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Ensino na área de saúde: aproximações às estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem dos professores de Terapia Ocupacional / Heath Science teaching: draw up strategies of teaching methods in Occupational Therapy professorsRamalhão, Annie Betune [UNIFESP] 31 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2006-03-31 / utilizadas por professores de Terapia Ocupacional do Estado de São Paulo na implementação de estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem no componente curricular Gerontologia/ Geriatria em cursos de Terapia Ocupacional. Construímos a base teórica da pesquisa em três eixos: 1) a discussão das práticas de ensinoaprendizagem dos professores segundo a centralidade no professor, no aluno ou na inter-relação entre eles; 2) uma retomada histórica do ensino da Terapia Ocupacional no Brasil e das Diretrizes Curriculares e 3) a importância do ensino da Gerontologia e Geriatria no ensino em saúde e, especificamente, no curso de Terapia Ocupacional. Na metodologia empregada consideramos a relação com o mundo em que estão inseridos e a compreensão do significado que os sujeitos pesquisados dão à sua prática, sendo esta pesquisa caracterizada como qualitativa. Fizeram parte deste estudo cinco universidades, das quais sete professores, responsáveis pelo componente curricular, responderam a um questionário e concederam uma entrevista, também consultamos o plano de aula e o ementário do componente curricular privilegiado. Os dados foram analisados utilizando a análise temática a partir dos seguintes núcleos orientadores: características do componente curricular, perfil do professor, concepções e pressupostos sobre ensino e aprendizagem, estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem, cenários de ensinoaprendizagem e possibilidade e limites na aplicação das estratégias. A análise e a discussão dos resultados permitiram identificar o perfil dos professores que, na sua maioria: são mulheres, exercem exclusivamente a profissão de professor, e a maioria trabalha em regime horista. O tempo de docência varia entre 6 e 24 anos. Apenas dois professores são doutores, quatro são mestres e um especialista. Os entrevistados percebem a identidade docente como fruto das experiências que constroem ao longo de suas trajetórias profissionais, influenciada, assim, por questões pessoais e grupais. Todos consideram ser importante para o bom desempenho profissional ter domínio sobre a área de conhecimento em Gerontologia/ Geriatria, ser capaz de utilizar estratégias de ensino compatíveis com as características desse componente curricular; ter compromisso com a independência e autonomia intelectual dos alunos, ter motivação para a docência e gostar da área. Os dados nos mostraram que os professores pesquisados exercem a docência em diversos cenários: sala de aula, ambulatórios, hospitais, centros de convivência e unidades básicas de saúde; o que se apresenta como uma possibilidade de integrar conhecimentos e aproximar os alunos aos diferentes contextos da área de saúde, considerando a inserção no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Também utilizam uma diversidade de estratégias, entre as principais aparecem: a aula expositiva dialogada, as leituras e pesquisas, os estudos de caso e as dramatizações associadas à problematização como eixo do desenvolvimento das aulas. Os professores investigados demonstraram preocupar-se em conhecer as expectativas dos alunos e em utilizar suas experiências prévias, tornando o ensino mais significativo, e também em fazê-los se responsabilizarem pela busca do conhecimento. Todos os professores colocaram-se como facilitadores desse processo, utilizando o diálogo como promotor do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, visando a uma formação integral de seus alunos. Palavras-chave: Ensino em Terapia Ocupacional; Estratégias de ensinoaprendizagem; gerontologia/ geriatria. / The objective of this research was identify and analyze the practical conceptions used by professors of Occupational Therapy of the state of São Paulo in the implementation of teach-learning strategies in the referring curricular component Gerontology/Geriatry offered in the courses of Occupational Therapy. We construct the theoretical base of the research in three areas: 1) the discussion of the faculty teach-learning practices according to the centrality that strategies discharge; in the professor, the pupil or the interrelation between them; 2) a historical retaken of the Occupational Therapy education in Brazil and the Curricular policies; 3) the concern of the gerontology and geriatry education in health education specifically in the Occupational Therapy. In the methodology resorted we consider the relation with the world where they got into and the understanding of meaning that the respondent give to their practices, being this research characterized as qualitative. Five universities had been part of this study, which seven professors responsible for the curricular component who had answered to a questionnaire and had granted an interview had been part of this research we also consult the professor teaching design and the register of the privileged curricular component. The data had been analyzed using the thematic analysis from the following orienting core: curricular component characteristics, professor profile, conceptions and estimated on education and learning, teach-learning strategies, scenes of teach-learning and possibility and limits in the application of the strategies. The analysis and discussion of results, had allowed to know the professor who, in its majority: are women, they follow exclusively the teaching profession, and work like hourly employee. The teaching time varies between 6 and 24 years. Barely two professors are doctors, four have master degree and one specialist. The interviwee perceive the teaching identity as fruit of the experiences that construct throughout their trajectories, influenced for personal and group issues. All professors considered relevant a good professional performance, have the rule over the area of knowledge in geriatry and gerontology, be able to use compatible education strategies with the characteristics of this curricular component;be engaged with the student independence and intellectual, teaching motivation and be fond of the area.The data show us that the searched professors follow the teaching in diverse scenes: classroom, ambulatory, hospitals, centers of sociability and health basic units; what it is presented as a possibility to integrate knowledge and approach the students to the different health area contexts, considering the insertion in the Unified Health System (UHS). Also they use a diversity of strategies from among appear: dialogued descriptive class, readings and research, studies of case and the dramatization associates to render a problem as area of class development. The investigated professors had demonstrated to be worried in knowing the expectations of the students and also using their previous experiences turn education into a most significant and stir them up responsible in the pursuit of knowledge. All the professors had been placed as facilitator of this process using the dialogue as instigator of teach-learning process tending to an integral formation of their students. / TEDE / São Paulo: [s.n.], 2006. 259 p.
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La transmission des compétences professionnelles des aides-soignantes et des préposés aux bénéficiaires dans les organisations gériatriques en France et au Québec : comparaison internationale sur le rôle central de l’intégration à l’organisation comme processus d’habilitation des nouvelles recrues par le groupe de pairs / Transmission of professionnal competences of nursing aides in geriatric organization in France ans Québec : international comparison on the central role of integration in the organization as a process of enablement of new recruits by the peer groupAubry, François 07 June 2011 (has links)
Les métiers d’aide-soignante, en France, et de préposés aux bénéficiaires, au Québec (Canada) (AS/PB) sont placés au bas de la hiérarchie organisationnelle des organisations gériatriques (EHPAD, en France, et CHSLD, au Québec). Les AS/PB détiennent néanmoins une fonction centrale dans ces organisations puisqu’ils doivent réaliser des actes d’accompagnement et d’hygiène auprès des personnes âgées dépendantes. Nous avons cherché à comprendre comment se transmettent les compétences professionnelles pour les membres de ces métiers. Deux solutions sont fréquemment données : pour les AS/PB, les compétences détiennent un caractère naturel; celles-ci ne seraient pas transmises, mais possédées naturellement. Les directions d’établissement, quant à elles, tendent à démontrer l’importance de la formation dans la libre acquisition des compétences. Nous avons choisi de suivre un autre cheminement de recherche. Nous avons étudié le processus d’intégration des nouvelles recrues dans les organisations gériatriques. 47 entretiens biographiques ont été réalisés auprès d’AS/PB, ainsi que 30 heures d’observation. Nos résultats nous ont prouvé que le fait de devenir AS/PB est largement conditionné par le jugement des pairs lors de l’intégration des nouvelles recrues dans l’organisation. Il semble ainsi qu’une sélection se réalise concernant celles et ceux qui pourront obtenir une place dans l’organisation gériatrique et un emploi d’AS/PB. Cette sélection prend sens lorsque l’on considère les difficiles conditions de travail subies par ces acteurs professionnels. La formation ne permet pas aux recrues de connaître les difficultés engendrées principalement par le manque de personnel et les absences à répétitions. Ces difficultés conduisent la majorité des acteurs à un désenchantement consécutif à l’écart entre l’image idéalisée du métier (le relationnel) et la réalité organisationnelle. Le groupe de pairs, lors de la phase d’orientation, juge préalablement les nouvelles recrues considérées aptes à « pouvoir-faire » les tâches malgré les difficiles conditions de travail. Les compétences professionnelles requises ne se limitent plus aux compétences domestiques. D’autres compétences tacites sont transmises aux recrues jugées compétentes par le groupe de pairs. Elles ont pour but l’utilisation collective de stratégies de contournement de la souffrance au travail. L’intégration a également une place centrale car elle est à la base d’une construction identitaire de la nouvelle recrue. Par le jugement des pairs (l’identité pour autrui), la représentation de soi (l’identité pour soi) tend à se transformer. Les acteurs sont amenés à se présenter comme des individus ayant eu depuis toujours le goût à devenir AS/PB. Pourtant, l’étude de leur trajectoire professionnelle nous permet de considérer qu’ils sont majoritairement touchés par des ruptures biographiques. On assiste ici à un véritable phénomène d’habilitation, c'est-à-dire de construction du professionnel compétent. En effet, par l’habilitation, les acteurs tendent à oublier le processus social qui les a conduits à occuper ce métier, et à présenter leur trajectoire professionnelle comme une continuité homogène. Le processus d’intégration possède de grandes similarités entre la France et le Québec. Le groupe de pairs détient une fonction intégrative importante dans les deux contextes. Il possède également une fonction solidaire, bien plus importante en France qu’au Québec. Face aux jugements critiques des aidants familiaux, le groupe de pairs au Québec ne défend pas nécessairement ses membres. La responsabilité individuelle est plus souvent mise en avant. A contrario, en France, la solidarité des membres du groupe de pairs est essentielle. Mais celle-ci ne permet pas aux aides-soignantes de profiter des remarques valorisantes des aidants familiaux, qui auraient pu accroître leur reconnaissance collective / Nurse’s aides (called aides-soignantes) in France, and nurse’s aides (called préposés aux bénéficiaires), in Quebec (Canada) (AS/PB), are placed at the bottom of the organizational hierarchy of geriatric organizations (EHPAD in France and CHSLD in Quebec). The AS/PB still hold a central role in these organizations because they must perform acts of support and health among older dependant people. We tried to understand how professional skills are transmit for members of these occupations. Both solutions are frequently given: for AS/PB, skills have a natural character, they would not be passed, but naturally possessed. Managers of organizations, in turn, suggest the importance of learning the free skills. We chose to follow another path of research. We have studied the integration of new recruits in the geriatric organizations. 47 biographical interviews were conducted with AS/PB, and 30 hours of observation. Our results have shown that to become AS/PB is largely determined by peer judgment during the integration of new recruits into the organization. It thus appears that selection takes place for those who can secure a place in the organization and a geriatric use of AS/PB. This selection makes sense when we consider the difficult working conditions faced by these professional actors. The training does not allow recruits to experience the difficulties caused mainly by lack of staff absences and rehearsals. These difficulties lead most players to a disenchantment resulting from the gap between the idealized image of the trade (the relationship) and the organizational reality. The peer group during the orientation phase, the judge previously considered suitable for new recruits "can-do" tasks despite the difficult working conditions. The skills required are no longer limited to domestic skills. Other tacit skills are passed on to recruits deemed competent by the peer group. They aim to use collective strategies to circumvent the problems at work. The integration also has a central role because it is the basis of identity construction of the new recruit. By peer judgment (the identity for others), the representation of self (identity for itself) tends to change. Actors are asked to present themselves as individuals who had always been the taste to become AS/PB. However, the study of their professional career allows us to consider that they are mostly affected by biographical breaks. We are witnessing here is a real phenomenon of « habilitation », that is to say construction professional. Indeed, by habilitation, the actors tend to forget the social process that led them to take this job and to submit their professional career as a homogeneous continuity. The integration process has strong similarities between France and Quebec. The peer group has an important integrative function in both contexts. It also features an integral, although higher in France than in Quebec. Faced with the critical judgments of caregivers, the peer group in Quebec do not necessarily defending its members. Individual responsibility is more often highlighted. In contrast, in France, the solidarity of the group of peer is essential. But it does not allow aides to enjoy the rewarding comments of caregivers, which could increase their collective recognition
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Informování a edukace seniorů v rámci zdravotní péče / Information and education of senior patients in the frame of helth care.Povolná, Pavla January 2014 (has links)
Information and education of senior patients in the frame of health care. This thesis focuses on informations providing by health care professionals to the seniors age patients/clients. I describe the contemporary situation in this field in the Czech republic, and define main attributes and conditions according to the historical, social, cultural and moral context in the theoretical part of thesis. I introduce the transmission and the acceptation of the information during the dialogue between a layperson and an expert in two basic levels: level of rules, especially an Inform consent, and level of an ethical discourse. I compare an atmosphere created by law and rules with human reactions, either as medical professionals, or as a patient. For the empirical section of the thesis, I describe and evaluate experiences of patients with information-giving by health care professionals. I have chosen qualitative method for the main body of my empirical research, which consists of semi-structured interviews with 20 patients. The collected data were cathegorised, analysed and then quantified and prepared for interpretation. The thesis includes not only the results of my research, but also examples of encounters with patients during my day-to-day nursing practice. Because the main goal of my thesis was to find...
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Informování a edukace seniorů v rámci zdravotní péče / Information and education of senior patients in the frame of helth care.Povolná, Pavla January 2014 (has links)
Information and education of senior patients in the frame of health care. This thesis focuses on informations providing by health care professionals to the seniors age patients/clients. I describe the contemporary situation in this field in the Czech republic, and define main attributes and conditions according to the historical, social, cultural and moral context in the theoretical part of thesis. I introduce the transmission and the acceptation of the information during the dialogue between a layperson and an expert in two basic levels: level of rules, especially an Inform consent, and level of an ethical discourse. I compare an atmosphere created by law and rules with human reactions, either as medical professionals, or as a patient. For the empirical section of the thesis, I describe and evaluate experiences of patients with information-giving by health care professionals. I have chosen qualitative method for the main body of my empirical research, which consists of semi-structured interviews with 20 patients. The collected data were cathegorised, analysed and then quantified and prepared for interpretation. The thesis includes not only the results of my research, but also examples of encounters with patients during my day-to-day nursing practice. Because the main goal of my thesis was to find...
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