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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship between the talent mindset and organisational commitment of academic heads of departments

Viljoen (Malherbe), Shelley Ann January 2014 (has links)
Orientation – Talent mindset (TM) and organisational commitment (OC) are two separate constructs and it appears that a positive relationship exists between these two constructs. Research Purpose – The study aims to determine the relationship between the talent mindset and organisational commitment of academic heads of departments. Motivation for the Study – There is a vast problem in the higher education sector with regards to retaining academic staff members. In order for higher education institutions to attract and more specifically retain academic talent, one needs to implement a sound talent management model. Before such a model can be implemented with success, the organisation first needs to have a positive talent mindset. The relationship between talent mindset and organisational commitment may provide a means to develop appropriate interventions or strategies in order to enhance the talent mindset by focusing on improving the organisational commitment and vice versa. Research Design, Approach and Method – Two instruments, namely the Talent Mindset Index (TMI) and Organisational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ), were administered to a sample of 116 heads of departments at a leading university in South Africa, 53 completed questionnaires were obtained. The responses were analysed using correlation analysis and quantitative techniques. Main Findings – Results confirm that the presence of OC is associated with a positive TM Practical / Managerial Implications – The study provides evidence that there is a correlation between OC and the TM of academic heads of departments. Thus, if management utilises existing techniques to increase OC, this should lead to the enhancement of the head of departments’ TM. The enhanced TM would equip them to implement a talent management model to attract and retain academic staff. Contribution / Value Add – By enhancing the TM of the heads of departments through utilising existing techniques to increase OC, management should be in a stronger position to implement a talent management model effectively. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / lk2014 / Human Resource Management / MA / Unrestricted

Management and leadership functions of heads of departments in technical high schools / Thabo Daniel Borole.

Borole, Thabo Daniel January 2010 (has links)
The research study departs from the, angle that heads of department occupy an important position at the interface of management and delivery of education. Their functions range from teaching to managing the school's departments in a diligent way. It was assumed that failure for heads of department to be part of the leadership in the school and at the same time manage their department and engage in teaching duties would result in a school becoming dysfunctional. A literature study was conducted to explore the leadership and management functions of the heads of department and to investigate the specific challenges facing heads of department in technical high schools. The empirical research consisted of a questionnaire survey to determine the views of the heads of department on their management and leadership functions and the challenges they experience in executing their tasks. It involved 75 heads of department in 13 Technical High School in the North West Province. The major findings of the research study reveal that heads of department experience challenges with a heavy workload, find it difficult to strike a balance between teaching duties and management duties and also face challenges in executing their functions even if a job description exists. It was also revealed that respondents strongly agree with the African cultural perspective concerning the ideal leadership characteristics of heads of department. Generally the study indicated that heads of department require training aimed at meeting the specific needs of middle managers. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

Management and leadership functions of heads of departments in technical high schools / Thabo Daniel Borole.

Borole, Thabo Daniel January 2010 (has links)
The research study departs from the, angle that heads of department occupy an important position at the interface of management and delivery of education. Their functions range from teaching to managing the school's departments in a diligent way. It was assumed that failure for heads of department to be part of the leadership in the school and at the same time manage their department and engage in teaching duties would result in a school becoming dysfunctional. A literature study was conducted to explore the leadership and management functions of the heads of department and to investigate the specific challenges facing heads of department in technical high schools. The empirical research consisted of a questionnaire survey to determine the views of the heads of department on their management and leadership functions and the challenges they experience in executing their tasks. It involved 75 heads of department in 13 Technical High School in the North West Province. The major findings of the research study reveal that heads of department experience challenges with a heavy workload, find it difficult to strike a balance between teaching duties and management duties and also face challenges in executing their functions even if a job description exists. It was also revealed that respondents strongly agree with the African cultural perspective concerning the ideal leadership characteristics of heads of department. Generally the study indicated that heads of department require training aimed at meeting the specific needs of middle managers. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

The relationship between the talent mindset and organisational commitment of academic heads of departments

Viljoen, Shelley Ann January 2014 (has links)
The study aims to determine the relationship between the talent mindset (TM) and organisational commitment (OC) of academic heads of departments. There is a vast problem in the higher education sector with regards to retaining academic staff members. In order for higher education institutions to attract and more specifically retain academic talent, one needs to implement a sound talent management model. Before such a model can be implemented with success, the organisation first needs to have a positive talent mindset. The relationship between talent mindset and organisational commitment may provide a means to develop appropriate interventions or strategies in order to enhance the talent mindset by focusing on improving the organisational commitment and vice versa. Two instruments, namely the Talent Mindset Index (TMI) and Organisational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ), were administered to a sample of 116 heads of departments at a leading university in South Africa, 53 completed questionnaires were obtained. The responses were analysed using correlation analysis and quantitative techniques. Results confirm that the presence of OC is associated with a positive TM. Therefore, the study provides evidence that there is a correlation between OC and the TM of academic heads of departments. Thus, if management utilises existing techniques to increase OC, this should lead to the enhancement of the heads of departments’ TM. The enhanced TM would equip them to implement a talent management model to attract and retain academic staff. / Dissertation MCom University of Pretoria, 2014 / Human Resource Management / unrestricted

Managing teacher professional development : a case study of foundation phase heads of departments in Mpumalanga province

Mashiane-Nkabinde, Mfulathelwa Maria Bongi 17 January 2020 (has links)
This study explored how foundation phase heads of departments manage and support professional development in the foundation phase. The study also explored the support these heads of departments receive from external sources in managing and supporting teachers in their professional development. Teachers' perspective about their professional development and support from heads of departments were also explored. A qualitative approach, located in an interpretive paradigm, was adopted. Drawing on various elements of case study research designs, the study focused on six foundation phase HoDs, one Intermediate Phase HoD and five foundation phase teachers from different school settings in one of the provinces in South Africa. Interviews and document analysis were used as the primary tools for data collection. During the interviews, teachers outlined their views on the support provided by both heads of departments and external sources that work to enhance their professional learning. Through a cross-case analysis approach, the study indicated that teachers appreciated the support received from heads of departments and external sources. The main finding of the study was that there was little support for the heads of departments from external sources. Another finding was that there was minimal support for heads of departments from external sources, predominantly Non-Governmental Organisations. This study indicated the none availability of induction programmes for the newly appointed foundation phase heads of departments. It is recommended that the Mpumalanga Department of Education organise an induction programme for the newly appointed foundation phase heads of departments. The induction should focus mainly on leadership and management. Lastly, it is recommended that government officials from the district, province and nation provide external support that would benefit the foundation phase heads of departments. / Ifundorhubhululweli belihlola ngokuzeleleko kobana iinhloko zeminyango yezefundo ziphatha begodu zisekela njani ukukhula kwabosolwazi kusigabasisekelo. Ifundorhubhululweli, liveze isekelo lemithombo yangaphandle, lokuphatha nokusekela abotitjhere ekukhuleni kwabo ngokwelwazi. Indlela abotitjhere babona ngayo ukukhula kwabo ngokwelwazi nesekelo abalifunyana eenhlokweni zeminyango yezefundo nalo lihlolwe ngokuzeleko. Ifinyelelo lekhwalitheyithivi eliyi-interpretative paradigm ngilo elisetjenzisiweko. Ngokutjhejwa kwemihlobo eyahlukahlukeneko yeemfundosehlakalo, iinHloko zemiNyango ezisithandathu (HoD’s) zesigabasisekelo, iHloko yesiGaba (HoD) ngayinye nabotitjhere abasithandathu besigaba sisisekelo, ababuya eenkolweni ezihlukahlukeneko ngokuhleleka esifundeni sinye seSewula Afrika. Ukuhlunga nokuhlaziywa kwamadokhumende/kwemitlolo ngikho okusetjenziswe ukubuthelela ilwazi elaneleko. Ngesikhathi sokuhlungwa, abotitjhere baveze imizwa yabo ngesekelo ebalifunyana eenhlokweni zeminyango yezefundo nakumithombo yangaphandle ebasiza ukwandisa ilwazi labo kezefundo. Ngokwefinyelelo le-cross analysis, ifundorhubhululweli litjengise kobana abotitjhere bayalithokozela isekelo abalifunyana eenhlokweni zeminyango yezefundo nalelo elibuya kumithombo yangaphandle. Okukhulu okufunyenwe lirhubhululweli, litlhayelo lesekelo eenhlokweni zeminyango yezefundo elibuya kumithombo yangaphandle, kuqaliswe khulu eenhlanganweni ezingasekelwa mbuso (Non-Governmental Organisations). Ifundorhubhululweli litjengise godu itlhayelo lamahlelo wokufundisa iinhloko zeminyango yezefundo ezibekwe eenkhundleni ezitjha. Amahlelo wokufundisa iinhloko zeminyango yezefundo eziqedwa ukubekwa eenkhundleni, ezitjha azokuhlelwa mNyango wezeFundo eMpumalanga. Ukwethulwa kwabo kufanele kuqale zoburholi nokuphatha. Kokugcina, iinsebenzi zombuso ezibuya iiyingini, eemfundeni zenarha yoke zinikele ngesekelo langaphandle elizokuzuzisa iinhloko zeminyango yefundo yesigaba-sisisekelo. / Lolu cwaningo luhlola ukuthi izinhloko zeminyango yesigaba semfundo eyisisekelo ziyiphatha ziyesekele kanjani intuthuko yobuchwepheshe esigabeni semfundo eyisisekelo. Lolu cwaningo luhlole nangokwesekeleka okuvela emithonjeni yangaphandle okutholwa yilezi zinhloko zeminyango ekuphatheni nasekwesekeleni othisha ekuthuthukeni ebuchwephesheni emsebenzini wabo. Kwabuye kwahlolwa ukuthi othisha bakubuka ngeso elinjani ukuthuthuka kwabo emsebenzini wabo nokubheka ukwesekelwa kwabo yizinhloko zeminyango. Kwalandelwa indlela yokubheka ikhwalithi egaxwe emkhakheni wokuchazwa (interpretative) kwezinto. Kwacashunwa ezimpawini ezahlukene zokucubungula amadizayini okucwaninga kokwenzeka ngempela (case study), kwagxilwa kuZinhloko Zeminyango eziyisithupha zeSigaba Semfundo Eyisisekelo, eyodwa yeSigaba Semfundo Emaphakathi, nothisha abahlanu besigaba semfundo eyisisekelo abavela ezizindeni zemfundo ezahlukene kwesinye sezifundazwe zaseNingizimu Afrika. Kwasetshenziswa ukuhlaziywa kwama-intaviyu namadokhumenti njengamathuluzi okuqoqa imininingwane noma idatha. Ngesikhathi sama-intaviyu, othisha babenika imibono yabo ngokwesekelwa ababekuthola ezinhlokweni zeminyango nemithombo evela ngaphandle eyayibambisene ekuthuthukiseni ukufunda kwabo ubuchwepheshe. Lapho kusetshenziswa indlela yokuhlaziya ngokugamanxana kokucubungulwayo (cross-case), ucwaningo lukhombise ukuthi othisha bakuthokozela ukwesekelwa abakuthola kuzinhloko zeminyango nemithombo evela ngaphandle. Okubalulekile okwatholakala kulolu cwaningo ukuthi kuncane kakhulu ukwesekelwa ezazikuthola emithonjeni yangaphandle izinhloko zeminyango. Okunye okwatholakala ukuthi kuncane kakhulu ukwesekelwa izinhloko zeminyango ezazikuthola kuvela ngaphandle, ikakhulu eziNhlanganweni okungezona ezikaHulumeni. Lolu cwaningo lukhombise ukuthi azitholakali izinhlelo zokuzingenisa emsebenzini (induction) izinhloko zeminyango esigabeni semfundo eyisisekelo, Kunconywa ukuthi uMnyango Wemfundo WaseMpumalanga uhlele ukuba kube nohlelo lokuzingenisa emsebenzini izinhloko ezintsha zeminyango esigabeni semfundo eyisisekelo. Lokhu kungeniswa kumele kugxile ebuholini nasekuphatheni. Okokugcina-ke, kunconywa ukuthi izikhulu zikahulumeni ezivela esifundeni, esifundazweni nakuzwelonke zilethe ukwesekela okuzosiza izinhloko zeminyango esigabeni semfundo eyisisekelo. / Educational Management and Leadership / Ph. D. (Educational Leadership and Management)

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