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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Hegelian objective mind in education

Thrower, Michael F. A. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Representative Bureaucracy in German Public Schools: An Assessment of the Mechanisms of Passive Representation

Burchard, Gretha 28 June 2017 (has links)
According to representative bureaucracy theory, a bureaucracy that mirrors the population it serves—in terms of demographic composition—is more responsive to the interests of all groups in the population. Most research in this area has examined the link between passive representation (i.e., occurrences in which minority bureaucrats mirror the population) and active representation (i.e., occurrences in which minority bureaucrats actively pursue the interests of those they represent). Less attention has been directed toward the notion that different mechanisms can make representative bureaucracy have an effect. Focusing on the German public school sector, the aim of this study is to understand through which mechanisms teachers with migration backgrounds can have an impact on their students and how they become representatives. The German government has recently begun to support intensified recruitment of people with migration background into the teacher workforce. Assessing the mechanisms of representation is, thus, not only crucial for a better theoretical understanding of representative bureaucracy, but it can also provide policy guidance for future government efforts. The mechanisms include demand inducement, coproduction inducement, advocacy, shared values and empathic understanding, and peer influence. Substantive effects are operationalized as students’ grades, career expectations, and perceived classroom climate. Applying a sequential mixed-methods approach, OLS regressions based on data from 194 surveys collected at six German high schools measure the mediating effect of the mechanisms on the relationship between the representation of students and the three substantive effects. Furthermore, a comprehensive qualitative analysis of 26 in-depth interviews provides insight into teachers’ perceptions on their role as representatives. Overall, the findings indicate that for the occurrence of most mechanisms, a teacher’s personality is at least as crucial as a common migration background. A mediating effect of demand and coproduction inducement on the relationship between passive representation and substantive effects was found in the quantitative analysis. The qualitative analysis reveals the importance of empathic understanding and advocacy as mechanisms of representation and points to the potential of peer influence as influential mechanism of representation. Furthermore, the findings highlight the importance of matching backgrounds and a critical mass of teachers with migration background in the workforce to overcome racism.

Arquitectura moderna en las Deutsche Auslandsschulen de España y Portugal. La Deutsche Schule Valencia

Benet Morera, Irene 08 July 2024 (has links)
[ES] Esta tesis se centra en la investigación del modelo de arquitectura escolar exportado desde Alemania al extranjero, las llamadas Deutsche Auslandsschulen, concretamente las establecias en España y Portugal en el período comprendido entre 1925 y 1965, conocido como Movimiento Moderno. Partiendo del concepto de Neue Schule - nueva escuela - y respondiendo a las nuevas metodologías pedagógicas e higienistas, la Bundesbaudirektion - oficina federal de la construcción - crea un estándar arquitectónico para exportarlo al que se le incorpora una pieza fundamental: el Kindergarten o jardín de infancia, que permite una escolarización temprana de alumnos de nacionalidad alemana o extranjera. Los proyectos son redactados en Alemania y enviados a una oficina técnica instalada en la ciudad destino para dirigir desde allí la obra, formada por técnicos de ambas nacionalidades con el fin de llevar a cabo el proyecto de forma colaborativa. De todos los colegios se seleccionan para compararlos por sus características formales y funcionales las Deutsche Schule de Bilbao, Lisboa, Madrid, Porto y Valencia. Tras este contexto, se analiza el caso particular de la Deutsche Schule Valencia, proyectada en 1959 por los arquitectos alemanes Dieter Weisse y Peter Müller junto con los valencianos Pablo Navarro y Julio Trullenque. Este ejemplo es una muestra de la rigurosa tecnología constructiva alemana combinada con las adaptaciones locales aportadas por los arquitectos valencianos. La finalidad de esta investigación es documentar el patrimonio arquitectónico moderno de esta tipología, muy diferente al resto de colegios existentes, a través de la creación de un catálogo que pueda ser referente para dotar estos edificios de una protección adecuada y evitar su posible desaparición, así como ampliar la información existente en la base de datos del registro de la Fundación do.co,mo.mo Ibérico. / [CA] Esta tesi se centra en la investigació del model d'arquitectura escolar exportat des d'Alemanya a l'estranger, nomenat Deutsche Auslandsschulen, concretament les instal.lades a Espanya i Portugal en el període comprés entre 1925 i 1965, conegut com a Moviment Modern. Partint del concepte de Neue Schule - nova escola - i responent a les noves metodologies pedagògiques i higienistes, la Bundesbaudirektion - oficina federal de la construcció - crea un estàndard arquitectònic per tal d'exportar-lo al qual se li incorpora una peça fonamental: el Kindergarten o jardí d'infància, que permet una escolarització primerenca d'alumnes de nacionalitat alemanya o estrangera. Els projectes són redactats a Alemanya i enviats a una oficina tècnica instal·lada a la ciutat destí per a dirigir des d'allí l'obra, formada per tècnics de totes dues nacionalitats amb la finalitat de dur a terme el projecte de manera col·laborativa. De tots els col·legis es seleccionen per a comparar-los per les seues característiques formals i funcionals les Deutsche Schule de Bilbao, Lisboa, Madrid, Oporto i València. Després d'este context, s'analitza el cas particular de la Deutsche Schule València, projectada en 1959 pels arquitectes alemanys Dieter Weisse i Peter Müller juntament amb els valencians Pablo Navarro i Julio Trullenque. Este exemple és una mostra de la rigorosa tecnologia constructiva alemanya combinada amb les adaptacions locals aportades pels arquitectes valencians. La finalitat d'aquesta investigació és documentar el patrimoni arquitectònic modern d'aquesta tipologia, molt diferent de la resta de col·legis existents, a través de la creació d'un catàleg que puga ser referent per a dotar estos edificis d'una protecció adequada i evitar la seua possible desaparició, així com ampliar la informació existent en la base de dades del registre de la Fundació do.co,mo. mo Ibèric. / [EN] This thesis focuses on the investigation of the model of school architecture exported from Germany to foreign countries, the so- called Deutsche Auslandsschulen, specifically those established in Spain and Portugal in the period between 1925 and 1965, known as the Modern Movement. Based on the concept of the Neue Schule - new school - and responding to the new pedagogical and hygienic methodologies, the Bundesbaudirektion - federal building office - creates an architectural standard for export to which a fundamental piece is incorporated: the Kindergarten, which allows early schooling of pupils of German or foreign nationality. The projects are drawn up in Germany and sent to a technical office in the destination city to manage the work from there, made up of technicians of both nationalities in order to carry out the project in a collaborative manner. Of all the schools, the Deutsche Schule in Bilbao, Lisbon, Madrid, Porto and Valencia were selected for comparison due to their formal and functional characteristics. After this context, the particular case of the Deutsche Schule Valencia, designed in 1959 by the German architects Dieter Weisse and Peter Müller together with the Valencian architects Pablo Navarro and Julio Trullenque, is analysed. This example is an example of the rigorous German construction technology combined with the local adaptations provided by the Valencian architects. The purpose of this research is to document the modern architectural heritage of this typology, which is very different from the rest of the existing schools, through the creation of a catalogue that can serve as a reference to provide these buildings with adequate protection and prevent their possible disappearance, as well as to expand the existing information in the database of the do.co,mo.mo Ibérico Foundation's registry. / Benet Morera, I. (2024). Arquitectura moderna en las Deutsche Auslandsschulen de España y Portugal. La Deutsche Schule Valencia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/205827

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