Spelling suggestions: "subject:"group identitywithin"" "subject:"group identitypushing""
11 |
Re-establishing networks: capital, power and identity in the making of an Indonesian Chinese community in Hong KongWang, Cangbai., 王蒼柏. January 2003 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / toc / Asian Studies / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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Societal security, social identity, and the Uyghur Millet/MinzuAshraf, Eram January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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論香港人的六四事件論述: 身份認同的硏究. / 身份認同的硏究 / On the June-4th discourse of Hongkongese: a perspective of identity study / Lun Xianggang ren de Liu si shi jian lun shu: shen fen ren tong de yan jiu. / Shen fen ren tong de yan jiuJanuary 2002 (has links)
李漢來. / "2002年7月" / 論文 (哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2002. / 參考文獻 (leaves 138-142) / 附中英文摘要. / "2002 nian 7 yue" / Li Hanlai. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2002. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 138-142) / Fu Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / 摘要 --- p.ii / 圖表目錄 --- p.vii / Chapter 第一章: --- 引論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一節: --- 硏究問題的提出 --- p.1 / 尋找失落了的香港人六四事件論述主體性 --- p.1 / 尋找香港人六四事件論述與身份認同的關係 --- p.2 / Chapter 第二節: --- 硏究意義與貢獻 --- p.3 / 「香港人與六四事件」硏究方向的確立 --- p.3 / 以六四事件論述補充香港身份認同硏究 --- p.6 / 香港人的六四事件論述的發掘、分類與詮釋 --- p.7 / Chapter 第三節: --- 全文組織 --- p.8 / Chapter 第二章: --- 文獻評論 --- p.9 / Chapter 第四節: --- 西方的身份認同硏究:從民族性到公民性 --- p.9 / 民族主義 --- p.9 / 民族主義起源:六四事件是社會制度之爭? --- p.10 / 想像共同體:六四事件中的文化矛盾 --- p.11 / 民族國家建構:中港的相異發展經驗 --- p.12 / 兩種民族主義:六四事件反映的地方意識 --- p.13 / 自由民族主義:香港人的六四訴求 --- p.13 / 公民資格 --- p.16 / 三種公民權利:六四中港人想要什麼? --- p.16 / 公民權利的割裂:六四的河水與井水 --- p.18 / 政體性質和統治策略:作爲特區的香港 --- p.19 / 主動與被動公民資格:港人的六四參與 --- p.21 / 公民的集體行動:六四作爲社會運動 --- p.22 / Chapter 第五節: --- 香港的身份認同硏究:在問卷調查與案例研究之間 --- p.24 / 分裂的身份認同 --- p.25 / 「香港人」對「中國人」 --- p.27 / 國家認同危機? --- p.28 / 自由主義公民 --- p.28 / 歷史與案例 --- p.29 / Chapter 第三章: --- Q方法論槪述 --- p.32 / Chapter 第六節: --- Q方法論:身份認同與論述分析的橋樑 --- p.32 / Chapter 第七節: --- 實際硏究設計簡介 --- p.35 / Chapter 第四章: --- 論匯與Q樣本 --- p.38 / Chapter 第八節: --- 論匯的取材 --- p.38 / 精英政論 --- p.38 / 民主自由、國家角色、民族認同、公民資格 / 通俗文化產品 --- p.65 / 電影、流行曲、詩、漫畫 / 大眾個人感想 --- p.91 / 少年人、青年人、成年人 / Chapter 第九節: --- Q樣本:檢視的範疇 --- p.101 / Chapter 第五章: --- 香港人的六四事件論述的詮釋 --- p.105 / Chapter 第十節: --- Q因子與論述分類結果 --- p.105 / 因子負荷與受訪者社經背景 --- p.106 / 理想化因子數列 --- p.108 / Chapter 第十一節: --- 各種香港人六四事件論述:分類、詮釋與相互關係 --- p.111 / 論述A本地意識優先的現實主義者 --- p.111 / 論述B自由民族主義者 --- p.113 / 論述C世界主義公民 --- p.115 / 論述D中國意識優先的現實主義者 --- p.116 / 論述E中國政府至上的保守主義者 --- p.117 / 共識與矛盾 --- p.118 / 其他與身份認同有關的問題與五個論述的猜想 --- p.124 / Chapter 第六章: --- 香港人的六四事件論述的意涵 --- p.127 / Chapter 第十二節: --- 六四事件論述的政治學意義:身份硏究中的民族主義 --- p.127 / Chapter 第十三節: --- 六四事件論述的政治學意義:身份研究中的公民資格 --- p.130 / Chapter 第七章: --- 結論 --- p.133 / Chapter 第十四節: --- 總結:結果與貢獻 --- p.133 / Chapter 第十五節: --- 檢討:限制與跟進 --- p.134 / 參考書目 --- p.138 / 中文部份 --- p.138 / 英文部份 --- p.140
14 |
Phenomenon of ephemeral.January 1999 (has links)
Chan Pak Suen Kirby. / "Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 1998-99, design report."
15 |
游弋在旅遊業與歷史古跡之間: 殖民統治與東方主義下的身份建構. / In-between tourism and heritage conservation: the construction of cultural identity under colonialism and orientalism / 殖民統治與東方主義下的身份建構 / You yi zai lü you ye yu li shi gu ji zhi jian: zhi min tong zhi yu dong fang zhu yi xia de shen fen jian gou. / Zhi min tong zhi yu dong fang zhu yi xia de shen fen jian gouJanuary 2002 (has links)
李志苗. / 論文 (哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2002. / 參考文獻 (p. 160-172). / 中英文摘要. / Li Zhimiao. / Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2002. / Can kao wen xian (p. 160-172). / 中文摘要 --- p.i / 英文摘要 --- p.ii / 序 --- p.iii / 目錄 / 圖表索引 --- p.vii / Chapter 第一章: --- 引言 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二章: --- 文獻回顧及理論架構 --- p.6 / Chapter 2.1 --- 旅遊與文化 --- p.6 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- 追求原真性之旅 --- p.7 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- 從旅遊行爲反映日常生活 --- p.8 / Chapter 2.1.3 --- 國家政府的角色…… --- p.9 / Chapter 2.1.4 --- 旅遊形象推廣與權力關係 --- p.9 / Chapter 2.1.5 --- 以東方主義看旅遊經驗 --- p.11 / Chapter 2.2 --- 以歷史古跡建立地方身份 --- p.11 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- 身份認同的槪念與歷史的關係 --- p.11 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- 古物古跡作爲身份政治的戰場 --- p.14 / Chapter 2.2.3 --- 非延續性的歷史 --- p.15 / Chapter 2.2.4 --- 政治與經濟考慮之間的矛盾 --- p.17 / Chapter 2.3 --- 殖民主義與身份認同 --- p.19 / Chapter 2.3.1 --- 削弱原住民的文化認同 --- p.19 / Chapter 2.3.2 --- 「都市化」、「現代化」作爲殖民主義的工具 --- p.20 / Chapter 2.3.3 --- 把本土文化約化成刻板的傳統風俗 --- p.22 / Chapter 2.3.4 --- 野蠻落後的他者-東方主義 --- p.23 / Chapter 2.3.5 --- 殖民者以繼承者姿態保護古跡 --- p.24 / Chapter 2.4 --- 香港殖民文化與身份認同 --- p.25 / Chapter 2.4.1 --- 殖民統治下的文化政策 --- p.26 / Chapter 2.4.2 --- 顛沛流離的移民身份 --- p.27 / Chapter 2.4.3 --- 香港意識的內涵 --- p.29 / Chapter 2.4.5 --- 香港的文化古跡旅遊 --- p.31 / Chapter 2.5 --- 理論架構 --- p.34 / Chapter 第三章: --- 方法論與硏究方法 --- p.38 / Chapter 3.1 --- 論述/知識/權力 --- p.38 / Chapter 3.2 --- 解讀旅遊論述 --- p.39 / Chapter 3.3 --- 旅遊論述與身份認同 --- p.40 / Chapter 3.4 --- 資料搜集 --- p.41 / Chapter 3.5 --- 樣本資料的局限性 --- p.43 / Chapter 第四章: --- 香港旅遊業半世紀 --- p.45 / Chapter 4.1. --- 五、六十年代-旅遊業萌芽時期 --- p.46 / Chapter 4.1.1 --- 東方主義眼中的香港形象 --- p.50 / Chapter 4.2 --- 七十年代-脫變時期 --- p.65 / Chapter 4.3 --- 八十年代-都市新面貌 --- p.69 / Chapter 4.4 --- 九十年代-新轉變新挑戰 --- p.74 / Chapter 第五章: --- 香港文物保護政策的發展 --- p.85 / Chapter 5.1 --- 背景 --- p.85 / Chapter 5.2 --- 法定古跡背後的政治意義 --- p.86 / Chapter 5.3 --- 宣佈法定古跡的趨勢 --- p.87 / Chapter 5.3.1 --- 輕殖民地文物重文化古跡 --- p.88 / Chapter 5.3.2 --- 回歸前歷史建築後來居上 --- p.89 / Chapter 5.3.3 --- 通過殖民地式建築爲古跡困難重重 --- p.91 / Chapter 5.3.4 --- 屢戰屢敗心灰意冷 --- p.92 / Chapter 5.3.5 --- 時移勢易殖民地建築重獲肯定 --- p.94 / Chapter 5.4 --- 殖民時期歷史建築如何被邊緣化 --- p.95 / Chapter 5.4.1 --- 政府不尊重古物諮詢委員會的專業意見 --- p.96 / Chapter 5.4.2 --- 法例條文貶低殖民地古跡的價値 --- p.97 / Chapter 5.4.3 --- 殖民統治處理本地文化的策略 --- p.98 / Chapter 第六章: --- 個案硏究 --- p.100 / Chapter 6.1 --- 背景:維多利亞城的盛衰 --- p.101 / Chapter 6.1.1 --- 殖民地建築特色 --- p.103 / Chapter 6.1.2 --- 都市發展橫掃維港兩岸 --- p.103 / Chapter 6.2 --- 個案硏究(一):九廣鐵路舊尖沙咀總站 --- p.106 / Chapter 6.2.1 --- 米字旗下的光輝歲月 --- p.106 / Chapter 6.2.2 --- 紅楼不保遺下鐘樓獨歷滄桑 --- p.108 / Chapter 6.2.3 --- 政府一意 孤行 --- p.111 / Chapter 6.2.4 --- 市政局漠視民意 只關注文化中心的設施 --- p.112 / Chapter 6.2.5 --- 以華人的沉默作擋戰牌 --- p.113 / Chapter 6.3 --- 個案研究(二):香港會所 --- p.119 / Chapter 6.3.1 --- 權貴顯赫聚集之地 --- p.119 / Chapter 6.3.2 --- 韶華逝去黯然落幕 --- p.120 / Chapter 6.3.3 --- 碩果僅存的舊殖建築 --- p.121 / Chapter 6.3.4 --- 公帑女支出龐大 有遺公眾利益 --- p.122 / Chapter 6.3.5 --- 發展潛力優厚 發展商虎視眈眈 --- p.123 / Chapter 6.3.6 --- 付會員投下斷送回所大樓的一票 --- p.123 / Chapter 6.3.7 --- 本地華人嗤之以鼻 --- p.124 / Chapter 6.3.8 --- 都市發展凌駕一切… --- p.129 / Chapter 6.4 --- 舊尖沙咀火車站 香港會所符合文化古跡資格嗎 --- p.130 / Chapter 6.4.1 --- 官民立埸不同口徑一致 --- p.132 / Chapter 6.4.2 --- 激起矛盾 轉移焦點 --- p.132 / Chapter 6.4.3 --- 本地精英冷眼旁觀 --- p.133 / Chapter 笫七章: --- 結論 --- p.144 / Chapter 7.1 --- 當東方遇上西方 --- p.145 / Chapter 7.2 --- 明褒暗眨的中國文化認同 --- p.146 / Chapter 7.3 --- 尋找消失的身份 --- p.149 / Chapter 7.4 --- 瞻前顧後破舊立新 --- p.149 / 後記 --- p.151 / 附錄 --- p.153 / Chapter 附一: --- 全部法定古跡名單 --- p.153 / Chapter 附二 : --- 九一至九五年各類古跡的宣佈名單 --- p.155 / Chapter 附三: --- 七九年古跡宣佈情況 --- p.156 / Chapter 附四: --- 淸拆尖沙、咀九廣鐵路總站大事年表 --- p.157 / Chapter 附五: --- 拆卸舊香港會所大事年表 --- p.159 / 參考書目 --- p.160 / 圖表索引 / Chapter 表4.1 --- 1958年訪港旅客人數 --- p.47 / Chapter 表4.2 --- : 1958年美籍旅客在港消費額 --- p.47 / Chapter 表4.3 --- : 1958年訪台旅客人數 --- p.48 / Chapter 表4.4 --- : 1960-69年訪港旅客人數 --- p.48 / Chapter 表4.5 --- : 1960-69年訪台旅客人數 --- p.49 / Chapter 表4.6 --- : 1970-79年訪港旅客人數 --- p.65 / Chapter 表4.7 --- : 1980-89年訪港旅客人數 --- p.69 / Chapter 表4.8 --- : 1990-99年訪港:旅客人數 --- p.75 / Chapter 表5.1 --- :各類法定古跡數目 --- p.88 / Chapter 表5.2 --- :各類法定古跡在不同時段的宣佈數字 --- p.89 / Chapter 表5.3 --- : 1991-95各類古跡宣佈數字 --- p.90 / Chapter 表5.4 --- : 1997年古物諮詢委員會宣佈古跡成果 --- p.91 / Chapter 表5.5 --- :曾被否決但最後獲通過成法定古跡的名單 --- p.94
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Collective identity of Hong Kong citizens.January 2006 (has links)
Seto Kit Yee Shirley. / "Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 2005-2006, design report." / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 93). / Thesis Statment --- p.4-15 / Theory --- p.16-18 / History --- p.19-23 / Events --- p.24-32 / Land --- p.33-42 / Place --- p.43-48 / Final Design --- p.49-91 / Bibliography --- p.92-93
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Negotiating marginality in urban milieu: the resistance of the street sleepers in Yaumatei.January 2001 (has links)
Ho Chui-ming. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 210-223). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / List of Plates --- p.i / Abstract --- p.iii / Acknowledgements --- p.v / Introduction The Quest for the Agency of Street Sleepers --- p.1 / Chapter Chapter One --- Literature Review and Theoretical Framework --- p.9 / Chapter I. --- Reading Street Sleepers: To Review the Past Studies --- p.9 / Chapter II. --- Center and Margin: To Approach the Operation of Power --- p.24 / Chapter III. --- Domination and Resistance: To Bring the Human Agency Backin --- p.26 / Chapter IV. --- From Spatial Resistance to Spatial Formation --- p.31 / Chapter V. --- From Identity Formation to Unfixing the Body --- p.35 / Chapter Chapter Two --- Methodology and Contexutualization --- p.40 / Chapter I. --- A Qualitative Research on Street Life --- p.40 / Chapter II. --- Triangulated Methods: Ethnography and Non-Reactive Method --- p.41 / Chapter III. --- The Profile of the Subjects --- p.48 / Chapter IV. --- Contextualizing the Study and Locating the Researcher --- p.53 / Chapter V. --- The Context: Yaumatei --- p.55 / Chapter Chapter Three --- Persistence of Street Sleeping: Beyond Housed/ Non-housed --- p.69 / Chapter I. --- Home Ownership --- p.70 / Chapter II. --- Rental System in Private Market --- p.73 / Chapter III. --- Public Housing --- p.77 / Chapter IV. --- Shelter and Hostel for Street Sleepers --- p.80 / Chapter V. --- Rehabilitation Program for Substance Users --- p.84 / Chapter VI. --- Open Space --- p.86 / Chapter VII --- Concluding Remarks: Beyond Housed/Non-housed --- p.91 / Chapter Chapter Four --- Producing a Livable Space: A Space of Resistance --- p.95 / Chapter I. --- A Production of Space: The Spatial Arrangement --- p.95 / Chapter II. --- A Space of Resistance: The Spatio-social Relations --- p.111 / Chapter III. --- Concluding Remarks: Marginal Space and Livable Space --- p.135 / Chapter Chapter Five --- Narratives of Identity: Fixing and Unfixing the Body --- p.139 / Chapter I. --- The Construction of Social Identities --- p.139 / Chapter II. --- The Multiplicity of Self Narratives --- p.144 / Chapter III. --- Concluding Remarks: Negotiating Identities in Everyday Life --- p.159 / Chapter Chapter Six --- Conclusion --- p.163 / Epilogue --- p.173 / Appendix A The Profile of the Subjects --- p.176 / Appendix B The Alternative Map of Yaumatei --- p.189 / Appendix C The Benches and the Chairs in Yaumatei --- p.206 / Appendix D Glossary --- p.207 / Bibliography --- p.210
18 |
Shifting idea of gong: transformation of public space of Ningbo and changing collective identity, 1840-1940. / 轉變中的公共概念: 寧波公共空間的變化及群體身份, 1840-1940 / Zhuan bian zhong de gong gong gai nian: Ningbo gong gong kong jian de bian hua ji qun ti shen fen, 1840-1940January 2010 (has links)
Liu, Kit Ying. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 131-138). / Abstracts in English and Chinese; some text in Chinese. / Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- Background of Ningbo --- p.3 / Chapter 1.1.1 --- Trading and Development --- p.5 / Chapter 1.1.2 --- "Characters as ""semi-treaty port""" --- p.6 / Chapter 1.1.3 --- Shifting Idea of Public of Ningbo --- p.9 / Chapter 1.2 --- Literature Review --- p.11 / Chapter 1.2.1 --- Study of physical public space in Chinese cities --- p.11 / Chapter 1.2.2 --- Ningbo --- p.13 / Chapter 1.5 --- Framework of the study --- p.21 / Chapter 2 --- The Idea of Gong --- p.23 / Chapter 2.1 --- The idea of gong and collective identity --- p.24 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- Social structure of Chinese society --- p.25 / Chapter 2.2 --- The Case of Ling Bridge --- p.28 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- Patronage and management --- p.30 / Chapter 2.3 --- The idea of gong in Ningbo --- p.33 / Chapter 3 --- Perception of City --- p.37 / Chapter 3.1 --- Imperial City --- p.38 / Chapter 3.1.1 --- Social structure --- p.38 / Chapter 3.1.2 --- Environment integrity and landmarks --- p.44 / Chapter 3.2 --- City in 1910s-20s --- p.47 / Chapter 3.2.1 --- Communal Associations --- p.48 / Chapter 3.2.2 --- Municipal Concept- public health --- p.53 / Chapter 3.2.3 --- Municipal Concept- Infrastructure construction --- p.54 / Chapter 3.3 --- The KMT city --- p.61 / Chapter 3.3.1 --- Practical city --- p.64 / Chapter 3.3.2 --- Ideology of good city form --- p.71 / Chapter 3.4 --- Summary --- p.81 / Chapter 4 --- Physical Space --- p.84 / Chapter 4.1 --- City Layout --- p.85 / Chapter 4.1.1 --- Imperial city --- p.85 / Chapter 4.1.2 --- After 1910s --- p.93 / Chapter 4.2 --- Public buildings and constructions --- p.98 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- Gongshu in Qing --- p.99 / Chapter 4.2.2 --- Public constructions in KMT period --- p.101 / Chapter 4.2.3 --- Communal temples and communal associations --- p.105 / Chapter 4.2.4 --- Charities and communal services --- p.107 / Chapter 4.3 --- Regulated Street and Neighborhood --- p.109 / Chapter 4.3.1 --- Ceremonies and festivals --- p.109 / Chapter 4.3.2 --- Street as public facilities --- p.113 / Chapter 4.3.3 --- Changing neighborhood --- p.126 / Chapter 4.4 --- Summary --- p.126 / Chapter 5 --- Conclusion --- p.128 / Bibliography --- p.131
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Under the two systems: comparing the ethnic stereotypes and identification patterns of Hong Kong and Guang Zhou people. / IdentificationJanuary 1999 (has links)
by Lai Ming. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 66-73).
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"Voices in the heart": post-coloniality and identity in Hong Kong English-language literature.January 2000 (has links)
Brian John Hooper. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2000. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 118-149). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Preface --- p.iv / Introduction --- p.vi / Chapter Chapter One: --- """The Matrix and Fusion in Hong Kong Anglophone Literature""" --- p.1 / Chapter Chapter Two: --- """The Matrix and its Malcontents in Acheson's Flagrant Harbour´ح" --- p.39 / Chapter Chapter Three: --- """Lee's Running Dog´ح" --- p.65 / Chapter Chapter Four: --- """Mo's Signifying Monkey King""" --- p.76 / Conclusion --- p.106 / Bibliography --- p.109
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