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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparison of LDPC Block and LDPC Convolutional Codes based on their Decoding Latency

Hassan, Najeeb ul, Lentmaier, Michael, Fettweis, Gerhard P. 11 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
We compare LDPC block and LDPC convolutional codes with respect to their decoding performance under low decoding latencies. Protograph based regular LDPC codes are considered with rather small lifting factors. LDPC block and convolutional codes are decoded using belief propagation. For LDPC convolutional codes, a sliding window decoder with different window sizes is applied to continuously decode the input symbols. We show the required Eb/N0 to achieve a bit error rate of 10 -5 for the LDPC block and LDPC convolutional codes for the decoding latency of up to approximately 550 information bits. It has been observed that LDPC convolutional codes perform better than the block codes from which they are derived even at low latency. We demonstrate the trade off between complexity and performance in terms of lifting factor and window size for a fixed value of latency. Furthermore, the two codes are also compared in terms of their complexity as a function of Eb/N0. Convolutional codes with Viterbi decoding are also compared with the two above mentioned codes.

Communications with 1-Bit Quantization and Oversampling at the Receiver: Benefiting from Inter-Symbol-Interference

Krone, Stefan, Fettweis, Gerhard 25 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
1-bit analog-to-digital conversion is very attractive for low-complexity communications receivers. A major drawback is, however, the small spectral efficiency when sampling at symbol rate. This can be improved through oversampling by exploiting the signal distortion caused by the transmission channel. This paper analyzes the achievable data rate of band-limited communications channels that are subject to additive noise and inter-symbol-interference with 1-bit quantization and oversampling at the receiver. It is shown that not only the channel noise but also the inter-symbol-interference can be exploited to benefit from oversampling.


06 September 2013 (has links)
Newsletter des Sonderforschungsbereichs 912 "Highly Adaptive Energy-Efficient Computing" (HAEC)

Comparison of LDPC Block and LDPC Convolutional Codes based on their Decoding Latency

Hassan, Najeeb ul, Lentmaier, Michael, Fettweis, Gerhard P. January 2012 (has links)
We compare LDPC block and LDPC convolutional codes with respect to their decoding performance under low decoding latencies. Protograph based regular LDPC codes are considered with rather small lifting factors. LDPC block and convolutional codes are decoded using belief propagation. For LDPC convolutional codes, a sliding window decoder with different window sizes is applied to continuously decode the input symbols. We show the required Eb/N0 to achieve a bit error rate of 10 -5 for the LDPC block and LDPC convolutional codes for the decoding latency of up to approximately 550 information bits. It has been observed that LDPC convolutional codes perform better than the block codes from which they are derived even at low latency. We demonstrate the trade off between complexity and performance in terms of lifting factor and window size for a fixed value of latency. Furthermore, the two codes are also compared in terms of their complexity as a function of Eb/N0. Convolutional codes with Viterbi decoding are also compared with the two above mentioned codes.

Capacity of Communications Channels with 1-Bit Quantization and Oversampling at the Receiver

Krone, Stefan, Fettweis, Gerhard January 2012 (has links)
Communications receivers that rely on 1-bit analogto-digital conversion are advantageous in terms of hardware complexity and power dissipation. Performance limitations due to the 1-bit quantization can be tackled with oversampling. This paper considers the oversampling gain from an information-theoretic perspective by analyzing the channel capacity with 1-bit quantization and oversampling at the receiver for the particular case of AWGN channels. This includes a numerical computation of the capacity and optimal transmit symbol constellations, as well as the derivation of closed-form expressions for large oversampling ratios and for high signal-to-noise ratios of the channel.

Communications with 1-Bit Quantization and Oversampling at the Receiver: Benefiting from Inter-Symbol-Interference

Krone, Stefan, Fettweis, Gerhard January 2012 (has links)
1-bit analog-to-digital conversion is very attractive for low-complexity communications receivers. A major drawback is, however, the small spectral efficiency when sampling at symbol rate. This can be improved through oversampling by exploiting the signal distortion caused by the transmission channel. This paper analyzes the achievable data rate of band-limited communications channels that are subject to additive noise and inter-symbol-interference with 1-bit quantization and oversampling at the receiver. It is shown that not only the channel noise but also the inter-symbol-interference can be exploited to benefit from oversampling.


January 2012 (has links)
No description available.


January 2012 (has links)
No description available.


06 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

18F-markierte S100-Proteine als potentielle Radioliganden für die funktionelle Charakterisierung des Rezeptors für advanced glycation endproducts (RAGE) in vitro und in vivo

Hoppmann, Susan 06 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die Interaktion von S100-Proteinen mit dem Rezeptor für advanced glycation endproducts (RAGE) wird als hoch relevant bei der Entstehung, Manifestation und Progression verschiedener entzündlicher Erkrankungen sowie bei der Tumorigenese gewertet. Das tiefergehende Verständnis der Interaktion von S100-Proteinen mit RAGE in vivo stellt eine wissenschaftliche Herausforderung dar und ist ein Ansatz für therapeutische Interventionen. Darüber hinaus stellen Untersuchungen zum Metabolismus von extrazellulär zirkulierenden S100-Proteinen in vivo einen vielversprechenden Forschungsansatz zur Analyse von S100-Protein-assoziierten Erkrankungen dar. Die einzigartigen Eigenschaften der Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET) als nicht-invasives bildgebendes Verfahren erlauben die Darstellung und quantitative Erfassung biochemischer Prozesse mit der Möglichkeit zelluläre und molekulare Reaktionswege aufzuzeigen sowie in vivo-Mechanismen von Krankheiten im Kontext eines physiologischen Umfeldes darzulegen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, Fluor-18-markierte S100-Proteine (18F-S100) herzustellen, diese biochemisch, radiochemisch und radiopharmakologisch zu charakterisieren und deren Metabolismus und Interaktion mit RAGE in vivo mittels Kleintier-PET am Tiermodell zu untersuchen. Es wurden die mit RAGE interagierenden S100-Proteine S100A1, S100A12 und S100B in biologisch funktioneller Form hergestellt. Dazu wurden die entsprechenden S100-Gene in den prokaryotischen Expressionsvektor pGEX-6P-1 kloniert. Mit diesen Konstrukten wurden E. coli-Zellen transformiert, aus denen nachfolgend die S100-Proteine isoliert und gereinigt werden konnten. Es konnte eine Reinigung unter nativen, milden Bedingungen etabliert werden, die es ermöglichte, S100A1, S100A12 und S100B in biologisch aktiver Form und in hohen Reinheitsgraden (> 95%) für die nachfolgenden Experimente bereitzustellen. Diese S100-Proteine wurden über den 18F-tragenden Aktivester N-Succinimidyl-4-[18F]fluorbenzoesäure ([18F]SFB) radioaktiv markiert und charakterisiert. Dabei konnte sichergestellt werden, dass die 18F-S100-Proteine in vitro und in vivo stabil sind. Weiterhin konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die radioaktive Markierung keine Beeinträchtigung auf die biologische Funktionalität der S100-Proteine hat. Dies wurde anhand von sRAGE-Bindungsuntersuchungen sowie Zell-Interaktionsuntersuchungen an konfluenten Endothelzellen (HAEC) und an zu Makrophagen differenzierten THP-1-Zellen (THP-1-Makrophagen) verifiziert. Für die Untersuchung der RAGE-Bindung war die Produktion des löslichen sRAGE bzw. die Generation von flRAGE-berexprimierenden Zellen erforderlich. Beide Konstrukte wurden in geeigneten Zellsystemen exprimiert und das sRAGE-Protein wurde in biologisch aktiver Form synthetisiert und gereinigt (Reinheitsgrad > 97%). Die 18F-S100-Bindung an THP-1-Makrophagen und HAEC wurde in Gegenwart von glykierten LDL (glykLDL) sowie sRAGE signifikant inhibiert, was auf eine RAGE-Interaktion hinweist. Weiterhin konnten durch den Einsatz von Scavenger-Rezeptor-Liganden, wie z. B. Maleinanhydrid-modifiziertes BSA (malBSA) bzw. von Lektinen inhibierende Effekte erzielt werden. Dies ist ein Indiz für die 18F-S100-Interaktion mit Scavenger-Rezeptoren und Glykokonjugaten an der Zelloberfläche. Durch die Untersuchungen mittels konfokaler Laserscanning-Mikroskopie an THP-1-Makrophagen wurde eine Zellaufnahme des Fluoreszein-markierten S100A12 festgestellt. Weiterhin konnten Kolokalisationen mit Lektinen detektiert werden. Das metabolische Schicksal extrazellulär zirkulierender 18F-S100-Proteine in vivo wurde mit Hilfe dynamischer PET-Untersuchungen bzw. anhand von Bioverteilungs-Untersuchungen in männlichen Wistar-Ratten analysiert. Die Hauptakkumulation der Radioaktivität wurde in der Leber und in den Nieren detektiert. In diesen Organen findet der Metabolismus bzw. die glomeruläre Filtration der 18F-S100-Proteine statt. In den Untersuchungen zur Genexpression mittels Echtzeit-PCR sowie im immunchemischen Proteinnachweis am Western Blot wurde eine hohe Expression und Proteinbiosynthese des RAGE in der Lunge ermittelt. Die Lunge eignet sich daher als „Referenz“-Organ für eine funktionelle in vivo-Charakterisierung von RAGE mit 18FS100-Proteinen. Bei den durchgeführten PET-Untersuchungen konnte eine temporäre 18F-S100-Interaktion mit dem Lungengewebe festgestellt werden. Die Retention des 18FS100A12 in der Lunge wurde in Gegenwart von sRAGE inhibiert. Dies ist ein Hinweis dafür, dass 18F-S100-Proteine auch in vivo an RAGE binden können. Die Radioaktivitäts-Akkumulation in den Organen Leber und Milz, die eine Vielzahl von sessilen Makrophagen aufweisen, wurde durch die Applikation von malBSA inhibiert. Dies ist ein Indiz dafür, dass 18F-S100-Proteine in vivo mit Scavenger-Rezeptoren interagieren können. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert deutliche Hinweise darauf, dass RAGE nicht der alleinige Rezeptor für 18F-S100-Proteine ist. Der Einsatz von 18F-S100-Proteinen als experimentelles Werkzeug in dynamischen PET-Untersuchungen birgt das Potential einer Charakterisierung von S100-Protein-assoziierten, pathophysiologischen Prozessen. / Members of the S100 family of EF-hand calcium binding proteins play important regulatory roles not only within cells but also exert effects in a cytokine-like manner on definite target cells once released into extracellular space or circulating blood. Accordingly, increased levels of S100 proteins in the circulating blood have been associated with a number of disease states, e.g., diabetes, cancer, and various inflammatory disorders. As the best known target protein of extracellular S100 proteins, the receptor for advanced glycation endproducts (RAGE) is of significant importance. However, the role of extracellular S100 proteins during etiology, progression, and manifestation of inflammatory disorders still is poorly understood. One reason for this is the shortage of sensitive methods for direct assessment of the metabolic fate of circulating S100 proteins and, on the other hand, measurement of functional expression of extracellular targets of S100 proteins, e.g., RAGE in vivo. In this line, small animal PET provides a valuable tool for noninvasive imaging of physiological processes and interactions like plasma or vascular retention, tissue-specific receptor binding, accumulation or elimination in vivo. To address this question, human S100 proteins were cloned in the bacterial expression vector pGEX-6P-1, expressed in E. coli BL21, and purified by affinity chromatography and anion exchange chromatography. Purified S100A1, S100B and S100A12 proteins were then radiolabeled with the positron emitter fluorine-18 (18F) by N-succinimidyl-4-[18F]fluorobenzoate ([18F]SFB). Radiolabeling of S100 proteins resulted in radiochemical yields of 3-10% (corrected for decay) and effective specific radioactivities of 1 GBq/µmol, respectively. For investigations about RAGE binding soluble RAGE (sRAGE) was expressed and purified using pSecTag2B. A radioligand binding assay confirmed specific binding of 18F-S100A12, 18F-S100A1, and 18F-S100B to immobilized sRAGE, also showing an order of affinity with S100A12 > S100A1 > S100B. These results indicate that radioactive labelling of S100 proteins did not affect their overall affinity to RAGE. Cellular association studies in human THP-1 macrophages and human aortic endothelial cells (HAEC) showed specific binding of all 18F-S100 proteins to the non-internalizing RAGE as confirmed by inhibitory effects exerted either by other RAGE ligands, e.g., glycated LDL, or by soluble RAGE. Of interest, 18F-S100 proteins were also shown to interact with other putative binding sites, e.g. scavenger receptors as well as proteoglycans. In this line, uptake of 18F-S100 proteins in THP-1 and HAEC could be inhibited by various scavenger receptor ligands, in particular by maleylated BSA as well as by lectines (e.g. ConA and SBA). Confocal laser scanning microscopy analysis showed a major part of the fluoresceinated S100A12 bound to the surface of THP-1 macrophages. Beyond this, uptake of S100A12 could be determined indicating an interaction of S100A12 with both non-internalizing, e.g., RAGE, and internalizing receptors, e.g. scavenger receptors. By evaluation of the relative contribution of 18F-S100A12 association to RAGE-overexpressed CHO cells (using pIres2-AcGFP1), 18F-S100A12 showed a significantly higher association to CHO-RAGE cells compared with CHO-mock cells. Based on these findings and due to their crucial role in inflammatory disorders the metabolic fate of S100 proteins was further investigated in dynamic small animal Positron emission tomography (PET) studies as well as in biodistribution studies in Wistar rats in vivo. For interpretation of in vivo investigations in rats, expression of RAGE was analyzed by quantitative real time RT-PCR as well as western blotting in various organs. Lung tissue expressed the highest level of RAGE protein compared to the other tissues. PET studies in rats revealed a comparatively long mean residence time of circulating 18F-S100 proteins. A major contributor to this phenomenon seems to be a sustained temporary interaction with tissues overexpressing RAGE, e.g., the lung. On the other hand, renal clearance of 18F-S100 via glomerular filtration is a major elimination pathway. However, scavenger receptor-mediated pathways in the liver, the spleen and, to a minor extent, in the kidneys, also seem to contribute to the overall clearance. The presence of sRAGE revealed a decreased retention of 18F-S100A12 in the lung, indicating in vivo binding to RAGE. In vivo blocking studies using maleylated BSA demonstrated a strong inhibition of putative binding sites in rat tissues enriched in cells expressing scavenger receptors like liver and spleen. In conclusion, 18F-labeling of S100 proteins and the use of small animal PET provide a valuable tool to discriminate the kinetics and the metabolic fate of S100 proteins in vivo. Furthermore, the results strongly suggest an involvement of other putative receptors beside RAGE in distribution, tissue association and elimination of circulating proinflammatory S100 proteins. Moreover, the approach provides novel probes for imaging of functional expression of RAGE and scavenger receptors in peripheral inflammatory compartments.

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