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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Sobczak, Robert V., Maddock, Thomas, III 10 1900 (has links)
Arizona is presently in the midst of a general adjudication for the Gila River system -- the watershed which comprises the southern two- thirds of the state. The purpose of the adjudication is to prioritize all water claims in the river system: both state -established and federally reserved rights. Arizona adheres to a bifurcated (or divided) system of water law which only recognizes a component of ground water -- called subflow -- to be appropriable. Wells which pump non-appropriable water -- called tributary flow -- are not to be included in the adjudication. The problem is that federal laws do not recognize this artificial bifurcation. The challenge lies in identifying a subflow zone which satisfies the hydrologic fiction of existing state precedents and the hydrologic reality of federal statutes. At the core of the problem lies the fate of Arizona's perennial stream water and the fulfillment of federally reserved tribal water rights. Thus, larger questions loom: can Arizona law reconcile its glutinous past with a water -scarce future, will the adjudication ever reach a finality, and even if it does, will it be a finality that all sides can live with?

A Concept for the Investigation of Riverbank Filtration Sites for Potable Water Supply in India / Ein Konzept für die Untersuchung von Uferfiltrationsstandorten für die Trinkwasserversorgung in Indien

Sandhu, Cornelius Sukhinder Singh 31 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Uferfiltration (UF) ist eine potentielle Alternative zur konventionellen Oberflächenwasseraufbereitung in Indien, da Trübstoffe, pathogene Mikroorganismen und organische Wasserinhaltsstoffe effektiv entfernt werden. In dieser Arbeit wurde erstmals ein umfangreicher Überblick zu bestehenden UF-Anlagen in Indien erarbeitet. Für die Standorterkundung und -bewertung wurde ein Konzept erarbeitet, das an drei Standorten entlang des Ganges getestet und weiterentwickelt wurde. Das Konzept umfasst vier Stufen: Standortvorerkundung, Bestimmung von Grundwasserleiterparametern, Erfassung von hydraulischen und Beschaffenheits-parametern sowie numerische Grundwasser-strömungsmodellierung. Entlang des oberen Flusslaufes des Ganges (Haridwar und Srinagar) wurden günstige geohydraulische Verhältnisse identifiziert (kf = 10E-4 bis 10E-3 m/s, Grundwasser leitermächtigkeit 11 bis 20 m). Entlang des unteren Flusslaufes (Patna) gibt es in Abhängigkeit von der Mächtigkeit der Sedimentablagerungen im Ganges nur bei erhöhter Schleppkraft im Monsun eine gute hydraulische Verbindung zwischen dem Fluss und dem Grundwasserleiter. In Haridwar wurde der Uferfiltratanteil im Rohwasser mittels Isotopenanalysen (δ18O) und Leitfähigkeitsmessungen im Fluss- und Rohwasser ermittelt. Der Uferfiltratanteil in den auf einer Insel und südlich davon gelegenen Brunnen liegt bei bis zu 90%. An den untersuchten Standorten wird durch die UF eine effektive Entfernung von E. coli um 3,5 bis 4,4 Log10 und der Trübung bis >2 Log10 Einheiten erreicht. Eine Entfernung von 3 Log10 Einheiten wurde bereits bei einer Fließzeit des Uferfiltrats von zwei Tagen beobachtet. Die erhöhte Anzahl an Coliformen in einigen Brunnen am Standort Haridwar resultiert aus Verunreinigungen des landseitigen Grundwassers. Bei Hochwässern und Starkregenereignissen muss eine Kontamination durch den direkten Eintrag von Wasser durch undichte Brunnenabdeckungen, Risse in den Schächten bzw. unsachgemäßen Brunnenbau berücksichtigt werden. Die Anwendung des angepassten Untersuchungskonzepts an 15 weiteren UF-Standorten in Indien hat gezeigt, dass die niedrigen DOC-Konzentrationen im Flusswasser (0,9 bis 3,0 mg/L) und im Brunnenwasser (0,4 bis 2,3 mg/L) günstig für die Anwendung der UF sind. Bei erhöhten DOC-Konzentrationen (Vormonsun) im Flusswasser konnte in Delhi und Mathura im Monsun eine 50%ige Verminderung erreicht werden. Bei der Erkundung neuer UF-Standorte in bergigen Gebieten sind die Grundwasserleitermächtigkeit mit geophysikalischen Erkundungsverfahren, die Strömungsverhältnisse in den alluvialen Ablagerungen sowie lokale Hochwasserrisiken zu untersuchen. / Riverbank filtration or bank filtration (RBF / BF) is a potential alternative to the direct abstraction and conventional treatment of surface water by virtue of the effective removal of pathogens, turbidity, suspended particles and organic substances. A comprehensive overview of existing RBF systems in India has been compiled for the first time. To systematically select and investigate new and existing potential RBF sites in India, a methodological concept was developed and tested at three sites along the Ganga River. The four stages of the concept are: initial site-assessment, basic site-survey, monitoring of water quality and quantity parameters and determination of aquifer parameters and numerical groundwater flow modelling. Suitable geohydraulic conditions for RBF (hydraulic conductivity: 10E-4 to 10E-3 m/s, aquifer thickness: 11 to 20 m) exist along the upper course of the Ganga (Haridwar and Srinagar). Due to the presence of fine sediment layers beneath the river bed along the Ganga’s lower course (Patna), river-aquifer interaction occurs during increased shear stress on the riverbed in monsoon. The portion of bank filtrate abstracted by the wells in Haridwar was determined from isotope analyses (Oxygen 18) and electrical conductivity measurements of river and well water and is up to 90% for wells located on an island and between the river and a canal. The results were confirmed by groundwater flow modelling. A high removal of E. coli (3.5 to 4.4 Log10 units) and turbidity (>2 Log10 units) was observed at the investigated sites. An E. coli removal of 3 Log10 units was observed for short travel times of 2 days. Higher coliform counts in some wells occur due to contamination from landside groundwater. During floods and intense rainfall events, contamination of RBF wells from direct entry of flood water, seepage of surface runoff into the well through leaky covers, fissures in the well-heads / caissons and in-appropriately sealed well-bases has to be considered. The application of the adapted investigation concept to 15 other sites in India showed that the low DOC concentrations in river water (0.9 to 3.0 mg/L) and well-water (0.4 to 2.3 mg/L) are favourable for the application of RBF. A 50% decrease of the high (pre-monsoon) DOC concentration was observed during monsoon in Delhi and Mathura. For the exploration of new RBF sites in hilly / mountainous areas, investigations of the aquifer thickness using geophysical methods, subsurface flow conditions in the alluvial deposits and the risk from floods should be conducted.

Fonctionnement hydrodynamique du bassin tertiaire du Bas-Dauphiné entre la Drôme et la Varèze (Drôme et Isère, Sud-Est de la France) : Etude géochimique et isotopique / Hydrodynamic survey of molassic basin of Bas-Dauphiné between Drôme and Varèze rivers (Drôme and Isère, South-eastern France)

Cave, Tiffanie 19 December 2011 (has links)
L’aquifère molassique du Bas-Dauphiné est situé le long de la vallée du Rhône, dans le Sud-Est de la France. Cet aquifère d’une superficie proche de3000 km², et d’une épaisseur moyenne de 400m renferme une eau d’excellente qualité, utilisée par de nombreuses collectivités pour l’alimentation en eau potable. Cependant certains secteurs montrent une forte vulnérabilité de la nappe aux activités agricoles. L’utilisation d’outils géochimiques etisotopiques a permis de préciser le fonctionnement hydrodynamique de l’aquifère. Dans un premier temps, nous avons montré que la stratification des écoulements décrite par De La Vaissière (2006) sur la partie drômoise de l’aquifère s’étend au secteur isérois. Les eaux les plus profondes ont des vitesses de circulation de l’ordre du mètre par an alors que les flux superficiels ont des vitesses de circulations d’une centaine de mètres par an. D’autre part, le marquage des nappes superficielles et des rivières par des teneurs faibles en tritium (de 3 à 4 UT) et forte en magnésium (jusqu’à 18 mg/L)indique un apport d’eaux anciennes, issues de l’aquifère molassique vers ces eaux superficielles. La définition de deux pôles d’eaux et l’application d’une équation de mélange couplés à la réalisation de bilans hydrogéologique a permis d’appréhender les volumes échangés. Il apparaît finalement que les réservoirs d’eaux superficiels constituent l’exutoire principal de l’aquifère molassique. L’utilisation des éléments traces a mis en avant le rôleessentiel du temps de séjour des eaux dans l’aquifère ainsi que des conditions d’oxydo-réduction dans l’acquisition de la minéralisation. L’évaluation de la qualité naturelle des eaux de la nappe a montré l’impact des activités agricoles sur l’aquifère, avec prés de 80% des échantillons ayant une teneur en nitrates supérieure à la concentration naturelle supposée. L’étude des teneurs en pesticides conforte ce constat. De plus l’étude de l’évolution des concentrations en polluants montre une dégradation de la ressource. / The molassic basin of Bas-Dauphiné is located in south-eastern France, in the Rhône valley. With an averagethickness of about 400 m, and a surface area of about 2900 km², this aquifer is an important groundwaterresource for freshwater supply and agriculture. However, this resource is also vulnerable and is impacted byhuman activities. The use of geochemical and isotopic analyses made it possible to understand the hydrodynamicsurvey of the aquifer. Firstly, we showed the stratification of the groundwater previously described in thesouthern part of the molassic aquifer could be extended to the north. The groundwater flow velocity is about onemeter / year for the deepest flow and around 100-200 meter /year for the shallowest flow. Secondly, superficialaquifers and rivers are marked by low tritium activities (3 to 4 UT) and high magnesium concentrations (until 18mg/L), which indicate ancient molassic water contribution. The definition of two water types and the applicationof a mixing equation combined with hydrogeological balances lead to an estimation of the contribution of thedeep aquifer to the shallow aquifer. It is finally established that surface water (aquifers and rivers) constitute themain outlet of the molassic aquifer. The use of trace elements shows the importance of the groundwaterresidence time and of redox conditions in the water mineralization. The assessment of baseline quality shows theimpact of agricultural activities upon the aquifer, with nearly 80 % of samples showing higher nitrateconcentration than the maximal natural concentration. This is confirmed by the study of pesticidesconcentrations. Furthermore, the evolution of pollutants concentrations points out a deterioration of the resource.

Three-dimensional geomodeling to identify spatial relations between lithostratigraphy and porosity in the karst carbonate biscayne aquifer, southeastern Florida

Unknown Date (has links)
In southeastern Florida, the majority of drinking water comes from the Biscayne aquifer. This aquifer is comprised of heterogeneous limestones, sandstones, sand, shell and clayey sand with zones of very high permeability. Visualizing the spatial variations in lithology, porosity and permeability of heterogeneous aquifers, like the Biscayne, can be difficult using traditional methods of investigation. Using the Roxar IRAP RMS software multi-layered 3D conceptual geomodels of the lithology, cyclostratigraphy and porosity were created in a portion of the Biscayne aquifer. The models were built using published data from borehole geophysical measurements, core samples, and thin sections. Spatial relations between lithology, cyclostratigraphy, porosity, and preferential flow zones were compared and contrasted to better understand how these geologic features were inter-related. The models show local areas of differing porosity within and cross-cutting different cycles and lithologies. Porosity in the Biscayne aquifer study area follows a hierarchy attributed to lithofacies with a pattern of increasing porosity for the high frequency cycles. This modeling improves understanding of the distribution and interconnectedness of preferential flow zones, and is thus an invaluable tool for future studies of groundwater flow and groundwater contamination in the Biscayne aquifer. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Avaliação geológico-geotécnica da área do lixão de Poços de Caldas (MG): problemas ambientais, modelagem de fluxo e de transporte de poluentes e medidas de remediação / not available

Palma, Janaina Barrios 20 April 1999 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta os resultados obtidos na avaliação dos problemas ambientais relacionados a lixiviação de poluentes do lixão próximo ao Ribeirão dos Moinhos na cidade de Poços de Caldas (MG). O estudo considera as características geológicas - geotécnicas e climáticas da área e os vários tipos de técnicas de \"cleanup\". O software Visual Modflow foi usado para desenvolver simulações em termos de fluxo de água subsuperficial e de transporte de poluentes. / This work presents the results obtained from assessment of the environment problems related to the pollutant lixiviation from the urban wastes disposed near the Moinho River in Poços de Caldas (MG) city. The study considered the geological - geotechnical and climatic characteristics of the area and the main kinds of cleanup techniques. The software Visual Modflow were used to developed the simulation in terms of groundwater flow and pollutant transport.

Groundwater flow and contaminant transport in an alluvial aquifer: in-situ investigation and modelling of a brownfield with strong groundwater - surface water interactions

Batlle Aguilar, Jordi 19 September 2008 (has links)
The continuous demand on new residential and economic areas of the modern society has to face up with problems posed by polluted sites related to former industrial activities, typically located in suburbs areas. These sites, known as brownfields, are often located nearby navigable rivers to facilitate transport operations of industrial manufacturing, which increase their potential environmental threat due to the possible migration of pollutants in groundwater to surface water bodies through groundwater discharge. In this context, the objective of this research, performed in the scope of the FP6-IP AquaTerra project, was to contribute to a better assessment of the risk of groundwater contaminant dispersion for a brownfield located next to the Meuse River (Belgium), in a context where strong groundwater - surface water interactions prevail. The brownfield of interest corresponds to the site of the former coke factory of Flémalle. Resulting from industrial activities, soil and groundwater located in the alluvial aquifer are heavily contaminated with various types of organic (BTEX, PAHs, mineral oils...) and inorganic (As, Zn, Cd...) pollutants. To do so, detailed characterisation campaign was performed, consisting of, on the one hand, classical field experiments such as pumping tests, injection tests and tracer experiments; on the other hand, advanced and original field experiments such as detailed monitoring of groundwater - surface water interaction and dynamics, and the development and application of an innovative tracer technique, the Finite Volume Point Dilution Method (FVPDM), used to quantify and monitor groundwater fluxes. Monitoring and field works data was subsequently used to develop and calibrate a groundwater flow model using the finite difference code MODFLOW, with an automatic parameter estimation approach based on an original combined regional scale (zonation) and local scale (pilot points) approach. A transport model was also developed using MT3DMS and calibrated using tracer experiments performed in the brownfield. This groundwater flow and transport model was used to better quantify the dynamics of groundwater - surface water interactions and to model various scenarios of contaminant dispersion through the aquifer - river system. For these scenarios, benzene was considered because it is one of the main pollutants encountered in the site, its large solubility and mobility in groundwater and its acute toxicity. These scenarios were established considering various groundwater flow conditions (steady state vs. transient) and various hydrodispersive processes possibly affecting the mobility of benzene in groundwater, namely advection, hydrodynamic dispersion, sorption - desorption and, as evidenced by the research results of the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland), benzene degradation under sulphate reducing conditions. These simulations indicate that benzene attenuation is mainly controlled by ongoing benzene degradation processes, aquifer heterogeneity and river stage fluctuations. Based on this analysis, the risk of benzene dispersion is low, and monitored natural attenuation (MNA) is a valuable option with (1) monitoring benzene at control planes downstream from the sources; (2) further investigation on risk of sulphate depletion in the alluvial aquifer; and (3) further investigation on mobilisation/immobilisation of heavy metals related to dynamics of organic pollutant plumes.

Variabilitat climàtica ràpida a la conca occidental del Mediterrani: registre sedimentològic / Rapid climate variability in the Western Mediterranean Basin: the sedimentological record

Frigola Ferrer, Jaime I. 05 December 2012 (has links)
Aquesta Tesi Doctoral està centrada en la reconstrucció de les condicions climàtiques del passat a la conca occidental del Mediterrani, i més concretament en l’estudi de l’efecte de la variabilitat climàtica d’escala orbital i mil•lenària sobre les condicions oceanogràfiques de la conca. El treball es basa en l’anàlisi i interpretació de dades de indicadors sedimentològics, com ara la mida de gra i la composició elemental dels sediments, d’on s’ha obtingut informació sobre els canvis en les aportacions terrígenes induïts per la variabilitat climàtica i oceanogràfica de la conca, reflectida en canvis del nivell del mar o de la circulació termohalina. Hom ha pogut investigar els canvis del nivell del mar associats als cicles glacials mitjançant l’estudi de les variacions en la mida de gra de les partícules sedimentàries i en la composició elemental d’un testimoni del marge progradant del Golf de Lleó. Les variacions eustàtiques del nivell del mar han determinat l’apilament d’unitats sedimentaries regressives en el talús superior amb una ciclicitat de 100 ka. Els canvis en el nivell del mar han modulat la sedimentació en el marge, la qual va oscil•lar entre aportacions principalment fluvials durant els períodes glacials coincidint amb nivells del mar baixos, i aportacions degudes a la reactivació de processos erosius a la plataforma continental com les Cascades d’Aigües Denses de Plataforma durant les èpoques amb nivell del mar alt corresponents als períodes interglacials. L’estudi de l’Estadi Isotòpic Marí 3, entre 65 i 20 ka, caracteritzat per condicions climàtiques fluctuants de escala mil•lenària, ens hauria d’ajudar a entendre com el clima es comporta sota condicions canviants ràpides i per lo tant pot ser clau per entendre millor el ràpid canvi climàtic induït per l’ésser humà. Les variacions de la mida de gra durant aquest període en el marge del Golf de Lleó han revelat per primera vegada l’existència d’oscil•lacions del nivell del mar d’escala mil•lenària associades a la variabilitat climàtica dels cicles de Dansgaard-Oeschger observats a l’Atlàntic Nord. Nivells del mar relativament alts s’associen a les fases càlides dels cicles de Dansgaard-Oeschger. Aquests resultats mostren una ràpida resposta dels casquets polars a la variabilitat climàtica ràpida del darrer període glacial. Resta per identificar, però, amb precisió el inici d’aquestes pujades del nivell del mar i la seva amplitud. La circulació termohalina del Mediterrani occidental també s’ha vist afectada per les oscil•lacions climàtiques dels cicles de Dansgaard-Oeschger durant l’Estadi Isotòpic Marí 3. Els resultats confirmen que la circulació profunda del Mediterrani occidental funcionà de manera asincrònica respecte a la Circulació de Retorn de l’Atlàntic Nord durant els cicles de Dansgaard-Oeschger. Aquest fet posa de manifest la rapidesa en la transmissió de la variabilitat climàtica entre latituds altes i intermèdies, probablement induïda per un mecanisme de teleconnexió atmosfèrica similar a l’actual Oscil•lació de l’Atlàntic Nord. Tot i així, la circulació profunda del Mediterrani occidental també fou modulada per canvis en la hidrologia de la conca. A l’Holocè hom ha identificat igualment una sèrie d’esdeveniments de curta durada de intensificació de la circulació termohalina, els quals mostren una ciclicitat d’uns 1000 anys. Hom ha pogut correlacionar aquest esdeveniments amb altres observats a l’Atlàntic Nord i en altres regions del planeta, fet que confirma que les reorganitzacions ràpides del sistema climàtic són també comuns en els períodes interglacials. / This PhD Thesis focuses on the reconstruction of past climatic conditions in the Western Mediterranean Basin, and more precisely on the study of the impact of climate variability at orbital and millennial time scales over oceanographic conditions. The work relies on the study of sedimentological proxies like grain-size and elemental geochemical composition of the sediments for unravelling the changes in terrigenous supplies led by oscillations in climate and oceanographic conditions, namely sea level fluctuations and changes in the termohaline circulation of the Western Mediterranean Sea. Sea level changes associated with glacial cycles have been investigated by analysing the oscillations in grain-size and geochemical composition of the sediment records from the progradational Gulf of Lion margin. Eustatic sea level oscillations have determined stacking of regressive progradational units in the upper slope following a 100 kyr cyclicity. Sea level fluctuations have modulated sediment accumulation over this margin, with a succession of periods dominated by high fluvial supplies, and periods characterized by the reactivation of erosive processes in the continental shelf such as Dense Shelf Water Cascading during glacial lowstands and interglacial highstands, respectively. The study of climate variability during Marine Isotope Stage 3, between 65 and 20 ka, characterized by rapid climate fluctuations of millennial time scales, may help us to understand how the climate behaves when undergoing rapid changes and therefore might also further increase our understanding of rapid, anthropogenic climate change. The high-resolution study of grain-size oscillations during Marine Isotopic Stage 3 in the Gulf of Lion margin has shown by the first time the occurrence of millennial scale sea level fluctuations associated with climate variability during the Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles identified in the North Atlantic region. Relative high sea level has been observed to occur during warm interstadials of the Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles. These results point to a rapid response of the ice sheets to climate variability during the last glacial period. However, the precise timing and the amplitude of these millennial-scale sea level rises are still to be determined. The termohaline circulation of the Western Mediterranean Sea has been affected by Dansgaard-Oeschger climate oscillations during Marine Isotopic Stage 3 too, as determined by the study carried out in the IMAGES core MD99-2343 offshore Minorca island. Our results show that during Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles the circulation of deep-water masses in the Western Mediterranean was not synchronized with the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. This confirms the rapid transmission of climate variability between high and mid-latitudes, likely induced by an atmospheric mechanism similar to the present-day North Atlantic Oscillation. Hydrological oscillations within the basin further modulated the termohaline circulation in the Western Mediterranean Sea. During the Holocene a series of short-lived events of enhanced deep-water circulation have been identified to occur with a cyclicity close to 1000 yr, which have been correlated to relatively cold periods recently recognized from the North Atlantic region and in other regions of the world. These results confirm that rapid reorganizations of the climate system usually ascribed to glacial stages are also a common feature during interglacial periods.

Saltwater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers

Park, Chan-Hee 21 November 2004 (has links)
Utilizing the analytical solution of the steady state sharp interface saltwater intrusion model in coastal aquifers, a multi-objective optimization formulation of pumping rates and well locations in a coastal aquifer is formulated to solve problems in water management practice. The proposed optimization problem uses progressive genetic algorithm technique and the method developed is applied to the previous work of Cheng et al. [2000]. Through this analysis, several other applications are provided to demonstrate the use of the model in practical applications. This work is the first to optimize pumping rates as well as well locations simultaneously in coastal aquifer management. Known the limitation of the analytical solution, the work is expanded to cover the physics of saltwater intrusion in a more realistic way. This is variable density flow in a variably saturated porous medium. In this method, mixing between two fluids such as saltwater and freshwater can be described and the porous medium is also expanded to cover saturated and unsaturated zones together. One of the objectives is to develop a three dimensional physical model, verify the model, and apply to various applications in coastal aquifers. The developed model, TechFlow, is used to investigate instability issues associated with the numerical solution of the Elder problem in the perspective that includes physical instability issues associated with density differences used in numerical solutions, sensitivity of the solution to idealization irregularity, and the importance of accurate estimation of the velocity field and its association to the grid density levels that is necessary to solve the problem accurately. Saltwater intrusion hydrodynamics in a beach under the influence of tidal effects is also investigated using TechFlow. Based on the results of TechFlow with the use of various boundary conditions for the transport equation, the saltwater intrusion hydrodynamics in a beach under the influence of tidal effects shows unique dynamics. These solutions are primarily affected by density differences, tidal effects on a mild slope, variably saturated porous medium and finite domain solution condition. TechFlow is also used to investigate saltwater upconing beneath pumping wells both two- and three-dimensional applications.

Design of a field scale project for surfactant enhanced remediation of a DNAPL contaminated aquifer

Brown, Chrissi Lynn 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

Impacts de l'écoulement souterrain sur la dégradation du pergélisol

de Grandpré, Isabelle 04 1900 (has links)
Les changements climatiques mesurés dans le Nord-ouest canadien au cours du XXIe siècle entraînent une dégradation du pergélisol. Certaines des principales conséquences physiques sont la fonte de la glace interstitielle lors du dégel du pergélisol, l’affaissement du sol et la réorganisation des réseaux de drainage. L’effet est particulièrement marqué pour les routes bâties sur le pergélisol, où des dépressions et des fentes se créent de façon récurrente, rendant la conduite dangereuse. Des observations et mesures de terrain effectuées à Beaver Creek (Yukon) entre 2008 et 2011 ont démontré qu’un autre processus très peu étudié et quantifié dégradait le pergélisol de façon rapide, soit la chaleur transmise au pergélisol par l’écoulement souterrain. Suite aux mesures de terrain effectuées (relevé topographique, étude géotechnique du sol, détermination de la hauteur de la nappe phréatique et des chenaux d’écoulement préférentiels, température de l’eau et du sol, profondeur du pergélisol et de la couche active), des modèles de transfert de chaleur par conduction et par advection ont été produits. Les résultats démontrent que l’écoulement souterrain dans la couche active et les zones de talik contribue à la détérioration du pergélisol via différents processus de transfert de chaleur conducto-convectifs. L’écoulement souterrain devrait être pris en considération dans tous les modèles et scénarios de dégradation du pergélisol. Avec une bonne caractérisation de l’environnement, le modèle de transfert de chaleur élaboré au cours de la présente recherche est applicable dans d’autres zones de pergélisol discontinu. / Climate changes affecting the North West portion of Canada alter the thermal state of the permafrost and promote permafrost degradation. The results are permafrost thawing, ground ice melting, surface drainage changes and soil subsidence. Road infrastructures built on permafrost are particularly sensitive to permafrost stability and integrity. Depressions in the road pavement and development of cracks and potholes are recurrent problems for northern infrastructure. Field measurements done along a road transect in the discontinuous permafrost zone near Beaver Creek (Yukon) between 2008 and 2010 demonstrated that another process, advective heat transfer induced by groundwater flow, is promoting permafrost degradation. This process remains poorly known and has not been quantified sufficiently in permafrost environments. Field data on topography, soil geotechnical properties, water table and preferential flowpath characterization, ground and water temperature and active layer and permafrost depth were collected to build coupled models of seepage (mass transfer) and heat transfers. Results indicate that convective heat transfer processes associated with groundwater flow can have a substantial impact on permafrost degradation. Groundwater flow processes should therefore be taken into account in permafrost evolution models and climate warming scenarios. With a good characterization of the environment, the model that has been developed in this present research is relevant in other discontinuous permafrost environments.

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