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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Three factor Prothrombin Complex Concentrate to Reverse Warfarin Treated Mechanical Circulatory Device Patients Immediately Prior to Heart Transplant

Sears, Bryan, Cosgrove, Richard January 2015 (has links)
Class of 2015 Abstract / Objectives: To determine if using three-factor prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC) immediately prior to heart transplantation reduces blood product transfusions in patients bridged to heart transplantation by mechanical circulatory support (MCS) devices who are treated with warfarin. Methods: This study retrospectively reviewed patients that either received PCC or received usual care (i.e. fresh frozen plasma – FFP) prior to heart transplantation. Outcomes that were evaluated included packed red blood cell (RBC), FFP, platelet and cryoprecipitate transfusions intra and five days post-operatively, Cell Saver autologous blood volume administered intra-operatively, chest tube output for the five days post-operatively, and thromboembolic events post-operatively. Results: There were 24 patients included in the study, 12 from each group. The PCC group showed significantly less intra-operative RBC transfusion (2.60 ± 1.49 units vs. 5.09 ± 2.42 units, p=0.018), Cell Saver autologous blood usage (2.60 ± 1.49 units vs. 4.02 ± 1.55 units, p=0.032), and FFP transfusion (2.14 ± 2.30 units vs. 10.94 ± 5.96 units, p=0.0005) than the usual care group. There was no difference in amount of vitamin K given, change in INR, platelets administered, cryoprecipitate administered, chest tube output, or thromboembolic events between the groups. The average dose of PCC was 31 units/kg IV; repeat doses were given to 2 patients. Conclusions: We propose that the use of PCC prior to heart transplant surgery for patients on MCS devices anticoagulated with warfarin may result in the reduction for the need of RBC’s, autologous blood use and FFP during surgery.

Livet med ett nytt hjärta

Kecskés, Petra, Mårtensson, Olivia January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Idag finns möjligheten att få ett nytt hjärta när det egna hjärtat inte går att rädda. Att vid hjärtsjukdom genomgå en hjärttransplantation medför en stor hälsoförbättring och ökar livslängden. Hjärttransplantationsingreppet kan anses lyckat och prognosen kan vara god. Trots denna positiva förändring kan hjärttransplanterades upplevelser om livet påverkas både fysiskt och psykiskt med nya utmaningar som följd. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa erfarenheter av att leva med ett nytt hjärta efter en hjärttransplantation. Fokus låg på två frågeställningar: ”Vad är hjärttransplanterades fysiska, psykiska och existentiella erfarenheter efter en hjärttransplantation?” ”Vilka behov av stöd ger hjärttransplanterade uttryck för?”. Metod: Den kvalitativa litteraturstudien baserades på tio vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarna granskades kritiskt enligt en modifierad granskningsmall för kvalitativa studier. Därefter analyserades resultatet grundligt. Resultat: Genererade tre teman: Fysiska erfarenheter – som innefattar fysiska prestationer och fysiska konsekvenser av medicinering, Psykiska och existentiella erfarenheter som bestod av förändringar, paradoxala känslor, hantering, donatorn och donatorns familj och känslan av att inte bli förstådd samt Behov av stöd – där stöd från familj, vårdgivare och andra hjärttransplanterade ingick. Konklusion: Författarna insåg under arbetets gång att forskning om upplevelser och känslor efter hjärttransplantation är belyst i liten utsträckning. För att sjuksköterskan på bästa sätt ska kunna vårda och bemöta hjärttransplanterade personer krävs mer forskning inom området. På så vis kan vården utvecklas till det bättre. / Background: When one’s own heart can’t be kept any longer, there’s a possibility to get a new heart. To undergo a heart transplant when suffering from heart disease entails a major improvement in health and increases life expectancy. A heart transplant procedure can be considered as successful and the prognosis may be good. Despite this positive change, it can affect heart transplanted peoples experiences of life, both physically and mentally and life can be followed by new challenges. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to describe the experiences of living with a new heart after a heart transplant. Focus was based on the two questions: ”What is heart transplanted peoples physical, psychological and existential experiences after a heart transplant?”, ”What need of support does the heart transplanted people express?”. Method: This qualitative literature study was based on ten scientific articles. The articles were critically reviewed according to a modified review template for qualitative studies, thereafter the articles results were analyzed thoroughly. Results: Generated three themes: Physical experiences – which comprises physical performance and physical consequences of medication, Psychological and existential experiences – that considered of changes, paradoxical emotions, coping, the donor and the donor’s family and the feeling of not being understood, The need of support – where support from family, caregivers and other heart transplanted people was included. Conclusion: During the course of the study the authors discovered that research on the experiences and feelings after heart transplantation was only slightly illuminated. For the nurse to care for and respond cardiac transplant people in the best way, more research in this area is required. More research contributes to development and better healthcare for heart transplanted people.

Virtual Implantation of Mechanical Circulatory Support Devices

Moore, Ryan A., M.D. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Föräldrars upplevelser inför sitt barns hjärtransplantation

Ivholt, Ralf, Jönsson, Eva January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att påvisa vilka känslor som väcktes hos föräldrarna inför sitt barns hjärttransplantation och hur deras upplevelse av informationen från vårdpersonalen uppfattades. För att kunna genomföra undersökningen användes en anonym enkätundersökning med semistrukturerade frågor. Undersökningens deltagarantal var litet på grund av att få barn blivit hjärttransplanterade på hjärtcentrat. Av sexton tillfrågade föräldrar svarade endast åtta på frågeformulären. I resultatet framkom att föräldrar under kontakten med hjärtcentrat hade både positiva och negativa upplevelser. Känslor såsom oro, rädsla, hopplöshet och ilska omnämndes ofta av föräldrarna. De flesta föräldrar upplevde i stort ett varmt, positivt och professionellt mottagande samt erhållen god information av vårdpersonalen. Sjuksköterskans roll i sin omvårdnadsprofession över dessa familjer kan ses som en värdefull länk mellan de olika yrkeskategorierna. / The purpose of this study was to investigate and enlighten which kind of emotions the parents experienced before their child’s heart transplant and also how they reacted upon information given from medical staff. To be able to investigate the issue the authors used a semistructured questionnaire from where the answers were collected. The questions were answered anonymously. The participating parents were only 16 due to a small and exclusive group of patients. The result shows that parents throughout the process had both positive and negative feelings and stressing emotions of anxiety, fear, feeling of despair and anger. Most parents experienced a warm, positive and professional reception as well as being well informed by the hospital staff. The nurse’s role could be seen as an interpreter between professional categories.

Efetividade de intervenções para o manejo da adesão ao tratamento para pacientes adultos submetidos ao transplante cardíaco: uma revisão sistemática / The effectiveness of interventions to manage treatment adherence of adult patients undergoing heart transplant: a systematic review.

Marcelino, César Augusto Guimarães 10 July 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A falta de adesão ao tratamento é fator limitante para o sucesso dos transplantes de coração, pois contribui para o aumento da morbidade e mortalidade, reduz a qualidade de vida e aumenta os custos referentes ao uso de serviços de saúde. Objetivo: Sintetizar as melhores evidências sobre as intervenções para o manejo da adesão ao tratamento farmacológico e não farmacológico no transplante cardíaco. Método: Revisão sistemática de literatura por meio de busca de estudos publicados e não publicados nas seguintes bases: CINAHL, EMBASE, ProQuest dissertations and theses, PsycINFO, MEDLINE/Pubmed, SCOPUS, Web of Science e banco de Teses da Capes. Foram critérios de inclusão: estudos clínicos com pacientes adultos depois de transplante cardíaco, que tivessem testado o impacto de qualquer intervenção na adesão ao tratamento, avaliada objetivamente ou por auto-relato, usando instrumentos válidos e confiáveis, comparada ao cuidado usual. A qualidade metodológica dos estudos elegíveis foi realizada por dois revisores independentes e as discordâncias foram resolvidas por consenso. Os resultados foram integrados de forma narrativa. Resultados: Foram identificadas 2.519 citações potencialmente relevantes. Excluídos 1.336 por repetição, restaram 1.183 citações que tiveram seus resumos lidos e, após a aplicação de critérios de inclusão, restaram sete publicações para análise da qualidade metodológica. Quatro estudos foram excluídos e os principais motivos foram a falta de avaliação de intervenção (dois estudos), estudo teórico (um estudo) e a adesão ao tratamento não ter sido o foco da intervenção estudada (um estudo). Um dos estudos mantidos não detectou diferença entre intervenção educativa realizada em laboratório de ensino comparada a cuidado usual; outro estudo também não detectou diferença entre uma intervenção multifacetada, composta por oficinas interativas, oferecida pela internet comparada a cuidado usual; e o terceiro detectou impacto positivo da diminuição na dose diária do imunossupressor, de duas vezes ao dia para uma vez. Com relação ao método, dois estudos utilizaram ensaio clínico controlado não randomizado e um foi descritivo / observacional. Conclusões: As evidências disponíveis para orientar decisões sobre intervenções para controlar a adesão do paciente submetido ao transplante de coração ainda são escassas. A realização de ensaios clínicos randomizados, com alta qualidade metodológica, é fundamental para fornecer evidencias mais robustas sobre o manejo da adesão no transplante cardíaco. / Introduction: Treatment adherence failure is a limiting factor for effective heart transplants, as it contributes with increased morbidity and mortality and a reduced quality of life in addition to increasing health service costs. Objective: To synthesize the best available evidence regarding interventions for managing adherence to pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments in heart transplant patients. Method: Systematic literature review by searching published and unpublished studies on the following databases: CINAHL, EMBASE, ProQuest dissertations and theses, PsycINFO, MEDLINE/Pubmed, SCOPUS, Web of Science and the Capes Thesis database. The inclusion criteria were: clinical studies with adult heart transplant patients, which tested the impact of any intervention over treatment adherence, evaluated objectively or through self-reports, using validated and reliable instruments, compared to common care. Two independent raters assessed the methodological quality of the eligible studies and any disagreements were solved by consensus. The results were integrated in a narrative form. Results: A total of 2.519 potentially relevant statements were identified. Of the total, 1.336 were repeated, and, therefore, excluded. The abstracts of the remaining 1.183 statements were read and, after considering the inclusion criteria, seven publications were analyzed in terms of their methodological quality. Four studies were excluded mainly because they did not present an evaluation of the intervention (two studies), one was a theoretical study, and one study was not center the investigation on treatment adherence. On of the selected studies did not find any difference between the educational intervention performed in a teaching laboratory compared to common care; another study also did not find any difference between one multiple intervention, comprised of online interactive workshops, compared to common care; and the third study found a positive impact from reducing the immunosuppressant dose from twice to once a day. Regarding the method, there were two non-randomized clinical trials and one descriptive/observational study. Conclusions: The current best evidence to guide decisions regarding interventions to manage treatment adherence of heart transplant patients remain scant. Randomized clinical trials with high methodological rigor are key to obtain more robust evidence regarding treatment adherence management in heart transplants.

A doença vascular do enxerto diagnosticada pela tomografia computadorizada de múltiplos detectores como preditora de eventos maiores em pacientes submetidos a transplante cardíaco / Cardiac allograft vasculopathy diagnosed by multidetector computed tomography predicts major events in heart transplant patients

Candia, Roberto 07 May 2014 (has links)
A insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (ICC) é uma condição em que o coração não consegue bombear o sangue de acordo com as necessidades metabólicas dos tecidos. Quando a ICC entra em seu estágio final, já refratária ao tratamento medicamentoso, ou outras opções terapêuticas, o transplante cardíaco constitui-se em medida salvadora destes pacientes. Após o primeiro ano de evolução do procedimento, a doença vascular do enxerto (DVE) é a complicação mais temida nestes pacientes. Esta doença caracteriza-se por aterosclerose acelerada, com acometimento concêntrico do vaso, predominando nos terços médios e distais. Sintomas isquêmicos geralmente não estão presentes devido ao coração denervado destes pacientes. Daí a importância em se ter um método com boa acurácia e que possibilite o diagnóstico da DVE em seus estágios iniciais, que, muitas vezes, não é demonstrado pela cineangiocoronariografia (CINE). O nosso trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar se o diagnóstico da DVE pela tomografia computadorizada por múltiplos detectores (TCMD) foi preditor de eventos maiores, definimos como: morte súbita, infarto, angioplastia, queda da fração de ejeção e retransplante. Em nossa amostra, selecionamos 59 pacientes transplantados que tinham sido submetidos à TCMD por indicação clínica. Encontramos idade média de 49 anos ± 11,36 anos e tempo médio de transplante na realização da TCMD de 82,67 ± 36,38 meses. A prevalência de hipertensão (HAS) foi de 59,32%, dislipidemia (DLP) 57,63% e diabetes mellitus (DM) 33,90%. Em relação à etilogia da ICC dos receptores, em primeiro lugar, tivemos doença isquêmica com 38,98%, seguida por doença chagásica com 33,90% e por miocardiopatia dilatada idiopática com 13,56% da amostra. Desta população, um subgrupo de 41 pacientes, além de ter feito a TCMD, fez também a CINE. A comparação dos dois métodos mostrou sensibilidade de 100%, especificidade de 77,27%, valor preditivo positivo (VPP) de 46,34% e valor preditivo negativo (VPN) de 100%. Os resultados mostraram que a presença de DVE pela tomografia foi preditora de eventos maiores no seguimento destes pacientes com significância estatística p 0,001. Outras variáveis analisadas que também tiveram impacto significativo foram escore de cálcio positivo (p< 0,05), piora da classe funcional na evolução para classe II e III, e os receptores que tinham o diagnóstico prévio de miocardiopatia dilatada. Concluímos que a TCMD é um exame que tem boa acurácia diagnóstica na DVE, podendo a CINE ficar restrita aos casos duvidosos. Além disso, alterações deste exame são preditoras de eventos adversos. O escore de cálcio e a piora da classe funcional também foram preditores de eventos. / Congestive heart failure (CHD) is a condition characterized by the heart inot meeting the body oxygen demands. For end-stage CHD, refractory to medical treatment, heart transplant is a lifesaver treatment, but its late results may suffer a negative impact if there is allograft vasculopathy, the main reason of late adverse outcome in this population. This condition is is characterized by accelarated atherosclerosis with concentric disease predominant at the mid and distal segments of the coronary arteries. Ischemic symptoms seldom happen for the heart is denervated, and thus, it would be highly desirable to possess a test that could accuratelly foretell the presence of such abnormality. Furthermore, a possible gold standard, invasive coronary angiography (ICA) has been show to lack sensivity. The aim of this study was to evaluate if multidetector computed tomography( MDCT) could identify and thus to predict patients at higher risk of presenting late adverse events. Major events were considered as: sudden cardiac death (SCD), Hear attack, angioplasty, left ventricle impairment and retransplant. Consulting medical records we selected 59 heart transplant patients that underwent MDCT at least 7 years by clinical discretion. Mean age at the time of the exam was 49 ± 11.36 years. Mean post heart transplantantion time was 82.67 ± 36.38 months. Hypertension (HAS) prevalence was 59,32%, hyperlipidemia 57,63% and diabetes was 33,90%. Main pre-transplant CHD cause was ischemic heart disease in 38,98%, followed by Chaga\'s disease, 33.90% and idiopathic dilated cardiomyoapthy. We had 41 patients that also underwent ICA. Comparing both methods we found that MDCT had a sensibility of 100%, a specificity of 77,27%, a positive preditive value of 46,34% and a negative preditive value of 100%. The diagnosis of CAV done by MDCT was a predictor of major events at the follow-up (p=0,001). Other predictors that achieved statistical significance were positive calcium score (p<0,05), class functional (p<0,001) and dilated cardimyopathy dilated as the CHD cause (p=0,027). So we conclude that MDCT has a good accuracy on the diagnosis of CAV, and is a predictor of adverse events. Higher than zero calcium score, lower functional class and dilated cardiomyopathy also related to patient\'s follow-up.

An evaluation of continuous-flow left ventricular assist devices and the incidence of stroke in patients awaiting heart transplantation

Turno, Douglas-Jarrett Cole 05 November 2016 (has links)
Continuous-flow left ventricular assist devices provide mechanical circulatory assistance for patients suffering from end-stage heart failure that are awaiting or ineligible for heart transplantation. Although actuarial survival and quality of life with these devices is comparable to allograft transplant, they are associated with severe adverse events, including cerebrovascular accidents. Recent advances in continuous-flow technology aim to mitigate the risk of stroke by including design features that minimize flow stasis, turbulence and endothelial dysfunction, as well as promote near-normal pulse pressures. The proposed study is a multicenter, prospective, randomized clinical trial that aims to compare the stroke-free survival and associated incidence and risk of cerebrovascular accidents between three continuous-flow left ventricular assist devices in patients with refractory, end-stage heart failure planning to undergo bridge-to-transplant or destination therapy. Patients will be randomized to receive one of three devices (HeartMate II, Thoratec Corporation, Pleasanton, CA; HeartWare HVAD, HeartWare International Inc., Framingham, MA; HeartMate III, Thoratec Corporation, Pleasanton, CA). Patients will be monitored for stroke-free survival and incidence of cerebrovascular accident for 24 months post-implantation. Investigators will compare stroke-free survival with Kaplan-Meier survival curves and log-rank testing; in addition, investigators will examine each device’s level of risk for causing a cerebrovascular accident with chi square and odds ratio analysis. The data from this study will be used to guide treatment paradigms, device assignment and future development of technologies that mitigate stroke risk in this high-risk population.

Identification de marqueurs phénotypiques et génétiques influençant la réponse au traitement et le pronostic des patients atteints d'insuffisance cardiaque

Denus, Simon de January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

A doença vascular do enxerto diagnosticada pela tomografia computadorizada de múltiplos detectores como preditora de eventos maiores em pacientes submetidos a transplante cardíaco / Cardiac allograft vasculopathy diagnosed by multidetector computed tomography predicts major events in heart transplant patients

Roberto Candia 07 May 2014 (has links)
A insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (ICC) é uma condição em que o coração não consegue bombear o sangue de acordo com as necessidades metabólicas dos tecidos. Quando a ICC entra em seu estágio final, já refratária ao tratamento medicamentoso, ou outras opções terapêuticas, o transplante cardíaco constitui-se em medida salvadora destes pacientes. Após o primeiro ano de evolução do procedimento, a doença vascular do enxerto (DVE) é a complicação mais temida nestes pacientes. Esta doença caracteriza-se por aterosclerose acelerada, com acometimento concêntrico do vaso, predominando nos terços médios e distais. Sintomas isquêmicos geralmente não estão presentes devido ao coração denervado destes pacientes. Daí a importância em se ter um método com boa acurácia e que possibilite o diagnóstico da DVE em seus estágios iniciais, que, muitas vezes, não é demonstrado pela cineangiocoronariografia (CINE). O nosso trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar se o diagnóstico da DVE pela tomografia computadorizada por múltiplos detectores (TCMD) foi preditor de eventos maiores, definimos como: morte súbita, infarto, angioplastia, queda da fração de ejeção e retransplante. Em nossa amostra, selecionamos 59 pacientes transplantados que tinham sido submetidos à TCMD por indicação clínica. Encontramos idade média de 49 anos ± 11,36 anos e tempo médio de transplante na realização da TCMD de 82,67 ± 36,38 meses. A prevalência de hipertensão (HAS) foi de 59,32%, dislipidemia (DLP) 57,63% e diabetes mellitus (DM) 33,90%. Em relação à etilogia da ICC dos receptores, em primeiro lugar, tivemos doença isquêmica com 38,98%, seguida por doença chagásica com 33,90% e por miocardiopatia dilatada idiopática com 13,56% da amostra. Desta população, um subgrupo de 41 pacientes, além de ter feito a TCMD, fez também a CINE. A comparação dos dois métodos mostrou sensibilidade de 100%, especificidade de 77,27%, valor preditivo positivo (VPP) de 46,34% e valor preditivo negativo (VPN) de 100%. Os resultados mostraram que a presença de DVE pela tomografia foi preditora de eventos maiores no seguimento destes pacientes com significância estatística p 0,001. Outras variáveis analisadas que também tiveram impacto significativo foram escore de cálcio positivo (p< 0,05), piora da classe funcional na evolução para classe II e III, e os receptores que tinham o diagnóstico prévio de miocardiopatia dilatada. Concluímos que a TCMD é um exame que tem boa acurácia diagnóstica na DVE, podendo a CINE ficar restrita aos casos duvidosos. Além disso, alterações deste exame são preditoras de eventos adversos. O escore de cálcio e a piora da classe funcional também foram preditores de eventos. / Congestive heart failure (CHD) is a condition characterized by the heart inot meeting the body oxygen demands. For end-stage CHD, refractory to medical treatment, heart transplant is a lifesaver treatment, but its late results may suffer a negative impact if there is allograft vasculopathy, the main reason of late adverse outcome in this population. This condition is is characterized by accelarated atherosclerosis with concentric disease predominant at the mid and distal segments of the coronary arteries. Ischemic symptoms seldom happen for the heart is denervated, and thus, it would be highly desirable to possess a test that could accuratelly foretell the presence of such abnormality. Furthermore, a possible gold standard, invasive coronary angiography (ICA) has been show to lack sensivity. The aim of this study was to evaluate if multidetector computed tomography( MDCT) could identify and thus to predict patients at higher risk of presenting late adverse events. Major events were considered as: sudden cardiac death (SCD), Hear attack, angioplasty, left ventricle impairment and retransplant. Consulting medical records we selected 59 heart transplant patients that underwent MDCT at least 7 years by clinical discretion. Mean age at the time of the exam was 49 ± 11.36 years. Mean post heart transplantantion time was 82.67 ± 36.38 months. Hypertension (HAS) prevalence was 59,32%, hyperlipidemia 57,63% and diabetes was 33,90%. Main pre-transplant CHD cause was ischemic heart disease in 38,98%, followed by Chaga\'s disease, 33.90% and idiopathic dilated cardiomyoapthy. We had 41 patients that also underwent ICA. Comparing both methods we found that MDCT had a sensibility of 100%, a specificity of 77,27%, a positive preditive value of 46,34% and a negative preditive value of 100%. The diagnosis of CAV done by MDCT was a predictor of major events at the follow-up (p=0,001). Other predictors that achieved statistical significance were positive calcium score (p<0,05), class functional (p<0,001) and dilated cardimyopathy dilated as the CHD cause (p=0,027). So we conclude that MDCT has a good accuracy on the diagnosis of CAV, and is a predictor of adverse events. Higher than zero calcium score, lower functional class and dilated cardiomyopathy also related to patient\'s follow-up.

Efetividade de intervenções para o manejo da adesão ao tratamento para pacientes adultos submetidos ao transplante cardíaco: uma revisão sistemática / The effectiveness of interventions to manage treatment adherence of adult patients undergoing heart transplant: a systematic review.

César Augusto Guimarães Marcelino 10 July 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A falta de adesão ao tratamento é fator limitante para o sucesso dos transplantes de coração, pois contribui para o aumento da morbidade e mortalidade, reduz a qualidade de vida e aumenta os custos referentes ao uso de serviços de saúde. Objetivo: Sintetizar as melhores evidências sobre as intervenções para o manejo da adesão ao tratamento farmacológico e não farmacológico no transplante cardíaco. Método: Revisão sistemática de literatura por meio de busca de estudos publicados e não publicados nas seguintes bases: CINAHL, EMBASE, ProQuest dissertations and theses, PsycINFO, MEDLINE/Pubmed, SCOPUS, Web of Science e banco de Teses da Capes. Foram critérios de inclusão: estudos clínicos com pacientes adultos depois de transplante cardíaco, que tivessem testado o impacto de qualquer intervenção na adesão ao tratamento, avaliada objetivamente ou por auto-relato, usando instrumentos válidos e confiáveis, comparada ao cuidado usual. A qualidade metodológica dos estudos elegíveis foi realizada por dois revisores independentes e as discordâncias foram resolvidas por consenso. Os resultados foram integrados de forma narrativa. Resultados: Foram identificadas 2.519 citações potencialmente relevantes. Excluídos 1.336 por repetição, restaram 1.183 citações que tiveram seus resumos lidos e, após a aplicação de critérios de inclusão, restaram sete publicações para análise da qualidade metodológica. Quatro estudos foram excluídos e os principais motivos foram a falta de avaliação de intervenção (dois estudos), estudo teórico (um estudo) e a adesão ao tratamento não ter sido o foco da intervenção estudada (um estudo). Um dos estudos mantidos não detectou diferença entre intervenção educativa realizada em laboratório de ensino comparada a cuidado usual; outro estudo também não detectou diferença entre uma intervenção multifacetada, composta por oficinas interativas, oferecida pela internet comparada a cuidado usual; e o terceiro detectou impacto positivo da diminuição na dose diária do imunossupressor, de duas vezes ao dia para uma vez. Com relação ao método, dois estudos utilizaram ensaio clínico controlado não randomizado e um foi descritivo / observacional. Conclusões: As evidências disponíveis para orientar decisões sobre intervenções para controlar a adesão do paciente submetido ao transplante de coração ainda são escassas. A realização de ensaios clínicos randomizados, com alta qualidade metodológica, é fundamental para fornecer evidencias mais robustas sobre o manejo da adesão no transplante cardíaco. / Introduction: Treatment adherence failure is a limiting factor for effective heart transplants, as it contributes with increased morbidity and mortality and a reduced quality of life in addition to increasing health service costs. Objective: To synthesize the best available evidence regarding interventions for managing adherence to pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments in heart transplant patients. Method: Systematic literature review by searching published and unpublished studies on the following databases: CINAHL, EMBASE, ProQuest dissertations and theses, PsycINFO, MEDLINE/Pubmed, SCOPUS, Web of Science and the Capes Thesis database. The inclusion criteria were: clinical studies with adult heart transplant patients, which tested the impact of any intervention over treatment adherence, evaluated objectively or through self-reports, using validated and reliable instruments, compared to common care. Two independent raters assessed the methodological quality of the eligible studies and any disagreements were solved by consensus. The results were integrated in a narrative form. Results: A total of 2.519 potentially relevant statements were identified. Of the total, 1.336 were repeated, and, therefore, excluded. The abstracts of the remaining 1.183 statements were read and, after considering the inclusion criteria, seven publications were analyzed in terms of their methodological quality. Four studies were excluded mainly because they did not present an evaluation of the intervention (two studies), one was a theoretical study, and one study was not center the investigation on treatment adherence. On of the selected studies did not find any difference between the educational intervention performed in a teaching laboratory compared to common care; another study also did not find any difference between one multiple intervention, comprised of online interactive workshops, compared to common care; and the third study found a positive impact from reducing the immunosuppressant dose from twice to once a day. Regarding the method, there were two non-randomized clinical trials and one descriptive/observational study. Conclusions: The current best evidence to guide decisions regarding interventions to manage treatment adherence of heart transplant patients remain scant. Randomized clinical trials with high methodological rigor are key to obtain more robust evidence regarding treatment adherence management in heart transplants.

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