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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Creating and Use of an New Experimental Preclinical HLA Transgenic Mice Model to Mapping HLA-restricted T Cells Epitopes for Polyepitopes Vaccine Design / Exploitation d’un modèle expérimentale préclinique de souris HLA transgénique pour l’identification des épitopes T HLA-restreint afin de concevoir des vaccins poly-epitopiques

Ru, Zhitao 21 February 2012 (has links)
Une nouvelle lignée homozygote de souris « humanisé » HLA transgéniques : HLA-A2.1+/+HLA-DP4+/+hCD4+/+mCD4-/-IAβ-/-β2m-/- (HLA-A2/DP4), a été obtenue en croisant entre les souris HLA transgéniques HLA-A2.1+/+β2m-/-(A2) et les souris HLA transgéniques HLA-DP4+/+hCD4+/+mCD4-/-IAβ-/-(DP4). Chez les souris HLA-A2/DP4, les réponses cellulaire T HLA-A2 restreint ou HLA-DP4 restreint contre l’antigène HBs du virus de l’Hépatite B suite à une immunisation avec le vaccin anti-AgHBs sont similaires à ceux observés chez les souris A2, chez les souris DP4, chez les humains infectés par le virus ou immunisés avec le même vaccin. Ces résultats montrent que les réponses cellulaires induites les souris HLA-A2/DP4 miment fidèlement les réponses homologues humaines. Ainsi, ces souris représentent un excellent modèle d’expérimentations précliniques animal pour évaluer ou comparer l’efficacité des réponses « humain » induites in vivo par des candidates vaccins. Le modèle facilitera également l'identification de nouvelles épitopes HLA-A2 et HLA-DP4 restreints, qui constituera de futurs réactives de suivi clinique des réponses contre l'infection chez les humains.En exploitant ces souris HLA-A2/DP4, nous avons identifié quatre nouveaux HLA-DP4-restricted épitopes issus de l'AgHBs et deux nouveaux HLA-A2 restreint épitopes dérivés de protéines M1. / A new homozygous humanized HLA transgenic mouse strain, HLA-A2.1+/+HLA-DP4+/+hCD4+/+mCD4-/-IAβ-/-β2m-/- (HLA-A2/DP4), was obtained by crossing the HLA transgenic HLA-A2.1+/+β2m-/-(A2) mice and HLA transgenic HLA-DP4+/+hCD4+/+mCD4-/-IAβ-/-(DP4) mice. In HLA-A2/DP4 mice, HLA-A2 restricted or HLA-DP4 restricted T cell responses against HBs antigen of hepatitis B virus after immunization with the HBsAg vaccine are similar to those induced in A2 mice, in DP4 mice, in HBV-infected or HBsAg-vaccinated humans. These results show that cellular responses induced in HLA-A2/DP4 mice faithfully mimic human responses counterparts. Thus, these mice represent an excellent animal model for preclinical experimentations to evaluate or compare the effectiveness of responses "human" induced in vivo by candidate vaccines. The model will also facilitate the identification of new epitopes HLA-A2 and HLA-DP4 restricted, which will be of future reactive for clinical monitoring response against infection in humans. By exploiting these HLA-A2/DP4 mice, we identified four new HLA-DP4-restricted epitopes from HBsAg and two new HLA-A2 restricted epitopes derived from protein M1.

Influence de la Transition Epithélio-Mésenchymateuse sur la réponse T cytotoxique anti-tumorale / Influence of Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition on anti-tumor cytotoxic T cell response

Akalay, Intissar 18 November 2013 (has links)
L’immunologie anti-tumorale et l’immunothérapie ont connu dernièrement de grandes avancées avec la mise en évidence du processus d’immuno-surveillance et le développement de plusieurs approches vaccinales. Il n’en demeure pas moins que l’induction d’une réponse immunitaire anti-tumorale se traduit peu par l’éradication de la tumeur. Comme phénomène dynamique et interactif, la réponse cytotoxique anti-tumorale implique les effecteurs cytotoxiques et les cibles tumorales; pourtant, le microenvironnement tumoral et sa plasticité influent largement sur l’efficacité de celle-là. Avec l’appui de récentes données expérimentales, il apparaît crucial de prendre en compte la susceptibilité tumorale à la lyse par les effecteurs cytotoxiques anti-tumoraux, notamment les lymphocytes T cytotoxiques (CTLs), et plus particulièrement dans un contexte de plasticité cellulaire. Ainsi, le principal objectif de mes travaux de thèse est de saisir le rôle de la Transition Épithélio-Mésenchymateuse (EMT) dans la susceptibilité des cellules tumorales à la lyse par les CTLs dans des modèles cellulaires de cancer du sein. Nos résultats montrent que l’EMT est capable d’induire une diminution de la susceptibilité des cellules mésenchymateuses à la lyse spécifique. Elle engage de ce fait de multiples acteurs. Tout d’abord, dans les deux modèles d’étude, il s’avère que l’EMT est capable de réguler négativement l’expression de la molécule HLA-A2. Ensuite, dans le premier modèle expérimental, nous avons établi que l’EMT induit une altération de la signalisation au niveau de la synapse immunologique. De plus, le régulateur de l’autophagie, Becline 1, joue un rôle crucial dans l’induction de la diminution de la sensibilité à la lyse par les lymphocytes T-CD8+ suite à l’induction de l’EMT. Dans le deuxième modèle d’étude, le mécanisme mis en jeu par l’EMT pour réguler la susceptibilité des cellules mésenchymateuses à la lyse par les CTLs se manifeste dans l’induction du facteur de transcription inducteur des propriétés de cellules souches cancéreuses, le KLF4 ainsi que via la régulation négative de l’expression du miR-7. Ensemble, ces résultats élucident de nouveaux mécanismes d’échappement des cellules tumorales malignes à la lyse par les lymphocytes T-CD8+ suite à l’induction de l’EMT. Cette étude soutient ainsi l’importance du ciblage des facteurs de transcription inducteurs de l’EMT et responsables de la plasticité cellulaire afin de neutraliser leur fonction. Cela pourrait aider à construire une nouvelle stratégie pour mieux contrôler l’échappement des cellules tumorales invasives à la lyse spécifique et in fine pour garantir une immunothérapie plus efficace contre le cancer. / The anti-tumor immunology and immunotherapy have recently undergone major breakthroughs, with the identification of immune surveillance process and the development of several vaccine approaches. However, the fact remains that the induction of an antitumor immune response is still not effective enough. Certainly, the antitumor cytotoxic response is a dynamic and interactive phenomenon, involving cytotoxic effectors and tumor targets, but its effectiveness is considerably influenced by the tumor microenvironment and its plasticity. Recent studies support the importance of taking into account the tumor susceptibility to lysis by anti-tumor cytotoxic effectors, notably Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes (CTLs), especially in a context of cellular plasticity. On the grounds of these studies, this research aims at understanding the role of Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) in the susceptibility of tumor cells to CTLs mediated lysis in different models of breast cell carcinoma. Our results reveal that EMT is able to induce a decrease in the susceptibility of mesenchymal cells to specific lysis. It calls therefore multiple actors. First, in both study models, it turns out that the EMT is able to downregulate the expression of HLA-A2 molecule. Then, in the first experimental model, we show that EMT induces an alteration of signalling at the immunological synapse. Moreover, the regulator of autophagy, Beclin 1, plays a crucial role in the induction of reduced susceptibility to lysis by T-CD8+ lymphocytes following induction of EMT. In the second experimental model, we show that the mechanisms used by EMT to regulate the susceptibility of mesenchymal cells to lysis by CTLs involve the induction of the transcription factor inducing cancer stem cells properties, KLF4, as well as the downregulation of miR-7 expression. Together, these results shed light on new mechanisms used by malignant tumor cells to escape to lysis by T-CD8+ lymphocytes following the induction of EMT. Thus, this study advocates the importance of targeting transcription factors, which are inducers of EMT and responsible for cellular plasticity, in order to neutralize their function. These insights may prove useful for the development of new strategies aimed at better controlling the escape of invasive tumor cells to specific lysis, and ultimately ensuring a more effective immunotherapy against cancer.

Creating and use of an new experimental preclinical HLA transgenic mice model to mapping HLA-restricted T cells epitopes for polyepitopes vaccine design.

Ru, Zhitao 21 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
A new homozygous humanized HLA transgenic mouse strain, HLA-A2.1+/+HLA-DP4+/+hCD4+/+mCD4-/-IAβ-/-β2m-/- (HLA-A2/DP4), was obtained by crossing the HLA transgenic HLA-A2.1+/+β2m-/-(A2) mice and HLA transgenic HLA-DP4+/+hCD4+/+mCD4-/-IAβ-/-(DP4) mice. In HLA-A2/DP4 mice, HLA-A2 restricted or HLA-DP4 restricted T cell responses against HBs antigen of hepatitis B virus after immunization with the HBsAg vaccine are similar to those induced in A2 mice, in DP4 mice, in HBV-infected or HBsAg-vaccinated humans. These results show that cellular responses induced in HLA-A2/DP4 mice faithfully mimic human responses counterparts. Thus, these mice represent an excellent animal model for preclinical experimentations to evaluate or compare the effectiveness of responses "human" induced in vivo by candidate vaccines. The model will also facilitate the identification of new epitopes HLA-A2 and HLA-DP4 restricted, which will be of future reactive for clinical monitoring response against infection in humans. By exploiting these HLA-A2/DP4 mice, we identified four new HLA-DP4-restricted epitopes from HBsAg and two new HLA-A2 restricted epitopes derived from protein M1.

Identification d'une nouvelle famille de GTPase de fonction inconnue et Bases structurales de la reconnaissance antigénique par les lymphocytes T humains, Deux approches de biologie structurale par cristallographie.

Gras, Stéphanie 07 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Deux types de problématiques différentes peuvent motiver l'approche structurale d'une macromolécule. Soit la fonction de cette macromolécule est inconnue et l'on détermine sa structure afin de mieux connaître sa fonction ; cette démarche était l'un des défis du développement de la génomique structurale. Soit la fonction est connue et la structure va permettre de comprendre comment cette molécule remplit son rôle biologique.<br />Durant ma thèse, j'ai eu l'occasion de pouvoir aborder deux projets structuraux très différents, qui correspondent à ces deux approches de biologie structurale. C'est pourquoi mon manuscrit décrit ces deux projets dont la démarche scientifique est différente et complémentaire pour ma formation en biologie structurale. <br />Dans un premier temps, je décrirai les résultats obtenus sur le projet PAB0955, débuté en stage de DEA et poursuivi pendant les deux premières années de ma thèse. Ce projet avait pour objectif de déterminer la fonction de la protéine d'après sa structure. La protéine PAB0955 est de fonction biologique inconnue, elle hydrolyse le GTP et elle n'a pas de proche homologue dont la structure est connue. La démarche scientifique de ce projet a été de déterminer la structure de cette protéine, puis d'analyser sa structure en la comparant de manière systématique à l'ensemble des protéines ATPases et GTPases. Notre étude a été conduite dans l'objectif extraire un maximum d'information fonctionnelle à partir des données structurales.<br />Dans une deuxième partie, je décrirai notre étude sur des protéines du système immunitaire humain débuté en troisième année de thèse. Nous nous sommes intéressés à des molécules impliquées dans la reconnaissance d'antigène : le récepteur du lymphocyte T (TCR) et la molécule du complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité (CMH). L'objectif de ce projet est de comprendre comment un complexe antigène-CMH sélectionne un répertoire de lymphocyte T spécifique. L'objectif étant de déterminer le lien entre les caractéristiques structurales d'un complexe antigène-CMH et la diversité et la fréquence des lymphocytes T activés par ce complexe. En résumé corréler les observations structurales avec les données immunologiques dont nous disposons. En déterminant les bases structurales du caractère antigénique d'un peptide présenté par une molécule CMH nous pourrons, à plus long terme, produire des peptides efficaces dans le cadre d'une vaccination

The hepatitis C virus and immune escape : relation between sequence variations and the in vitro and in vivo functionality of the non-structural 3/4A complex /

Söderholm, Jonas, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Vaccine strategies based on mycobacterial heat shock protein 65 /

Sundbäck, Maria, January 2003 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2003. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Cross-Reactive CD8 T Cell Responses and Heterologous Immunity During Acute Epstein-Barr Virus Infection: a Dissertation

Clute, Shalyn Catherine 07 July 2005 (has links)
A person is exposed to many pathogens throughout their lifetime, and with the resolution of each infection, there remains a pool of pathogen-specific immune cells that protect that person from re-infection with the same pathogen. However, there is a great deal of evidence to suggest that the pool of pathogen-specific memory cells can also participate in the immune response to future infections with unrelated pathogens. Many believe T cells to be cross-reactive in nature because of their interaction with self antigens during development in the thymus and their interaction with foreign antigens once in the periphery. There are many features of the interaction between a T cell and its ligand that facilitate this cross-reactive nature. Based on solved crystal structures, relatively few contacts are required for a stable interaction, and that interaction is often mediated by the flexible CDR3 loops of the T cell receptor that accommodate ligands of various structure. There is also evidence in the murine and human systems that subsets of virus-specific memory CD8 T cells take on an activated phenotype upon infection with an unrelated virus. In murine models, these memory T cell subsets could kill target cells, secrete several cytokines, and proliferate in response to a cross-reactive stimulation, suggesting that a cross-reactive T cell response could impact the outcome of a viral infection. In fact, upon heterologous infection, mice immune to a previous virus were often protected, having lower titers of the second unrelated virus, their epitope-specific and T cell receptor repertoires were often skewed, and they were more prone to immune-mediated pathologies. All of these observations coincided with the presence of cross-reactive T cell responses. Thus, we define heterologous immunity as changes in viral replication and the disease pathology associated with that viral infection as a result of the host's history of infection, and this can be mediated, in part, by cross-reactive CD8 T cell responses. Since many human viral infections are associated with a wide range of disease states, we questioned whether cross-reactive CD8 T cell responses occurred as commonly as they appeared to occur in the murine models and whether they influenced the outcome of such infections. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infects over 90% of the U. S. population and has a large genome with the capacity to encode a multitude of T cell epitopes. The first part of this thesis research focuses on the identification of cross-reactive CD8 T cell responses with specificity for known epitopes derived from EBV, a common human virus. We directed our study to HLA-A2-restricted responses because of the common expression of this MHC Class I allele in the U. S. population. This study resulted in the detection of cross-reactive responses with five different specificities that involved either the immunodominant lytic EBV-BMLF1280 epitope or the latent EBNA 3A596epitope. Three of the cross-reactive responses had specificity for epitopes derived from another unrelated, but common, human virus, influenza A virus (IV). Each of these cross- reactive responses had the potential to participate in the collective immune response to acute EBV infection. EBV is also well-suited as a model system to study heterologous immunity in humans, as infection at an early age is frequently asymptomatic, while the same infection during adolescence often results in an immune-mediated syndrome, infectious mononucleosis (IM). Since older individuals have presumably been exposed to more pathogens in their lifetime and, therefore, would have memory CD8 T cell pools with more extensive specificities, we hypothesized that acute EBV infection activated cross-reactive memory CD8 T cell responses that promoted the development of IM. In order to determine if the cross-reactive responses we identified above contributed to the immune response to acute EBV infection, we first screened the blood of IM patients for cross-reactive T cells with specificity for EBV-BMLFl280 and IV-M158. The total number of M1-specific T cells of 5 of 8 patients was increased at presentation with IM, which was suggestive of their specific activation during the EBV infection since a bystander mechanism would have resulted in 8 out of 8 patients having increased numbers of M1-specific T cells. Our hypothesis was further supported by the fact that we clearly detected cross-reactive T cells capable of recognizing both BMLF1 and M1 epitopes in the blood of 2 of the 5 IM patients with an augmented M1-specific T cell frequency. Furthermore, the M1-specific TCR repertoires of those two patients were dramatically skewed, which was an indication of cross-reactive M1-specific T cell expansions and, therefore, participation in the lymphoproliferation characteristic of IM. In addition, T cell lines derived from 3 out of 8 healthy donors with previous exposure to both viruses contained a subset of T cells that responded to both BMLF1 and M1 epitopes, suggesting that these cross-reactive cells are often maintained in memory. These cross-reactive T cells were cytotoxic and produced MIP-1β, IFNγ, and TNFα, functions which could potentially promote the symptoms of IM and, indeed, may have been contributed to the severe case of IM noted in one patient. The final part of this thesis research focused on defining the structure of the cross-reactive TCR that recognized both BMLF1 and M1 epitopes, which have only 33% sequence similarity. In addition, we examined the cross-reactive TCR repertoire organization of multiple individuals to determine the breath and, therefore, the likelihood that this cross-reactive T cell response will occur. These studies revealed that a wide range of Vα and Vβ families can mediate interaction with both epitopes and that the cross-reactive TCR repertoire was unique to each individual, relying heavily on the T cell clones present in that individual's private BMLF1- and M1-specific repertoires. We also observed an increased frequency of TCRs with longer CDR3 regions within the cross-reactive repertoire, which were often extended by non-bulky amino acid residues that could provide these TCRs with more flexibility in order. to accommodate the two different epitope structures. Given that we detected a cross-reactive T cell response with specificity for two immunodominant epitopes derived from two of the most common human viruses among people that share one of the most common MHC Class I alleles in the U. S. population, we predict that cross-reactive T cells are common components of human immune responses. The variability in the magnitude and specificity of each cross-reactive T cell response is dependent on each individual's unique history of infection and th,eir unique TCR repertoire, and such responses likely represent one of many factors that could explain the individual variability in disease severity associated with EBV and many other human viral infections.

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