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Konstruktion av webbplats med bokningssystem för frisörsalongTillgren, Victor January 2013 (has links)
På uppdrag av Berga Herrfrisör har det i det här examensarbetet skapats en webbplats där salongens kunder ska kunna gå in och boka tid. Kravet från salongen var att sidan ska vara användarvänlig och att det inte ska krävas speciellt mycket datorvana för att kunna genomföra en bokning. För att ta fram detta skapades en prototyp av bokningssystemet som testats på salongens kunder. Efter feedback från kunderna och ändringar skapades sedan bokningssystemet som sedan fick genomgå ett användartest. Den slutsats som sedan drogs av användartestet var att bokningssystemet håller en bra användarvänlighet för salongen. Alla testpersoner lyckades genomföra testet även om en av kunderna gjorde några mindre misstag. Anledningen till misstagen beror troligtvis på att testpersonen inte läst instruktionerna och därför valt fel alternativ. Med hjälp av felmeddelanden lyckades testpersonen ändå genomföra bokningen.
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Synchronizace webových aplikací na platformě Java EE / Java EE Application SynchronizationPoul, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This work deals with the Java EE platform and the bidirectional client-server communication. It presents a design of an application architecture that allows to synchronize the state of applications and their graphical output for a larger number of clients. The final solution contains a sample application that demonstrates the synchronization of connected clients.
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Analytické webové prostředí pro zpracování síťové komunikace / Network Forensic Analytical Web-Based PlatformAmbrož, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
At present a big part of communication passes through computer network. Amount of the communication increases every year. That is why the claims on computing power raise. The procedure of the communication processing for forensic purposes is worth paralleling to increase the computing power. Research group NES@FIT created an instrument Netfox Detective in one of its projects. From this instrument it is planned to create a distributed system for the processing of intercepted communication for the purpose of forensic analysis. Interface is one of the parts, with its help the distributed system will be operated. In my theses I will concern with the creation of the web interface for the instrument Netfox Detective which is a desktop application presently. Web interface, after little modifications, will be used for paralleled version of application. Web interface will mediate the same informations as the desktop version. To obtain information for forensic analysis it will use framework Netfox Framework identically as the desktop version. Advantage of web interface compared to the desktop version is that a user who approaches web interface will need a device with web browser. It means that a user can work with any operation system.
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Analytické webové prostředí pro zpracování zachycené síťové komunikace / Network Forensic Analytical Web-Based PlatformAmbrož, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
At present a big part of communication passes off through computer network. Amount of the communication magnifys every year. It has a consequence that claims on computing power raise. The procedure of processsing of the communication for forensic purposes pays off to parallel for the purpose of increase of computing power. Research group NES@FIT created an instrument Netfox Detective in one of its projects. From this instument it is planed to create a distibuted system for the processing of intercepted communication for the purpose of forensic analysis. Interface is one of parts with the help of its the distributed system will be operated. In my theses I will concern with the creation of the web interface for the instument Netfox Detective which is a desktop application presently. Web interface use, after little modifications, for paralleled version of application. Web interface will mediate the same informations as the desktop version. For the obtaining of informations for forensic analysis it will use framework Netfox Framework identically as the desktop version. Advantage of web interface compared to the desktop version is that user who approach to web interface need device with web browser. It means that user can work whichever operation system.
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Redakční systém pro recenzi článků / Editting system for article reviewsBuňka, Roman January 2010 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is an analysis, design and implementation of a web application which could be used by authors of articles, reviewers and the system administrator for automation of reviewing scientific articles. The reviewing analysis shows requirements required for the application from the viewpoint of users´ roles. The editorial system design deals with the application architecture and a plan of classes. The application is shown together with a description of its implementation.
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Inkrementální načítání dokumentů v zobrazovacím stroji HTML / Incremental Document Parsing in the HTML Rendering EngineHrabec, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to explore the CSSBox experimental rendering engine, to explore the possibility of its expansion on incremental rendering of documents and then to propose the necessary modifications. The opening chapters contain an overview of existing possibilities and subsequently, the solution is proposed. The proposed changes are implemented and tested. Experiments were performed and results evaluated. The conclusion is dedicated to the evaluation of results and options for further development are outlined.
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Extrakce dat z dynamických WWW stránek / Data Extraction from Dynamic Web PagesPuna, Petr January 2009 (has links)
This work contains a brief overview of technologies for representation and obtaining data on WWW and describes selected web data extraction tools. The work designs a new tool for obtaining pages generated by filling in web forms, which allows its user to define data on such web pages and which can extract those data and offer it in a XML format suitable for future machine processing.
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HEJO MAIL : HTML och CSS för emailSamuelsson, Karolina January 2010 (has links)
<p>”<strong>HEJO MAIL – HTML och CSS för email</strong>” handlar precis som titeln antyder om användandet av HTML och CSS för att utforma e-postmeddelanden och är en undersökning över vilka standarder som finns eller åtminstone borde finnas. Viktiga fraser vid informationssökningen har varit ”Html Email”, ”Email Standards” och ”Email Programming”. Resultatet är tänkt att appliceras på HEJO MAIL, som är en applikation för utskick av nyhets- och informationsbrev som idag inte fungerar fullt ut.</p><p>Resultatet är något förvånande då standarder specifikt för email saknas och har ersatts med rekommendationer, resultatet innefattar en sammanställning av rekommendationer från tre olika källor som valts ut. Dessa rekommendationer har även testats för att verifiera att det faktiskt fungerar med hjälp av 11 stycken testmail. Diskussionen innehåller ett förslag på en praktisk lösning med modultänk för HEJO MAIL samt ett försök att sammanfatta arbetet och återknyta till frågeställningarna.</p> / <p>"<strong>HEJO MAIL - HTML and CSS for email</strong>" is like the title suggests a thesis about the use of HTML and CSS to design electronic mail and what standards there are to be applied, or at least should be. Key phrases in the search for information have been "HTML Email", "Email Standards" and "Email Programming". The results are intended to be applied on HEJO MAIL, which is an application for sending news and information letters via email that is not working properly.</p><p>The result is somewhat surprising since standards specific for email do not exist and have been replaced with general recommendations, the result consists of a compilation of recommendations from three different sources that have been selected. These recommendations have also been tested to verify that they are actually functioning by the creation of 11 emails for testing. The discussion part of the thesis includes a suggestion of a practical solution with modular structure for HEJO MAIL and an attempt to summarize the work and the questions of issue.</p>
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Opensource ApplicationServer / Content Management SystemeKrause, Christian 01 May 2001 (has links)
Gemeinsamer Workshop von Universitaetsrechenzentrum und Professur "Rechnernetze und verteilte Systeme" der Fakultaet fuer Informatik der TU Chemnitz.
Workshop-Thema: Mobilitaet
Der Vortrag gibt einen Überblick über Content Management Systeme und Application Server aus dem
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Mokomoji aplinka programavimo pradmenų įsisavinimui / Educational environment for uptake of programming basicsUlinskaitė, Vaida 01 September 2011 (has links)
Darbe analizuojami mokinių ir mokytojų poreikiai programavimo pagrindų mokymo procese. Ištirta esama pasiūla. Sukurta programa, skirta mokytis savarankiškai ar užsiėmimų metu. Programavimo pagrindams mokyti pasirinkta FreePascal programavimo kalba, bet yra mokoma ne šios kalbos, o paties programavimo. Mokomąją programą sudaro teorijos mokymas su pavyzdžiais, praktinės užduotys ir testai. Teorinėje dalyje mokinys yra supažindinamas su pagrindiniais programavimo komponentais (struktūra, ciklais, sąlygos sakiniais ir t.t.). Praktinė dalis skirta mokiniui „treniruotis“, susidūręs su įvairiomis situacijomis, jis matys, kur yra daromos klaidos, bandys jas taisytis, aiškiau žinos, ko reikia dar pasimokyti. Testai yra skirti mokytojams, turintiems programavimo modulius. Ši dalis palengvins mokinių vertinimą. Programa sukurta su Delphi 7 programavimo kalba. Mokomoji medžiaga pateikiama naudojant MS PowerPoint pateikčių kūrimo programą. / At work analyzes the needs of students and teachers of programming elements in the teaching process. Examined the existing supply. Designed program for self-study or lessons time. Chosen to teach programming fundamentals FreePascal programming language, but it is not taught the language but the programming. Educational program consists of theory with examples, practical exercises and tests. On theoretical part student is indoctrinate with basic programming components (structure, cycles, conditional statements, etc.). The practical part is for students practice, when faced with different situations, he will see where he make the mistakes, try to mend them, know exactly what he need to learn more. Tests are designed for teachers with programming modules. This part will facilitate students assessment. The program was created with Delphi 7 programming language. The educational material includes the use of MS PowerPoint presentation creation program.
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