Spelling suggestions: "subject:"heat recovery"" "subject:"meat recovery""
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Energieffektivisering av Limatvätten AB : Värmeåtervinning från manglarAbdi, Faisa, Farah, Muse January 2018 (has links)
Energieffektivisering är intressant för alla industrier, eftersom det handlar om minskning av både energianvändning och kostnad. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att analysera potentiell energiåtervinning av spillvärme från en mangel vid Limatvätten AB. Limatvätten AB är en stor och modern tvätterianläggning. Limatvätten tvättar åt främst hotell- och restaurangkunder. Limatvätten AB har egna textilier som hyrs ut till hotell, konferenser m.m. Största kunderna finns i Sälenfjällen och Siljansregionen. Då inga processdata fanns tillgängliga för detta arbete krävdes mätningar för att få basinformationen. Utifrån mätningar beräknas mängden av energi som kan återvinnas. Systemförslag för värmeåtervinning ges även i rapporten. Aquavent är en värmeväxlare som använder ventilationsvärme från manglar. Vattnet som värms upp i aquavent leds in i tvättrören, vilket leder till minskning av ångförbrukning i tvättprocesser. Temperaturförändring är beroende av värmeväxlarens verkningsgrad, ju högre temperaturförändring det är desto mer mängd av energiåtervinning fås. Efter identifiering av problemet kartlades tidsplan, lämpliga instrument samt intressanta parametrar. Fukthalten, temperaturen och dynamiska trycket har mätts. Formlerna som beskrivs i teoriavsnittet har använts till de flesta beräkningarna med hjälp av Excel. Av resultatet framkommer att maximala energibesparingen blir 184 MWh/år om all överskottsvärme från manglarna återanvänds. Utifrån resultatet blir den totala besparingspotentialen på 57 000 SEK/år. Ytterligare kompletterande mätningar och analyser behövs för att få tillräckligt bra beslutsunderlag. Men detta arbete tyder på att ytterligare analys är intressant. Resultaten visar det att finns potential att använda överskottsvärme från Limatvättens manglar. Förutom besparingen av energin så minskas också klimatpåverkan eftersom överskottsenergin återanvänds igen som annars skulle försvinna ut i atmosfären. Om två av manglarna kopplas med ett värmeåtervinningssystem, resulterar det en dubblering på besparingspotentialen. För att få ett mera noggrant resultat kunde man logga en längre tid för mätningarna för att se förändring kring de mätande storheterna t.ex. genom att installera mätare som loggar till en dag eller till med en vecka. Övervakning och tolererande givare behövs dock. / Energy efficiency is in the interest of all industries, as it involves the reduction of both energy and cost. The purpose of this project for a bachelor’s degree is to analyse potential energy recovery of waste heat from an ironer. The work was carried out at Limatvätten AB, which is a large and modern laundry facility. Limatvätten AB is a textile service company that has been in existence for 50 years. The Lima laundry’s main customers are from the hotel and restaurant business. Limatvätten AB has its own textiles that are rented to hotels, conferences, etc. The largest customers are in Sälenfjällen and in the Siljan region. The work is done by identifying moisture, temperature and dynamic pressure in an ironer Based on measurements, the amount of energy that can be recycled is calculated. Heat recovery system proposals are also given in the report. Aquavent is a heat exchanger that uses ventilation heat from the ironers. The water that is heated in the aquavent is led into the washing pipes, which leads to the reduction of steam consumption in washing processes. Temperature change depends on the heat exchanger's efficiency, the higher the temperature change, the more amount of energy recovery is obtained. After identification of the problem, a timetable was mapped, and appropriate instruments and interesting parameters were chosen. The moisture content, temperature and dynamic pressure have been measured. The equations described in the theory section are used for most of the calculations with the help of Excel. According to the result, the energy saving will be 184 MWh/year if all excess heat from a mangle is reused. Based on the result, the total savings potential is SEK 57 000 /year. According to the results, it is shown that there is the potential to use excess heat from the Lima wash ironers. In addition to the saving of energy, climate impact is also reduced, as the excess energy is again reused which would otherwise disappear into the atmosphere. If two of the ironers are coupled with a heat recovery system, it results in a doubling on the savings potential.
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Étude numérique et expérimentale d'un cycle de Rankine-Hirn de faible puissance pour la récupération d'énergie / Numerical and experimental study of a low power Rankine-Hirn cycle for waste heat recoveryDanel, Quentin 12 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche est motivé par les contraintes environnementales qui imposent une réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'explorer les possibilités de réduction de consommation des moteurs à combustion interne en les munissant d'un dispositif de récupération de chaleur. Cette étude est focalisée sur la valorisation des rejets thermiques d'installations de faible puissance. Le cycle de Rankine est la technologie qui a été sélectionnée. Une installation d'essais a été construite. Un générateur de gaz chaud simule le moteur thermique ; une part de cette chaleur est collectée par le système de récupération de chaleur et partiellement convertie en énergie mécanique. L'échangeur de chaleur a été conçu et construit en interne ainsi que la machine de détente à piston. Un modèle numérique statique validé expérimentalement pour l'évaporateur a été développé. Celui-ci permet d'explorer les performances du cycle de Rankine sur un large champ de fonctionnement. Avec des hypothèses restrictives le modèle numérique fait apparaître qu'un gain de consommation de l'ordre de 3 % à 4 % sur un tracteur agricole serait possible. Un modèle dynamique de moteur à piston adapté aux cycles de Rankine de faibles puissances a été développé pour aider à son dimensionnement. Ce modèle a permis de mettre au point un concept de machine de détente à piston avec un mécanisme de distribution simplifié. Bien qu'offrant des performances en retrait sur les machines de détente à piston à distribution commandée ce concept est à approfondir pour les systèmes de faible puissance nécessitant une simplicité de construction et un faible coût. / This research was motivated by environmental constraints which impose a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. The aim of the thesis was to explore the possibility of reducing the consumption of an internal combustion engine using a bottom waste heat recovery system. The study focused on waste heat recovery for low power installations. The Rankine cycle technology was selected to exploit the heat source. An experimental test bench was designed and set up. A hot gas generator simulates an internal combustion engine. Part of the thermal power is absorbed by the evaporator and partially converted into mechanical power. The heat exchanger and piston expander were designed and built in-house. A numerical static model with experimental validation of the evaporator was developed. The model was used to explore the performances of the Rankine cycle over a large operating range. Under restrictive hypotheses, the numerical model showed that is possible to reduce the consumption of a tractor by about 3 to 4 %. A piston expander dynamic model was developed to assist in sizing the expander. The model was used to define a piston expander concept with a simple distribution mechanism. Although a classical distribution mechanism offers better performances, this concept is promising for systems that are simple, small-scale and low-cost.
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Contribution à l'évaluation et à la configuration optimale des systèmes à énergie distribuée basés sur la récupération de rejets de chaleur industrielle / Contribution to evaluation and optimal configuration of distributed energy systems based on industrial waste heat recoveryHuang, Feng 24 December 2016 (has links)
A l'heure actuelle, l'industrie représente environ le tiers de la consommation énergétique et des émissions de CO2. Des opportunités substantielles existent pour faire face aux enjeux environnementaux et économiques, passant par l'efficacité énergétique en général et l'utilisation de l'énergie, en particulier dans les parcs industriels. Les Systèmes à Energie Distribuée (SED) correspondent en ce sens à une solution courante et prometteuse. Nous avons donc entrepris une démarche d'approche globale de site, incluant l'agrégation de l'ensemble des variables énergétiques, économiques, environnementales et managériales influentes dans une installation de ce type. Une mise en application sur une installation pilote et sa validation ont permis d'identifier les verrous scientifiques et techniques et de mesurer pertinence et efficacité des éléments et modes opératoires des systèmes en mode stationnaire. Cette étude offre une méthode d'utilisation coopérative des indicateurs des domaines impactés et ouvre également des perspectives sur des développements en mode dynamique à des fins d'aide à la conduite optimale. / Nowadays, industry accounts for about one third of energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Substantial opportunities exist to address environmental and economic challenges, including energy efficiency in general and the use of energy, especially in industrial parks. Distributed Energy Systems (DES) correspond in this sense to a common and promising solution. We have therefore undertaken a global site approach, including the aggregation of all influential energy, economic, environmental and managerial variables in an installation of this type. Implementation on a pilot plant and its validation have made it possible to identify the scientific and technical locks and to measure the relevance and efficiency of the elements and stationary operating modes of the systems. This study offers a method of cooperative use of the indicators of impacted domains and also opens perspectives on developments in dynamic mode for the purposes of optimum driving assistance.
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Solar process heat in the food industry : methodological analysis and design of a sustainable process heat supply system in a brewery and a dairyMüller, Holger January 2016 (has links)
The food industry is a large consumer of industrial energy. A very large portion of this energy is needed in the form of thermal energy at medium to low temperatures. Fossil fuels remain the dominant sources of this energy. This combination provides various possibilities to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions with heat recovery, but also with the integration of solar process heat. Energy efficiency must provide the context, or background, of such considerations, and is therefore a very important aspect of them. It is a complex task to design an efficient heat supply with a variety of energy sources. An analysis of standards for energy audits, guides for energy efficiency and guides for solar process heat integration confirms that complexity. However, no available methodology considers all the necessary steps. These must range from analysis of the existing heat supply to the redesign of an efficient heat supply system. The focus must be on heat sources with waste heat and on solar process heat that might be used to complement the conventional sources. The design of a process heat system is mainly the task of design engineers in engineering offices. Specific tools and measures are needed to support these experts. However, the companies of the food industry sector employ their own energy engineers for energy issues. These people are actually the decision makers responsible for the configuration of the company energy supply systems, who also possess knowledge of the processes in their industry subsector. The expertise of the energy engineers varies within a broad range and is also connected to their area of responsibility. Therefore, it is important to consider these energy engineers when developing a methodology. The development of the methodology proposed herein consists first of the configuration of the tools and measures, which were assigned to four elements and functions. Second, the methodology so developed was applied at two companies in cooperation with their energy engineers, in detailed case studies. The feedback from the energy engineers is therefore a main objective and provides a background for evaluation of the usability of the methodology. It demonstrates the expertise required of the energy engineers, for the application of the tools and measures provided. Moreover, the development and application of the methodology involving real companies demonstrates the necessity of getting feedback from energy engineers. That finding is very important, and has been insufficiently considered in previous guides or methodologies. It is proposed that further work be aimed at providing additional case studies to extend the use of this methodology to other parts of the food industry.
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Conception d'un expanseur scroll adapté à la récupération d'énergie à l'échappement pour une application automobile : aspects thermodynamiques et tribologiques / Conception of a scroll expander designed for a waste heat recovery application in the automotive industry : thermodynamic and tribological aspectsLegros, Arnaud 02 October 2014 (has links)
Les contraintes législatives, environnementales et économiques poussent les constructeurs automobiles à envisager toutes les solutions possibles pour optimiser au mieux la consommation de carburant des véhicules. La récupération d'énergie à l'échappement fait partie de ces solutions envisageable et le moteur à cycle de Rankine offre de nombreux avantages.Le choix de cette technologie de récupération d'énergie à l'échappement est justifié au moyen d'un état de l'art complet ainsi qu'au moyen d'une comparaison basée sur des simulations au moyen de modèles calibrés. Ces simulations ont permis également de donner un ordre de grandeurs des gains de consommation attendus sur différents cycles de conduite.L'expanseur du moteur à cycle de Rankine est un des éléments-clés du système. Aucun expanseur disponible sur le marché n'est adapté pour l'application véhicule. Dès lors, le dimensionnement d'un nouvel expanseur a été entrepris. Ce dimensionnement a nécessité le développement d'un modèle détaillé de l'expanseur scroll. Le moteur à cycle de Rankine fonctionne avec de l'eau et les expériences passées ont montré que la gestion d'un mélange eau-huile est particulièrement délicate. Le choix d'opérer sans lubrification a été réalisé et une attention particulière s'est portée sur la lubrification sèche des volutes de l'expanseur. Des essais expérimentaux ont permis de mettre en évidence les propriétés tribologiques de divers couples de matériaux. La définition des matériaux du joint radial et des volutes de l'expanseur a donc pu être réalisée.Finalement, cet expanseur a pu être testé sur un banc d'essais. Ce banc a également permis de tester plusieurs autres composants du moteur à cycle de Rankine. Les performances de ces composants ont pu être mesurées lors d'essais stabilisés et ils ont également permis de calibrer des modèles semi-empiriques. Ces modèles peuvent être utilisés dans l'évaluation des performances du système de récupération. / Automotive manufacturers seek every possibility to reduce passenger car fuel consumption due to several constraints such as legislative, environmental or economical ones. Waste heat recovery is one of those possibilities and, among the waste heat recovery solutions, Rankine cycle heat engines provide numerous advantages.A complete state of the art and a comparison based on calibrated semi-empirical models justified the choice of a Rankine cycle heat engine as the waste heat recovery technology to be investigated in this thesis. The simulation of different technologies also provided some orders of magnitude of the achievable fuel consumption reduction.The expander of the Rankine cycle heat engine is one of the key element of the system. No commercially available expander is suitable for a waste heat recovery application on passenger cars. Therefore, a new expander has been sized and manufactured. A detailed model of the scroll expander has been built in order to size the expander.The working fluid of the Rankine cycle heat engine is water and previous experimental works have shown that a mix of steam and lubricating oil is not easy to manage. Dry lubrication has therefore been chosen and experimental test have been run to study tribological properties of different couples of materials. Those tests allowed to choose the material of the involute and the tip seal of the expander.Finally, the expander has been tested in a Rankine cycle heat engine. Other components of the Rankine cycle heat engine have also been tested. Performances of those components have then been measured in steady conditions. These measurements allowed the calibration of semi-empirical models that can therefore be used to evaluate the performance of the system.
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Otimização energetica de redes de trocadores de calor industriais : aplicações em engenharias de petroleo, alimentos e quimicaRossi, Luciano Fernando dos Santos 29 May 1995 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Carlos Bannwart / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-20T08:34:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 1995 / Resumo: Este estudo teve como objetivo a análise de processos industriais, os mais abrangentes possíveis, visando sua otimização do ponto de vista energético-econômico. Neste intento, buscou-se apresentar não apenas um único ponto de otimalidade, mas um conjunto de opções que permita a um decisor escolher a situação mais conveniente. No desenvolvimento deste estudo foram utilizados um conjunto de Métodos de Otimização, dentre os quais podem ser destacados a Metodologia Pinch de Recuperação de Energia, baseada em uma redistribuição de potenciais térmicos dentro do processo analisado, e os Métodos originários da Programação Matemática, em especial a Programação Linear. Analisou-se em profundidade o caso, relativo à lndúsrtria de refino de Petróleo, de uma etapa de Craqueamento Catalítico da Refinaria de Paulínia, da PETROBRÁS. Entretanto, o conjunto de procedimentos aplicados neste trabalho mostrou-se eficiente quando da análise de outros segmentos industriais, em particular das lndústrias Química, de Alimentos e Petroquímica, como apresentado no decorrer deste trabalho. Este estudo mostra que é perfeitamente possível fazer-se uma análise energética e uma avaliação econômica de sua implantação, de uma maneira muito satisfatória e rápida / Abstract: This work deals with the industrial process analysis, includingvarious types and sizes, looking for their optimization fiom the economic and energetic point of view. Not only a single point of optimality was searched but a set of options which could permit to a decision maker to choose the best situation in each case. ln the development of this study were utilized a set of Optimization Methods, among which it can be mentioned the "Pinch Point Methodology" to heat recovery in networks, which is based in a redistribution of the thermal potentials of the process analyzed, and the methods originated tfom the Mathematics Programming, in special the Linear Programming. A deep analysiswas made on the case relative to an oil refinery.More precisely a part ofthe catalytic cracking of the Paulinia's Oil Refinery of PETROBRAS. The set of procedures applied in this work, it can be shown efficient when the analysis is applied to other industrial branches, in particular in the Chemistry, Food and Petrochemistry industries, as shown in throughout this work. This study shows that is possible to make an energetic analysis and an economic cost evaluation on the implementationof a process, in a fast and sactisfatory manner / Doutorado / Termica e Fluidos / Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica
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Návrh turbíny do kombinovaného cyklu / Design turbines to combined cycleVeselý, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The topic of thesis is condensing turbine in gas-steam cycle, which can be divided into four basic parts. A history of gas-steam cycle is described in the beginning. Second part is all about calculation of heat recovery steam generator. Penultimate section deals with calculations of steam turbine parameters and reaction blading type. Last part contains electric power and steam turbine efficiency.
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Vzduchotechnické jednotky pro větrání bytů / Air handling units for ventilation of flatsGrmolcová, Eliška January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with small air-conditioning units for ventilation of flats and family houses. First, I studied two compact air-conditioning units, processed measured data, comparing and evaluating a unit with better technical characteristics. The second task is to process variants of design solutions for the ventilation of a family house. The first variant calculates with only one air-conditioning unit when ventilating, in the second variant two air-handling units are designed. These variants were then compared and evaluated in terms of acquisition cost and operating costs.
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Návrh HRSG kotle / Heat Recovery Steam Generator designDlouhá, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the design of a heat recovery steam generator. The introductory part of the thesis is dedicated to waste heat boilers, their division and their utilization in combined cycles gas turbine. In the following chapter, an analysis of the existing combined heat and power plant operation is performed. In the next part of the thesis, the conceptual layout of the new source is designed. Subsequently, the thermal calculation of the boiler is carried out as well as the design of individual heat exchanging surfaces. The sixth chapter deals with the strength calculation of the boiler and the outer piping, chambers and drum are designed here. At the end of the thesis there are described off-design states of the new combined cycle gas turbine.
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Využití odpadního tepla kompresorů do soustavy centrálního zásobování teplem pomocí absorpčního tepelného čerpadla / Utilization of compressor waste heat into the district heating system by means of an absorption heat pumpAranguren Campos, Fabian Alexis January 2020 (has links)
With the growth of energy consumption and the optimization of industrial processes worldwide, new energy sources have been explored and investigated. Waste heat is a potential source for the generation of electricity and heat. This heat can be reused at different stages of industrial processes by using absorption heat pumps, which transfer thermal energy from a location with a lower thermal potential to a location with a higher thermal potential. This research work is basically focused on the evaluation of different absorption heat pumps implemented in the SAKO Brno incineration plant. To carry out this purpose, a bibliographic review of this technology has been carried out worldwide, then the mass and energy balance in the compressor is presented, from which the waste heat to be recovered with the pump will be obtained. Using the EES software, the mass and energy balance of the selected pumps is performed, then the amount of heat and electrical energy generated by the plant when implementing each of the pumps is shown, and finally the economic analysis is presented The design and implementation of a heat exchanger in the system is also included as an essential part of improving operation. The best option arises from the highest operational efficiency at the lowest possible cost.
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