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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adesão de idosos aos tratamentos da hipertensão arterial e as boas práticas de cuidado na perspectiva da integralidade / Adhesion of the elderly to the treatments of arterial hypertension and the good practices of care in the perspective of integrality

Dias, Ernandes Gonçalves 27 February 2018 (has links)
O interesse pelo tema emergiu da realização do Projeto de Extensão: \"Envelhecimento e qualidade de vida: mente sã, corpo sadio\", implementado por este pesquisador no curso de Graduação em Enfermagem em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior em uma cidade no Norte de Minas Gerais, onde, em uma das linhas de trabalho: \"Adesão ao tratamento de condições crônicas de saúde e qualidade de vida\", foi possível perceber que a adesão ao tratamento da Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica é pouco trabalhada pelos profissionais de enfermagem e de pouca compreensão do usuário. O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar as estratégias, consideradas como boas práticas de cuidados, utilizadas pelos enfermeiros na melhoria da adesão de idosos aos tratamentos da hipertensão. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, qualitativo sustentado pela perspectiva da integralidade da atenção, realizado com 11 enfermeiros atuantes na rede de Atenção Básica do Município de Monte Azul, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados no período de novembro de 2016 a janeiro de 2017 por meio da aplicação de entrevista semiestruturada audiogravada. Os dados foram transcritos e analisados mediante a Técnica de Análise Temática. Há sinalização, por parte dos enfermeiros, de várias ações que podem ser compreendidas como \"boa prática de cuidados\" na perspectiva da integralidade: quando atendem os idosos portadores de hipertensão, independente do motivo que os leva à Unidade de Saúde, e levam em consideração o fato de serem portadores de hipertensão arterial, assim como na valorização e reconhecimento do trabalho do Agentes Comunitários de Saúde, no planejamento das ações coletivas em equipe, na realização de visita domiciliar compartilhada com outros profissionais, na disponibilidade para ouvir o idoso em todo momento que este procura a Unidade de Saúde, nas ações de educação em saúde, na realização da classificação/estratificação de risco, no atendimento da demanda espontânea e programada, no ajustamento mútuo no processo de comunicação, entre outras ações. Os indícios de boas práticas de enfermagem identificados apontam que boas práticas de cuidados de enfermagem são construídas e processadas em um cenário complexo e dinâmico que precisa considerar elementos como a cultura, conhecimentos, comportamentos e atitudes do próprio idoso e da família. As boas práticas são amparadas por evidências científicas, têm relação com a segurança do paciente e a qualidade da assistência prestada. As boas práticas podem ser potencializadas tanto no trabalho individual como coletivo e ser processada por um profissional ou pela equipe multiprofissional, considerando-se a necessidade de saúde do usuário, as tecnologias disponíveis na Atenção Básica e na rede de atenção. As boas práticas se concretizam na assistência integral ao usuário e ampliam o leque de possibilidades para atuação do enfermeiro na assistência prestada na Unidade de Saúde, no território e em sua contribuição na rede de atenção. Portanto, para orientar a construção de Protocolos que se dirijam a boas práticas de cuidado para Enfermagem é necessário valorizar integralmente o sujeito, a equipe de profissionais da Atenção Básica, a rede de serviços e a capacidade de resolutividade do serviço / Interest in the subject emerged from the realization of the Extension Project: \"Aging and quality of life: healthy mind, healthy body\", implemented by this researcher in the Nursing Undergraduate course at a Higher Education Institution in a city in the North of Minas Gerais , where, in one of the lines of work: \"Adherence to the treatment of chronic health conditions and quality of life\", it was possible to perceive that adherence to the treatment of Systemic Hypertension is little handled by nursing professionals and with little understanding of the user. The objective of the present study was to analyze the strategies, considered as good care practices, used by nurses in improving the adherence of the elderly to the treatment of hypertension. This is a descriptive, qualitative study supported by the perspective of integral care, carried out with 11 nurses working in the Basic Care network of the Municipality of Monte Azul, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Data were collected from November 2016 to January 2017 through the application of semi-structured interview audio recorded. The data were transcribed and analyzed using the Thematic Analysis Technique. There signaling by part in the nurses of several actions that can be understood as \"good care practice\" in the perspective of integrality: when they attend elderly bearers of arterial hypertension, regardless of the reason that leads them the Health Unit, and they take into account the fact of being bearers of arterial hypertension, as well as in the valuation and recognition of the work of the Community Health Agent, in the planning of collective actions as a team, in the realization of a shared home visit with other professionals, in the availability to listen to the elderly person at all times that the latter seeks the Health Unit, in the health education actions, risk classification / stratification, in the attendance of spontaneous and programmed demand, in the mutual adjustment in the communication process, among other actions. The evidence of good nursing practices identified indicates that good nursing care practices are constructed and processed in a complex and dynamic scenario that needs to consider elements such as the culture, knowledge, behaviors and attitudes of the elderly and the family. Good practices are supported by scientific evidence, have relation to patient safety and the quality of care provided. Good practices can be strengthened in both thus individual and collective work and be processed per one professional or for the team multi-professional, considering the user\'s health needs, the technologies available in Basic Care network and in the care in of attention. Good practices materialize in the integral assistance to the user and amplify the range of possibilities for nurses to act in the assistance provided in the Health Unit, in the territory and in their contribution in the care network. Therefore, to guide the construction of protocols that address good nursing care practices, it is necessary to fully value the bloke, the team of Basic Care network professionals, the service network and the service\'s resolving capacity. Key words: Aged. Hypertension. Adherence to treatment. Integrality in Health. Good

Marketing ambiental e certificações socioambientais: uma análise no contexto do etanol brasileiro / Marketing environmental and socio-environmental certifications: an analysis of brazilian ethanol context

Molina, Natália Sanchez 27 August 2010 (has links)
O aumento da demanda mundial por fontes alternativas de energia tem evidenciado o Brasil como ator relevante no mercado internacional, em função de seu histórico e capacidade produtiva de etanol. Porém, apesar de ser um mercado promissor e de alto interesse, também é um mercado bastante exigente em relação às questões ambientais que englobam seu sistema produtivo. O marketing ambiental se apresenta como uma ferramenta importante para garantir ao mercado consumidor de que essas questões ambientais estão sendo bem geridas. Entretanto, muitos são os questionamentos quanto ao que está sendo comunicado. Entre as principais formas de se aumentar credibilidade do processo de marketing ambiental, apresenta-se a utilização de certificações socioambientais. Assim, esta pesquisa se propôs a analisar as principais iniciativas de certificações socioambientais para o etanol brasileiro à luz do marketing ambiental. Por meio de entrevistas com 14 especialistas envolvidos com a questão do mercado internacional de biocombustíveis, produção de etanol e sustentabilidade, foi possível formar um padrão de análise das certificações, composto pelos: princípios de boas práticas para certificações socioambientais, demandas ambientais do mercado consumidor e critérios ambientais intrínsecos do sistema produtivo de etanol. A partir desse padrão, foram analisadas as principais iniciativas de certificação, que apontaram um melhor desempenho das iniciativas Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels e Better Sugarcane Initiative para dar credibilidade para o processo de marketing ambiental do etanol brasileiro. / The increase of global demand for alternative energy sources has made Brazil an important player in the international market, due to its history and ethanol´s production capacity. However, despite being a promising and highly interesting market, it is also a very demanding market in consideration to the environmental issues that include their production system. The environmental marketing presents itself as an important tool to ensure the consumer market that these environmental issues are being well managed. Meanwhile, there are many questions about what is being communicated. Among the main ways for increasing environmental marketing´s process credibility, there is a social environmental certification. Thus, this research aimed to analyze the main social environmental certification initiatives for the Brazilian ethanol through the eyes of environmental marketing. Through interviews with 14 experts involved with the international market for biofuels, ethanol production and sustainability, it was possible to form an analysis\' standard of certifications, formed by: principles of good practices for social environmental certification, environmental demands of the consumer market and environmental criteria intrinsic ethanol production system. According to this standard, we analyzed the main certification initiatives that pointed to a better performance of the Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels initiatives and Better Sugarcane Initiative to provide credibility to the process of environmental marketing of Brazilian ethanol.

Adesão de idosos aos tratamentos da hipertensão arterial e as boas práticas de cuidado na perspectiva da integralidade / Adhesion of the elderly to the treatments of arterial hypertension and the good practices of care in the perspective of integrality

Ernandes Gonçalves Dias 27 February 2018 (has links)
O interesse pelo tema emergiu da realização do Projeto de Extensão: \"Envelhecimento e qualidade de vida: mente sã, corpo sadio\", implementado por este pesquisador no curso de Graduação em Enfermagem em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior em uma cidade no Norte de Minas Gerais, onde, em uma das linhas de trabalho: \"Adesão ao tratamento de condições crônicas de saúde e qualidade de vida\", foi possível perceber que a adesão ao tratamento da Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica é pouco trabalhada pelos profissionais de enfermagem e de pouca compreensão do usuário. O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar as estratégias, consideradas como boas práticas de cuidados, utilizadas pelos enfermeiros na melhoria da adesão de idosos aos tratamentos da hipertensão. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, qualitativo sustentado pela perspectiva da integralidade da atenção, realizado com 11 enfermeiros atuantes na rede de Atenção Básica do Município de Monte Azul, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados no período de novembro de 2016 a janeiro de 2017 por meio da aplicação de entrevista semiestruturada audiogravada. Os dados foram transcritos e analisados mediante a Técnica de Análise Temática. Há sinalização, por parte dos enfermeiros, de várias ações que podem ser compreendidas como \"boa prática de cuidados\" na perspectiva da integralidade: quando atendem os idosos portadores de hipertensão, independente do motivo que os leva à Unidade de Saúde, e levam em consideração o fato de serem portadores de hipertensão arterial, assim como na valorização e reconhecimento do trabalho do Agentes Comunitários de Saúde, no planejamento das ações coletivas em equipe, na realização de visita domiciliar compartilhada com outros profissionais, na disponibilidade para ouvir o idoso em todo momento que este procura a Unidade de Saúde, nas ações de educação em saúde, na realização da classificação/estratificação de risco, no atendimento da demanda espontânea e programada, no ajustamento mútuo no processo de comunicação, entre outras ações. Os indícios de boas práticas de enfermagem identificados apontam que boas práticas de cuidados de enfermagem são construídas e processadas em um cenário complexo e dinâmico que precisa considerar elementos como a cultura, conhecimentos, comportamentos e atitudes do próprio idoso e da família. As boas práticas são amparadas por evidências científicas, têm relação com a segurança do paciente e a qualidade da assistência prestada. As boas práticas podem ser potencializadas tanto no trabalho individual como coletivo e ser processada por um profissional ou pela equipe multiprofissional, considerando-se a necessidade de saúde do usuário, as tecnologias disponíveis na Atenção Básica e na rede de atenção. As boas práticas se concretizam na assistência integral ao usuário e ampliam o leque de possibilidades para atuação do enfermeiro na assistência prestada na Unidade de Saúde, no território e em sua contribuição na rede de atenção. Portanto, para orientar a construção de Protocolos que se dirijam a boas práticas de cuidado para Enfermagem é necessário valorizar integralmente o sujeito, a equipe de profissionais da Atenção Básica, a rede de serviços e a capacidade de resolutividade do serviço / Interest in the subject emerged from the realization of the Extension Project: \"Aging and quality of life: healthy mind, healthy body\", implemented by this researcher in the Nursing Undergraduate course at a Higher Education Institution in a city in the North of Minas Gerais , where, in one of the lines of work: \"Adherence to the treatment of chronic health conditions and quality of life\", it was possible to perceive that adherence to the treatment of Systemic Hypertension is little handled by nursing professionals and with little understanding of the user. The objective of the present study was to analyze the strategies, considered as good care practices, used by nurses in improving the adherence of the elderly to the treatment of hypertension. This is a descriptive, qualitative study supported by the perspective of integral care, carried out with 11 nurses working in the Basic Care network of the Municipality of Monte Azul, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Data were collected from November 2016 to January 2017 through the application of semi-structured interview audio recorded. The data were transcribed and analyzed using the Thematic Analysis Technique. There signaling by part in the nurses of several actions that can be understood as \"good care practice\" in the perspective of integrality: when they attend elderly bearers of arterial hypertension, regardless of the reason that leads them the Health Unit, and they take into account the fact of being bearers of arterial hypertension, as well as in the valuation and recognition of the work of the Community Health Agent, in the planning of collective actions as a team, in the realization of a shared home visit with other professionals, in the availability to listen to the elderly person at all times that the latter seeks the Health Unit, in the health education actions, risk classification / stratification, in the attendance of spontaneous and programmed demand, in the mutual adjustment in the communication process, among other actions. The evidence of good nursing practices identified indicates that good nursing care practices are constructed and processed in a complex and dynamic scenario that needs to consider elements such as the culture, knowledge, behaviors and attitudes of the elderly and the family. Good practices are supported by scientific evidence, have relation to patient safety and the quality of care provided. Good practices can be strengthened in both thus individual and collective work and be processed per one professional or for the team multi-professional, considering the user\'s health needs, the technologies available in Basic Care network and in the care in of attention. Good practices materialize in the integral assistance to the user and amplify the range of possibilities for nurses to act in the assistance provided in the Health Unit, in the territory and in their contribution in the care network. Therefore, to guide the construction of protocols that address good nursing care practices, it is necessary to fully value the bloke, the team of Basic Care network professionals, the service network and the service\'s resolving capacity. Key words: Aged. Hypertension. Adherence to treatment. Integrality in Health. Good

Pěstitelské práce na vybraných základních školách / The Growing Education at the Selected Elementary Schools

Škorpilová, Martina January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with teaching growing at primary schools. In the teoretical part the subject growing is charakterized and there is a brief history of teaching this practical subject. Furthermore, attention is paid to the current representation of growing in school education programs, there is an overview of expected outcomes and content of the subject matter of this course and possibilities of application of cross-curricular themes and interdisciplinary relations within it. At the end of the theoretical part there are spatial possibilities for teaching this subject, possibilities of innovation of subject and its link with food sovereignty and the use of local food. The practical part firstly answering the basic research question: How is the teaching of the subject of cultivation work in selected primary schools? The characteristics of each school are described, the hourly subsidies and forms of teaching of this subject, the equipment of the school for the teaching of the course, and the current, interesting and unconventional methods that can serve as examples of good practice of teaching Cultivation works. These dates were assessed in the form of qualitative research. In addition, the practical part is answering the secondary research questions and the results of the quantitative survey,...

Senior citizens, good practice and quality of life in residential care homes

Bland, Rosemary January 2006 (has links)
This thesis is an examination of the definition and implementation of ‘good practice’ in residential care for senior citizens. The central contention is that ‘good practice’ is a term that has been variously defined. Different groups define it in different ways, and their definitions have changed over time. This reflexive qualitative study explores ‘good practice’ in local authority, voluntary and private residential care homes in Scotland from the perspective of policy, practice and the experience of senior citizens who live in them. The study is based on analysis of policy documents, historical studies, and reanalysed interview and survey data from two earlier studies conducted by the author and colleagues. The thesis shows that the notion of ‘good practice’ that emerges in policy and practice documents is a confused and often conflicting set of ideas. Historically, the earliest were driven by concerns over cost. In more modern times, statements about ‘good practice’ have had a more benevolent intent but are frequently flawed by paternalistic and ageist assumptions. It is shown that staff in residential homes typically adopt a different set of attitudes: their preoccupation is with safety and the avoidance of risk. Although benevolent in intention, these interpretations of ‘good practice’ are also at variance with what residents themselves actually want. Two particular models or styles of care are examined in detail. One of these is the use of ‘keyworkers’, often implemented in ways that fail to realise its potential. The other is the ‘hotel’ model of care. The potential of this model as an alternative to the statutory model is explored. The thesis concludes that it is a model that can realise the goal of enabling residents to exercise independence, choice and privacy while meeting their needs in residential care.

Marketing ambiental e certificações socioambientais: uma análise no contexto do etanol brasileiro / Marketing environmental and socio-environmental certifications: an analysis of brazilian ethanol context

Natália Sanchez Molina 27 August 2010 (has links)
O aumento da demanda mundial por fontes alternativas de energia tem evidenciado o Brasil como ator relevante no mercado internacional, em função de seu histórico e capacidade produtiva de etanol. Porém, apesar de ser um mercado promissor e de alto interesse, também é um mercado bastante exigente em relação às questões ambientais que englobam seu sistema produtivo. O marketing ambiental se apresenta como uma ferramenta importante para garantir ao mercado consumidor de que essas questões ambientais estão sendo bem geridas. Entretanto, muitos são os questionamentos quanto ao que está sendo comunicado. Entre as principais formas de se aumentar credibilidade do processo de marketing ambiental, apresenta-se a utilização de certificações socioambientais. Assim, esta pesquisa se propôs a analisar as principais iniciativas de certificações socioambientais para o etanol brasileiro à luz do marketing ambiental. Por meio de entrevistas com 14 especialistas envolvidos com a questão do mercado internacional de biocombustíveis, produção de etanol e sustentabilidade, foi possível formar um padrão de análise das certificações, composto pelos: princípios de boas práticas para certificações socioambientais, demandas ambientais do mercado consumidor e critérios ambientais intrínsecos do sistema produtivo de etanol. A partir desse padrão, foram analisadas as principais iniciativas de certificação, que apontaram um melhor desempenho das iniciativas Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels e Better Sugarcane Initiative para dar credibilidade para o processo de marketing ambiental do etanol brasileiro. / The increase of global demand for alternative energy sources has made Brazil an important player in the international market, due to its history and ethanol´s production capacity. However, despite being a promising and highly interesting market, it is also a very demanding market in consideration to the environmental issues that include their production system. The environmental marketing presents itself as an important tool to ensure the consumer market that these environmental issues are being well managed. Meanwhile, there are many questions about what is being communicated. Among the main ways for increasing environmental marketing´s process credibility, there is a social environmental certification. Thus, this research aimed to analyze the main social environmental certification initiatives for the Brazilian ethanol through the eyes of environmental marketing. Through interviews with 14 experts involved with the international market for biofuels, ethanol production and sustainability, it was possible to form an analysis\' standard of certifications, formed by: principles of good practices for social environmental certification, environmental demands of the consumer market and environmental criteria intrinsic ethanol production system. According to this standard, we analyzed the main certification initiatives that pointed to a better performance of the Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels initiatives and Better Sugarcane Initiative to provide credibility to the process of environmental marketing of Brazilian ethanol.

Vybrané organizace české Charity a jejich činnost na poli humanitární pomoci a rozvojové spolupráce v zahraničí / Chosen organizations of Czech Caritas and their activities in the field of foreign humanitarian assistance and development cooperation

Večeřová, Klára January 2016 (has links)
(in English): The diploma thesis deals with the activities of Czech Caritas organizations in the field of humanitarian assistance and development cooperation abroad. The aim of the work is to explore the possibilities and limits of transferring and sharing "good practice". The work consists of a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is structured in three main chapters, which deal with humanitarian aid and development cooperation topics, describe the selected Czech Caritas organizations and define "good practice". The practical part consists of a descriptive research of the selected Czech Caritas organizations activities in the field of humanitarian assistance and development cooperation abroad executed between 2000 and 2016 and qualitative research of employee's approaches to mutual sharing of "good practice". Research questions are answered by combining questionnaire survey and interviews which are conducted with the help of the manual. The main results of this thesis is a summary table containing descriptions of activities in the field of humanitarian assistance and development cooperation abroad and presentation of employee's attitudes to "good practice" and its sharing.

Didaktické hry ve výuce geografie / Didactic games in geography teaching

Matoušková, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the use of didactic games in geography lessons in Czech schools. Its main goal is to use the questionnaire survey to find the so-called examples of good practice in schools. In the introduction there is a short literature search and definition of the term didactic game according to various authors. The main research method is an electronic questionnaire. A total of 72 faculty schools of the Faculty of Science of Charles University were addressed. Finally, 30 primary and secondary school teachers took part in the research.The questionnaire was divided into four parts. In the first part the general opinion of teachers on the concept of didactic game was investigated. The following section of questions was focused on teachers who use didactic games - the extent of games usage, in which topics of geography, as well as specific examples of games and their evaluation. The third section of the questions was intended for teachers who do not use games and found out the reasons that prevent them from using games. The last section of the questions deals with the sociodemographic characteristics of the research sample. The work contains analysis and interpretation of the questionnaire survey, including graphic outputs. The results were processed qualitatively and quantitatively...

Efektivní partnerství: partnerské projekty neziskových organizací / Effective Partnership: Partner projects of nonprofit organizations

Pacíková, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the principles of partnership between Czech non-profit organizations. This topic draws on the research of twelve high-impact American non-profit organizations which was carried out by H. McLeod Grant and L.R. Crutchfield in 2007. On the example of the civic association's Koalice nevládek Pardubicka (KONEP) work, the essay tries to apply partial outcomes of this research on the Czech environment, to find common aspects and different elements of the partnership principle, and to introduce a succesful way of its implementation. Through the means of analysis and description of concrete projects and activities of Koalice nevládek Pardubicka organization, this essay presents the benefit of the partnership principle for non-profit organizations and community development itself, and seeks to show its importance in the life of civil society.

Srovnání přístupu ke vzdělávání Romů v České republice a Velké Británii / The Comparison of Approaches towards the Education of Roma in the Czech Republic and in the United Kingdom

Modlitbová, Jitka January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to compare the approaches towards education of Roma pupils at primary schools in the Czech Republic and Great Britain. The thesis identifies British good practices that could be implemented in Czech environment and explores the conditions that have tobe fulfilled for a successful implementation of these good practices. A theoretical framework of policy transfer is used to determine the conditions of a successful transfer. The thesis describes the history and the present of Roma education in the Czech lands and identifies problematic points that lead not only to the persisting segregation and to deepening of unequal access to education, but also to a severe disruption of social cohesion. Using the interviews with experts on education, the thesis identifies the policies used for inclusion of Roma pupils in the mainstream education in Great Britain. The thesis also focuses on the role of expert opinions during the policy transfer and it tries to find out whether there is a relationship between shared policy beliefs and shared opinions on particular policies or whether there are other factors taken into account when the experts formulate their opinions.

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