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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zařízení varovného systému pro udržení vozidla v jízdním pruhu / Warning system to keep the vehicle in the lane

Fendrich, Vítězslav January 2019 (has links)
This thesis adresses designing a device that detects lane departure of a vehicle via a video feed from a camera module. This device is intended to be attached onto the windshield of the vehicle. The initial part of the thesis will cover the current methods of lane departure detection through a video feed. In the following part the selection of suitable hardware, specifically the latest model of a Raspberry Pi, has been made. Afterwards a suitable container for the aforementioned hardware has been designed and created using a 3D printer. Subsequently an appropriate LDWS algorithm is chosen and designed. In the next part, the range and parameters of a testing database through which the proper functionality of the device will be tested on are chosen. The final part of the thesis contains evaluation of the success rate of detection via the acquired database.

Pupilometrie aplikovaná během měření defokusační křivky / Application of pupillometry during measurement of the defocused curve

Musilová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this work is to design algorithm that will detect pupil from video. The theoretical knowledge necessary for proper pupil detection is also described in this master’s thesis. Detection is done on 24 videos that are converted to single images. The complete result the dependence of the pupil diameter on the used dioptre. The overall success rate of the algorithm is 88,13 %. The overall error is 11,87 %. For 17 out of 24 patients, it is confirmed that the greater the dioptre, the larger the pupil.

Inteligentní dálkoměrný modul pro robotického fotbalistu / Smart distance measurement module for football robot

Hrbáček, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá vývojem dálkoměrného modulu určeného pro rozšíření senzorické výbavy fotbalového robotu kategorie MiroSot. Tento modul na vstupu přijímá data ze senzorické jednotky vyvinuté na Ústavu automatizace a měřicí techniky a z těchto dat extrahuje polohu míčku. Je srovnáno využití neuronové sítě a zjednodušené Houghovy transformace pro získání polohy těžiště míčku. V práci je popsána pomocná implementace funkcionality v prostředích MATLAB a C#.NET i hlavní implementace pro signálový mikrokontrolér Freescale MC56F8013. Výsledný modul splňuje nároky zadání a je plně funkční.

Coordinate conversion for the Hough transform

Eriksson, Edvin January 2021 (has links)
This thesis attempts to develop a conversion algorithm between local coordinates in constituent detector modules and global coordinates encompassing the whole detector structure in a generic detector. The thesis is a part of preparatory work for studying the Hough Transform as a means of track reconstruction in the level-1 hardware trigger in the upgraded trigger and data acquisition (TDAQ) system in the phase 2 upgrade of the ATLAS detector at CERN. The upgrades being made are to withstand much more extreme conditions that come with the high-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). Two algorithms have been made and then implemented in Python scripts to test their feasibility and to compare them against each-other. The Rotation algorithm uses several rotations to correctly place the local coordinates in the global system. The second, the Shear algorithm, simplifies the process into two shears and one rotation, using the small angle approximation. Both algorithms need to be extended to work with more parts of the detector to be considered complete. Despite having lower maximum precision the second algorithm is considered the most promising attempt, since it is much less sensitive to the truncation error that results from working in an integer environment, which is a requirement for use in FPGAs. / I denna uppsats görs ett försök att skapa en omvandlingsalgoritm mellan lokala koordinater i konstituerande detektormoduler och globala koordinater i hela detektorstrukturen för en generisk detektor. Uppsatsen är en del i förberedande arbete för att undersöka hur Houghtransformen kan användas för spårrekonstruktion i den hårdvarubaserade level-1 triggern i det uppgraderade trigger- och datainsamlingssystemet (TDAQ) i fas två-uppgraderingen av ATLAS detektorn vid CERN. Uppgraderingarna som görs är för att kunna utstå de mycket mer extrema förhållanden som medförs av högluminositetsuppgraderingen av Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). Två algoritmer har skapats och implementerats i Pythonskript för att testa genomförbarhet och för att jämföra med varandra. Rotationsalgoritmen använder ett antal rotationer för att korrekt placera ut de lokala koordinaterna i det globala systemet. Den andra, Skjuvalgortimen, förenklar processen till två skjuvningar och en rotation med hjälp av liten vinkel-approximationen. Båda algoritmerna behöver utökas för att fungera för fler delar av detektorn för att anses kompletta. Trots lägre maximal precision bedöms den andra algoritmen vara det mest lovande försöket, eftersom den är mycket mindre känslig för trunkeringsfelet som kommer av att arbeta i en heltalsmiljö, som är ett krav för FPGA-implementationen.

Padel court detection system

Wennerblom, David, Arronet, Andrey January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the possibility of a court detection program for sports videos that can identify the court even when some important elements are not visible. The study will also analyze what external factors may impact the program's accuracy in detecting all relevant elements.  These questions are answered through a combination of computer vision techniques and algorithms. The study utilizes Design Science Research (DSR) as its research methodology to develop an artifact. A dataset of padel sports videos are evaluated to measure the artifacts accuracy. The artifact utilizes multiple computer vision techniques from the OpenCV library to detect relevant lines and edges and project them onto the frame using a predetermined court model as reference.  The findings indicated that the developed artifact demonstrated a relatively consistent level of accuracy in court detection across multiple courts, whenever a detection was made. However, the frequency of successful detections exhibited some inconsistency. The research also found that external factors did not significantly influence the accuracy of court detection, yet they posed challenges to the program's overall consistency.

Area of Interest Identification Using Circle Hough Transform and Outlier Removal for ELISpot and FluoroSpot Images

Jiménez Tauste, Albert, Rydberg, Niklas January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this project is to design an algorithm that identifies the Area of Interest (AOI) in ELISpot and FluoroSpot images. ELISpot and FluoroSpot are two varieties of a biochemical test used to analyze immune responses by quantifying the amount of cytokine secreted by cells. ELISpot and FluoroSpot images show a well that contains the cytokinesecreting cells which appear as scattered spots. Prior to counting the number of spots, it is required to detect the area in which to count the spots, i.e. the area delimited by the contour of the well. We propose to use the Circle Hough Transform together with filtering and the Laplacian of Gaussian edge detector in order to accurately detect such area. Furthermore we develop an outlier removal method that contributes to increase the robustness of the proposed detection method. Finally we compare our algorithm with another algorithm already in use. A Swedish biotech company called Mabtech has implemented an AOI identifier in the same field. Our proposed algorithm proves to be more robust and provides consistent results for all the images in the dataset.

Charcoal Kiln Detection from LiDAR-derived Digital Elevation Models Combining Morphometric Classification and Image Processing Techniques

Zutautas, Vaidutis January 2017 (has links)
This paper describes a unique method for the semi-automatic detection of historic charcoal production sites in LiDAR-derived digital elevation models. Intensified iron production in the early 17th century has remarkably influenced ways of how the land in Sweden was managed. Today, the abundance of charcoal kilns embedded in the landscape survives as cultural heritage monuments that testify about the scale forest management for charcoal production has contributed to the uprising iron manufacturing industry. An arbitrary selected study area (54 km2) south west of Gävle city served as an ideal testing ground, which is known to consist of already registered as well as unsurveyed charcoal kiln sites. The proposed approach encompasses combined morphometric classification methods being subjected to analytical image processing, where an image that represents refined terrain morphology was segmented and further followed by Hough Circle transfer function applied in seeking to detect circular shapes that represent charcoal kilns. Sites that have been identified manually and using the proposed method were only verified within an additionally established smaller validation area (6 km2). The resulting outcome accuracy was measured by calculating harmonic mean of precision and recall (F1-Score). Along with indication of previously undiscovered site locations, the proposed method showed relatively high score in recognising already registered sites after post-processing filtering. In spite of required continual fine-tuning, the described method can considerably facilitate mapping and overall management of cultural resources.

Identiteitsontwikkeling in geselekteerde jeugverhale van Barrie Hough / Judith Elizabeth Vos

Vos, Judith Elizabeth January 2006 (has links)
When youth novels were first written, Afrikaans speaking adolescents spent their time reading the original and absorbing youth novels then available. These suited their psychological and environmental development and they could identify with the language and style used in these novels. The contents were a representation of a world which they knew and in which they could feel secure. Although authors often dealt with issues relevant to the adolescent world, the plot reflected a secure and nurturing world where the readers and their life experiences were taken into account. In recent years the adolescent world has changed dramatically from a secure environment to a more exposed one, posing the question whether contemporary Afrikaans youth novels have retained the same traits mentioned earlier and answer to the same norms. The value of literature should never be underestimated; it can develop the imaginative skills and moral values of adolescent readers. Also, it has become clear that adolescents have a great need for reading material that deals with relevant issues. The main focus of this study is characterization and development of identity in selected youth novels by Barrie Hough, viz. My kat word herfs, Vlerkdans and Skilpoppe as revealed in textual analysis and empirical research. The literature study focuses on developmental psychology and the reading expectations of the adolescent, character development according to some narrative theories, e.g. reader response criticism and intertextuality theories. The main objective of this study is to analyze, interpret and evaluate the above three youth novels in order to establish whether or not the contemporary adolescent can identify with these specific stories. It has been found that the adolescent reader in the early years of the twenty first century is able to identify with the contemporary youth novels such as those by Barrie Hough. Although young readers do not want to steer clear of contentious themes and issues in youth novels, it seems that they still prefer evergreen classical topics and themes. This suggests that the modern adolescent is still positive about life and aspires to attain goodness and moral strength. / Thesis (M.A. (Afrikaans and Dutch))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006

Die representasie van omstrede kwessies in kontemporêre Afrikaanse jeugverhale / Margaretha Johanna Fritz

Fritz, Margaretha Johanna January 2007 (has links)
There are certain issues - such as violence, sexuality, politics and religion - which are problematic but have to be dealt with in society. In this dissertation types of controversial issues present in recent Afrikaans youth literature, the portrayal of those issues, and the ways in which solutions are offered for these issues are investigated. The argument follows from the assumption that the literature which the adolescent reads, has a directive value. Quite often the reader will choose to read material about a certain situation with which the reader is also faced in real life. It may be easy for the reader to identify with a character in similar circumstances or facing the same dilemma. Through the actions of the character, the reader can then explore certain avenues or possibilities which have the potential to be helpful in the solution of the problem or issue. For this dissertation research was done about certain controversial issues and related aspects in literature in general, which are then applied to three youth novels: Skilpoppe (1998) by Barrie Hough, Daar's vis in die punch (2002) by Jackie Nagtegaal and Nie vir kinders nie (2005) by Francois Bloemhof. These three texts were chosen because all three of them have generated public discussion, specifically in the media, about the presence of controversial issues. The results indicate the portrayal of the controversial issues to be unbiased and from a non-judgemental authoring perspective. The presence of the text internal corrective, which refers to the portrayal of a certain issue thereby giving it an outcome (positive or negative) or an alternative, is noticeable and is discussed in this dissertation. / Thesis (M.A. (Afrikaans and Dutch))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Etude de méthodes d'analyse en vue de détecter les ondes gravitationnelles émises par des pulsars avec l'interféromètre Virgo

Ramonet, Julien 29 August 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Les pulsars sont une des sources d'ondes gravitationnelles attendues pour les interféromètres terrestres. Dans la gamme de fréquences où la sensibilité sera suffisamment bonne pour espérer une détection typiquement au-dessus de 10 Hz , la majorité des pulsars appartient à un système binaire. La fréquence des ondes gravitationnelles émises par un pulsar en système binaire subit plusieurs effets Doppler : celui dû à la rotation de la Terre sur elle-même, celui dû à la révolution de la Terre autour du Soleil, et celui dû à l'orbite du pulsar autour de son compagnon. <br> Cette thèse présente le contrôle du système de synchronisation de Virgo, la simulation du signal émis par les pulsars en système binaire et deux méthodes adaptées à la recherche de tels objets. Les principes de ces méthodes, les puissances de calcul nécessaires et les performances sont détaillés.

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