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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nickel-Catalyzed Secondary Alkylations and Fluoroalkylations via C–H Activation

Lackner, Sebastian 29 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring small bite-angle PNP and PCP ligands for the rhodium-catalysed intermolecular hydroacylation of b-s-substituted aldehydes with alkenes and alkynes

Pernik, Indrek January 2014 (has links)
This thesis discusses the intermolecular hydroacylation reaction using cationic rhodium bis- phosphine complexes as catalysts. A series of small bite-angle rhodium bis-phosphine complexes have been prepared and characterised. The reactivity of these complexes has been investigated in order to gather information about the effect of subtle changes in the ligand design and they are compared to the previously reported catalysts. Chapter 2 presents the challenges involved in the synthesis of small bite-angle isopropyl and cyclohexyl PNP and PCP bis-phosphine ligand containing rhodium complexes. These complexes have been fully characterised and screened in intermolecular hydroacylation reaction using 2- (methylthio)benzaldehyde (<strong>E</strong>) and 1-octene or 1-octyne as substrates. The formed complexes were shown to be very efficient and regioselective alkyne hydroacylation catalysts. The mechanism of the hydroacylation reaction was investigated using the isopropyl PNP complex [Rh(<sup>i</sup>Pr<sub></sub>PNMeP<sup>i</sup>Pr<sub>2</sub>)(C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>5</sub>F)][BAr<sup>F</sup><sub>4</sub>] (<strong>11b</strong>). Chapter 3 concentrates on developing new rhodium bis-phosphine complexes that involve a ligand incorporating the small bite-angle motif with the one of hemilability. The PNP complex [Rh((2-OMe-C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub>PNMeP(2-OMe-C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>)2)(C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>5</sub>F)][BAr<sup>F</sup><sub>4</sub>] (<strong>41</strong>) was synthesised and analytically characterised. <strong>41</strong> was shown to be an active alkyne hydroacylation catalyst with more stability towards the catalyst deactivation pathway, reductive decarbonylation, compared to the previously investigated <strong>11b</strong>. Additionally mechanistic studies using <strong>41</strong> were carried out. The final chapter moves on to study the C-S activation ability of small bite-angle rhodium bis- phosphine complexes to remove the sulfur tether from the hydroacylation products at the end of the hydroacylation reaction. A screening is conducted to compare the reactivity of different small bite-angle ligands. Additionally, a detailed investigation is carried out to see the effect the C-S activation has on the hydroacylation reaction.

Etude de l'hydroaminométhylation asymétrique des alcènes et identification d'espèces impliquées dans la catalyse / Asymmetric hydroaminomethylation of alkenes and dentification of species involved in catalysis

Crozet, Delphine 18 November 2011 (has links)
La synthèse d'amines chirales par catalyse asymétrique à l'aide de complexes de métaux de transition suscite un grand intérêt, puisque cela conduit à la production de molécules à haute valeur ajoutée. La voie catalytique offre une alternative avantageuse par rapport aux voies de synthèses conventionnelles, dont les inconvénients sont d'une part des produits de départ coûteux et d'autre part un grand nombre de produits secondaires, sans parler des étapes de synthèse souvent nombreuses. Dans le cadre d'un projet industriel visant à développer des outils catalytiques performants pour la synthèse d'amines chirales, nous nous sommes orientés vers le développement d'un système qui permettrait de réaliser l'hydroaminométhylation d'alcènes de façon énantiosélective. L'hydroaminométhylation est une réaction tandem combinant deux réactions catalytiques, l'hydroformylation et l'hydrogénation. A partir de molécules modèles, nous avons développé une approche permettant de rationnaliser la création de centres asymétriques en fonction du type de substrat utilisé, soit au cours de l'hydroformylation, soit au cours de l'hydrogénation de l'énamine intermédiaire. La réaction a été étudiée en version intermoléculaire et intramoléculaire. Le cycle catalytique de l'hydroformylation et celui de l'hydrogénation possèdent chacun des exigences différentes au niveau de la sphère de coordination du métal. De plus, les conditions de la réaction tandem ont une influence sur les espèces catalytiques formées et les sélectivités de la réaction. Grâce à des études de RMN sous pression, confirmées par des calculs théoriques, nous nous sommes attachés à étudier le comportement des complexes du rhodium mis en jeu, sous pression et dans les conditions d'hydroaminométhylation. Ces études nous ont permis d'approfondir la connaissance des espèces catalytiques impliquées dans cette réaction tandem. L'ensemble du travail de recherche a été mené en combinant les approches fondamentale et appliquée, nous permettant ainsi de proposer un outil catalytique adapté au substrat de départ considéré, dans la perspective d'une application industrielle de la réaction. / Amines are of great importance as building blocks or reactants in the chemical industry. The development of catalytic processes for their synthesis is thus of particular interest from an industrial point of viewsince they can afford an alternative to conventional synthetic pathways. In the context of an industrial project aiming to synthesize chiral amines, we focused on the development of a catalytic system adapted to the asymmetric hydroaminomethylation of alkenes. This tandem reaction includes two transition metal catalyzed reactions under CO and H2 pressure: the hydroformylation and the hydrogenation reactions. Starting from model molecules, we proposed an approach to carefully study the creation of asymmetric centers during the reaction sequence, either in the hydroformylation step or in the enamine intermediary hydrogenation step. The reaction was studied in its inter- and intramolecular version.Rhodium is often used for the hydroaminomethylation reaction, since it is able to complete both catalytic cycles of hydroformylation and hydrogenation. However, requirements in the coordination sphere of the metal center and species involved in each catalytic cycle are presumed to be different. Thanks to high pressure NMR experiments, combined with DFT calculations, the behaviour of rhodium complexes involved in the catalysis was investigated under conditions close to those of hydroaminomethylation. The knowledge of the rhodium species involved in the reaction was also improved thanks to these spectroscopic and catalytic experiments. The fundamental and applied approaches result in a deeper understanding of the tandem reaction sequence and allow us to design a catalytic system adapted to the starting substrate, in the purpose of an industrial application of the reaction.

O efeito do substituinte no anel piperidina na reatividade de pré-catalisadores do tipo [RuCl2(PPh3)2(4-CH2X-pip)] em ROMP / The effect of the substituent in the piperidine ring in the reactivity of [RuCl2(PPh3)2(4-CH2X-pip)] as pre-catalyst for ROMP

Chaves, Henrique Koch 10 August 2011 (has links)
As moléculas de 4-CH2X-piperidinas, X = OH (1), H (2) e Ph (3) foram investigadas como ligantes ancilares nos novos complexos [RuCl2(PPh3)2(4-CH2X-pip)] para a polimerização via metátese por abertura de anel (ROMP) de norborneno (NBE) e norbornadieno (NBD). Os complexos foram obtidos pela síntese com [RuCl2(PPh3)3] e caracterizado por análise elementar de CHN, infravermelho e RMN 31P {1H}. Os resultados sugeriram moléculas pentacoordenadas com ambos os íons cloreto e ambos os ligantes fosfinas trans-posicionados em uma geometria pirâmide de base quadrada em cada caso; a amina está no eixo axial.<br /> ROMP de NBE com 1 foram realizadas em argônio em função do volume de etildiazoacetato (EDA; 2 - 8 &micro;L), razão molar [NBE]/[Ru] (1.000 - 10.000), tempo ( 5 - 60 minutos) e temperatura (25 e 50 &deg;C) para obter a melhor condição de reação. Com 2 &micro;L de EDA a 50 &deg;C por 30 minutos e [NBE]/[Ru] = 5000, poliNBE foi quantitativamente isolado com Mw = 20,6 x 104 e IPD = 2,2. Em condições similares, rendimentos de 80 e 83% foram obtidos com 2 e 3, respectivamente (Mw = 2,4 x 104 e 0,2 x 104; IPD = 2,3 e 1,8). Os rendimentos em presença de PPh3 em excesso (20 equivalentes) foram reduzidos para 18 - 32%, enquanto na presença de amina (20 equivalentes) o complexo foi totalmente inativo. É sugerido que as reações de ROMP ocorrem quando o ligante PPh3 abandona a esfera de coordenação do Ru, e a amina em excesso envenena o catalisador devido à forte coordenação &sigma;. Experimentos com NBE em ar atmosférico resultaram em 68-77% de rendimentos, sugerindo boa resistência dos complexos à oxidação com O2.<br /> Os rendimentos para a ROMP de NBD foram de 100, 54 e 73% para 1, 2 e 3 respectivamente, utilizando as mesmas condições. Os poliNBD foram insolúveis em CHCl3. Poli[NBE-co-NBD] foram obtidos com 57 - 71% de rendimento com cada um dos complexos em presença de diferentes frações molares de comonômeros. / The molecules 4-CH2X-piperidines, X = OH (1), H (2) e Ph (3) were investigated as ancillary ligands in the new [RuCl2(PPh3)2(4-CH2X-pip)] complexes for ring opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) of norbornene (NBE) and norbornadiene (NBD). The complexes were obtained from syntheses with [RuCl2(PPh3)3] and characterized by CHN elementary analyses, infrared and 31P-NMR. The results suggested penta-coordinated molecules with both chloro and both phosphine ligands trans-positioned in a square pyramid geometry in each case; the amine is the axial axis.<br /> ROMP of NBE with 1 were carried out in argon atmosphere in a function of ethyldiazoacetate volume (EDA; 2 - 8 &micro;L), [NBE]/[Ru] molar ration (1,000 - 5,000), time (5- 60 min) and temperature (25 and 50 &deg;C) to obtain the best reaction conditions. With 2 &micro;L of EDA at 50 &deg;C for 30 min and [NBE]/[Ru] = 5,000, polyNBE was quantitatively isolated with Mw = 20,6 x 104 e IPD = 2,2. In similar conditions, yields of 80 and 83% were obtained with 2 e 3, respectively (Mw = 2,4 x 104 and 0,2 x 104; PDI = 2,3 and 1,8). The yields in presence of PPh3 in excess (20 equivalents) were reduced to 18 - 32%, whereas in presence of amine (20 equivalents) the complexes were totally inactive. It is suggested that the ROMP reactions occurs when a PPh3 ligand leaves the Ru coordination sphere and the amine in excess poison the catalyst due to a strong &sigma;-coordination. Experiments with NBE in atmospheric of air resulted in 68-77% yields, suggesting good O2-resitances of the complexes to oxidation.<br /> The yields for ROMP of NBD were 100, 54 and 73% with 1, 2 e 3, respectively, under the same conditions. The polyNBD were insolubles in CHCl3. Poly[NBE-co-NBD] were obtained with 57 - 71% yield with either one of the complexes in presence of different comonomer molar fractions.

Efeitos eletrônicos e estéricos de ligantes ancilares: relação estrutura-reatividade em complexos do tipo [RuCl2(PPh3)x(amina)y] para polimerização de olefinas via metátese / Electronic and steric effects of ancillary ligands: structure-reactivity relationship in [RuCl2(PPh3)x(amine)y] complex types for ring opening metathesis polymerization of olefins

Sá, José Luiz Silva 31 August 2011 (has links)
Os complexos do tipo [RuCl2(PPh3)2amina], amina = pip (1) ou pep (2), foram estudados como iniciadores catalíticos para reações de ROMP de NBE, NBD e oxaNBE-OMe e na ROMCP de NBE com NBD e oxaNBE-OMe com NBE. O complexo [RuCl2(PPh3)(pep)(isn)] (3) foi estudado na ROMP de NBE e NBD. Os complexos 2 e 3 são inéditos e suas caracterizações são discutidas e correlacionadas com o complexo com 1. As reações de catálises foram realizadas com variações de tempo, volume de solvente e temperatura, em atmosfera de Ar ou ar e na presença de EDA. <br />O rendimento foi quantitativo na ROMP de NBE com o complexo 1 em 2 mL de CHCl3, por 5 min a 25 &deg;C em Ar, com IPD de 1,9 e Mw na ordem de 106 g mol-1. Com o complexo 2, os rendimentos foram quantitativos (IPD ~ 3 e Mw na ordem de 104 g mol-1) e independentes do tempo (5 -120 min) e volume de solvente (2 - 8 mL). Com 3, os rendimentos diminuíram com o aumento do volume de solvente, mas com IPD ~ 2 e Mw na ordem de 104 g mol-1. Em todos os casos os rendimentos diminuíram em atmosfera de ar e com polímeros polimodais. <br />Rendimentos quantitativos de poliNBD foram obtidos com 1 a 40 &deg;C e com 2 a 25 &deg;C na faixa de volume de solvente estudada, por 60 e 120 min, em Ar. Os rendimentos com 3 foram inferiores a 35%. Foram também obtidos rendimentos quantitativos em atmosfera de ar em certas combinações de tempo e volume de solvente, indicando que os complexos são robustos para atividades em soluções contendo O2. Todos os polímeros de NBD foram insolúveis. <br />Obteve-se até 70% de poli(NBE-co-NBD) isolado a partir de reações com 1 e reações quantitativas com 2, dependendo da fração molar NBE:NBD usada, indicando as razões de reatividades do complexos. <br />A ROMP de oxaNBE-OMe com 1 ou com 2 formou 15 a 30% de rendimento, a 40 &deg;C por 24 h em Ar. Na ROMCP desse monômero com NBE obteve-se de 5 a 30% de rendimento, dependendo da fração molar. Os rendimentos são maiores nas frações molares com maior quantidade de NBE. Poli(oxaNBE-OMe) foi solúvel, enquanto que seus copolímeros foram pouco solúveis. <br />São realizadas discussões quantos às características eletrônicas e de impedimentos estéricos nos complexos estudados nas polimerizações via metátese, selecionando-se os ligantes ancilares frente às condições de reações para obtenções de bons rendimentos e características dos polímeros isolados. / The complexes of type [RuCl2(PPh3)2amina], amine = pip (1) or pep (2), were studied as catalytic initiators for ROMP of NBE, NBD and oxaNBE-OMe and for ROMCP of NBE with NBD and oxaNBE-OMe with NBE. The complex [RuCl2(PPh3)(pep)(isn)] (3) was studied for ROMP of NBE and NBD. The complexes 2 and 3 are novels and their characterizations are discussed and correlated with the complex 1. The catalysis reactions were performed with variations of time, volume of solvent and temperature, either in Ar or air atmosphere, in the presence of EDA. <br />The yield was quantitative for ROMP of NBE with complex 1 in 2 mL of CHCl3 for 5 min at 25 &deg;C in Ar, with PDI of 1.9 and Mw in the order of 106 g mol-1. With the complex 2, the yields were quantitatives (PDI ~ 3 and Mw in the order of 104 g mol-1) and independent of time (5 - 120 min) and volume of solvent (2 - 8 mL). With 3, the yields decreased when increasing the volume of solvent, but with PDI ~ 2 and Mw in the order of 104 g mol-1. In all the cases, the yields decreased in air atmosphere with polymodal polymers. <br />Quantitative yields of poliNBD were obtained with 1 at 40 &deg;C and with 2 at 25 &deg;C in the range of the studied volume of solvent, for 60 and 120 min, in Ar. The yields with 3 were less than 35%. Quantitative yields were also obtained in air atmosphere in some combinations of time and volume of solvent, indicating that the complexes are robust for activities in solutions containing O2. All polyNBD were insoluble. <br />It was obtained up to 70% of poly(NBE-co-NBD) isolated from reactions with 1 and quantitative reactions were obtained with 2, depending on the NBE:NBD molar fraction used, indicating the reactivity ratios for the complexes. <br />The ROMP of oxaNBE-OMe with 1 or with 2 yielded 15 to 30% at 40 &deg;C for 24h in Ar. In the ROMCP of this monomer with NBE, it was obtained from 5 to 30% yield, depending on the molar fraction. Yields are higher in molar fractions with higher amount of NBE. Poly(oxaNBE-OMe) was soluble, while its copolymers were poorly soluble. <br />Discussions are held on the electronic characteristics and steric hindrances in the studied complexes for the metathesis polymerization, selecting the ancillary ligands as a function of the reaction conditions to obtain good yields and to improve the characteristics of the isolated polymers.

Estudo de Ferroporfirinas Nitro e Carboxi Substituídas: Síntese, Caracterização e Atividade Catalítica na Oxidação de Hidrocarbonetos. / STUDY OF NITRO AND CARBOXY SUBSTITUTED IRONPORPHYRINS: SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION AND CATALYTIC ACTIVITY IN HYDROCARBON OXIDATION.

Schiavon, Marco Antônio 26 June 1998 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi sintetizada e caracterizada uma série de porfirinas e FeP correspondentes contendo substituintes NO2 nas posições orto- ou grupos COOH nas posições para- dos anéis meso-fenis, e a atividade catalítica destes compostos na oxidação de hidrocarbonetos foi investigada, tanto em sistemas homogêneos quanto em sistemas suportados. As porfirinas H2(TNMCPP), H2(DNDCPP) e H2(MNTCPP) foram sintetizadas pela reação de pirrol com a mistura de 2-nitrobenzaldeído e 4-carboxibenzaldeído, em meio de ácido propiônico e nitrobenzeno, sendo em seguida isoladas e purificadas através de cromatografia preparativa em sílica gel tendo como eluente a mistura DCM : ACT : HAc (8 : 2 : 0,1). A inserção de ferro nas porfirinas bases livre foi feita pela reação com FeBr2.2H2O em meio de DMF. A caracterização das porfirinas bases livre e das correspondentes FeP envolveu diferentes técnicas como: TLC, eletroforese em gel de agarose, análise elementar, UV/Vis, IV, RMN 1H, FAB MS, susceptibilidade magnética e EPR. Utilizou-se as porfirinas H2(TNPP) e H2(TCPP) e FeP correspondentes como padrões de comparação, tornando a série completa. A purificação e caracterização destas porfirinas mostraram-se bastante complexas devido à presença de grupos ionizáveis resultando em grandes diferenças de solubilidade na série e efeitos de agregação. Estes efeitos foram mais pronunciados para as porfirinas contendo maior número de grupos COOH. O estudo da atividade catalítica da série de FeP foi desenvolvido inicialmente em meio homogêneo, utilizando diferentes substratos como: (Z)-cicloocteno, cicloexeno, cicloexano e adamantano. As FeP sintetizadas mostraram-se catalisadores eficientes e seletivos para a hidroxilação de alcanos e epoxidação de alcenos. A estabilidade da Fe(TNMCPP)Cl foi investigada em reações com múltiplas adições de oxidante. Observou-se uma alta estabilidade para este catalisador em solução, com bons rendimentos em epóxido para até sete ciclos consecutivos, e um alto número de turnover (1142). A Fe(TNMCPP)Cl foi ancorada na APS através de ligação covalente (peptídica) entre o grupo COOH da FeP e o grupo NH2 da sílica funcionalizada. Esta FeP foi selecionada por possuir apenas um grupo capaz de reagir com a sílica e, ao mesmo tempo, a proteção estérica de três grupos NO2 substituintes nas posições orto-, constituindo um sistema interessante do ponto de vista catalítico. Este sistema mostrou-se bastante eficiente na oxidação do (Z)-cicloocteno. O número máximo de turnover catalítico para esta FeP suportada foi de 595 após três adições sucessivas de oxidante. A Fe(TNMCPP)Cl foi ancorada na APS também por atração eletrostática, porém este sistema mostrou-se menos eficiente como catalisador na oxidação do (Z)-cicloocteno. / In this work, a series of porphyrins and corresponding FeP containing NO2-substituents in the ortho- or COOH-groups in the para- meso-phenyl rings were synthesized and the catalytic activities of such compounds were investigated in both homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. H2(TNMCPP), H2(DNDCPP) and H2(MNTCPP) porphyrins were synthesized through the mixed co-condensation of pyrrole and different benzaldehydes (2-nitrobenzaldehyde and 4-carboxybenzaldehyde) in propionic acid and nitrobenzene media. The porphyrins were then isolated and purified through silica gel chromatography, having a solvent mixture DCM : ACT : HAc (8 : 2 : 0,1). The characterization of the free-base porphyrins and the corresponding FeP was carried out through TLC, electrophoresis on agarose gel, elemental analysis, UV/Vis, infra red, RMN 1H, FAB MS, magnetic susceptibility and EPR. H2(TNPP) and H2(TCPP) and corresponding FeP were used for comparison, thus completing the porphyrin series. The purification and characterization of these porphyrins proved to be very complex due the presence of ionic groups. This resulted in different solubilities throughout the series, as well as aggregation effects. Such effects were more pronounced with porphyrins containing a greater number of COOH groups. The study of the catalytic activities of the FeP was initially carried out in homogeneous system, by using various substrates: (Z)-cyclooctene, cyclohexene, cyclohexane and adamantane. The synthesized FeP were efficient and selective catalysts for alkane hydroxilation and alkene epoxidation. The stability of Fe(TNMCPP)Cl was investigated by multiple oxidant addition. A high stability was observed for this catalyst in homogeneous system, since it led to good epoxide yields up to the seventh cycle and an excellent turnover number of 1142. Fe(TNMCPP)Cl was supported on APS through covalent binding of the peptidic type between COOH groups in the FeP and NH2 group on the funcionalized silica. This FeP was chosen for the study since it has only one group that is capable of reacting with the silica, at the same time that it presents sterical hindrance confered by the three NO2 groups in the ortho-position. This is a very interesting system from the catalytical point of view. Such system proved to be very efficient in the oxidation of (Z)-cyclooctene. The maximum catalytic turnover attained with this supported FeP was of 595, after three sucessive additions of oxidant. Fe(TNMCPP)Cl was also supported on APS though electrostatic binding, but this system was a less efficient catalyst for (Z)-cyclooctene oxidation.

Transformations réductrices du CO2 pour la formation de liaisons C-N et C-C / Reductive transformations of CO2 for the formation of C-N and C-C bonds

Frogneux, Xavier 17 July 2015 (has links)
Dans le monde actuel, le dioxyde de carbone (CO2) est le déchet majoritaire issu de l’utilisation des ressources fossiles mais il est encore peu utilisé dans les applications à grande échelle. Afin de tirer parti de son abondance, le développement de nouvelles transformations chimiques du CO2 pour accéder à des produits de chimie fine connait un intérêt croissant au sein de la communauté scientifique. Tout particulièrement, la formation de liaison(s) C-N à partir du CO2 et d’un substrat azotés permet d’accéder à des produits à hautes valeurs énergétiques et commerciales. Un second type de transformation désirable est la formation de liaison C-C à partir du CO2 afin de synthétiser des dérivés d’acides carboxyliques comme des esters. L’utilisation d’hydrosilanes, réducteurs doux, permet de travailler sous 1 bar de CO2 avec des catalyseurs à base de métaux peu coûteux et abondants tels que le fer et le zinc ou bien avec des organocatalyseurs. Les synthèses de formamides, de méthylamines ou d’aminals à partir du CO2 ont ainsi été développées par hydrosilylation. Enfin, la carboxylation des carbosilanes à partir du CO2 a été développée pour la première fois avec un catalyseur à base de cuivre. Dans le cas des 2-pyridylsilanes, l’utilisation de sels de fluorures pentavalents permet d’activer le substrat efficacement sans catalyseur. / In the current world, carbon dioxide (CO2) is the major waste of the massive utilization of fossil resources but only few applications have been developed using this compound. In order to take advantage of its abundancy, the development of novel chemical transformation of CO2 to produce fine chemicals is of high interest in the scientific community. In particular, the formation of C-N bond(s) from CO2 and amine compounds unlocks a new way to access high energy and value-added. A second type of highly desirable transformation is the formation of C-C bonds with CO2 so as to synthesize carboxylic acid derivatives. The utilization of hydrosilanes as mild reductants allows the reactions to proceed under 1 bar of CO2 with abundant and cheap metal-based catalysts (iron, zinc) or with organocatalysts. The synthesis of formamides, methylamines and aminals from CO2 are described herein. Ultimately, the catalytic carboxylation of carbosilanes has been achieved for the first time using copper-based complexes. In the specific case of 2-pyridylsilanes, the use of pentavalent fluoride salts allowed us to perform the reaction without catalyst.

Artificial Photosynthesis : Carbon dioxide photoreduction and catalyst heterogenization within solid materials / Photoreduction de dioxyde de carbone et catalyse hétérogène dans les solide matériaux

Wang, Xia 17 October 2017 (has links)
Dans le contexte du réchauffement climatique et de l’usage abusif de combustibles fossiles, la recherche de sources d’énergie propres et durables est l’un des défis les plus importants de notre époque. Récemment, le stockage d’énergie solaire par la réduction de CO2 a fait l’objet d’un nouvel intérêt. Bien que la réduction de CO2 en carburants liquides ou gazeux soit une question à la fois fascinante et fondamentale, sa mise en œuvre dans les dispositifs technologiques reste très difficile à cause de la grande stabilité de CO2 et du caractère endergonique de sa transformation. On outre, les réactions impliquent multiples électrons et protons et ainsi demandent des catalyseurs efficaces et stables pour diminuer les barrières cinétiques importantes.Cette comprend deux parties. Après une introduction, la première partie décrit des études sur des catalyseurs homogènes en combinaison avec un photosensibilisateur, soit séparément soit connecté par liaison covalente. Grâce à la possibilité de les modifier par synthèse et à leur facile caractérisation, les photosystèmes moléculaires homogènes sont plus modulables et peuvent permettre un meilleur contrôle de la sélectivité des réactions et l’étude des mécanismes réactionnels.Cependant, les catalyseurs moléculaires ne peuvent être facilement transposés pour des applications à plus large échelle dans un contexte industriel. En effet, les catalyseurs homogènes sont moins stables et plus difficilement recyclables que les catalyseurs hétérogènes. Dans ce contexte, l’intégration de catalyseurs moléculaires au sein d’un support solide a l’avantage de maintenir leur activité catalytique tout en permettant une séparation et un recyclage plus faciles. La deuxième partie de cette thèse porte donc sur l’immobilisation de catalyseurs moléculaires dans les matériaux. Le but ultime de cette thèse est d’incorporer à la fois le catalyseur et le photosensibilisateur dans le support solide. / In the context of global warming and the necessary substitution of renewable energies (solar and wind energy) for fossil fuels, efficient energy-storage technologies need to be urgently developed. Recently, energy storage via the reduction of CO2 has seen renewed interest. Although reduction of CO2 into energy-dense liquid or gaseous fuels is a fascinating fundamental issue, its practical implementation in technological devices is highly challenging due to the high stability of CO2 and thus the endergonic nature of its transformation. Furthermore, the reactions involve multiple electrons and protons and thus require efficient catalysts to mediate these transformations.The objective of this thesis is to investigate different strategies for the storage of solar energy in chemical compounds, through visible-light-driven CO2 reduction. This thesis comprises of two main parts. After an introduction, the first part describes the investigation of homogeneous catalysts in combination with a photosensitizer, either separately or connected covalently. Due to the easily-tunable synthesis and facile characterization of molecular catalysts, homogeneous photosystems are more controllable and can give deep insight into product selectivity and mechanistic issues.With regards to future applicability, however, homogeneous catalysis often suffers from additional costs associated with solvents, product isolation and catalyst recovery, amongst other factors. The integration of molecular catalysts into solid platforms offers the possibility to maintain the advantageous properties of homogeneous catalysts while moving towards practical system designs afforded by heterogeneous catalysis. The second part of this thesis is therefore the immobilization of molecular catalysts within solid materials, namely MOFs and PMO. The ultimate goal of this thesis is to incorporate both catalyst and photosensitizer into the solid support.

Fluoroalkylation métallo-catalysée des hydrazones / Metal-catalyzed fluoroalkylation of hydrazones

Prieto, Alexis 07 October 2016 (has links)
La chimie du fluor suscite un intérêt croissant de la part des chimistes organiciens de par son exploitation industrielle dans les domaines pharmaceutique et agrochimique. Ainsi, depuis plusieurs années, de nouvelles méthodes permettant d'introduire de manière efficace et sélective des groupements fluorés - et plus particulièrement des fluoroalkyles - sur des molécules cibles sont activement recherchées. Les hydrazones sont des molécules largement utilisées en synthèse organique, notamment comme précurseurs de nombreux composés très recherchés par les industries pharmaceutiques ou agrochimiques, incluant les amines primaires et les hétérocycles azotés tels que les pyrazoles et les indoles. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à la fluoroalkylation des hydrazones. Les premières études ont visé la trifluorométhylation cupro-catalysée d'hydrazones d'aldéhydes et de cétones, lesquelles ont conduit respectivement à la formation d'hydrazones trifluorométhylées et de diimides alpha-trifluorométhylés. Par la suite, cette transformation a été entendue à la béta-trifluorométhylation régiosélective d'hydrazones alpha,béta-insaturées. Enfin, nous nous sommes intéressés au développement de réactions de difluoroalkylation d'hydrazones d'aldéhydes catalysées par le palladium ou le cuivre. Les divers composés obtenus lors de ces études se sont avérés être d'excellents précurseurs de cétones et d'indoles trifluorométhylés, d'alpha,alpha-difluoro-béta-cétoesters, ou encore d'alpha,alpha-difluorocétones / Fluorine chemistry is attracting the growing interest of organic chemists due to its industrial exploitation in the pharmaceutical and agrochemical fields. Thus, new methods for the effective and selective introduction of fluorinated groups – and particularly fluoroalkyls - on target molecules have been sought in recent years. Hydrazones are widely used reagents in organic synthesis, notably as precursors of many compounds pursued by the pharmaceutical or agrochemical industries, including primary amines and nitrogen heterocycles such as pyrazoles and indoles. This thesis work focused on the fluoroalkylation of hydrazones. The first studies have been directed toward the copper-catalyzed trifluoromethylation of aldehyde- and ketone-derived hydrazones, which led to the formation of trifluoromethylated hydrazones and alpha-trifluoromethylated azenes, respectively. Subsequently, this transformation was extended to the regioselective beta-trifluoromethylation of alpha,beta-unsaturated hydrazones. Finally, our interest focused on the development of difluoroalkylation reactions of aldehyde-derived hydrazones under palladium or copper catalysis. The various compounds obtained in these investigations have proven to be valuable precursors of trifluoromethylated ketones and indoles, alpha, alpha-difluoro-beta-ketoesters, as well as alpha,alpha-difluoroketones

Carbon Dioxide as a Benign Solvent for Homogeneous Catalyst Recovery and Recycle

Jones, Rebecca S. 19 July 2005 (has links)
We have successfully investigated the use of CO2 as a miscibility switch to create an environment in which we can run a homogeneously catalyzed reaction while maintaining a heterogeneous separation. We explored the use of this technique with fluorous biphasic systems, a fluorous solid support, and aqueous biphasic systems. In the case of the fluorous systems, CO2 was added to induce solubility of the fluorous catalyst. When the reaction was completed, CO2 was vented and the system returned to a biphasic state, making the separation easy. For the aqueous biphasic systems, the organic phase is chosen such that it is fully miscible with water at ambient conditions. Examples include acetonitrile, THF, and dioxane. The addition of CO2 reduces the polarity of the solvent and causes a phase split. The recovery of the water-soluble catalyst is once again heterogeneous. The application to aqueous biphasic systems is the most exciting studied. Aqueous biphasic systems are used industrially in the hydroformylation of propylene. With our technique, these systems can be extended to more hydrophobic substrates. We have shown a rate increase of 65 fold and 99% product recovery at modest pressures for the hydroformylation of 1-octene. These aqueous biphasic systems also show much promise in the arena of enzyme catalyzed reactions. We can create an environment in which the enzyme kinetics will no longer be mass transfer limited.

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