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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Salutary Violence: Quarantine and Controversy in Antebellum New York

Schroeder, Katie Marie 23 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Är den industriella djurproduktionen etiskt försvarbar ur ett jämlikhetsperspektiv? : En kvalitativ studie

Maria-Lie, Edin January 2023 (has links)
Inledningen förklarar förändring av livsmedelsproduktionen och att industrin kan ha potentiella etiska dilemman för jämlikheten. Att den industriella djurproduktionen kan ha förstärkt spridningen av Covid19 och att industrier ofta placeras i områden med låg socioekonomi. Bakgrunden förklarar att ett jämlikt samhälle har fördelar för alla. Samt hur Folkhälsomyndigheten arbetar med jämlikhet genom målet om en god och jämlik hälsa. Därefter beskrivs tidigare forskning, begrepp och teorier. Syftet med studien var att analyseraom den industriella djurproduktionen var etiskt försvarbar. Detta utfördes genom att analysera om industrin har potentiella risker för jämlikheten. Metoden var en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Urval var tio rapporter från privata- och statliga organisationer. Analysen i denna studie utgick från begreppet jämlikhet som kopplades till målet om en god och jämlik hälsa och de politiska folkhälsomålområdena. Vidare användes två normativa teorier, konsekvensetik och deontologisk/plikt- och rättighetsetik. Resultatet visar på att den industriella djurproduktionen kan ha potentiella risker. Riskerna framkom inom kategorierna; arbete, miljö och sjukdom. De potentiella riskerna sågs inom majoriteten av folkhälsopolitiska målområdena. Dessa risker kan påverka alla människor, dock visar resultatet att de som redan var utsatta var i högre risk för ohälsa och att dessa risker kan vara orättvisa, onödiga och undvikbara. Slutsatsen är att industrin kan ha potentiella direkta- och indirekta jämlikhetsbarriärer för en god och jämlik hälsa inom flera av de folkhälsopolitiska målområdena. De potentiella riskerna som framkommit i denna studie, analyserat från valda teorier, indikerar att IDP inte är etiskt försvarbar. / The introduction explains the change in food production and potential ethical dilemmas for equality. That the industrial animal production may have increased the spread of Covid19 and that industries are located in areas with low socioeconomic status. The background explains that equal society has benefits for everyone. And how the Public Health Agency works with equality through the goal of good and equal health. It then describes previous research, as well as concepts and theories. The purpose of the study was to analyse whether the industrial animal production was ethically defensible. The method was a qualitative content analysis. Selections were ten reports from private and government organizations. The analysis in this study was based on the concept of equality, which was linked to the goal of good and equal health and the political public health goal areas. Furthermore, two normative theories were used, consequential ethics and deontological/duty and rights ethics. The result shows that industrial animal production can have potential risks within the categories: work, environment, and illness. These risks can affect all people, the results show that those who were already exposed were at higher risk of ill health and that these risks can be unfair, unnecessary, and avoidable. The conclusion is that the industry can have potential direct and indirect equality barriers for good and equal health within several of the public health policy target areas. The potential risks identified in this study, analysed from selected theories, indicate that the industry is not ethically defensible.

Etické souvislosti alokace zdrojů s ohledem na možnosti a meze chronické dialyzační léčby / Ethical context of resource allocation with regard to the possibilities and limits of chronic dialysis treatment

Dingová Šliková, Martina January 2021 (has links)
The main theme of the dissertation work are allocations of sources in regular dialysis treatment in ethical context. The aim of the work is detection, description and understanding to ethical problems forming in context with questionable allocation of sources in regular dialysis treatment. The theoretical part of the work is concentrated on mapping above mentioned problems from various point of view. By the help of analysis of pertinent literature it is referred to historical determination and social-economic context of difficult allocation of rare sources in health service, which subsequently caused development of specific ethical problems in clinical practice of dialysis treatment. Above mentioned ethical problems are discussed chronologically, namely from the first using of a dialysis device up to now, when this therapy is considered to be a standard clinical method. The practical part of the work contains results of high-quality research, the aim of which was to explore the experience of respondents with allocation of resources in regular dialysis treatment and so in ethical context. The dates for the research were obtained by the help of expert dialogues, the method of interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to the analysis of dates. The results of the research is the interpretation...

L’évaluation des impacts d’un dépistage de porteurs de maladies génétiques : la perspective des personnes visées par le dépistage

Bussod, Ilona 08 1900 (has links)
Au Québec, les personnes ayant une ascendance géographique des régions du Saguenay-Lac- Saint-Jean, de Charlevoix et de la Haute-Côte-Nord ont une prévalence plus élevée que le reste de la population québécoise d’être porteurs de certaines maladies héréditaires récessives. Depuis 2018, une offre de tests de porteurs en ligne est proposée par le Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux du Québec pour quatre maladies autosomiques récessives : l’acidose lactique congénitale, la tyrosinémie héréditaire de type 1, la neuropathie sensitivomotrice avec ou sans agénésie du corps calleux et l’ataxie récessive spastique de Charlevoix-Saguenay. Ce même dépistage peut être offert en contexte clinique, chez des adultes éligibles lors de consultations en lien avec un désir de grossesse ou une grossesse en cours. Les objectifs de ce projet de recherche sont (1) de décrire l’expérience des patients ayant eu accès au dépistage de porteurs en contexte clinique et (2) d’identifier, analyser et comparer les enjeux éthiques soulevés par un dépistage de porteurs dans le cadre d’un programme structuré versus un dépistage de porteurs en contexte clinique. Pour ce faire, une série de questionnaires destinée aux patients auxquels le dépistage a été offert lors d’un rendez-vous en clinique a été mise en place et une analyse éthique à l’aide d’un cadre éthique de santé publique a été réalisée. À la lumière de ce projet, l’autonomie décisionnelle du patient est mise de l’avant. Des pistes de réflexion ainsi que des recommandations ont été développées afin de répondre au mieux aux besoins des personnes qui considèrent avoir recours à des tests de porteurs. / In Quebec, people with geographical ancestry from the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Charlevoix and Haute-Côte-Nord regions have a higher prevalence than the rest of the Quebec population of being carriers of specific recessive hereditary diseases. Since 2018, online carrier testing has been offered by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux du Québec for four autosomal recessive diseases: congenital lactic acidosis, hereditary tyrosinemia type 1, sensitivomotor neuropathy with or without agenesis of the corpus callosum and Charlevoix-Saguenay recessive spastic ataxia. This same screening can be offered in a clinical setting, to eligible adults during consultations related to a pregnancy desire or a pregnancy in progress. The objectives of this research project are (1) to describe the experience of patients who have had access to carrier screening in a clinical setting and (2) to identify, analyze and compare the ethical issues raised by carrier screening in a structured program versus carrier screening in a clinical setting. To this end, a series of questionnaires was administered to patients who were offered screening during a clinic appointment, and an ethical analysis was carried out using a public health ethics framework. In the light of this project, the patient's decision-making autonomy is emphasized. A number of ideas and recommendations have been developed to best meet the needs of people considering carrier testing.

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