Spelling suggestions: "subject:"heavy metals,"" "subject:"leavy metals,""
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Aspectos hidrogeoquímicos de uma microbacia reflorestada com Eucalyptus grandis no município de Angatuba - São Paulo / Hydrogeochemistry aspects of a Eucalyptus grandis reforested watershed in Angatuba - São PauloVendramini, Diego 31 August 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo objetivou a caracterização hidrogeoquímica da microbacia de drenagem Entre Rios, reflorestada com eucaliptos utilizando-se modelos de transporte de materiais nas fases dissolvidas e particuladas, em períodos de amostragens, antes e depois da realização da colheita de madeira. Na área experimental foram coletadas amostras de águas fluviais, material particulado em suspensão, águas de chuva, solos e sedimentos de fundo. Foram determinados importantes parâmetros e variáveis como vazão, concentração de íons majoritários e material particulado em suspensão, variabilidade temporal e transportes de material dissolvido e particulado, mecanismos de aporte difuso e pontual da carga dissolvida, separação das componentes superficial e subterrânea no escoamento total, concentração e biodisponibilidade dos principais metais pesados nos solos e sedimentos de fundo do córrego. As características hidroquímicas das águas fluviais mostraram que as espécies químicas SiO2, HCO3 -, Ca2+, Mg2+ e Na+ apresentaram comportamentos de diluição com o aumento da vazão e aportes de origem difusa, em todo período, relacionadas à formação geológica da região e mecanismos de recarga da bacia. A amostragem realizada cinco meses após a colheita de madeira evidenciou anomalias de K+ e Cl- que apresentaram padrões de aumento de suas concentrações em relação ao aumento das respectivas vazões, associadas à aplicação de insumos agrícolas. O transporte específico de TDS na amostragem anterior à colheita foi de 35,81 kg km-2d-1, e posterior à colheita foi de 23,53 kg km-2d-1 pelo método estocástico. Tal transporte foi composto principalmente de SiO2 e HCO3 - e a origem destas espécies estiveram associadas à alterações de rochas e aportes atmosféricos totais. Em termos de MPS, as concentrações obtidas se relacionaram positivamente com a vazão nas amostragens intensivas indicando maiores arrastes deste material nas maiores vazões, com concentrações máximas de 50,2 e 80,6 mg L-1 antes e após a colheita, respectivamente. A erosão mecânica da microbacia mostrou-se com uma taxa de degradação física dos solos de 8,7 m Ma-1.Em relação aos aportes atmosféricos, as espécies químicas mais representativas foram o Ca2+ e o Na+ para os cátions e HCO3 -, NO3 - e SO4 2- para os ânions. O transporte específico do TDS nas águas de chuva foi de 4,10 t km-2 a-1. Pelas razões dos transportes totais de águas pluviais e fluviais ficou evidenciado um controle dos aportes atmosféricos totais sobre as águas do córrego da microbacia. Cr, Cd, Co, Cu, Zn e Sc foram os metais pesados com maiores concentrações no solo LVd da microbacia. A especiação química dos solos revelou que o LVd foi solo que apresentou maior fração biodisponível para Cd e Zn e estiveram associados principalmente as frações óxidos de ferro cristalino e matéria orgânica, respectivamente. Os resultados dos fatores de enriquecimento para as camadas de 0-10 cm dos solos da microbacia de drenagem não evidenciaram influência antrópica causada pelos tratos culturais, exceto pelo Cu no solo LVAd na camada de 0-10 cm / This study aimed to characterize the Entre Rios stream small watershed hydrogeochemistry, reforested with eucalyptus using materials transport models in dissolved and particulate phases, in periods of sampling, before and after the clearcutting. In the experimental area were collected river water samples, suspended particulate material, rain water, soil and botton sediments. Were determined important parameters and variables such as discharge, major íons concentration, and suspended particulate material, temporal variability and dissolved and particulate transports, punctual and diffuse input mechanisms of the dissolved load, superficial and sub superficial components of the total discharge, concentration and bioavailability of the major heavy metals in soils and bottoms sediments. Hydrochemistry characteristics of the fluvial waters showed that chemical species SiO2, HCO3 -, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Na+ presented dilution behavior with increasing of the discharge and diffuse input, in any period, related to the regional geological formation and watershed recharge mechanisms. Sampling performed five months after the clearcutting showed abnormalities of K+ and Clthat showed increase of their concentrations with the discharge, associated with the agricultural inputs application. The TDS specific transport in the sample before clearcutting was 35.81 kg km-2d-1, and after was 23.53 kg km-2d-1 calculated by the stochastic method. This transport was composed mainly of the SiO2 and HCO3 - and the origin of these species were associated with rock alterations and total atmospheric inputs. In terms of MPS, the concentrations were related positively with the discharge in intensive sampling indicating more haul of this material in the higher discharge with maximum concentrations of the 50.2 and 80.6 mg L-1 before and after clearcutting, respectively. The mechanical erosion showed a soil physical degradation tax of the 8.7 m Ma-1. In relation of atmospherics inputs, the most representative chemical species were Ca2+ and Na+ and HCO3 -, NO3 -, SO4 2-. The TDS specific transport in rain waters was 4.10 t km-2 y-1. The rations between rainwater and river transports demonstrated the control of the atmospheric total contributions in the watershed waters. Cr, Cd, Co, Cu, Zn and Sc were heavy metals with higher concentrations LVd in soil. The soils chemical speciation showed to the LVd soil higher bioavailable fraction for Cd and Zn and were associated mainly with crystalline iron oxides and organic matter, respectively. The enrichment factors results for the 0-10 cm soil layer in the watershed showed no anthropogenic influence caused by cultural treatments, except for the Cu in 0-10 cm LVAd soil layer
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Understanding of (bio)geochemical processes which control chromium release, speciation and isotopic fractionation in ultramafic environments impacted by mining activitites / Compréhension des processus (bio)géochimiques qui contrôlent la libération, la spéciation et le fractionnement isotopique du chrome dans les environnements ultramafiques impactés par les activités minièresBolaños Benítez, Sandra Viviana 12 July 2018 (has links)
Les systèmes ultramafiques sont souvent synonymes de fortes teneurs en chrome (Cr) dans des roches, qui est naturellement lixivié vers les eaux de surface et souterraines. En raison de cet enrichissement naturel, les zones ultramafiques font souvent l’objet d’extractions massives. Le processus minier inclut l'exploitation et les activités d'enrichissement, dans lesquelles la grande quantité de résidus produits riches en métaux, tels que les gangues et les terrils, sont stockés à l’air libre. Ces processus peuvent considérablement augmenter les teneurs en Cr trivalent (Cr (III)) et hexavalent (Cr (VI)) disséminé dans l'environnement. Ce dernier (Cr (VI)), est connu pour être fortement soluble dans l'eau, biodisponible et toxique. Ce travail de thèse a porté sur i) la zone d’exploitation minière du nickel de Barro Alto (BA, Etat du Goiás, Brésil); ii) la zone d'exploitation minière historique de chromite de Cromínia (CA, Etat du Goiás, Brésil) et iii) une exploitation minière actuelle dans la vallée de Sukinda (Odisha, l'Inde). Le principal objectif de ces travaux est l'identification de l'impact d'activités minières (extraction du nickel et du chrome) sur la mobilité de Cr et sa disponibilité dans des zones ultramafiques, à l'aide des techniques isotopiques. Les compartiments chimiquement et isotopiquement échangeables de Cr(VI) (ECr (VI)) les plus hauts ont été mesurés dans des échantillons de minerai à BA, où l'enrichissement en isotopes légers de Cr (-0.76 à -0.16 ‰) a été attribué à la perte de Cr isotopiquement lourd et échangeable Cr(VI) pendant l’altération. Des valeurs étonnamment lourdes de δ53Cr ont été aussi trouvées dans des minerais saprolitiques à BA et dans des sols affectés par l’extraction à CA, jusqu’à +3.9 ‰ alors qu’ils étaient fortement enrichis en Cr(III). Les causes principales ont été attribuées à l'existence de chromite hydrothermale à CA et/ou à l’altération naturelle suivie par la réduction de Cr(VI), induisant la reprécipitation de Cr mobile et isotopiquement lourd. Le chrome était présent dans les lixiviats des échantillons de minerais saprolitiques et lateritiques de BA, sous la forme de Cr(VI) isotopiquement lourd (jusqu’à +4.84 ‰), en cohérence avec le Cr échangeable (ECr(VI)) (jusqu’à +4.37 ‰). Ces valeurs étaient dans la même gamme de compositions isotopiques que celles mesurées dans les eaux douces de surface (ruisseaux et réservoirs) situés dans la zone ultramafique. Ces résultats impliquent que Cr est principalement disséminé sous sa forme toxique Cr(VI), dont la disponibilité augmente depuis i) le profil de sol ii) les minerais et iii) les résidus miniers. Lors de tests de bioaltération réalisés sur les terrils avec Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans (pH~2) ou Pseudomonas putida (pH~9), Cr a été initialement extrait sous sa forme Cr(VI) puis réduit en Cr (III). Dans les expériences avec A. thiooxidans, la réduction du chrome est dû à l’important pouvoir réducteur d'une série de composés soufrés, tandis que P. putida utilise probablement pour la réduction des chromates une variété d'accepteurs d’électrons. Ces mécanismes, de même que l’augmentation de la concentration en matière organique et la carbonatation minérale, pourraient expliquer la plus faible concentration en Cr(VI) échangeable dans les terrils âgés par rapport aux terrils récents. Par la technique d’échange isotopique, la contribution des SPM au transport du chrome échangeable, ainsi que l’impact des colloïdes contenant des phases porteuses de Cr sur la mesure de ce compartiment échangeable associé aux SPM (EWCr) a été mise en évidence. Les plus grosses particules (> 0.2 µm) jouent un rôle prépondérant dans la zone impactée par l’activité minière, tandis que le chrome est principalement associé aux colloïdes (1 kDa-500 kDa) dans la zone vierge. La présence de colloïdes organiques et inorganiques contenant du chrome non-échangeable induit une surestimation de la valeur de EWCr, qui peut être corrigée par le biais d’un scénario du pire / Ultramafic systems are often synonym of high chromium (Cr) content in rocks, which is naturally leached to surface and groundwater. Due to this natural enrichment, ultramafic areas are massively mined. The mining process includes exploitation and beneficiation activities, in which large amount of metal-rich residues, such as overburden, waste rock and tailings, stored in open air, are produced. These processes may considerably increase the amount of both trivalent (Cr(III)) and hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) released to the environment. The later (Cr(VI)), known to be highly soluble in water, bioavailable and toxic. Within these mining residues, many chemical and biological processes may take place, which will control Cr speciation, mobility and availability. The present work was conducted on i) the nickel exploitation and metallurgic area of Barro Alto (BA, Goiás state, Brazil); ii) the antique chromite exploitation area of Cromínia (CA, Goiás State, Brazil) and iii) the current chromite mine in the Sukinda valley (Odisha, India). The main focus of this research is the identification of the impact of mining activities (nickel and chromium mining) on Cr mobility and availability in ultramafic environments, through the use of isotopic techniques. The chemically and isotopically exchangeable pools of Cr(VI) (ECr(VI)) were higher in BA ore samples, where the enrichment in light chromium isotopes (-0.76 to -0.16‰) was attributed to the loose of isotopically heavy and exchangeable Cr(VI) during weathering. Astonishingly, heavy δ53Cr values were also found in saprolitic ores in BA and in mining-affected soils in CA up to +3.9‰, strongly enriched in Cr(III). The main causes have been attributed to the existence of hydrothermal chromite in CA and/or to natural weathering followed by Cr(VI) reduction that induces reprecipitation of mobile and isotopically heavy Cr. In such a mining context, the accelerated weathering would play an important role in this process. Chromium in the leachate, of BA lateritic and saprolitic ores samples, was present as Cr(VI) isotopically enriched in heavy isotopes (up to +4.84‰), consistently with the exchangeable Cr (ECr(VI)) (up to +4.37‰). These values were in the same range as isotopic compositions measured in the fresh waters (streams and ponds) in the ultramafic area. These results imply that Cr is mainly released as the toxic Cr(VI) specie, which availability increases from i) the soil profile to ii) the ores and iii) the mining residues. This also suggests that δ53Cr could be used as a tracer of Cr leaching in environmental studies in the dissolved phase.In bioleaching tests on tailings with Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans (pH ~ 2) or Pseudomonas putida (pH ~ 9), Cr was initially extracted as Cr(VI) and later reduced to Cr(III). In the experiments with A. thiooxidans the Cr reduction is due to the production of a series of sulfur compounds with high reducing power, while for P. putida probably uses a variety of electron acceptor for chromate reduction, enhanced by the presence of extracellular polymeric substances. Those mechanisms together with the increase of natural organic matter (NOM) and mineral carbonation, could explain the lower exchangeable pool of Cr(VI) in stockpiled chromite tailings compared to fresh tailings. Through the use of isotopic exchange, the contribution of SPM to the transport of exchangeable chromium and the impact of colloids containing Cr-bearing phases on the determination of the exchangeable pool of Cr associated to SPM (EWCr) was highlighted. Larger particles (>0.2 μm) were dominant in the impacted area, while chromium was mainly associated with colloids (1 kDa–500 kDa) in the pristine area. The presence of organic and inorganic colloids containing non-exchangeable chromium induces an overestimation of the EWCr values, which can be over-come thanks to a worst-case scenario correction
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Comportamento de íons chumbo, cobre, níquel e zinco em área de manguezal associado a antigo lixão no Município de Santos - SP / Behavior of lead copper; nickel and zinc ions in magrove area associated with antique landfill in Municipal district of Santos - SPFortunato, Janaina Mara 19 August 2009 (has links)
Um dos maiores problemas enfrentados pelas grandes cidades tem sido o gerenciamento de seus resíduos sólidos, principalmente no que tange seu descarte. Condições inadequadas de disposição desses resíduos causam inúmeros danos ao meio ambiente. Em cidades litorâneas é bastante comum a utilização dos manguezais como locais de disposição do lixo, resultando em sua degradação parcial ou mesmo total, levando muitas vezes ao desaparecimento desses ecossistemas. Durante mais de 50 anos a área de manguezal estudada neste trabalho serviu como local de descarte de resíduos provenientes das diversas atividades portuárias sendo utilizada como lixão e mesmo como aterro. Com o objetivo de estudar o comportamento geoquímico de íons de metais pesados chumbo, zinco, cobre e níquel foram analisados e estudados os atributos do solo/sedimento e as águas subterrâneas e superficiais do mar e do Rio Saboó, compartimentos próximos a área de estudos. Através de extrações parciais constatou-se que esses íons encontram-se acima dos valores de Referência de Qualidade da CETESB. O elevado teor de matéria orgânica, característico em área de manguezal, assim como a presença de minerais como illita, de elevado poder adsortivo, foram os principais responsáveis pela fixação iônica apesar das características texturais areno siltosa da área. A presença de íons de metais pesados nas águas subterrâneas e superficiais acima dos Padrões de Referência se deve ao contato do solo/sedimento com soluções com elevados valores de força iônica. Análises químicas do chorume, produto da percolação do antigo lixão, indicaram penas a presença de Pb em quantidades mais elevadas devido, principalmente, ao fenômeno de complexação com a matéria orgânica. / One of the biggest problems big cities are facing is how to manage its solid wastes, especially when we are talking about its disposal. Inadequate condition of its disposal causes many damages to environment. In coast cities are very common the use of mangroves as garbage disposal resulting in its partial or total degradation leading, many times, to ecosystems disappearances. For over 50 years the mangrove site studied in this project was the place of residual disposal from several harbor activities been used as landfill. With the aim to study the geochemistry behavior of ions of hevy metals, such as lead, zinc, copper and nickel, were analysed and studied the attributes of soil/sediment, groundwater and surface water from Saboó river, compartment close to the study field. Through partial extraction was proved that these ions were found above the values from Quality References of CETESB. High content of organic matter, characteristic in mangroves sites, just like the presence of minerals such as illite, which is very adsorptive, were the main responsible from ionic fixation despite the sandy-silty grains size characteristics of the area. The presence of ions in groundwater and superficial waters above the Reference Standarts is due to the contact of soil/sediment with solutions with high values of ionic force. Chemistry analysis of leachate, percolations product of the former landfill, indicated the presence only of Pb in high amount because of complexation phenomenon with the organic matter.
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Effects of heavy metals on microbial removal of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus from secondarily treated sewage effluent.January 1989 (has links)
by Lydia Chang. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1989. / Bibliography: leaves 154-165.
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Íons metálicos (Al, Fe, Mn e Pb) associados a aterros (sanitário e industrial) no município de Tremembé/SP / Metals ions (Al, Fe, Mn and Pb) associate to landfills (domestic and industrial) in the city of Tremembé/SPClaudia Lucia de Moura 28 November 2008 (has links)
Um dos grandes problemas das Metrópoles tem sido o descarte de resíduos sólidos. Em diversas situações aterros são selecionados como solução de melhor viabilidade para disposição final desses materiais que, na maioria das vezes, são agentes poluentes. Condições inadequadas de operação e conservação desses locais vêm acarretando inúmeros danos ao meio ambiente, em especial, nas áreas de seu entorno que, muitas vezes, possuem aglomerados residenciais. Neste trabalho foram avaliadas condições ambientais mais significativas de uma área e de seu entorno onde se encontram instalados quatro Aterros, três Sanitários e um Industrial, localizados no Município de Tremembé/SP. Provavelmente como conseqüência do mau gerenciamento e descaso das atividades destes Aterros, eles têm sido alvo de inúmeras denúncias, uma vez que trazem grandes prejuízos à população vizinha. Foram estudados os principais agentes poluidores com especial atenção ao comportamento dos íons metálicos alumínio, ferro, manganês e chumbo, em amostras de diferentes compartimentos - solo, solo/sedimento, sedimento de fundo e águas superficiais e subterrâneas. As águas subterrâneas associadas aos Aterros Sanitários encontram-se comprometidas devido a altas concentrações dos íons estudados, cujo comportamento são, em alguns deles, regidos fundamentalmente pelos valores de pH e potencial óxido-redução. Este fato é motivo de grande preocupação, uma vez que na região a grande maioria da população faz uso de águas para consumo humano extraídas de poços do tipo cacimba, além de regas a hortas, dessedentação de animais e abastecimento de ranários por rios e lago. Os dados analíticos das águas superficiais do Rio Serragem e seu afluente que limitam a área de estudo, também apresentaram valores superiores aos permitidos pelos órgãos oficiais para os íons ferro, alumínio e manganês, sempre ligados aos Aterros. Comprovou-se que as características mineralógicas, granulométricas e capacidade de troca catiônica dos solos associados aos Aterros, não são adequadas para a retenção de íons metálicos. Por outro lado os dados de pH do solo (pH) se mostram favoráveis aos fenômenos de adsorção iônica. A geração de chorume é um dos principais passivos ambientais resultados das atividades dos aterros. No âmbito de sugerir idéias que minimizem os impactos produzidos pelo chorume, este trabalho propôs uma destinação mais apropriada para este efluente. Foram realizados experimentos com chorumes dos três Aterros Sanitários estudados e também com chorume coletados no Município de Santo André e Mauá. O trabalho permitiu afirmar que com a eliminação, por aquecimento, da fração líquida do chorume, resulta em um resíduo que tem seu transporte significativamente facilitado devido à redução em mais de 95% de volume, além de apresentar-se rico em potássio, magnésio, cálcio, fósforo, manganês e ferro e cloretos que podem ser reaproveitado na agricultura, em especial no plantio resistente à teores mais elevados de sódio. / A major problem of big cities have been the disposal of solid wastes. In several situations, landfills are selected as solution of better feasibility for final placement of such material that, in most cases, are pollutants. Inadequate conditions of operation and conservation of those locations are giving rise to numerous damage to the environment, in particular, in the surroundings areas that often have residential clusters. In this work have been assessed the most significant environmental conditions in a particular area and its surroundings where were installed four landfills, three sanitaries and one industrial, located in the city of Tremembé / SP. Probably as a result of bad management and careless of these landfills, they have got many complaints, once is bringing on great damage to neighboring population. Were studied the main pollutants with special attention to the behaviour of metal ions, aluminium, iron, manganese and lead on samples of different compartments - soil, sediment / soil, sediment of surface water and groundwater. Groundwater associated with landfill are involved due to high concentrations of the studied ions, which behaviour are, in some of them, essentially governed by the values of pH and oxide-reduction potential. This fact is a reason of great concern, since in the region the vast majority of the population makes use of water, extract from production well, for human consumption, beyond frog farm. The analytics data of the surface water of Serragem River and its stream limits the study field, also submitted values higher than those allowed by official bodies for ions iron, aluminium and manganese, always related to the landfills. It was proved that the mineral characteristics, size analysis and ability to cationic exchange from associated soils with landfills, are not suitable for the retention of metal ions. In the other hand, the data from pH soil ( pH) are favorable to the phenomena of Ionic adsorption strength. The generation of leachate is one of the main environmental liabilities results of the activities of landfills. With the idea to minimize the impact produced by leachate, this work propose a more appropriate destination for this effluent Were carried out experiments with leachate of three studied landfills and also with collected leachate in Santo André and Mauá cities. This work allowed to affirm that with the disposal, by heating the liquid part of the leachate, results in a residue that has its transport significantly facilitated due to the reduction in more than 95% of its volume, and also it performs rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese and chlorides that can be reused in agriculture, in particular, plantation resistant to higher levels of sodium.
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Spatial and temporal distributions of heavy metals in Hong Kong seaweeds with an analysis on the effects of heavy metals on the reproduction of the green alga ulva lactuca. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2005 (has links)
No periodic patterns of temporal variations in the metal levels in U. lactuca or in other seven common seaweed species from Ping Chau were observed from 1999 to 2000. Cu levels were generally negatively correlated with other metals in seaweeds. / Spore production of U. lactuca was significantly reduced by the elevation of copper and nickel levels in the seaweed samples. The reproductive frequency of U. lactuca generally increased from January and February to the maxima in March and April. Copper, nickel and nitrate levels showed significant negative correlations with these reproductive frequencies. / The metal abundance in 24 seaweeds showed the following trend: Fe > Mn, Zn > Cu, Ni, Pb, Cr > Cd. U. lactuca and Padina australis showed relatively high mean and large range values of metal levels. Principal component analysis summarized the overall metal loadings in these 24 seaweed species. The variations in Pb, Fe, Mn and Cr levels in the seaweeds varied greatly. / There were significant spatial variations of different metal levels in the extensive study of U. lactuca from various intertidal waters in Hong Kong from 1999 to 2001. In general, metal levels in U. lactuca increased from January to March or April and then dropped in the following months. No periodic patterns or temporal trends of variations of metal levels in U. lactuca were found. Different metal levels in U. lactuca were comparatively lower than those in other studies in other countries and in past studies in Hong Kong. / There were significantly differences in various metal levels in different structures of Sargassum hemiphyllum, generally decreased in the following order: receptacles > vesicles > leaves > branches. / This thesis research involves biomonitoring levels of eight metal species (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) in seaweed and the effects of these metals on the reproduction of Ulva lactuca. The study started from September 1999 and ended in June 2001, covering 40 intertidal sites in Hong Kong and 24 seaweed species. Environmental data on pH, salinity and nutrient levels (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate) in seawater from these sites were also monitored. / Wong Tai Choi Richard. / "April 2005." / Advisers: P. C. K. Cheung; P. O. Ang, Jr. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 67-01, Section: B, page: 0159. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 371-401). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract in English and Chinese. / School code: 1307.
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Íons de metais pesados Ni, Cu e Cr em área impactada por resíduo de galvanoplastia na região metropolitana de São Paulo - SP / Ions of heavy metals Ni, Cu and Cr in contaminated site by electroplating waste in the metropolitan region of São Paulo-SPPugas, Marisa Santiago 09 March 2007 (has links)
Na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, em uma área impactada por resíduos de galvanoplastia estudaram-se fenômenos de fixação e mobilidade dos íons Ni, Cu e Cr associados ao solo e águas subterrâneas e superficiais. No solo, próximo à área de descarte do resíduo, detectou-se preocupante enriquecimento em íons metálicos na forma precipitada/adsorvida, disponíveis ao meio ambiente em função das condições ambientais. Baixos valores de CTC e matéria orgânica do solo constituído essencialmente por caulinita, bem como a declividade do terreno, favoreceram a mobilização iônica com fixação no terreno próximo ao Rio Aricanduva. Experimentalmente, através de lixiviações em extrator do tipo sohxlet e em colunas de percolação sob diferentes condições, demonstrou-se que o Ni é intensamente mobilizado, que o cromo praticamente mantem-se fixo e o cobre teve comportamento intermediário. Em trabalhos de campo verificou-se que o comportamento dos íons foi o mesmo, isto é, o cromo, na forma de óxi-hidróxido, se manteve precipitado junto às partículas do solo; o cobre, pouco ou quase nada se alterou, encontrado praticamente fixo (Cu(OH)2, CuO.nH2O) e o níquel apresentou comportamento dividido entre a solução intersticial e como íon adsorvido. Os resíduos galvânicos, embora sejam diferenciados quanto a composição química, em geral, mesmo em condições ambientais e características diversas dos solos, liberam elevadas concentrações de íons de metais pesados para o meio ambiente excedendo os limites estabelecidos pela CETESB. / In a contaminated site by electroplating wastes located in the Metropolitan region of São Paulo, São Paulo State, were studied phenomena of Ni, Cu and Cr ions fixation and mobility, associated with soils and superficial and groundwater water. The soil situated nearby an irregular area of waste disposal, presented high concentrations of heavy metals as adsorbed/precipitated ions, in available state depending on climate conditions. Low values of cationic exchange capacity (CEC), low organic matter content in soils and kaolinite dominant mineralogy, in addition to land slope favored ionic mobilization followed by its fixation in soils near Aricanduva River. Extractions with sohxlet extractor and with percolation columns in different conditions, show that the nickel is intensely mobilized and chromium remained precipitated; copper behavior was mediator. In works in study area the ions behavior was same, Cr as oxi-hydroxide, remained precipitated in soil; Cu is fixed (Cu(OH)2, CuO.nH2O) and Ni was distributed between soil and water. Solid waste produced by electroplating industry activities present high concentrations of heavy metals, regardless the different conditions and characteristics of soils, when inadequately dumped or disposed, heavy metals ions are released to environment, normally exceeding CETESB (environmental protection agency of São Paulo State) limits.
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Bioleaching of heavy metals from anaerobically digested sewage sludge using isolated indigenous iron- and sulphur-oxidizing bacteriaChan, Lau Chi 01 January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Colonization and species diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and their efffects on metal tolerance and metal accumulation in two metal hyperaccumulators, Pteris vittata L. and Sedum alfredii HanceWu, Fuyong 01 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Effects of algae (Isochrysis galbana) and humic acids on copper toxicity to polychaete (Hydroides elegans) larvaeWong, Nga Cheung 01 January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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