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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Untersuchungen zur Wirkung von Hypoxie auf bioenergetisch relevante Funktionen von stimulierten CD4 +-Zellen

Dziurla, René 03 May 2006 (has links)
Hintergrund: Die Versorgung von Immunzellen mit Energie in Form von ATP ist Grundlage eines funktionstüchtigen Immunsystems. Diese wird durch die mitochondriale OXPHOS oder durch die zytosolische Glykolyse gewährleistet. Sauerstoff und Glukose stellen die Hauptsubstrate dieser Stoffwechselprozesse dar. Fragestellung: Unter pathologischen Bedingungen wie sie in Entzündungsgebieten herrschen, konnte ein relativer Sauerstoffmangel experimentell nachgewiesen werden. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es herauszufinden, in welcher Weise die Funktionen einer definierten Lymphozytenpopulation (CD4+) durch Sauerstoffmangel beeinflusst werden. Methoden: Nach Isolation von CD4+ Zellen aus peripherem Blut gesunder Spender, wurden definierte Zellmengen stimuliert und in einem mit einer Sauerstoffelektrode ausgestatteten Gefäß unter Luftabschluß inkubiert. Zu definierten Zeitpunkten wurden Proben zur ATP-Messung entnommen, sowie Protein- und RNA-Lysate hergestellt. Die Vitalität zu Anfang und zum Ende der Inkubation wurde mittels Propidium-Jodid-Färbung im FACS bestimmt. Aus gesammelten Überständen wurden mittels Multiplex-ELISA die Konzentrationen von IL-1beta, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-alpha und MCAF gemessen. Als Kontrollen dienten unter Normoxie inkubierte Aliquots der Zellsuspensionen. HIF-1alpha wurde mit Immunoblotting nachgewiesen. Transkriptionsänderungen von SOD1 und HK1 wurden durch SYBR-Green Real-Time-PCR quantifiziert. Ergebnisse: Stimulierte CD4+-Zellen von Normalspendern schütten unter dem Einfluss von Hypoxie vermehrt proinflammatorische und chemotaktisch wirksame Zytokine, sowie zur Differenzierung notwendige antiinflammatorische Zytokine aus. Die Verfügbarkeit von Glukose hat hierauf einen verstärkenden Effekt. Eine hypoxische Umgebung sorgt in Abhängigkeit von der Versorgung mit Glukose für eine Anpassung der zellulären Atmungsrate. Glukose ist für die Aufrechterhaltung eines konstanten ATP-Levels verantwortlich. Die glykolytische Energiegewinnung unter Hypoxie kompensiert den Ausfall der OXPHOS. Hypoxie führt bei stimulierten CD4+-Zellen bei freier Glukoseverfügbarkeit zu einer vermehrten Transkription des Hexokinase1-Gens. Glukosemangel bewirkt dagegen in hypoxischer Umgebung eine Transkriptionssteigerung des SOD1-Gens. / Background: The energy supply of immune cells in form of ATP is the cornerstone of a functional immune system. This supply is realized by either mitochondrial OXPHOS or cytosolic glycolysis. Oxygen and glucose present the main substrates in these metabolic processes. Objective: Relative shortness of oxygen could be determined experimentally under pathological conditions present in inflamed tissues. The aim of this study was to determine the extent of hypoxic influence on the cellular function of CD4+ lymphocytes. Methods: Human CD4+ cells were isolated from peripheral blood of healthy blood donors by MACS sorting. Following a defined protocol cells were stimulated and incubated in a sealed container with a Clark type electrode. Samples were taken for measurements of ATP content. RNA- and Protein lysates were made to quantify the transcription of SOD1 and HK1 by SYBR green RT-PCR and look for the presence of HIF-1alpha by immunoblot analysis respectively. Supernatants were used to measure the expression of IL-1beta, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-alpha and MCAF using a multiplex ELISA assay. Aliquots of cell supspensions incubated under normoxic conditions served as controls. Results / Conclusion: Under the influence of hypoxia stimulated CD4+ lymphocytes of healthy blood donors express proinflammatory and chemotactically active as well as anti-inflammatory cytokines important for cell differentiation. The availability of glucose leads to an increase of this effect. An hypoxic environment dependant on the availability of glucose leads to an adaptation of cellular respiration. Glucose deficiency provokes an increase in cellular oxygen utilization. The availability of glucose is responsible for a constant intracellular ATP level. This proves that in CD4+ lymphocytes glycolysis is capable of compensating for hypoxically impaired oxidative phosphorylation thus providing enough ATP to enable cellular function. Hypoxia under glucose provision leads to an increase in mRNA expression for HK1, a key enzyme of glycolysis. Lack of glucose under hypoxic conditions results in an increase in mRNA expression for SOD1. Glucose therefore serves in CD4+ cells as an agent of constant energy supply that leads to cell survival and an upkeep of a proinflammatory environment through cytokine expression.

Úloha mitochondriální kreatinkinázy a hexokinázy v mechanismech kardioprotektivního působení chronické hypoxie / The role of mitochondrial creatine kinase and hexokinase in cardioprotective mechanisms induced by chronic hypoxia

Wasková, Petra January 2014 (has links)
IN ENGLISH The ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury, which is a consequence of myocardial infarction, represents a major cause of death worldwide. One of the most effective cardioprotective interventions increasing the resistance of hearts to the I/R injury is the adaptation to a chronic hypoxia (CH). However, the molecular mechanisms of CH are still not well understood. The most important factors responsible for the I/R injury are reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by complexes I and III within the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Potential candidates maintaining ROS at a low level are mitochondrial creatine kinase (mtCK) and two hexokinase isoforms (HK1 and HK2). These enzymes highly support the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation by increasing the availability of ADP for complex V of the respiratory chain. In addition, the HK binding to mitochondria inhibits binding of the pro- apoptotic protein BAX, thereby protecting cardiac cells against apoptosis. Besides the mitochondrial CK isoform, there are two cytosolic CK (CKM and CKB) present in cardiomyocytes that help to maintain energy homeostasis. Based on the known anatomical and physiological differences between the left (LV) and the right (RV) ventricles, the first study focused on the comparing ventricles in terms of the energy...

Studies of the Carbon and Energy Metabolism in the Moss Physcomitrella patens

Nilsson, Anders January 2009 (has links)
Since a proper balance between anabolic and catabolic reactions is essential for all eukaryotes, the basic mechanisms for regulation of the energy and carbon metabolism have been conserved throughout evolution. The moss Physcomitrella patens, which belongs to one of the basal clades among land plants, has many unique properties that make it an excellent plant model system. We have used a yeast two-hybrid system to identify novel possible regulators or targets of the moss Snf1-related kinases, previously shown to regulate energy homeostasis. The function of the identified interactors PpSki1 and PpSki2 was analyzed in order to better understand the biological role of plant Snf1-related kinases. The recently completed genome sequence of Physcomitrella was used in a comparative approach to study to what extent key enzyme and gene families involved in transport and metabolism of sugars and in regulation of the energy and carbon metabolism are conserved between mosses and vascular plants. It has long been known that transformed DNA can replicate episomally in Physcomitrella. We have now shown that such DNA can be rescued back into E. coli. Surprisingly, we found that the original plasmid can be recovered from moss transformants obtained with circular DNA. Plasmids rescued from transformants obtained with linearized DNA had been repaired either by homologous recombination or by cohesive end re-ligation. These findings suggest that methods using shuttle plasmids are feasible in Physcomitrella. Hexokinase, a key enzyme in the carbon metabolism, catalyzes the first step in hexose metabolism, but is also involved in sugar sensing and signaling. We have now made an initial characterization of the complete hexokinase family in Physcomitrella which is encoded by 11 genes. Two new types of plant hexokinases, types C and D, were found in addition to the previously described types A and B.

Der Abbau von Glucose in Trophozoiten von Giardia lamblia : Darstellung und biochemische Charakterisierung von Hexokinase, Glucosephosphat-Isomerase und PPi-Phosphofructokinase /

Budak, Hasan. January 1994 (has links)
Universiẗat, Diss.--Osnabrück, 1994.


Bhattacharjee, Rahul 30 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Spectroscopic Studies of Proteins in Alkylammonium Formate Ionic Liquids

Wei, Wenjun 23 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Caractérisation biochimique et physiologique de la fonction catalytique de l'hexokinase dans la racine de pomme de terre (Solanum tuberosum)

Claeyssen, Éric January 2007 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Estudo das interações entre enzimas e polímeros: efeito do poli(etileno glicol) na atividade e na conformação estrutural de enzimas. Adsorção de enzimas sobre superfícies sólidas / Study on the interactions between enzymes and polymers: Influence of polyethylene glycol on the activity and conformation of enzymes. Adsorption of enzymes onto solid surfaces

Pancera, Sabrina Montero 10 March 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho visou investigar as interações entre enzimas e polímeros em solução e a adsorção das mesmas sobre superfícies sólidas e para isto foi dividido em duas partes distintas. Na primeira parte a influência do poli(etileno glicol) (PEG), polímero considerado inerte e utilizado em muitos processosbiotecnológicos, na atividade enzimática e na conformação estrutural de enzimas foi estudada através de medidas de espectrofotometria- UV, calorimetria e espalhamento de raio-X de baixo ângulo (SAXS). Foram escolhidas neste estudo as enzimas glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase (G-6-PDH) e hexoquinase (HK), que são enzimas largamente aplicadas em análises clínicas na determinação de glicose no sangue, e também a enzima álcool desidrogenase (AD), utilizada para determinação de concentração de álcool. Foram obtidos resultados quantitativos, numa faixa de baixa concentração de enzima, que indicam uma forte influência de PEG na atividade das enzimas estudadas. Medidas de calorimetria revelaram que PEG interage não só com a enzima em estudo mas também com a coenzima NADP+. Numa faixa de concentração maior, os resultados de SAXS mostraram que PEG exerce também um efeito significativo no processo de agregação das enzimas. Acima de tudo, foi evidenciado neste estudo que PEG não pode ser tratado como um polímero inerte, pois ele interfere na atividade e conformação de enzimas. As enzimas são macromoléculas complexas e PEG interage de forma diferenciada com cada enzima, merecendo atenção especial caso a caso. Na segunda parte do trabalho, o estudo da adsorção de hexoquinase (HK) e creatina fosfoquinase (CPK) sobre lâminas de silício foi realizado através de medidas de ângulo de contato, elipsometria in situ e microscopia de força atômica (AFM) em água. A CPK é uma enzima bastante utilizada em kits de determinação de creatina no sangue e no diagnóstico de desordens musculares. Este trabalho revelou que o mecanismo de adsorção de CPK sobre silício depende fortemente do pH. Em pH 4, 7 ou 9 CPK adsorveu mantendo a mesma conformação que tinha em solução. Medidas de espectrofotometria UV-Vis revelaram uma mudança no pH ótimo para atividade enzimática de CPK de 6,8 para 9 após adsorção. A HK imobilizada em esferas de vidro mostrou atividade maior do que HK imobilizada nas placas. A reutilização das esferas e placas recobertas com HK foi testada e observou-se que as atividades das enzimas adsorvidas no substrato esférico foram mantidas. Entretanto, nas placas revestidas a atividade foi perdida. As enzimas imobilizadas sobre esferas puderam ser reutilizadas pelo menos 3 vezes, mantendo a atividade por um período de até 3 semanas. / This work aimed to investigate the interactions between enzymes and polymers in solution and also the adsorption behavior of these enzymes on solid surfaces. For that reason it was divided into two parts. In the first part, the influence of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), a polymer considered inert and utilized in several biotechnological processes, on the enzymatic activity and structure of the enzyme was studied by means of UV spectrophotometry, calorimetric titration, circular dichroism (CD) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH) and hexokinase (HK) were chosen because of their large application in clinical analysis for determination of glucose in the blood strain. Alcohol dehydrogenase (AD), which is widely used to determine alcohol concentration in various samples, was also used. Quantitative results, in a low enzyme concentration range, indicated a strong influence of PEG on the enzymes activity. The calorimetric measurements revealed no favorable interactions between enzyme and polymer, but indicated favorable interactions between PEG and co-enzyme NADP+. In a higher concentration range, SAXS results showed that PEG also exerts a significant effect on the enzyme aggregation process. This work showed that PEG shall no longer be treated as an inert polymer since it interferes in the enzyme activity and structure. The enzymes are complex macromolecules and PEG interacts differently with each one, deserving special attention in each case. In the second part of the work, the adsorption behavior of creatine phosphokinase (CPK) and hexokinase (HK) onto silicon wafers was studied by means of contact angle measurements, in situ ellipsometry and atomic force microscopy (AFM) in water. CPK was chosen due to its large application on the diagnosis of several muscle disorders. This work revealed that the adsorption mechanism of CPK on silicon surfaces is strongly dependent on pH. At pH 4, 6.8 or 9, CPK adsorbed keeping the same conformation as in solution. pectrophotometric measurements revealed a shift on the optimum pH from 6,8 to 9 upon CPK adsorption. HK adsorbed onto glass beads showed higher activity than HK immobilized on silicon wafers. HK covered glass beads could also be reused three times and for a period of at least three weeks. In the contrary, HK covered silicon wafers could not be reused. For practical purposes, HK covered glass beads showed to be a better “biosensor" than HK covered silicon wafers.

Avaliação do efeito do inibidor de histona deacetilase Panobinostat (LBH589) no metabolismo energético de células derivadas de câncer de pulmão / Evaluation of effects of histone deacetylase inhibitor Panobinostat (LBH589) on the energy metabolism of lung cancer cell lines

Renan Amphilophio Fernandes 09 July 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Os mecanismos de ação citotóxica do inibidor de histona deacetilase LBH589 foram investigados em associação com o quimioterápico cisplatina (CDDP) em duas linhagens derivadas de câncer de pulmão de não pequenas células (CPNPC). Os resultados foram analisados em relação ao tipo de morte celular associada às alterações em enzimas relacionadas ao metabolismo energético e a via glicolítica. Para realização do trabalho, foram utilizadas as linhagens tumorais A549 (selvagem para o gene de p53) e Calu-1 (nulo para o gene de p53) tratadas com LBH589 em combinação ou não com CDDP. Foram realizadas curvas de tempo e dose-resposta com as drogas isoladamente pelo ensaio de viabilidade celular (MTT) nas duas linhagens para a escolha das melhores condições para o nosso estudo. As condições dos tratamentos isolados com redução da viabilida celular menores que o IC50 de cada fármaco foram selecionados para realização dos tratamentos combinados. As avaliações de apoptose foram realizadas por citometria de fluxo pelo ensaio de Anexina V/PI, e com a marcação de proteínas por Western Blotting. As proteínas relacionadas a via glicolítica foram avaliadas por Western Blotting e a expressão de RNAm por qPCR. Os resultados demonstraram que o LBH589 combinado a CDDP foi capaz de induzir apoptose em 70% das células (Calu-1) e 54,9% (A549) no tempo de 24 horas, e 90% (calu-1) e 62,1% (A549) em 48 horas, independendo, portanto, do status da p53. Os níveis de expressão de enzimas relacionadas com o metabolismos energético também sofreram alterações nos tratamentos estudados. O LBH589 induziu aumento de cerca de 4x dos níveis de RNAm de HK isoformas I e II em ambas as linhagens. Houve também um aumento na expressão proteica das isoformas de HK I e II. Outras enzimas relacionadas a via glicolítica como PFKP, PKM2 e LDHA foram analisadas e apresentaram redução da expressão proteica, principalmente na presença do LBH589. A combinação da CDDP com LBH589 parece ser promissora para o tratamento de CPNPC induzindo apoptose através de alterações no metabolismo energético tumoral. / The cytotoxic mechanisms of action of the histone deacetylase inhibitor LBH589 was investigated in association with cisplatin in two cell lines derived from non-small lung cancer (NSCLC). The results were analyzed based on the type of the cell death associated with alterations in enzymes related to energy metabolism and glycolytic pathway. To perform the study, we used two non-small lung tumor cell lines, A549 (wild type for the p53 gene) and Calu-1 (null for p53 gene) treated with LBH589 in combination with cisplatin or not. Assays for time and dose responses were performed through the cell viability analysis (MTT) for each drug separately in both cell lines to choose the best conditions for our study. The conditions of isolated treatments with reduced viability lower than the IC50 of each drug were selected for carrying out the combined treatments. Assays for apoptosis detection by flow cytometry were performed by Annexin V / PI, the expression of proteins related to apoptosis by Western Blotting. The expression of glycolytic related proteins were performed by Western blotting and their mRNA expressions by qPCR. The results demonstrated that the combined LBH589 plus CDDP was able to induce apoptosis in 70% of cells -Calu-1- and 54.9% -A549- in 24 hours, and 90% (Calu-1) and 62.1 % (A549) in 48 hours regardless of the p53 status. The expression levels of enzymes related to energy metabolism also presented changes in the studied treatments. The LBH589 increase of about 4x the HK isoforms I and II mRNA levels in both cell lines. There was also an increase in the expression isoforms I and II of HK protein. Other enzymes related to the glycolytic pathway as PFKP, PKM2 and LDHA were analyzed and we observed reduced protein expression, especially in the presence of LBH589. The combination of CDDP with LBH589 appears promising for the treatment of NSCLC inducing apoptosis via alterations in energy metabolism tumor.

Biochemical And Genetic Studies On The Pyruvate Branch Point Enzymes Of Rhizopus Oryzae

Acar, Seyda 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Rhizopus oryzae is a filamentous fungi which produces lactic acid and ethanol in fermentations. R. oryzae has numerous advantages for use industrial production of L-(+)-lactic acid but the yield of lactic acid produced on the basis of carbon consumed is low. Metabolic flux analysis of R. oryzae has shown that most of the pyruvate produced at the end of the glycolysis is channelled to ethanol, acetyl-CoA and oxaloacetate production. This study aimed to answer some questions addressed on the regulation of pyruvate branch point in R. oryzae and for this purpose biochemical characterisation of the enzymes acting at this branch point and cloning the genes coding for these enzymes have been done. Pyruvate decarboxylase was purified and characterised for the first time from R. oryzae. The purified enzyme has a Hill coefficient of 1.84 and the Km of the enzyme is 8.6 mM for pyruvate at pH 6.5. The enzyme is inhibited at pyruvate concentrations higher than 30 mM. The optimum pH for enzyme activity shows a broad range from 5.7 and 7.2. The monomer molecular weight was estimated as 59&plusmn / 2 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis. Pyruvate decarboxylase (pdcA and pdcB) and lactate dehydrogenase (ldhA and ldhB) genes of R. oryzae have been cloned by PCR-cloning approach and the filamentous fungi Aspergillus niger was transformed with these genes. The A. niger transformed with either of the ldh genes of R. oryzae showed enhanced production of lactic acid compared to wild type. Citric acid production was also increased in these transformants while no gluconate production was observed Cloning of hexokinase gene from R. oryzae using degenerate primers was studied by the use of GenomeWalker kit (Clontech). The results of this study were evaluated by using some bioinformatics tools depending on the unassembled clone sequences of R. oryzae genome.

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