Spelling suggestions: "subject:"higgs"" "subject:"biggs""
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O setor escalar em modelos com simetria de Gauge 'SU(3) IND.L' x 'U(1) IND.N' das interações eletrofracas /Tonasse, M. D. January 1993 (has links)
Orientador: Vicente Pleitez. / Doutor
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Obtenção de um limite para a largura do bóson de Higgs no experimento CMS via H→ ZZ → (4e, 4, 2e2) / Obtention of a limit on the Higgs boson width at CMS experiment via H→ ZZ → (4e, 4, 2e2)Miquéias Melo de Almeida 27 February 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Apresenta-se neste trabalho um estudo sobre a largura de decaimento total do bóson de Higgs através do canal H→ ZZ → (4e, 4, 2e2). Segundo o Modelo Padrão da Física de Partículas Elementares, um bóson de Higgs com massa de 126 GeV deve
ter uma largura de decaimento total ΓH = 4.15 MeV, muito abaixo da resoluções dos experimentos instalados no LHC. Isto impede uma medida direta sobre os eventos da ressonância. Recentemente foi proposto limitar ΓH a partir da relação entre a taxa de eventos observados na região da ressonância e na região off-shell. Utilizando o pacote de análise desenvolvido pela colaboração CMS obteve-se um limite de ΓH < 31.46(12.82) MeV em 95(68.3)% CL combinando os dados coletados pelo LHC em colisões pp em √s = 7 TeV (5.1fb-1) e em √s = 8 TeV (19.7fb -1). / We present in this work a study about the Higgs boson total width using the channel H→ ZZ → (4e, 4, 2e2.
According to the Standard Model of Elementary Particle
Physics, the Higgs boson with mass around 126 GeV should have a total decay width of ΓH = 4.15 MeV, very below the resolution of the experiments installed at the LHC.
This fact prevents a direct measurement on the events of the Higgs resonance. Recently it was proposed limit ΓH from the relationship between the rate of events observed in the resonance and the off-shell regions. Using the package of analysis developed by CMS collaboration was obtained a limit of ΓH < 31.46(12.82)MeV in 95(68.3)% CL combining the data collected by the LHC in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV (5.1fb-1)and at √s = 8 TeV (19.7fb -1).
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Fotoprodução difrativa de Higgs por duplo PomeronSilveira, Gustavo Gil da January 2007 (has links)
Propomos um processo alternativo para a produção difrativa do bóson de Higgs inspirado no Modelo KMR. Neste modelo, exploramos a produção do bóson de Higgs através da interação γ*p em alta energia importando do Modelo KMR a proposta de Troca Dupla de Pomerons entre as partículas do espalhamento. Em ordem dominante, modelamos esta interação através da troca de glúons, como o Pomeron da QCD. Utilizando este vértice de produção, inserimos os fatores de forma de Sudakov a fim de suprimir a emissões de glúons por bremsstrahlung. Com isso, aplicamos este modelo para interações γp, subprocesso de interesse para o estudo de produção em colisões periferais entre prótons. Neste sentido, estimamos a seção de choque de produção do bóson de Higgs para energia de Tevatron e LHC, comparando diversas opções de distribuições de glúons no próton. Através destes resultados efetuamos uma comparação com aqueles obtidos previamente pelo Modelo KMR. Como resultado, observamos um comportamento distinto daquele observado no Modelo KMR, mostrando um crescimento da seção de choque com a massa do bóson de Higgs. Pela ação dos fatores de forma de Sudakov, este crescimento é saturado em um determinado valor de massa dependendo da energia de centro-de-massa do processo. No intervalo de massa onde se espera observar o bóson de Higgs, a taxa de eventos do processo γp se mostrou superior aquela observada no Modelo KMR. / We propose an alternative process for the diffractive Higgs boson production inspired in the KMR Model. In this model, we explore the Higgs boson production through the γ∗p interaction in the high-energy limit, importing from the KMR Model the proposal of Double Pomeron Exchange between the scattering particles. In leading order, we shape this interaction through gluon exchange, as the QCD Pomeron. Utilizing this production vertex, we insert the Sudakov form factors to supress the bremsstrahlung gluon emission. Therefore, we apply this model do γp interactions, a subprocess of interest in the study of peripheral collisions beetwen protons. In this sense, we estimate the production cross section of the Higgs boson for energies of Tevatron and LHC, comparing several options of parton distributions in the proton. Thus, through this results we make a comparison with those obtained previously with the KMR model. As a result, we observe a distinct behavior as those observed in the KMR model, showing a growth of the cross section with the mass of the Higgs boson. With the action of the Sudakov form factors this growth is saturated at a determined value of mass depending of the center-of-mass energy of the process. In the range of mass where the observation of the Higgs boson is expected the event rate of the γp process showed a greatest value those observed in the KMR model.
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Fotoprodução difrativa de Higgs por duplo PomeronSilveira, Gustavo Gil da January 2007 (has links)
Propomos um processo alternativo para a produção difrativa do bóson de Higgs inspirado no Modelo KMR. Neste modelo, exploramos a produção do bóson de Higgs através da interação γ*p em alta energia importando do Modelo KMR a proposta de Troca Dupla de Pomerons entre as partículas do espalhamento. Em ordem dominante, modelamos esta interação através da troca de glúons, como o Pomeron da QCD. Utilizando este vértice de produção, inserimos os fatores de forma de Sudakov a fim de suprimir a emissões de glúons por bremsstrahlung. Com isso, aplicamos este modelo para interações γp, subprocesso de interesse para o estudo de produção em colisões periferais entre prótons. Neste sentido, estimamos a seção de choque de produção do bóson de Higgs para energia de Tevatron e LHC, comparando diversas opções de distribuições de glúons no próton. Através destes resultados efetuamos uma comparação com aqueles obtidos previamente pelo Modelo KMR. Como resultado, observamos um comportamento distinto daquele observado no Modelo KMR, mostrando um crescimento da seção de choque com a massa do bóson de Higgs. Pela ação dos fatores de forma de Sudakov, este crescimento é saturado em um determinado valor de massa dependendo da energia de centro-de-massa do processo. No intervalo de massa onde se espera observar o bóson de Higgs, a taxa de eventos do processo γp se mostrou superior aquela observada no Modelo KMR. / We propose an alternative process for the diffractive Higgs boson production inspired in the KMR Model. In this model, we explore the Higgs boson production through the γ∗p interaction in the high-energy limit, importing from the KMR Model the proposal of Double Pomeron Exchange between the scattering particles. In leading order, we shape this interaction through gluon exchange, as the QCD Pomeron. Utilizing this production vertex, we insert the Sudakov form factors to supress the bremsstrahlung gluon emission. Therefore, we apply this model do γp interactions, a subprocess of interest in the study of peripheral collisions beetwen protons. In this sense, we estimate the production cross section of the Higgs boson for energies of Tevatron and LHC, comparing several options of parton distributions in the proton. Thus, through this results we make a comparison with those obtained previously with the KMR model. As a result, we observe a distinct behavior as those observed in the KMR model, showing a growth of the cross section with the mass of the Higgs boson. With the action of the Sudakov form factors this growth is saturated at a determined value of mass depending of the center-of-mass energy of the process. In the range of mass where the observation of the Higgs boson is expected the event rate of the γp process showed a greatest value those observed in the KMR model.
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Phénoménologie des extensions supersymétriques non-minimales du Modèle Standard de la physique des particules / Phenomenology of the Next to minimal supersymmetric Standard ModelEspitalier-Noël, Grégory 22 November 2012 (has links)
La découverte d'une particule similaire au boson de Higgs, dernière pièce manquante du Modèle Standard (MS) de la physique des particules élémentaires, est en voie d'être confirmée par les expériences CMS et ATLAS du Large Hadron Collider du CERN. Cependant, il n'est pour le moment pas encore établit que les caractéristiques de la particule observée correspondent aux prédictions du MS. Cela, associé à d'autres observations (Matière Noire,...), motive l'analyse des extensions supersymétriques du MS comme le NMSSM. Nous étudions dans cette thèse la solution au problème de la hiérarchie des échelles d'énergie dans le NMSSM, lié aux divergences quadratiques de la masse du boson de Higgs, ainsi que la phénoménologie du NMSSM avec une brisure de la supersymétrie par interactions de jauge en tenant compte des dernières données du LHC. Enfin, nous détaillons les développements des codes de NMSSMTools effectués au cours de cette thèse~: l'introduction de Chaînes de Markov, le calcul du Fine Tuning, le calcul des cascades de désintégrations des partenaires supersymétriques en particules du MS et l'implémentation du NMSSM général. / The discovery of a particle similar to the Higgs boson predicted by the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics has been confirmed by the experiments CMS and ATLAS of the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN. However, it is not yet clear that the properties of this particle are those predicted by the SM. This, in addition with several other observations (Dark Matter,...), is a motivation for analysing supersymmetric extensions of the SM, as the NMSSM. We study in this thesis the solution of the Hierarchy problem in the NMSSM, linked with the quadratic divergences in the Higgs sector, and also the phenomenology of the NMSSM with gauge mediation supersymmetry breaking in the light of the latest data from the LHC. Finally, we present the developments made in the codes of the package NMSSMTools, featuring Monte Carlo Markov Chain methods, Fine Tuning calculus, the calculus of supersymmetric particle's cascade decays and the implementation of the general NMSSM.
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Recherche du boson de Higgs standard léger dans le canal WH avec la statistique finale de l'expérience DØ au Tevatron / Search for a standard Higgs boson in the WH associated production channel with the final statistics of the Tevatron DØ experimentMiconi, Florian 20 June 2012 (has links)
Le mécanisme de Higgs, introduit en 1964, propose une solution à un problème majeur du modèle standard de la physique des particules : l'origine de la masse. Ce mécanisme prédit l'existence d'un boson scalaire, de masse non prédite par la théorie et qui n'a encore jamais été observé expérimentalement (Juin 2012). Le Tevatron, un accélérateur hadronique basé à Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory près de Chicago, a permis la prise de données à l'aide des deux détecteurs CDF et DØ depuis 1983 jusqu'en septembre 2011. Accumulant une statistique de près de 10fb-1 à analyser. La production associée du Higgs et d'un boson vecteur est le canal principal de recherche pour un Higgs standard léger. A l'aide des données collectées par DØ, nous recherchons ce mode de production. La production du boson de Higgs étant très rare, nous avons développé des techniques sophistiquées de manière à améliorer la sensibilité au signal, telles que l'identification des jets de quarks beaux ou encore des méthodes basées sur des discriminants multivariés. Au final, une approche statistique nous permet de poser une limite supérieure sur le taux de production du Higgs observé (resp. attendu) rapporté aux prédictions du modèle standard. Les résultats obtenus dans le canal WH avec la statistique finale de l'expérience DØ au Tevatron sont de 3.15 (resp. 3.97) pour un boson de Higgs de 115 GeV/C2. / Higgs mechanism, introduced in 1964, gives a satisfactory solution to a major problem of the standard model of elementary particles : the origin of the mass. It predicts the existence of the Higgs scalar boson, which mass is not defined by the theory and which has not been discovered experimentally yet (June 2012). The Tevatron, a hadron accelerator based at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory near Chicago, took data with its two multi-purpose detectors CDF and DØ since 1983 up to september 2011. Leaving about 10 fb-1 of statistics to analyze. Associated production of Higgs and vector gauge boson is the main search channel for a light standard Higgs boson. Using data collected by DØ, we are looking for this production mode taking advantage of sophisticated techniques to improve the signal sensitivity like b-jet identification and multivariate discriminants. In the end, a statistical approach allows us to set an upper limit on the ratio between the observed (resp. expected) Higgs production and its theoretical cross section. The results obtained in the WH channel using 9.7 fb-1 at DØ is 3;15 (resp. 3.96) for a 115 GeV/c2 Higgs boson.
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Teorias efetivas e violação de sabor leptônico em decaimentos do Higgs /Prado, Leônidas Augusto Fernandes do. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Ricardo D'Elia Matheus / Banca: Oscar José Pinto Eboli / Banca: Rogério Rosenfeld / Resumo: Consideramos o decaimento do Higgs violando sabor leptônico h→ 'tau' 'mü' no contexto de teorias efetivas. O CMS divulgou recentemente um excesso de eventos de 2,5 'sigma' neste canal. O operador responsável por este processo, no entanto, está em muitos casos correlacionado com operadores de dipolo, que já têm fortes restrições experimentais. Exploramos então em que casos é possível de se obter um operador de violação de sabor grande o suficiente para ser visto em decaimentos do Higgs no LHC, porém ainda respeitando os limites encontrados em decaimentos radiativos de léptons. Apresentamos também dois modelos, um do tipo Higgs Composto e outro do tipo Higgs Portal, mostrando como o processo h→ 'tau' 'mü' surge em cada um deles. Caso o sinal do CMS seja confirmado, o segundo modelo será favorecido, enquanto é improvável que o primeiro consiga o explicar / Abstract: We consider the Higgs Lepton Flavor Violating decay h→ 'tau' 'mü' in the framework of effective theories, on which CMS reported a 2.5 σ excess of events. The operator that is responsible for this process, however, is in many models correlated to dipole operators that are already under stringent experimental constraints. We then explore in which cases it is possible to obtain a flavor violating operator that is big enough to be seen in Higgs decays at the LHC, while still respecting the leptonic radiative decay bounds. We also present two models, a simplified Composite Higgs model and a Higgs Portal model, showing how the process h→ 'tau' 'mü' is generated in each of them. We find that if the CMS signal is confirmed, the second model is favored, while it is unlikely that the first model will be able to explain it / Mestre
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Recherche du Boson de Higgs se désintégrant en deux leptons taus dans le canal τlepτhad dans l'expérience ATLAS avec les données à 13 TeV du LHC / Search of the Standard Model Higgs boson decaying into two lepton taus with the Run2 data of ATLAS detector in LHCAyoub, Mohamad Kassem 23 November 2016 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, je présente ma contribution à la recherche du boson de Higgs du Modèle Standard dans son canal de désintégration en deux leptons taus dans le sous-canal τlepτhad. J’ai contribué aux différentes étapes de cette analyse. Premièrement, j’ai travaillé sur le développement du framework utilisé pour produire les fichiers d’analyse qui contiennent les informations nécessaires à cette étude. J’ai également participé au développement du framework utilisé pour introduire les prédictions des bruits de fond pour ce canal, tester l’accord entre ces prédictions et les données d’ATLAS, et à la production des fichiers utilisés dans l’étude statistique finale. J’ai également travaillé sur le modèle statistique, qui prend en compte les erreurs statistiques et systématiques, pour en extraire une mesure de la force du signal pour ce canal du couplage du Higgs aux leptons. Ma contribution à l’amélioration de la reconstruction d’un tau hadronique, à l’aide des algorithmes qui identifient les traces de conversion des photons provenant de la désintégration des pions neutres, est également détaillée. / In this thesis, I show my contribution to the search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson decaying into two tau leptons in the tlepthad sub-channel. I contributed to the different stages of this analysis. First, I worked on the development of the framework used to produce analysis files that contain the information necessary for this study. I also participated in the development of the framework used to introduce the predictions of the background for that channel, test the agreement between the predictionsand the ATLAS data, and on the production of files used in the final statistical analysis. I also worked on the statistical model, which takes into account the statistical and systematic errors to extract a measure of the signal strength for the Higgs coupling channel to leptons. My contribution to the improvement of reconstruction of a hadronic tau, using algorithms that identify photon conversion traces from the decay of neutral pions, is also detailed.
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Calibration of the Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the ATLAS Experiment and Application to the Measurement of (BE)H Boson Couplings in the Diphoton Channel with Run 2 Data of the LHC. / Etalonnage du calorimètre électromagnétique de l’expérience ATLAS et application à la mesure des couplages du boson de (Brout-Englert-)Higgs dans le canal diphoton dans le cadre du Run 2 du LHC.Goudet, Christophe 26 September 2017 (has links)
La découverte du boson de Higgs en 2012 a été un des principaux succès du run 1 du LHC. Une ère de mesures de précision a alors débuté à la recherche de déviations par rapport au Modèle Standard (MS), qui seraient des indices quant à la physique au-delà du MS.Ce manuscrit s'intéresse en premier lieu à l'étalonnage du calorimètre électromagnétique de l'expérience ATLAS. L'étape finale de cet étalonnage utilise la distribution en masse du boson Z pour corriger l'énergie mesurée des électrons et des photons. Des recommandations pour le démarrage du run 2 ont été produites afin de fournir des constantes de correction pour aux premières analyses. Les corrections utilisant les données du run 2 ont également été mesurées. Les performances de l'étalonnage du run 1 ont été atteintes puis améliorées : l'incertitude systématique sur le terme constant de la résolution du calorimètre électromagnétique, dominante pour la mesure des couplages du boson de Higgs au run 1, a été divisée par 3. La mesure des couplages du boson de Higgs consiste en la mesure de la forme du signal résonnant sur un bruit de fond décroissant. Cette mesure est effectuée de manière corrélée entre différentes catégories, optimisées pour différents modes de production à travers l'identification d'objets produits avec le boson de Higgs. Les résultats ont été obtenus à partir de 36 fb$^{-1}$ de données récoltées en 2015 et 2016 à une énergie de $sqrt{s}$=13 TeV. Le rapport ($mu$) de la mesure de la section efficace inclusive du boson de Higgs sur sa valeur dans le MS a été mesuré. Aucune déviation significative par rapport au MS n'a été observée. $$mu = 0.99 pm 0.14$$Les rapports des principaux modes de production ont également été mesurés :$$mu_{ggH} = 0.80 pm 0.18$$$$mu_{VBF} = 2.1 pm 0.66$$$$mu_{VH} = 0.7 pm 0.85$$$$mu_{ttH+tH} = 0.5 pm 0.62$$ / The discovery of the Higgs boson was a major success of the run 1 of the LHC. The era of precision measurements began as any deviation from the expected Standard Model value would be a direct hint of new physics beyond the standard model. This thesis has a first focus on the calibration of the electromagnetic calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment. The final step of this calibration uses the knowledge of the line shape of the Z boson in order to correct the measured energy of electrons and photons. Recommendations for the beginning of run 2 have been given to provide calibration constants for early analyses. Run 2 calibration constants have been computed and the performances of run 1 have been reached and improved : the systematic uncertainty on the resolution constant term of the electromagnetic calorimeter, which was dominant for the Higgs boson couplings measurement at run 1, has been divided by a factor 3.The measurement of the H boson couplings consists in measuring the shape of the resonant signal over a smooth decreasing background in categories optimized for various processes, by tagging the objects produced in association with the Higgs boson. The results are based on 36 fb$^{-1}$ of data recorded in 2015 and 2016 at $sqrt{s}$=13 TeV. The ratio of the measured production cross-sections of the Higgs boson over the SM expected value ($mu$) has been measured. No significant deviation with respect to the SM has been observed.$$mu = 0.99 pm 0.14$$The ratios of the main production processes have also been measured:$$mu_{ggH} = 0.80 pm 0.18$$$$mu_{VBF} = 2.1 pm 0.66$$$$mu_{VH} = 0.7 pm 0.85$$$$mu_{ttH+tH} = 0.5 pm 0.62$$
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Di-Higgs Production in the Standard Model and BeyondBrännström, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
This thesis examines how the kinetic properties of pair-produced Higgs bosons depend on whether the process is mediated by particles in the Standard Model or a simplified supersymmetric model. The analysis is based on simulated data made using MadGraph. The examination within this thesis is split into two parts, one performed on the output of MadGraph (parton level) and the second performed on the output of a simplified simulation of the ATLAS detector response (reconstruction level). The first part also contains a section showing that the supersymmetric model results are consistent with the Standard Model results in cases where no supersymmetric particles are present in the di-Higgs production and decay, and a section detailing the minor differences in kinematics of the Higgs bosons depending on the mass of the supersymmetric partner of the top quark. The second part of the thesis covers the decay of the Higgs boson into bottom and anti-bottom quarks, and includes a section showing that there is no difference if the decay is done using the MadSpin module or the Pythia module for MadGraph, before exploring the kinematics of the jets produced. Both when studying Higgs bosons at the parton level and when studying b-jets at the reconstruction level, it is found that there are clear differences in the kinematics between the Standard Model and the supersymmetric model. At both levels, a neural network has been designed, trained and tested. For the parton level neural network 59 % of all events are classified correctly, while at the reconstruction level 51 % of all events are classified correctly. These neural network results show that it is possible to train a neural network to learn on data like this, and that with enough di-Higgs events detected, their kinematic properties could be used to indirectly infer the presence of physics beyond the Standard Model.
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