Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kawai'i"" "subject:"hawai'i""
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Quantification of plumage coloration of a Hawaiian honeycreeper (Hemignathus virens virens) along gradients of biogeography: Does variation exist between sub-populations on the island of Hawai'i? /Gaudioso, Jacqueline M. January 2009 (has links)
Theses (M.S.)--University of Hawai'i at Hilo, 2009. / Advisor : Hart, Patrick J. Bibliography : p.39-42.
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Transfer and effects of maternal anti-Plasmodium antibodies in Hawai'i 'amakihi (Hemignathus virens) and common canary (Serinus canaria) /Hsu, Bobby January 2009 (has links)
Theses (M.S.)- -University of Hawai'i at Hilo, 2009 / Advisor : Hart, Patrick J. Bibliography : p. 24-27.
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Free-living Symbiodinium: Genetic diversity and availability for acquisition by asymbiotic coral larvae. /Adams, Lisa M. January 2009 (has links)
Theses (M.S.)- -University of Hawai'i at Hilo, 2009. / Advisor : Misaki Takabayashi. Bibliography : p.70-76.
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Towards a Decolonial Haole RhetoricHomer, Matthew Jordan 14 June 2022 (has links)
This dissertation examines the concept of haole, a Native Hawaiian articulation of whiteness, in two multimodal texts related to the proposed construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna-a-Wākea in Hawai'i. Specifically, I analyze the Aloha 'Aima mural at the University of Hawai'i and the 'Imiloa web interface, as two examples of delinking whiteness through decolonial enactment. Building on this analysis, this project theorizes a decolonial haole rhetoric by redefining the rhetorical character of whiteness from outside a Eurowestern frame. Haole is an example of decolonial enactment because it responds to cultural rhetorics by engaging with the loci of enunciation rather than attending to meaning. Haole rhetoric is a form of whiteness that responds to Hawai'i's specific history of, and resistance to, colonialism. I argue for white settler allyship that works from the rhetorical ground of colonial wounds to counteract the colonial control of meaning. In this dissertation, I have developed a haole methodology that includes the following tenets: 1) any presence of whiteness manifests coloniality; 2) Indigenous knowledges are always taken on their own terms and never through Eurowestern frames of thought 3) the aim is always to inform meaning-making practices for white settlers, as opposed to Indigenous people; and 4) engagement of cultural rhetorics aim of epistemic disobedience, or delinking, from settler logics.
Shifting whiteness from communicative identity to inhabiting whiteness as a decolonial enactment manifests whiteness in the peripheries of decolonial futures. An embrace of decolonial haole rhetoric and methodology maintains the colonial history between white settlers and Native Hawaiians, where rather than feigning innocence, white settlers instead consider histories of colonialism as sites on which to build responsible relationalities that may be productive for efforts of decolonization. This project demonstrates how Indigeneity can inform haole epistemological delinking, and how obligations, friendship, and intimacies are forged in colonial situations. / Doctor of Philosophy / This dissertation examines the concept of haole, a Native Hawaiian word for whiteness, in various texts, such as public murals and web interfaces, related to the proposed construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea in Hawai'i. Specially, this project theorizes a decolonial haole rhetoric as a new way to be white that is obligated to of cultural knowledges of place and history of whiteness. I argue for settler allyship that understands whiteness not from its own understanding, but instead from the meanings and knowledges of Hawaiian conceptions of whiteness. In this dissertation, I have developed a methodology that includes the following tenets: 1) any presence of whiteness manifests coloniality; 2) Indigenous knowledges are always taken on their own terms and never made relatable towards Eurowestern thought; 3) the aim is always to inform meaning-making practices for white settlers, never Indigenous people; and 4) engagement of cultural rhetorics aims towards epistemic disobedience, or delinking, from settler logics.
A haole rhetoric attempts to rethink whiteness in a way that doesn't double down on whiteness's own understanding of itself, but instead a way of inhabiting whiteness that is obligated and ethical to Hawaiian thought and culture. Embracing this a decolonial haole rhetoric doesn't forgive haoles for colonial wrongs, but instead focuses on colonial wrongs as sites to build relationalites of settler allyship.
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Auf der Suche nach der Hawaiischen Nation / Autonomiepolitik und kulturelle Revitalisierung im US-Bundesstaat Hawai'i / In Search of the Hawaiian Nation / Politics of Autonomy and Cultural Revitalization in the State of Hawai'iMenter, Ulrich 09 November 2009 (has links)
Im Zentrum der Arbeit steht die Analyse des „Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement“, einer politische Bewegung indigener Hawaiier. Sie bestimmte in den 1990er Jahren – 1993 jährte sich der Sturz der Monarchie zum 100. Male – das politische Leben des Inselstaates mit und forderte kulturelle und politische Autonomie für den hawaiischen Bevölkerungsteil des Inselstaates. Fragen nach der Politisierung kultureller Prozesse sowie nach der Kulturalisierung und Ethnisierung vornehmlich politischer und sozialer Konflikte stehen dabei im Vordergrund der Betrachtung. Ausgangspunkt jeglichen Diskurses um Autonomie oder „Sovereignty“ ist dabei die bewegte politische Geschichte Hawai‘is im 19. Jahrhundert. Mit einer ständig wachsenden Zahl von Siedlern wurden die Hawaiier im Laufe des 19. Jahrhunderts zu einer Minderheit im eigenen Land.
Als Gegenbewegung zu diesem immer weiter reichenden Aufgehen der hawaiischen Minderheit in der Gesamtbevölkerung des Bundesstaates forcierte die so genannte „Hawaiian Renaissance“, eine Revitalisierungsbewegung der 1960er Jahre, eine Rückbesinnung auf traditionelle Kulturtechniken und die von ihr beschriebenen „hawaiischen Werte“. Sie lieferte dem entstehenden „Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement“ zahlreiche Ansatzpunkte zur Verknüpfung politischer Forderungen mit Kernsymbolen hawaiischer Identität.
Neben dem diachron ausgerichteten Blick auf Veränderungsprozesse und Entwicklungen der Deutungshoheit über die von den Hawaiiern reklamierten Traditionen steht die synchrone Betrachtung der Veranstaltungen und Ereignisse des Gedenkjahres 1993. Anhand der Analyse eines zentralen Themas des Autonomiediskurses, der Frage der Land¬nutzung und der Landrechte, kann ein umfassendes Bild der Autonomiebewegung, ihrer politischen Praxis und der mit ihr verwobenen kulturellen Deutungsmuster und Konfliktlösungsstrategien gezeichnet werden. Es entsteht dabei das Bild einer spezifisch hawaiischen Bewegung, die sich durch bestimmte Muster der Provokation, durch Gewaltfreiheit und durch ein ständiges Aufflammen und Zurücknehmen von Konflikten auszeichnet.
Mit dem Blick auf die hawaiische Kunstszene der Gegenwart rundet sich gewissermaßen die Darstellung der hawaiischen Autonomiebewegung. Stand doch die kulturelle Revitalisierung am Beginn der politischen Bewegung, die sich verschiedener Aspekte hawaiischer Kultur zur Untermauerung ihres Anspruches bediente. Heute haben sich die Gewichtungen verschoben: eine zunehmend autonom agierende Szene bildender Künstler hawaiischer Abstammung nimmt die von der Autonomiebewegung postulierten Fragestellungen und Ziele in ihre Produktion auf und propagiert so hawaiische „Sovereignty“ oder Autonomie. Die politische Bewegung der Hawaiier ist auf diese Weise eng verwoben mit einer öffentlichen hawaiischen Kultur der Gegenwart, die sich zunehmend von Rückgriffen auf Tradition und Vergangenheit löst und zugleich immer wieder neue und eigenständige Zeichen kultureller Autonomie setzt.
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Recidivism Rates Among Biological Fathers and Parental Figures Who Commit Child Sexual Abuse in Hawai'iDixon, Stephanie Dixon 01 January 2018 (has links)
Sex offenders are commonly grouped into categories based on the characteristics (e.g., victim age, relationship to offender) of their victims for criminal sentencing and treatment purposes. The purpose of this quantitative, quasi-experimental study was to address the gap in the lack of literature comparing recidivism rates among biological fathers and male parental figures who committed incestuous child sexual abuse in Hawai'i against children 15 years or younger. This study was the first attempt in the state to examine the number of inmates who had completed their maximum sentences and were later returned to prison for new felony incest offenses. Secondary data were obtained from the Safety Sex Offender Treatment Program (SOTP) within the state of Hawai'i Department of Public Safety (DPS) from the years 1988 to 2013. Areas of recidivism and crimes involving biological fathers, stepfathers, boyfriends of the victims' mothers, foster parents, and hana'i family members were included (N = 1,727). Three hundred and ten met the criteria for the current study. The study had 2 independent variables: the offender's relationship to the victim (e.g., biological, adoptive, stepparent, foster parent or hana'i family members); or the residency status of the offender (e.g., lived with the victim versus did not live with the victim). The dependent variable was the recidivism rates of the incest offenders (i.e., new incest offense convictions). Analysis of these variables using the ï?£2 with Cramer's V statistical test lacked statistical significance as there was no documented evidence of recidivism in either group. The potential for social change and clinical significance still exists. Further analysis of the effectiveness of the SOTP may aid in sustaining low recidivism rates.
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Hua Ka Nalu: Hawaiian Surf LiteratureMasterson, Ian January 2010 (has links)
plan A / Pacific Islands Studies
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Lei Stories: Experiences and Practices Behind Lei Producation in HawaiiNishida, Junko January 2010 (has links)
plan B / Pacific Islands Studies
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Kûkulu kauhale o limaloa : a Kanaka Maoli culture based approach to education through visual studies : a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education, Massey University, College of EducationClark, Herman Pi'ikea January 2006 (has links)
This thesis reports on the outcome of a Kanaka Maoli culture based teacher education class initiated as a research project through the University of Hawaii in the summer of 2004. With the aim to identify and engage pedagogical and curricular approaches derived from the cultural perspectives, values and aspirations of Kanaka Maoli people, this experimental class utilized image making as the principle basis for investigation and the representation of knowledge from a Kanaka Maoli perspective. This research project set out to actively engage Kanaka Maoli approaches to teaching and knowledge construction so as to describe a viable alternative to National and State mandated education practices in Art Education which have historically overlooked and marginalized indigenous knowledge through the school curriculum in Hawai'i.(Benham & Heck, 1998) Limaloa's Kauhale, an educational model grounded in a Kanaka Maoli cultural metaphor, was developed and applied through this research project as a way of offering students the chance to learn within an educational setting where Kanaka Maoli knowledge, ways of knowing and ways of expressing that knowledge was prioritized as the principle medium of investigation. The results of student work - images and written journal responses - were examined as a part of this research to identify the principle effects and understandings students identified as the effect of working through the Kanaka Maoli educational setting. The complete work of this thesis identifies from the experiences of students working through the Kauhale Metaphor a set of learning outcomes that arise out of a Kanaka Maoli culture based approach for education through image making.
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Analysis of the foraging ecology of hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) on Hawai'i Island : An investigation utilizing satellite tracking and stable isotopes. /Graham, Shannon C. January 2009 (has links)
Theses (M.S.)--University of Hawai'i at Hilo, 2009. / Advisor : Jason Turner. Bibliography : p.28-30.
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