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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of environmental stress and physical and biological interactions on the ecology of high shore littorinids in a temperate and a tropical region

Stafford, Richard January 2002 (has links)
No description available.


Coppolino, Marla Lee 01 January 2009 (has links)
Various ecological parameters, including soil pH, calcium, and habitat complexity have been suggested in the literature as having influence on land snail abundance and diversity. I compared relationships between 15 ecological parameters and snail abundance and diversity. 5,393 snails of 72 species were collected from 60 sites in 2007. Habitat observations were recorded in the field and soil core samples taken at each site and later analyzed for soil moisture, organic matter, cation exchange capacity, pH, calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, boron, manganese, iron and copper. Statistical analyses were run using these soil factors plus a habitat complexity index (from combined values assigned to different levels of vegetation, topography and exposed rock), for a total of 15 parameters. To reduce the number of parameters and arrive at a more biologically meaningful model, Bayesian Information Criteria analysis (BIC) was run for abundance and diversity. The resulting best-fitted BIC model for abundance contained 3 parameters (pH, S, and habitat complexity) (R2 = 0.47), all of which were positively associated with abundance in a multiple regression analysis. For diversity, the best-fitted BIC model also contained 3 parameters (Ca, Fe, and habitat complexity) (R2 = 0.54). Ca and habitat complexity showed a positive association in the multiple regression analysis, but Fe was inversely associated with diversity, suggesting Fe could potentially act as an ecological limiting factor to it. These results suggest that land snail abundance and diversity are best treated separately in analyses, as they are influenced by different variables, with the exception of habitat complexity, which is suggested to have a positive association with both abundance and diversity. The regression model equations have potential value in that they can be used to predict snail abundance and diversity in areas that have not been assessed.

Vliv komplexity prostředí a rizika predace na utváření společenstev v malých stojatých vodách / Habitat complexity and predation risk effects on community assembly in small standing waters

SOUKUP, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
The effects of habitat complexity and predation risk on community assembly in small standing waters are reviewed. Both lethal and nonlethal predator effects are discussed. Emphasis is put on the role of omnivorous predators which do not fit into the standard food chain model. The review is complemented by a manuscript intended for publication in Freshwater Biology. It reports the results of a mesocosm experiment focusing on the effects of both lethal and nonlethal predation risk, induced by the invasive crayfish species Orconectes limosus, and habitat complexity on the abundance and biomass of macroinvertebrates in a naturally assembled community.

Vliv rizika predace a komplexity prostředí na trofické interakce ve vodním prostředí / The impact of predation risk and habitat complexity on trophic interactions in aquatic habitats

KOLÁŘ, Vojtěch January 2015 (has links)
The thesis results of two laboratory experiments focusing on the impacts of predation risk, prey density and habitat complexity on predator-prey interaction strengths and predator metabolic rates, complemented by a brief review of the subject. The experimental system used in the first experiment consisted of cladoceran prey, larvae of three dragonfly species (Sympetrum sanguineum, Libellula quadrimaculata, Ischnura cf. elegans) as intermediate predators, and larvae of a large dragonfly species (Aeshna sp.) as a top predator. The second experiment of investigated how predation risk influences metabolic rates of the intermediate predators.

The role of shelter in cherax abidus and bidyanus bidyanus polyculture systems

Wangpen, Prayadt January 2007 (has links)
Research into the polyculture of finfish and crayfish has been conducted in Western Australia for over a decade now. This research was instigated out of a need to increase revenues from freshwater crayfish farmers wishing to diversify their income base with a view to increasing profitability and reducing risk. It has become clear that several key variables dictate how the polyculture system (i.e. polysystem) will perform. These include biological factors like: size of participating species, relative densities, gender, planktonic turbidity, natural feeds; and abiotic factors like: light intensity, clay turbidity, floating cages for segregation, water quality, and habitat/shelter complexity. Many of these factors can be controlled / adjusted by the manager of the polysystem to maximise performance, production and profitability.While much of the research to date has focussed on the marron (Cherax tenuimanus) industry, it is also important to realise that an understanding of these factors can also assist other crayfish polysystems, like integrated agri-aquaculture systems containing yabbies (Cherax albidus). Some of the factors that influence how the system will perform may become more prevalent, like suspended clay turbidity and the associated role of light intensity in species interactions, or shelter complexity and the resulting choice of shelter material. But overall, they are the same basic variables and we must understand how they affect the particular multi-species system that we are dealing with. There is a lot to be learned from the literature on how these variables affect multi-species aquatic environments in the wild. Perhaps aquaculturists have not considered this enough in the past. Some farmers seem to believe that these variables are different JUST because it is a culture system. This is not true. / The variables will take on different levels in a culture system (i.e. a manager will stimulate turbidity, provide artificial feeds, stock different sizes, and supply particular types of shelter) BUT the actual variables themselves (e.g. food, density, light, shelter) are basic to ALL aquatic ecosystems. Other researchers have looked at important factors like density, gender, and light intensity / turbidity in crayfish polysystems - but the issue of habitat complexity and the role of shelter has not been adequately addressed. This thesis will investigate some basic questions about shelter and endeavour to apply them to crayfish polysystems, with the emphasis on marron (C. tenuimanus) and yabbies (C. albidus) because these are the two most commercially important species of crayfish in Western Australia. Importantly, it should be noted that due to the invasive nature of yabbies, and their apparent ability to displace native marron in the wild, findings will be related to yabby-marron competition / displacement where relevant. We need to know many things about shelter: what type is best in a multi-species system? Should the shelter size match the crayfish size? Do marron have different requirements for shelter than yabbies? Does it matter who gets first use of a shelter (i.e. prior residence effect)? Can we learn about crayfish shelter requirements by examining the behaviour / plasticity of crayfish species? If crayfish are stocked with finfish and they retreat into shelter as a predator-avoidance measure, is the complexity important given that their densities will be higher? If densities of crayfish inside shelters are higher in polysystems, will cannibalism be a concern, particularly when conditions are right for moulting? Does visual recognition and / or chemo-detection of a predator affect the shelter usage by marron or yabbies? / Does temperature affect shelter usage behaviour for a burrowing species like yabbies? Shelter is an important factor in the life history of a freshwater crayfish and an understanding of its influence on different species is important for maximising system performance. Crayfish are categorised depending on their ability to construct shelters (i.e. burrows). Yabbies have evolved in systems with fluctuating water quality and many predators and, as such, have learned to burrow (to escape drought and also to escape predators). Marron, on the other hand, are a non-burrowing native crayfish species that have existed with relatively few predators in the South-West. As a result, marron are less capable of modifying their behaviour when confronted with a predator (i.e. low behavioural plasticity). Species with high plasticity, like yabbies, are more capable of adapting to new environments, because they can change their behaviour to increase their chance of survival. Therefore we can expect yabbies and marron to utilize habitats differently and we should compare these behaviours as a basis to developing management strategies. This type of knowledge may also assist with managing the translocation and spread of yabbies in the wild and their displacement of native marron.Within multi-species systems, the physical structure of shelter plays an important role inprotecting crayfish and the perfect shelter would not only provide safety from co-stocked finfish, but also from conspecific cannibalism. Given the different life histories and behaviours, it is probable that both species of crayfish will have different refuge requirements.Over the course of this four-year investigation, trials were conducted in four culture systems (72L aquariums, 300L circular tanks, 80t mesocosm tank, and 720m2 earthen ponds) using marron and yabbies as the species of interest. / Silver perch and Murray cod were chosen as the finfish species of interest as they appear to have the highest aquaculture potential for native freshwater finfish in Australia at the present time. Further, both of these fish have been documented as potential predators of crayfish, resulting in a challenge to understand the role of shelter in minimising the negative effects of fish-crayfish interactions within a polysystem. This study has confirmed that shelter plays a critical role in multi-species system dynamics. In the case of polysystems, it will affect both interspecific and intra-specific interactions, ultimately governing production and profitability, along with the other, previously defined factors. This means that the manager of a polysystem can influenceproductivity by understanding: a) the behavioural characteristics and biology of the crayfish; b) the feeding biology of the finfish; and c) the system variables (both biotic and abiotic) that will affect the overall well being of the fish and crayfish. In the case ofshelter, the manager should understand the available shelter types, the appropriatedensities, the importance of matching complexity to the crayfish size, and the prior residence effect when choosing a timing strategy for stocking and harvesting. Prior residence increased resource holding potential for both marron and yabbies in the short term. In fact, prior residence was a stronger determinant of successful sheltering than crayfish gender or species. However, in longer-term trials the physical size of the crayfish (larger animals evicted smaller animals) and reproductive status (berried females were successful at evicting all other crayfish) were more important factors in determining successful shelter acquisition, although the temporal variations (i.e. growth and release of young) complicate the issue. / When stocking crayfish of different sizes, and in polysystems, the correct size of shelter becomes critical, as smaller individuals will be forced to leave over-sized shelter and locate a shelter commensurate with their own body size to avoid predators. This is relevant to crayfish nurseries where complex habitat is paramount for juvenile cohorts that display variation in sizes and gender. The expansion of crayfish polyculture holds considerable promise; however, furtherinvestigations are required into shelter complexity within floating fish cages, shelter types and arrangement of shelters within ponds (for increased production and ease-of-harvesting), potential of yabbies in polyculture (comparison of monosex and hybrid strains), and the impact of shelter on escape behaviour of marron in a polysystem.

A Comparative Study of Habitat Complexity, Neuroanatomy, and Cognitive Behavior in Anolis Lizards

Powell, Brian James January 2012 (has links)
<p>Changing environmental conditions may present substantial challenges to organisms experiencing them. In animals, the fastest way to respond to these changes is often by altering behavior. This ability, called behavioral flexibility, varies among species and can be studied on several levels. First, the extent of behavioral flexibility exhibited by a species can be determined by observation of that species' behavior, either in nature or in experimental settings. Second, because the central nervous system is the substrate determining behavior, neuroanatomy can be studied as the proximate cause of behavioral flexibility. Finally, the ultimate causation can be examined by studying ecological factors that favor the evolution of behavioral flexibility. In this dissertation, I investigate behavioral flexibility across all three levels by examining the relationship between habitat structure, the size of different structures within the brain and total brain size, and behavioral flexibility in six closely-related species of Puerto Rican <italic>Anolis</italic> lizards. <italic>Anolis</italic> lizards provide an excellent taxon for this study as certain species, including those used here, are classified as belonging to different ecomorphs and are morphologically and behaviorally specialized to distinct structural habitat types.</p><p>In order to determine the presence of behavioral flexibility in <italic>Anolis</italic>, I first presented <italic>Anolis evermanni</italic> with a series of tasks requiring motor learning and a single instance of reversal learning. <italic>Anolis evermanni</italic> demonstrated high levels of behavioral flexibility in both tasks.</p><p>To address the pattern of brain evolution in the <italic>Anolis</italic> brain, I used a histological approach to measure the volume of the whole brain, telencephalon, dorsal cortex, dorsomedial cortex, medial cortex, dorsal ventricular ridge, cerebellum, and medulla in six closely-related species of Puerto Rican <italic>Anolis</italic> lizards belonging to three ecomorphs. These data were analyzed to determine the relative contribution of concerted and mosaic brain evolution to <italic>Anolis</italic> brain evolution. The cerebellum showed a trend toward mosaic evolution while the remaining brain structures matched the predictions of concerted brain evolution. </p><p>I then examined the relationship between the complexity of structural habitat occupied by each species and brain size in order to determine if complex habitats are associated with relatively large brains. I measured brain volume using histological methods and directly measured habitat complexity in all six species. Using Principal Component Analysis, I condensed the measures of habitat structure to a single variable and corrected it for the scale of each lizard species' movement, calling the resulting measurement relevant habitat complexity. I tested the relationship between relative volume of the telencephalon, dorsal cortex, dorsomedial cortex, and whole brain against both relative habitat complexity and ecomorph classification. There was no relationship between the relative volume of any brain structure examined and either relevant habitat complexity or ecomorph. However, relevant habitat complexities for each species did not completely match their ecomorph classifications. </p><p>Finally, I tested the levels of behavioral flexibility of three species of <italic>Anolis</italic>, <italic>A. evermanni</italic>, <italic>A. pulchellus</italic>, and <italic>A. cristatellus</italic>, belonging to three distinct ecomorphs, by presenting them with tasks requiring motor and reversal learning. <italic>Anolis evermanni</italic> performed well in both tasks, while <italic>A. pulchellus</italic> required more trials to learn the motor task. Only a single <italic>Anolis cristatellus</italic> was able to perform either task. <italic>Anolis evermanni</italic> displayed lower levels of neophobia than the other species, which may be related to its superior performance.</p><p>In combination, this research suggests that <italic>Anolis</italic> of different ecomorphs display different levels of behavioral flexibility. At the proximate level, this difference in behavioral flexibility cannot be explained by changes in the relative size of the total brain or brain structures associated with cognitive abilities in other taxa. At the ultimate level, the size of the brain and several constituent structures cannot be predicted by habitat complexity. However, behavioral flexibility in certain tasks may be favored by utilization of complex habitats. Flexibility in different tasks is not correlated, rendering broad comparisons to a habitat complexity problematic.</p> / Dissertation

Fatores que governam as assembleias de macroinvertebrados bentônicos em nascentes tropicais de áreas protegidas

Menezes, Bruno Gomes de 21 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by isabela.moljf@hotmail.com (isabela.moljf@hotmail.com) on 2017-06-20T11:40:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 brunogomesdemenezes.pdf: 870802 bytes, checksum: e714a77746133b980e5ec0539a1b7bf8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-06-29T12:33:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 brunogomesdemenezes.pdf: 870802 bytes, checksum: e714a77746133b980e5ec0539a1b7bf8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-29T12:33:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 brunogomesdemenezes.pdf: 870802 bytes, checksum: e714a77746133b980e5ec0539a1b7bf8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-21 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Nascentes são conhecidas como ecossistemas relativamente estáveis e caracterizadas por condições ambientais específicas que as diferem de todo os outros ambientes aquáticos. São constituídas por três grandes ecótonos que ocorrem na interface entre a água superficial, subterrânea e o ecossistema terrestre, resultando em uma série de micro-habitats que sustentam uma alta riqueza de espécies. Nascentes representam um local ideal para examinar as relações entre as comunidades faunísticas e os parâmetros ambientais que influenciam sua distribuição, porém a compreensão dessas relações ainda são pouco entendidas. Estudos da fauna das nascentes de regiões tropicais ainda são escassos, estando à maioria concentrados em regiões temperadas e alpinas. O objetivo desse trabalho foi examinar as influências das variáveis ambientais e espaciais sobre a distribuição da fauna bentônica, avaliando também a complexidade de habitat representada pelos três tipos de nascentes (helocreno, limnocreno e rheocreno) sobre a composição das assembleias de macroinvertebrados. Foram obtidas três amostras compostas de substrato (pedra, areia e folhiço) em vinte e uma nascentes de três Unidades de Conservação do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Um total de 19.373 espécimes foram identificados e o grupo dos insetos apresentaram maior abundância em relação aos não insetos. Os resultados da análise de redundância parcial mostraram que tantos as variáveis ambientais, quanto as variáveis espaciais foram essenciais para a estruturação da fauna bentônica das nascentes estudadas. A composição da fauna bentônica também diferiu entre as nascentes Rheocreno, Helocreno e Limnocreno e entre as unidades de conservação. A heterogeneidade de micro-habitats presente nos diferentes tipos de nascentes exerce forte influência na estruturação da fauna de macroinvertebrados, resultando em uma fauna diversa. Conclui-se que as variáveis ambientais e espaciais são de grande importância para a estruturação da fauna juntamente com a variedade de micro-habitats presente nos diferentes tipos de nascentes e a sua preservação torna-se essencial, pois a perda de qualquer um desses habitats pode afetar a biodiversidade regional. / Springs are known as relatively stable ecosystems characterized by specific environmental conditions that differ them from all other aquatic environments. They are constituted by three large ecotones that occur at the interface between surface water, groundwater and the terrestrial ecosystem, resulting in a series of micro-habitats that sustain a high species richness. Springs are an ideal place to examine the relationships between faunistic communities and the environmental parameters that influence their distribution, but the understanding of these relationships is still poorly known. Studies of the fauna of the springs of tropical regions are still sparse, being mostly concentrated in temperate and alpine zones. The objective of this work was to examine the influence of environmental and spatial variables on the distribution of benthic fauna, also evaluating the habitat complexity represented by the three types of springs (Helocrene, Limnocrene and Rheocrene) on the composition of macroinvertebrate assemblages. Three samples composed of substrate (stone, sand and foliage) were obtained in twenty one springs of three Conservation Units of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. A total of 19.373 specimens were identified and the group of insects showed more abundance in relation to non-insects. The results of the partial redundancy analysis showed that both environmental variables and spatial variables were essential for structuring the benthic fauna of the springs studied. The composition of the benthic fauna also differed between the Rheocrene, Helocrene and Limnocrene springs and between the conservation units. The heterogeneity of micro-habitats present in the different types of springs exerts a strong influence on the structure of macroinvertebrate fauna, resulting in a diverse fauna. It is concluded that the environmental and spatial variables are of great importance for the structuring of the fauna jointly with the variety of micro-habitats present in the different types of springs and their preservation becomes essential, because the loss of any of these habitats can affect regional biodiversity.

Habitat Alteration By Hydrilla And Its Effect On Macroinvertebrate Community Structure And Bluegill Foraging Efficiency

Theel, Heather J 05 May 2007 (has links)
Exotic invasive plant species can alter aquatic habitats potentially influencing the macroinvertebrate community and foraging fishes. Therefore, I investigated the hypothesis that Hydrilla verticillata will alter habitat important to macroinvertebrate community structure and bluegill foraging efficiency. Studies were conducted in ponds and aquaria. At the pond level, macroinvertebrate abundance, richness, and biomass in a hydrilla-dominated habitat did not differ significantly from a diverse plant habitat. Indicator taxa did differ significantly between respective treatments. The data suggest hydrilla beds may not provide increased macroinvertebrate abundance and richness compared to diverse plant beds as previously thought. In aquaria, habitat complexity (Ihv) and light transmittance were influenced by increasing the homogeneity of hydrilla in an aquatic bed habitat. In addition, bluegill foraging efficiency was affected negatively by increasing spatial complexity of a hydrilla dominated habitat. Therefore, a shift to a monotypic hydrilla habitat can alter macroinvertebrate community composition and impact bluegill foraging success.

Assessing the effects of predation and habitat complexity on the recovery of the long-spined sea urchin, <i>Diadema antillarum</i>, in Curaçao

Dame, Elizabeth A. 25 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Quantifying Uncertainty in Fluvial Applications

Resop, Jonathan P. 20 July 2010 (has links)
Stream morphology is an important aspect of many hydrological and ecological applications such as stream restoration design (SRD) and estimating sediment loads for total maximum daily load (TMDL) development. Surveying of stream morphology traditionally involves point measurement tools, such as total stations, or remote sensing technologies, such as aerial laser scanning (ALS), which have limitations in spatial resolution. Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) can potentially offer improvements over other surveying methods by providing greater resolution and accuracy. The first two objectives were to quantify the measurement and interpolation errors from total station surveying using TLS as a reference dataset for two fluvial applications: 1) measuring streambank retreat (SBR) for sediment load calculations; and 2) measuring topography for habitat complexity quantification. The third objective was to apply knowledge uncertainties and stochastic variability to the application of SRD. A streambank on Stroubles Creek in Blacksburg, VA was surveyed six times over two years to measure SBR. Both total station surveying and erosion pins overestimated total volumetric retreat compared to TLS by 32% and 17%, respectively. The error in SBR using traditional methods would be significant when extrapolating to reach-scale estimates of sediment load. TLS allowed for collecting topographic data over the entire streambank surface and provides small-scale measurements on the spatial variability of SBR. The topography of a reach on the Staunton River in Shenandoah National Park, VA was measured to quantify habitat complexity. Total station surveying underestimated the volume of in-stream rocks by 55% compared to TLS. An algorithm was developed for delineating in-stream rocks from the TLS dataset. Complexity metrics, such as percent in-stream rock cover and cross-sectional heterogeneity, were derived and compared between both methods. TLS quantified habitat complexity in an automated, unbiased manner at a high spatial resolution. Finally, a two-phase uncertainty analysis was performed with Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) on a two-stage channel SRD for Stroubles Creek. Both knowledge errors (Manning's <i>n</i> and Shield's number) and natural stochasticity (bankfull discharge and grain size) were incorporated into the analysis. The uncertainty design solutions for possible channel dimensions varied over a range of one to four times the magnitude of the deterministic solution. The uncertainty inherent in SRD should be quantified and used to provide a range of design options and to quantify the level of risk in selected design outcomes. / Ph. D.

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