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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hitler on Lygon Street : Lily Brett and second generation Jewish suffering / Shannon Dowling. / Lily Brett and second generation Jewish suffering

Dowling, Shannon Beverley January 2004 (has links)
"April 2004" / Bibliography: leaves 284-295. / viii, 295 leaves ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / This thesis discusses the work of the author Lily Brett, both in terms of the themes explored in her writing, and the political and historical contexts. The interrelationships between history, memory, identity and literature are explored in order to explain both the themes of Brett's writing, and how this writing is shaped by, and shapes, contemporary discourses on Jewish identity and the Holocaust. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, School of Social Sciences, Discipline of Gender Studies, 2004

Church and nation : The discourse on authority in Ericus Olai's Chronica regni Gothorum (c. 1471)

Tjällén, Biörn January 2007 (has links)
<p>The Chronica regni Gothorum is the first Latin national history of Sweden. Completed after 1471 by a canon of Uppsala, Ericus Olai, it testifies to the articulation at the Swedish arch see of the dominant political issues of the day: the status of the Swedish realm in the union with Denmark-Norway, and the relations between the king, aristocracy and ecclesiastical leadership. This thesis analyses the discourse on authority in the Chronica. It investigates the normative basis of Ericus’s treatment of contemporary political issues as a source for the social-political outlooks of Sweden’s ecclesiastical power elite, a group not previously studied in this respect. In particular, it argues for the importance of two prescriptive assumptions on social order, which lie at the heart of the authority discourse in the Chronica: God divided the world into self-governing peoples and realms, and He instituted the lay and clerical orders as parallel hierarchies of societal authority.</p><p>The thesis situates the production of the Chronica within the educational concerns of the Uppsala institution. It scrutinizes the commonplaces – derived from various fields of knowledge – through which Ericus articulated his dualist and nationalist assumptions. The realization of these notions in his historical account is examined in sections of the text where matters of importance for the Uppsala church are evident. Special attention is paid to Ericus’s account of the royal martyr, St Erik, the so-called Engelbrekt rebellion, and the contemporary strife between the Uppsala church and the kings. The thesis ends with a study of the reception of the Chronica in the 1520s, a time when the Reformation and the consolidation of a strong national monarchy in Sweden brought the authority issues addressed by Ericus to conclusion.</p>

Un historien entre deux mondes : lecture des 'Antiquités romaines' de Denys d'Halicarnasse

Delcourt, Anouk 10 April 2003 (has links)
Denys d'Halicarnasse affirme dans son oeuvre historique l'origine grecque des institutions romaines. Cette perspectivre, très nettement idéalisante, est le fruit de ses réflexions sur la politique et sur l'histoire. Elle porte également la marque de la période augustéenne, dans laquelle s'inscrit l'auteur. A travers l'étude de la présentation dionysienne des institutions romaines, des hommes qui les font vivre, des valeurs morales qui les sous-tendent, cette recherche pose la question des objectifs politiques et culturels poursuivis par l'historien d'Halicarnasse dans un monde en devenir. Les efforts qu'il déploie pour réduire les différences entre Rome et le monde grec font de lui l'un des premiers penseurs d'un Empire gréco-romain unifié. In his historic work Dionysius of Halicarnassus asserts the Greek origin of the Roman institutions. This strongly idealizing position is derived from his thinking on politics and history and is also influenced by the Augustan era. Through the study of dionysian presentation of Roman institutions, of men who make them live and moral values which underlie them, this research aims to explain the political and cultural purposes of the work. By his efforts to reduce differences between Rome and the Greek world , Dionysius appears as one of the first thinkers of an unified Graeco-Roman Empire.

Francophonie et métalittérature : deux histoires socio-discursives pour une épistémologie critique/Francophony and metaliterature : two sociodiscursive histories for a critical epistemology

Provenzano, François 18 April 2008 (has links)
Cette thèse envisage la notion de francophonie comme effet de discours et étudie les modalités socio-institutionnelles et rhétoriques de son élaboration et de sa circulation, de la fin du XIXe siècle à la fin du XXe siècle. Ce travail se montre particulièrement attentif à la manière dont les discours sur la francophonie instrumentalisent diverses conceptions du littéraire et contribuent ainsi à infléchir, encore aujourdhui, la constitution dune épistémologie des études littéraires francophones. Lune des principales hypothèses qui guide cette thèse est que lépistémologie des études littéraires francophones ne peut être fondée sans une appréhension socio-historique des discours métalittéraires (singulièrement, les historiographies littéraires) portés sur les diverses littératures quon tend aujourdhui à rassembler sous létiquette de « francophonie littéraire ». Dans cette perspective, nous nous attachons dun côté à la nébuleuse des discours sur la francophonie en tant que projet institutionnel porté par des justifications culturelles, de lautre à la succession des paradigmes historiographiques employés en Belgique, en Suisse romande et au Québec pour produire des représentations des littératures de ces trois ensembles. Les points darticulation entre ces deux lignées, baptisées « francodoxie » pour la première, « péri-francodoxie » pour la seconde, sont précisément ce que lanalyse a cherché à mettre au jour, à savoir lappropriation, par les périphéries, de normes rhétoriques et idéologiques qui définissent le rapport francodoxe à la littérature ; cette appropriation, plus ou moins problématique, plus ou moins fonctionnelle, doit répondre à lenjeu dune valorisation spécifique des corpus envisagés par les historiographies littéraires périphériques. Ces deux exposés socio-historiques sappuient sur une importante discussion théorique sur les outils danalyse utilisés. Ceux-ci puisent essentiellement à lanalyse institutionnelle, à la théorie du discours social et à la rhétorique argumentative et visent à justifier la pertinence du discours métalittéraire comme point dobservation privilégié des mécanismes institutionnels et rhétoriques qui définissent la francophonie. Pivot de notre développement, le concept de francodoxie désigne le système régulateur (ensemble de procédés rhétoriques et de répertoires de lieux communs) qui prédétermine la production des discours sur la francophonie. Quant au discours métalittéraire, il est conçu comme un lieu de médiations, porteur de représentations plus ou moins efficaces de la valeur littéraire. Les conclusions de notre travail proposent une vision schématique et récapitulative de la façon dont se répartissaient les fonctions rhétoriques des grandes représentations mises en évidence dans les discours examinés (représentations de lhistoire, de la France, de la valeur littéraire, de la société). Cette systématisation nous a permis de justifier un partage entre les discours historiographiques de la francophonie Nord (privilégiés par notre étude) et ceux de la francophonie Sud : les premiers se concentrent sur les représentations de la société, tandis que les seconds sappuient sur des représentations de la France et de la valeur littéraire pour construire la légitimité de leur objet. En outre, cette systématisation ambitionne de définir un nouvel ordre de problématiques pour qui entend sinscrire dans les études francophones. En parlant de francodoxie plutôt que de francophonie, en mettant en perspective les modalités de production de la valeur littéraire des objets francophones, nous avons également voulu ouvrir la possibilité dune interrogation sur le type de savoir aujourdhui possible sur ces objets et proposer le cadre dune francodoxologie comme horizon détude envisageable : horizon dune étude socio-rhétorique de la production aussi bien doxique que théorique de la valeur symbolique et de la fonction idéologique de la littérature, « francophone » parmi dautres.

Lilia florent : limaginaire politique et social à la cour de France durant les premières Guerres dItalie (1494-1525)

Dumont, Jonathan 18 February 2010 (has links)
Ces dernières années, lhistoriographie des premières Guerres dItalie (1494-1525) sest considérablement enrichie notamment grâce aux études de D. Le Fur, N. Hochner, A.-M. Lecoq et R. W. Scheller. Croisant délibérément des sources variées (littéraires, politiques et iconographiques) ainsi que les méthodes (celle de lhistorien des textes et celle de lhistorien dart), leurs travaux se sont attachés à définir les différents aspects du pouvoir royal et la manière dont celui-ci se met en scène tout spécialement sous les règnes de Charles VIII, de Louis XII et de François Ier. Force est donc de constater que la figure du roi de France domine lhistoriographie récente des premières Guerres dItalie. Pourtant, à chaque fois que les souverains des fleurs de lys sont mis en scène, ils noccupent pas seuls le discours politique. Dautres personnages, la France et les Français, apparaissent à côté deux. Le premier est dépeint, selon une tradition établie, comme un espace bénéficiant de qualités exceptionnelles. Lesdites qualités conditionnent la nature du deuxième personnage les Français , lequel sintègre dès lors à un portrait de la nation. Durant les Guerres dItalie, ce discours sur la France et les Français ne sert pas uniquement à décrire le royaume lui-même. Il permet avant tout aux artisans de la propagande royale délaborer une pensée légitimant la conquête de lItalie et permettant dy imposer une nouvelle culture politique et sociale dinspiration française. Cet amalgame dimages à propos de lItalie française ou Franco-Italia traverse lensemble de la période, croisant parfois la figure royale, mais sen éloignant aussi très souvent. Létude dune telle idéologie révèle enfin un intérêt supplémentaire. Au cours des premières décennies du XVIe siècle, la France connaît un véritable bouleversement de son modèle dorganisation sociale traditionnel. Nous voulons parler des trois ordres du féodalisme (oratores, bellatores et laboratores). Certes, dans la réalité quotidienne, le système ternaire ne reflète plus, depuis des siècles, la complexité des relations politiques et sociales. Par contre, la remise en cause de ce modèle au sein de la pensée politique curiale, en somme dans la culture de lélite, est une donnée relativement nouvelle en ce début de XVIe siècle. Ainsi, le discours sur lItalie française sert de champ dexpérimentation aux théoriciens du politique, aux polémistes ainsi quaux chroniqueurs et même aux poètes, leur permettant de redéfinir les contours dun schéma ternaire qui, dans sa forme traditionnelle, leur apparaît désuet. On laura compris : notre thèse soriente donc vers létude, non dun seul mode de pensée, mais plutôt dune pluralité de concepts et dopinions ayant comme dénominateur commun la redéfinition des contours de lItalie et également de la France. Il sagira de comprendre la manière dont les auteurs de la cour de France regardent la Péninsule et ses habitants et comment, de cette expérience de laltérité, ils en arrivent à pratiquer un retour sur eux-mêmes et à relire leur propre mode dorganisation sociale, autrement dit, les cadres théoriques de leur existence. Cette histoire des lys qui sévertuent à fleurir dans les champs dune Italie pourtant bien décidée à les faucher sera loccasion dentrevoir sous un angle neuf cette période de bouleversements et dinquiétudes que sont les premières Guerres dItalie.

Tradition and Translation : Maciej Stryjkowski's Polish Chronicle in Seventeenth-Century Russian Manuscripts

Watson, Christine January 2012 (has links)
The object of this study is a translation from Polish to Russian of the Polish historian Maciej Stryjkowski’s Kronika Polska, Litewska, Żmódzka i wszystkiej Rusi, made at the Diplomatic Chancellery in Moscow in 1673–79. The original of the chronicle, which relates the origin and early history of the Slavs, was published in 1582. This Russian translation, as well as the other East Slavic translations that are also discussed here, is preserved only in manuscripts, and only small excerpts have previously been published. In the thesis, the twelve extant manuscripts of the 1673–79 translation are described and divided into three groups based on variant readings. It also includes an edition of three chapters of the translation, based on a manuscript kept in Uppsala University Library. There was no standardized written language in 17th-century Russia. Instead, there were several co-existing norms, and the choice depended on the text genre. This study shows that the language of the edited chapters contains both originally Church Slavonic and East Slavic linguistic features, distributed in a way that is typical of the so-called hybrid register. Furthermore, some features vary greatly between manuscripts and between scribes within the manuscripts, which shows that the hybrid register allowed a certain degree of variation. The translation was probably the joint work of several translators. Some minor changes were made in the text during the translation work, syntactic structures not found in the Polish original were occasionally used to emphasize the bookish character of the text, and measurements, names etc. were adapted to Russian norms. Nevertheless, influence from the Polish original can sometimes be noticed on the lexical and syntactic levels. All in all, this thesis is a comprehensive study of the language of the translated chronicle, which is a representative 17th-century text.

Church and nation : The discourse on authority in Ericus Olai's Chronica regni Gothorum (c. 1471)

Tjällén, Biörn January 2007 (has links)
The Chronica regni Gothorum is the first Latin national history of Sweden. Completed after 1471 by a canon of Uppsala, Ericus Olai, it testifies to the articulation at the Swedish arch see of the dominant political issues of the day: the status of the Swedish realm in the union with Denmark-Norway, and the relations between the king, aristocracy and ecclesiastical leadership. This thesis analyses the discourse on authority in the Chronica. It investigates the normative basis of Ericus’s treatment of contemporary political issues as a source for the social-political outlooks of Sweden’s ecclesiastical power elite, a group not previously studied in this respect. In particular, it argues for the importance of two prescriptive assumptions on social order, which lie at the heart of the authority discourse in the Chronica: God divided the world into self-governing peoples and realms, and He instituted the lay and clerical orders as parallel hierarchies of societal authority. The thesis situates the production of the Chronica within the educational concerns of the Uppsala institution. It scrutinizes the commonplaces – derived from various fields of knowledge – through which Ericus articulated his dualist and nationalist assumptions. The realization of these notions in his historical account is examined in sections of the text where matters of importance for the Uppsala church are evident. Special attention is paid to Ericus’s account of the royal martyr, St Erik, the so-called Engelbrekt rebellion, and the contemporary strife between the Uppsala church and the kings. The thesis ends with a study of the reception of the Chronica in the 1520s, a time when the Reformation and the consolidation of a strong national monarchy in Sweden brought the authority issues addressed by Ericus to conclusion.

Det trettioåriga kriget i tyska och svenska uppslagsverk 1845-2005

Norberg, Maja January 2013 (has links)
In this essay I compare the description of the Thirty Years’ War in a number of German and Swedish encyclopedias published between 1854 and 2005. The essay is a historiographical research with focus on three areas; the description of the war background, the reason of the Swedish intervention in the war and the picture of the Swedish king Gustav II Adolf with the consequences of the war and the peace of Westphalia. I want to analyze the differences and similarities in the way the history is being told in the German and Swedish encyclopedias. The research shows a transformation from a narrative, nationalistic, partial description with focus on individuals and specific events to a more analytical and objective description with focus on structures. Even if the Swedish encyclopedias show a greater change over the time, the encyclopedias from both countries represent a similar progress over time in the way the war is described. A change in the way the history is being presented can be observed somewhere in the middle of the 20th century. The way the war is described, tends to be more homogenous during the second half of the 20th century, while the national context is present in all encyclopedias. The writing of history is contemporary and it’s affected of the social landscape in which it’s written. All articles about the Thirty Years’ War are written out of a national perspective, which makes it the main dissimilarity between the German and the Swedish articles.

Projecting Hitler : representations of Adolf Hitler in English-language film, 1968-1990

Macfarlane, Daniel 28 February 2005
In the post-Second World War period, the medium of film has been arguably the leading popular culture protagonist of a demonized Adolf Hitler. Between 1968 and 1990, thirty-five English-language films featuring representations of Hitler were released in cinemas, on television, or on home video. In the 1968 to 1979 period, fifteen films were released, with the remaining twenty coming between 1980 and 1990. This increase reveals not only a growing popular fascination with Hitler, but also a tendency to use the Führer as a sign for demonic evil. These representations are broken into three categories (1) prominent; (2) satirical; (3) contextualizing which are then analyzed according to whether a representation is demonizing or humanizing. Out of these thirty-five films, twenty-three can be labeled as demonizing and nine as humanizing, and there are three films that cannot be appropriately located in either category. In the 1968 to 1979 period, four films employed prominent Hitler representations, five films satirized Hitler, with six contextualizing films. The 1980s played host to five prominent representations, six satires, and nine contextualizing films. In total, there are nine prominent representations, eleven satires and fifteen contextualizing films. Arguing that prominent representations are the most influential, this study argues that the 1968 to 1979 period formed and shaped the sign of a demonic Führer, and its acceptance is demonstrated by films released between1980 and 1990. However, the appearance of two prominent films in the 1980s which humanized Hitler is significant, for these two films hint at the beginnings of a breakdown in the hegemony of the Hitler sign. The cinematic demonization of Hitler is accomplished in a variety of ways, all of which portray the National Socialist leader as an abstract figure outside of human behaviour and comprehension. Scholarly history is also shown to have contributed to this mythologizing, as the survival myth and myth of the last ten days have their origins in historiography. However, since the 1970s film has arguably overtaken historiography in shaping popular conceptions of the National Socialist leader. In addition to pointing out the connections between film and historiography, this study also suggests other political, philosophical, and cultural reasons for the demonization of Adolf Hitler.

Re-Membering Ancient Women: Hypatia of Alexandria and her Communities

Minardi, Cara 07 May 2011 (has links)
Re-Membering Ancient Women: Hypatia of Alexandria and Her Communities is a recovery of Hypatia of Alexandria (355-415 ACE) as a skilled rhetorician and instructor of note who taught in Alexandria, Egypt. This work addresses Hypatia as a missing female figure from the history of rhetoric and follows the work of feminist historiographers in the field of Rhetoric and Composition including Andrea Lunsford, Jan Swearingen, Susan Jarratt, and Cheryl Glenn (among others) who note the exclusion of women from ancient schools of rhetoric, yet assert their participation in rhetorical activities. In its recovery of Hypatia, the work recreates the historical milieu of Roman Alexandria including Alexandria’s ethnically and religiously diverse population. As a woman of Greco-Egyptian decent, Hypatia’s public work was supported by Egyptian, Greek, and Roman legal and social customs that enabled her to lecture in public and private, administer her own school, and advise high-level political leaders. Using feminist and post-modern theories as a lens and fusing disciplines such as Rhetoric and Composition, Classics, History, Philosophy, Communication Studies, Critical Theory, and Women’s Studies, this project demonstrates that although primary texts authored by women are scarce, historians may still recover women and their activities for expanded historical traditions of rhetoric by examining secondary texts. The concept of community is used as a heuristic in order to discover communities in which Hypatia engaged and led to the discovery of women Neoplatonists of the fourth century ACE and Neopythagoreans from the sixth through second centuries BCE. The Neoplatonists and Neopythagoreans usually married only those who shared their belief system; hence, women were commonly educated and participated in their communities to secure the survival of their respective group. Included is a sustained critique of historiographical methods that may allow feminist historiographers to return to the ancient period to conduct much needed further research.

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