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Tato práce se zabývá problematikou regionální diferenciace cen nemovitostí a její dopad na reálnou ekonomickou situaci regionů, která bývá obvykle analyzována pomocí standardních ekonomických ukazatelů jako je HDP na obyvatele, výše mezd nebo úroveň nezaměstnanosti. Důležité je však si uvědomit, že nemovitosti hrají ve spotřebním koši domácností významnou úlohu a jejich zahrnutím získáme pravdivější obraz o ekonomické úrovni krajů ČR. Ceny nemovitostí mají značný vliv nejen na osídlení, ale i na lokalizaci firem. To se pak odráží na dalším rozvoji regionu. Přínosem práce je prokázat, že v krajích, které vykazují větší ekonomickou výkonnost, jsou nemovitostí finančně hůře dostupné než v krajích, které jsou z ekonomického hlediska méně výkonné. Tato cenová diferenciace výrazně snižuje a často i neguje meziregionální rozdíly, kterých jsme svědky při standardní komparativní analýze. Celá práce je doplněna o grafy, obrázky a kartogramy, jenž slouží k vizuálnímu vyjádření jednotlivých ukazatelů a podílů. V diplomové práci je tato problematika řešena i na mezinárodní úrovni, kde je předmětem zkoumání Praha, Hamburk a Vídeň.
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Vliv vstupu do eurozóny na vybrané makroekonomické ukazatele / Impact on GDP and inflation connected with euro adoptionMakovec, Petr January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is focused on year to date performance of common currency euro. Especialy it's impact on main macroeconomic indicators -- GDP and inflation. Analytical part of this study compairs long-term developement of this indicators in countries, which has adopted euro and those who has not. Objective of this thesis is formulation of conclusions, regarding benefits of euro adoption in light of GDP and inflation.
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Vývoj peruánské ekonomiky v novém tisíciletí / Development of Peruvian economy in new milleniumKovářová, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
The thesis "Development of Peruvian economy in new millenium" is divided into four chapters. The first part deals with Peruvian geography, demography nad history. The second part focuses on development of GDP and its structure, on inflation, currency, public debt and unemployment. The third part analyses the development of Peruvian trade and presents the trade with United States and European Union as a study. The final part evaluates the perspectives of economic development and on the basis of mentioned facts gives the problems that are limited for the fast growth of Peruvian economy. The result is a complete study about progress, development and limiting factors of Peruvian republic.
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Zobrazení hodnoty ekonomického růstu v médiích (obsahová analýza vybraných českých deníků). / Portrayal of Economic Growth Value (content analysis of chosen czech daily newspapers).Doležal, Jan January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis on Portrayal of Economic Growth Value is a content analysis of chosen czech daily papers. It is engaged in questions of economic growth (and gross domestic product) and its significance in daily papers Blesk, Hospodářské noviny, Mladá fronta Dnes and Právo. The aim is to discover value dimensions of economic growth portrayal. The study come out from those authors who has criticall approach to the problems of economic growth, mind its negative social and environmental effects, and dispute its desirability and legitimacy. Also there are presented findings from media studies, which are related to the role of media when the acceptable picture of world is beeing established. The critique of economic growth and the reflections of media role when the current social order is reproduced are connected in one question: what is the way in which the media participate on common acceptance of economic growth through portrayal of its value dimensions. Through application of content analysis method the study try to answer the question if economic growth is pictured in a positive or negative way and which picture is prevailing. The study answer the question if there are rather those pictures which shows that economic growth is a positive value, or those which refuse or dispute economic growth or point out that...
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The role of foreign aid on the economic development of GhanaOsei-Asibey, Bernard January 2019 (has links)
Ghana since the 1960s has sourced foreign aid from international donors for economic growth and development. The contribution of foreign aid to Ghana’s GDP constituted about 0.002% after its introduction in the 1960s. Foreign aid rose up to US$ 1306.93 million in 2008, thereby making Ghana one of the consistent countries to receive foreign aid from international donors. The increasing rate of foreign aid in Ghana has alarmed most researchers to argue on the impact of foreign aid on the development of economic growth and stability concerning poverty mitigation in the country. The fundamental reason for the study is to assess the impact of foreign aid on the economic progress of Ghana in the areas of education, health and agricultural. The study adopted a mixed research method approach. Therefore, the data used qualitative and quantitative metrics to assess the effectiveness of foreign aid in Ghana. The study also revealed that aids come in the form of funds which are mostly diverted into the educational system, health and rural development including the agricultural sector, transport, power and housing. Nevertheless, the study found that the USA support Ghana in terms of humanitarian needs like prevention of natural disasters, crisis and related national conflict. They also include aids like provision of food, healthcare services, water, sanitation and other destructions. Furtherance, the study indicated the US provided food aid to Ghanaians especially when there is hunger in the country. Food aid primarily deals with the provision of foodstuffs and related materials to the lacking economy. With regards to food aid, recipient countries can use some of the attached materials to support the agricultural industry in the country which would ensure that productivity is enhanced and improved to achieve domestic food security as well as enhancing the performance of the agricultural sector thus promoting the competitiveness of the sector. Education is one of the fundamental elements of socio-economic development, and therefore the government must ensure that the education system is enhanced so that teaching and learning can be efficient in enabling the individual to acquire the knowledge and skills required to assist in economic development. This study has implications on the policies concerning human rights, civil liberties, education, health, corruption elimination, good governance, and ultimately sustainable economic growth. The study would also serve as an empirical review for future searchers in related fields since it gives relevant information on foreign aid and its impact on economic growth.
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Determinants of foreign direct investment in GhanaOwusu, Maxwell Nuamah January 2019 (has links)
The flow of foreign direct investment (FDI) is seen as an important source for achieving greater and faster economic growth, particularly in the emerging market economies and other developing countries. This study will examine the factors that induce foreign investors to operate in Ghana. This will take into consideration the significant influence between the dependent variable (FDI) and the observed explanatory variables ((GDPgrowth, inflation, exchange rate, trade openness and natural resources from 1975 – 2016) and (government stability and corruption from 1984 – 2016)). The study uses ordinary least square (OLS) and ARDL regression model to examine the influence between FDI and the proposed explanatory variables that are anticipated to determine FDI inflows into Ghana. The unit root test shows that only GDP and inflation were stationary at the ordinary level while other variables were stationary when we combined the variables as one. In order to solve the problem of spuriousness and the consequent of the determinant of FDI, FDI was used as a dependent variable over other variables considered. The result of the OLS regression model show that GDP growth, exchange rate, natural resources and government stability have positive influence on FDI while inflation, trade openness and corruption have negative influence on FDI but only exchange rate and natural resources said to be statistically significant. Result of ARDL was divided into two part. Variables that ranges from 1975 – 2016 were used as an explanatory variable for the first part while all the variables including government stability and corruption were used as second part. The result for ARDL regression model shows that all the variables from 1975 – 2016 are statistically significant while the second part shows that only inflation, exchange rate, trade openness and government stability are statistically significant. The uniqueness of this research after using ARDL regression model and OLS regression model is that the two models show that there is statistical significant influence between FDI and the independent variables (GDP, natural resources, trade openness, inflation, exchange rate, government stability and corruption).
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Presnosť predikcií hospodárskeho rastu európských centrálnych bankSamiecová, Alena January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with evaluating accuracy of GDP prediction. Several indicators will be calculated to determine the accuracy, e.g. mean absolute error, root mean squared error, average forecast error and Theil coefficient. First section presents history of economic theory understanding, general description of DSGE model and description of national models. Countries with most and least reliable prediction models are identified through analysis. GEAR model of German national bank ended up as most reliable, while ÉIRE model of National Bank of Ireland is on the other side with lowest score. If company is seeking the most reliable information about future changes of GDP, it shall look for predictions of German national bank. Having more precise predictions leads to sustainable and stable business sphere.
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Strukturální fondy Evropské unieSlováčková, Petra January 2006 (has links)
Evropské společenství je jednou z nejvíce prosperujících ekonomik na světě, některé regiony uvnitř společenství však nedosahují ani 32 % průměru HDP ?Evropské pětadvacítky?. Vyrovnávání regionálních rozdílů je hlavním cílem regionální politiky, jejíž pozice postupně nabývala na významu a dnes je druhou nejvýznamnější politikou dle čerpaných prostředků.Vstupem do Evropské unie 1.5.2004 se České republice otevřela možnost plného využívání finančních prostředků v rámci implementace hospodářské a sociální soudržnosti. Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na analýzu finančních kontrolních systémů, které vyhodnocují fungování a účinnost čerpání evropských prostředků v České republice. Hlavním cílem práce je porovnání realizovaných typů kontrol v rámci finanční kontroly a zhodnocení přínosů nebo naopak nedostatků každé kontrolní činnosti. Na základě analýzy všech typů finančních kontrol stanovuji vhodnou metodu pro vyhodnocení efektivnosti jednotlivých kontrolních procesů.
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Aktuální hospodářská situace v Německu a její vliv na výkonnost české ekonomikyBerka, Ondřej January 2006 (has links)
Záměrem práce je analyzovat vliv hospodářské situace v Německu na ekonomickou situaci v České republice. Zaměřuje se přitom na dvě oblasti, v kterých lze tento vliv vypozorovat. První oblast představuje německý hospodářský růst a jeho vliv na exportní výkonnost České republiky. Druhým tématem pak jsou přímé zahraniční investice, které v české ekonomice umístily německé subjekty, a jejich vliv na české ekonomické prostředí.
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Teorie politického cyklu v praxiZápotočná, Zuzana Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Na základě analýzy makroekonomických veličin je potvrzeno fungování politického cyklu v České republice.
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