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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mountains as crossroads : temporal and spatial patterns of high elevation activity in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem, USA

Reckin, Rachel Jean January 2018 (has links)
In the archaeological literature, mountains are often portrayed as the boundaries between inhabited spaces. Yet occupying high elevations may have been an adaptive choice for ancient peoples, as rapidly changing elevations also offer variation in climate and resources over a relatively small area. So what happens, instead, if we put mountain landscapes at the center of our analyses of prehistoric seasonal rounds and ecological adaptation? This Ph.D. argues that, in order to understand any landscape that includes mountains, from the Alps to the Andes, one must include the ecology and archaeology of the highest elevations. Specifically, I base my findings on new fieldwork and lithic collections from the Absaroka and Beartooth Mountains in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) of the Rocky Mountains, which was a vital crossroads of prehistoric cultures for more than 11,000 years. I include five interlocking analyses. First, I consider the impacts of anthropogenic climate change on high elevation cultural resources, focusing on the diminishing resiliency of ancient high elevation ice patches and the loss of the organic artifacts and paleobiological materials they contain. Second, I create a dichotomous key for chronologically typing projectile points, suggesting a methodological improvement for typological dating in the GYE and for surface archaeology more broadly. Third, I use obsidian source data to consider whether mountain people were a single, unified group or were represented by a variety of peoples with different zones of land tenure. Fourth, I consider high elevation occupation in both mountain ranges as part of the seasonal round, using indices of diversity in tool types and raw material to study how the duration of those occupations changed through time. And, finally, I test the common contention that ancient people primarily used mountains as refugia from extreme climatic pressure at lower elevations. Ultimately, I find that, in both mountain ranges, increased high elevation activity is most highly correlated with increased population, not with hot, dry climatic conditions. In other words, the mountains were more than simply refugia for plains or basin people to occupy when pressured by climatic hardship. In addition, between the Absarokas and the Beartooths the evidence suggests two different patterns of occupation, not a monolithic pan-mountain adaptation. These results demonstrate the potential contributions of surface archaeology to our understanding of prehistory, and have important implications for the way we think about mountain landscapes as peopled spaces in relation to adjacent lower-elevation areas.

Foraging and menstruation in the Hadza of Tanzania

Fitzpatrick, Katherine January 2018 (has links)
The Hadza, residing near Lake Eyasi in northern Tanzania, represent one of the last remaining hunter-gatherer populations. Inhabiting the same area as our hominin ancestors and exploiting very similar resources, the Hadza maintain a foraging lifestyle characterised by a sexual division of labour. Studies of their foraging and food sharing habits serve as the foundation to numerous hypotheses of human behaviour and evolution. Data from the Hadza have featured heavily in debates on the sexual division of labour. These debates focus predominantly on men’s foraging, including how and why men provision. Women’s provisioning, on the other hand, is seldom explicitly examined and is often presumed to be constrained by reproduction. This thesis contributes to debates on the sexual division of labour by investigating how a woman’s reproductive status affects her foraging behaviours. Observational data on women’s foraging are investigated from 263 person/day follows (1,307 hours total) across 10 camps between 2004 and 2006. These data present the first quantitative documentation of forager women’s eating and sharing outside of camp. Interview data on women’s reproductive timeline are also analysed from in-depth interviews with 58 women from 9 camps in 2015. Spanning from menarche to menopause, these data offer the first quantitative and qualitative documentation of forager women’s menstruation. The results demonstrate that Hadza women eat and share over 800 kilocalories outside of camp per person/day. They regularly give and receive food, including gifts of honey from men. Breastfeeding women are more likely to give gifts and give more gifts than non-breastfeeding women. When they bring nurslings with them outside of camp, they forage less kilocalories per hour. Post-menopausal women eat less relative to what they forage, are less likely to receive gifts, rest less and forage more than pre-menopausal women. Although Hadza women describe their foraging workload as most difficult during late pregnancy, no significant differences in eating, sharing, resting or foraging are observed for pregnant women. Menstrual data from the Hadza reveal that menstruation is not only culturally relevant to the sexual division of labour, but it is also biologically relevant to current understandings of fertility. The majority (60%) of Hadza women report not doing their normal work during menstruation. They also report menstruation-related taboos for berry picking. The thesis presents an in-depth review of women’s menstruation, from the duration of menses to the menstrual cleaning process.

Microévolution et bioarchéologie des groupes humains de la fin du Pléistocène et du début de l'Holocène en Europe occidentale : apports de l'anthropologie biologique aux connaissances sur le Paléolithique final et le Mésolithique / Microevolution and bioarchaeology of Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Western European human populations : biological anthropological insights into the Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic

Samsel, Mathilde 29 May 2018 (has links)
La fin du Pléistocène et le début de l’Holocène sont marqués par des bouleversements environnementaux d’une ampleur et d’une intensité exceptionnelles en Europe de l’Ouest. Ces quelque huit millénaires ont été scindés en périodes chronoculturelles principalement à partir de critères typotechnologiques de l’industrie lithique, correspondant au Paléolithique final, et au premier et au second Mésolithique. L’identité biologique des groupes humains de cette période n’avait jusqu’alors jamais été étudiée de façon spécifique et la réalité anthropologique de ces partitions pose question. À partir d’un corpus réactualisé de 70 sites couvrant les territoires actuels de la France, de l’Allemagne, de la Belgique, du Luxembourg, de la Suisse, de l’Italie, de l’Espagne et du Portugal, ce sont 617 spécimens pour les restes osseux et 251 pour les restes dentaires qui ont été analysés. Des caractéristiques squelettiques ont été enregistrées et analysées selon un protocole unique : proportions squelettiques comme la stature, l’indice brachial et l’indice crural, morphométrie crânienne et mandibulaire, analyse par morphométrie géométrique de la conformation du neurocrâne et variations anatomiques non métriques crâniennes et dentaires. L’ensemble des données recueillies a fait l’objet de traitements statistiques adaptés, descriptifs, multivariés et exploratoires. Parmi les résultats obtenus, l’analyse métrique et morphologique de la mandibule révèle des changements microévolutifs de la morphologie mandibulaire en lien avec l’intensification de l’élargissement du spectre des ressources consommées au cours du Mésolithique. Un fonctionnement différent des groupes est proposé entre ceux établis sur les zones côtières et les continentaux. Les groupes côtiers seraient organisés selon un système plutôt fermé, traduit par la structuration régionale des données anthropobiologiques, alors que les groupes continentaux, bien qu’ayant un ancrage local, possèderaient des réseaux d’échanges plus larges et/ou plus réguliers. Enfin, la permanence des groupes humains du Paléolithique final au Mésolithique est avancée, ainsi qu’au sein des zones côtières durant tout le Mésolithique, alors qu’une discontinuité populationnelle entre premier et second Mésolithique est mise en évidence dans l’aire continentale. L’hypothèse d’une arrivée de nouveaux groupes depuis les régions situées plus à l’est, poussés par la progression néolithique en Europe centrale à partir du VIIème millénaire cal BC est avancée, rejoignant un des scenarii proposés à partir de l’analyse de l’ADN ancien. / Environmental changes of exceptional magnitude and intensity occurred during the Late Pleistocene and the Early Holocene in Western Europe. These- some eight millennia- have been divided into chronocultural periods based on typotechnological lithic industries, corresponding to the Late Palaeolithic and the Early and Late Mesolithic. The biological identity of the human groups from this lengthy period of time has never previously been studied in a systematic way, and the anthropological meaning of these divisions remains unclear. In order to fill this gap in knowledge, this thesis presents the results of analyses of an up-to-date sample of 617 skeletal specimens and 251 dental remains covering 70 sites from France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and Portugal. Skeletal characteristics, including skeletal proportions- stature, brachial and crural indices -, cranial and mandibular morphometrics, geometric morphometric analysis of the neurocranium, and non-metric skeletal and dental traits were recorded and analysed using a single protocol. All data collected were subjected to suitable descriptive, multivariate and exploratory statistical treatments. Among the results obtained, the metric and morphological analysis of the mandible reveals micro-evolutionary morphological changes related to the intensified exploitation of a broader spectrum of food resources during the Mesolithic. Human groups in coastal zones differ from those located further inland. Coastal groups evince a rather closed system, reflected by a regional structure of bioanthropological data, whereas inland groups, while locally based, are characterized by broader and/or more regular networks of population interaction. Finally, there appears to be continuity between human groups from the Late Palaeolithic to the Early Mesolithic, as well as throughout the Mesolithic in coastal areas, while population discontinuity between the Early and Later Mesolithic is highlighted in the continental area. The arrival of new groups from areas further east, driven by Neolithic population advances through Central Europe from the 7th millennium BC cal is hypothesised, similar to one of the scenarios proposed from the analysis of aDNA.

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