Spelling suggestions: "subject:"glutenfree"" "subject:"glutenree""
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Otimização de propriedades nutricionais e sensoriais de produtos à base de amaranto enriquecidos com frutanos, para intervenção em celíacos / Nutritional and sensory optimization of amaranth based products enriched with fructans, for nutritional intervention in celiacVanessa Dias Capriles 17 December 2009 (has links)
Introdução: A doença celíaca não tem cura e apresenta como único tratamento a dieta isenta de glúten. Frequentemente observa-se a má absorção de cálcio em celíacos, consequência dos menores níveis de transportadores de cálcio no enterócito desses indivíduos. Os celíacos têm dificuldade em dar sequência ao tratamento dietético devido à escassez de produtos isentos de glúten, tornando fundamental o desenvolvimento de produtos para esta população. Isso pode ser feito por meio do uso de matérias primas isentas de glúten e com valor nutritivo agregado, como o grão de amaranto, e de ingredientes que contribuem para o aumento da absorção de cálcio através de absorção passiva nos colonócitos, como os frutanos inulina e oligofrutose. Objetivo: Desenvolver e otimizar as propriedades nutricionais e sensoriais de produtos à base de amaranto enriquecidos com frutanos, para intervenção nutricional em celíacos. Metodologia: Foram elaborados snacks à base de milho e amaranto (50, 75 e 100%), barras e pães sem glúten, enriquecidos com 4 gramas de frutanos/ porção. Para maximizar a aceitabilidade das barras foi utilizado um planejamento experimental para misturas de amaranto extrusado, estourado e laminado. Para maximizar o valor nutritrivo e a aceitabilidade do pão sem glúten foi utilizado o planejamento experimental para misturas de farinha de arroz, fécula de batata e farinha de amaranto. Os produtos foram caracterizados quanto a composição centesimal, o índice glicêmico (IG) e a carga glicêmica (CG). Também foram avaliadas as propriedades físicas e a aceitabilidade (escala hedônica estruturada de nove pontos) durante o período de armazenamento. Resultados e discussão: Os snacks foram aceitos e apresentaram estabilidade de suas características físicas e da aceitabilidade durante os 135 dias de armazenamento. O efeito combinado do amaranto e dos frutanos gerou redução de 19% do IG e de 56% da CG dos snacks. O amaranto estourado e laminado apresentaram interações sinérgicas para a aceitabilidade das barras (R2(aj)>92%, p=0,00). A formulação à base de amaranto estourado e laminado (½,½) foi diversificada em seis diferentes sabores e apresentou estabilidade de suas propriedades físicas e da aceitabilidade durante os seis meses de armazenamento. A estimativa da resposta glicêmica revelou IG moderado e CG baixa das barras. Pães com 33 e 45% de farinha de amaranto apresentaram destacado valor nutritivo e aceitabilidade. A incorporação de amaranto e de frutanos ocasionou redução de 20% do IG e de até 53% da CG do pão sem glúten. Conclusão: Os produtos desenvolvidos (snacks, barras e pães sem glúten) apresentaram destacado valor nutritivo em relação aos produtos convencionais, atenuação da resposta glicêmica e alta aceitabilidade pelo consumidor, podendo contribuir para uma maior variação e adequação da dieta dos celíacos e também para auxiliar no aumento da absorção de cálcio / Introduction: Celiac disease does not have a cure and the only scientifically proven treatment is strict lifelong adherence to a gluten-free diet. Calcium malabsorption is frequently found in celiac, possibly due to negligible amounts of calcium-binding protein in their enterocytes. Compliance with dietary treatment is often difficult due to the lack of gluten-free products, so it is essential to develop specific products for this population. This can be done through the use of gluten-free raw materials of great nutritional value, such as amaranth grain, and ingredients that contribute to the calcium absorption increasement through passive absorption in colonocytes, such as the fructans inulin and oligofructose. Objective: Develop and optimize the nutritional and sensory properties of amaranth based products enriched with fructans, for nutritional intervention in celiac. Methods: Snacks from blends of corn and amaranth (50, 75 and 100%), amaranth bars and gluten-free bread, all enriched with 4 grams of fructans/ portion, were prepared. A mixture experiment of extruded, popped and flaked amaranth was used to optimize the sensory acceptability of the bars. A mixture experiment of rice flour, potato starch and amaranth flour was used to maximize the nutritional value and sensory acceptability of gluten-free bread. Products chemical composition, glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL), were evaluated. The physical properties and sensory acceptability (nine point hedonic scale) were assessed during the storage time. Results and discussion: Snacks were sensory accepted and maintained their physical characteristics and sensory acceptability during the 135 days of storage. The combined effect of amaranth and fructans resulted in 19% reduction of GI and 56% of GL of snacks. Popped and flaked amaranth present synergistic interactions to sensory acceptability of the bars (R2(adj)>92%, p=0,00). Bars were produced with popped and flaked amaranth (½,½) in six different flavors and its physical properties and sensory acceptability were stable during the six months of storage. The predicted glycemic response showed moderate GI and low GL bars. Breads with 33 and 45% of amaranth flour had higher nutritional value and sensory acceptability. Amaranth and fructans addition led to a reduction of approximately 20% of GI and up to 53% of the GL of gluten-free breads. Conclusion: The developed products (snacks, bars and gluten-free breads) had superior nutritional composition than conventional products, reduced glycemic response, high consumer sensory acceptability, great potential to contribute to variation and adequacy of celiac diet and also help to increase calcium absorption.
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Análisis del uso y consumo de alimentos aptos para celíacos en la oferta gastronómica a nivel mundial / Analysis of the use and consumption of foods suitable for coeliac in the gastronomic offer worldwideCavero Bravo, Maira Alejandra, Saenz Peralta, Daniela Valeria 14 December 2020 (has links)
La investigación presenta una síntesis académica sobre el rol que cumplen los restaurantes y los negocios gastronómicos en satisfacer la demanda de alimentos libres de gluten a nivel mundial. Los alimentos libres de gluten están evolucionando y su llegada al mercado es cada vez más rápida tanto en restaurantes, tiendas naturistas y en muchos de los negocios que se dedican a la producción de alimentos y bebidas. Además, estos alimentos benefician a los celíacos, un nicho de mercado poco explorado, que se caracteriza por tener una estricta dieta libre de gluten por el resto de su vida. Se trata de una investigación basada en la revisión bibliográfica descriptiva y evaluativa. El principal aporte de esta investigación es el de presentar un análisis del uso y consumo de los alimentos aptos para celíacos en la oferta gastronómica a nivel mundial. Se presenta información sobre la variedad de productos que existen aptos para celíacos, así como la variedad de alimentos sin gluten que son ofrecidos en restaurantes, pastelerías y heladerías internacionales. Los principales hallazgos son que los productos, restaurantes y negocios aptos para celíacos a nivel mundial han aumentado, a partir de lo cual debe existir un mayor control y supervisión de todos estos para garantizar una mayor seguridad para los afectados por la enfermedad celíaca. Pese a ello, en Perú aún es poca la oferta de alimentos orientada a este nicho de mercado en comparación con otros países. / The research presents an academic synthesis of the role of restaurants and food businesses in meeting the demand for gluten-free foods worldwide. Gluten-free foods are evolving and reaching the market faster and faster in restaurants, health food stores and in many food and beverage businesses. In addition, these foods benefit coeliac, a little explored niche market, which are typical by having a strict gluten-free diet for the rest of their lives.
The main contribution of this research is to present an analysis on the use and consumption of foods suitable for coeliac in the gastronomic offer worldwide. Information presented on the variety of products that exist suitable for coeliac, as well as the variety of gluten-free foods that are presented in restaurants, bakeries and international ice cream shops. A descriptive-evaluative bibliographic review will be apply to this research. The main findings are that products, restaurants and businesses suitable for coeliac worldwide have increased, from which there must be greater control and monitoring of all these to ensure greater safety for those affected by celiac disease. Despite this, in Peru there is still little food supply oriented to this market niche compared to other countries. / Trabajo de investigación
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Vliv bezlepkové diety na populace imunitních buněk na NOD myším modelu diabetu 1. typu / Effect of gluten-free diet on immune cell subsets in the NOD mouse model of type 1 diabetesTejklová, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease leading to destruction of insulin-secreting pancreatic -cells. Environmental factors e.g. exposures to infections, dietary components play a substantial role in etiopathogenesis of T1D and are responsible for rapid increase of T1D incidence in past decades, preferentially in developed countries. Despite long record of T1D research no causative cure or efficient prevention exists. While gluten displays proinflammatory properties, gluten-free diet (GFD) has been documented by several studies as a strong diabetes- preventive environmental factor in spontaneous animal models of T1D, mostly in NOD mouse. The aim of this thesis is to better characterize effects of GFD on the immune system of NOD mouse. Using flow cytometry, we compared effects of GFD vs standard (STD) Altromin diets on NK cell subsets, Tregs, as well as other regulatory cell subsets and their cytokine profile in prediabetic SPF NOD females that were exposed to the diets since "in utero". A reference diabetes incidence in NOD females in our SPF facility kept on STD and GFD was recorded. Diabetes-preventive capacity of GFD were tested by using the NOD-SCID model of diabetes transfer, in which splenocytes from at-onset NOD females kept on GFD or STD were transferred to NOD-SCID recipients....
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Vztah studentů vybraných středních škol k alternativním způsobům stravování / Relationship of students of the selected secondary schools to the alternative ways of eatingFialová Krejzová, Lenka January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the relationships and opinions of students of selected secondary schools, which are connected with alternative ways of eating. The theoretical part contains basic information about rational nutrition, individual nutrients, there is a comparison of the food pyramid and a healthy plate. Last but not least, alternative diets are also clarified and then information on five specific types of alternative diets is given. In the individual subchapters, vegetarianism, veganism, raw food, paleo diet and a gluten-free diet are mentioned. The aim of the practical part is to find out the opinion of students of selected secondary schools on alternative ways of eating. These are my chosen secondary schools in the Rakovnicko region. A questionnaire survey is used as a research tool. Based on the data obtained, the questionnaire was evaluated and the results were converted into tables and graphs, which are always commented. 187 respondents answered the questionnaire. It was found that 19 of all respondents have nutrition-related health restrictions. The surprising result is that students did not learn about alternative meals primarily at school, but from their own resources (friends, family, etc.). The results of the questionnaire survey point to the fact that secondary school students...
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Uticaj prehrambenih vlakana šećerne repe i jabuke na reološke parametre testa i kvalitet bezglutenskog hleba / Influence of sugar beet and apple dietary fibres on batter rheology and gluten free bread qualityĐorđević Marijana 25 September 2020 (has links)
<p>Sagledavajući značaj nutritivne vrednosti bezglutenskog hleba u prevenciji dodatnih zdravstvenih poremećaja kod obolelih od celijakije, kao i prisutnog trenda bezglutenske ishrane, u okviru ove disertacije analizirana je mogućnost obogaćenja bezglutenskog hleba prehrambenim vlaknima. Ispitan je uticaj različite vrste i količine (3, 5, 7%) prehrambenih vlakana (vlakna šećerne repe i vlakna jabuke), količine hidroksipropil metil celuloze - HPMC (2, 3, 4%) i količine vode (180–230%) na reološke osobine bezglutenskog testa (svojstva proticanja i viskoelastične osobine), kvalitet i nutritivnu vrednost bezglutenskog hleba. Rezultati ove disertacije ukazuju da dodatak vlakana šećerne repe i jabuke ne umanjuje pozitivan uticaj HPMC na reološke osobine bezglutenskog testa, formiranje i ojačavanje njegove strukture. Bezglutenski hleb privlačne boje, veće zapremine, manje tvrdoće sredine i odličnih senzorskih karakteristika dobijen je kod uzoraka sa 4% HPMC, 3, 5 ili 7% vlakana šećerne repe/jabuke i 220%/190% vode. Sadržaj ukupnih prehrambenih vlakana kod uzoraka sa 3% vlakana je iznad 4,5 g/100 g, a kod uzoraka sa 7% vlakana čak oko 6 g/100 g bezglutenskog hleba. Postignut sadržaj ukupnih prehrambenih vlakana je iznad propisane vrednosti za proizvode koji mogu biti nosioci nutritivne izjave „izvor vlakana“, čime je ostvaren cilj ove disertacije.</p> / <p>Considering the importance of the gluten-free bread nutritional value in the prevention of additional health disorders in patients with celiac disease, as well as the arising gluten-free diet trend, the possibility of enriching gluten-free bread with dietary fibers was analyzed within this dissertation. The influence of different types and amounts (3, 5, 7%) of dietary fibers (sugar beet and apple fibers), the amount of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose - HPMC (2, 3, 4%) and the amount of water (180–230%) on rheological properties of gluten-free batter (flow and viscoelastic properties), quality and nutritional value of gluten-free bread. The results of this dissertation indicate that the addition of sugar beet and apple fibers does not diminish the positive influence of HPMC on the rheological properties of the gluten-free batter, the formation and strengthening of its structure. Gluten-free bread with appealing color, higher volume, lower hardness and excellent sensory characteristics was obtained in samples with 4% HPMC, 3, 5 or 7% sugar beet/apple fibers and 220%/190% water. The total dietary fibers content in samples with 3% fibers is above 4.5 g/100 g, and in samples with 7% fibers approximately 6 g/100 g of gluten-free bread. The accomplished total dietary fibers content is above the prescribed value for products that may bear the nutritional statement "source of fiber", thus achieving the goal of this dissertation.</p>
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Psychosocial aspects of coeliac disease: a cross-sectional survey of a UK population.Ford, S., Howard, R.A., Oyebode, Jan 16 April 2012 (has links)
Yes / Objectives. Coeliac disease (CD) is an autoimmune condition managed by a lifelong therapeutic gluten-free diet. Previous research suggests that the chronicity of CD, the limitations imposed by the gluten-free diet, and the risk of other associated diseases can have a negative impact on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and psychological well-being. The aim of this study was to explore the illness perceptions and self-efficacy beliefs of adults with CD in the United Kingdom and to report their subjective levels of HRQoL and psychological well-being.
Design. The study employed a cross-sectional postal questionnaire design.
Method. Participants (n= 288) were adults with CD recruited via Coeliac UK. Measures of well-being, HRQoL, self-efficacy, illness perceptions, and dietary self-management were analysed. Preliminary descriptive and univariate procedures were employed before bivariate tests of association or difference were carried out. Backward stepwise multiple regression analysis was used to investigate the predictive strength of variables on well-being, quality of life, and self-efficacy. Logistic regression was used to look at the influence of variables on adherence.
Results. Results indicate that HRQoL and psychological well-being were comparable to those found in previous related studies. Participants with weak beliefs in the serious consequences of CD and poorer emotional reactions to the condition had a greater likelihood of having enhanced HRQoL, improved psychological well-being, and higher self-efficacy. Strong beliefs in personal control and a greater perceived understanding of CD were associated with greater self-efficacy.
Conclusions. Perceived self-efficacy and illness perceptions could play a role in informing psychological interventions for individuals with CD.
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Effectiveness of Gluten-Free and Casein-Free Diets for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Evidence-Based Research SynthesisZhang, Jie, Mayton, Michael R., Wheeler, John J. 01 June 2013 (has links)
In order to better assist practitioners and better serve persons with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and their families, it is vital for professionals to systematically evaluate the existing body of literature and synthesize its scientific evidence, so that the efficacy of research can be translated to evidence-based practices (EBPs) (Wheeler, 2007; Zhang & Wheeler, 2011). This research synthesis evaluated adherence to EBP standards and analyzed the effectiveness of gluten-free and casein-free (GFCF) diets for individuals with ASD. Four hundred and seventy articles were screened among peer-reviewed journals in English language published through 2010 using the Academic Search Complete search database. Twenty-three studies were selected, and the researchers used a systematic analysis model developed by Mayton, Wheeler, Menendez, and Zhang (2010) to investigate the degree of adherence to specific evidence-based practice standards. In addition, the study utilized quality indicators proposed by (a) Horner et al. (2005) for single-subject design studies and (b) Gersten et al. (2005) for group experimental design, to evaluate the efficacy of GFCF diet interventions. Results of this synthesis indicated that the efficacy of GFCF diet interventions for individuals with ASD is inconclusive, and the field needs better controlled studies to provide the scientific evidence base for the intervention.
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Segurança microbiológica dos resíduos sólidos de fecularia e aplicação em bolos para a alimentação humana / Microbiological safety of solid waste and starch application in cakes for human consumptionSOUZA, Thaísa Anders Carvalho 28 February 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-02-28 / This study aimed to verify the microbiological safety of solid waste from cassava starch (peel and bagasse), with different times of storage at room temperature with and without chemical treatment and apply peels and dried cassava bagasse in the formulation of gluten-free cake mixes substituting rice flour. The pH values ranged from 5.3 to 4.3 in fresh cassava peel, while the cassava peel sanitized between 5.6 and 4.4. The pH values ranged from 5.24 to 5.92
on fresh cassava bagasse, while in the acidified cassava bagasse these values were between 4.7 and 5.5. The time significantly influenced the pH values of all samples of peel and cassava bagasse during storage at room temperature. None of the samples of flour and cake analyzed was detected Salmonella, and counting of Bacillus cereus, Clostridium sp. and fecal coliform (45 °C). There were only counts of
coliforms, yeasts and molds in peel flour and cassava bagasse flour. All instrumental parameters of color, pH and moisture of the samples of rice flour, peel flour and cassava bagasse flour, showed differences. The rice flour had become clearer, with less red and yellow color when compared to the peel flour and cassava bagasse flour. The pH differed among the three flours, being the pH of the rice flour larger than those
observed in flours of peel and cassava bagasse. The moisture content of rice flour was lower than the peel flour and cassava bagasse flour. The flours of peel and cassava bagasse showed higher contents of ash, total dietary fiber, soluble and insoluble fiber and lower protein and
carbohydrates, in addition to the total energy. The specific volumes of experimental cakes made with rice flour and cassava peel flour did not differ in any treatment, already in those made with cassava bagasse flour, treatments with 75% and 100% substitution of rice flour by cassava bagasse flour differed from other treatments. The crumbs of cakes tended to stain darker with increasing levels of replacement of rice flour by peel flour and cassava bagasse flour. In relation to moisture all the cakes made with experimental flours were different, except the cake without replacement and with 25% substitution of rice flour with cassava bagasse flour. The performance index also tended to increase proportionately to the increase levels of replacement of rice flour by flour of peel and cassava bagasse flour. The ash, lipids and total and insoluble dietary fibers tended to increase in the cakes with replacement of rice flour by peel flour and cassava bagasse flour, carbohydrates, protein and total energy were lower in cakes with increasing replacement of flour waste. All experimental cakes exceeded the cutoff point (score 6) for acceptance testing in sensorial analysis. Cassava peel sanitized and acidified cassava bagasse can be considered safe for use as an ingredient (flour) in the formulation of food products, especially those who suffer heat treatment. The results obtained in the formulations of the cakes were adequate, since they showed satisfactory results in relation to the physical, nutritional, microbiological safety and sensory characteristics. / Este trabalho objetivou verificar a segurança microbiológica dos resíduos sólidos de fecularia de mandioca (cascas e bagaço), com diferentes tempos de armazenamento a temperatura ambiente com e sem tratamento químico e aplicar as cascas e bagaço de mandioca desidratados na formulação de misturas de bolos sem glúten em substituição a farinha de arroz. Os valores de pH variaram entre 5,3 a 4,3 na casca de mandioca in natura, enquanto na casca de mandioca sanitizada entre 5,6 e 4,4. Os valores de pH variaram entre 5,24 a 5,92 no bagaço de mandioca in natura, enquanto no bagaço de mandioca acidificado estes valores
ficaram entre 4,7 e 5,5. O tempo influenciou significativamente os valores de pH de todas as amostras de casca e de bagaço de mandioca durante o armazenamento a temperatura ambiente. Em nenhuma das amostras de farinhas e de bolos avaliadas foi detectada presença de Salmonella sp, e contagem de Bacilus cereus, Clostridium sp. e coliformes termotolerantes (45 °C). Apenas verificaram-se contagens de coliformes totais e bolores e leveduras nas farinhas de cascas e de bagaço de mandioca. Todos os parâmetros instrumentais de cor, o pH e a umidade das amostras de farinha de arroz, farinha de casca de mandioca e farinha de bagaço de mandioca, apresentaram diferenças. A farinha de arroz apresentou-se mais clara, com coloração menos avermelhada e amarelada, quando comparada às farinhas de casca e de
bagaço de mandioca. O pH diferiu entre as três farinhas, sendo o pH da farinha de arroz maior que o observado nas farinhas de casca e de bagaço de mandioca. A umidade da farinha de arroz foi menor que as das farinhas de casca de mandioca e de bagaço de mandioca. As farinhas de casca e de bagaço de mandioca apresentaram teores superiores de cinzas, fibras alimentares total, solúvel e insolúvel e inferiores de proteínas e carboidratos, além do valor energético total. Os volumes específicos dos bolos experimentais formulados com farinha de arroz e farinha de casca de mandioca não diferiram em nenhum dos tratamentos, já nos formulados com farinha de bagaço de mandioca, os tratamentos com 75% e 100% de substituição da farinha de arroz pela farinha de bagaço de mandioca diferiram dos demais tratamentos. Os miolos dos bolos apresentaram tendência à coloração mais escura, com o aumento dos níveis de substituição da farinha de arroz pela farinha de casca e de bagaço de mandioca. Em relação à umidade todos os bolos experimentais formulados com as farinhas apresentaram diferença, exceto o bolo sem substituição e com 25% de substituição de farinha de arroz por farinha de bagaço de mandioca. O índice de rendimento também apresentou tendência a aumentar proporcionalmente ao aumento dos níveis de substituição de farinha de arroz por farinha de casca e de bagaço de mandioca. As cinzas, os lipídeos e as fibras alimentares total e insolúvel apresentaram tendência de aumentar nos bolos com substituição de farinha de arroz pela farinha de casca e de bagaço de mandioca, já os carboidratos, proteínas e o valor energético total apresentaram valores inferiores nos bolos com o aumento
da substituição das farinhas dos resíduos. Todos os bolos experimentais superaram o ponto de corte (escore 6) para o teste de aceitação na análise sensorial. A casca de mandioca sanitizada e o bagaço de mandioca acidificado podem ser considerados seguros para utilização como ingrediente (farinha) em formulações de produtos alimentícios, principalmente aqueles que sofrerão tratamento térmico. Os resultados obtidos nas formulações dos bolos foram
adequados, uma vez que estes apresentaram resultados satisfatórios em relação às características físicas, valor nutricional, segurança microbiológica e características sensoriais.
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Efekt bezlepkové diety na zbytkovou kapacitu β-buněk, imunitní funkci a střevní mikrobiom dětí s nově manifestovaným diabetem 1. typu / The effect of gluten-free diet on β-cell residual capacity, immune function and gut microbiome in children with newly diagnosed type 1. diabetesNeuman, Vít January 2021 (has links)
The effect of gluten-free diet on β-cell residual capacity, immune function and gut microbiome in children with newly diagnosed type 1. diabetes Abstract The pathophysiology of the onset and progression of type 1 diabetes (T1D) is not fully understood. Gluten has a proinflammatory effect on the immune system and is therefore considered as one of the factors affecting the onset and progression of T1D. The aim of the thesis is to allow a complex insight into the role of the GFD on the residual β-cell capacity, T1D control, gut microbiome, gut permeability, subtypes of immune cells and the effect of gut microbiome transfer into germ-free non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice on the incidence of diabetes. On the group of 45 children with T1D (26 intervention group, 19 control group) we proved the association of the GFD with slower decrease of β-cell residual capacity (the difference in the trend of C-peptide decrease 409 pmol/l/year; p = 0,04) and lower HbA1c (by 7,8 mmol/mol; p=0,02). We also described the changes in the gut bacteria that were differentially abundant after the administration of the GFD and the changes in abundance of the regulatory and effector immune cells. We showed there was no change in the gut permeability with respect to the study group. We also proved that the transfer of human gut microbiota...
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Rozvoj obchodních aktivit slovenské společnosti s bezlepkovými produkty / Business Activities Development of Slovak Company with Gluten-free ProductsFialová, Silvie January 2021 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on Slovak company Nutribak s.r.o. and its potential business activities on the Czech market, especially with gluten-free goods. The created methodology is based on a critical search of current literature related to the the field of marketing, management and trade. Suggested steps are applied to the company Nutribank s.r.o. according to results of the analysis of the current situation, there were created certain steps, that will provide the company with a plan for evolving their business activities and also supporting their position in the Czech market
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