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Descrição anatômica macroscópica do encéfalo de primatas neotropicais e citoarquitetura neocortical de Sapajus Libidinosus (primatas: cebidae)Abreu, Tainá de 25 October 2017 (has links)
O encéfalo humano é mais sofisticado instrumento de cognição e, supostamente, o
material mais complexo já conhecido, provavelmente por causa disso, o sistema neural
é amplamente estudado em termos multidisciplinares, mas muitas questões ainda
necessitam ser respondidas e várias dúvidas sobre as funções cerebrais ainda precisam
de respostas. Um dos caminhos para compreender essa história evolutiva é o estudo do
encéfalo de primatas não-humanos. Muito se sabe sobre a anatomia macroscópica de
primatas do Velho Mundo e humanos, entretanto, esses dados e aqueles relacionados à
anatomia microscópica são escassos em relação aos neotropicais, que tem sido
amplamente utilizado em pesquisas biomédicas e comportamentais. Dessa forma, a
proposta desse trabalho foi estudar a anatomia macroscópica do encéfalo obtido
diretamente dos primatas neotropicais como Callithrix penicillata, Saimiri ustus, Sapajus
libidinosus e Brachyteles arachnoides e da literatura de Galago, Macaca, Papio, Pan and
Homo, em termos comparativos. Além de realizar um estudo preliminar acerca da
citoarquitetura neocortical de Sapajus libidinosus. Na análise macroscópicas foram
utilizados 2 encéfalos de Callithrix penicillata, 1 de Saimiri ustus, 7 de Sapajus libidinosus
e 1 Brachyteles arachnoides, que tiverem seus sulcos e giros descritos, mensurados,
além de mensurações das dimensões gerais do encéfalo e índice de encefalização. Para
a análise microscópica foram utilizados 5 encéfalos de Sapajus libidinosus, sendo 4 na
técnica de Golgi-Cox e 1 na técnica HE, que foram avaliados em termos de organização
citoarquitetônica, número de células neurais e classificação do córtex conforme o tipo e
prevalência celular nas camadas corticais, dos lobos frontal, área pré-frontal, parietal,
temporal e occipital. Nesse trabalho observou-se que anatomia do telencéfalo de
Callithrix e Saimiri possuem poucos sulcos, giros quando comparados com o de Sapajus
e Brachyteles e os dois últimos são mais semelhantes aos primatas do Velho Mundo, do
que dos demais primatas neotropicais investigados. Dentre todos os primatas analisados
e comparados, os sulcos que se repetem são o longitudinal, lateral, calcarino, hipocampo,
rinal e o temporal superior. Os sulcos do lobo frontal e parietal, aparecem somente em
encéfalos mais complexos e de animais que possuem maior tamanho corporal. As demais estruturas localizadas na região medial do telencéfalo, diencéfalo, mesencéfalo, ponte,
bulbo e ventrículos encefálicos, estão dispostas de forma semelhante com variações no
grau de desenvolvimento e tamanho. Os dados preliminares da arquitetura neocortical
de Sapajus mostram maior quantidade de neurônios nos lobos occipital, seguidos do
parietal e temporal. A parte caudal do lobo frontal possui carcterísticas de área motora
primária com grandes neurônios piramidais e a área pré-frontal possui prevalência de
neurônios granulares. Os lobos parietal e temporal possuem as camadas mais
heterogêneas e com maior separação entre as camadas corticais. A técnica de Golgi-
Cox permitiu estudar a organização estrutural, conexões entre células neurais e a formas
das células neurais. Já a técnica de HE permitiu inferências quantitativas e também a
caracterização dos tipos de células neurais e desenvolvimento das camadas corticais. As
análises histológicas do neocórtex das principais áreas do telencéfalo de Sapajus
libidinosus, mesmo que com um baixo número de espécimes foi uma caracterização geral
e o primeiro passo para estudos futuros e comparações mais abrangentes. São
necessários estudos histológicos mais detalhados das principais áreas do encéfalo,
assim como a associação dos possíveis resultados a outras técnicas de investigações
são necessários para uma melhor caracterização das funcionalidades das áreas corticais. / The human brain is the most sophisticated instrument of cognition and, putatively, the
most complex material sctructure ever knew, probably because that, the neural system is
largely studied in multidisciplinar terms, but many questions still need to be answered and
various doubts rest to be solved about the brain functions. Among the ways to understand
this evolutionary history is the study of the non-human primate encephalon. Much is
known about the gross anatomy of Old World Primates and humans, however, these data
and those related to the microscopic anatomy are scarce compared to the neotropical,
which has been widely used in biomedical and behavioral research. In order, the purpose
of this work was to study the gross anatomy of the brain obtained from neotropical
primates as Callithrix penicillata, Saimiri ustus, Sapajus libidinosus e Brachyteles
arachnoides and from literature from Galago, Macaca, Papio, Pan and Homo, in
comparative terms. In addition to conducting a preliminary study on the neocortical
cytoarchitecture of Sapajus libidinosus. In gross anatomy were used 2 brains of Callithrix
penicillata, 1 of Saimirius ustus, 7 of Sapajus libidinosus and 1 Brachyteles arachnoides,
which have their sulcus and gyri described, measured, as well as measurements of the
general dimensions of the encephalon and encephalization index. For the microscopic
analysis, 5 brains of Sapajus libidinosus were used, 4 in the Golgi-Cox method and 1 in
the HE method, which were evaluated in terms of cytoarchitectonic organization, number
of neural cells and classification of the cortex according to type and cell prevalence in
cortical layers, frontal, prefrontal area, parietal, temporal and occipital areas. In this study,
it was observed that the gross anatomy telencephalon of Callithrix and Saimiri have few
sulcus and gyri when compared to Sapajus and Brachyteles, and the latter two are more
similar to the Old-World primates than of the other neotropical primates investigated.
Among all the primates analyzed and compared, the repeats sulcus are the longitudinal,
lateral, calcarino, hippocampus, rinal and superior temporal sulci. The sulci of the frontal
lobe and parietal lobe appear only in more complex brains and animals that have larger
body size. The other structures located in the medial region of the telencephalon,
diencephalon, midbrain, pons, bulb and encephalic ventricles are similarly arranged with
variations in the degree of development and size. Preliminary data from Sapajus neocortical architecture show higher numbers of neurons in the occipital lobes, followed
by the parietal and temporal lobes. The caudal part of the frontal lobe has features of
primary motor area with large pyramidal neurons and the prefrontal area has a prevalence
of granular neurons. The parietal and temporal lobes have the most heterogeneous layers
and with greater separation between the cortical layers. The Golgi-Cox method allowed
the study of the structural organization, connections between neural cells and neural cell
forms, and the HE method allowed quantitative inferences and also the characterization
of neural cell types and development of the cortical layers. The histological analyzes of
the neocortex of the main areas of the Sapajus libidinosus telencephalon, even with a low
number of specimens, was a general characterization and the first step for future studies
and more comprehensive comparisons. More detailed histological studies of the main
areas are necessary as well the association of these possibles results with other
investigative techniques for a better characterization of the functionalities of the cortical
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Intrinsic Features of the Multisensory Cortical Area LRSS in the FerretCojanu, Alexandru Ioan 29 November 2010 (has links)
Environmental events simultaneously transduced by more than one sensory modality underlie multisensory processing in the CNS. While most studies of multisensory processing examine functional effects, none have evaluated the influence of local or columnar circuitry. The goal of the present study is to examine of local features of the ferret lateral rostral suprasylvian sulcus (LRSS), a multisensory cortex. Immunostaining revealed the cytoarchitectonic features of the LRSS: thick supragranular layers, a narrow layer IV, and moderately stained but differentiated infragranular layers. Golgi-Cox techniques were used with light microscopy and digital reconstruction to document neuronal morphology. Among the 90 reconstructed neurons, 4 distinct forms or pyramidal and 2 types of non-pyramidal neurons were found. Measurement of maximal dendritic spread indicates that a cortical column in the LRSS was 250.9 um in diameter. These results describe local features of the LRSS upon which future experiments of intrinsic circuitry will be based.
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Neuronal Reorganization in Adult Rats Neonatally Exposed to (±)-3,4-MethylenedioxymethamphetamineWilliams, Michael T., Skelton, Matthew R., Longacre, Ian D., Huggins, Kimberly N., Maple, Amanda M., Vorhees, Charles V., Brown, Russell W. 01 January 2014 (has links)
The abuse of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) during pregnancy is of concern. MDMA treatment of rats during a period of brain growth analogous to late human gestation leads to neurochemical and behavioral changes. MDMA from postnatal day (P)11–20 in rats produces reductions in serotonin and deficits in spatial and route-based navigation. In this experiment we examined the impact of MDMA from P11 to P20 (20 mg/kg twice daily, 8 h apart) on neuronal architecture. Golgi impregnated sections showed significant changes. In the nucleus accumbens, the dendrites were shorter with fewer spines, whereas in the dentate gyrus the dendritic length was decreased but with more spines, and for the entorhinal cortex, reductions in basilar and apical dendritic lengths in MDMA animals compared with saline animals were seen. The data show that neuronal cytoarchitectural changes are long-lasting following developmental MDMA exposure and are in regions consistent with the learning and memory deficits observed in such animals.
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ラット線条体脳出血モデルの自然経過について : 大脳皮質運動野でのニューロン樹状突起の変化に着目して石田, 和人, 須原, あかね, 溝口, 育美, 新美, 佳子, 森川, 由紀子, 小林, 邦彦, 猪田, 邦雄 20 April 2004 (has links)
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Análise anatomo-funcional dos músculos do antebraço e a citoarquitetura do neocórtex occipital de Cebus libidinosus / Anatomical-functional analysis of forearm muscles and cytoarchitecture of the neocortex of the occipital Cebus libidinosusPRADO, Yandra Cássia Lobato do 10 June 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-06-10 / Primates are known for larger brain size, enhanced handling and cognitive abilities and increasingly complex social behavior. Many studies have been conducted with the neotropical primates of the genus Cebus, known as capuchin monkey, regarding their behavior, tool use, encephalization index and memory. These studies are justified because these primates present high cognitive faculty and other biological characteristics that make them similar to Old World primates. This thesis rendered possible the production of two articles. The first one is entitled Anatomical description of the extensor muscles of the forearm associated with cognition and tool use in Cebus libidinosus . In this article, a comparative analysis between the anatomy of the forearm muscle of this genus and that the one of other primates that, individually or jointly, act in the hands allowing more or less specialized movements of the fingers, relating them to the use of tools and to the cognitive aspects of Cebus spp. described in the literature. There were evident similarities between the extensor muscles in C. libidinosus primates and the correspondent muscles in humans and chimpanzees; however, there were differences when compared to baboons. The structure and differentiation of the forearm muscles of Cebus spp., together with its previously known encephalization index, corroborate the association between its manual ability and cognitive and behavioral aspects in primates. The second article is entitled "Cytoarchitecture of the occipital neocortex of Cebus libidinosus . Its purpose was to analyze the cytoarchitecture of the occipital cortex using the technique of Golgi-Cox, the qualitative and quantitative aspects provided by this technique of impregnation of neurons, and to compare them with data from the literature. Primary and secondary visual areas are located in the occipital neocortex, and in C. libidinosus, the histological organization of these areas is similar to humans and other primates and it is characterized by the predominance of granular neurons and the presence of transversal fibers in the fourth layer. Although the Golgi-Cox method allowed individual observation of neurons and their extensions, the weak distinction between neurons and glial cells impaired neuron counting. These data, nevertheless, will grant further cell density comparison of other cortical areas between Cebus spp. and other primates. Aiming to contribute to the foundations of studies related to the evolution of primate cognition, this study related morphology, as a science, to the numerous observations on the behavior of capuchin monkeys. The comparative approach to study the morphology of the musculoskeletal and neural apparatus of C. libidinosus will allow data inference in areas of cognitive science and related areas. / Os primatas são caracterizados pelo maior tamanho do cérebro, pelo aprimoramento de habilidades manipulativas e cognitivas e desenvolvimento de comportamento social complexo. Muitos estudos têm sido realizados com os primatas neotropicais do gênero Cebus, conhecidos por macaco-prego, relativos a comportamento e uso de ferramentas, índice de encefalização e memória. Esses estudos se justificam em razão desses primatas apresentarem elevada capacidade cognitiva e outras características biológicas que os torna similares aos primatas do Velho Mundo. A presente tese gerou a produção de dois artigos. O primeiro intitulado Descrição anatômica dos músculos extensores do antebraço de Cebus libidinosus associada a aspectos cognitivos e ao uso de ferramentas , propôs-se a análise comparativa entre a anatomia muscular do antebraço com àquela de outros primatas que, individual ou conjuntamente, atuam nas mãos possibilitando movimentos mais ou menos especializados dos dedos, relacionando-se ao uso de ferramentas e aspectos cognitivos de Cebus spp. descritos na literatura. Observaram-se evidentes similaridades entre os músculos extensores de C. libidinosus com os músculos correspondentes em humanos e chimpanzés, porém houve diferenças desses músculos em relação aos babuínos. A estrutura e diferenciação dos músculos do antebraço do Cebus spp., associados ao seu já conhecido índice de encefalização, reforçam a associação entre suas habilidades manuais e os aspectos cognitivos e comportamentais em primatas. O segundo artigo intitulado Citoarquitetura do neocórtex occipital de Cebus libidinosus propôs-se a análise da citoarquitetura do córtex cerebral occipital utilizando a técnica de Golgi-Cox, sob os aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos que esta técnica de impregnação de neurônios proporciona e, compará-los com dados descritos na literatura. No neocórtex occipital estão situadas as áreas visuais primárias e secundárias e, em C. libidinosus, a organização histológica destas áreas apresenta, tal como em outros primatas não-humanos e o homem, a predominância de neurônios granulares e a presença de estrias de Baillarger na quarta camada. O emprego da técnica de Golgi-Cox permitiu a visualização individual dos neurônios e seus prolongamentos, entretanto quanto à análise quantitativa apresenta como limitação a dificuldade em diferenciar células neuronais e não-neuronais. Estes dados permitirão futuras comparações entre diferentes áreas corticais de Cebus spp. e outros primatas. Com o intuito de contribuir com as bases dos estudos relacionados à evolução da cognição de primatas, este trabalho relacionou a morfologia, tal como ciência que é, com as inúmeras observações sobre comportamento do macaco-prego. A abordagem comparativa no estudo da morfologia músculo-esquelética e do aparato neural do C. libidinosus permitirá inferir dados às áreas da ciência cognitiva e áreas correlatas.
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The Role of Calcineurin in Dendritic Remodeling and Epileptogenesis in a Rat Model of Traumatic Brain InjuryCampbell, John 14 February 2012 (has links)
Traumatic brain injury (TBI), a leading cause of death and disability in the United States, causes potentially preventable damage in part through the dysregulation of neural calcium levels. This dysregulation likely affects the activity of the calcium-sensitive phosphatase, calcineurin, with serious implications for neural function. To test this possibility, the present study characterized the role of calcineurin in a rat model of brain trauma, the lateral fluid percussion injury model. Golgi-Cox histochemistry revealed an acute post-TBI loss and delayed overgrowth of dendritic spines on principal cortical cells. The spine loss appeared to require calcineurin activity, since administering a calcineurin inhibitor, FK506, 1 hour after TBI prevented the spine loss. Additional experiments showed how calcineurin activity might be related to the spine loss. Specifically, Western blots and enzyme activity assays revealed an acute increase in the cortical activity of calcineurin and its downstream effector, the actin-depolymerizing protein, cofilin. The cofilin activation was blocked by the same FK506 treatment that prevented spine loss, suggesting a relationship between cofilin activation and spine loss. To investigate long-term consequences of calcineurin activation after TBI, rats were administered FK506 (Tacrolimus) 1 hour after TBI and then monitored for spontaneous seizure activity months later. Acute post-TBI treatment with FK506 reduced the frequency of late non-convulsive seizures but did not prevent late convulsive seizures, cortical atrophy, or thalamic damage. The results of the present study implicate calcineurin in the acute dendritic remodeling and late non-convulsive seizures that occur after TBI. Importantly, these findings reveal calcineurin as a potential therapeutic target in the treatment of TBI and its sequalae.
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