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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Podnikatelský záměr rozvoje společnosti / Entrepreneurial Intention of Business Development

Černá, Radka January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on building a business development plan of the company, which deals with the implementation of strategic objectives, especially the development of preventive oncology program in a specialized center. This thesis includes all aspects taken into consideration at business plan realization. The business plan is a result of research based on analysis of market, competition, potential customers and financial evaluation.

Teoretické a metodické přístupy k určování makroekonomického přínosu primární prevence a podpory zdraví / Theoretical and methodological approaches to determining the macroeconomic contribution of primary prevention and health promotion

Voleman, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
Health is one of the most important things in human life and it also deeply affects its quality. Health prevention and promotion is fundamental both for individuals and the whole society. This thesis analyses the economic approaches to health prevention and promotion. The main aim of this thesis is the analysis of health promotion with respect to colorectal cancer. However, this is not a standard effectiveness analysis but the analysis of the future development in unique Czech environment. According to Czech demographic trends and based on incidence and mortality predictive ARIMA models for colorectal cancer, this work quantifies the increasing costs related to this disease treatment in 2024 and 2028. Also, it makes recommendations on possible spending on possible prevention related to this disease.

Rendre possible un espace intermédiaire de dialogue pour coconstruire de nouvelles solutions de prévention dans un contexte d’incertitude : cas des travaux de revêtements routiers / To made possible an intermediate space for dialogue to co-construct new prevention solutions in a context of uncertainly : Case of road surfacing works

Judon, Nathalie 19 October 2017 (has links)
Dans le contexte d’incertitude actuel entourant la problématique de l’exposition au bitume dans les travaux de revêtement routier, la thèse vise l’élaboration de principes généraux et de méthodes d’action pour des solutions préventives nouvelles permettant d’enrichir les dispositifs de prévention existants. Dans cette perspective, nous avons développé une démarche centrée sur l’association des travailleurs de tout niveau hiérarchique (opérateurs, encadrement de proximité, préventeurs et décideurs) autour « d’objets intermédiaires de prévention » afin de soutenir un débat collectif. Ce débat collectif est envisagé comme une pratique réflexive sur l’activité de travail, elle-même considérée comme la condition d’un langage commun, permettant de changer des choix initiaux et constituant une ressource pour les apprentissages mutuels entre acteurs. Pour cela, nous avons développé, repris et enrichi la notion de représentation des risques qui favorise la mise en visibilité et la reconnaissance des savoirs construits, développés et portés par les travailleurs sur leur activité et sur les façons de se protéger des dangers. Ces représentations du risque et ces savoir-faire sont un élément déterminant de la prévention car ils s’exercent à la fois dans des modes normaux et dégradés de l’activité et sont issus de l’expérience et d’une construction sociale. Nous avons développé une connaissance précise de l’activité des opérateurs de mise en oeuvre d’enrobés dans deux agences de travaux publics, qui a mis en évidence que les acteurs de terrain possèdent des connaissances fines sur les risques chimiques. Ces représentations, essentiellement permises par l’expérience du corps et des sens, ne sont pas toujours convocables pour mettre en oeuvre des activités de protection dans l’activité de travail. Elles seraient empêchées voire « enkystées » quand il semble impossible aux travailleurs de faire autrement avec la nécessité de gérer aléas, variabilités et autres dangers présents et quand leur pouvoir d’agir leur apparait comme inexistant. Pourtant, nous montrons qu’elles deviennent accessibles à partir de références à la sphère intime et domestique dans des activités réflexives qui mobilisent à la fois des données d’observations, de mesures et des verbalisations. Dans une perspective de recherche en prévention, l’objet de la thèse est alors d’établir un dialogue entre différents mondes, institutionnels et de l’entreprise, afin de permettre aux acteurs de s’investir et de mobiliser leurs ressources individuelles, collectives et organisationnelles pour proposer des solutions de prévention. Cet « espace intermédiaire de dialogue » est rendu possible par la co-construction d’objets intermédiaires en capacité 1- de produire et soutenir un débat autour des pratiques effectives des opérateurs et de leurs représentations au regard des dispositifs de sécurité existants et 2- d’être support aux dialogues et aux apprentissages mutuels. Ces objets intermédiaires de prévention sont in fine des entités circulantes pour la coproduction d’un savoir pour l’action : produire des connaissances et générer collectivement des solutions innovantes de prévention. / In the context of current uncertainty surrounding the problem of exposure to bitumen in road surfacing (coating), the aim of the thesis is to set up general principles and methods of action for new preventive solutions that will enrich the existing measures. In this perspective, we have developed an approach centred on the association of workers at all hierarchical levels (operators, proximity managers, prevention workers and decision-makers) around "intermediary objects of prevention" in order to support a collective debate. This collective debate is seen as a reflective practice on work activity, which is itself seen as the condition of a common language, allowing for initial choices to be changed and a resource for mutual learning between actors. To this end, we have developed, reworked and enriched the notion of risk representation, which promotes the visibility and recognition of the knowledge built, developed and carried by workers on their activities and on ways to protect themselves from dangers or hazards. These representations of risk and the know-hows are a decisive element of prevention because they are applied in both normal and degraded modes of the activity and are derived from experience and social construction. We have developed a fine and precise knowledge of the activity of asphalt processing operators in two public works agencies, which highlighted that the players in the field have a detailed knowledge of chemical risks. These representations, which were essentially made possible by the experience of the body and the senses, cannot always been called up with a view to setting up protective measures in the work activity. They would be prevented or even "encysted" when it seems impossible for workers to do otherwise with the need to manage the hazards, variability and other dangers present and when their power to act seems to them to be non existent. And yet, we show that they become accessible from references to the intimate and domestic sphere in reflexive activities that mobilize both data from observations, measurements and verbalizations. From a preventive research perspective, the aim of the thesis is to establish a dialogue between different institutional and corporate worlds so as to enable the actors to get involved and mobilize their individual, collective and organizational resources to propose prevention solutions. This "intermediate space for dialogue" is made possible by the coconstruction of intermediate objects capable of 1- producing and supporting a debate about the current practices of the operators and their representations with regard to the existing safety devices and 2- supporting dialogues and mutual learning. These intermediate prevention objects are ultimately circulating entities for the co-production of knowledge for action: to generate knowledge and to collectively generate innovative prevention solutions.

Droits du patient : étude comparée entre la France et la Tunisie / Patient rights : a comparative study between France and Tunisia

Chouaibi, Meriam 09 December 2016 (has links)
Le système juridique français accorde une grande importance aux droits du patient, essentiellement à travers la loi du 4 mars 2002. Ce texte a été construit de manière à placer le patient au centre du dispositif et à lui attribuer des droits liés à sa qualité de sujet de droit. Cette idée est quasiment absente dans la législation tunisienne. En Tunisie, la législation relative aux droits des patients est insuffisante. Il est vrai que le législateur tunisien a défini certains droits pour le patient. Cependant, ces consécrations législatives ne nous permettent pas de confirmer l’idée selon laquelle le patient est le centre de la relation médicale, particulièrement parce que le paternalisme médical trouve encore une consécration en Tunisie. L’étude comparative a montré certaines convergences entre les deux systèmes juridiques mais aussi d’importantes divergences. Ainsi, pour un pays, comme la Tunisie, dont le système sanitaire confronte des difficultés intenses non seulement sur le plan infra-structurel mais également législatif, le code de la santé publique en général et la loi du 4 mars 2002 pour les droits des malades, en particulier, peuvent constituer une source efficace pour des changements en profondeur. Cependant, si en France la loi du 4 mars 2002 occupe une place primordiale dans le corpus des règles du droit de la santé, on ne peut nier que les droits du patient confrontent aujourd’hui des difficultés de mise en œuvre. En effet, même si le souci du législateur français était de protéger au maximum les droits des patients, certaines failles restent à signaler / The french legal system attaches great importance to patient rights, mainly through the law of 4 March 2002. This text was constructed to place the patient at the center of the device and assigning the rights to as a subject of law. This idea is almost absent in tunisian law. In Tunisia, legislation on the rights of patients is inadequate : the rights of patients are devoted so scattered in several legal texts. It is true that the tunisian legislature has defined certain rights for patients. However, these legislative consecrations do not allow us to confirm the idea that the patient is the center of the medical relationship, particularly because medical paternalism still finds consecration in Tunisia. The comparative study showed some convergence between the two legal systems but also important differences. Thus, for a country like Tunisia, whose health system confronts severe difficulties not only its infrastructure but also the legislative, the code of public health in general and the law of 4 March 2002 for the rights of patients, particular, can be an effective source for in-depth changes. However, if in France the Law of 4 March 2002 occupies a prominent place in the corpus of rules of health law, there is no denying that the patient's rights today facing implementation difficulties. Even if the concern of the french parliament was to maximally protect the rights of patients, some flaws still to report

Klinoskop: Zeitschrift der Klinikum Chemnitz gGmbH

21 April 2011 (has links)
Das Klinoskop ist die Firmenzeitschrift des Klinikums Chemnitz für Mitarbeiter, Patienten, Angehörige und für unsere Partner. Es erscheint in vier bis fünf Ausgaben pro Jahr in einem Umfang von 40 bis 92 Seiten im Vollfarbdruck. Unsere Firmenzeitschrift wurde seit 2006 von einer qualitativen Mitarbeiterinformation kontinuierlich zu einem relevanten Informationsmedium für unsere Partner wie niedergelassene Ärzte weiterentwickelt. Parallel soll das Klinoskop eine Publikation sein, mit der Patienten und Angehörige einen informativen Zugang zu Ihrem Klinikum Chemnitz erhalten. Damit möchten wir auch unseren Anspruch einer offenen Kommunikation unterlegen. / The Klinoskop is the corporate magazine of the Klinikum Chemnitz for our staff, patients and their family members as well as for our cooperating partners. It is published in full colour, with four or five issues per year, and each issue contains between 40 and 92 pages. Since 2006, our corporate magazine has been continuously refined from a high-quality publication for our staff to the relevant information medium for our partners, in particular physicians in private practice. At the same time, the Klinoskop is intended to be a publication that provides patients and their relatives with more detailed information about their Hospital in Chemnitz. This also helps us to emphasize our intentions of fostering open communication.

Klinoskop: Zeitschrift der Klinikum Chemnitz gGmbH

21 April 2011 (has links)
Das Klinoskop ist die Firmenzeitschrift des Klinikums Chemnitz für Mitarbeiter, Patienten, Angehörige und für unsere Partner. Es erscheint in vier bis fünf Ausgaben pro Jahr in einem Umfang von 40 bis 92 Seiten im Vollfarbdruck. Unsere Firmenzeitschrift wurde seit 2006 von einer qualitativen Mitarbeiterinformation kontinuierlich zu einem relevanten Informationsmedium für unsere Partner wie niedergelassene Ärzte weiterentwickelt. Parallel soll das Klinoskop eine Publikation sein, mit der Patienten und Angehörige einen informativen Zugang zu Ihrem Klinikum Chemnitz erhalten. Damit möchten wir auch unseren Anspruch einer offenen Kommunikation unterlegen. / The Klinoskop is the corporate magazine of the Klinikum Chemnitz for our staff, patients and their family members as well as for our cooperating partners. It is published in full colour, with four or five issues per year, and each issue contains between 40 and 92 pages. Since 2006, our corporate magazine has been continuously refined from a high-quality publication for our staff to the relevant information medium for our partners, in particular physicians in private practice. At the same time, the Klinoskop is intended to be a publication that provides patients and their relatives with more detailed information about their Hospital in Chemnitz. This also helps us to emphasize our intentions of fostering open communication.

Klinoskop: Zeitschrift der Klinikum Chemnitz gGmbH

19 April 2011 (has links)
Das Klinoskop ist die Firmenzeitschrift des Klinikums Chemnitz für Mitarbeiter, Patienten, Angehörige und für unsere Partner. Es erscheint in vier bis fünf Ausgaben pro Jahr in einem Umfang von 40 bis 92 Seiten im Vollfarbdruck. Unsere Firmenzeitschrift wurde seit 2006 von einer qualitativen Mitarbeiterinformation kontinuierlich zu einem relevanten Informationsmedium für unsere Partner wie niedergelassene Ärzte weiterentwickelt. Parallel soll das Klinoskop eine Publikation sein, mit der Patienten und Angehörige einen informativen Zugang zu Ihrem Klinkum Chemnitz erhalten. Damit möchten wir auch unseren Anspruch einer offenen Kommunikation unterlegen. / The Klinoskop is the corporate magazine of the Klinikum Chemnitz for our staff, patients and their family members as well as for our cooperating partners. It is published in full colour, with four or five issues per year, and each issue contains between 40 and 92 pages. Since 2006, our corporate magazine has been continuously refined from a high-quality publication for our staff to the relevant information medium for our partners, in particular physicians in private practice. At the same time, the Klinoskop is intended to be a publication that provides patients and their relatives with more detailed information about their Hospital in Chemnitz. This also helps us to emphasize our intentions of fostering open communication.

Klinoskop: Zeitschrift der Klinikum Chemnitz gGmbH

21 April 2011 (has links)
Das Klinoskop ist die Firmenzeitschrift des Klinikums Chemnitz für Mitarbeiter, Patienten, Angehörige und für unsere Partner. Es erscheint in vier bis fünf Ausgaben pro Jahr in einem Umfang von 40 bis 92 Seiten im Vollfarbdruck. Unsere Firmenzeitschrift wurde seit 2006 von einer qualitativen Mitarbeiterinformation kontinuierlich zu einem relevanten Informationsmedium für unsere Partner wie niedergelassene Ärzte weiterentwickelt. Parallel soll das Klinoskop eine Publikation sein, mit der Patienten und Angehörige einen informativen Zugang zu Ihrem Klinikum Chemnitz erhalten. Damit möchten wir auch unseren Anspruch einer offenen Kommunikation unterlegen. / The Klinoskop is the corporate magazine of the Klinikum Chemnitz for our staff, patients and their family members as well as for our cooperating partners. It is published in full colour, with four or five issues per year, and each issue contains between 40 and 92 pages. Since 2006, our corporate magazine has been continuously refined from a high-quality publication for our staff to the relevant information medium for our partners, in particular physicians in private practice. At the same time, the Klinoskop is intended to be a publication that provides patients and their relatives with more detailed information about their Hospital in Chemnitz. This also helps us to emphasize our intentions of fostering open communication.

Klinoskop: Zeitschrift der Klinikum Chemnitz gGmbH

21 April 2011 (has links)
Das Klinoskop ist die Firmenzeitschrift des Klinikums Chemnitz für Mitarbeiter, Patienten, Angehörige und für unsere Partner. Es erscheint in vier bis fünf Ausgaben pro Jahr in einem Umfang von 40 bis 92 Seiten im Vollfarbdruck. Unsere Firmenzeitschrift wurde seit 2006 von einer qualitativen Mitarbeiterinformation kontinuierlich zu einem relevanten Informationsmedium für unsere Partner wie niedergelassene Ärzte weiterentwickelt. Parallel soll das Klinoskop eine Publikation sein, mit der Patienten und Angehörige einen informativen Zugang zu Ihrem Klinikum Chemnitz erhalten. Damit möchten wir auch unseren Anspruch einer offenen Kommunikation unterlegen. / The Klinoskop is the corporate magazine of the Klinikum Chemnitz for our staff, patients and their family members as well as for our cooperating partners. It is published in full colour, with four or five issues per year, and each issue contains between 40 and 92 pages. Since 2006, our corporate magazine has been continuously refined from a high-quality publication for our staff to the relevant information medium for our partners, in particular physicians in private practice. At the same time, the Klinoskop is intended to be a publication that provides patients and their relatives with more detailed information about their Hospital in Chemnitz. This also helps us to emphasize our intentions of fostering open communication.

Klinoskop: Zeitschrift der Klinikum Chemnitz gGmbH

19 April 2011 (has links)
Das Klinoskop ist die Firmenzeitschrift des Klinikums Chemnitz für Mitarbeiter, Patienten, Angehörige und für unsere Partner. Es erscheint in vier bis fünf Ausgaben pro Jahr in einem Umfang von 40 bis 92 Seiten im Vollfarbdruck. Unsere Firmenzeitschrift wurde seit 2006 von einer qualitativen Mitarbeiterinformation kontinuierlich zu einem relevanten Informationsmedium für unsere Partner wie niedergelassene Ärzte weiterentwickelt. Parallel soll das Klinoskop eine Publikation sein, mit der Patienten und Angehörige einen informativen Zugang zu Ihrem Klinkum Chemnitz erhalten. Damit möchten wir auch unseren Anspruch einer offenen Kommunikation unterlegen. / The Klinoskop is the corporate magazine of the Klinikum Chemnitz for our staff, patients and their family members as well as for our cooperating partners. It is published in full colour, with four or five issues per year, and each issue contains between 40 and 92 pages. Since 2006, our corporate magazine has been continuously refined from a high-quality publication for our staff to the relevant information medium for our partners, in particular physicians in private practice. At the same time, the Klinoskop is intended to be a publication that provides patients and their relatives with more detailed information about their Hospital in Chemnitz. This also helps us to emphasize our intentions of fostering open communication.

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