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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Significações de professores do ensino fundamental sobre as ações da equipe de saúde na escola / Meanings of elementary school teachers about the actions of the health team in the school

Valle, Helen Patricia do 11 September 2018 (has links)
O fortalecimento da promoção da saúde considerando o espaço escolar como um ambiente de potencialidades para seu desenvolvimento está previsto nas ações intersetoriais entre a escola e os serviços de saúde, e está entre os objetivos centrais do trabalho da equipe Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) e do Programa Saúde na Escola (PSE). O estudo teve por objetivo analisar as significações de professores do ensino fundamental sobre as ações da equipe de saúde na escola em um município do interior paulista. O estudo foi realizado a partir de abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa, utilizando como técnica de construção de dados a entrevista semiestruturada com professores dos 1º aos 5º anos do ensino fundamental das escolas de abrangência de Unidades de Estratégia Saúde da Família de um município do interior paulista. Participaram do estudo 16 professores de seis escolas públicas municipais. A pesquisa fundamentou-se nos conceitos de promoção e educação em saúde, utilizando a abordagem histórico-cultural de Vigotski como referencial teórico. Utilizou-se a proposta de análise temática de Braun e Clarke (2006). Os resultados evidenciaram as significações construídas pelos professores, que indicam a importância da parceria entre saúde e educação. No entanto, outras significações indicaram fragilidades de tal parceria, com a tendência de os profissionais da educação significarem saúde a partir de uma concepção preventivista e de culpabilização das famílias pelos comportamentos não saudáveis dos alunos. Associado a isso, os professores relatam ações pontuais e fragmentadas relacionadas à saúde ocorrendo no contexto escolar, com pouca corresponsabilidade entre os setores. Quanto às ações programáticas de saúde, os professores construíram significações que indicam a importância de se construir um planejamento conjunto e identificaram estratégias para práticas intersetoriais mais efetivas. Considera-se que novas posturas devem ser adotadas pela equipe da ESF e do PSE, no sentido de fortalecer a relação com a equipe da escola, a partir de uma visão de que os sujeitos se transformam e se modificam a partir das relações / The strengthening of health promotion by considering the school space as an environment of potential for its development is foreseen in the intersectoral actions between the school and the health services and it is among the central goals of the work of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) team and Health in School Program (HSP). The aim of this study was to analyze the meanings of elementary school teachers about the actions of the health team in the school in a city in the countryside of São Paulo. The study was carried out from a qualitative research approach, using as a data construction technique the semi-structured interview with elementary school teachers from first to fifth grade of the schools surrounding the Family Health Strategy Units of a city in the countryside of São Paulo. Sixteen teachers from six municipal public schools participated in the study. The research was based on the concepts of promotion and health education, using the historical-cultural approach of Vygotsky as a theoretical reference. It was used the thematic analysis proposal of Braun and Clarke (2006). The results showed the significations built by the teachers that indicate the importance of the partnership between health and education. However, other meanings indicated fragilities of this partnership, with the tendency of the education professionals to mean health from a preventivist conception and blame of the families for the unhealthy behaviors of the students. Associated with this, the teachers report punctual and fragmented actions related to health occurring in the school context, with little co-responsibility between the sectors. As for programmatic health actions, the teachers built meanings that show the importance of constructing a joint planning and identified strategies for more effective intersectoral practices. It is considered that new postures should be adopted by the FHS and HSP team, in order to strengthen the relationship with the school team, based on a view that the subjects transform and change themselves from the relations

'n Skoolgebaseerde ondersteuningsprogram vir die intermediêre leerder met depressie / deur Frances Willemina Phooko

Phooko, Frances Willemina January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2005.

Schulleitung im Mittelpunkt schulischer Gesundheit : eine Studie zu der Gesundheit schulischer Führungskräfte und ihrer Rolle für die Lehrergesundheit / School leadership in the centre of health at school : a study of the health of school principals and their role concerning the health of teachers

Laux, Anna January 2011 (has links)
Die neuen Anforderungen an Schulleitungen im Zuge gesellschaftlicher, schulpolitischer und schulinterner Entwicklungen sind erheblich (Huber, 2008). Diese in der Literatur breit geteilte Einschätzung schlägt sich bislang nicht ausreichend in Forschungsaktivitäten zur Gesundheit schulischer Führungskräfte nieder – im Unterschied zu der ausgiebigen Forschung zur Lehrergesundheit, die für die Lehrer durchgängig eine kritische Gesundheitslage feststellt. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit erzielte dabei die Potsdamer Lehrerstudie (Schaarschmidt, 2004). Sie belegte unter anderem auch die Einflussmöglichkeiten der Schulleitung auf die Lehrergesundheit. Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt zwei Ziele: Erstens wird die aktuelle Schulleitungsforschung um empirische Daten zur gesundheitlichen Situation von n = 484 Schulleitungen aus Brandenburg und Baden-Württemberg ergänzt. Zweitens wird die Bedeutung der Schulleitung für die Lehrergesundheit näher untersucht, indem empirische Daten aus Führungsfeedbackverfahren mit n = 12 Schulleitungen und n = 332 Lehrern in Baden-Württemberg und Hessen herangezogen werden. Das diagnostische Verfahren AVEM (“Arbeitsbezogenes Verhaltens- und Erlebensmuster“, Schaarschmidt & Fischer, 1996/2003) dient als methodische Grundlage. Es erhebt Selbsteinschätzungen zum arbeitsbezogenen Verhalten und Erleben und weist auf mögliche Risiken im Sinne psychischer oder psychosomatischer Gefährdung hin. Das Instrument erfasst mit 66 Items 11 Dimensionen (z.B. Distanzierungsfähigkeit). Auf diese Weise ist es möglich, die befragte Person einem von vier arbeitsbezogenen Verhaltens- und Erlebensmustern zuzuordnen: Muster G (Gesundheitsideal), Muster S (Schonungstendenz gegenüber beruflichen Anforderungen), Risikomuster A (überhöhtes Engagement), Risikomuster B (Resignation). Zudem werden Fragen zu schulischer Führung eingesetzt, die sich aus vorhandenen Fragebögen speisen. Mit Hilfe einer exploratorischen Faktorenanalyse können sechs Faktoren identifiziert werden: Persönliche emotionale Wertschätzung und Fürsorge, optimistische Zukunftsorientierung, konstruktives Management des Schulbetriebs, Förderung von Weiterbildung und pädagogischem Diskurs, Präsenz/Ansprechbarkeit und Partizipationsorientierung. Zu der ersten Fragestellung zeigt sich für die befragten Schulleitungen im Mittel ein gesundheitlich recht positives Bild – gerade im Kontrast zu den befragten Lehrern. Für die befragten Schulleitungen wird eine signifikant günstigere AVEM-Musterkonstellation festgestellt: Der Anteil des Musters G ist bei den Schulleitungen deutlich höher, der Anteil des Musters B deutlich niedriger und der Anteil des Musters A in etwa gleich groß. Die AVEM-Ergebnisse schlagen sich bei den befragten Schulleitungen in unmittelbaren Gesundheitsindikatoren nieder. Für bestimmte Untergruppen herrscht allerdings ein gesundheitlich vergleichsweise kritisches Bild vor, nämlich tendenziell für Schulleitungen in Brandenburg, für weibliche Schulleitungen und Schulleitungen an Grund- und Förderschulen. Eine hohe Unterrichtsverpflichtung ist mit einem größeren Anteil an Risikomustern verbunden. Ein hohes Maß an erlebter Autonomie – insbesondere im sozial-interaktiven Bereich mit den Lehrern (d.h. bei Auswahl, Einstellung und Beurteilung von Lehrern sowie bei der innerschulischen Arbeitsorganisation und kollegialen Zusammenarbeit) – geht dagegen mit jeweils günstigeren AVEM-Musterkonstellationen einher. Zur Beantwortung der zweiten Fragestellung wird eine methodisch anspruchsvolle Mehrebenenanalyse durchgeführt, die die hierarchische Anordnung der Daten angemessen behandelt. Für die wahrgenommene soziale Unterstützung durch die Schulleitung wird dabei eine negative Beziehung zur subjektiven Bedeutsamkeit der Arbeit und der Verausgabungsbereitschaft der befragten Lehrer gefunden. Hingegen ergibt sich ein positiver Zusammenhang zwischen der erlebten Förderung von Weiterbildung und pädagogischem Diskurs und dem Erfolgserleben der befragten Lehrer. Ebenso hängt die wahrgenommene Führung durch die Schulleitung in ihrer Gesamtheit in positiver Weise mit der Lebenszufriedenheit der befragten Lehrer zusammen. Es sei betont, dass ausschließlich Effekte nachgewiesen werden, die auf die individuelle Ebene der Lehrer zurückgehen, d.h. es scheint – was den Zusammenhang zwischen erlebter Führung und Lehrergesundheit angeht – auf die subjektive Wahrnehmung des Führungsverhaltens der Schulleitung durch den/die jeweilige(n) Lehrer/in anzukommen. Eine erste theoretische Skizze zu wesentlichen Determinanten von Schulleitungsgesundheit wird vorgeschlagen. Empfehlungen für die Schulleitungspraxis umfassen die Reduzierung der Unterrichtsverpflichtung, die Erweiterung von Autonomie im sozial-interaktiven Bereich mit den Lehrern und die systematische Etablierung von Mitarbeitergesprächen zur Ausgestaltung individueller Führungsbeziehungen zwischen Schulleitungen und Lehrern. / The new requirements for school principals in the course of social, school-political and school-internal developments are considerable (Huber, 2008). However, this appraisal broadly shared in the literature is not sufficiently reflected in current research activities concerning the health of school principals – in contrast to the extensive research concerning the health of teachers which generally ascertains a critical health situation for the teaching staff. Special attention was achieved by the Potsdam teacher study (Schaarschmidt, 2004). Among other results it also showed the influence of the school principals on the health of the teachers. The present work pursues two objectives: Firstly, it adds empirical data from surveying n = 484 school principals primarily from the German federal states Brandenburg and Baden-Wurttemberg to the current school leadership research. Secondly, the particular importance of the school principals for the health of teachers is examined in more detail. Empirical data from leadership feedback procedures with n = 12 school principals and n = 332 teachers in Baden-Wurttemberg and Hesse are used. The diagnostic instrument AVEM (“Arbeitsbezogenes Verhaltens- und Erlebensmuster“ [Occupational Stress and Coping Inventory], Schaarschmidt & Fischer, 1996/2003) serves as the methodical basis. It registers self-assessments regarding work-related behavior and experience and allows to identify mental or psychosomatic risk patterns. The instrument AVEM consists of 66 items loading on 11 dimensions (e.g. ability to distance oneself from work issues). Thus, it is possible to assign the surveyed person to one of four patterns of coping with professional demands: Type-G (Health supportive behavior type), Type-S (Sparing, self-protective behavior type), Type-A (Self-overtaxing, exhaustion-prone type), Type-B (Exhaustion, burn-out, resignation-prone type). In addition, questions to assess school leadership are used which are based on previous questionnaires. By running an exploratory factor analysis six factors are identified: Individual emotional esteem and care, optimistic orientation towards future, constructive management of the school processes, support of training and discussions on education, presence and participation orientation. Regarding the first question, on average a rather positive picture appears for the surveyed school principals – in contrast to the surveyed teachers. Thus, a significantly more favorable constellation of the AVEM patterns is registered for the surveyed school principals: The proportion of Type-G is substantially higher, the proportion of Type-B clearly lower and the proportion of Type-A is about the same size. The AVEM-results are directly reflected in health indicators of the surveyed school principals. For certain sub-groups, however, there are relatively critical results with regard to health, namely by tendency for surveyed school principals in Brandenburg, for female school principals and school principals of elementary schools and special-needs schools. A high amount of teaching requirements is related to a bigger proportion of Type-A and Type-B. A high degree of experienced autonomy – in particular in social interaction with the teachers (i.e. recruiting and assessment of teachers, internal organization of work and cooperation) – however, relates to more favorable constellations of the AVEM patterns. To answer the second question of this work regarding the role of the school principals for the health of teachers, a methodically sophisticated multi level analysis is carried out which deals appropriately with the hierarchical order of the data. A negative relationship between the perceived social support by the school principals and the subjective importance of work as well as the willingness to excessive effort of the surveyed teachers is found. However, a positive relationship arises between the perceived support of training and discussions on education and the experienced professional success of the surveyed teachers. Also, the perceived leadership behavior as a whole relates positively to the life satisfaction of the surveyed teachers. It must be emphasized that only those effects can be demonstrated which refer to the individual level of the teachers, i.e. it seems – regarding the relationship between perceived leadership and the health of the teachers – that only the subjective and quite personal perception by the teacher concerning the leadership behavior of the school principal matters. A first theoretical draft of essential determinants of the health of school principals is suggested. Recommendations for the school leadership practice include the reduction of the amount of teaching requirements, the enlargement of autonomy in social interaction with the teachers and the systematic establishment of employee’s dialogues which allow the development of individual leadership relations between school principals and teachers.

Skolan och elevers hälsa : En studie om hur skolan arbetar med elevers fysiska och psykiska hälsa

Bjurbäck, Carin January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Idrottslärarens motivationsarbete i grundskolans ämne idrott och hälsa : En kvalitativ studie om hur idrottsläraren arbetar för att motivera sina elever i idrott och hälsa i mellanstadiet och i högstadiet / Sports teachers motivational work in the primary topic of sports and health

Cannerstad, Cannerstad January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Skillnaden mellan de fysisk aktiva och de fysiskt inaktiva ungdomarna blir allt större idag. Hjärt och kärl-sjukdomar är en av de dominerande folksjukdomarna som kan uppstå av fysisk inaktivitet. Skolan är en arena där barn utvecklas och får en möjlighet att röra på sig under skoltid. Som blivande idrottslärare är det då viktigt att kunna motivera eleverna i ämnet för ett fortsatt fysisk aktivitet. Syfte: Det primära syftet med undersökningen är att undersöka hur några idrottslärare arbetar för att motivera sina elever i idrott och hälsa. Därför valdes det att studera hur ett begränsat urval av idrottslärare i Karlstad kommun motiverar sina elever i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Metod: Arbetat är en kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer vilket också har använts i undersökningen. Sex idrottslärare, tre som arbetar på ett högstadium och tre idrottslärare inom Karlstad kommun har undersökts. Intervjuerna har sammanställts och blivit resultatet av min studie. Respondenterna är konfidentiella och är skyddade av etiska rättigheter. Resultat: Resultaten visar att många av respondenterna upplever att motivationen är bra på skolorna och det har och göra med att många är fysiskt aktiva på fritiden. Resultaten visar även att variation i undervisningen och att det är viktigt att se eleverna och kunna erbjuda aktiviteter där varje elevs behov tillfredsställs samtidigt som eleverna får inflytande på idrottslektionerna. Detta leder i sin tur att de tre psykologiska behoven som kompetens, självständighet och samhörighet uppfylls och den inre motivationen stärks i ämnet. Studien har även kopplats i hop med tidigare studier och Self Determination Theory som är studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt. Nyckelord: Idrottslärare. Idrott och hälsa. Motivation. Skola. / Background: The difference between the physically active and the physically inactive young people is increasing today. Cardiovascular disease is one of the dominant endemic diseases that can be caused by physical inactivity. The school is an arena in which children develop and get an opportunity to move on during school hours. As future physical education teachers, it is then important to be able to motivate students in the subject of continued physical activity. Purpose: The primary objective of the study is to examine how physical education teachers can work to motivate their students in sports and health. Therefore it was chosen to study how a limited selection of the teachers in Karlstad municipality works to motivate their students in physical education and health. Method: I have used a qualitative approach in the form of interviews, which has also been used in the investigation. Six education teachers, three working at a high school and three physical education teachers in the municipality of Karlstad have participated in the investigation. The interviews were compiled and became the result of my study. The respondents are confidential and are protected by moral rights. Result: The results show that many of the respondents feel that the motivation is good at the schools and it has to do with the fact that many are physically active during their leisure time. The results also show that the variation in teaching, and that it is important to see the students on a more personal level and offer activities where each student's needs are met while students gain influence in PE classes. This leads in turn to the three psychological needs of competence, autonomy and affinity are met and internal motivation is strengthened in the subject. The study has also been linked to previous studies and Self Determination Theory is the study's theoretical base.   Keywords: Physical education teacher. Physical education and health. Motivation. School.

'n Skoolgebaseerde ondersteuningsprogram vir die intermediêre leerder met depressie / deur Frances Willemina Phooko

Phooko, Frances Willemina January 2004 (has links)
A shool-based support programme for the intermedediate learner wuth depression This study is aimed at determining whether a school-based support programme can aid the intermediate learner with depression in decreasing his depression levels. It focuses on: the world of experience of the intermediate learner with depression; the role of the school as an overall health-promoting environment; and the creation of a school-based support programme for the intermediate learner with depression. The learner (the intermediate learner included) spends most of the day at school, so the educator can play an important role in identifying and following up problems and getting the school to function as a health-promoting environment. South African schools are focused mainly on primary and tertiary intervention, while secondary intervention reveals a serious deficiency. In the empirical investigation, 16 intermediate learners who were identified with depression were, involved in a purposeful convenience test sample by means of the CDI questionnaire. There was an experimental and a control group of eight members respectively. According to the results of the pretestposttest, the school-based support programme in which the experimental group participated caused their depression levels to decrease significantly. The need for a school support programme for the intermediate learner with depression was validated from this point of view. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2005.

Building school connectedness : evidence from the health promoting school approach

Rowe, Fiona January 2006 (has links)
School connectedness, defined as the cohesiveness between diverse groups in the school community, including students, families, school staff and the wider community, is a well-documented protective factor for child and adolescent health. However, strategies for promoting school connectedness are less well known. The Western Gateway Health Promoting Schools Grant Scheme is a program that aims to increase school connectedness by using the health promoting school approach in disadvantaged communities in South-East Queensland, Australia. The scheme provides an opportunity for schools to apply for funding to implement strategies that increase students' sense of school connectedness, using a Health Promoting School approach. Evaluation of the Western Gateway Health Promoting School Grant Scheme provided an opportunity to investigate the influence of the health promoting school approach on school connectedness. The influence of the health promoting school approach on school connectedness was evaluated using a qualitative case study methodology. Three school communities were investigated as single, related case studies to examine the impact of the health promoting school approach on school connectedness. A conceptual framework, based on the theoretical understanding of how the health promoting school approach influences school connectedness, was developed and used as a guide to investigate the relationships within the case study schools. The health promoting school model, which is a 'settings' approach to health promotion, has the potential to promote school connectedness as it is based on the inclusive, participatory, and democratic principles shown to be necessary for the development of social connectedness at the broader community level. The model illustrates this potential through two mechanisms 1) processes that are characterised by the inclusion of a diverse range of members that make up a community; the active participation of community members and equal 'power' relationships, or equal partnerships among community members; and 2) structures such as school policies, school organisation and the school physical environment, that reflect the values of participation, democracy and inclusion andor that promote processes based on these values. These processes and structures, which are located both in the classroom and within the broader school environment, collectively hold the potential to promote connectedness in the school setting. Data on these relationships were collected using in-depth interviews with representatives of groups within the school community such as school staff, parents, students, health service and community agency workers. Additionally, student focus groups and documentary evidence, such as school program reports and observations of health promoting school activities were used in the collection of data. Data sources were triangulated to gain a complete understanding of the impact of the health promoting school approach on school connectedness. Data analysis was conducted by categorising the data into themes and categories based on, but not limited to, the conceptual framework that guided data collection. Data display matrices enabled theoretical relationships between the health promoting school approach and school connectedness to be drawn. The results of the in-depth qualitative evaluation of the program show that the health promoting school approach influences school connectedness through the mechanisms of a 'whole-school approach' that encourage interaction between members of the whole school community. Specific activities that promoted school connectedness were 'whole school' activities that celebrated the school community, for example, the launch of a school cafd and 'whole-class' activities where students and school staff work together towards a shared goal, such as the planning of a school breakfast tuckshop. Activities that encouraged links between classes and school staff in a school community, for example, shared curriculum planning in the co-ordination of a school breakfast tuckshop program also contributed to school connectedness by promoting interaction among school community members. Health promoting school structures and processes help to develop mutual reciprocal relationships characterised by school community members getting to know others better and developing care and support for each other, which in turn develops into other indicators of school connectedness, such as tolerance of diversity, perceptions of being valued, trust, perceptions of safety, and decreased absenteeism. A key element of health promoting school structures and processes that enables the formation of these relationships is the inclusive nature of the approach, which encourages school community members to participate in the school community. This encourages the formation of mutual reciprocal relationships. A number of elements of the health promoting school approach encourage participation in the community. For example, the formation of mutual, reciprocal relationships requires activities that are economically inclusive, and characterised by a social, positive, fun or celebratory element; that are informal and well-managed. Specifically, events characterised by eating food together; real-life activities; activities the school community 'owns' by having a say in them; and activities that involve school community members working together are important for the development of mutual reciprocal relationships. These elements occur at the level of the school and the broader school community interactions, as well as at the level of the class and interactions between classes within the school. In summary, this research provides evidence that the health promoting school approach is an effective model to influence school connectedness, which in effect promotes the health and well-being of children and adolescents.

Mental hygiene and the high school a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment ... Master of Science in Public Health ... /

Patterson, Gail Francis. January 1933 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.P.H.)--University of Michigan, 1933.

Project L.E.A.N. : an after-school health and exercise program for elementary school children in El Paso, Texas /

Heer, Hendrik de. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Texas at El Paso, 2009. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references: (leaves 109-120) Also available online.

Mental hygiene and the high school a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment ... Master of Science in Public Health ... /

Patterson, Gail Francis. January 1933 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.P.H.)--University of Michigan, 1933.

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