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Validierung des gekoppelten neutronenkinetischen-thermohydraulischen Codes ATHLET/DYN3D mit Hilfe von Messdaten des OECD Turbine Trip BenchmarksKliem, Sören, Grundmann, Ulrich 31 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Das Vorhaben bestand in der Validierung des gekoppelten neutronenkinetisch-thermohydraulischen Programmkomplexes ATHLET/DYN3D für Siedewasserreaktoren durch Teilnahme an dem OECD/NRC Benchmark zum Turbinenschnellschluss. Das von der OECD und der amerikanischen NRC definierte Benchmark basiert auf einem Experiment mit Schließens des Turbinenschnellschlussventils, das 1977 im Rahmen einer Serie von 3 Experimenten im Kernkraftwerk Peach Bottom 2 durchgeführt wurde. Im Experiment erzeugte das Schließen des Ventils eine Druckwelle, die sich unter Abschwächung bis in den Reaktorkern ausbreitete. Die durch den Druckanstieg bewirkte Kondensation von Dampf im Reaktorkern führte zu einem positiven Reaktivitätseintrag. Der folgende Anstieg der Reaktorleistung wurde durch die Rückkopplung und das Einfahren der Regelstäbe begrenzt. Im Rahmen des Benchmarks konnten die Rechenprogramme durch Vergleiche mit den Messergebnissen und den Ergebnissen der anderen Teilnehmer an dem Benchmark validiert werden. Das Benchmark wurde in 3 Phasen oder Exercises eingeteilt. Die Phase I diente der Überprüfung des thermohydraulischen Modells für das System bei vorgegebener Leistungsfreisetzung im Kern. In der Phase II wurden 3-dimensionale Berechnungen des Reaktorkerns für vorgegebene thermohydraulische Randbedingungen durchgeführt. Die gekoppelten Rechnungen für das ausgewählte Experiment und für 4 extreme Szenarien erfolgten in der Phase III. Im Rahmen des Projekts nahm FZR an Phase II und Phase III des Benchmarks teil. Die Rechnungen für Phase II erfolgten mit dem Kernmodell DYN3D unter Berücksichtigung der Heterogenitätsfaktoren und mit 764 thermohydraulischen Kanälen (1 Kanal/Brennelement). Der ATHLET-Eingabedatensatz für die Reaktoranlage wurde von der Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) übernommen und für die Rechnungen zu Phase III, die mit der parallelen Kopplung von ATHLET mit DYN3D erfolgten, geringfügig modifiziert. Für räumlich gemittelte Parameter wurde eine gute Übereinstimmung mit den Messergebnissen und den Resultaten anderer Codes erzielt. Der Einfluss der Modellunterschiede wurde mit Hilfe von Variantenrechnungen zu Phase II untersucht. So können Unterschiede in der Leistungs- und Voidverteilung in einzelnen Brennelementen auf die unterschiedliche neutronenkinetische und thermohydraulische Modellierung des Reaktorkerns zurückgeführt werden. Vergleiche zwischen ATHLET/DYN3D (parallele Kopplung) und ATHLET/QUABOX-CUBBOX (interne Kopplung) zeigen für räumlich gemittelte Parameter nur geringe Unterschiede. Abweichungen in den lokalen Parametern können im wesentlichen mit der unterschiedlichen Modellierung des Reaktorkerns erklärt werden (geringere Anzahl von modellierten Kühlkanälen, keine Berücksichtigung der Heterogenitätsfaktoren und ein anderes Siedemodell in der Rechnung mit ATHLET/QUABOX-CUBBOX). Die Rechnungen für die extremen Szenarien von Phase III zeigen die Anwendbarkeit des gekoppelten Programms ATHLET/DYN3D für die Bedingungen bei Störfällen, die weit über das Experiment hinausgehen.
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Qualifizierung des Kernmodells DYN3D im Komplex mit dem Störfallcode ATHLET als fortgeschrittenes Werkzeug für die Störfallanalyse von WWER-Reaktoren - Teil 2Kliem, S., Grundmann, U., Rohde, U. 31 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Benchmark calculations for the validation of the coupled neutron kinetics/thermohydraulic code complex DYN3D-ATHLET are described. Two benchmark problems concerning hypothetical accident scenarios with leaks in the steam system for a VVER-440 type reactor and the TMI-1 PWR have been solved. The first benchmark task has been defined by FZR in the frame of the international association "Atomic Energy Research" (AER), the second exercise has been organised under the auspices of the OECD. While in the first benchmark the break of the main steam collector in the sub-critical hot zero power state of the reactor was considered, the break of one of the two main steam lines at full reactor power was assumed in the OECD benchmark. Therefore, in this exercise the mixing of the coolant from the intact and the defect loops had to be considered, while in the AER benchmark the steam collector break causes a homogeneous overcooling of the primary circuit. In the AER benchmark, each participant had to use its own macroscopic cross section libraries. In the OECD benchmark, the cross sections were given in the benchmark definition. The main task of both benchmark problems was to analyse the re-criticality of the scrammed reactor due to the overcooling. For both benchmark problems, a good agreement of the DYN3D-ATHLET solution with the results of other codes was achieved. Differences in the time of re-criticality and the height of the power peak between various solutions of the AER benchmark can be explained by the use of different cross section data. Significant differences in the thermohydraulic parameters (coolant temperature, pressure) occurred only at the late stage of the transient during the emergency injection of highly borated water. In the OECD benchmark, a broader scattering of the thermohydraulic results can be observed, while a good agreement between the various 3D reactor core calculations with given thermohydraulic boundary conditions was achieved. Reasons for the differences in the thermohydraulics were assumed in the difficult modelling of the vertical once-through steam generator with steam superheating. Sensitivity analyses which considered the influence of the nodalisation and the impact of the coolant mixing model were performed for the DYN3D-ATHLET solution of the OECD benchmark. The solution of the benchmarks essentially contributed to the qualification of the code complex DYN3D-ATHLET as an advanced tool for the accident analysis for both VVER type reactors and Western PWRs.
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Nutrient uptake by seagrass communities and associated organisms [electronic resource] : impact of hydrodynamic regime quantified through field measurements and use of an isotope label / by Christopher David Cornelisen.Cornelisen, Christopher David. January 2003 (has links)
Includes vita. / Title from PDF of title page. / Document formatted into pages; contains 185 pages. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of South Florida, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references. / Text (Electronic thesis) in PDF format. / ABSTRACT: Seagrass communities are composed of numerous organisms that depend on water-column nutrients for metabolic processes. The rate at which these organisms remove a nutrient from the water column can be controlled by physical factors such as hydrodynamic regime or by biological factors such as speed of enzyme reactions. The impact of hydrodynamic regime on rates of nutrient uptake for seagrass (Thalassia testudinum) communities and for organisms that comprise the community (seagrass, epiphytes, phytoplankton, and microphytobenthos) was quantified in a series of field flume experiments employing the use of 15N-labeled ammonium and nitrate. Rates of ammonium uptake for the entire community and for seagrass leaves and epiphytes were significantly dependent on bulk velocity, bottom shear stress, and the rate of turbulent energy dissipation. / ABSTRACT: Relationships between uptake rates and these parameters were consistent with mass-transfer theory and suggest that the effect of water flow on ammonium uptake is the same for the benthos as a whole and for the organisms that form the canopy. In addition, epiphytes on the surface of T. testudinum leaves were shown to depress leaf uptake by an amount proportional to the area of the leaf covered by epiphytes. Water flow influenced rates of nitrate uptake for the community and the epiphytes; however, uptake rates were depressed relative to those for ammonium suggesting that uptake of nitrate was also affected by biological factors such as enzyme activity. Epiphytes reduced uptake of nitrate by the leaves; however, the amount of reduction was not proportional to the extent of epiphyte cover, which provided further evidence that nitrate uptake by T. testudinum leaves was biologically limited. / ABSTRACT: As an additional component of the research, hydrodynamic regime of a mixed seagrass and coral community in Florida Bay was characterized using an acoustic Doppler velocimeter. Hydrodynamic parameters estimated from velocity data were used in mass-transfer equations to predict nutrient uptake by the benthos over a range of water velocity. Measured rates of uptake from field flume experiments conducted in the same community confirmed that hydrodynamic data could be used to accurately predict nutrient transport to the benthos under natural flow conditions. / System requirements: World Wide Web browser and PDF reader. / Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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WTZ mit Russland - Transientenanalysen für Kernreaktoren - AbschlussberichtRohde, Ulrich, Kozmenkov, Yaroslav, Pivovarov, Valeri, Matveev, Yurij 18 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Der Reaktordynamikcodes DYN3D wurde in der neu entwickelten Mehrgruppen-Version DYN3D-MG für die Anwendung auf wassergekühlte Reaktoren alternativ zu industriellen DWR und SWR ertüch-tigt. Es wurde die Anwendbarkeit für den graphitmoderierten Druckröhrenreaktor EGP-6 (KKW Bilibi-no), eine Konzeptstudie eines fortgeschrittenen Siedewasserreaktors mit schnellem Neutronenspekt-rum (RMWR) und das Reaktorkonzept RUTA-70 zur Wärmeversorgung nachgewiesen. Beim RUTA-Reaktor geht es vor allem um die Modellierung des Naturumlaufs des Kühlmittels bei niedrigen Sys-temdrücken. Zur Validierung wurden Experimente zu flashing-induzierten Naturumlaufinstabilitäten an der Versuchsanlage CIRCUS der TU Delft mit RELAP5 nachgerechnet. Für die Anwendung von DYN3D auf die alternativen Reaktorkonzepte wurden Modellerweiterungen und Anpassungen vorgenommen, u.a. Modifikationen in den Wärmeleitungs- und -übergangsmodellen. Vergleichsrechnungen mit dem stationären russischen Feingitter-Diffusionscode ACADEM ergänzen die Verifikationsdatenbasis von DYN3D-MG. Zur Validierung wurden zwei reak-tordynamische Experimente am Reaktor EGP-6 nachgerechnet. Für Reaktoren EGP-6, RMWR und RUTA wurden verschiedene Transienten mit Ausfahren von Re-gelstäben mit und ohne Reaktorschnellabschaltung gerechnet. Weiterhin wurden Analysen für den ATWS-Störfall \"Abschalten aller Hauptkühlmittelpumpen bei Vollleistung\" für den RUTA-Reaktor mit den gekoppelten Programmkomplexen DYN3D/ATHLET und DYN3D/RELAP5 durchgeführt. Der Reaktor geht in einen sicheren Zustand mit reduzierter Leistung bei Naturumlauf des Kühlmittels über. Die Ergebnisse von Analysen zum unkontrollierten Ausfahren einer Regelgruppe für den RMWR lassen dagegen eine belastbare Schlussfolgerung bezüglich der Beherrschbarkeit des Aus-fahrens einer Regelgruppe nicht zu. Abschließend wurde der Nutzen der Programmertüchtigung von DYN3D für die Anwendung auf GenIV -Konzepte und LWR mit hohem Konversionsfaktor bewertet.
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Quantification of Soil Physical Properties by Using X-Ray Computerized Tomography (CT) and Standard Laboratory (STD) MethodsMaria Ambert Sanchez January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.); Submitted to Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA (US); 12 Dec 2003. / Published through the Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information. "IS-T 2608" Maria Ambert Sanchez. 12/12/2003. Report is also available in paper and microfiche from NTIS.
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Biologie cellulaire des aquaporines chez le riz (Oryza sativa L.) / Cell biology of aquaporins in rice (Oryza sativa L.)Chu, Thi Thu Huyen 04 April 2018 (has links)
En tant qu’acteurs moléculaires impliqués dans le transport d’eau au travers des membranes biologiques, les aquaporines (AQP) jouent un rôle et sont régulées en réponse à des stress. Ils sont soumis à d’intenses recherches, en particulier chez le riz. En utilisant une approche de génomique fonctionnelle, nous avons généré 5 lignées transgéniques de riz dans le fond génétique Nipponbare, en sur-exprimant des AQP uniques fusionnées à un marqueur fluorescent ; parmi celles-là, figurent trois AQP de la membrane plasmique (OsPIP1;1, OsPIP2;4, OsPIP2;5) fusionnées à la GFP et deux AQP de la membrane tonoplastique (OsTIP1;1 and OsTIP2;2) fusionnées à la mCherry. Leurs localisations subcellulaires en condition contrôle ont été observées. Chez le riz, les isoformes OsPIP présentaient un marquage homogène typique de la membrane plasmique, tandis que les isoformes OsTIP ont été trouvées avec un marquage des invaginations intracellulaires qui entourent le noyau, typique du tonoplaste. Le comportement des AQP de la membrane plasmique a été testé en conditions de stress salin et osmotique. Les stress abiotiques ont provoqué une relocalisation des AQP et le stress salin a augmenté l’endocytose de l’isoforme OsPIP2;5 dans les cellules de la racine. Par ailleurs, la sur-expression de tels transgènes ne semblait pas affecter la morphologie des plantes et ne conférait pas un effet bénéfique sur la production de graines, aussi bien en condition contrôle que stressée. Enfin, nous nous sommes focalisés sur la contribution des AQP dans la racine de riz en relation avec la morphologie racinaire. Nous avons trouvé que les AQP contribuaient à un pourcentage relativement important dans le transport de l’eau dans la racine entière (44-58%) et que cette contribution semblait plus importante dans les racines primaires que latérales. / As molecular players involved into the water transport through biological membranes, aquaporins (AQPs) have a role and are regulated in stress response. They were deeply investigated in plants and particularly in rice. Using functional genetic approach, we generated 5 transgenic rice lines based on Nipponbare cultivar, by overexpressing a single AQP in fusion with a fluorescent marker; among them, 3 plasma membrane AQPs (OsPIP1;1, OsPIP2;4, OsPIP2;5) fused with GFP and 2 tonoplast AQPs (OsTIP1;1 and OsTIP2;2) fused with mCherry. Their subcellular localizations in resting condition were investigated. In rice, OsPIP isoforms showed typical homogeneous labelling of the plasma membrane, whereas OsTIP isoforms were observed localized in the tonoplast with a typical labelling of intracellular invaginations that skirted the nucleus. The behaviors of plasma membrane AQPs were tested in salt and drought stress-mimicked-conditions. Abiotic stresses triggered a re-localization of plasma membrane AQPs and salt stress enhanced endocytosis process of OsPIP2;5 in rice root cells. Overexpressing such transgenes did not seem to affect the plant morphology and showed no beneficial effects for grain yield in both non-stress and stress conditions. We took more focus on the contribution of AQPs in rice root water transport in link with root morphology. AQPs contributed a relative high percentage of water transport in whole root system (44-58%) and seemed to contribute more in primary roots rather than in lateral roots.
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Análises neutrônica e termo-hidráulica de um dispositivo para irradiação de alvos tipo LEU de UAlsub(x-)Al para produção de sup(99)Mo no reator IEA-R1 / Neutronic and thermal-hydraulic analysis of a device for irradiation of LEU UAlsub(x-)Al targets for de sup(99)Mo production in the IEA-R1 reactorNISHIYAMA, PEDRO J.B. de O. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:35:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:05:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Impacto da redução na concentração de Urânio nas placas laterais dos elementos combustíveis do reator IEA-R1 nas análises neutrônica e termo-hidráulica / Uranium density reduction on fuel element side plates assessmentRIOS, ILKA A. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:33:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:06:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Aplicação do método da expansão em funções hierárquicas na solução das equações de Navier-stokes para fluidos incompressíveisSABUNDJIAN, GAIANE 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:54:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:09:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
12431.pdf: 23287148 bytes, checksum: ca5f3b291fb81099ce731e9a131ce645 (MD5) / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Escola Politecnica, Universidade de Sao Paulo - POLI/USP
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On unsteady open-channel flows: a contribution to non-stationary sediment transport in runoff flows and to unstable non-Newtonian mudflow studies / Des écoulements instationnaires à surface libre: contribution aux études du transport instationnaire de sédiments en écoulement ruisselant et des instabilités de coulées de boue non-newtonienne / Escoamentos não-permanentes de superficie livre: uma contribuição para o estudo do transporte não estacionario de sedimentos em escoamentos superficiais e para instabilidades em corridas de lamasFiorot, Guilherme Henrique [UNESP] 01 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by GUILHERME HENRIQUE FIOROT null (ghfiorot@aluno.feis.unesp.br) on 2016-08-31T16:48:18Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-07-01 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Dentro da temática de riscos naturais, mais precisamente no contexto das corridas de lama, esta tese surge da necessidade que existe na literatura em melhor se conhecer as características temporais destes eventos. A chuva, fonte da vazão liquida, conduz aos escoamentos superficiais, responsáveis pela redução da coesão do material sedimentar do solo (areia e argila) e seu consequente transporte. Em locais de topografia íngreme, de montante a jusante, a vazão sólida do escoamento principal pode, eventualmente, evoluir devido às contribuições laterais de pequenos escoamentos, alterando não só as propriedades reológicas do fluido e dinâmicas do escoamento, como se manter até que o transporte sólido atinja elevada concentração na composição do fluido. Na primeira parte desta tese, um experimento de superfície livre foi projetado para reproduzir escoamentos superficiais sobre um fundo móvel, com o objetivo de estudar propriedades não-permanentes do transporte de sedimentos. Um sistema de medição foi projetado e construído com o intuito de medir quase instantaneamente a vazão sólida e suas correlações com as propriedades hidráulicas do escoamento. Este aparato é também utilizado para observar a influência de instabilidades de superfície livre sobre o transporte. Um conjunto de resultados é apresentado e analisado e mostra que a presença de ondas pode, em média, reduzir a quantidade total de sedimentos transportada. Na segunda parte desta tese, a dinâmica de escoamentos com elevada concentração de sedimentos é estudada. Neste trabalho, executa-se a aplicação de um modelo de primeira ordem de roll waves para fluidos de reologia Herschel-Bulkley para simular um evento natural registrado na literatura. Os resultados apresentados mostram que roll waves poderiam, de fato, ser identificadas no evento e que a amplitude média observada poderia ter sido estimada com 8% de incerteza. Assim, um modelo mais complexo para a solução do perfil de velocidade é proposto, adicionando a porosidade do solo ao problema. Resultados do modelo são comparados com simulações numéricas. Uma análise paramétrica é efetuada e o caso de estudo é novamente avaliado. Como conclusão geral do trabalho, a presença de fenômenos não-estacionários durante a evolução escoamento superficial - corrida de lama afeta a dinâmica global do sistema acoplado hidráulica-transporte de sedimentos, quando comparado ao caso permanente e uniforme. Assim, a verificação de que tais fenômenos podem aparecer deve constituir parte de projetos engenharia, especialmente quando estes, em situações de catástrofes, envolvem danos a infraestruturas civis e quase sempre perdas de vidas, como é o caso das corridas de lama. / This thesis was motivated by the need to better understand time-dependent features related to mudflow evolution on natural sloped channels. Basically, the research is focused on events that are confined in channels formed due to the topography. The rain, source of the liquid discharge, generates the runoff flow which is responsible for wetting the soil surface, promoting reduction of soil cohesiveness and erosion of small particles such as clay and sand. From this point, the sediment transport can increase as small water flows merge and form greater streams. The scenario keeps its evolution until it reaches high concentration of particles in the fluid mixture. In the first part, to study the non-permanent feature of sediment transport, an open-channel experiment was designed for simulating runoff flow over a mobile bed. A measurement system was designed and constructed to instantaneously inspect the solid discharge of particles and the flow friction at the bed. This apparatus is further used to explore the influence of free-surface waves on the sediment transport. Hydraulic properties of flows are qualitatively and quantitatively studied and data are used to correlate characteristics of flow and sediment transport. A set of experimental runs is presented and explored. Analysis of results shows that for fixed flow conditions, waves induce an overall smaller quantity of transported sediment. In a second part, the dynamics of high concentrated flows is addressed and this thesis attempts to apply a first-order roll-wave model for Herschel-Bulkley laminar fluid flow to a registered natural event. Results presented point out that roll waves could have occurred during this already published case-study event. Simulations could predict wave heights within 8% on uncertainty with respect to the mean amplitude of measured waves. Finally a new theoretical solution for the velocity profile is proposed taking into account the porosity of the bed. Results are then compared with numerical simulation performed in FLUENT. A parametric analysis is employed and the case-study is once again evaluated. As general conclusion, the non-permanent phenomena that can appear during the evolution of a mudflow event affect the overall dynamics of the coupled system (hydraulic-sediment transport) in comparison to the steady and uniform case. Verifying that such phenomena could appear should indeed be an important part in hydraulic engineering projects, especially when dealing with lives, which is the case of mudflows. / CNPq: 201557/2012-6
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