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Segmentace významných objektů v barevných oftalmologických obrazech / Segmentation in the color fundus imgesMalínský, Miloš January 2008 (has links)
Optic nerve head and macula are important structures in fundus images. Detection and measurement plays crucial role in several diagnosis methods of optic disease. This work is focused on the detection of the central point of macula and optic nerve head, where the inner border is detected too. There are many methods for extracting this structure in retinal images. Due to the unique properties of each acquisition technique, a single generally acknowledged detection algorithm does not exist. The whole detection process is described from preprocessing through segmentation towards postprocessing. Presented methods are based on the combination of correlation techniques, Hough transform, active contours and morphological operations. The detected contours of the optic nerve head are evaluated and quantitatively compared with the contour drawn by experienced ophthalmologist. The master thesis contains quantity of images that help to describe detection methods.
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Automatická kontrola správnosti sestavení výrobku / Automatic Verification of Product Assembling CorrectnessDoležal, Petr January 2010 (has links)
This diploma evaluates methods for verification of key characteristics of a product using digital image processing techniques. At first, reasons why this work has been done are described followed by a list of all methods that were used in this diploma such as Hough Circle Transform and Flood Fill (Seed Fill) algorithm. Also, a new approach how to compensate non regularly illuminated scene, which is based on surface modeling with Bézier Surfaces, was developed. Moreover, the algorithm was implemented in the C++ programming language and some of the parts were also simulated using the MATLAB environment. The algorithm was evaluated based on the percentage level of recognition of the required parameters. Efficiency of the implementation is also important for the author.
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Monitorovací systém mobilních jednotek / Monitoring System for the Mobile UnitsŠevčík, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with real-time image processing including preprocessing, segmentation and classification of objects. On the basis of classification is determined rotation and position of objects. The aim of this project is to develop a modular application which will be able to monitor mobile units and determine their rotation and position in real time.
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Stanovení podobnosti objektů / Object similarity detectionPřidal, Oldřich January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to make a program for object finding, object segmentation and similarity object detection in the image. Object are representing by cars. Description of image making, image preprocessing, geometrical transform and Hough transform was written in the theoretical part of the thesis. Also basic morphological operations, corner detection algorithms and methods of object similarity detection were described in this part. The practical part of the thesis focus to realization of single segments from how to make image, through main program analysis and auxiliary functions to similarity results evaluation. Main program is devided to four parts. The program is preprocessed in the first part. The geometrical transforms are used in the second part and the object similarity is detected in the third part. The last part shows the results. The algorithm is realized in C++ language using the OpenCV library.
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Interaktivní vyhodnocení aktuálního herního stavu biliardu / Interactive evaluation of current biliard situation during gameSedlařík, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is evaluation of images by computer vision methods. The elaborated scene is billiard game scanned by camera. Using pre-processing, image segmentation and object classification we will try to understand the gameplay situation and uvaluate it in accordance with applicable rules.
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Určení a vizualizace souřadného systému rohovky během implantace čočky / Identification and visualization of the coordinate system of the cornea during lens implantationHudec, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation describes the method of inserting polar-axis system into the video recording of cataract operation at the Geminy Eye Surgery, Zlin. At the theoretical part, it discusses requirements for inserting the polar-axis system including elimination of eye rotary movements captured by slit lamp. Then the emphasis is also on the speed of data processing. The practical part of the dissertation, focuses on the creating the method for detection of centers at the slit lamp picture, as well as video sequence and a method that eliminates potential eye rotation. For designing the program solution, following methods were used: Otsu method, Hough transformation method, method of two vertical projections, and crosscorrelation method. In total, the program solution was tested and analyzed in Matlab program on anonymous data set of 22 eyes.
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Aplikace s 3D laserovým dálkoměrem SICK / 3D laser range finder SICK applicationFritz, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
This thesis presents a use of 3D laser range finder designed for purposes of autnonomous mobile systems. The 3D scanner is built as extension of 2D laser range finder with rotation module. In the first section is described laser range finder SICK LMS 291 and his pitching construction along with used software tools. Second part deals with design and implementation of algorithms for data reading and their processing with methods of surface reconstruction, octree and object segmentation with Hough transform.
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Zpracování obrazu mikroskopických vzorků / Microscope Image ProcessingJanda, Ondřej January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with image processing of microbiological data. Firstly the brief introduction to biological basics is given. Secondly we take focus on basic and used image processing methods. Integral part of this thesis is working application witch uses image processing methods on input data. Creating user interface for this application is also part of this work. Documentation is provided.
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Detekce a rozpoznání maticového kódu v reálném čase / Detection and Recognition of Matrix Code in Real TimeDobrovolný, Martin January 2012 (has links)
This work is dealing with detecting and recongnizing matrix codes. It is experimenting use of PCLines algorithm. PCLines is using Hough transform and parallel coordinates for fast detection of lines. Suggested algorithm with double use PCLines detects sets of parallels and problem with image distorted by with parallel projection is solved by cross-ratio equation. We did some optimizations for realtime running and created experimental implementation. Test results shows, that use PCLines one way to detect matrix codes.
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Detekce, lokalizace a dekódování QR kódu v obraze / Detection, Localization, and Decoding QR Code in ImageKałuża, Marian January 2012 (has links)
This thesis describes the QR Code detector based on detecting edge lines using Hough Transform and point-to-line parametrization. Generally, the presented method can be also used for detecting different types of matrix codes. This approach searches in the accumulated Hough space for evidence of the matrix code as one compound object. It detects parallel lines by finding a concurrent lines' image groups in the transformed space. It contrasts with the common approach which is first detect the lines and calculate the vanishing point afterwards, which omit much of the useful information stored in the Hough space which can be useful for the detection of vanishing points. The purpose of this thesis is a research of methods which can detect the QR Code in spite of rotation, perspective distortion or uneven illumination. The experimental evaluation shows that the presented algorithm is stable and accurate and is tolerant to high degrees of perspective deformation.
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