πεδινό της τμήμα.
Στο πλαίσιο αυτό σχεδιάστηκαν ογδόντα (80) θεματικοί χάρτες με χρήση Γεωγραφικών Συστημάτων Πληροφοριών, από τους οποίους επιλέχτηκαν τελικά για παρουσίαση, εντός και εκτός κειμένου, οι πενήντα εννέα (59). Επίσης, συντάχτηκε πλήθος πινάκων, σχημάτων, χαρτογραφικών ή στατιστικών διαγραμμάτων, ενώ παράλληλα παρουσιάστηκε σειρά φωτογραφιών.
Αναλυτικότερα, δίνεται κατ΄αρχήν το τεχνικογεωλογικό πλαίσιο της λεκάνης στην οποία εντάσσεται η παραπάνω έρευνα, με βάση την ανάλυση και σύνθεση στοιχείων που αναφέρονται στις γεωμορφολογικές και κλιματολογικές συνθήκες, το υδρομετεωρολογικό καθεστώς, τη σεισμικότητα και σεισμική επικινδυνότητα, τη λιθολογική σύσταση και δομή των σχηματισμών, τις υδρογεωλογικές και υδρολιθολογικές συνθήκες, καθώς και τις αποσαθρωτικές και διαβρωτικές διεργασίες των γεωλογικών σχηματισμών που δομούν την περιοχή έρευνας.
Ακολούθως, παρουσιάζονται αναλυτικά οι τεχνικογεωλογικές συνθήκες που επικρατούν στη λεκάνη Δυτικής Θεσσαλίας και συντάχτηκε τεχνικογεωλογικός χάρτης σε κλίμακα 1:100.000. Στον εν λόγω χάρτη διακρίνονται είκοσι τρείς (23) τεχνικογεωλογικές ενότητες, έξι (6) για τις τεταρτογενείς αποθέσεις, δύο (2) για τους μεταλπικούς σχηματισμούς (νεογενή και μολάσσες) και δέκα πέντε (15) για τους σχηματισμούς του αλπικού υποβάθρου. Ο χάρτης αυτός συνοδεύεται από αναλυτικό Υπόμνημα.
Στη συνέχεια, αναλύονται τα γεωμηχανικά χαρακτηριστικά (φυσικές ιδιότητες και μηχανικές παράμετροι) των τεταρτογενών αποθέσεων της περιοχής έρευνας, περιγράφεται η Βάση Γεωτεχνικών Δεδομένων που δημιουργήθηκε και παρατίθεται στατιστική ανάλυση των τιμών από τις παραπάνω παραμέτρους, καθώς και των αποτελεσμάτων από τις επί τόπου δοκιμές πρότυπης διείσδυσης και υδροπερατότητας. Ειδικότερα, έγινε συγκέντρωση, αξιολόγηση, τυποποίηση και καταγραφή-αρχειοθέτηση στην παραπάνω Βάση Δεδομένων των Γεωτεχνικών Πληροφοριών οι οποίες προέρχονται από 1.039 γεωτρήσεις που είχαν εκτελέσει διάφοροι φορείς του Δημόσιου και ιδιωτικού τομέα στο πεδινό τμήμα της λεκάνης Δυτικής Θεσσαλίας. Συνολικά καταχωρήθηκαν 22.463 εγγραφές σε έξι (6) Πίνακες, που στον καθένα αποθηκεύονται διαφορετικά τμήματα της γεωπληροφορίας.
Επίσης, πραγματοποιήθηκε λεπτομερής ανάλυση του τεχνικoγεωλογικού πλαισίου και των σημαντικότερων παραμέτρων που υπεισέρχονται στο πρόβλημα των κατολισθήσεων. Ακολούθως, έγινε στατιστική επεξεργασία των στοιχείων της Βάσης Δεδομένων Κατολισθήσεων που δημιουργήθηκε και διερευνήθηκαν αναλυτικά οι σημαντικότεροι από τους παράγοντες που θεωρούνται υπεύθυνοι για την εκδήλωση κατολισθητικών φαινομένων και λαμβάνονται υπόψη στην εκτίμηση των επιδεκτικών προς κατολίσθηση περιοχών. Συνολικά αποτυπώθηκαν 979 θέσεις εκδήλωσης κατολισθήσεων, ενώ συντάχτηκε Χάρτης απογραφής κατολισθητικών φαινομένων και Χάρτης επιδεκτικότητας κατολισθήσεων στα όρια της λεκάνης Δυτικής Θεσσαλίας.
Τέλος, καταγράφηκαν και αποτυπώθηκαν εδαφικές υποχωρήσεις που εκδηλώθηκαν σε οικισμούς (εντός ή εκτός οικιστικού ιστού) στην ευρύτερη περιοχή Φαρσάλων-Σοφάδων, ενώ διερευνήθηκαν τα πιθανά αίτια και ο μηχανισμός εκδήλωσης των φαινομένων αυτών. / The investigation of engineering-geological conditions of the Western Thessaly basin and the analysis of geomechanical characteristics of the Quaternary deposits, which occur in the flat part of the region, are examined in this thesis. In this framework, eighty (80) thematic maps have been produced using Geographic Information Systems. In addition, many tables, drawings, cartographic or statistical diagrams have been created. Moreover, a large number of photographs are also presented.
The engineering-geological framework of the basin is given in detail, based on the analysis and composition of collected data, regarding, specifically, the geomorphological and hydrometeorological conditions, the seismicity and seismic hazard, the lithological characteristics and structure of the geological formations, the hydrogeological conditions, as well as the weathering and erosion processes exhibited in the geological formations that occur in the basin.
Furthermore, an engineering-geological map of the Western Thessaly basin at a scale of 1:100,000 has been compiled, aiming to facilitate both urban planning and industrial development of the basin’s wider area. It is considered that this map may well contribute to the optimization of land use planning and improve the allocation and planning of civil engineering projects. The formations encountered in the basin are grouped into twenty three (23) engineering-geological unities, with regard to their geotechnical behaviour.
The entire study, engaged to this thesis, was basically based on data from both in situ investigations and geotechnical information derived and evaluated from the utilisation of 1,039 existing boreholes and trial pits, in the plain part of the Western Thessaly basin. Totally 22,463 records were created and allocated in six (6) Tables. In each one of these tables different kind of geo-information were stored. The values of the above parameters were critically examined. Besides, statistical analysis was carried out on Standard Penetration and Permeability Tests result. All the geotechnical characteristics of the Quaternary deposits (physical properties and mechanical parameters) have been analyzed and a Geotechnical Database was created and presented in this thesis.
Furthermore, a landslide inventory map of the Western Thessaly basin has been compiled. Many technical reports and studies, which refer to landslide occurrences, mainly obtained from the Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration (IGME) were used to analyse and record all the landslides of the study area. A Database, using Microsoft Access, has been compiled. The connection between the Database system and Geographic Information Systems was established with the defined coordinates of the locations of existing landslide occurrences. After the necessary modifications, 979 landslide events were recorded and digitally stored. Also, a simple statistical evaluation of the available recordings was applied for the assessment of the engineering-geological data regarding the lithology and geomechanical characteristics of the encountered various geo-materials.
Finally, the surface subsidence ruptures manifested in the basin’s area have been investigated.
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