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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vinkeln - Stadsdelshus i Tensta Spånga

Radakovits, Minna January 2020 (has links)
I gestaltningen av min byggnad ville jag jobba med det rigida ortogonala systemet som organiserar område från stadsplaneringsskala ner till de enskilda bostadsenheterna.Att avvika från det på ett subtilt sätt skulle kunna skapa en effekt med enkla medel som känns mer än den syns och markera byggnadens funktion utan att göra den uppseendeväckande på andra sätt. Därför har jag valt att jobba utifrån ett snedställt rutnät som skapar rombiska rumsligheter, det ger en spännande effekt där det från vissa vinklar utifrån ser ut som att de är vanliga ortogonala väggar, men inne i byggnaden skapas mer spännande rumsligheter. Förutom detta har byggnadens stomsystem byggts på att det finns många knäckar och hörn, vilket bär byggnaden utan att skapa alltför långa spännvidder. Jag har valt att jobba med bärande tegel, delvis för att det ger en känsla av massivitet som bidrar till att få byggnaden att kännas både viktig och beständig, och delvis för att det både bryter mot de material som finns i området och ändå går ton i ton med den tegelröda färg som återfinns på många platser i Tensta. Det blir dessutom ett lekfullt samspel mellan det statiska teglet och den mindre konservativa formen på byggnaden. / A city hall exploring the geometry of parallellograms, the use of terraces and a central roof light system with a void throughout the building. The geometry chosen for the building, which is what has been a driving factor for the project’s progress throughout, is mainly meant to break from the rigid, often cube-like, structures in the surrounding area, but in a subtle way, so as to make a slight “offset” from the surrounding buildings. This is combined with brick, which matches the colour scheme of the nearby infrastructure, but has a more permanent and classic look. The buildings central transportation system is a stairwell that wraps around a gallery-void throughout the building. This not only brings light down to the depths of the bottom floor, but also guides the user throughout the space and creates a new spatial design. A café attached to one of the many terraces brings more people, even those with no official business in the building, into it and lets people sit and relax in the sun with a cup of coffee. On the bottom floor, an exhibition hall by the secondary entrances mirrors the art hall in the building on the opposite side of the square. The square sports an “avenue” of market stalls, where local residents can sell their artwork, and feel included in the art scene of the area.

Tensta Kommunhus

Laaksonen, Ida January 2020 (has links)
I detta Kommunhus ville jag utforska den offentliga platsen. I Tensta, likt andra förorter, finns ofta en brist på utrymmen man kan umgås på. Det kan ofta lösas med små medel genom att skapa offentliga rum. Tomten präglas av en 4 meters höjdskillnad mellan Tenstagången och Taxingegränd. Tenstagången ligger överst och är en väg som fungerar som passage till centrum och torg. Taxingegränd är nedsjunket och är utrymmet där Tensta konsthall ligger tillsammans med ett litet torg och parkering. Jag hade en idé om att utjämna höjdskillnaden och använda taket på min byggnad till torg. Resultatet blev två offentliga utrymmen, ett på taket och en i den stora entréhallen. Byggnadens tak är böjt och har en organisk form som påminner om ett landskap. På undre plan finns en stor entréhall med stor takhöjd. Den stora hallen ska fungera som en öppen plats att vara på. En offentlig inomhusplats där man kan sitta och umgås, studera eller äta mat. Personalens kontor är i en kubformad byggnad och är upphöjd med pelare. Kontoren är enkla i sin utformning. Detta kanske tråkiga kontorslandskap kompenseras med en stor och ljus reträttzon. / In this City Hall I wanted to explore the public place. In Tensta, like other suburbs, there is often a shortage of gathering spaces. I wanted to solve this by turning my City Hall into a public space.The Tensta site is characterized by a 4-meter height difference between Tenstagången and Taxingegränd. Tenstagången is 4-meter above Taxingegränd and is a road that serves as a passage to the small city center. Taxingegränd is the space 4-meter below, where Tensta Konsthall is located along with a small square and parking lot. I choose to work with this height difference and incorporate it into the design. By creating a new space on top of my building I could increase the public space. The roof is used as a public square, which also works as a connection between Tenstagången and Taxingegränd. The roof of the building has an organic shape reminiscent of a landscape. On the lower level there is a large entrance hall with a high ceiling. This entrance hall should serve as a public indoor place where you can sit and socialize, study or eat food. There is also a reception with waiting room and visiting room for the grant applicants. The staff offices are in a cube-shaped building and is raised with pillars. The offices are simple in their design. This slightly mundane office landscape is contrasted by a large and bright retreat zone.

Exploration of Novel Silicon Devices Toward the Realization of a MEMS-Based Microsystem for Utilities (Water, Gas, Electrical) Monitoring

Kankanam, Gamage Sisira 11 October 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring New Physics in Ultracold Quantum Gases: High Spin Fermions and Non-Trivial Background Manifolds

Huang, Biao 28 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Traveling Theater

Law, Peter Z. 10 June 2011 (has links)
This thesis proposes that architecture has the potential to organize experience through its sensory effects and that the body is the fundamental link between experience and the imagination. The project in this thesis is a traveling theater. It was inspired by an interest in the intersection between architecture and contemporary theater. The theater borrows elements from traditional theaters and street theater in an effort to establish a separation between actor and spectator while also encouraging exploration of that basic theatrical relationship. There were three fundamental moves in the theater: the cubic volume; the siting and decision to travel; and the separation of the structure and skin. Each of these was a starting point for sensory effects explored in the theater. / Master of Architecture

Study on nonlinear transport and optical phenomena under inversion symmetry breaking / 反転対称性の破れた系における非線形輸送と光学現象に関する研究

Nishijima, Taiki 25 March 2024 (has links)
付記する学位プログラム名: 京都大学卓越大学院プログラム「先端光・電子デバイス創成学」 / 京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第25294号 / 工博第5253号 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科電子工学専攻 / (主査)教授 白石 誠司, 准教授 掛谷 一弘, 教授 柳瀬 陽一 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

Radnice Brno – Sever / New town hall for the district Brno-North

Janoušek, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The task of the diploma work was to design a city hall for Brno-North. It is situated in the area of the Blackfields barracks for which I've made urban design in last semester. The concept of the design is based on the simple idea of two patios - one green court surrounded by offices of various official unions for which it serves as an element of calmness and clear communication in the workplace. Second 'patio' is its spatial counterpoint, a large hall where all the significant ongoing negotiations are hold. In short, a relationship of execution and decision. Interiors offer plenty of meeting and communication spaces, meeting rooms, all united by the space at the south side of the building, which opens gradually on each floor offering an overview across the whole space. The mass of the building itself is compact on the outside, long (southern) facade is facing the square. The external appearance of the building is articulated within the construction module and reflects inner spaces. While the facade of the administrative part of the building reflects more the system and repetition, southern facade uses more open and subtle expression.

Signature optique des ferroaimants de Hall quantiques dans la bicouche de graphène

Barrette, Manuel January 2016 (has links)
Un moyen permettant d'identifier expérimentalement les phases du gaz d'électrons bidimensionnel de la bicouche de graphène en empilement bernal au remplissage $\nu = 3$ est recherché lorsque le biais électrique entre les couches est varié. À ce remplissage, si on se concentre aux basses énergies, il est possible de ne s'intéresser qu'aux deux niveaux de Landau composant le niveau $N=0$ qui sont de même spin et de même vallée, mais d'orbitale différente. Puisque la texture du pseudospin orbital de ce système change selon la phase, il est attendu que le couplage avec le champ électrique de la lumière devrait changer. La dispersion des modes collectifs de chaque phase est calculée dans l'approximation GRPA (generalized random-phase approximation) dans le domaine en biais où chacune domine respectivement. L'absorption optique pour des polarisations linéaires en direction x et en direction y ainsi que pour des polarisations circulaires gauche et droite est calculée. La rotation de Faraday et l'effet Kerr sont également calculés. Des différences entre les phases sont remarquées au niveaux de la fréquence des photons qui sont absorbés, de l'amplitude de l'absorption et de la rotation de la polarisation ainsi que la sensibilité à certains types de polarisation. L'effet des modes collectifs dans les phases considérées est cependant moindre que celui qui est prédit dans un calcul qui ne tient pas compte de l'interaction de Coulomb.

Evaluation of Hall-sensors for motor control in high precision applications for aircraft

Forsberg, Oscar January 2016 (has links)
A functioning prototype test motor with Hall-sensor feedback has been built, and the test results show that the motor performance in terms of speed ripple is well within the specified demands. The temperature demands however, have not been fully met. The minimum operating temperature of the sensor was specified to -55◦C by Saab, and the sensors found on the market has a minimum operating temperature of -40◦C. There was also an operation error, the reason of which could either be failure of the drive unit to deliver enough current, or the stator magnetic field strength being too strong for the sensors to reliably detect the rotor magnets when a sufficiently strong current is run through the stator windings. For the purpose of investigating this error it is proposed to conduct tests with a drive unit that can deliver currents over 5 A. / SWE Demo

A duality construction for interacting quantum Hall systems

Kriel, Johannes Nicolaas 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The fractional quantum Hall effect represents a true many-body phenomenon in which the collective behaviour of interacting electrons plays a central role. In contrast to its integral counterpart, the appearance of a mobility gap in the fractional quantum Hall regime is due entirely to the Coulomb interaction and is not the result of a perturbed single particle gap. The bulk of our theoretical understanding of the underlying many-body problem is based on Laughlin’s ansatz wave function and the composite fermion picture proposed by Jain. In the latter the fractional quantum Hall effect of interacting electrons is formulated as the integral quantum Hall effect of weakly interacting quasiparticles called composite fermions. The composite fermion picture provides a qualitative description of the interacting system’s low-energy spectrum and leads to a generalisation of Laughlin’s wave functions for the electron ground state. These predictions have been verified through extensive numerical tests. In this work we present an alternative formulation of the composite fermion picture within a more rigorous mathematical framework. Our goal is to establish the relation between the strongly interacting electron problem and its dual description in terms of weakly interacting quasiparticles on the level of the microscopic Hamiltonian itself. This allows us to derive an analytic expression for the interaction induced excitation gap which agrees very well with existing numerical results. We also formulate a mapping between the states of the free particle and interacting descriptions in which the characteristic Jastrow-Slater structure of the composite fermion ansatz appears naturally. Our formalism also serves to clarify several aspects of the standard heuristic construction, particularly with regard to the emergence of the effective magnetic field and the role of higher Landau levels. We also resolve a long standing issue regarding the overlap of unprojected composite fermion trial wave functions with the lowest Landau level of the free particle Hamiltonian. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fraksionele kwantum Hall-effek is ’n veeldeeltjie verskynsel waarin die kollektiewe gedrag van wisselwerkende elektrone ’n sentrale rol speel. In teenstelling met die heeltallige kwantum Hall-effek is die ontstaan van ’n energie gaping in die fraksionele geval nie ’n enkeldeeltjie effek nie, maar kan uitsluitlik aan die Coulomb wisselwerking toegeskryf word. Die teoretiese raamwerk waarbinne hierdie veeldeeltjie probleem verstaan word is grootliks gebaseer op Laughlin se proefgolffunksie en die komposiete-fermion beeld van Jain. In laasgenoemde word die fraksionele kwantum Hall-effek van wisselwerkende elektrone geformuleer as die heeltallige kwantum Hall-effek van swak-wisselwerkende kwasi-deeljies wat as komposiete-fermione bekend staan. Hierdie beeld lewer ’n kwalitatiewe beskrywing van die wisselwerkende sisteem se lae-energie spektrum en lei tot ’n veralgemening van Laughlin se golffunksies vir die elektron grondtoestand. Hierdie voorspellings is deur verskeie numeriese studies geverifieer. In hierdie tesis ontwikkel ons ’n alternatiewe formulering van die komposiete-fermion beeld binne ’n strenger wiskundige raamwerk. Ons doel is om die verband tussen die sterk-wisselwerkende elektron sisteem en sy duale beskrywing in terme van swak-wisselwerkende kwasi-deeltjies op die vlak van die mikroskopiese Hamilton-operator self te realiseer. Hierdie konstruksie lei tot ’n analitiese uitdrukking vir die opwekkingsenergie wat baie goed met bestaande numeriese resultate ooreenstem. Ons identifiseer ook ’n afbeelding tussen die vrye-deeltjie en wisselwerkende toestande waarbinne die Jastrow-Slater struktuur van die komposiete-fermion proefgolffunksies op ’n natuurlike wyse na vore kom. Verder werp ons formalisme nuwe lig op kwessies binne die standaard heuristiese konstruksie, veral met betrekking tot die oorsprong van die effektiewe magneetveld en die rol van ho¨er effektiewe Landau vlakke. Ons lewer ook uitspraak oor die vraagstuk van die oorvleueling van ongeprojekteerde komposiete-fermion golffunksies met die laagste Landau vlak van die vrye-deeltjie Landau probleem.

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