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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Varför prioriteras inte patientens säkerhet? : En litteraturöversikt om sjuksköterskors följsamhet till basala hygienrutiner och dess konsekvenser för omvårdnaden / Why is patient safety not prioritized? : A literature review on nurses' compliance to basic hygiene routines and its consequences for nursing care

Eriksson, Emilia, Frid Graaf, Malin January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: All personal inom hälso- och sjukvård är skyldiga att följa och tillämpa basala hygienrutiner vilket är avgörande för att förhindra spridning av virus, bakterier och andra mikroorganismer som kan orsaka vårdrelaterade infektioner. Vårdrelaterade infektioner utgör en stor kostnad för samhället men bidrar också till ett lidande för de patienter som drabbas. Syfte: Beskriva faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskors följsamhet till basala hygienrutiner och dess konsekvenser för omvårdnaden. Metod: Studien har genomförts som en allmän litteraturöversikt där både kvalitativ och kvantitativ forskning ingår. Totalt har 11 vetenskapliga artiklar ingått i analysen som analyserats med Fribergs analysmodell i 4 steg, tre av dessa var kvalitativa och åtta var kvantitativa. Resultat: Två teman identifierades; Temat “Påverkan på arbetsmiljön” beskriver brister i den fysiska arbetsmiljön, samt bristande emotionellt och instrumentellt stöd från vårdverksamhets chefer. Temat “Behov av kompetensutveckling” beskriver sjuksköterskors behov av kompetensutveckling och att följsamhet till basala hygienrutiner var knutet till den enskilda sjuksköterskans egna behov. Konklusion: Vårdrelaterade infektioner på sjukhus kan motverkas genom att sjuksköterskor följer basala hygienrutiner. En välfungerande arbetsmiljö med tillgängliga hygienmaterial är avgörande. Stress och kunskapsbrist påverkar negativt, men kontinuerlig utbildning kan förbättra sjuksköterskors efterlevnad och bidra till global hälsa genom renare händer. / Background: All healthcare employees are required to follow and apply basic hygiene routines, which is crucial to prevent the spread of viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause healthcare-related infections. Healthcare-related infections represent a large cost to society but also contribute to suffering for the patients. Aim: Describe factors influencing nurses' compliance with basic hygiene practices and their consequences for nursing care. Method: The study has been conducted as a general literature review, with the analysis of both qualitative and quantitative research. In total, 11 scientific articles were analyzed through Friberg's four steps analysis model. Findings: Two themes were identified; The theme “Impact on the work environment” describes shortcomings in the physical work environment, as well as a lack of emotional and instrumental support from managers. The theme “Need for competence development” describes nurses' need for competence development and that compliance to basic hygiene routines was linked to the individual nurse's own needs. Conclusion: Healthcare associated infections can be prevented if nurses comply to basic hygiene routines. A well-functioning workplace with available hygiene materials is crucial. Stress and lack of knowledge negatively affect compliance, but continuous education can improve nurses' compliance and contribute to health through cleaner hands.

L'adoption d'un régime d'indemnisation sans égard à la faute en faveur des victimes d'infections nosocomiales, et pourquoi pas?

Ramos-Paque, Emma 08 1900 (has links)
Phénomène à haute prévalence dans le monde entier, les infections acquises au cours de la prestation de soins de santé constituent une menace importante pour la santé publique. Il s’agit d’une réalité inéluctable du système de santé qui touche de nombreuses victimes en les affectant de dommages variés. Fruit d’une interaction complexe entre divers facteurs, ces infections représentent un lourd fardeau pour les victimes comme pour la société, tant au plan physique, mental et financier. Bien que les infections nosocomiales semblent être au cœur des préoccupations des autorités sanitaires québécoises, l’indemnisation des victimes demeure problématique. Actuellement, l’indemnisation se fait via le régime traditionnel de responsabilité civile mais nombreux sont les obstacles auxquels font face les patients désirant obtenir compensation. Les règles classiques s’avèrent difficiles d’application dans un contexte où la source de l’infection est souvent inconnue et les facteurs ayant pu contribuer à son développement sont multiples. Face à cette problématique et à l’insatisfaction ressentie, certaines juridictions étrangères ont reconnu le caractère inadapté du régime traditionnel et ont implanté un régime d’indemnisation sans égard à la faute dans l’espoir d’améliorer le sort des victimes. Le Québec a opté pour la même solution dans divers domaines, tels que les accidents automobiles et la vaccination. Ce mémoire propose une étude approfondie de l’opportunité d’adopter, en droit québécois, un régime d’indemnisation sans égard à la faute bénéficiant aux victimes d’infections nosocomiales. L’objectif de ce projet est de faire une esquisse des caractéristiques assurant l’efficacité et la viabilité d’un tel régime. / Highly prevailing phenomenon worldwide, healthcare associated infections pose a significant threat to public health. They are considered to be an inevitable reality of the healthcare system that affects a large number of persons with diverse injuries. They result from a complex interplay of factors and represent a major burden for both victims and society, physically, mentally and financially. Although healthcare associated infections seem to be an important concern for health authorities in Quebec, compensation of victims remains problematic. At the moment, victims have to go through the traditional system of civil liability and face numerous obstacles. Classic rules are proved to be difficult to apply in a context where the source of the infection is often unknown and the factors that contributed to its development multiple. Confronted to this problem and to the dissatisfaction felt, some foreign jurisdictions have recognized the unsuitability of traditional rules and have introduced a no-fault compensation system in the hope of improving victims’ fate. Quebec chose to opt for the same solution in various fields, such as automobile accidents and immunization. This thesis proposes a comprehensive study of the need to adopt a no-fault compensation scheme benefiting victims of healthcare associated infections. The objective of this project is to outline the characteristics that would ensure the efficiency and viability of the no-fault scheme.

Perceptions et croyances relatives à l’hygiène des mains chez les infirmières de deux hôpitaux de la République démocratique du Congo

Muyulu, Nicole 07 1900 (has links)
Cette étude visait à documenter les perceptions et les croyances sur l’hygiène des mains chez des infirmières de deux hôpitaux de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC). Le modèle PRECEDE-PROCEED a guidé les travaux et permis de centrer l’analyse sur les facteurs prédisposants et les facteurs facilitants, éléments favorisant l’adoption des comportements de santé. Le devis utilisé est de type descriptif corrélationnel. Un échantillon de convenance incluant 74 infirmières recrutées dans les deux hôpitaux a été assemblé. Les données ont été recueillies au moyen d’un questionnaire auto-administré composé de 34 questions, tirées d’outils repérés dans la recension des écrits. Les questions portaient sur les connaissances, les perceptions au regard de l’hygiène des mains et l’accès aux infrastructures facilitant l’adoption de ce comportement. La collecte des données s’est déroulée à Kinshasa, capitale de la RDC. Les résultats révèlent d’importantes lacunes dans les connaissances. Les perceptions relatives aux normes sociales sont ressorties comme davantage favorables. Les résultats révèlent également des lacunes en ce qui a trait aux facteurs facilitants, notamment dans l’utilisation de la friction hydro-alcoolique. Par ailleurs, les infirmières les plus instruites et les plus expérimentées étaient plus nombreuses à percevoir l'importance de la pratique d’hygiène des mains. La discussion aborde quelques pistes en termes d’actions à entreprendre pour améliorer les comportements d’hygiène chez les infirmières dans les pays en développement telle la RDC. / This study aimed to document perceptions and beliefs about hand hygiene among nurses from two hospitals in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The PRECEDE-PROCEED model guided the work and helped focus the analysis on predisposing factors and facilitating factors which could favor the adoption of health behaviors. The estimate used is of a correlational descriptive kind. A convenience sample including 74 nurses recruited from the two hospitals was used. Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire composed of 34 questions, drawn from tools identified in the literature. The questions focused on knowledge and perceptions with regard to hand hygiene, as well as access to infrastructure facilitating the adoption of this behavior. Data collection took place in Kinshasa, the capital of the DRC. The results reveal significant gaps in knowledge. Perceptions related to social norms stood out as more favorable. The results also reveal gaps in awareness of facilitating factors, including the use of alcohol-based handrubs. It was also noted that the more educated and experienced nurses were more likely to perceive the importance of hand hygiene practices. The discussion proposes some possible actions to improve hygiene behavior among nurses in developing countries such as the DRC.

Solução alcoólica para higiene das mãos com diferentes concentrações de glicerol: avaliação da tolerância e adesão por profissionais de saúde em terapia intensiva / Alcoholic solution for hand hygiene with different concentrations of glycerol: evaluation of tolerance and compliance by health professionals in intensive care

Menegueti, Mayra Gonçalves 04 July 2018 (has links)
As infecções relacionadas à assistência à saúde (IRAS) são consideradas um grande problema para a segurança do paciente e sua vigilância e prevenção devem ser prioridade. A higiene de mãos é a medida mais importante para prevenção de IRAS. O uso do álcool gel é o método mais simples e mais eficaz para se evitar IRAS apesar de muitas vezes ocasionar perda da integridade da pele. Neste estudo composto por profissionais de uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) adulto, os participantes foram convidados a utilizar 4 formulações alcoólicas (A, B, C e D) com diferentes concentrações de glicerol para a higiene de mãos durante os turnos de trabalho. A formulação A continha etanol a 80% (vol / vol) e glicerol 1,45% (V / V), a solução B etanol a 80% (vol / vol) e glicerol 0,75% (V/V), a formulação C etanol a 80% (vol / vol) e glicerol 0,50% (V / V) e a formulação D apenas etanol a 80% (vol / vol), todas preparadas pelo departamento de farmácia do hospital, único a saber o conteúdo de cada um dos frascos entregues em cada fase do estudo. Para a avaliação da tolerância da pele, realizou-se uma avaliação visual e objetiva da integridade da pele das mãos dos participantes, que efetuaram também uma auto avaliação dessa condição após pelo menos sete dias de uso de cada uma das formulações testadas. Para mensuração da adesão à prática de higiene de mãos observou-se em todas às fases do estudo por observação direta a realização desta prática. Dos 45 participantes potencialmente elegíveis, cinco não completaram todas as fases do estudo devido à interrupção do trabalho na UTI. Quanto à avaliação da pele as variáveis fissura e escamosidade foram mais frequentes quando os participantes usaram a formulação sem glicerol, mas não variaram entre as outras três formulações. A média das diferenças de adesão entre as fases 1,45% versus 0,75%; 1,45% versus 0,50% e 1,45% versus 0, foram respectivamente 9,71%; 5,86% e 6,82%. Esses dados sugerem que a adesão à higiene de mãos foi superior na fase glicerol 1,45% comparada com as demais fases, sem, entretanto, nenhuma média ter sido superior a 10%. A fase glicerol 0,50% obteve a menor diferença em relação à concentração padrão. Considerando estes achados, concluímos que a formulação alcoólica com glicerol a 0,50% poderia ser passível de utilização na prática clínica, podendo a mesma ser testada em diferentes instituições de saúde / Healthcare-associated infections (HAI) are a major problem for patient health and safety, and their prevention must be a high priority. Hand hygiene is the most important preventive measure against HAI. The use of alcohol gel is the simplest and most effective method to avoid HAI although it often causes loss of skin integrity. In this study, the participants were assigned to use one of four formulations of an alcohol gel (A, B, C and D with different concentrations of glycerol) for hand hygiene during work shifts. The study was carried out in four phases, in each one the alcoholic formulation with a specific concentration of glycerol was used. The formulations were tested sequentially, in random order. Formulation A contained 80% (vol / vol) ethanol and 1.45% (V / V) glycerol, formulation B ethanol 80% (vol / vol) and glycerol 0.75% (V / V), formulation C ethanol at 80% (vol / vol) and glycerol 0.50% (V / V) and formulation D was made up of just 80% ethanol (vol / vol). All the gels were prepared by the hospital\'s pharmacists, who were the only ones to know the contents of the gel-containing bottles. To assess skin tolerance, a visual and objective assessment of the skin integrity of the participants\' hands was performed, which also performed a self-assessment of this condition after at least seven days of use of each of the formulations tested. Compliance with hand-hygiene practices was monitored and measured throughout the study by the direct observation of the researcher. There were 45 participants eligible for the study. Five, however, were not able to complete all phases of the study due to the discontinuation of their working in the ICU. Regarding skin evaluation, the variables fissure and scaliness were more frequent when the participants used the formulation without glycerol but their frequency did not vary with the other three formulations. The mean of compliance differences between the phases was 1.45% versus 0.75%; 1.45% versus 0.50% and 1.45% versus 0, were respectively 9.71%; 5.86% and 6.82%. These data suggest that compliance to hand hygiene was superior in the glycerol phase, 1.45% compared to the other phases, but no average was greater than 10%. The 0.50% glycerol phase had the smallest difference from the standard. According to these findings, we concluded that the alcoholic formulation with 0.50% glycerol might be used in clinical practice and could be tested in other hospitals

Vårdplatsbyten och Clostridium difficile-infektion : En fall-kontroll-studie / Patient transfers and Clostridium difficile infection : A case-control study

Edman Wallér, Jon January 2019 (has links)
Introduktion: Clostridium difficile är en bakterie som bildar tåliga sporer som kan överleva länge i sjukhusmiljön trots goda rutiner. De flesta Clostridium difficile-infektioner (CDI) är sjukhusförvärvade. Att tarmen koloniseras av sporer eller bakterier är en förutsättning för infektion, risken att sedan insjukna beror på tarmflorans och immunförsvarets tillstånd. I modern sjukvård sker regelmässigt patientomflyttningar inom och mellan avdelningar, vilket gör att patienten exponeras mot en större del av sjukhusmiljön där C. difficile-sporer kan finnas. Syfte: Att undersöka om byte av vårdplats inom och/eller mellan avdelningar är en riskfaktor för att insjukna i CDI när hänsyn tas till andra kända riskfaktorer. Metod: En fall-kontroll-studie på alla sjukhusförvärvade fall hos vuxna på Södra Älvsborgs Sjukhus i Borås under två år, 2012 och 2015. Beräkning av odds ratio med univariat logistisk regression följt av multivariat logistisk regression för statistiskt signifikanta variabler. Resultat: Vårdplatsbyten var inte vanligare i fallgruppen när hänsyn togs till övriga riskfaktorer. I den multivariata modellen var vårdtid innan provtagning den enda variabel som utföll statistiskt signifikant (OR per vårddygn: 1,07, konfidensintervall: 1,02–1,12). Slutsats: Studien kunde inte påvisa att vårdplatsbyten är en oberoende riskfaktor för CDI, men att genomföra undersökningen på ett större studiematerial kan vara av värde. / Introduction: Clostridium difficile is a spore-forming bacterium; the spores are highly resilient and can survive for long periods of time in the hospital environment. Most Clostridium difficile infections (CDI) are hospital-acquired. Colonization of spores or vegetative bacteria in the large intestine is necessary for infection to occur; the risk of infection is modulated by the state of the intestinal microbiome and the host´s immune status. Patient-to-patient transmission within and between wards are commonplace in modern healthcare, exposing patients to more of the hospital environment where spores may exist. Aim: To determine whether changing room and/or ward is a risk factor for developing CDI when adjusted for other known risk factors. Method: A case-control study of all hospital-acquired CDI cases at Södra Älvsborg Hospital, Borås, Sweden, during two years: 2012 and 2015. Odds ratios were calculated using univariate logistic regression analysis followed by multivariate logistic regression analysis to evaluate statistically significant (p<0,05) variables identified by the univariate analysis. Results: Patient transfers were not more common in the case group when data was adjusted for other known risk factors. In the multivariate model, length of stay [A1] alone was the only statistically significant variable (OR per additional day of care: 1.07, 95 % confidence interval: 1.02-1.12). Conclusion: The study could not demonstrate patient transfers as an independent risk factor for CDI, though replicating the study on a larger patient sample might be valuable.

Avaliação da efetividade da aplicação nasal de sulfadiazina de prata para descolonização de pacientes portadores de Staphylococcus aureus resistentes à meticilina em ambiente hospitalar / Evaluation of the effectiveness of nasal application of silver sulfadiazine for decolonization of patients with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in hospital

Ferreira, Lécio Rodrigues 02 August 2016 (has links)
O sistema de saúde é desafiado diariamente por complicações infecciosas relacionadas à assistência, que constituem grave problema de saúde pública mundial, aumentando a morbidade e a mortalidade dos pacientes assistidos e elevando os custos hospitalares. O Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA), endêmico em várias instituições de saúde no mundo, é um dos principais agentes etiológicos de infecção relacionada à assistência à saúde. A colonização é um importante fator na patogênese das infecções causadas pelo MRSA, elevando o risco de uma infecção em portadores nasais desta bactéria. Além disso, sabe-se que pacientes colonizados ou infectados representam um importante reservatório desta bactéria. Atualmente, a descolonização dos portadores de MRSA é uma medida recomendada para o controle da disseminação desta bactéria. A mupirocina tem sido amplamente utilizada para a descolonização nasal, no entanto cepas de MRSA resistentes à mupirocina tem se tornado mais frequente na última década. Além disso, a formulação de mupirocina disponível no Brasil é inadequada para aplicação em mucosas, causando efeitos adversos intoleráveis. Uma vez que a sulfadiazina de prata é bastante ativa contra o MRSA in vitro, este estudo se propôs avaliar a efetividade da aplicação intranasal dessa substância para a descolonização de pacientes hospitalizados e colonizados por MRSA. Trata-se de um ensaio clínico randomizado, duplamente cego, controlado com placebo, cuja intervenção consistiu na terapia de descolonização nasal, com a aplicação intranasal de gel de sulfadiazina de prata a 1%, duas vezes por dia, associado a utilização de clorexidina degermante a 2% para o banho diário, por 5 dias consecutivos nos pacientes internados em um hospital terciário, com colonização nasal por MRSA, demonstrada por meio de cultura seletiva de swab nasal. O desfecho primário do estudo foi a identificação de swab nasal negativo para MRSA coletado imediatamente após o fim do tratamento. A comparação da taxa de descolonização nasal entre os grupos foi feita usando-se o teste do Qui quadrado, com correção de Person, e por meio de um modelo de regressão logística. Foram identificados 279 pacientes colonizados por MRSA, no entanto 156 apresentavam critérios de exclusão e 79 não estavam mais internados no momento da inclusão, sendo incluídos 44 pacientes. A mediana de idade dos incluídos foi de 57,5 anos. Após a randomização, restaram 22 pacientes em cada grupo. Oito pacientes não completaram o protocolo, e foram excluídos da análise. A descolonização nasal foi obtida em 10/16 pacientes (62,50%) no grupo controle e 10/20 (50,00%) no grupo experimental (p=0,453). A descolonização corporal global ocorreu em 8/16 (50,00%) no grupo controle e 9/20 (45,00%) no grupo experimental (p=0,765). Na análise multivariada, nenhuma das variáveis independentes incluídas, a saber sexo, idade, uso de sulfadiazina de prata, e uso de antimicrobianos sistêmicos com atividade anti-MRSA exibiu associação com o desfecho primário. Não houve diferença, entre os grupos, na incidência de infecções por MRSA após o término da terapia. Dois pacientes apresentaram irritação nasal no grupo experimental. De acordo com os nossos resultados, a sulfadiazina de prata a 1% não foi superior ao placebo para a descolonização de pacientes com colonização nasal por MRSA. / The health system is daily challenged by health-care associated infections, which constitute a global public health problem, increasing morbidity and mortality of assisted patients as well as hospital costs. The methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), endemic in several facilities worldwide, is a major etiologic agent of health-care associated infections. MRSA colonization is a relevant risk factor in the pathogenesis of infections caused by MRSA. Moreover, it is known that colonized or infected patients represent an important reservoir of this pathogen. Currently, the decolonization of MRSA carriers is a recommended measure to control the spread of this pathogen. Mupirocin has been widely used for nasal decolonization, however MRSA strains resistant to mupirocin has become more common over the last decade. In addition, mupirocin formulation available in Brazil is inappropriate for application to mucosal causing intolerable side effects. Once silver sulfadiazine is active against MRSA in vitro, this study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of intranasal application of this substance for decolonizing hospitalized patients harboring MRSA. This is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, which intervention consisted in intranasal application of silver sulfadiazine gel 1%, twice a day, associated with the use of chlorhexidine soap 2% for daily bath for 5 consecutive days in patients admitted to a tertiary hospital with nasal MRSA colonization, demonstrated by selective culture of nasal swab. The primary endpoint of the study was the identification of negative nasal swab for MRSA collected immediately after the end of treatment. Comparison of decolonization rate between groups was performed using Person\'s corrected chi square, and through a logistic regression model. From 279 patients colonized by MRSA identified, 156 met exclusion criteria and 79 were no longer in hospital at the time of inclusion, so 44 patients were included. The median age of those included was 57.5 years. After randomization, 22 patients remained in each group. Eight patients did not complete the protocol and were excluded from analysis. Nasal decolonization was achieved in 10/16 patients (62.50%) in the control group and 10/20 (50.00%) in the experimental group (p = 0.453). The global body decolonization occurred in 8/16 (50.00%) in the control group and 9/20 (45.00%) in the experimental group (p = 0.765). In multivariate analysis, none of the included independent variables, namely sex, age, use of silver sulfadiazine, and use of systemic antibiotics with anti-MRSA activity showed association with primary endpoint. There was no difference between groups in the incidence of MRSA infections after the end of therapy. Two patients had nasal irritation in the experimental group. According to our results, silver sulfadiazine 1% was not superior to placebo for decolonizing patients with nasal MRSA colonization.

Culturomique : un nouvel outil d'analyse de microbiotes impliqués dans la pathogenèse ou la transmission de maladies infectieuses / Culturomic : a new analysis tool of microbiota involved in pathogenesis or infections diseases's transmission

Cassir, Nadim 09 November 2015 (has links)
Le microbiote digestif humain joue un rôle essentiel et bénéfique pour son hôte mais il est également impliqué dans un nombre croissant de pathologies. Les connaissances sur la composition de cet écosystème ont récemment été révolutionnées grâce à l’utilisation de techniques moléculaires. Cependant, ces techniques comportent des limites importantes. C’est ainsi que le concept de « culturomique » a été introduit ; il consiste en la multiplication de milieux et conditions de culture et l’identification rapide de colonies bactériennes par spectrométrie de masse (MALDITOF) ou par amplification et séquençage du gène de l’ARN ribosomal 16S. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons mis en évidence une association entre la présence de Clostridium butyricum dans les selles et la survenue d’entérocolite ulcéro-nécrosante que ce soit par méthodes de pyroséquençage et culture ou par PCR quantitative en temps réel spécifique de C. butyricum; identifié après séquençage du génome complet de toutes nos souches de C. butyricum, la présence du gène de la β-hémolysine (toxine). Dans la deuxième partie de ce travail, nous avons montré par cuturomique que les bactéries à Gram-négatif (BGN) étaient fréquemment disséminées au sein du microbiote cutané transitoire des patients hospitalisés en réanimation ; le réservoir serait essentiellement digestif. En conclusion, le microbiote digestif constitue un réservoir sousestimé de bactéries pathogènes. La microbiologie moderne incluant les nouvelles méthodes de culture permet d’étendre de manière considérable les connaissances sur la composition de cet écosystème et son implication en pathologie humaine. / He human gut microbiota plays an important and beneficial role in its host but it is also involved in a growing number of diseases. Knowledge of the composition of this ecosystem have recently been revolutionized by the use of molecular techniques. However, these techniques have significant limitations. Thus, the concept of "culturomics" has been introduced; it consists of the multiplication of culture conditions and the rapid identification of bacterial colonies by mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) or by PCR 16S RNA gene sequencing. In the first part of this work, we have demonstrated an association between the presence of Clostridium butyricum in the stool and the occurrence of necrotizing enterocolitis whether by pyrosequencing methods and Culture or by quantitative PCR specific real time C. butyricum; identified after sequencing the complete genome of all our strains of C. butyricum, the presence of the gene of β-hemolysin (toxin). In the second part of this work, we showed by cuturomics that Gram-negative bacteria (BGN) were frequently spread out over the transitional skin microbiota of patients hospitalized in intensive care; the reservoir would essentially digestive. In conclusion, the gut microbiota is an underestimated reservoir of pathogenic bacteria. Modern microbiology including new culture-based methods is currently extending exponentially our knowledge on gut microbiota giving rise to new insights into the pathogenesis or the transmission of infectious diseases.

Avaliação da efetividade da aplicação nasal de sulfadiazina de prata para descolonização de pacientes portadores de Staphylococcus aureus resistentes à meticilina em ambiente hospitalar / Evaluation of the effectiveness of nasal application of silver sulfadiazine for decolonization of patients with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in hospital

Lécio Rodrigues Ferreira 02 August 2016 (has links)
O sistema de saúde é desafiado diariamente por complicações infecciosas relacionadas à assistência, que constituem grave problema de saúde pública mundial, aumentando a morbidade e a mortalidade dos pacientes assistidos e elevando os custos hospitalares. O Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA), endêmico em várias instituições de saúde no mundo, é um dos principais agentes etiológicos de infecção relacionada à assistência à saúde. A colonização é um importante fator na patogênese das infecções causadas pelo MRSA, elevando o risco de uma infecção em portadores nasais desta bactéria. Além disso, sabe-se que pacientes colonizados ou infectados representam um importante reservatório desta bactéria. Atualmente, a descolonização dos portadores de MRSA é uma medida recomendada para o controle da disseminação desta bactéria. A mupirocina tem sido amplamente utilizada para a descolonização nasal, no entanto cepas de MRSA resistentes à mupirocina tem se tornado mais frequente na última década. Além disso, a formulação de mupirocina disponível no Brasil é inadequada para aplicação em mucosas, causando efeitos adversos intoleráveis. Uma vez que a sulfadiazina de prata é bastante ativa contra o MRSA in vitro, este estudo se propôs avaliar a efetividade da aplicação intranasal dessa substância para a descolonização de pacientes hospitalizados e colonizados por MRSA. Trata-se de um ensaio clínico randomizado, duplamente cego, controlado com placebo, cuja intervenção consistiu na terapia de descolonização nasal, com a aplicação intranasal de gel de sulfadiazina de prata a 1%, duas vezes por dia, associado a utilização de clorexidina degermante a 2% para o banho diário, por 5 dias consecutivos nos pacientes internados em um hospital terciário, com colonização nasal por MRSA, demonstrada por meio de cultura seletiva de swab nasal. O desfecho primário do estudo foi a identificação de swab nasal negativo para MRSA coletado imediatamente após o fim do tratamento. A comparação da taxa de descolonização nasal entre os grupos foi feita usando-se o teste do Qui quadrado, com correção de Person, e por meio de um modelo de regressão logística. Foram identificados 279 pacientes colonizados por MRSA, no entanto 156 apresentavam critérios de exclusão e 79 não estavam mais internados no momento da inclusão, sendo incluídos 44 pacientes. A mediana de idade dos incluídos foi de 57,5 anos. Após a randomização, restaram 22 pacientes em cada grupo. Oito pacientes não completaram o protocolo, e foram excluídos da análise. A descolonização nasal foi obtida em 10/16 pacientes (62,50%) no grupo controle e 10/20 (50,00%) no grupo experimental (p=0,453). A descolonização corporal global ocorreu em 8/16 (50,00%) no grupo controle e 9/20 (45,00%) no grupo experimental (p=0,765). Na análise multivariada, nenhuma das variáveis independentes incluídas, a saber sexo, idade, uso de sulfadiazina de prata, e uso de antimicrobianos sistêmicos com atividade anti-MRSA exibiu associação com o desfecho primário. Não houve diferença, entre os grupos, na incidência de infecções por MRSA após o término da terapia. Dois pacientes apresentaram irritação nasal no grupo experimental. De acordo com os nossos resultados, a sulfadiazina de prata a 1% não foi superior ao placebo para a descolonização de pacientes com colonização nasal por MRSA. / The health system is daily challenged by health-care associated infections, which constitute a global public health problem, increasing morbidity and mortality of assisted patients as well as hospital costs. The methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), endemic in several facilities worldwide, is a major etiologic agent of health-care associated infections. MRSA colonization is a relevant risk factor in the pathogenesis of infections caused by MRSA. Moreover, it is known that colonized or infected patients represent an important reservoir of this pathogen. Currently, the decolonization of MRSA carriers is a recommended measure to control the spread of this pathogen. Mupirocin has been widely used for nasal decolonization, however MRSA strains resistant to mupirocin has become more common over the last decade. In addition, mupirocin formulation available in Brazil is inappropriate for application to mucosal causing intolerable side effects. Once silver sulfadiazine is active against MRSA in vitro, this study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of intranasal application of this substance for decolonizing hospitalized patients harboring MRSA. This is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, which intervention consisted in intranasal application of silver sulfadiazine gel 1%, twice a day, associated with the use of chlorhexidine soap 2% for daily bath for 5 consecutive days in patients admitted to a tertiary hospital with nasal MRSA colonization, demonstrated by selective culture of nasal swab. The primary endpoint of the study was the identification of negative nasal swab for MRSA collected immediately after the end of treatment. Comparison of decolonization rate between groups was performed using Person\'s corrected chi square, and through a logistic regression model. From 279 patients colonized by MRSA identified, 156 met exclusion criteria and 79 were no longer in hospital at the time of inclusion, so 44 patients were included. The median age of those included was 57.5 years. After randomization, 22 patients remained in each group. Eight patients did not complete the protocol and were excluded from analysis. Nasal decolonization was achieved in 10/16 patients (62.50%) in the control group and 10/20 (50.00%) in the experimental group (p = 0.453). The global body decolonization occurred in 8/16 (50.00%) in the control group and 9/20 (45.00%) in the experimental group (p = 0.765). In multivariate analysis, none of the included independent variables, namely sex, age, use of silver sulfadiazine, and use of systemic antibiotics with anti-MRSA activity showed association with primary endpoint. There was no difference between groups in the incidence of MRSA infections after the end of therapy. Two patients had nasal irritation in the experimental group. According to our results, silver sulfadiazine 1% was not superior to placebo for decolonizing patients with nasal MRSA colonization.

Problematika používání osobních ochranných pracovních prostředků v ošetřovatelské praxi / Usage of personal protective equipment in nursing practice

KULAJEC, Lilija January 2019 (has links)
Current situation: Nurses' health can be endangered by various influences. One of the possibilities of prevention is personal protective equipment (PPE) which provides effective protection against infectious agents and other risk factors, both for the nurse and the patient. The aim of the thesis was to find out the nurses' awareness of PPE and its use. Find out which PPE nurses use and evaluate whether they use it properly. Methods: The research was carried out using a qualitative method, a technique of non-standardized in-depth interviews and observation. 16 nurses attended the interviews and were observed during 112 nursing activities. Qualitative research was supplemented by an interview with the institutional epidemiologist and a nurse from the department of epidemiology. Results: Nurses use PPE to protect their health and are well-aware of the risks. They realize that it also protects the patient. Nurses commonly use gloves, face masks and protective aprons. When choosing proper PPE, they base their choice primarily on the standard of nursing care, legislation, the nature of the activity performed, the specifics of the department, the risks involved or the type and method of transmission of the respective disease. At workplaces there are a sufficient number of several types of PPE and nurses have the opportunity to educate themselves on the issue. However, there are some obstacles to the correct use of PPE. These obstacles include: lack of information, lack of staffing, pressure on performance and time stress. During the observation the most frequent errors were found in the use of gloves and taking off PPE. Recommendations for practice: The introduction of comprehensive training on individual PPE, increased checks by managers, regular updating of standard nursing procedures, sufficient staffing and sufficient spare protective equipment at the department may contribute to increasing the level of use of PPE.

L'adoption d'un régime d'indemnisation sans égard à la faute en faveur des victimes d'infections nosocomiales, et pourquoi pas?

Ramos-Paque, Emma 08 1900 (has links)
Phénomène à haute prévalence dans le monde entier, les infections acquises au cours de la prestation de soins de santé constituent une menace importante pour la santé publique. Il s’agit d’une réalité inéluctable du système de santé qui touche de nombreuses victimes en les affectant de dommages variés. Fruit d’une interaction complexe entre divers facteurs, ces infections représentent un lourd fardeau pour les victimes comme pour la société, tant au plan physique, mental et financier. Bien que les infections nosocomiales semblent être au cœur des préoccupations des autorités sanitaires québécoises, l’indemnisation des victimes demeure problématique. Actuellement, l’indemnisation se fait via le régime traditionnel de responsabilité civile mais nombreux sont les obstacles auxquels font face les patients désirant obtenir compensation. Les règles classiques s’avèrent difficiles d’application dans un contexte où la source de l’infection est souvent inconnue et les facteurs ayant pu contribuer à son développement sont multiples. Face à cette problématique et à l’insatisfaction ressentie, certaines juridictions étrangères ont reconnu le caractère inadapté du régime traditionnel et ont implanté un régime d’indemnisation sans égard à la faute dans l’espoir d’améliorer le sort des victimes. Le Québec a opté pour la même solution dans divers domaines, tels que les accidents automobiles et la vaccination. Ce mémoire propose une étude approfondie de l’opportunité d’adopter, en droit québécois, un régime d’indemnisation sans égard à la faute bénéficiant aux victimes d’infections nosocomiales. L’objectif de ce projet est de faire une esquisse des caractéristiques assurant l’efficacité et la viabilité d’un tel régime. / Highly prevailing phenomenon worldwide, healthcare associated infections pose a significant threat to public health. They are considered to be an inevitable reality of the healthcare system that affects a large number of persons with diverse injuries. They result from a complex interplay of factors and represent a major burden for both victims and society, physically, mentally and financially. Although healthcare associated infections seem to be an important concern for health authorities in Quebec, compensation of victims remains problematic. At the moment, victims have to go through the traditional system of civil liability and face numerous obstacles. Classic rules are proved to be difficult to apply in a context where the source of the infection is often unknown and the factors that contributed to its development multiple. Confronted to this problem and to the dissatisfaction felt, some foreign jurisdictions have recognized the unsuitability of traditional rules and have introduced a no-fault compensation system in the hope of improving victims’ fate. Quebec chose to opt for the same solution in various fields, such as automobile accidents and immunization. This thesis proposes a comprehensive study of the need to adopt a no-fault compensation scheme benefiting victims of healthcare associated infections. The objective of this project is to outline the characteristics that would ensure the efficiency and viability of the no-fault scheme.

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