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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nyheter som förströelser och kunskapsalstrare : En kritisk genomgång av nyhetskategoriseringar i hard news och soft news / - : -

Mattsson, Marcus January 2007 (has links)
<p><p>I denna uppsats behandlas vetenskapliga kategoriseringar av nyheter, närmare bestämt de två kategorierna hard news och soft news. Utifrån tre akademiska texter presenteras definieringar, värderingar och betänkanden som författarna till dessa texter gjort. Utgångspunkten för problematiseringen av nyhetskategoriseringarna har varit att belysa saken från ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv. Ett försök till detta har gjorts med dels en relativt allmän genomgång av socialkonstruktionismens grundprinciper, formulerade av Marianne Winther Jørgensen & Louise Philips, och dels med en fördjupning i den socialkonstruktionistiska grenen diskursteori såsom den formuleras av Michel Foucault. Utifrån detta görs en analys av de tre texterna utifrån hur de används för att etablera tolkningsföreträden och rättfärdiga de olika definieringarna, värderingarna och betänkandena som författarna lägger fram. Avslutningsvis förs en diskussion om det forskningsmässiga läget beträffande hard news och soft news.</p></p> / -

Changement institutionnel et managérialisation : transformation de la presse quotidienne nationale française et des pratiques professionnelles journalistiques (1944-2010)

Lardeau, Matthieu 28 November 2011 (has links)
La presse de hard news connaît les prémices d’un changement institutionnel qui se traduit en particulier par un processus de managérialisation des modes de gestion des rédactions et des pratiques professionnelles journalistiques. En mobilisant la théorie néo-institutionnelle, nous appréhendons ce phénomène à travers l’analyse de conflits entre logiques institutionnelles définies par des sous-logiques institutionnelles. On peut ainsi constater une érosion de la robustesse de la logique éditoriale dominante (depuis 1944) dans la gestion des rédactions et des activités journalistiques au profit de la logique business ou d’une nouvelle logique hybride managériale (qui combine des éléments des logiques éditoriale et business). A travers principalement des études ethnographiques menées au sein des rédactions de La Croix, de 20 Minutes et du Parisien-Aujourd’hui en France (entre 2007 et 2009), nous proposons une description des profils des journalistes-managers et une analyse de leur pratiques quotidiennes pour montrer le rôle substantiel rempli par ces JM dans ce processus de managérialisation. Par ailleurs, nous identifions les trois situations majeures dans lesquelles se trouvent aujourd’hui les groupes de PQN relativement à ce processus de managérialisation : des rédactions gouvernées par la logique éditoriale qui reste dominante, des rédactions qui connaissent un changement de logique dominante – passant de la logique éditoriale à la logique business – et des rédactions engagées dans une voie médiane caractérisée par la recherche d’une logique institutionnelle hybride en voie de pré-institutionnalisation. Notre analyse socio-historique de ce changement institutionnel de la presse de hard news (entre 1944 et 2010) conduit enfin à proposer une lecture prospective de la lutte sous-jacente pour la détention du pouvoir de direction des groupes de presse que se livrent actionnaires, managers et journalistes et au sein de laquelle nous identifions le rôle central rempli par les JM dans la définition et l’orientation à donner au processus de managérialisation / Hard news press faces the early beginnings of a deep institutional change through a managerialization process of newsrooms’ and journalistic practices management. Using the new institutionalism theory we assume to scrutinize this change through studying emerging conflicts between institutional logics – and underlying institutional logics – Inside newsrooms. We particularly notice that the strength of the dominant logic (since 1944 in France) – the editorial logic – that traditionally shapes and governs the newsroom and journalistic practices’ management is eroding; thus sometimes the competitive logic – the business logic –appears dominant or a new hybrid logic – combining elements from editorial and business logics – comes up. We have done extensive ethnographic studies inside newsrooms of three French major national newspapers, La Croix, 20 Minutes, and Le Parisien-Aujourd’hui en France (from 2007 to 2009). As a result we offer a first deep description of the characteristics of journalist-managers and analysis of their daily practices, and we show the major role played by these journalist-managers in the managerialization process. We also identify the three major situations that face the French Press groups regarded to managerialization: some newsrooms are still ruled and shaped by the editorial dominant logic; some that face a shift in the dominant logic – from the editorial to the business one; some that experience the attempt to define a hybrid institutional logic that only appears at a proto-institutionalization stage. Our socio-historical analysis of this deep institutional change process that affect the hard news press (from 1944 to 2010) finally invites to consider the evolution of the underlying struggle for power to run the Press firms involving shareholders, managers, and journalists; we assume journalist-managers play and will play the major role in shaping the orientation and content of managerialization process

Proměna tématické struktury hlavní zpravodajské relace České televize / Transformation of the thematic structure of the main news prograqmme of czech television

Hatalová, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the transformation of the thematic structure of Události, the main news segment of the Czech Television. Apart from the changes in the thematic structure, it deals with formal transformations at the basic level. For the purpose of this work, a research sample, which included one week of broadcasting in 1994, 2005 and 2011, was selected. A total of 27 news segments, which contained 341 reportages, were analyzed in the three research periods. A subsequent comparison of data provided answers to the following questions: How did the ratio of foreign and domestic topics changed? How did the ratio of hard and soft news change within a single news segment? What was the thematic structure like in the three research periods? Was there a change in the thematic structure? How did the duration of the news segment Události change? How did the number of reportages change within a single news segment? How did the duration of actual reportages change? Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

"Alla kan ju inte vara Janne Josefsson" : En kvalitativ studie om publikens förväntningar på objektivitet i sportjournalistik. / "Everyone can't be Janne Josefsson" : A qualitative study on the audience's expectations of objectivity in sports journalism.

Gunnarsson, Sara January 2017 (has links)
Objektivitet anses vara en central del av journalistik i en demokratisk och västerländsk värld, som bör vara ett vägledande ideal för de yrkesverksamma i deras arbete med att samla och presentera information. Deras professionella uppgifter består bland annat av att återge en sann bild av verkligheten, att visa lojalitet mot medborgare samt att vara opartiska och oberoende. Kritik riktas stundtals mot journalisters brister i att presentera nyheter som fullt ut följer objektivitetens principer, med argument om att journalistiken påverkas negativt av ökade kommersiella intressen. Sport är en genre inom nyhetsrapportering som har ett lågt anseende och utesluts från mer prestigefylld journalistik, som detta till trots är populär att konsumera ur ett publikperspektiv. Denna undersökning har haft sportjournalistikens låga status tillsammans med människors förhoppning om att fylla särskilda behov med hjälp av sportkonsumtion, som utgångspunkt för att vidare studera objektivitet inom området. Med detta som bakgrund ämnar studien att klargöra och belysa om publiken har förväntningar på objektivitet i sportjournalistik och i sådant fall vilka förväntningar.   Metoden som tillämpats för att kunna undersöka publikens åsikter kring ämnet är kvalitativ, detta i syfte om att skapa djupare förståelse för publikens attityder och uppfattningar. Fyra fokusgruppsintervjuer har genomförts där de personer som intervjuats har representerat en grupp sportintresserade unga vuxna i åldern 20–30 år, med totalt 24 deltagande, samtliga bosatta i Karlstad, Sverige.   Resultat av studien visar att publiken gör skillnad på vilka krav som kan ställas på att följa journalistiska etiska riktlinjer utifrån; medial kanal, enskilda sportjournalister, public service, kommersiella kanaler och lokal- och nationell nyhetspress. Ett samband kan i denna studie synliggöras mellan publikens uppfattning om sport som en nyhetskälla av lättsam och underhållande natur, som således skapar lägre förväntningar på att objektivitetsidealet efterföljs. Det bör poängteras att olika faktorer inom journalistisk objektivitet, förväntas att uppnås av publiken med väldig variation. Trovärdigheten hos sportjournalister tenderar att bedömas av publiken efter huruvida de uppgifter och resultat som presenteras är korrekta medan ett oberoende mot de som bevakas anses vara mycket svårt och ovanligt att uppfylla.   En annan viktig aspekt som belysts i studien är att sportjournalistik berörs av det geografiska läget för nyhetsredaktionen, där ett prioriterat medialt utrymme för lokala och nationella lag tillsammans med redaktionernas beroende av goda relationer till föreningar och lag, uppfattas som orsaker till bristande objektivitet.

Mediální obraz ČR v v anglicky hovořícím světě / The nedia image of the Czech republic in the english-speaking world

Svoboda, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The title of the presented thesis is The Media Image of the Czech Republic in the English-speaking World. The media image of the Czech Republic is analyzed in three different English-written newspapers. The chosen newspapers are USA Today, The Daily Mail and The Australian. The overall goal of the thesis is to compare media images which are constructed by defined periodicals and it is reached by checking of the hypotheses which are defined in the introduction and thanks to the comparison of data gathered during the research. The theoretical part of the thesis anchors the work itself within contemporary theories and academic approaches. The news production with international news flows included are described in the theoretical chapter along with stereotypes and their relation to media images. The whole chapter is ended by subchapter about hard and soft news and subchapter about evaluation in media. The analytical part of the thesis begins with a description of a used research method and a definition of used data. Subsequently, there is a detailed description of used variables. The very last part of the whole paper presents complex results of the research, the hypotheses are proved or falsified and the differences among the media image of the analyzed newspapers are described.

Projevy bulvarizace ve zpravodajství České televize v kontextu jeho oficiálních proměn / Tabloidization of Czech television news in the context of its official changes

Vysloužilová, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
The tabloidization of the news is a term used more and more frequently when discussing the general decline of standards in media. And also when talking about the focus on the entertaining side of events or focus on rather simple topics in the news. The goal of the diploma thesis "Tabloidization of Czech television news in the context of its official changes" is to critically reflect the news produced by the Czech television considering the tabloidisation. It is particularly focused on the official changes from the years 2007 and 2012 and it compares the periods before and after the changes to determine what kind of effect they had on the tabloidization indicating elements. These elements are defined in the theoretical part of the diploma thesis which is mainly based on the foreign literature and which is looking closer on the different definitions of tabloidization and methods that are being used when trying to uncover the tabloidization in media content. Then, the essence of public service media is introduced, followed as well by the presentation of the Czech television as an institution. Also, the possible effects of tabloidization on the audience are discussed, considering its influence on the society as a whole. The attention is being paid to particular research questions and variables in the...

台灣電視新聞綜藝化現象對大學生評估電視新聞公信力之影響 / The Infotainment Tendencies in Packaging TV News in Taiwan: The Effect on College Audience’s Evaluation of TV News Credibility

魏介珩 Unknown Date (has links)
全球的電視新聞文化現今都已偏好聳動的主題及令人目眩神移、訴諸感官刺激的綜藝化製作方式。台灣的電視新聞綜藝化自壹週刊、蘋果日報在台出刊後更加明顯氾濫,這種辛辣聳動的刊物成為各家電視新聞台的重要新聞來源。此外,過多的24小時新聞台為了搶收視率亦在視聽覺吸引及口語報導方式上無所不用其極的“吸睛”。值得一探的是,觀眾對於這種綜藝化播報方式的觀感究竟如何,而此種播報方式對於其電視新聞可信度又是否會有影響。 本文從不同變項探討現今台灣電視新聞綜藝化手法對大學生評估新聞可信度的影響及觀感。除人口變項外,亦討論媒介使用習慣、媒體素養與電視新聞可信度評價的關係。研究結果發現,一般來說,媒體素養越高的受測者對台灣電視新聞可信度評價越低,也較不喜歡看綜藝化手法製作的電視新聞。此外,本文除討論現今常使用的綜藝化手法所引發的新聞可信度評價影響,亦發現大多數綜藝化手法應用於硬性新聞較應用於軟性新聞播報中引發較低的新聞可信度評價。 / The phenomenon of infotainment tendency in TV news broadcasting has been rising globally. Taiwan is no exception since last decade, especially a turning point that Apple Daily first published in Taiwan. This sensationalism- oriented publication has become an essential reference for TV news producers and resulted in a revolution of TV news in Taiwan, which from content to format presentation have become relatively infotainment- oriented. The excessive 24-hour news channels is another cause of the infotainment phenomenon in Taiwan, which results in a vicious viewing rate competition. In order to draw audience’s attention, each channel tries hard to be “eye- catching” to please audience instead of providing substantive information. This study investigated the effect of the current prosperous infotainment tendencies in news broadcasting in Taiwan on college audience’s evaluation and perception of TV news credibility through different variables. In addition to demographic investigation, this study also conducted research on the correlation between audience’s media literacy level, media use habit and TV news credibility evaluation. It is found that respondents with more media understanding are more sensitive and critical to the infotainment issue in TV news. Moreover, the results showed that the infotainment applications used in hard news generally lead to lower TV news credibility than used in soft news. The findings of this study contribute reference to the news discipline for TV news producers in Taiwan.

Gender's Role in Spanish-Language Journalism- An Examination of How Gender Plays in Hard Vs. Soft News

Elajami, Victoria R 01 January 2018 (has links)
The inequality of women in the workforce has been an ongoing issue. The 19th amendment granted women the right to vote in 1920. Since then, women have continued to fight for their equality in its entirety. Specifically, in the 21st-century women continue to fight for equality in the work place. Studies have shown that the amount of women in the workplace has exponentially increased. In fact, “they caught up with men in the rates of higher-education graduation, they increased their training and representation in formerly male-dominated professional fields and they entered many previously male dominated occupations” (Vokić, 2017). However the increase of representation doesn’t necessarily positively correlate with the treatment of women in the workforce. In many countries the most prominent journalists remain male. The purpose of this paper is to detect if Spanish-language journalism is male dominated in regard to the kinds of stories male and female reporters are assigned. Through the observation of which gender gets assigned hard/soft news stories we will examine if this pattern continues in Spanish-language broadcast journalism. We will determine if stereotypes and gender roles are being reinforced in the media through the assignment of stories to reporters.

Formy a funkce přímé řeči v žánrové struktuře novinových zpráv / The function of direct forms of presentation in the generic structure of newspaper reports

Urbanová, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the employment of direct forms of presentation in the genre of hard news. The texts for the analysis were excerpted from the main British broadsheet newspapers. The classification of forms of presentation is based on Semino and Short (2004) and focuses on their deictic and syntactic properties, interpreted in terms of the pragmatic concepts of perspective, faithfulness claims and the role of the reported and reporting speaker. Attention is paid to various direct forms, including direct speech, free direct speech and combined forms, i.e. non-direct forms appearing with a partial direct quote. The thesis draws heavily on the work by White (1998), whose approach to genre is informed by the ideas proposed by the Sydney School and Systemic Functional Linguistics. Hard news is characterised by the orbital generic structure, consisting of the nucleus and a number of specifying satellites (White 1998). The occurrence of direct and combined forms of presentation is explained by their deictic, syntactic and pragmatic properties, the generic role and characteristic features of the nucleus and individual satellites, and the overall function of hard news. The function of hard news and forms of presentation is also discussed in terms of the more general concepts of heteroglossia, dialogue...

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