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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv obsahu potenciálně účinných bylin v pastevních porostech na příjem krmiv a jejich konzervaci / The influence of potentially effective herbs from grazing herbage on forage intake and its preservation.

VONDRÁŠKOVÁ, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation was a representation of chemical composition of herb samples, NDF degradability examination by in sacco method and energy evaluation. Degradability of dry matter was also part of results. During the years 2006 and 2007, twenty-four sampling of pasture herbage from three different farms and six sampling of meadow herbage were realized. The other aim of this study was a monitoring of pasture herbage composition in three farms using the seven-member combination scale abundance and dominance Braun-Blanquet. Chemical composition and high of pasture herbage was also determined. The aim of other study was to determine which of two kinds of dicotyledonous plants- Sanguisorba officinalis and Plantago lanceolata added to a meadow hay in amount of 10 % goats prefer. Seven goats of brown shorthaired and white shorthaired breed were used in four preference tests. The other part of this trial was a monitoring the influence of Plantago lanceolata on goat milk composition. There was 45 % of Plantago lanceolata added in a meadow hay for experimental goats.

Dinâmica de deposição de fezes em pastagem de Brachiaria brizantha submetida à intensidades de pastejo / Dynamics of feces deposition in Brachiaria brizantha pasture under grazing intensities

Wilson Aparecido Marchesin 20 January 2006 (has links)
A presente linha de pesquisa objetivou caracterizar a distribuição dos bolos fecais de bovinos depositados em uma pastagem de capim-braquiarão [(Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst ex A. Rich.) Stapf cv. Marandu], sob lotação rotacionada e intensidades de pastejo e verificar as alterações na fertilidade do solo e no acúmulo de foragem. O experimento foi conduzido na Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos - FZEA/USP em pastagem com 25,2 ha, dividida em 80 piquetes de 3150 m². O ciclo de pastejo foi de 35 dias, sendo a ocupação de 7 dias e o período de descanso de 28 dias durante o verão. Os piquetes avaliados eram aqueles utilizados com ofertas de forragem de 5 e 10 % (5 kg de massa de forragem para cada 100 kg de peso animal dia-1). Assim, foram dois tratamentos com quatro blocos (repetições). Em cada piquete avaliado houve a demarcação de três círculos de 12,5 metros de raio. Cada círculo recebeu uma letra (A, B, C) para identificação. Após o período de ocupação de 7 dias houve a contagem dos bolos fecais e o registro do respectivo circulo de ocorrência. Houve a amostragem de fezes para análise da composição em matéria seca, matéria orgânica, matéria mineral, macro e micronutrientes, além da coleta dos dados de peso e da área ocupada pelo bolo fecal. Houve a marcação de áreas em cada piquete, ao lado do bolo fecal, para avaliação de acúmulo de forragem, da fertilidade solo quanto aos nutrientes que retornam ao solo nas profundidades de 0-5, 5-10, 10-15,15-20, 20-25 cm abaixo do bolo fecal. As porcentagens de bolos fecais presentes nas áreas de descanso foram de 33,5 e 18,9% para 5 e 10% OF e de 4,2 e 13,8% para as áreas de rejeição. As áreas cobertas pelos bolos fecais por dia para cada unidade animal nos tratamentos de 5 e 10% OF foram 0,248 e 0,214 m² respectivamente, e que uma unidade animal defeca em média 5,63 e 4,84 vezes ao dia para as OF de 5 e 10%. Os valores de densidade de bolos fecais presentes na pastagem foram de 0,100 e 0,065 bolos fecais por m², nos tratamentos 5 e 10% de OF. Sendo que os valores da porção da pastagem coberta sem e com a sobreposição da pastagem indicando que ao final de um ano a pastagem pode ser coberta de 5,7 a 10,6%. O acúmulo de forragem na pastagem, para os pontos com a presença do bolo fecal, foi da ordem de 685,62 kg de MS/ha e de 242,87kg de MS/ha sem a presença do bolo fecal, portanto, cerca de 2,8 vezes superiores. O número de bolos fecais presentes nas áreas de avaliação é determinado pela taxa de lotação. A sua deposição na área de descanso e de rejeição foi de maneira inversa. Nas ofertas de forragem estudadas durante os anos de 2003-2004, o modelo de distribuição espacial dos bolos fecais foi o agregado e sua contribuição para a fertilidade é concentrada em pequenas áreas. O bolo fecal na oferta de forragem de 5% apresenta maior contato com o solo, portanto teve participação significativa no aumento de pH em superfície, o que contribuiu com a disponibilidade de macro e micronutrientes e com a indisponibilidade de Al. Os macronutrientes primários fósforo e potássio apresentaram-se mais disponíveis no tempo e nas camadas superficiais do solo devido às alterações de pH pela presença do bolo fecal. A área de influência do bolo fecal (fertilidade) teve papel importante para melhorar o acúmulo de forragem na pastagem. No entanto, essa área é concentrada e pontual. / The objective of research was characterize the distribution of bovines dung pats deposited in a palisadegrass pasture [(Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst ex A. Rich.) Stapf cv. Marandu], under rotational stocking and grazing intensities and the influence of dung pats in fertility of soil and the herbage accumulation. The experiment was carried out at Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos - FZEA/USP in a pasture with 25,2 ha, divided in 80 plots with 3150 m². In the grazing cycle of 35 days, 7 days of grazing and 28 days of rest, during the summer. The evaluated plots was the used two levels of herbage allowance 5 and 10% (5 kg of dry matter per 100 kg live weight per day). Them, two treatments with four blocks (repetitions). Each evaluated plots, the ground was located three circles of 12.5 meters of ray. Each circle received a letter (A, B, C) for identification. After 7 days of occupation, dung pats was counting and register in the respective circulate of occurrence. Samples of feces was collected to analysis to determine the dry matter, organic matter, mineral matter, macro and microminerals and data of weight and the area covered by dung pats. Each plots, areas was located the side of the dung pats, to evaluation of the herbage accumulation, and the fertility of soil and nutrients that return in the depths of 0-5; 5-10; 10-15;15-20; 20-25 cm under of the dung pats. The dung pats percentage in resting areas was 33.5 and 18.9% to 5 end 10% HA and the 4.2 and 13.8% to reject areas. Covered areas by animal unit dung pats by day was 0.248 and 0.214 m² to treatments of 5 and 10% HA respectively, a animal unit deposit feces 5.63 and 4.84 times by day to the HA of 5 and 10%. The values of density in the pasture was 0.100 and 0.065 dung pats by m², in the treatments of 5 e 10% of HA. And the portion of pasture covered in one year can be 5.7 to 10.6%. The herbage accumulation in the pasture, in area with the dung pats was 685.62 de DM/ha and the 242.87 kg DM/ha without the dung pats. The number of dung pats presents in areas of evaluation is determinates by stocking rate. Its deposition in resting areas and the reject areas are different. In the herbage allowance studded during the years 2003-2004, the spatial model distribution of dung pats was aggregate, and contribution to the soil fertility is concentrated in small areas. The dung pats in herbage allowance of 5% had more contact with the soil, had participation in the increase of pH in surface, change the available of micro and macronutrients. The primary macronutrients phosphorus and potassium more available in the time and the layer of the soil due the alteration of the pH. The influence area to the dung pats (fertility) had important contribution to the herbage accumulation in the pasture, but this area is concentrated and small.

Relação planta-animal em diferentes intensidades de pastejo com ovinos em azevém anual (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) / Plant-animal relation at different grazing intensity with sheep in italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.)

Roman, Juliano 22 February 2006 (has links)
This work aimed to evaluate the utilization of different grazing intensity on the productive and structural characteristics of pasture and on the ingestive behaviour and performance of sheep in continuous grazing. The treatment were different herbage masses (HM) in Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) pasture: LHM: 1000-1200 kg/ha of dry matter (DM); IHM: 1400-1600 kg/ha DM; HHM: 1800-2000 kg/ha DM. The experimental design was the randomly complete, with three treatments and two area replicates. The data were submitted at the regression analysis in function of HM observed in the experimental units: 1136.8, 1190.9, 1359.2, 1375, 1556 e 1739.1 kg/ha DM. The values of leaf lamina mass, pseudostem mass, forage allowance, leaf lamina allowance, sward height, pseudostem height, leaf lamina depth and average daily gain increased linearly with increase of HM (P<0.10). Quadratic effect (P<0.10) in herbage production, herbage losses and herbage disappearance were observed. The stocking rate (kg/ha of live weight and hoggets/ha) and bite rate decreased linearly with increase of HM (P<0.10). No HM effects (P>0.10) on the tiller population density, herbage daily accumulation rate, percentage of pasture utilization, herbage intake, grazing time, ruminating time, idle time, number of daily bite, bite mass, body condition score gain, live weight gain per area and conversion efficiency of forage in live weight were observed. Herbage mass varying among 1136.8 a 1739.1 hg/ha DM in Italian ryegrass pasture affect the herbage production and herbage losses, without influence in the percentage of pasture utilization, weight gain per area and conversion efficiency of forage in animal product. The main factor determining individual performance of animals is the leaf lamina layer depth / O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a utilização de diferentes intensidades de pastejo sobre as características produtivas e estruturais da pastagem e sobre o comportamento ingestivo e desempenho de ovinos em pastejo contínuo. Os tratamentos foram diferentes massas de forragem (MF) em pastagem de azevém anual (Lolium multiflorum Lam.): MFB: 1000-1200 kg/ha de matéria seca (MS); MFI: 1400-1600 kg/ha MS; MFA: 1800-2000 kg/ha MS. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos e duas repetições de área. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de regressão em função das MF observadas nas unidades experimentais: 1136,8, 1190,9, 1359,2, 1375, 1556 e 1739,1 kg/ha MS. Os valores de massa de lâminas foliares e de pseudocolmo, oferta de forragem e de lâminas foliares, altura de dossel e de pseudocolmo, profundidade de lâminas foliares e ganho médio diário aumentaram linearmente com aumento da MF (P<0,10). Houve efeito quadrático (P<0,10) para produção, perdas e desaparecimento de forragem. A carga animal (kg/ha PV), taxa de lotação (borregas/ha) e taxa de bocadas diminuíram linearmente com o aumento da MF (P<0,10). Não houve efeito das MF avaliadas (P>0,10) na densidade populacional de perfilhos, taxa de acumulação diária de forragem, porcentagem de utilização da pastagem, consumo de forragem, tempos de pastejo, ruminação e ócio, número diário de bocadas, massa de bocado, ganho de condição corporal, ganho de peso vivo por área e eficiência de conversão de forragem em peso vivo. Massas de forragem variando de 1136,8 a 1739,1 kg/ha MS em pastagem de azevém afetam a produção e perdas de forragem, sem influenciar a porcentagem de utilização da pastagem, o ganho de peso vivo por área e a eficiência de transformação da forragem em produto animal. O principal fator determinante do desempenho individual dos animais é a profundidade da camada de lâminas foliares

Efeito de Intensidades de Pastejo Sobre o Índice de Área Foliar, Interceptação Luminosa e Acúmulo de Forragem em Pastagens de Cynodon spp. / Grazing intensity effect on leaf area index, light interception and herbage accumulation of Cynodon spp swards.

Fagundes, Jailson Lara 31 March 1999 (has links)
O presente experimento foi conduzido na Unidade Experimental de Plantas Forrageiras (UEPF) em área do Departamento de Produção Animal da ESALQ/USP, em Piracicaba (SP), entre 01/07/98 e 31/12/98. Os tratamentos consistiram de combinações entre três cultivares de Cynodon spp. (Tifton-85, Florakirk e Coastcross) e quatro intensidades de pastejo (5, 10, 15 e 20 cm) estabelecidas por ovinos em regime de lotação contínua. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos completos casualizados com quatro repetições e parcelas sub-divididas, onde na parcela foram alocados os cultivares e na sub-parcela as intensidades de pastejo. Foram analisadas as seguintes variáveis: índice de área foliar, interceptação luminosa, acúmulo de matéria seca e composição botânica/morfológica dos pastos. Tifton 85 mostrou os maiores valores de IAF para qualquer das intensidades de pastejo estudadas. As taxas de acúmulo de matéria seca foram semelhantes em todos os tratamentos. Tifton 85 apresentou como faixa ótima de uso condições de pasto que variaram de 5 a 15 cm. Já para Florakirk essa faixa foi até 20 cm e para Coastcross o limite superior deve ser maior que 20 cm. De maneira geral os diferentes cultivares devem possuir requerimentos variados de manejo de desfolha quando o objetivo é o uso eficiente da luz e demais fatores de crescimento associado a elevados índices de utilização da forragem produzida. / The present trial was carried out at the Pasture and Grazing Studies Unit, Animal Production Department, ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, from July 1 until December 31, 1998. Treatments comprised the possible combinations between three Cynodon spp. cultivars (Tifton-85, Florakirk and Coastcross) and four grazing intensities (5, 10, 15 and 20 cm) imposed by sheep under a continuous stocking management. Treatments allocation to experimental units followed a completely randomised block design with four replications and a split-plot arrangement. Grass cultivars were allocated to plots and grazing intensities to sub-plots. The responses studied were leaf area index (LAI), light interception, herbage dry matter accumulation and swards' botanical composition. Tifton-85 showed the highest LAI for any of the grazing intensities used. Herbage dry matter accumulation rates were similar for all treatments. Tifton-85 presented a narrower range of sward conditions for grazing management (5 to 15 cm) when compared to Florakirk (5 to 20 cm) and Coastcross (5 to > 20 cm). Overall, different grass cultivars presented different grazing management requirements in situations where efficient use of light and high levels of herbage utilisation are targeted.

Estrutura do dossel e taxa de consumo de forragem de capim-elefante cv. Napier submetido a estratégias de pastejo rotativo / Sward structure and rate of forage intake of elephant grass cv. Napier subjected to rotational grazing strategies

Geremia, Eliana Vera 08 February 2013 (has links)
Na natureza, durante milhares de anos de convivência, gramíneas forrageiras e herbívoros passaram por um processo de co-evolução desenvolvendo múltiplas estratégias de sobrevivência e de adaptação. Práticas de manejo que interferem na forma como a forragem é disponibilizada aos animais (estrutura do dossel forrageiro) podem causar mudanças dos padrões de procura e ingestão de forragem e interferir com o desempenho animal. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a estrutura do dossel forrageiro e a taxa de consumo de forragem em pastos de capim-elefante cv. Napier (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) submetidos a estratégias de pastejo rotativo. O experimento foi conduzido em área da Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\", Piracicaba, SP, de janeiro de 2011 a abril de 2012. Os tratamentos corresponderam a combinações entre duas condições pós- (alturas pós-pastejo de 35 e 45 cm) e duas condições pré-pastejo (95% e máxima interceptação de luz pelo dossel forrageiro - IL), alocados às unidades experimentais (piquetes de 870 m²) segundo arranjo fatorial 2x2 e delineamento de blocos completos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Foram avaliadas em pré- e em pós-pastejo as seguintes variáveis-resposta: distribuição vertical dos componentes morfológicos da massa de forragem dos pastos, taxa de bocados, massa do bocado, taxa de consumo e valor nutritivo da forragem consumida (composição morfológica e bromatológica de amostras de extrusa).A estrutura do dossel influenciou fortemente a massa do bocado, a taxa de bocados e a taxa de consumo independente de tratamento e época do ano. Em pré-pastejo, apesar de a massa do bocado ter sido maior nos pastos manejados com a meta ILMáx, não houve diferença em taxa de consumo entre as metas de IL avaliadas, resultado da maior taxa de bocados registrada nos pastos manejados com a meta IL95%. Em pós-pastejo a taxa de consumo também não variou entre as metas de IL avaliadas, sendo observados ajustes na taxa de bocados como forma decompensar as variações em massa do bocado. As metas de altura pós-pastejo modificaram a composição morfológica e bromatológica da forragem consumida, as quais variaram também em função da época do ano. De maneira geral, pastos manejados com a meta IL95% e altura pós-pastejo de 45 cm resultaram em maior porcentagem de folhas na extrusa, o que conferiu melhor taxa de consumo e valor nutritivo da forragem consumida pelos animais em pastejo. / In nature, during thousands of year of co-existence, forage grasses and herbivores underwent a co-evolution process that resulted in multiple survival strategies and adaptations. Management practices that interfere with the way forage is presented to animals (sward structure) may cause changes in patterns of search and consumption of herbage, affecting animal performance. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate sward structure and rate of herbage intake of rotationally stocked elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureumSchum., cv. Napier). The experiment was carried out at Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\", Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, from January 2011 to April 2012. Treatments corresponded to combinations between two post- (post-grazing heights of 35 and 45 cm) and two pre-grazing swards conditions (95% and maximum canopy light interception - LI), and were allocated to experimental units (870 m2 paddocks) according to a 2x2 factorial arrangement in a complete randomised block design, with four replications. The following response variables were evaluated in both pre- and post-grazing conditions: vertical distribution of morphological components of sward herbage mass, bite rate, bite mass, rate of intake and nutritive value of the consumed herbage (morphological and chemical composition of extrusa samples). Sward structure strongly influenced bite mass, bite rate and rate of intake regardless of treatment and season of the year. At pre-grazing, in spite of the larger bite mass on swards managed with the pre-grazing target LIMax, there was no difference in rate of intake between LI targets, consequence of the higher bite rate recorded on swards managed with the pre-grazing target LI95%. At post-grazing, there was no difference in rate of intake between LI targets, with variations in bite rate used to compensate variations in bite mass. Post-grazing targets altered the morphological and chemical composition of the consumed herbage, which also varied with season of the year. Overall, swards managed with the pre-grazing target LI95% and the 45 cm post-grazing height resulted in larger percentage of leaves in the extrusa, favouring higher rates of intake and nutritive value of the herbage consumed.

Características estruturais do dossel forrageiro e acúmulo de forragem de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Piatã submetido a regime de sombra em sistemas de integração lavoura pecuária floresta / Sward structural characteristics and herbage accumulation in Brachiaria brizantha cv. Piatã subjected to shade regimes in a crop-livestock-forest integration area

Mascheroni, Jorge Daniel Caballero 27 February 2015 (has links)
Sistemas integrados têm sido apontados como alternativas ecologicamente apropriadas para recuperar a produtividade de pastagens tropicais degradadas, gerando benefícios tanto para o meio ambiente como para os animais. Apesar das diversas vantagens atribuídas aos sistemas integrados, existem ainda limitações técnicas que dificultam a otimização do processo produtivo, função da natureza complexa e multidisciplinar das interações entre seus componentes bióticos e abióticos. Existem, portanto, aspectos importantes que podem comprometer a produtividade do sistema, entre eles, as alterações na estrutura do dossel forrageiro e a menor produção de forragem, principalmente pela diminuição da radiação luminosa que chega ao sub-bosque. Partindo da hipótese que o dossel arbóreo irá determinar a quantidade e a qualidade de luz disponível para o sub-bosque e, assim, influenciar a estrutura do dossel forrageiro e a produção de forragem do capim-piatã manejado sob pastejo rotativo utilizando metas de interceptação luminosa (IL) prépastejo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as características estruturais e o acúmulo de forragem de Brachiaria brizantha cv Piatã em sistema ILPF de dezembro de 2013 a julho de 2014. O estudo foi desenvolvido por meio de três experimentos realizados de forma concomitante para avaliar três regimes de luz: (1) capim-piatã cultivado em área livre de árvores (pleno sol; PS); (2) sombreamento gerado por meio de fileiras duplas de Eucalipto nas bordaduras dos piquetes (S1); e (3) sombreamento gerado por meio de quatro renques de fileiras triplas de Eucalipto dispostos dentro dos piquetes de forma alternada com porções de pasto (S2). Os regimes de luz S1 e S2 foram divididos em duas faixas de sombra (central e lateral) para descrição da variação da luz dentro dos piquetes e sua implicação sobre o padrão de crescimento das plantas. O período experimental foi dividido em três períodos de avaliação em função do índice pluviométrico registrado. Para estudar a influência das árvores sobre a medição de IL e sua implicação sobre o crescimento das plantas, o regime S2 foi manejado utilizando-se dois métodos de tomada da leitura de referência da luz incidente: leitura dentro (sob a copa das árvores) e fora (luz natural na ausência de árvores) da área experimental. Foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis-resposta: altura, massa de forragem e sua composição morfológica, índice de área foliar, ângulo da folhagem, interceptação luminosa do dossel forrageiro, umidade do solo, índice de nutrição nitrogenada, taxa de acúmulo e produção de forragem. Os resultados indicaram que pastos sombreados possuíam altura 30% maior que pastos não sombreados, com colmos mais longos e delgados. A massa de forragem em pré-pastejo diminuiu com o aumento do nível de sombreamento e a composição morfológica se manteve praticamente estável entre os regimes luz. As mudanças morfológicas e estruturais resultaram em redução das taxas de acúmulo e da produção de forragem em torno de 50% no regime S1 e de 65% no regime S2 relativamente ao regime PS. O conjunto de resultados obtidos revela claramente que as metas de altura pré-pastejo desenvolvidas com base na condição de 95% de IL em pleno sol não podem e não devem ser utilizadas em sistemas integrados com árvores, especialmente aqueles em que a densidade de árvores é elevada, necessitando que metas específicas sejam produzidas para o manejo do pastejo naquelas condições. / Integrated production systems, such as the agrosilvopastoral systems, have been considered ecologically adequate alternatives in restoring the productivity of degraded tropical grasslands, as they generate benefits for both the environment and the grazing animals. Despite several advantages associated with the integrated systems, there are technical constraints that limit their optimization, due to the complex and multidisciplinary nature of the interactions between its biotic and abiotic components. In this context, there are important aspects that must be considered and that might influence the system\'s productivity, including changes in sward structure and herbage production due to decreased light availability under the trees. Based on the hypothesis that in a silvopastoral pastoral system the tree canopy determines the quantity and the quality of the light available for forages growing under the trees, and that this affects sward structural characteristics and herbage accumulation of rotationally grazed Piatã brachiariagrass managed using pre-grazing targets of canopy light interception during regrowth, the objective of this study was to evaluate the structural characteristics and the herbage accumulation of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Piatã in a crop-livestock-forest integration area from December 2013 to July 2014. The study comprised three simultaneous experiments to evaluate three light regimes: (1) Piatã brachiariagrass cultivated in the absence of trees (full natural light; PS); (2) shade produced by a double row of Eucaliptus trees on the edges of the paddocks (S1); and (3) shade produced by four triple rows of Eucaliptus with pasture in between them (S2). The S1 and S2 light regimes were divided into two shade strips (central and lateral) in order to describe the variation in light availability within the paddocks and its implications to plant growth. The experimental period was divided in three evaluation periods according to rainfall. In order to evaluate the influence of the trees on the measurement of sward canopy light interception and its implications on grass growth, paddocks under the S2 light regime were managed using two methods for taking the reference readings of the incident light: reading inside (under the tree canopy) and outside (full natural light) the experimental area. The following response variables were analyzed: sward height, herbage mass and plant-part composition, sward leaf area index, foliage angle, canopy light interception, soil moisture, grass nitrogen nutrition index, herbage accumulation rates and total herbage yield. The results indicate that shading, results in taller swards (30% increase in sward height pre-grazing) with longer and thinner stems. Pre-grazing herbage mass decreased with increasing shade levels and plant-part composition remained relatively constant across light regimes. Morphological and structural changes resulted in approximately 50 and 65% decrease in herbage accumulation rates and herbage yield under the S1 and S2 light regimes, respectively, in relation to PS. Pre-grazing target sward height recommendations based on the 95% canopy light interception under full light conditions are not suitable for integrated systems with trees, particularly those where tree density is high, emphasizing the need to devise specific management targets for use under those conditions.

Características morfogênicas e estruturais do capim-braquiarão [Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst ex A. Rich.) Stapf. cv. Marandu] sob intensidades de pastejo. / Morphogenic characteristics and structural characteristics of the signal grass [Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst ex A. Rich.) Stapf. cv. Marandu] under grazing intensities.

Peternelli, Maurício 22 August 2003 (has links)
O experimento foi conduzido na FZEA/USP – Pirassununga/SP de dezembro de 2002 a março de 2003, em uma área de 26,7 ha formada de capim-braquiarão. O objetivo foi avaliar as características morfofisiológicas durante a fase recuperação da planta forrageira após o pastejo. A pastagem foi submetida a quatro intensidades de pastejo representadas por níveis de oferta de forragem (5, 10, 15 e 20% - kg MS/100 kg peso animal.dia), utilizando-se o método de lotação rotacionada, sendo sete dias de ocupação e vinte e oito dias de descanso. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos completos e casualizados, com quatro repetições. Foram avaliadas as seguintes respostas: (1) características morfogênicas: intervalo de aparecimento foliar (IApF), taxa de aparecimento foliar (TApF), taxa de alongamento foliar (TAlF), taxa de senescência foliar (TSenF), taxa de alongamento de colmo (TAlC); e (2) características estruturais: número de folhas vivas por perfilho (NFVP), comprimento de folhas verdes por perfilhos (CFVP), comprimento médio de folhas verdes por perfilho (CMFVP) e comprimento de colmo (CC), dinâmica de perfilhamento, englobando, percentagem de perfilhos decapitados (PPD), número de perfilhos basais remanescentes (NPBR), número de perfilhos aéreos remanescentes (NPAR), número de perfilhos basais novos (NPBN), número de perfilhos aéreos novos (NPAN), densidade populacional de perfilhos (DPP), peso médio de perfilho seco, (PMPS) e peso médio de perfilho verde (PMVP). Pastagens submetidas a menor intensidade de pastejo apresentam maior TSenF. As condições climáticas que favorecem o processo de florescimento foram determinantes nessa TSenF. O avanço na estação de crescimento interferiu de forma negativa na TApF, aumentando automaticamente o IApF. A TAlF teve pouca influência dos tratamentos de OF, exceto na condição inicial de manejo, período de avaliação 1 (PAv.1). Nos PAv. o aumento do NFVP esteve relacionado com a diminuição de seu comprimento médio. O CC aumentou com o avançar dos PAv. A maior intensidade de pastejo condicionou o aumento na PPD, a maior DPP e o menor PMPS e PMPV. As condições climáticas tiveram papel importante na sobrevivência e aumento dos NPBR nos PAv.. A sobrevivência dos NPAR esteve condicionada aos efeitos da OF. Condições de maior intensidade de pastejo favoreceu o aparecimento de NPBN e NPAN. No avançar dos PAv., o pastejo leniente provocou diminuição do surgimento do NPAN, embora tenham aumentado durante o período de rebrotação. / The experiment was conducted in the FZEA/USP - Pirassununga/SP from December/2002 to March/2003, in a pasture of signal grass of 26.7 ha. The objective was evaluated the morphophysiological characteristics during regrowth of the plant after grazing. The pasture was submitted at grazing intensities represented by four levels of herbage allowance (5, 10, 15 and 20% - kg DM/100 kg weight animal.day), using rotational stocking method, being seven days of occupation and twenty and eight days of interval of grazing. The experimental design was in complete randomised block, with four replications. The evaluated responses were: (1) morphogenetics characteristics: leaf appearance interval (LApI), leaf appearance rate (LApR), leaf elongation rate (LElR), leaf senescence rate (LSenR), stem elongation rate (SElR); e (2) structural characteristics: number of live leaves (NLL), length of green leaf (LGL), length average green leaf (LAGL) and length of stems (LS), dynamics of tillering, percentage of decapitated tiller (PDT), number of remaining basal tiller (NRBT), number of remaining aerial tiller (NRAT), number of new basal tiller (NNBT), number of new aerial tiller (NNAT), population density of tiller (PDT), dry average weight for tiller, (DAWT) and green average weight for tiller (GAWT). Pasture submitted to lenient grazing presented higher LSenR. The climatic conditions that favour flowering process were determinant in LSenR. The advance in growth station influenced negatively in the LApR and increased automatically the LApI. The HA had little influence on the LAIR, except in the initial condition of management, period of evaluation 1 (PAv.1). In the PAv. the increase of the NLL was related with the reduction of its average length. The LS increased with advancing of the PAv.. The highest grazing intensity conditioned the increase in the PDT, the biggest PDT and lowest DAWT and GAWT. The climatic conditions were important in the survival and increase of the NRBT in the PAv.. The survival of the NRAT was conditioned to the effect of the HA. The highest grazing intensity favoured the appearance of NNBT and NNAT. With the advance of the PAv., the lenient grazing provoked reduction of the NNAT emergence, even so has increased during regrowth period.

Genotypic evaluation of Trifolium ambiguum

Stewart, Alan V. January 1979 (has links)
A number of morphological, floral, rhizome, root and herbage characteristics were studied in order to describe genetic variation and environmental responses in T. ambiguum. From each of six lines, 30 genotypes were clonally progagated into five diverse edaphic and altitudinal sites and grown for one season. Comparisons of growth and form were also made between T. ambiguum, T. repens cv. 'Grasslands Huia' and Lotus pedunculatus cv. 'Grasslands Maku'. The polyploid lines were found to have larger leaves than the diploids while all the lines of T. ambiguum had larger leaves than did white clover. Tetraploid lines had longer petioles and were taller and more erect than the diploids or hexaploids. Floral initiation was found to become later as ploidy level increased but the tetraploid lines exhibited a very large variation in flowering date. The cultivar Treeline was found to produce the most herbage under all conditions although not significantly more than cultivar Prairie or C.P.I. 57353. However, as nodulation was not studied it was not possible to determine whether variety differences were due to root nodulating ability or some other genetically determined parameter. None of the T. ambiguum varieties produced as much herbage as cv. Huia or cv. Maku at any site. However, all the T. ambiguum lines performed relatively better under harsher conditions. Because a large proportion of T. ambiguum was below ground the best T. ambiguum line, cultivar Treeiine, produced equivalent total plant dry weight to cv. Huia and cv. Maku at 1200 m. a.s.l., the high altitude site. Cultivar Prairie was found to have the highest proportion of rhizomes to total plant mass bu because cv. Treeline had higher total plant dry weight both cultivars produced equivalent mean rhizome dry weight. The number of rhizomes, number of daughter plants and rhizome dry weight were all highly correlated and these three characteristics showed similar trends among varieties. Rhizome length was found to increase with ploidy level, as did rhizome internode length. However, the number of nodes was found to be higher in the diploids than in the polyploids. Cultivar Treeline was found to have a high proportion of branching nodes on its rhizomes while C.P.I. 57353 and cv. Summit had the least. Rhizome production was restricted in the Wakanui silt loam soil of high bulk density. However, herbage growth and rhizome branching was increased, probably because of the higher fertility. It was shown using factor analysis on genotypic correlations, that rhizome characteristics and herbage yields were relatively independently inherited. However, morphological characters tended to be related to herbage yields. The polyploid varieties were found to be more genetically variable than the diploids . Broad sense heritabilities were calculated for all parameters measured, and in general, morphological characteristics had higher values than agronomic characteristics. As the genetic variation within each line was higher than the variation among lines, it is apparent that selection within lines should result in the largest gains. Therefore, comparison of the mean performance of the presently highly variable lines is relatively uninformative. By sacrificing some genetic diversity, large gains could be made in performance. It is suggested that cv. Prairie be used as the basis for selecting a highly rhizomatous cultivar while cv. Treeline could be used in the selection of a cultivar with higher herbage production suitable for high country conditions. In a second trial, an established stand of cv. Treeline produced up to 13250 kg per ha for one season under good growing conditions. The management required to produce this amount of herbage was to irrigate and cut to ground level every two months. The growth rate was considerably depressed when cut monthly. It was also shown that root and rhizome yield reached 12600 kg per ha, indicating a massive reserve of assimilates, particularly useful for surviving periods of stress. Seed yields were found to be adequate, reaching levels equivalent to 500-700 kg per ha. These results were discussed in relation to earlier observations on T. ambiguum by workers in Russia, Australia, U.S.A. and New Zealand. Suggestions were made for further genetic and agronomic testing.

Žolynų fitocenozių analizė priemolio išplautžemyje / Aanalysis of Grass' Phytocoenoses in Loam Luvisol

Kutys, Aurimas 15 June 2009 (has links)
Tiriamojo darbo objektas – ūkyje auginamų raudonųjų dobilų/daugiamečių svidrių, raudonųjų dobilų/pašarinių motiejukų, ir raudonųjų dobilų/tikrųjų eraičinų fitocenozės. Tyrimo tikslas – Atlikti raudonųjų dobilų/daugiamečių svidrių, raudonųjų dobilų/pašarinių motiejukų ir raudonųjų dobilų/tikrųjų eraičinų fitocenozių analizę priemolio išplautžemyje. Tyrimo metodika - Tyrimai vykdyti Plungės rajone. Tirti raudonųjų dobilų/daugiamečių svidrių, raudonųjų dobilų/pašarinių motiejukų ir raudonųjų dobilų/tikrųjų eraičinų žolynai. Botaninė žolyno sudėtis nustatoma svorio metodu, paimant mėginius iš kiekvieno lauko. Pavyzdžiai imami iš daugelio vietų. Analizuojant žolės suskirstomos į botanines grupes: varpines, ankštines ir įvairiažoles. Prie įvairiažolių dedamos piktžolės ir nesėtos tame lauke žolės. Jei yra kelios ankštinės žolės, tai jos išskiriamos ir pasveriamos atskirai. Žolės, suskirstytos į grupes, džiovinamos iki orasausės būklės ir pasveriamos. Po to apskaičiuojamas procentas sausųjų medžiagų derliuje. Žolyno derliui nustatyti pavyzdžiai buvo imami taip pat kaip ir botaninei sudėčiai sudaryti. Atliktos dvi pjūtys. Duomenys skaičiuoti pagal programą STAT-ENG Tarakanovas, Raudonius, 2003/. Tyrimo rezultatai. Trijuose skirtinguose žolynuose raudonųjų dobilų kiekis buvo skirtingas. Raudonieji dobilai, pasėti su daugiametėmis svidrėmis, žolyne sudarė 76,5 %. Daugiamečių svidrių buvo 20,6%. Raudonųjų dobilų/pašarinių motiejukų žolyne taip pat vyravo raudonieji dobilai. Jie... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of investigation – pulses/spica herbage, botanical composition and yield. Purpose of investigation is to analyze pulse/spica herbage in an ecological farm and provide measures to preserve pulses in herbage. Methods of investigation – Investigation has been carried out in Plungė District. Red clovers/perennial ryegrass, red clovers/feeding timothy grass and red clovers/fescue grass have been investigated. Botanical composition of herbage is estimated using the method of weight, when samples from each field are taken. Samples are taken from various places of a field. While analysing herbage is brought under botanical groups: spica, pulses and various other. Various other herbs consist of weeds and self-sown grass. If there are several kinds of pulses, they are separated and weighted separately. Drawn into several groups herbage are air-dried and weighted. Then the percentage of dry substances in yield is calculated. Herbage for the establishment of yield has been collected in the same way as for botanical composition. Two harvests have been fulfilled. Data have been calculated using programme STAT-ENG Tarakanovas, Raudonius, 2003/. Results of investigation. The amount of red clover in three fields has been different. Red clovers sown together with perennial ryegrass have made 76,5 % in herbage. Perennial ryegrass have amounted to 20,6%. Red clovers have prevailed in red clovers/feeding timothy grass herbage. They have made 57,1%. Feeding timothy grass has grown quite... [to full text]

Žolinių pašarų maistingumo tyrimai LVA praktinio mokymo ir bandymų centre / The Research of Herbage Feed Nutrition in LVA Practical Training and Research Centre

Beniušis, Tadas 19 April 2007 (has links)
Nutritious and quality feed as well as balanced feeding has the greatest effect on the productivity and health of cattle. According to American scientists, 50- 57% of animal productivity depends on feed and improvement of feeding. Thus trying to avoid the loss of nutrients, different technologies like ensilage (sugar- beet bagasse’, maize’, feed cabbages’, etc.) and withering (clovers’, lucernes’, cultivated plants’, etc.) were invoked. The Practical part of the work (carried forward in LVA Practical Training and Research Centre) confirmed facts stated in Theoretical part. The alterations of nutrition were sampled out of the silage made of perennials (Uzliedziai); also out of withered oat and pease mixture (Muniskiai); corn/ maize (Giraite and Muniskiai), and heylage, made out of cultivated plants (Giraite). With the help of researches it was diagnosed that Muniskiai and Uzliedziai silage mix’s nutritive value had not changed a lot. To both lots of mixtures were characteristic the loss of green proteins accordingly 210.1 g/kg- 4.7 g/kg, sugar ~1.65 g/kg, carotene 8.5 g/kg. The amount of lactic acid was notably decreased in both in Muniskiai and Giraite mixes, meanwhile the amount of acetic and butyric acid increased. Corn in Giraite were cut in the end of September, while other lot in Muniskiai was cut in October. This fact influenced a better nutritive value of Muniskiai corn silage. After six months period the greatest change was noticed in reduction of the following... [to full text]

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