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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeito da exposição à dexametasona sobre a expressão de miRNA no pâncreas endócrino e a homeostasia glicêmica de ratas prenhes. / Effect of exposure to dexamethasone on miRNA expression in the endocrine pancreas and glucose homeostasis of pregnant rats.

Gomes, Patricia Rodrigues Lourenço 06 February 2015 (has links)
Este estudo investigou se o tratamento com glicocorticoide durante a gestação altera o metabolismo energético, hormonal e molecular materno, a função das ilhotas pancreáticas e mudanças correlativas sobre miRNAs. Foram utilizadas 80 ratas dividas em dois grupos de 40 animais, sendo um grupo destinado para envelhecimento até um ano após o desmame da prole, e o seguinte grupo destinado para experimentação no 20º dia de gestação, ambos dispostos em: CTL - controle, CTL-Dex - controle tratadas com dexametasona por 6 dias, P - prenhes e P-Dex - prenhes tratadas com dexametasona do 14º-19º dia de gestação. A expressão de miRNA das ilhotas foram analisadas em larga escala. Os genes alvos foram rastreados em banco de dados e confirmados. Por fim, investigou-se o mecanismo de modulação da homeostasia glicêmica. Inúmeras modificações resultaram da terapia com DEXA na gestação concluindo que a associação do tratamento ao período gravídico modula positivamente membros da família miRNA-29 ocasionando um desequilíbrio na homeostasia glicêmica por meio de falha na maquinaria exocitótica em longo prazo, desencadeado pela modulação negativa de progesterona e seu receptor promovendo prejuízo no processo de remodelação da ilhota pancreática na fase final da gestação. / This study investigated whether treatment with glucocorticoids during pregnancy alters the energetic, hormonal and molecular maternal metabolism, function of pancreatic islets and correlative changes of miRNAs. Were used 80 rats divided into two groups of 40 animals, one group designed to aging up one year after weaning, and the next group destined to experimentation at 20th day of gestation, both arranged: CTL - control, CTL-Dex - control treated with dexamethasone for 6 days, P - pregnant rats and P-Dex - pregnant rats treated with dexamethasone from 14th to 19th day of pregnancy. Pancreatic islets were collected for large-scale analysis of miRNA expression. The target genes were screened and confirmed by qPCR. Finally it was investigated the mechanism of modulation of glucose homeostasis through qPCR and Western Blot. We can be observed numerous changes resulting from therapy with DEXA in pregnancy concluded that the association of treatment to the pregnancy period modulates members of the miRNA-29 family causing an imbalance in glucose homeostasis through long-term failure in exocytotic machinery, triggered by the downregulation of the progesterone and its receptor promoting injury in the pancreatic islet remodeling process in late pregnancy.

Molecular basis of insulin resistance in Bardet Biedl syndrome

Starks, Rachel Diaz 01 May 2015 (has links)
Bardet Biedl Syndrome (BBS) displays heterogeneity in the genes involved and clinical features. Mutations in 19 genes have been associated with BBS. Eight BBS proteins (BBS1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 18) form the BBSome. Assembly of the BBSome is mediated by three BBS proteins (BBS6, 10, 12) in a complex with the CCT/Tric chaperonins. The BBSome is involved in formation and maintenance of primary cilia and vesicle trafficking. The clinical features of BBS include obesity, degenerative retinopathy, polydactyly, renal dysfunction, hypogonadism, and learning disability. Diabetes mellitus is commonly associated with BBS, but the mechanisms remain unknown. Our objective was to understand the molecular mechanism of BBS-associated diabetes. The role of BBS in insulin receptor (IR) signaling in Bbs4-/-mice was tested by preventing obesity using calorie restriction. These studies demonstrate the genetic defect in BBS directly contributes to the diabetes phenotype independently from the obesity phenotype. Emerging evidence implicating neuronal mechanisms in various BBS phenotypes led us to test the possibility that loss of Bbs1 in the central nervous system (CNS) disrupts glucose homeostasis. We found that deletion of the Bbs1 gene throughout the CNS or in specific hypothalamic neurons leads to hyperglycemia, glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. Our data demonstrate the critical role of neuronal Bbs1 in the regulation of glucose in an insulin-independent manner. Finally, the IR was found to interact with BBS proteins. The loss of BBSome proteins leads to a specific reduction in the amount of IR at the cell surface. The results demonstrate that BBSome proteins are required to maintain adequate levels of IR at the cell surface. The role of BBS proteins in transporting IR has not been previously described. Loss of the BBSome appears to be a novel mechanism of insulin resistance.

Die Rolle des Glucosetransporters 8 (Slc2a8) in der Regulation der Glucosehomöostase, der Spermienmotilität sowie des Verhaltens / The physiological role of glucose transporter 8 (Slc2a8) in regulation of glucose homeostasis, sperm motility and behavior

Behrens, Verena January 2009 (has links)
Der ubiquitär exprimierte, multifunktionale Glucosetransporter GLUT8 gehört zur Klasse III der Familie der passiven Glucosetransporter, die aus insgesamt 14 Proteinen besteht. Die fünf Mitglieder der Klasse IIII unterscheiden sich strukturell leicht von den Mitgliedern der Klasse I und II (Joost und Thorens, 2001). GLUT8 besitzt ein N-terminales Dileucin-Motiv, das Teil eines [DE]XXXL[LI] Motivs ist, welches für die Sortierung des Transporters in späte Endosomen und Lysosomen verantwortlich ist (Augustin et al., 2005). Da bis heute kein Signal identifiziert wurde, das eine Translokation des Transporters zur Plasmamembran auslöst, wird eine intrazelluläre Funktion von GLUT8 vermutet (Widmer et al., 2005). Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die intrazelluläre Funktion des Transporters in der Regulation der Glucosehomöostase des Körpers durch Analyse einer Slc2a8-knockout-Maus untersucht. Die homozygote Deletion des Transporters erbrachte lebensfähige Nachkommen, die sich augenscheinlich nicht von ihren Wildtyp-Geschwistern unterschieden. Allerdings wurde bei Verpaarungen heterozygoter Mäuse eine verminderte Anzahl an Slc2a8-/--Nachkommen beobachtet, die signifikant von der erwarteten Mendel’schen Verteilung abwich. Da Slc2a8 die höchste mRNA-Expression in den Testes aufwies und die Überprüfung der Fertilität mittels verschiedener homozygoter Verpaarungen eine Störung der weiblichen Fortpflanzungsfähigkeit ausschloss, wurden die Spermatozoen der Slc2a8-/--Mäuse eingehender untersucht. Als Ursache für die verringerte Anzahl von Slc2a8-/--Geburten wurde eine verminderte Prozentzahl motiler Slc2a8-/--Spermien ermittelt, die durch eine unzureichende mitochondriale Kondensation in den Spermien bedingt war. Diese Veränderung war mit einem reduzierten mitochondrialen Membranpotential assoziiert, was eine verminderte ATP-Produktion nach sich zog. Somit scheint GLUT8 in den Spermien an einem intrazellulären Transportprozess beteiligt zu sein, der einen Einfluss auf die oxidative Phosphorylierung der Mitochondrien ausübt. Im Gehirn wurde Slc2a8 besonders stark im Hippocampus exprimiert, der in der Regulation von körperlicher Aktivität, Explorationsverhalten, Erinnerungs- und Lernprozessen sowie Angst- und Stressreaktionen eine Rolle spielt. Außerdem wurde GLUT8 im Hypothalamus nachgewiesen, der unter anderem an der Regulation der Nahrungsaufnahme beteiligt ist. Die Slc2a8-/--Mäuse zeigten im Vergleich zu ihren Slc2a8+/+-Geschwistern eine signifikant gesteigerte körperliche Aktivität, die zusammen mit der von Membrez et al. (2006) publizierten erhöhten Zellproliferation im Hippocampus auf eine Nährstoffunterversorgung dieses Areals hindeutet. Die Nahrungsaufnahme war in Abwesenheit von GLUT8 nicht verändert, was zusammen mit dem nur geringfügig niedrigeren Körpergewicht der Slc2a8-/--Mäuse eine Funktion von GLUT8 im Glucose-sensing der Glucose-sensitiven Neurone des Gehirns ausschließt. Das leicht reduzierte Körpergewicht der Slc2a8-/--Mäuse ließ sich keinem bestimmten Organ- oder Gewebetyp zuordnen, sondern schien durch eine marginale Gewichtsreduktion aller untersuchten Gewebe bedingt zu sein. Zusammen mit den erniedrigten Blutglucosespiegeln und der anscheinend gesteigerten Lebenserwartung zeigten die Slc2a8-/--Mäuse Symptome einer leichten Nährstoffunterversorgung. GLUT8 scheint daher am Transport von Zuckerderivaten, die während des lysosomalen/endosomalen Abbaus von Glykoproteinen anfallen, beteiligt zu sein. Die so wiederaufbereiteten Zucker dienen dem Körper offenbar als zusätzliche Energiequelle. / The family of facilitative glucose transporters consists of 14 different members in human, which are divided into three classes (Joost and Thorens, 2001). The class III family member GLUT8 contains an amino-terminal dileucine sorting signal, which is part of the highly conserved [DE]XXXL[LI] motif responsible for the localization of GLUT8 in lysosomes and late endosomes (Augustin et al., 2005). To date there is no stimulus known, which translocates the transporter to the plasma membrane, therefore an intracellular function rather than at the cell surface is considered (Widmer et al., 2005). The aim of the present dissertation was to analyze the intracellular role of GLUT8 in the regulation of whole body glucose homeostasis, by the characterization of the corresponding knockout mice (Slc2a8-/-). Slc2a8-/- mice were viable and showed no obvious disparity to their wild-type littermates. However, analysis of the offspring distribution of heterozygous mating provided a reduced number of born Slc2a8-/- offspring which differed significantly from the expected Mendelian distribution. Because Slc2a8 mRNA is expressed at highest levels in the testis and the female Slc2a8-/- mice showed no alterations in fertility, we further investigated the function of Slc2a8-/- spermatozoa. An impaired mitochondrial condensation in the Slc2a8-/- spermatozoa, which was associated with decreased ATP levels resulted in a reduced number of motile Slc2a8-/- sperm, which appeared to be responsible for the reduced number of born Slc2a8-/- offspring. Therefore in sperm cells GLUT8 seems to be important for an intracellular transport process, which exerts an influence on the oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria. In the brain Slc2a8 is expressed at highest levels in the hippocampus, which is important for the regulation of physical activity, exploration behaviour, memory and learning as well as anxiety related behaviour. Additionally, GLUT8 was detected in the hypothalamus, which is amongst others involved in the regulation of food intake. The Slc2a8-/- mice showed a significant increase in locomotor activity, which indicates a moderate undersupply of the hippocampus area. According to this finding the group of Membrez et al. (2006) observed a raised cell proliferation in the hippocampus of Slc2a8-/- mice. The fact that no alterations in food intake and only a moderate reduction in body weight was detected in Slc2a8-/- mice, indicates that GLUT8 is not important for the hypothalamic glucose sensing. The marginal decreased body weight of the Slc2a8-/- mice appeared to be associated with a slightly reduced weight of different tissues. Together with the lowered blood glucose concentrations and the apparently enhanced lifespan, the Slc2a8-/- mice showed symptoms of a moderate undersupply compareable to caloric restriction. Thus, we hypothesize that GLUT8 is important for the transport of sugar derivatives which arise during lysosomal/endosomal degradation of glycoproteins. These recycled sugars may serve as an additional energy source in the cell.

Novel pharmaceutical approaches to regulate glucose homeostasis

Sundbom, Maj, January 2010 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2010. / Härtill 3 uppsatser.

Central Nervous System Nutrient-sensing and the Regulation of Energy and Glucose Homeostasis

Lam, Ka Lo Carol 15 February 2010 (has links)
Hypothalamic lactate metabolism regulates hepatic glucose and lipid homeostasis, however it remains unclear whether hypothalamic lactate also controls energy homeostasis. Furthermore, the precise downstream molecular and signaling pathway(s) involved in hypothalamic lactate-sensing is yet to be fully elucidated. To specifically address these two questions, we tested the hypothesis that hypothalamic lactate metabolism regulates energy homeostasis (Study 1) and assessed whether the activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) of the brainstem is required for hypothalamic lactate, and sufficient per se, to regulate glucose homeostasis (Study 2). In an in vivo rat model, we reported in Study 1 that central lactate lowers food intake and body weight through its metabolism into pyruvate. In Study 2, we identified that hypothalamic lactate metabolism requires the activation of NMDA receptors in the NTS to lower hepatic glucose production. Moreover, we showed that the activation of NTS NMDA receptors per se lowers hepatic glucose production. In summary, these findings advance the understanding of central nutrient-sensing in the regulation of energy and glucose homeostasis, which is critical in bridging the therapeutic gap of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Central Nervous System Nutrient-sensing and the Regulation of Energy and Glucose Homeostasis

Lam, Ka Lo Carol 15 February 2010 (has links)
Hypothalamic lactate metabolism regulates hepatic glucose and lipid homeostasis, however it remains unclear whether hypothalamic lactate also controls energy homeostasis. Furthermore, the precise downstream molecular and signaling pathway(s) involved in hypothalamic lactate-sensing is yet to be fully elucidated. To specifically address these two questions, we tested the hypothesis that hypothalamic lactate metabolism regulates energy homeostasis (Study 1) and assessed whether the activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) of the brainstem is required for hypothalamic lactate, and sufficient per se, to regulate glucose homeostasis (Study 2). In an in vivo rat model, we reported in Study 1 that central lactate lowers food intake and body weight through its metabolism into pyruvate. In Study 2, we identified that hypothalamic lactate metabolism requires the activation of NMDA receptors in the NTS to lower hepatic glucose production. Moreover, we showed that the activation of NTS NMDA receptors per se lowers hepatic glucose production. In summary, these findings advance the understanding of central nutrient-sensing in the regulation of energy and glucose homeostasis, which is critical in bridging the therapeutic gap of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Kinase cascades in the regulation of glucose homeostasis /

Steiler, Tatiana L., January 2005 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2005. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.


XU, CANXIN 01 December 2014 (has links)
The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR), a ligand-dependent transcription factor, plays a crucial role in regulation of xenobiotic metabolism. AhR is also involved in dioxin-induced metabolic disorders and alteration of circadian rhythm. Furthermore, circadian clock disruption and metabolic dysfunction are integrally associated with each other. This study was designed to understand the mechanisms by which AhR contributes to regulation of circadian clocks, fat metabolism and glucose homeostasis. In the first aim, I have tested whether AhR interacts with the core clock gene, brain and muscle AhR nuclear translocator like-1(BMAL1), disrupting circadian locomotor output cycle kaput (CLOCK)/BMAL1 complex activity, and leading to the suppression of period1 gene (Per1) expression rhythm. My studies indicate that AhR activation by its agonists 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and beta-naphoflavone (BNF) disrupts the rhythm and inhibits the expression of Per1 in mouse liver and hepatoma cell lines, respectively. Mechanistically, the disruption of the rhythm and the inhibition of Per1 expression occur secondary to the interaction between AhR and BMAL1, which attenuates transcriptional activity of the core clock complex CLOCK/BMAL1. These results suggest alteration of the circadian clock as a novel signaling event downstream of AhR activation. The integral relationship between the clock and metabolic function further suggest that AhR activation may cause metabolic dysfunction. In the second aim, I have tested whether AhR activation inhibits Per1 gene induction and influences circadian clock resetting through activation of JNK pathway. AhR activation by it agonists TCDD and BNF decreases light-induced phase shifts in the early night and inhibits light-induced Per1 expression in both suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and liver. Inhibition of Per1 induction results from increased phospho-JNK induced by AhR activation. Taken together, activation of AhR disrupts circadian clock resetting which also could cause metabolic dysfunction. In the third aim, I have tested whether AhR deficiency regulates nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor a; (PPARa) and alters glucose homeostasis. PPARa, a clock-controlled gene (CCG) that acts as a fat metabolism sensor, is important for lipid metabolism and glucose homeostasis. AhR knockout (AhRKO or AhR-/-) mice exhibit enhanced insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance, accompanied by decreased expression of PPARa, key gluconeogenic genes, glucose-6 phosphatase (G6Pase) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) and key fatty acid oxidation enzymes, carnitine palmitoyl transferase1b (CPT1b) and acyl-CoA oxidase (ACO). Conversely, AhR agonists increase PPARa; expression in a BMAL1-dependent manner. In addition, AhRKO mice display altered rhythm for clock genes, clock-controlled genes (CCGs) and physiological blood glucose. These data suggest that AhR may modulate the glucose homeostasis through regulation of CCGs such as PPARa and that PPARa may be an important link between the circadian clock and metabolism. In the fourth aim, I have tested the effects of AhR ablation or attenuation in high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity, insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis in mice. Recent studies suggest that PPARα expression is elevated with HFD feeding as an adaptive response to attenuate hepatic steatosis, and PPARa deficiency protects against HFD-induced insulin resistance. AhR-/- as well as AhR heterozygous (AhR+/-) mice are protected from the HFD-induced obesity, insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis and show reduced inflammatory cytokine expression. In addition, AhR-/- and AhR+/- mice display protected insulin signaling, a higher adiponectin and a lower leptin and insulin in serum. Food intake and physical activity are not significantly different among WT, AhR-/- and AhR+/- mice with HFD feeding. Indirect calorimetry has demonstrated that the AhR+/- mice have higher oxygen consumption, CO2 production and heat production. In addition, Real-time PCR data show that uncoupling protein 1(Ucp1) is higher in brown adipose tissue which supports the higher heat production; moreover, the muscle gene profile reveals that the fatty acid beta-oxidation genes and mitochondrial respiratory genes are higher in AHR+/- mice which further support higher energy expenditure in these mice. Collectively, these data suggest that AhR signaling could be a potential target for treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes, and AhR antagonist may be developed into a drug for these metabolic diseases.

Efeito da exposição à fumaça de cigarro sobre a expressão de GLUT4 em ratas prenhes e lactantes e sua prole /

Gomes, Patricia Rodrigues Lourenço. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Patrícia Monteiro Seraphim / Banca: Ismael Forte Freitas Júnior / Banca: Cecília Edna Mareze da Costa / Resumo: A gravidez é um período de ajustes metabólicos e, quando associado ao tabagismo provoca alterações que trazem malefícios tanto à saúde materna quanto à saúde fetal. Assim, o estudo investigou o efeito da exposição à fumaça de cigarro sobre a expressão do transportador de glicose GLUT4 e parâmetros séricos e morfométricos de ratas prenhes e sua prole. Foram utilizadas ratas Wistar divididas em: CG- controle sacrificadas após a gestação, com prole adotada pelo grupo CL; CL - controle sacrificadas após o término da lactação; FG - expostas à fumaça de cigarro até o período gestacional e sacrificadas posteriormente, com prole adotada pelo grupo FL; FG - expostas à fumaça de cigarro até o fim da amamentação e posteriormente sacrificadas. As proles foram divididas por sexo e de acordo com a exposição ou não da rata à fumaça. Foram coletados sangue e tecidos para análise de glicemia e do conteúdo gênico e protéico de GLUT4. Nas ratas expostas à fumaça de cigarro, houve redução de peso corpóreo e de tecido adiposo, aumento da glicemia e modulação do transportador GLUT4 no músculo esquelético. Nas proles, houve... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Pregnancy is a period of metabolic adjustments, and when associated with cigarette smoke causes changes both to maternal health as the fetal. The study has investigated the effect of cigarette smoke exposure on the expression of glucose transporter GLUT4 and morphometric parameters and serum of pregnant smoker rats and their offspring. Wistar rats were divided in: CG- nonsmokers sacrificed after pregnancy with offspring adopted by CL; CL - nonsmoker group sacrificed after the end of lactation; FG - smoker group sacrificed after pregnancy with offspring adopted by FL; FL - smoker sacrificed after the end of lactation. The offspring was divided by sex and according to the protocol of their mothers. Blood and tissue were collected for analysis of glucose and the content of GLUT4 gene and protein. In smoker mothers, body weight and adipose tissue were reduced, glucose level was increased, and GLUT4 expression was higher in skeletal muscle. In offspring... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Efeito da exposição à dexametasona sobre a expressão de miRNA no pâncreas endócrino e a homeostasia glicêmica de ratas prenhes. / Effect of exposure to dexamethasone on miRNA expression in the endocrine pancreas and glucose homeostasis of pregnant rats.

Patricia Rodrigues Lourenço Gomes 06 February 2015 (has links)
Este estudo investigou se o tratamento com glicocorticoide durante a gestação altera o metabolismo energético, hormonal e molecular materno, a função das ilhotas pancreáticas e mudanças correlativas sobre miRNAs. Foram utilizadas 80 ratas dividas em dois grupos de 40 animais, sendo um grupo destinado para envelhecimento até um ano após o desmame da prole, e o seguinte grupo destinado para experimentação no 20º dia de gestação, ambos dispostos em: CTL - controle, CTL-Dex - controle tratadas com dexametasona por 6 dias, P - prenhes e P-Dex - prenhes tratadas com dexametasona do 14º-19º dia de gestação. A expressão de miRNA das ilhotas foram analisadas em larga escala. Os genes alvos foram rastreados em banco de dados e confirmados. Por fim, investigou-se o mecanismo de modulação da homeostasia glicêmica. Inúmeras modificações resultaram da terapia com DEXA na gestação concluindo que a associação do tratamento ao período gravídico modula positivamente membros da família miRNA-29 ocasionando um desequilíbrio na homeostasia glicêmica por meio de falha na maquinaria exocitótica em longo prazo, desencadeado pela modulação negativa de progesterona e seu receptor promovendo prejuízo no processo de remodelação da ilhota pancreática na fase final da gestação. / This study investigated whether treatment with glucocorticoids during pregnancy alters the energetic, hormonal and molecular maternal metabolism, function of pancreatic islets and correlative changes of miRNAs. Were used 80 rats divided into two groups of 40 animals, one group designed to aging up one year after weaning, and the next group destined to experimentation at 20th day of gestation, both arranged: CTL - control, CTL-Dex - control treated with dexamethasone for 6 days, P - pregnant rats and P-Dex - pregnant rats treated with dexamethasone from 14th to 19th day of pregnancy. Pancreatic islets were collected for large-scale analysis of miRNA expression. The target genes were screened and confirmed by qPCR. Finally it was investigated the mechanism of modulation of glucose homeostasis through qPCR and Western Blot. We can be observed numerous changes resulting from therapy with DEXA in pregnancy concluded that the association of treatment to the pregnancy period modulates members of the miRNA-29 family causing an imbalance in glucose homeostasis through long-term failure in exocytotic machinery, triggered by the downregulation of the progesterone and its receptor promoting injury in the pancreatic islet remodeling process in late pregnancy.

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