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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hälsofrämjande skola : en sambandsanalys mellan hälso- och riskvariabler / Health Promoting School : a correlation analyses between health- and riskvariables

Woxberg, Anna-Kari January 2005 (has links)
Att öka möjligheterna för unga att leva ett hälsosamt liv framstår som allt angelägnare både ur ett individuellt och ur ett samhälleligt perspektiv. Skolan är därför en utmärkt arena för ett hälsofrämjande arbete. WHO:s konferenser i Ottawa 1986 och i Sundsvall 1991 betonade behovet av en perspektivförskjutning inom folkhälsoarbetet från att förebygga ohälsa till att främja hälsa. WHO tog också initiativ till flera internationella nätverk. ”Health promoting school” är ett sådant som handlar om att skapa en kontinuerlig process där hela skolans vardag utvecklas som en stödjande och främjande fysisk och psykosocial miljö för hälsa, välbefinnande och lärande samt att stärka hälsoundervisningen. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att kartlägga och beskriva samband mellan några hälso- respektive riskvariabler för att testa en hypotes om skolan som en hälsofrämjande arena. Hypotesen formulerades enligt följande:-Skolor med en hög andel elever med hälsofrämjande upplevelser har en låg andel elever med riskbeteenden och vice versa. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av befintliga data från två enkätundersökningar, ”Hälsoenkäten” och den mer riskrelaterade ”CAN-enkäten”. De båda enkätundersökningarna var totalundersökningar riktade till år 9 elever i Gävleborgs län. Undersökningarna genomfördes vid skilda men nära tidpunkter under våren 2002. Fem frågeställningar valdes ur respektive enkät. Elevernas egna utsagor på dessa frågeställningar utgör materialet till denna studie. Analysen genomfördes i två steg. I steg ett studerades om det förelåg något samband på skolnivå och i steg två studerades samband på individnivå. Resultatet visade inga samband mellan hälsofrämjande upplevelser och riskbeteenden. Den formulerade forskningshypotesen förkastas alltså. I litteraturen finns flera studier som styrker resultatet i denna studie samtidigt som litteraturen också fortsatt visar på vikten av hälsofrämjande arbete i skolan. I framtiden bör begreppet ”Hälsofrämjande skola” förtydligas, en tydlig organisation skapas, tydliga strategier utarbetas och ges ett ledningsansvar. / It is increasingly stressed as more important to increase the possibility for young people to live a healthy life, both through an individual as well as a community perspective. The school is therefore a perfect health promoting setting. WHO:s conferences in Ottawa, 1986 and Sundsvall, 1997 both stressed the need to shift perspective from prevention to promotion. WHO also took initiative to set up several international networks. “Health promoting school” was one example involving creating a supportive and health promoting physical, mental and social environment for health, wellbeing and learning as well as strengthening the health education. The aim of this study was to survey and describe the connection between some health- and risk related variables to test a hypothesis about the school as a health promoting setting. The hypothesis was formulated: -schools with a high percentage of students with health-related experiences has a low percentage of students with risk behaviours and vice versa. Available data from two different questionnaires were used, the “Health questionnaire” and the more risk-related “CAN questionnaire”. The two questionnaires were both conducted among all students within the ninth school year in the county of Gävleborg. They were administrated as separate but adjacent studies during the spring term of 2002. Five questions were chosen from each questionnaire. Responses from the students consists the material used in this study. The analyses were made in two steps. Initially, school level connections were studied, later individual level connections. The result did not find any connections between more health related and risk related variables. The formulated hypothesis is therefore rejected. There are several studies in the literature supporting the findings in this study. At the same time there is continuing or increasing support for the idea of a health promoting school. In the future the concept “Health promoting school” needs to be clarified as well as strategies, organisation and leadership. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-125-3</p>

What underpins success in a health promoting school in Northeastern Thailand? : a thesis presented in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing at Massey University

Chamusri, Somsaowanuch January 2008 (has links)
A Health Promoting School (HPS) approach is now widely accepted internationally, with a focus on children’s health, the school curriculum, and whole school environment. In Thailand, the health and well-being of children is a fundamental value. HPS programmes have been implemented in schools as a strategy to focus on young people’s health. A number of barriers to successful HPS have been identified. While there is international evidence to show the steps and the key factors in creating successful HPS, little is known about successful HPS in the Thai context, in particular, in Northeastern Thailand which has been classified the poorest region. Ethnographic methods were used to examine what understanding of the meaning of HPS is necessary for a successful school, and how all those involved acted from the adoption of the HPS programmes by the local school until it achieved HPS status. A rural school which was successful in a HPS programme was selected, in Mahasarakham province, Northeastern Thailand. The data were obtained through participant observation, ethnographic interviews, and ethnographic records, and data analysis took place simultaneously with data collection. In this study, Lofland’s strategy for the analysis of the structure of human interaction was used. A variety of techniques for improving and documenting the credibility of the study such as prolonged engagement, persistent observation, and triangulation were used. This research revealed that the informants’ views reflected diverse understandings of the meaning of HPS. Those views were based on their experiences of HPS which differed according to the degree of participation, different levels of knowledge about HPS, and in the roles they played in the implementation of HPS in the school. Thai culture and school ethos influenced the success of HPS. Community participation was also crucial in supporting the school’s achievement. Key factors that underpinned success are identified. Implications of the findings for the HPS programme, health professionals, the school and community are discussed.

What underpins success in a health promoting school in Northeastern Thailand? : a thesis presented in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing at Massey University

Chamusri, Somsaowanuch January 2008 (has links)
A Health Promoting School (HPS) approach is now widely accepted internationally, with a focus on children’s health, the school curriculum, and whole school environment. In Thailand, the health and well-being of children is a fundamental value. HPS programmes have been implemented in schools as a strategy to focus on young people’s health. A number of barriers to successful HPS have been identified. While there is international evidence to show the steps and the key factors in creating successful HPS, little is known about successful HPS in the Thai context, in particular, in Northeastern Thailand which has been classified the poorest region. Ethnographic methods were used to examine what understanding of the meaning of HPS is necessary for a successful school, and how all those involved acted from the adoption of the HPS programmes by the local school until it achieved HPS status. A rural school which was successful in a HPS programme was selected, in Mahasarakham province, Northeastern Thailand. The data were obtained through participant observation, ethnographic interviews, and ethnographic records, and data analysis took place simultaneously with data collection. In this study, Lofland’s strategy for the analysis of the structure of human interaction was used. A variety of techniques for improving and documenting the credibility of the study such as prolonged engagement, persistent observation, and triangulation were used. This research revealed that the informants’ views reflected diverse understandings of the meaning of HPS. Those views were based on their experiences of HPS which differed according to the degree of participation, different levels of knowledge about HPS, and in the roles they played in the implementation of HPS in the school. Thai culture and school ethos influenced the success of HPS. Community participation was also crucial in supporting the school’s achievement. Key factors that underpinned success are identified. Implications of the findings for the HPS programme, health professionals, the school and community are discussed.

College students' preference for the receipt of health services a descriptive study : a research report submitted in partial fulfillment ... Master of Science Community Health Nursing ... /

Hill, Judith A. January 1990 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1990.

ColaboraÃÃo Interprofissional no Sistema Municipal SaÃde Escola de Sobral / interprofessional collaboration in Sobral-CE Health System School

JÃnder MagalhÃes TÃrres 31 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Enfrentamento do bullying na escola: o Teatro do Oprimido como estratégia de intervenção / Facing bullying in school: the Theater of the Oppressed as intervention strategy

Lidiane Cristina da Silva Alencastro 12 April 2018 (has links)
Bullying escolar é definido como comportamentos negativos e/ou agressivos de intimidação que são realizados intencionalmente e repetidamente, marcado pelo desequilíbrio de poder entre vítimas e agressores. Sem motivação aparente, o fenômeno pode se manifestar nas formas física, verbal e/ou psicológica, implicando diretamente o desenvolvimento dos estudantes devido aos seus efeitos negativos e a suas altas taxas de ocorrência. Ele é caracterizado, ainda, como grave problema de Saúde Pública. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os efeitos de uma intervenção educativa na ocorrência do bullying entre adolescentes escolares de Cuiabá-MT, por meio de oficinas de dramatização baseadas na metodologia do Teatro do Oprimido. Trata-se de um estudo quase experimental, em que oficinas foram realizadas com um grupo (grupo- intervenção) e se estabeleceu um grupo-comparação. Participaram do estudo adolescentes que estudavam no 1º Ano do Ensino Médio de duas escolas públicas de Cuiabá-MT, selecionados a partir de resultados de pesquisa anterior. Em uma escola ocorreu a intervenção e na outra se constituiu o grupo-comparação. Os dois grupos foram avaliados três vezes para obter os seguintes índices: 1) base de referência antes da intervenção, 2) medida de primeiro efeito ao final da intervenção (pós-intervenção), e 3) medida após seis meses do fim da intervenção (follow up), totalizando um acompanhamento total de oito meses. Na intervenção, os adolescentes vivenciaram jogos grupais, propostos e criados por Augusto Boal e participaram da organização e apresentação de uma encenação de Teatro Fórum. Na coleta de dados, utilizou-se um questionário de caracterização sociodemográfica e a Escala de Agressão e Vitimização entre Pares. Para análise dos dados foi realizado teste de qui-quadrado para as variáveis sociodemográficas, teste t para comparação entre os grupos-intervenção e comparação, frequência e porcentagem para descrever as variáveis entre os tempos e foi considerado nível de significância de 5% (p>0,05). Os resultados apontaram que, logo após a intervenção, a vitimização física direta reduziu significativamente. No seguimento (follow up), essa redução foi identificada na agressão e vitimização físicas diretas. Destaca-se, também, que a escola-comparação apresentou aumento significativo do bullying, em todas suas formas de manifestação, no momento do follow up. No que diz respeito à forma de manifestação da agressão física direta, a intervenção foi mais eficaz na redução significativa do ato de xingar e provocar colegas, enquanto a vitimização física direta de ser xingado por colegas, na fase pós-intervenção, e de ser provocado por colegas, apenas revelou eficácia no período de seguimento (follow up). O presente estudo se apresenta como a primeira intervenção antibullying pautada em oficinas de dramatização, com a técnica do Teatro do Oprimido, no cenário nacional. Desse modo, na pesquisa em tela, pôde-se confirmar a tese de que adolescentes estudantes do Ensino Médio que participaram de uma intervenção educativa de dramatização, com base no Teatro do Oprimido, apresentaram melhor enfrentamento do bullying, com resultados positivos na redução de sua ocorrência / School bullying is defined as negative and / or aggressive behaviors of bullying that are carried out intentionally and repeatedly, marked by the imbalance of power between victims and aggressors. Without apparent motivation, the phenomenon can manifest itself in physical, verbal and / or psychological forms, directly implying student development due to its negative effects and high occurrence rates. It is also characterized as a serious public health problem. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze the effects of an educational intervention on the occurrence of bullying among school adolescents in Cuiabá-MT, through drama workshops based on the methodology of the Theater of the Oppressed. It is a quasi-experimental study, in which workshops were carried out with a group (intervention group) and a comparison group was established. The study included adolescents who studied in the 1st Year of High School of two public schools in Cuiabá-MT, selected from previous research results. In one school the intervention occurred and in the other the comparison group was constituted. The two groups were evaluated three times to obtain the following indices: 1) baseline before intervention, 2) first-effect measure at the end of the intervention (postintervention), and 3) measured after six months of the end of intervention ( follow up), totaling a total of eight months. In the intervention, the adolescents experienced group games, proposed and created by Augusto Boal and participated in the organization and presentation of a Theater Forum staging. In the data collection, a sociodemographic characterization questionnaire and the Aggression and Victimization Scale among Peers were used. The chi-square test was used for sociodemographic variables, t-test for comparison between intervention groups and comparison, frequency and percentage to describe the variables between the times, and a significance level of 5% (p> 0.05). The results showed that, shortly after the intervention, direct physical victimization reduced significantly. In follow-up, this reduction was identified in direct physical aggression and victimization. It is also worth noting that school-comparison showed a significant increase in bullying, in all its forms of manifestation, at the time of follow up. Regarding the form of manifestation of direct physical aggression, the intervention was more effective in reducing significantly the act of cursing and provoking colleagues, while the direct physical victimization of being cursed by colleagues in the postintervention phase and of being provoked by colleagues, only showed efficacy in the follow-up period. The present study is presented as the first antibullying intervention based on drama workshops, with the technique of the Theater of the Oppressed, in the national scenario. Thus, in the screen survey, it was possible to confirm the thesis that adolescents of high school students who participated in an educational intervention of dramatization, based on the Theater of the Oppressed, presented a better confrontation of bullying, with positive results in the reduction of their occurrence

Výzkum stresu učitelů vybraných ZŠ / Stress research of teachers of selected elementary schools

Koštejnová, Zlata January 2017 (has links)
In 2003 The National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) in Prague carried out project of health promotion entitled "Reducing the risk of mental workload of teachers in primary schools and the possibility of objectification." The research was conducted in collaboration with 17 randomly selected elementary schools in Prague (the total population of 157 female teachers over 40 years. The research was consisted of three parts: questionnaire survey, interview and collection of medical data (hypertension, cholesterol, obesity, smoking). This diploma thesis follows up on this research, but within the available options it deals only with questionnaire survey (without collection of medical data). In 2016, a questionnaire survey was conducted among the teachers of selected elementary schools, and 604 questionnaires were filled out, and it was monitored whether teachers were taught at primary schools or schools involved in the Health Promotion School. In the theoretical part, the diploma thesis deals with various theoretical approaches to stress, coping strategies and analysis of stressors that are specific to the teaching profession. At the same time there is a chapter devoted to the Health Promotion School. In the practical part, the data collection, their analysis and the conclusions from the analysis of...

Skolpersonalens uppfattningar av en pulshöjande fysisk aktivitetsintervention (PuLH) för elever på mellan- och högstadiet / School staff's perceptions of a moderate to vigorous physical activity intervention (PuLH) for primary and middle school pupils

Pedersen, Rebecca January 2019 (has links)
En stor andel av dagens barn och ungdomar är inte tillräckligt fysiskt aktiva, vilket är oroande då det finns ett positivt samband mellan pulshöjande fysiska aktiviteter och hälsa. Insatser för att öka barn och ungdomars fysiska aktiviteter är därför viktiga, där skolan som arena har en betydande roll. Skolan ska arbeta hälsofrämjande och ge eleverna en miljö där deras hälsa och lärande främjas. En viktig del i den stödjande skolmiljön är att stärka elever till att kunna ta makten över sina egna liv (egenmakt) där delaktighet är ett viktigt inslag. Tidigare studier visar på att pulshöjande fysiska aktiviteter kan ha en positiv effekt på koncentrationen, minnet och förbättra de akademiska prestationerna hos barn och ungdomar. Dock visar andra studier på motstridiga resultat och ifrågasätter även tidigare studiers resultat. Mer kunskap om skolpersonalens uppfattningar om pulshöjande fysiska aktiviteter i skolan behövs för att bättre kunna möta utmaningarna som uppstår samt få mer kunskap om vilka fördelar som pulshöjande fysiska aktiviteter i skolan för med sig. Studiens syfte var därför att utforska och beskriva hur skolpersonal uppfattar en pulshöjande fysisk aktivitetsintervention (PuLH). För att kunna svara på syftet användes följandefrågeställning: Vilka fördelar och utmaningar uppfattar skolpersonalen med PuLH? PuLH har genomförts i åtta kommuner i Jönköpings län. Interventionen har innehållit tre pulshöjande fysiska aktivitetspass i veckan, förutom de två obligatoriska idrott och hälsa lektionerna. Studien är en fallstudie med en explorativ design. Datainsamlingen genomfördes genom fokusgruppsintervjuer, öppna frågor och enskilda intervjuer. Totalt har 32 personer deltagit i studien varav 10 ämneslärare, 14 idrott och hälsa lärare samt åtta skolsköterskor. Datainsamlingen bearbetades och analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Dataanalysen ledde fram till tre teman och sex subteman. Skolpersonalen beskrev flera fördelar med PuLH både för elevernas hälsa, välbefinnande och deras villkor för lärande. De uppfattade även att de flesta av eleverna deltog och uppskattade de pulshöjande fysiska aktiviteterna. PuLH kan vara ett sätt att arbete hälsofrämjande i skolan eftersom det skapas förutsättningar till delaktighet och eleverna coachas att delta utifrån deras egna behov och de får delta på sina egna villkor. Skolpersonalen beskrev strukturella barriärer och divergens kring PuLH som utmanande. / A large proportion of today's children and adolescents are not sufficiently physically active, which is worrying as there is a positive relationship between moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPA) and health. Efforts to increase the physical activity of children and adolescents are therefore important, where school as an arena plays a considerable role. The school aims to promote health and provide pupils with an environment where their health and learning are promoted. An important part of the supportive school environment is that pupils are strengthened to be able to take control of their own lives (empowerment) and where participation is important. Previous studies show that MVPA can have a positive effect on concentration, memory and improve the academic performance for children and adolescents. However, other studies show contradictory results and question previous studies' results. More knowledge about school staff's perceptions of MVPA at school is needed to better meet the challenges that arise and gain more knowledge about the benefits that MVPA at school brings. The purpose of the study was therefore to explore and problematize how school staff perceive a MVPA intervention (PuLH). In order to answer the purpose, the following question was used: What advantages and challenges do school staff perceive with PuLH? PuLH has been implemented in eight municipalities in Jönköping County. The intervention included three MVPA sessions a week, in addition to the two compulsory sports and health lessons. The study is a case study with an explorative design. The data collection was conducted through focus group interviews, open questions and individual interviews. A total of 32 people participated in the study, of which 10 subject teachers, 14 sports and health teachers and eight school nurses. The data collection was processed and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The data analysis led to three themes and six subthemes. School staff described several advantages of PuLH both for pupils' health, well-being and their conditions of learning. They also perceived that most of the pupils participated and appreciated the MVPA. PuLH can be a way to work health promotion in school because opportunities are created for participation and pupils are coached to participate according to their own needs and they can participate on their own terms. School staff described structural barriers and divergence around PuLH as challenging.


Kermeci Silvija 24 September 2019 (has links)
<p>Radi obezbeđivanja okruženja koje podstiče zdravlje i zdrave izbore, značajni istraživački napori usmeravaju se u pravcu pronalaženja efektivnih modela promocije fizičke aktivnosti i blagostanja dece tokom boravka u &scaron;koli.<br />Imajući u vidu nedostatak odgovarajućih istraživanja u na&scaron;oj sredini, sprovedeno je istraživanje sa ciljem da se ispitaju efekti dva inovativna modela &scaron;kolskog odmora na psihosomatski status učenika mlađeg &scaron;kolskog uzrasta i nasilje u &scaron;koli.<br />U prvoj interventnoj grupi (I1), ispitanicima su svakodnevno bili dostupni rekviziti za vežbanje, u drugoj interventnoj grupi (I2) je svakodnevno realizovan strukturirani program vežbanja, dok su se ispitanici kontrolne grupe (K) tokom velikog odmora bavili aktivnostima po svom izboru. Intervencije su trajale dva meseca.<br />Pripadnost grupi (I1, I2, K) predstavljala je nezavisnu istraživačku varijablu, dok su zavisne istraživačke varijable bile: fizička aktivnost učenika tokom odmora, morfolo&scaron;ke i motoričke karakteristike učenika, konativne karakteristike (samo-vrednovanje i optimizam), zdravstveni status (izostajanje iz &scaron;kole zbog bolesti) i nasilje u &scaron;koli (učestvovanje učenika u nasilju i izloženost nasilju). Za prikupljanje podataka kori&scaron;ćena je antropometrijska metoda, motoričko testiranje, upitnici (skale), sistematsko posmatranje i analiza &scaron;kolskih dokumenata. Dobijeni podaci obrađeni su odgovarajućim statističkim metodama.<br />Rezultati pokazuju da različiti modeli &scaron;kolskog odmora mogu imati različite efekte na različite aspekte psihosomatskog statusa učenika i nasilje u &scaron;koli. Potrebno je dalje ispitivati modele koji bi bili efektivni u transformaciji psihosomatskog statusa učenika i optimizaciji &scaron;kolske klime.</p> / <p>In order to provide an environment that enhances health and healthy choices, significant research efforts are put in identifying effective models of children&rsquo;s wellbeing and physical activity promotion while in school.<br />Bearing in mind an existing research gap, the study was conducted with an aim to examine effects that two innovative models of recess have on the psycho-somatic status of students and violence in school.<br />In first intervention group (I1), participants were provided with exercise equipment during recess, in the second intervention group (I2) structured exercise program was delivered every day, while participants from the control group (C) have spent recess on their own. The interventions took two months.<br />Group affiliation (I1, I2, C) was the independent variable, and the dependent variables were: students&rsquo; physical activity during recess, anthropometric and motor characteristics, conative characteristics (self-evaluations, optimism), health status (school absences because of medical reasons), school violence (students being perpetrators/victims). Data was gathered by anthropometry, motor testing, questionnaires (scales), observation and school document analysis. The data was analyzed by proper statistical procedures.<br />The results show that different recess models may have different effects on different aspects of students&rsquo; psycho-somatic status and school violence. Further examination of models effective in the transformation of the psycho-somatic status of students and optimization of school climate is needed.</p>

Projekty podpory zdraví jako součást vzdělávání / Health promotion projects as part of education

Redrová, Eliška January 2021 (has links)
This specific study entitled: "Health Promotion Projects as part of Education'', consists of a theoretical part containing the voices of various authors on the issue of health promotion in schools. Firstly, the basic concepts that are contained in the body of my work were explained and thanks to this, the reader will be better acquainted with these. In the following chapter I described characteristics of health promotion projects and gave several examples. The principles of health promotion in schools was also dealt with because they are closely related to the topic. Since my primary focus was on how projects in schools are actually implemented, I covered this in a subsequent chapter by giving concrete examples of projects that have already been implemented in schools. It was also important to mention the implementation process of health education into the primary school curriculum and thus I finished the theoretical part of the work and followed it up with a practical part. I used interviews as a research method and these were conducted at primary schools where one of the health promotion projects had been implemented in the past. The thesis also has a practical component. It included my own proposal of a health promotion project. The aim of it was to evaluate efficiency of initiating the health...

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