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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Criação de conhecimento e inovação na indústria de alta tecnologia: estudo e análise de casos em uma empresa do setor de automação industrial / Knowledge creation and innovation in the high-tech industry: cases study and analysis in a company of the industrial automation sector

Stefanovitz, Juliano Pavanelli 05 December 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal caracterizar o processo de criação de conhecimentos no desenvolvimento de produtos de alto conteúdo tecnológico em projetos de diferentes graus de inovação. A despeito da ascensão de abordagens organizacionais baseadas no conhecimento e do reconhecimento da crescente importância da inovação, a literatura carece de trabalhos empíricos que investiguem o processo de criação de novos conhecimentos nas empresas. Como contribuição teórica, o presente trabalho reúne algumas das principais abordagens ligadas a este processo num modelo que organiza os conceitos estudados em quatro dimensões fundamentais. Para a parte prática da pesquisa, apresenta-se um estudo de casos efetuado em empresa que desenvolve sistemas de alta tecnologia para o setor de automação industrial. Nesta investigação, são analisados três projetos desenvolvidos pela divisão de P&D da empresa, dotados de diferentes graus de inovação (incremental, plataforma e radical). Uma análise comparativa dos processos de criação de conhecimentos observados em cada um destes projetos é efetuada. O resultado principal reside na identificação de características do processo criativo influenciadas pelo grau de inovação. / The main objective of this research is to provide a characterization of the knowledge creation process involved in high-tech product development projects with different innovations degrees. Despite of the ascension of knowledge-based organizational approaches and the recognition of the increasing importance of innovation, there is lack of empirical researches which investigate the knowledge creation process in the literature. As theoretical contribution, this work joins some of the most important approaches of this process in a framework that organizes concepts in four main dimensions. In the empirical section, a study of cases done in a company that develops high-tech systems for the industrial automation market is presented. In this investigation, three projects occurred in the R&D division of the company are analyzed, each one with a different innovation degree (incremental, platform and radical). A comparative analysis of the knowledge creation processes observed in each of these projects is made. The main result is the identification of creative process characteristics that are influenced by the innovation degree.

Social networks, collaborations and high-tech cluster formation in an emerging country : the case of biotechnology in Chile

Romero, Carmen Veronica Clara Contreras January 2016 (has links)
Geographic clusters of firms have been extensively studied in different bodies of literature, but little attention has been paid to the process of cluster formation and its determinants. While focusing on the effects of clusters on innovations and on the productivity of firms, the literature has neglected the agency of entrepreneurs in cluster emergence. This thesis aims to contribute to the literature on clusters by studying the role of personal networks and firm networks in three aspects of the emergence of clusters: 1) the early stages of formation; 2) the creation of business relations between firms; and 3) the creation of knowledge among clustered firms. The analysis was conducted using the biotechnology sector in four geographic regions of Chile as a case study. Data on firms was collected using in-depth interviews and a survey. The analysis of the data was carried out using content analysis, multilevel estimations and econometric analysis. The results reveal three main findings. First, the personal and business relations of entrepreneurs can determine the location decisions of firms. Second, personal relations are positively associated with the emergence of formal business relations between firms. Third, the number of personal and business connections a firm has positively affects its production of knowledge, measured as patent applications and scientific journals. These findings suggest that social networks within a cluster shape its emergence and development. The results also show that the different types of networks coexisting in a cluster - personal networks, business networks and research networks, among others - affect one another and determine the development of clusters. The implications of this research may be helpful for policy-makers, professional associations and cluster managers. Activities to foster personal interaction between members of a cluster and other key actors - universities, incubators, venture capital firms, government agencies, etc. - may generate collaborations between firms that would not otherwise emerge.

An Empirical Analysis of Patents Litigation and Innovation

Adomian, Garrison R 01 January 2013 (has links)
This study provides an empirical analysis of patent litigation and innovation within high-tech firms. There is a significant drop in R&D over the course of the eleven year period of interest. However, the results do not show litigation causing a significant effect on R&D investments as either a percentage of revenue or a percentage change from year to year. Secondly, there was found to be a slight drop in percentage change of patents earned per year over time, but this was not found to be significantly caused by litigation. However there is strong evidence to support that increased litigation does cause the percentage of patents classified as utility patents to fall. Since this ratio of utility patents per total patents can be viewed as an indicator of innovative quality, this trend suggests that litigation does cause overall innovative quality of a firm’s efforts to diminish.

Sciences de gestion et psychanalyse : Lacan, l'imaginaire et l'organisation high tech

DE SWARTE, Thibault 27 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Le premier chapitre présente différentes focales permettant de situer les publications dans des revues académiques (AERES, diagramme en araignée et Google Scholar). Le deuxième chapitre traite du marketing des services innovants de télécommunications. On présente les résultats d'une centaine d'études de marché appliquées à ce type de services. On montre ensuite quel bilan peut être effectué de deux co-encadrements en master et en thèse de sciences de gestion. Emerge alors une question. Pourquoi le marché est-il à ce point fétichisé alors que les innovations de services dans le champ de la high tech ont le plus souvent concerné des marchés qui n'existaient pas : services mobiles, internet, réseaux sociaux. Les chapitres 3 et 4 sont plus théoriques et interrogent la rationalité dans les organisations. La rationalité n'est-elle pas plus la règle que l'exception dans les organisations high tech ? Si la règle est l'exception, il faut alors définir à partir de quel paradigme traiter cette exception. La sociologie pense avoir une réponse dans la lignée de Durkheim et de Weber : on peut diminuer l'anomie organisationnelle en s'appuyant sur les sciences sociales. Ce n'est certes pas faux mais la sociologie s'attache au fait que le monde social est divisé tandis que l'acteur social est unifié ou pourrait l'être. La psychanalyse postule au contraire que le sujet est divisé et que le monde social est (relativement) cohérent, en tout cas qu'il représente la loi symbolique sans laquelle aucun lien social n'est possible. Le chapitre 5 présente des observations et interprétations concernant un grand opérateur européen de télécoms. La question de recherche est celle du signifiant-maître qui constitue généralement la clé de voûte du couplage structure-culture dans ce type d'entreprise. Pourquoi des managers ordinaires ont-ils été subitement autorisés par le système de signifiants d'une organisation high tech à mettre en place des processus visant à sidérer certains de leurs collaborateurs ? Le chapitre 6 permet de situer les travaux de recherche par rapport aux dernières avancées de l'approche lacanienne dans le champ des organisations. Quelle position subjective pour un directeur des systèmes d'informations ? Lacan était il un théoricien homophobe et patriarcal ? Quelle est l'utilité des concepts lacaniens en marketing critique et en Gestion des Ressources Humaines ? Quelle est aujourd'hui la production d'articles lacaniens dans le champ de la recherche en gestion ? On propose pour terminer d'appliquer un des quatre concepts lacaniens fondamentaux de la psychanalyse, celui du " réseau des signifiants " à l'organisation high tech en prenant des exemples dans le domaine des services de télécommunications mobiles.

The Impact of the Transfer of Intangible Assets on the Valuation Effects of High-Tech Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions

Sinclair, Andrew John 30 August 2009 (has links)
The technology industry is characterized by a greater than usual reliance on intangible assets. During the tech bubble many firms were valued entirely on intangible assets and growth prospects. In the aftermath of the bubble, intangible assets still play an important role as the innovative performance of a firm’s human capital and the value of its patents creates much of the value of high-tech firms. The problem of transferring human capital and knowledge may be further exacerbated when the firms belong to separate national cultures. Investor perception of acquisition announcements may be more favourable if the target workforce is much smaller relative to the bidder, and thus easier to integrate. Also, perceptions may be favourable when the target has a high ratio of intangible assets to total assets, as this may be a proxy for the relative value of the extractible intangible assets. This study uses a sample of 61 acquisition announcements between 1991 and 2004, where both acquirer and target are high-tech firms and accounting and trading data is available from three years prior to three years after the acquisition announcement. There is weak evidence to support the employee ratio hypothesis for bidder returns, and no evidence to support the intangible assets to total assets hypothesis for either bidder or target returns. Additionally, it is found that average bidder abnormal returns during the announcement period (as measured from one day prior to the announcement acquisitions to one day afterwards) are negative but not significantly different from zero, and that average target abnormal returns are positive and significant. Average wealth gains to bidders are negative and to targets are positive over the window from five days prior to the acquisition announcement to five days afterwards. Furthermore, combined wealth gains are negative, indicating the synergistic gains from high-tech cross-border acquisitions are offset by high premiums paid by the bidders for the targets. Relatedness, a lack of tender offers, and non-US acquirer status are demonstrated to be related to negative returns to bidders, whereas tender offers, US-acquirer status, and termination provisions are shown to be related to increased returns to target shareholders. In the long-run, it is found that acquirers experience superior operating cash flow returns when compared to their industry peers, however, the acquirer experiences diminished performance when compared to the combined performance of the pre-acquisition acquirer and target firms.

The Impact of the Transfer of Intangible Assets on the Valuation Effects of High-Tech Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions

Sinclair, Andrew John 30 August 2009 (has links)
The technology industry is characterized by a greater than usual reliance on intangible assets. During the tech bubble many firms were valued entirely on intangible assets and growth prospects. In the aftermath of the bubble, intangible assets still play an important role as the innovative performance of a firm’s human capital and the value of its patents creates much of the value of high-tech firms. The problem of transferring human capital and knowledge may be further exacerbated when the firms belong to separate national cultures. Investor perception of acquisition announcements may be more favourable if the target workforce is much smaller relative to the bidder, and thus easier to integrate. Also, perceptions may be favourable when the target has a high ratio of intangible assets to total assets, as this may be a proxy for the relative value of the extractible intangible assets. This study uses a sample of 61 acquisition announcements between 1991 and 2004, where both acquirer and target are high-tech firms and accounting and trading data is available from three years prior to three years after the acquisition announcement. There is weak evidence to support the employee ratio hypothesis for bidder returns, and no evidence to support the intangible assets to total assets hypothesis for either bidder or target returns. Additionally, it is found that average bidder abnormal returns during the announcement period (as measured from one day prior to the announcement acquisitions to one day afterwards) are negative but not significantly different from zero, and that average target abnormal returns are positive and significant. Average wealth gains to bidders are negative and to targets are positive over the window from five days prior to the acquisition announcement to five days afterwards. Furthermore, combined wealth gains are negative, indicating the synergistic gains from high-tech cross-border acquisitions are offset by high premiums paid by the bidders for the targets. Relatedness, a lack of tender offers, and non-US acquirer status are demonstrated to be related to negative returns to bidders, whereas tender offers, US-acquirer status, and termination provisions are shown to be related to increased returns to target shareholders. In the long-run, it is found that acquirers experience superior operating cash flow returns when compared to their industry peers, however, the acquirer experiences diminished performance when compared to the combined performance of the pre-acquisition acquirer and target firms.

The impact of the interpretation and application of Doctrine of Equivalents to patent Infringement on Taiwan's high-tech industries.

Chiang, Kuen-Jang 26 August 2010 (has links)
It is a Key player for Doctrine of Equivalents of interpretation and application in the patent infringement. While the use of Doctrine of Equivalents on the judicial decisions they may not otherwise. The Doctrine of Equivalents of patent infringement litigation often is used to determine the key to victory or defeat. So can interpretation and application of Doctrine of Equivalents be used to explain the lack of fairness and justice? Two levels affect this. First, it will hinder the development of human resources for innovation and invention; on the other hand, it will hinder the use of proprietary information with competitors in the industry and then R & D innovation. Therefore, how to strike a balance, and provide companies with operations on the coping strategies? It must provide light to the government to develop policies to make the state's industrial economic development not have a negative impact, it will be able to make Taiwan high-tech industries the key to scale new heights. The development of Taiwan's high-tech industries has its advantages which, if they can continue to innovate and pursue new knowledge, create new knowledge, apply new knowledge, will be able to continue to successful development. In the arena of global competition, technological innovation in creating and maintaining the competitive edge play an important role. In the big picture, the State must be able to establish an economic growth patent policy..Taking into account the economic advantages of science and technology policy is the most important contribution of science and technology enterprises and will provide support to business and trade activities to encourage government, industry, education and cooperation between research units, to encourage and support scientific and technological innovation, and to develop plans to enhance the creativity and support research and development activities.This must be done as soon as possible due to the necessary Doctrine of Equivalents on the legal structure to ensure the rights and interests of both parties, thus contributing to the sustainable development of Taiwan's high-tech industries.

The research of the high-tech industry Human Resource implementation after the issue of expenditure of employee bonus shares.

Chen, Yung-lin 14 December 2010 (has links)
In 1984, in the background that the level of salary in Taiwan was far lower than Europe and America, UMC was the first company setting up the employee bonus shares as well as the allotment of stock dividends in order to allure the domestic and overseas elites. Afterwards, this mechanism has become the characteristic of Taiwan¡¦s electronic industry to appeal the talents . By 2007, the issue of expenditure of employee bonus shares emerged. Undoubtedly, the high technology industry, in which the employees benefitted the most from the system of employee bonus shares and the allotment of stock dividends, was the one being impacted the most. Therefore, every company took various measures to avoid the employees¡¦ leaving and maintain the company competitive in response to this situation. The system of expenditure of employee bonus shares has been conducted for 2 years since 2008. So the impacts of this mechanism have been presented and the influences of those responsive measures should have been in effect. What was the impact from the system of expenditure of employee bonus shares to Taiwan¡¦s high-tech industries indeed? What was the measure dealing with the human resources that each company took to reply this situation? Thus, this study took some Taiwan public high-tech companies and consultant companies famous for its specialization in employee salary and bonus as our case studies. Through the collection of these case studies, we found some common measures between these companies. Besides, to increase the practical value of this study, we analyzed the measures, the background factors, and all the impacts in details and in depth. In sum, we hope we could offer the directional guidelines for the development of innovative employee incentives and provide some advices to those companies encountering the problems in designing the reward system. The findings were listed as below: 1. For the most companies, they did not take the timely measures in 2008. In the year of 2008, the global economic climate declined. Each company focused on the matters how to increase the sales and decrease the expenditures, so they viewed the leaving of employees as healthy and allowed. That was why they did not take timely measures for the system of expenditure of employee bonus shares. By 2010, due to the economic climate recovery, the sales of each company turned better and the companies started to plan the new reward mechanism to induce and keep those elites in house. 2. Those responsive measures only focused on the adjustment of the employee reward system, but other human resources practices did not change too much. Those respondents emphasized largely in the adjustment of the salary structure or other new design of the reward system; however, they did nothing to the side of the human resources. 3. The number of transfer is expected to increase largely in 2010. Because the economic climate and the income of each company are getting better, the respondents all anticipated they will be impacted by the increasing turnover rate of their employees. Similarly, recruiting talents from other corporations would get intense and the employees would start to search the opportunity to serve in other company. In addition, the human resources would leap over from one industry to another, because the incentive of the employee bonus shares in high-tech industry disappeared. As result, the high-tech industry may not be the first priority for a job. The brand power of the company, the operating status, the vision of the future, and even the individual growth for the employees could be the major indicators for a job. To sum up, from the case studies in regard to the human resources practices in Taiwan¡¦s high-tech industry, we could find the system of expenditure of employee bonus shares did not bring the severe change to the human resources in Taiwan¡¦s high-tech industry. In fact, the hugest influence is that the high-tech industry is not so attractive as before anymore. In the future, competing for the human resources would not only limit to the high-tech industry, because other outstanding corporations from various industries and the foreign companies may lead to the flow of those elites moving between industries.

A Study on the Relationship between KSFs of High-tech Start-ups and Counseling Resources of Incubation Centers - A Case Study of EPED Company

Liang, Yu-Ming 16 February 2011 (has links)
In order to relieve small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from the predicament of inadequate capital and immature technology in the beginning of new ventures as well as to realize sustainable business development, Taiwan gevernment has been heavily investing in many universities to set up incubation centers in the hope to provide start-ups abundant resources with the help of academic institution¡¦s counseling expertise; therefore, the cost and risk for start-ups in the beginning of new venture and R&D phase can be reduced and more sound and competitive SMEs could be incubated under the tutelage of incubation centers. The study mainly discusses the relationship between key success factors (KSFs) of high-tech start-ups and the counseling resources from incubation centers. Firstly, the study establishes the structure of empirical study based on the collection and discussion of domestic and foreign literatures. Since the counselling clients of incubation centers majorly consist of start-ups, the study adopts in-depth interviews to investigate these start-ups via case study. By organizing and analyzing the in-depth interviews with start-ups, the study tries to investigate the relationship between two fundimental dimentions of resources from incubation centers and enterprise characteristics, as well as the performance and competitiveness in start-ups. The objectives of this sudy are to: 1.Understand how incubation centers utilize the relevant resources from government to nurture start-ups. 2.Investigate how the resource platform of incubation center guides the KSFs of high-tech start-ups. 3.Evaluate what the three dimensional roles of resources, innovation, and values play in the competitive strategy of high-tech start-ups, and find out the KSFs therein and their future prospects. 4.Understand how start-ups and entrepreneurship influence the success of the business.

Study on Architecture-Oriented Radar Maintenance and Operation Management Model

Lu, Chih-Hsien 21 December 2011 (has links)
Taiwan Island is surrounded by seas in all directions of its territory. Because of the tortuous coast, harbors and bays, in addition to the government¡¦s policies to mainland China opening gradually, the piecemeal activities of smuggling, illegal immigrations and so on in the early period have become organizational, grouped large-scale ones today. This transition has influenced national security and socially public order. Coast Guard Administration has responsibilities for prevention from smuggling, illegal immigration and attacking crimes. Hence, being the front line staff for law enforcement should know how to apply and build all kinds of high-tech equipment and systems well in order to promote the effectiveness of investigation, surveillance, law enforcement efficiently. Radar system is an efficient instrument for the investigation of smuggling, search and rescue and the defense of national marine right. It can provide the movement of certain targets on seas in twenty-four hours to the staff on duty all day who may ascertain some suspicious scenarios as soon as possible and adopt the way of deploying and placing armed force in advance to keep sea areas in safety. The smooth and reliability of maintaining for radar system both influence on the staff who try to control dynamic targets directly and the dispatch for all subordinate units¡¦ maneuverable manpower indirectly at the same time. Architecture-Oriented Coast Guard Radar Maintenance and Operation Management Model (abbreviated as AORMOMM below) addressed in this study is a practical mold which consists of six fundamental diagrams in accordance to the structure-behavior coalescence (SBC) architecture. It demonstrates multiple perspectives on the maintenance of radar system completely. AORMOMM integrally describes the structure and behavior and helps all related supervisors and employees in an organization keep whole perspectives well for the maintenance and operation of radar system through this model. Because we have already integrated the organization of managing and operating radar system, information systems and the processes of operation into AORMOMM, exercising whom will assist all departments in an organization to communicate with each other in common consensuses efficiently in their work and makes the transmission of information more transparently then help employees obtain better efforts when learning how to deal with their affairs. In addition, taking advantage of AORMOMM to maintain and manage will make governmental organizations gain better qualities when putting the maintenance and operation of radar system into practice.

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